The following sentences have been partially transcribed, but the vowels have been left blank. Fill in the vowels, taking care to identify which vowels are weak; put no vowel at all if you think a syllabic consonant is appropriate, but put a syllabic mark beneath the syllabic consonant. 1 A particular problem of the boat was a leak p t kj 1 pr bl m v ð b t w z 1 k 2 Opening the bottle presented no difficulty p n ŋ ð b t l pr z nt d n d f k lt 3 There is no alternative to the government’s proposal ð r z n lt n t v t ð ɡ v nm nt spr p zl 4 We ought to make a collection to cover the expenses w t t m k k l k ʃ n t k v ð ksp ns z 5 Finally they arrived at a harbour at the edge of the mountains f n 1 ð r v d t h b r t ð dʒ v ð m nt nz