Praktická cvičení 1

Requirements, book, final test


- Attendance of not less than 60% 

- Please note, there is a separate attendance for both of your teachers

- Completion of all assignments set throughout the winter term

- Active participation in classes

- Students with FCE/CAE certificates: attendance is not mandatory, however, tasks and final tests/oral exams are mandatory

Textbooks used in Practical Language Course 1:

English File Intermediate Plus – Oxford University Press (4th edition) 

I will project the book in my classes but for classes of colleague Mgr. Jakub Hájek, we kindly ask you to have your online/hard copy with you.

Mgr. Hamplová covers mainly speaking, writing, and vocabulary

Mgr. Hájek covers mainly grammar, listening, and reading


1. written part: 

- Listening

- Grammar and Vocabulary

- Reading

- Writing (writing assignments are assigned during the winter semester, please, make sure to meet the deadline for submission)

2. oral part: 

- Speaking - in-person oral exams with your teachers, description, comparison of pictures, Q&A

Each part is graded/earns points separately. You repeat only the part that you fail. You have 3 attempts in total.