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Praktická cvičení 2
Interaktivní osnova
Praktická cvičení 2
Praktická cvičení 2
Nyní studovat
Praktická cvičení 2
Introduction and Requirements
UNIT 6 - Obligation, necessity, prohibition, advice; word pairs with / Can, could, be able to; consonant clusters
UNIT 7 - Phrasal verbs, linking / Verb patterns; homographs
UNIT 8 - Have something done; sentence stress / The passive, relative clauses; silent consonants
UNIT 9 - Reported speech; word stress / Third conditional; sentence stress
UNIT 10 - Auxiliary and main verbs; stress on auxiliary verbs / British and American English
Practice material
State exams questions
Modal Verbs ppt
Prohlédnout vše
Practice material
Phrasal verbs LOOK TAKE
Reading tips
Reported speech
Reported speech tense changes chart
Verb Patterns
Have somethimg done passive reported speech
Praktická cvičení 2
Nyní studovat
Praktická cvičení 2
Introduction and Requirements
UNIT 6 - Obligation, necessity, prohibition, advice; word pairs with / Can, could, be able to; consonant clusters
UNIT 7 - Phrasal verbs, linking / Verb patterns; homographs
UNIT 8 - Have something done; sentence stress / The passive, relative clauses; silent consonants
UNIT 9 - Reported speech; word stress / Third conditional; sentence stress
UNIT 10 - Auxiliary and main verbs; stress on auxiliary verbs / British and American English
Practice material
State exams questions
Modal Verbs ppt
Prohlédnout vše