Week 11
Phrase TMS - Completing a Translation Assigment
(Final Project: Milestone 2)
Once you have successfully finished the "Final Project - Milestone 1" assignment (described in "Week 9"), and sent the relevant TMX (or Excel spreadsheet) to pavel.heisig@fpf.slu.cz, you may expect that a document on a similar topic will be assigned to you to translate in Phrase TMS.
Steps to follow:
To complete the assignment successfully, you are requested to:
1 - Make use of the keyboard shortcuts described in "Week 8"; while translating, update the termbase with at least 10 words/phrases (i.e., term-candidates) with potential to occur in other texts on the topic.
2 - Once you finish translating the last segment, go to the top left corner and select Document > Export as > Bilingual DOCX (see the screenshot below). The MS Word document file is generated and saved on your computer (this will serve as proof that you completed the task, and you may send it as such to pavel.heisig@fpf.slu.cz).
3 - You are then required to mark the document as "completed":
... either on the same workbench tab by pressing the black button at the top right corner, or instead:
... you may go to the tab with the Phrase dashboard, reload the page to update the percentage completion value (to check that it is indeed "100%" translated), mark the checkbox on the left of the filename and press the grey "complete" button (once you confirm this status change, you may be prompted in a pop-up dialogue window with a warning to re-confirm that you indeed wish to complete the task).
4 - This step is optional: If unsure whether you managed to complete the task successfully, feel free to contact me by email.