6. SENSE RELATIONS 1 Explain the meaning of these words (in English – use e.g., OALD online) and find their original ones. Render the type of semantic change. Learn their RP pronunciation. Word Meaning Original meaning Type of semantic change biro denim hooligan gypsy bikini leotard stetson teddy bear mackintosh wellingtons 2 Decide whether the following pairs are synonyms or not. Prove your choice. Learn their RP pronunciation. (Meaning in English – use e.g., OALD online) Lexical unit 1 Lexical unit 2 YES/NO WHY/MEANING/EXAMPLES/TRANSLATION underground subway politics policy priceless worthless alien foreign influence affect illegal illicit objective purpose distinct far verdict sentence lettuce salad 3 Choose the word which is closest in meaning (synonym). Do not forget that synonyms MUST be from the same part of speech. Learn their RP pronunciation. appear arrange - emerge - happen astonish amaze - wonder - anger aim shoot- task - objective allow admit - bring - give business arrangement - commercial - duty commerce begin - trade - sell influence avoid - force - affect assume collect - deny - suppose economical wasteful - mean - thrifty demand send - require - asked event although - happening - if 4 Choose the word expressing most closely the opposite meaning (antonym). Do not forget that antonyms MUST be from the same part of speech. Learn their RP pronunciation. thorough blocked - gentle - careless legible not logical - unclear - brief evident rare - hidden - wrong establish notice - recognise - destroy unimportant rare - found - faraway cease lose - leave - continue considerable accidental - small - unkind vanish appear - disappear - destroy customary hidden - well-known - unusual betray leave - conceal - give 5 Find synonyms and antonyms. Do not forget that they MUST be from the same part of speech. Learn their RP pronunciation. SYNONYM ANTONYM approximately, adv. buy, v. demand, n. effective, adj. extend, v. manage, v. reprimand, v. comprehend, v. revenue, n. remedy, n. 6 Find proper homonyms (not another meaning of a polysemantic word!). Do not forget they DO NOT HAVE TO be from the same part of speech. Explain the meaning of both (or more) words. Pronounce them correctly (RP). (Meaning in English – use e.g., OALD online) HOMONYMS MEANING kind bark grave miss scale race sound stalk well base bat 7 Find homophones and explain the meaning (in English) of both (or more) words. Do not forget they DO NOT HAVE TO be from the same part of speech. Fill in the RP pronunciation. PRONUNCIATION HOMOPHONE(S) MEANING air /eə(r)/ allowed beech doe die flew horse night leak piece pale sell soul sort through waist wine 8 Find homographs with their pronunciation. Do not forget they DO NOT HAVE TO be from the same part of speech. Fill in the RP pronunciation of the given lexical units. Homographs and their RP pronunciation live wind wound tear row sow polish lead bass number 9 Discuss the meaning (in English) of the following polysemantic?/homonymic? lexical units from the point of view of their etymology. How do the dictionaries distinguish between polysemy and homonymy? Pronounce the words correctly. Polysemantic/ homonymic lexical unit Meaning 1 + etymology Meaning 2 + etymology bank pupil flower flour to poach 10. Give 3-5 hyponyms for the following hyperonyms: literature book sport education universe 11. Give some examples of current borrowings used in Czech (current events, for example, Covid-19, Russia-Ukraine War) relating to the discussed sense relations: