OPF:EVSNPSSC Social Sciences in Interdiscip - Informace o předmětu
EVSNPSSC Social Sciences in Interdisciplinary Context
Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta v Karvinéléto 2015
- Rozsah
- 1/1/0. 4 kr. Ukončení: zk.
- Vyučující
- Mgr. Lubomír Nenička, Ph.D. (přednášející)
PhDr. Krystyna Heinz (cvičící)
Ing. Patrik Kajzar, Ph.D. (cvičící)
Mgr. Lubomír Nenička, Ph.D. (cvičící)
Mgr. Dagmar Svobodová, Ph.D. (cvičící) - Garance
- Mgr. Lubomír Nenička, Ph.D.
Katedra ekonomie a veřejné správy – Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné
Kontaktní osoba: Dr. Ing. Ingrid Majerová - Předpoklady
- No conditions must be fulfilled and the subject can be registered indepedently.
- Omezení zápisu do předmětu
- Předmět je nabízen i studentům mimo mateřské obory.
- Mateřské obory/plány
- Bankovnictví (program OPF, N_HOSPOL)
- Business Economics in Trade and Services (program OPF, B_EKOMAN)
- Evropská integrace (program OPF, N_HOSPOL)
- Manažerská informatika (program OPF, N_SYSINF)
- Marketing a management (program OPF, N_EKOMAN) (2)
- Veřejná ekonomika a správa (program OPF, N_HOSPOL)
- Cíle předmětu
- The goal of the subject is to develop students´, economic, socio-cultural, communicative and intercultural competencies in interdisciplinary approach as the beginning of the 21st century is related to new divisions of team effort, hybrid fields of study and a variety of holistic perspectives. The students will be able to discuss and answer complex questions, address broad issues, explore disciplinary and professional relations, and solve problems beyond the scope of one discipline on their future job positions in public sector institutions. The main output of the course is a topic related design of a case study in a team and its presentation.
- Osnova
- 1. Contemporary Europe- dynamics of integration in Europe, its prospects and challenges
2. Ethnocentrism and discrimination, mass violence and genocide in the 20th century
3. Migration and ethnic minorities
4. Cross-cultural communication with immigrants and refugees
5. Adaptation to foreign culture
6. Stereotyping and prejudice
7. Gender studies
8. The role of religions in intercultural interaction
9. Effective communication in multicultural teams
10. Communication and ageing population
11. Intercultural and securitological aspects of introducing IT technologies
12. Counselling
13. Presentations of case studies
1. The EU role in international relations
Public support for further membership in the EU in member countries
Socio-economic perspectives of Turkey after 2002
Perspectives of Turkey´s access to the EU
2. Totalitarian ideologies and racism
Dictatorships in history of the 20th century
Ethnic cleansing and genocides in the 20th century
History of the Holocaust
Political refugees and Immigration Policy in Europe
3. Definition of migration
History of Migration Policy in Europe
Theory of migration
Migration - then and now
Types of migration
Main territories
Ethnic minorities in EU
4. Theory of cultures
International business styles
Intercultural pragmatics
Intercultural dimension of non-verbal communication
5. Acculturation and culture shock
Acculturation models
Sources of culture shock in the Czech Republic and other countries
Overcoming culture shock
6. Definitions of stereotype and prejudice
Sociological aspects of stereotyping
Stereotyping in intercultural psychology
Elimination of prejudice
7. Gender stereotypes on labour market
Equal opportunities for boys and girls in education
Law in employment and equal opportunities for men and women at work
8. Traditional and new religions in modern world
Secularization and de-secularization
Religion and politics
Gender and religions
From religion to spirituality
9. Barriers to intercultural communication
Negotiating process, leadership
Relationship building
Case studies and critical incidents
10. Demographic changes
Attitudes to ageing
Stages of successful ageing
Impact of relational changes on communication
Perception of ageing in Western and Eastern cultures, Confucian principles
11. Computers in the past
Computers in government service
Security in Cyber space
Future development
12. Counselling
Function of the education systems - Bologna process
Interconnection of formal and informal education
Implementation of the theoretic know-how
13. Presentations of case studies
- 1. Contemporary Europe- dynamics of integration in Europe, its prospects and challenges
- Literatura
- povinná literatura
- HEINZ, K., HORKÝ, E., BERKA, O., KAJZAR, P., MIZIA, C.A., NENI. Social Sciences in Interdisciplinary Context. Karviná: SU OPF, 2014. ISBN 978-80-7510-011-5. info
- HEINZOVÁ, K. a kol. Social Sciences in Interdisciplinary Context. Karviná: OPF, SU, 2011. ISBN neuvedeno. info
- doporučená literatura
- FASSMANN, H., HALLER, M., LANE, D. Migration and Mobility in Europe: Trends, Patterns and Control. Cheltenham, 2009. ISBN 9781848443716. info
- BORSHEY, J., SWAN, R. Crossing Cultures. 2007. ISBN 9788853609755. info
- Průcha, J. Interkulturní psychologie. Praha: Portál, 2004. ISBN 80-7178-885-6. info
- GIBSON, R. Intercultural Business Communication. Spain: OUP, 2002. ISBN 0194421805. info
- TERNON, Y. Genocidy XX. století. Praha: Themis, 1997. ISBN 80-85821-45-1. info
- Výukové metody
- Demonstrace dovedností
Seminární výuka - Metody hodnocení
- Kombinovaná zkouška
- Vyučovací jazyk
- Angličtina
- Informace učitele
- Design of a topic-related case study in a team and its presentation, 70% participation in seminars.
Aktivity Náročnost [h] Ostatní studijní zátěž 50 Přednáška 13 Seminář 13 Zkouška 40 Celkem 116 - Další komentáře
- Předmět je dovoleno ukončit i mimo zkouškové období.
- Statistika zápisu (léto 2015, nejnovější)
- Permalink: https://is.slu.cz/predmet/opf/leto2015/EVSNPSSC