Unit 8
Steel acquires the desired mechanical properties through annealing in an inert atmosphere at a temperature of about 700˚C. There are two possibilities: the coils are either annealed in the batch annealing furnace (BAF) or in the continuous annealing and processing line (CAPL).
In the batch annealing section, the steel coils are positioned on furnace supports. Up to four coils are stacked on top of each support. The stack is protected from the atmosphere by a protective cover around which the actual annealing hood is positioned. The air present inside the protective cover is replaced by a reducing gas (pure hydrogen or a mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen) to protect the sheet and prevent it from rusting during the annealing process. The gas also acts as a heat transfer medium. The annealing temperature depends upon the steel grade required, but will be about 700 ˚C. After annealing, the hood is removed and replaced by a cooling hood with a ventilator at the top, which cools the steel. The entire process takes several days.
Exercise 1:
Please select technical terms from the text below and translate them:
Steel acquires the desired mechanical properties through annealing in an
inert atmosphere at a temperature of about 700˚C. There are two
possibilities: the coils are either annealed in the batch annealing
furnace (BAF) or in the continuous annealing and processing line (CAPL).
In the batch annealing section, the steel coils are positioned on
furnace supports. Up to four coils are stacked on top of each support.
The stack is protected from the atmosphere by a protective cover around
which the actual annealing hood is positioned. The air present inside
the protective cover is replaced by a reducing gas (pure hydrogen or a
mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen) to protect the sheet and prevent it
from rusting during the annealing process. The gas also acts as a heat
transfer medium. The annealing temperature depends upon the steel grade
required, but will be about 700 ˚C. After annealing, the hood is removed
and replaced by a cooling hood with a ventilator at the top, which
cools the steel. The entire process takes several days.


Heat treatment -
(Zušlechťování oceli)Degreasing -
Tempering -
Skinpass -
Exercise 4:
Translate the following text into Czech:
In the continuous
annealing line, the coils are welded to each other by a mesh seam weld
so that a fully continuous strip can pass through the entire
installation. First of all, the strip is completely degreased. After
rinsing and drying, the strip arrives in the accumulator linking the
discontinuous entry section and the continuous furnace section. In the
furnace, the strip is heated to a temperature of about 700 - 800 ˚C,
depending upon the metallurgical requirements. This annealing
temperature is maintained for a short period only. In the first cooling
stage, the temperature is reduced to approx. 400 ˚C and the strip is
held at this temperature for a fixed period of time.

Accelerated ageing -
(materiálu)Temper rolling stand -
Elongation -
Surface roughness -
Flatness -
Side trimmer -
Stamping -
If necessary, the cold rolled coils can be transported to the inspection line. The main purpose of these inspection lines is an additional control of the strip surface. At the same time as the edges are trimmed, the strip is marked and oiled and if necessary, the weight of the coil can be adjusted by cutting or welding.
The annealed cold rolled steel is packaged to protect it during transport and storage. After packaging, a label with the relevant data is attached. Now the material is ready to be dispatched to the customer.

For many applications, the customer requires coated material. This may be electrolytic coating, hot dip coating or organic coating.
For hot dip coating, full hard cold rolled coils or hot rolled coils are used. For electroplating, completely finished, annealed cold rolled coils are used. Organic coating can be applied to annealed cold rolled coils or to coils with a metallic coating
Exercise 7:
Please translate the following text into Czech:
For many applications, the customer requires coated material. This may
be electrolytic coating, hot dip coating or organic coating.
For hot dip coating, full hard cold rolled coils or hot rolled coils are
used. For electroplating, completely finished, annealed cold rolled
coils are used. Organic coating can be applied to annealed cold rolled
coils or to coils with a metallic coating.

Steel substrate -
( )Automotive industry -
White goods -
( , )Domestic appliances -
Cladding -
/ /Exhaust systems -
Heat shields -
Diesel tanks -
Enameling -
Culvert -

If necessary, the cold rolled can be transported to the inspection line. The main purpose of these lines is an additional control of the strip . At the same time as the edges are , the strip is and and if necessary, the weight of the coil can be adjusted by cutting or .
The annealed cold rolled steel is to protect it during transport and storage. After packaging, a with the relevant data is attached. Now the material is ready to be to the customer.

- There are two types of annealing: Batch annealing and Continuous annealing
- For many applications, the customer requires coated material. This may be electrolytic coating, hot dip coating or organic coating.
- Coating has applications in many different sectors including the automotive industry, building , white goods, packaging etc.
English | Czech |
Coating | Povlakování |
Batch annealing | Dávkové žíhání |
Weld | Svar |
Electrolytic coating | Galvanické pokovování |
Hot dip coating | Žárové pokovování |
Hot dipping | Pokovení v ohni |
Hot dip galvanizing | Žárové pozinkování |
Electroplating | Galvanické / Elektrolytické pokovování |
Culvert | Propustek; Kanál pro kabel |
Tempering | Popouštění |
Applebaum, M, Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Steel. A Glossary of Terms and Concepts, Summer 1998, Solomon Smith Barney Inc., 2000
Coigne, P., Construction Market, ArcelorMittal Brussels, ArcelorMittal University - Understanding Steel, 2009
Fousse, D.,Packaging, ArcelorMittal R&D Mezieres, ArcelorMittal University - Understanding Steel, 2009
Meseure, K., Steel Making, ArcelorMittal R&D Gent, ArcelorMittal University - Understanding Steel, 2009
PC Translator. CD-ROM. Korytná:LangSoft & SOFTEX Software, 2007