G present tenses V holidays P /s/ and /// What time does your At 9.00. I'm flight leave? getting the 7 o'clock train to the airport. 2A Pack and go! 1 VOCABULARY holidays a Look at the X-ray pictures of a backpack and a suitcase at airport security. Can you identify the 12 items inside them? Which item(s)...? 1 do you have to take out of your bag when you go through security 2 are you not allowed to take through security >• p.153 Vocabulary Bank Holidays. c Make a list of the ten most important things you make sure you take with you when you go on holiday. d Compare with a partner. How many things are different? e Read the introduction to an article. What do you think the top three things are that the British most often forget to pack? Home | News Sport [ TV | Health | Science Travel Money Britons spend £118 million replacing forgotten holiday items By TRAVEL REPORTER Forty-one per cent of Britons forget to pack at least one essential item when they go on holiday, according to a survey. In total, almost 15 million important holiday items are left behind each year, and Britons spend £118 million buying these things again once they reach their destination. 0 Comment B Prim 2 PRONUNCIATION s and z/ a Look at the word below. What sound do the pink letters have, or scissors b 1 28))) Listen and check. Practise saying it. c 1 29))) Listen and write the words in the correct column. bags cruise flip flops holidays massage passport pyjamas razor safari sunset swimsuit towels 1 27))) Listen to the top ten items in reverse order, and write them down. Did you guess the top three correctly? Have you or has anybody you know ever forgotten something really important when they went on holiday? What happened? d rL30))) Listen and check. Practise saying the words. e >- p.167 Sound Bank. Look at the typical spellings of the sounds. In what position is s never pronounced /z/? f Practise saying the phrases some sunglasses shoes and socks summer clothes striped pyjamas bags and cases see the sights 14 LISTENING SPEAKING a WRITING a 1 31))) Listen to five airport security screeners. Match them with pictures A-E. b '1,'32))) Listen to an interview with a US security scrcencr. Docs she feel mainly positive or mainly negative about her job? c Listen again. Choose a, b, or c. O Tip: Multiple-choice listening • Read the questions carefully before you listen. • Don't choose an option just because it has a word you heard in the recording. Make sure all of the information is correct. 1 She mentions taking away people's_. a food and drink b scissors and razors c perfume and shampoo 2 When she has to take things away from passengers she___. a enjoys it b feels bad about it c thinks it's just a routine part of her job 3 What she likes best about her job is____. a meeting all sorts of di fferent people b keeping the things that she takes away from passengers c being able to get free flights 4 Some of her colleagues get angry with people who__. a are rude b are trying to hide things c are slow 5 She thinks some screeners can be unfriendly because_. a they work long hou rs b the job is very repetitive c the rules are always changing 6 One th ing that annoys her about passengers is that_. a they complain about travelling b they get aggressive c they don't know the rules 7 Passengers are most polite to the security screeners_. a early in the morning b in the afternoon c late at night Have you ever had a problem going through airport security? What happened? Was the screener friendly? Look at the page from a website. Read some of the ideas for cheap holidays. Discuss the questions with a partner. 1 What do you think are the pros and cons of each idea? 2 Do you know anyone who has done these things? Were they a success? A | NEWS | SPORT | BUSINESS CULTURE Want a cheap holiday? Try these ideas 1 Go couch-surfing. On websites like couchsurfing.org, local people will let you sleep on their sofa for free. It's not luxury travel, hut you'll meet friendly locals and see how they really live. 2 Swap houses. Exchange houses with someone in the place you're going to visit. You stay in their place, and they stay in yours. Websites like homelink.org can arrange this for a small fee. 3 Save on travel costs. Book early for good offers with low-cost airlines. Use special services such as InterRail for travelling around Europe by train, or check out car-sharing websites like ridefinder.eu. 4 Eat street food. In many cities, even really expensive ones, you can find food which is troth tasty and cheap at stalls in the street. For example, try crepes in Paris, kebabs in Istanbul, tacos in Mexico City. Most places have their own delicious speciality. 5 Try 'voluntourism'. These holidays combine volunteer work and tourism. Help in an orphanage, work on an organic farm, and more - all for free. You'll save money and have experiences you'd never find on a package holiday. b With a partner, write short paragraphs on three more ideas for saving money on holiday. Give reasons why each one is a good idea. / If you travel off-season, you'll save money on train v. and plane tickets, hotel rooms, and even food. c Show your three ideas to another pair. Which tips are the most useful? GRAMMAR present tenses Caroline's going on holiday to Majorca, (^kcj^) the right verb form to complete her tweets. Tick (/) if both forms are possible. Caroline 2h ago Just arrived at the airport.1 / wear / I'm wearing a sunhat and flip flops and 2 / look like I I'm looking like a typical tourist. # Majorcaherelcome! Caroline lh ago Oh no! I can't find my boarding pass! My flight3 boards / is boarding at 11:00... 30 minutes from now... # Majorcaherelcome! Caroline 50m ago Great news. Just found my boarding pass in the book4 / read / I'm reading. 5 / have I I'm having a guick drink in the bar to celebrate! # Majorcaherelcome! b Compare answers with a partner. Explain why you think each form is right. c >• p.134 Grammar Bank 2A. Learn more about present tenses and practise them. d >- Communication Caroline's holiday plans A p.105, B p.106. e Make questions with the present simple or present continuous. Then ask and answer with a partner. Holidays • / you / prefer summer holidays or winter holidays? Why? • / you / plan a holiday at the moment? Which places / you / think about? What / you / want to do there? Weekends • What / you / usually do at the weekend? • What / you / do this weekend? Today • What time / this class / finish? Where / you / go after class today? • What / you / do / this evening? Where / you / have dinner? READING a Think of some times when you have seen or met tourists from another country. Discuss the questions. 1 Where were the tourists from? 2 Where were they and what were they doing? 3 What was your impression of them? b You are going to read an article about two tourism surveys. Before you read, discuss the questions with a partner. Choose answers from the nationalities in the list. Which nationality or nationalities...? the Americans the British the French the Germans the Greeks the Italians the Japanese the Spanish 1 enjoy doing sport on holiday 6 are considered very polite 2 love sunbathing 7 leave the worst tips 3 almost never sunbathe on holiday 8 leave the most generous tips 4 drink more alcohol than usual 9 make a lot of noise on holiday 10 dress well when they are 5 are the world's best tourists on holiday Read the article once, and compare your answers to the findings in the surveys. How many did you guess correctly? Read the article again. Look at the highlighted words and phrases. With a partner, work out their meanings. What different nationalities do on holida >1 A new survey of holiday makers in Europe and the USA has found that the holiday you enjoy may depend on the country you come from. Some holiday destinations were popular among all nationalities. The beach, for instance, was the undisputed leader among all destinations in the survey. Activity holidays are also popular, for example, cycling, sailing, or trekking holidays. Even when their main aim is to relax, travellers said that they enjoyed seeing the sights and visiting places of interest in and around their holiday destination. There are, however, country-specific differences: • The Greeks are particularly keen on sport during their holidays, with 75% engaging in some kind of sporting activity. ■ Sunbathing is extremely popular with the Germans. Almost 50% named it as their favourite holiday activity, especially on Spanish beaches - in fact 25% of high-income Germans are planning to go to Spain in the next 12 months. Going hiking and eating out in upmarket restaurants came second and third for Germans. • Citing concerns about skin cancer, only one in ten Americans said sunbathing was something they would do on holiday. Eager to soak up the history and culture that they can't find at home, 46% of Americans prefer to go on tours of museums, historic buildings, and other places of interest. • About 60% of UK travellers admitted drinking more while away than they would normally do, with 28% saying they had five or more alcoholic drinks every day. ... and what the locals think of them Another survey, conducted by Expedia, an online travel company, has ranked the Japanese as the world's best tourists. The British and the Canadians rank second and third among the 27 nationalities in the survey. The survey also revealed that the French have the reputation for being the world's worst tourists. Around 4,500 hoteliers across the globe gave their opinions on the best travellers overall, as well as on specific categories including politeness, generosity, behaviour, fashion sense, tidiness, and how much they complain. The survey found that: • The Japanese, British, Canadians, Germans, and Australians are considered the most polite tourists. The French were considered the most impolite. • Hoteliers also found the French to be the most frugal and the meanest tippers. The biggest tippers were the Americans, followed by the British, the Germans, and the Japanese. • The top three loudest nations were the Americans, the Italians, and the Spanish. The Japanese were ranked as the quietest. ■ The Americans were at the bottom of the list for fashion sense, with the stylish Italians and French taking top prize. • The Japanese, Germans, and British were considered the tidiest tourists. The Americans ranked at the bottom here as well. • The Japanese were ranked as the least likely to complain, followed by the Canadians and the Swiss. The nationalities who complained the most were the Americans, the Germans, and the French. e Talk to a partner. 1 What would you say are the favourite holiday destinations for people from your country? What do they like to do there? 2 How do you think people feel about tourists from your country in the categories from the survey (polite, generous, etc.)? 7 SPEAKING a Choose two of the ideas below to talk about. Think about what you are going to say, and make notes. a place I'd really like to go to for a holiday a great winter holiday 1 once had things I do differently when I'm on holiday (clothes, tipping, activities...) a holiday I will always remember from my childhood things tourists do that annoy me a family holiday when everyone argued a holiday when I had a lot of problems a holiday when I did a lot of sport Work with a partner or in small groups. Talk about your topics, giving as much information as you can. Listen to the other student(s) and ask for more information. Asking for more information Ask questions about what people say to show interest and keep the conversation going. Reaily? Why is / was that? What will / did you do next? What is / was it like? Would you do it again? 8 WRITING >• p.114 Writing Holiday tweets. Write a series of holiday tweets. 9 37))) SONG Destination: Anywhere 2A H