LU o LJL LU o CO DC LL DC O LL CO Writing Malcolm Mann Steve Taylore-Knowles MACMILLAN Contents Topic Skills focus Exam practice Composition focus 1 Films 2 Occupations selecting correct register informal letter article awareness of target reader 3 Education 4 Sport using prompts layout and text structure report informal transactional letter 5 People Travel using descriptive language story developing a narrative story 7 Food and Drink awareness of purpose The Media The Weather selecting appropriate style making suggestions The Environment developing beyond prompts Technology using complex sentences Health and Fitness using set phrases Transport interpreting graphics Fashion paragraphing letter of application article informal letter formal transactional letter discursive composition letter of application formal transactional letter informal transactional letter Crime presenting an argument discursive composition Shopping punctuation, spelling and abbreviations report Grammar focus have got to gerunds and infinitives articles direct and indirect objects adverbs and adjectives direct and indirect speech inversions elision of relative pronouns and auxiliary verbs the verb 'suggest' preposition placing Pag 1( 1( i: 21 3' 4( 4< 5: Si participle clauses 6^ formal conditionals 7C prefer / would rather causative form expression of contrast comparative comparisons 7ť 8£ 94 Model compositions Useful Phrase Reference IOC 10S Unit Films Look at the pictures. In pairs, ask and answer the following questions. ■ Have you seen any of these films? Did you enjoy them? ■ What do you think the ones you haven't seen are about? ■ What's your favourite film? Why? Develop your writing skills Formal or informal? Read these extracts from different pieces of writing about films, and decide whether the language is generally formal or informal. Circle the appropriate word above each extract. A formal / informal I saw a great movie last night with Helen. You'd have loved it! It's called The Score, and it's about a robbery. De Niro is fab as one of the robbers, and Edward Norton - as usual -is really cool! Great twist at the end, too. I reckon it's gonna win loads of Oscars. B formal / informal I would be extremely grateful if you could let me know how long I will have to wait from the date of my order until the satellite dish and programme decoder are installed. C formal / informal Although there may well be some kind of connection between violence on TV and violence in society, it's really not clear what that connection is. It certainly is not the case that the majority of people, after watching a violent film, feel an increased need to commit violent acts. In fact, possibly quite the opposite. D formal / informal As requested, I have visited the three outdoor cinemas currently taking part in the film festival. I have compared them in terms of ticket pricing, facilities, comfort, sound quality and picture quality. My findings are outlined below. E formal / informal To conclude, cinema appears to be increasing in popularity amongst younger age groups, despite the availability of high-quality video and DVD. The evidence suggests that this is due partly to the social element involved in going to the cinema, and partly to the benefits of a large screen and state-of-the-art sound system. F Kyle's language: formal / informal The writer's^anguage: formal / informal 'Oh, I really don't fancy going to the cinema tonight. Can't we just stay in and watch a movie on TV or something?' said Kyle. His tone of voice revealed that he was hiding his real reasons for wanting to remain at home. How did you know? Look again at extracts A, B and C. Write a word or short phrase from the extracts on the lines provided. extract A 1 Find two examples of informal grammar. _ 2 Find an example of an informal verb. _ 3 Find an example of informal punctuation. _ 4 Find a sentence without a verb. _ 5 Find an example of VERY informal spelling. _ 6 Which word is short for 'fabulous? _ 7 Which phrase means 'many'? _ extract B 1 Which phrase means 'Please tell me ...'? _ 2 Find one example of the passive. _ extract C 1 Find one example of formal grammar. _ 2 Find one example of informal grammar. _ 3 Find a more formal phrase for It's not true at all...'. _ 4 Find a more formal phrase for 'most'. _ G formal / informal Furthermore, your advertisement stated that the DVD contains interviews with the stars and the director. The copy which I received unfortunately contains the film and nothing more. H formal / informal As you will see from my C.V. (attached), I have worked as an extra on a number of films. I believe that my references from those films demonstrate that I am professional, reliable and hardworking. *• I n a Absolute beginners are welcome. Low fee. Call 01276 333451 ^for further detailsVxCourse director: Mr Hope, Eurolingua College fee-. eiAvos -Pov 2-KAovifk cöiAvse i Text-books exfv^ c6\AA Aö if övev f Ue f It is very important to include all the right information from your notes. Tick which of the following pieces of information you have to include. 1 Esperanto isn't a confusing language. 2 It was invented in 1887. 3 You have to pay extra for the textbooks. 4 The fee is 60 euros. 5 Your friend could do the course over the summer. 6 'Saluton' means 'Hello' in Esperanto. 7 There are 2 million speakers of Esperanto around the world. Nov, d;d th€v do7 Read theseJ:wo paragraphs from letters written by different students in answer to the composition question above. Underline where they mention the points from the notes above. 1 1 called them for you yesterday. The secretary told me about the guy who invented it in 1887, but I can' t remember his name. I do remember that there are something like two million speakers around the world, though. She said it was sixty euros for a two-month course, which you could possibly do over the summer. You can get more information from the course director, Mr Hope. Do you want the number? 2 TUeve «nve fwc million spe^Wevs wouv\cAA. Espev^nfo wcis iv\vev\Ve\lleoaV now i-P wow*- voows! Z-weeV course, enly 1^0 euvos WipS wuseww, UV>v«*vy, spovf s cewfve 5 College charges extra thirty euros for Welcome Party. U n 4 Warm-up Look at the pictures. In pairs, ask and answer the following questions. ■ What facilities for sports does your town have? ■ Are you a member of a gym? Would you like to be? ■ What facilities do you think a sports centre should have? Develop your writing skills Looking at layout Even though you can't read the words, you can still say what kinds of composition these are. Match the diagrams to the composition type and write why. 5 A letter Diagram number: Why? _ A report Diagram number: Why? _ A discursive composition Diagram number:_ Why? _ Complete the table For each type of composition, tick the correct boxes. often has a title has paragraphs uses headings your name appears in it article report letter story discursive composition Startirfg a report Read this question and complete the start of the report. You work for a local tourist information office. Your manager has asked you to write a report on the new sports centre which opened recently in your town. Describe the facilities offered by the sports centre and explain how interested you think tourists would be in visiting it. To:_ From:_ Subject:_ Which of these can also be used at the start of a report? Choose two. Date:_ Conclusion:_ Mark:_ Re:_ How did they do? Read these two paragraphs from two different answers to the question above and answer the questions that follow. 1 Swimming Pool I Tke -P^cillHes <*f fke spovfs cenHe include <*n olywpic-siz.evf site in ouv weall tourtc. I think. p&opl& ivill profrafcltj fifce- ffi&S& fWi|ifi&<. There ar© ti^. changing, rooms and fri&ndlij avplA "5 P«?vvín.gvoul\pU Z PwigvcnpU A Homework Now write your article. Read this checklist. When you have written your article, tick the boxes. ■ i have written an article, not a letter. ■ I have tried to interest the reader. ■ i have used a conversational style. ■ i have used at least one rhetorical question. ■ I have written at least four paragraphs. ■ I have checked my article carefully for mistakes. □ □ □ □ □ □ Read these sentences and then use the words in bold to complete the sentences below. ■ I don't like tabloid newspapers because they're full of gossip and scandal. I prefer more serious papers. ■ I've taken out a monthly subscription to Teenpop magazine. They send it to me every month through the post. ■ There was a very interesting documentary on last night about the South American rainforests. ■ I love Friends. It's so funny! It's the best sitcom/situation comedy on TV. ■ And you can watch the next episode of Friends at the same time tomorrow night. ■ I've seen this episode before. It must be a repeat. ■ What's the address of your website? I'd love to check it out. ■ She writes a weekly column for the local newspaper. She's always giving her opinion about something or other. ■ There are two main kinds of book: hardbacks and paperbacks. ■ I don't have very good reception where I live, so I can't pick up all the TV channels very clearly. 1 Have you seen that new_ with Tony Parker? It's set in a shoe shop and it's hilarious! 2 The_is 10 I don't know why you get that _every day. There's never any news in it. I mustn't forget to set the video to record the next_of Melrose Place. I'll take a couple of_to read by the pool. The_is terrible. Are you sure you've tuned in the TV properly? There's a_about space travel on BBG, and a black and white movie on BBC2. I think I'll cancel my_to Forthlink; other companies are offering much cheaper internet connection packages these days. So what if it's a_! Don't you want to see it again? I always read Martin Flannigans_ in The Post. He's very clever. Exam practice — Article Exam know-how m When you are writing an article, don't start writing immediately. Think about the question first and note down some ideas. Then make a paragraph plan. Only write the article when you know exactly what you want to say, in which paragraph you want to say it and how you want to express it. Each of these articles should be written in 120-180 words in an appropriate style. 1 Your favourite-magazine is running a writing competition this month. The prize is a tour round a television studio. To enter the competition, you have to write an article describing your favourite television programme and explaining why you would recommend it to others. Write your article. 2 Your school magazine is running a series of articles under the title 'Radio and Young People.' You have been asked to write an article to appear in the series giving your views on how popular radio is with young people today. Write your article. KiTV currently has no game shows or quiz shows which are aimed specifically at teenagers. Another way of writing the same thing is: KiTV currently has no game shows or quiz shows aimed specifically at teenagers. The person marking your compositions will be impressed if you use this piece of grammar in your writing! Rewrite these sentences without the relative pronoun and the auxiliary verb. 1 It's a problem page which has been specifically designed for teenagers and young adults. 2 The internet doesn't have many websites which have been created by young people. 3 I was interviewed by a reporter who was called Ivor Penn! 4 Books which are printed with soft covers are called paperbacks. 5 She's a journalist who is well known for her rudeness to politicians. Grammar Writing Skills / Unit 8 51 Unit 9 The Weather Warm-up Look at the pictures. In pairs, ask and answer the following questions. ■ What's the weather like where you live in each of the four seasons? ■ Which is your favourite season? Why? ■ What is the best time for visitors to come to your country? Develop your writing skills Where is it from? Read the following sentences making suggestions and choose the type of composition each one probably came from. 1 If I were you, I'd ask them to turn the heating up at school, a article b informal letter 2 Make sure you've made alternative arrangements, just in case it rains! a report b article 3 One thing we might consider is booking an indoor venue in case of rain, a report b discursive composition 4 I would like to suggest that in future your company offer a refund in th< event of bad weather. a report b formal letter 5 Have you thought about getting flood insurance for the house? a informal letter b formal letter Match to make sentences Look at these different ways of making suggestions and match the first half of each sentence with the second half. 1 I would like to suggest 2 Why don't you 3 What about/How about 4 Have you thought 5 If I were you, 6 Don't bother a put your jacket in the car, just in case? b about becoming a meteorologist? c that our shop starts to sell sunhats. d bringing a coat because you won't wear it. e I wouldn't rely on having good weather this weekend. f visiting in the spring, when it's not so hot? Make a suggestion Write sentences making the following suggestions in an appropriate style. 1 Suggest to a friend that they visit you next summer. 2 Suggest to your manager that he starts selling umbrellas. 3 Suggest to fellow students that they take up a hobby for rainy days. 4 Suggest to your cousin that she starts a course in meteorology. Make it informal Read this writing question. The sentences below come from an answer that is too formal. Rewrite the suggestions in a more informal style. Your penfriend is planning to visit you in the summer and has asked you for some suggestions about what clothes or other things they will need to bring with them. Write them a letter, giving your suggestions. 1 One factor you might like to consider is the heat, which will require clothing made of light material. 2 I would like to suggest that you ensure that you have with you a pair of sunglasses. 3 A swimsuit would certainly be advantageous, given the opportunities for swimming in this area. Writing Skills / Unit 9 53 u 9 n Develop your writing skills Write a paragraph Read this incomplete answer to the question in D. Write a paragraph of about 30 words to fill the gap, giving suggestions in an appropriate style. Dew Jwie, Gvew- fo gef youv leH-ev! €owy fo Uew *>uf! You <*sYeA vne ovbouf iwUw- you sUoul^A bving. Don'f bofUev bvinging w\y Uewy clofUes. If's -Pw foo Uof In fUe suwwev -Pov swew-evs or cow-s l-P you, \'A w«*We suve I WokA lofs o-P T-sUivfs w\vpU, 2 fWíngmpU 3 Closing expvession(s) Fivsf vtiwe Homework Now write your letter. Read this checklist. When you have written your letter, tick the boxes. ■ I have started and ended the letter in an appropriate way. EE ■ I have written in an appropriate style. □ ■ I have made good suggestions. EE ■ I have checked for spelling mistakes. EE] ■ I have checked for grammar mistakes. EE! Read these sentences and then use the words in bold to complete the sentences below. ■ In Greece, the winters are quite mild and not too cold. ■ The pollution in this city is terrible when we have a heatwave. ■ I think I'll wear a scarf because it's a little chilly. ■ When the weather is wet and hot, it feels very humid. ■ Don't forget your raincoat/mac if you're going out in this rain. ■ I prefer wearing a bikini to an all-in-one swimsuit. ■ Wellingtons/Wellies are boots made of rubber which are worn outdoors, often by farmers. ■ I know it's raining, but it's only a shower; it'll stop in a minute. ■ The forecast said that the rain should clear up by this afternoon. ■ We'll be going to the beach, so don't forget your suncream, or you'll get sunburnt. 1 The path will be quite muddy, so put your _on. 2 They've forecast a_, so now would be a good time to get air-conditioning. 3 I don't think we should cancel the match when the rain might just be a passing 4 Do you think you could put some _on my back? 5 It's usually_here in January, so don't worry too much about being cold. 6 I can't go swimming because I've left my _back at the hotel. 7 If I were you, I would take a_ with me. I don't like the look of those clouds. 8 Do you think the weather will _in time for us to have our picnic? 9 I can't stand it when the weather is so __It's like being in the jungle! 10 I think I'll take a sweater with me in case it gets a bit__ 56 Exam practice Informal letter Exam know-how m Remember that you will get credit for using more than one way of saying something. For example, when you are making suggestions, try to use different ways of suggesting. Be careful, though, to make sure that you use an appropriate style for each suggestion you make. Each of these informal letters should be written in 120-180 words in an appropriate style. 1 Your American penfriend is thinking of travelling around Europe and has asked you for any advice*aiid suggestions you might have, particularly about what weather to expect. Write your letter, giving suitable advice and suggestions. 2 Your area has been having some very strange weather in recent weeks. Write a letter to your penfriend describing the strange weather and the effect it has had on your life. Write your letter. The verb 'suggest' can be used in the following ways: / suggest (the town's) building a flood barrier, (-ing form) I suggest (that) the town builds a flood barrier, (that clause) I suggest (that) the town should build a flood barrier, (that clause with should) I suggest a flood barrier, (noun) I suggest that the town build a flood barrier, (is also possible, but very formal and not used very often) Tick any sentences that are correct. Rewrite any that are incorrect. 1 I would like to suggest that we warning tourists about the dangers of sunbathing. 2 The pilot suggested we should wait until the clouds cleared. 3 I suggest that an examination of weather records for evidence of climate change. 4 Many local people suggested the council's build an indoor shopping centre. 5 The weatherman suggested that people planning a trip checking the forecast before they leave. Grammar Writing Skills / Unit 9 57 Unit 10 Warm-up The Environment Look at the pictures. In pairs, ask and answer the following questions. ■ What different forms of pollution are there? ■ What is the biggest threat to the environment where you live? ■ How would you improve your local environment? Develop your writing skills Dos and Don'ts Decide whether you should or shouldn't do the following when you are writing a transactional letter. 1 choose the two most important prompts to write about Do / Don't 2 often imagine that the notes were written by you Do / Don't 3 mention extra relevant points in your letter Do / Don't 4 mention all the prompts together in a list in one paragraph Do / Don't 5 introduce extra information that is interesting, even if irrelevant Do / Don't Make the prompts formal Read the following prompts from different exam questions and write sentences asking for or giving the information in a more formal way. Start with the words given. 1 Any plans for cleaning beach? I wonder_ 2 Time of next environmental group meeting? Would you mind_ 3 Local residents not asked for opinion. Another concern is_ 58 4 Doctors say health problems in town increasing. According to_ 5 Noise from local factories — big problem. A major_ Think about the prompts Read this writing question and do the task which follows. You live close to a large factory and are concerned about the environmental problems it causes. You have seen this advertisement in a local newspaper and decided to write a letter to the managing director of the factory. Read the advertisement and the notes you have made carefully. Then write a letter to the managing director, complaining about the problems caused by the factory. ivhaf afwf" the- rivt-r? MM Mfe Industrial Centre We at Webster Brothers take the environment seriously. That's why this year we have: • reduced air pollution by 10%. • started to recycle materials. • listened to local opinion. You can trust us to care for your environment. BDOJQttmrS: Working for a better future for all. Still Stm-lfc bc,d on c,omc olatj? were-ci't at last local Tick which of the following points you HAVE to mention in your letter. a the fact that recycling should have started sooner b your concerns about river pollution c the fact that they missed the last local meeting on the environment d the fact that the factory produces a bad smell e the noise pollution caused by the factory Think beyond the prompts Tick which of the following extra points you COULD mention in your letter. a the factory makes a lot of noise b the workers are underpaid for the work they do c recycling should have started sooner d your cousin works at the factory as a manager e traffic to the factory is increasing r i t i n g Skills / Unit 70 59 Unit ■■ Develop your writing skills Write a paragraph Read this incomplete answer to the question above. Write a paragraph of about 30 words to complete the letter, mentioning the one remaining prompt and adding any relevant ideas of your own. Dew Mv Tiwnev, I wn wvifing fo you fo coi*\pWin <*bouf youv i*.Avevfisev*\enf wUick t*ppewe\Uo_ Discuss Read your paragraph to the class, or listen to paragraphs other people have written. Have you all joined the sentences in the same way? Study the model Read model composition 11 on page 105. Find the following and underline. Find sentences that connect ideas together using: 1 an -ing form 2 a conditional 3 a relative pronoun (who, which) 4 an inversion Composition development Read this composition question and do the exercises that follow. You have been doing a class project on domestic technology. Your teacher has asked you to write a composition giving your opinions on the following subject: The future role of technology in the home. Write your composition. Brainstorming Answer the following questions. Discuss your answers with the class. 1 Who is going to read your composition?_ 2 What style is appropriate for this composition?_ I Decide whether the following statements about this composition are True or False, a Your aim is to use interesting descriptions to entertain your reader. True / False b A clear argument with a few points is better than a complicated argument with many points. True / False c You should start a new paragraph every six lines. True / False d You shouldn't try to use conditional sentences because you might make a mistake. True / False 4 Circle which of the following you might talk about in this composition: domestic robots cars e-mail cookers space travel washing machines computer games weapons television Make your predictions For each of the following forms of domestic technology, predict two ways in which you think each of them are going to change in the future. television _ _ cooker _ _ telephone_ _ radio _ _ Discuss Discuss your predictions with your partner or as a class. Did you make the same predictions? Writing Skills / Unit 11 Wordperfect K/1 H ri C Complete the following paragraph plan, making notes on what you are going to include in each paragraph. Dlscuvslve COtA\póSlHôV\ plc^H fiUe Prw^gv^pU 2 Pŕ^v-ŕvjv^pW "5 Pŕ>lv"lpk 4- Homework Now write your composition. Read this checklist. When you have written your composition, tick the boxes. ■ I have written in an appropriate style. □ ■ i have tried to use more complicated sentences. EH ■ i have used at least one conditional sentence. ■ i have checked for spelling mistakes. I have checked for grammar mistakes. □ □ Read these sentences and then use the words in bold to complete the sentences below. ■ There are many domestic uses of technology, such as entertainment and cooking. ■ Industrial robots are used in car factories to do routine jobs. ■ A word processor is a computer programme that we use for writing. ■ One of the ways we put information into a computer is by typing on a keyboard. ■ My mum got a microwave (oven) because they're so fast, but she never uses it. ■ Computer hardware is the machine and all the parts inside. ■ Computer software is the programmes and games that run on computers. ■ Double-click the left button on your mouse to select the icon. ■ I'd love cable TV so that I could see all the latest films, but it's really expensive. ■ Some people suffer from technophobia and feel very threatened by new technology. 1 My dad just got_put in so that he can get the sports channel. 2 You'll think I've got__but I 10 really have no idea about computers. The chicken should take around half an hour in the__ You've got a_problem on your computer - I think it's the keyboard. It'll be a while before we see robots in _use. I've just bought a new piece of _for my computer so that I can play games on-line. These machines are designed for _use in factories. The_on my laptop is so smal that I keep hitting the wrong keys. Move your_and the cursor moves on the screen. The great thing about using a_ is that you can just delete your mistakes. Exam practice — Discursive composition Exam know-how m When you write discursive compositions, try to find ways to use more complex sentences. Even if you make small mistakes, you will still be given more marks for trying to use difficult grammar. Each of these compositions should be written in 120-180 words in an appropriate style. 1 The following comment was printed recently in a local newspaper: Computer games teach us nothing and young people should avoid them. Now your teacher has asked you to write a composition on this subject, with reference to your own experience. Write your composition. 2 You have been studying technology in class and your teacher has asked you to write a composition agreeing or disagreeing with the following statement: Rich countries should share their technology with poor countries. Write your composition. We can often introduce a cause using a phrase beginning with an adjective or participle at the beginning of a sentence: Scared of change, some people see computers as a threat. = Some people see computers as a threat because they are scared of change. Having more choice, people think more about home entertainment. = People think more about home entertainment because they have more choice. You have to be careful that the two parts of the sentence refer to the same thing: Having more free time, computer games will become more popular. is wrong because people have more free time, not computer games. It should be: Having more free time, people will play more computer games. Rewrite the following sentences, starting with the cause as in the examples above. 1 Many people want to study computers because they are afraid of losing their jobs. 2 Some young people decide to work with computers because they are introduced to them by games. 3 Some people try to ignore technology because they hope it will not affect them. 4 Many of us would not welcome domestic robots because we are worried about the danger. 5 We can't be certain because we do not know the future. Grammar Writing Skills / Unit 11 69 ealth and Fitness Warm-up Look at the pictures. In pairs, ask and answer the following questions. ■ Would you like to work in the health industry in any of these jobs? ■ What qualities do you need to do these jobs? ■ How important is it for ordinary people to know first aid? Develop your writing skills Match to make sentences These sentences all use set phrases that you can use in your writing. Match the two halves to make complete sentences. 1 I am writing to apply for 2 Sorry to hear about 3 As requested, I have visited 4 It was one of those days when 5 On the one hand, 6 I gained some experience 7 Are you one of those people who 8 I would like to recommend that a while working in my uncle's gym. b seem to always have a cold? c schools have a duty to provide basic medical care. d the post of assistant trainer. e we train all our employees in first aid. f you know you're going to be ill. g you missing the trip because of the flu. h hospitals and health centres in the area. 70 Where are they used? Decide which of the sentences in A you could use in the following compositions. Write the numbers of the sentences. You may use the same number more than once. a report __ a story _ a letter of application__ an article __ a discursive composition _ an informal letter _ Correct the set phrases Rewrite the following sentences correctly. 1 I look forward to hear from you. 2 I am writing with reference your ad, which I saw in a local newspaper. 3 As you requested me, I have spoken to local doctors. 4 As far that I'm concerned, medical treatment should be free. 5 Please do not hesitate contacting me if you need more informations. Complete the composition Read this question and the answer that follows. Use the set phrases below to complete the composition. You have just read the following advertisement: Wanted: to work in doctor's surgery at weekends. Would suit teenager who wishes to learn about medicine as a possible career. Hea^e. appfij in ►vrifin^. to Dr Brown, Harley Road. Write your letter of application to Dr Brown. i t i n g Skills / Unit 72 Develop your writing skills Dew Dv Bvöiwv\, ___, wUicW 1 s<*w in VoAc\y's 'Döüly Hews'. _vecepfiönisf. I st^feen yevpk 4- Homework wy\ Now write your composition. Read this checklist. When you have written your composition, tick the boxes. ■ I have written a formal composition. EE ■ I have written four paragraphs. ■ My argument is clear. ■ I have given some examples. ■ I have expressed my opinion. ■ I have used some discursive words and phrases. EH ■ I have checked my composition carefully for mistakes. ED Read these sentences and then use the words in bold to complete the sentences below. ■ Capital punishment is punishment by death. Techniques include the electric chair, the gas chamber, hanging and lethal injection. ■ Some people believe that capital punishment acts as a deterrent. This means they think it stops people committing murder. ■ The serial killer was sentenced to life imprisonment. ■ The police think I committed the burglary! I'm going to have to get a lawyer/solicitor. ■ She was arrested on suspicion of fraud, and later was officially charged with the crime. ■ The court case lasted for three months before the jury found him guilty. ■ Judge: How do you plead? The accused: Guilty, your Honour. ■ The jury found him not guilty, but nobody really thinks he's innocent. ■ There's lots of evidence that he did it - his fingerprints were all over the gun, for example. ■ Having served fifteen years in prison, Mason is to be released next week. 1 My lawyer's advised me to_ 10 guilty, but I'm not going to. I'm innocent! People imprisoned for life are usually _after about twenty years. My_has instructed me not to discuss this case with reporters. The suspect was released without being charged due to lack of__ No European country supports __Most Europeans think that it's barbaric. Losing your driving licence would be a good _against drinking and driving. I'm buying a new suit. My_at the County Court starts on Monday. I can't believe the police have _Jane with embezzlement. They must have made a mistake. Can you imagine being sentenced to _and knowing you have to spend the rest of your life behind bars? The foreman of the jury read out the verdict. '_,' he said. Exam practice - — Discursive composition Exam know-how ■ You are expected to use discursive words and ■ Remember that a composition is usually more phrases in a composition. formal than an article. The emphasis is more on presenting an argument, giving opinions and supporting them clearly, than on interesting the reader. Each of these compositions should be written in 120-180 words in an appropriate style. 1 The following comment was printed recently in a local newspaper: The crime rate in our area is far too high and extreme measures need to be taken to reduce it. Now your teacher has asked you to write a composition on this subject, stating whether you agree or disagree with the comment and expressing your own opinions. Write your composition. 2 Your class has been doing a project on crime. Your teacher has asked you to write a composition giving your opinions in answer to the following question: Why do some people break the law? Write your composition. GrGmmcir focus The burglar ran fast but he was caught by the police. Although / Even though / Though the burglar ran fast, he was caught by the police. In spite of the fact that / Despite the fact that the burglar ran fast, he was caught by the police. In spite of / Despite running fast, the burglar was caught by the police. The burglar ran fast. However, he was caught by the police. Rewrite these sentences using the word given. 1 She had a very good lawyer but she was still found guilty. DESPITE 2 There isn't any evidence. However, there is a strong motive. ALTHOUGH 3 In spite of his having a criminal record, he was only given a warning. BUT 4 Although people feel less safe, the crime rate is actually dropping. FACT 5 Despite being a suspect, Mason was never arrested. HOWEVER Writing Skills / Unit 15 93 Shopping Look at the pictures. In pairs, ask and answer the following questions. ■ Would you like to be a shop assistant? Why/Why not? ■ What have you bought in the past month? ■ Have you ever bought anything second-hand? Develop your writing skills What are they for? Match the abbreviations 1-5 with their uses a-e. 1 e.g. - 2 i.e. _ 3 a.m._ 4 p.m-- 5 etc. _ Formal or informal? Are the abbreviations usually formal or informal? Write the abbreviations 1-5 on the appropriate lines. a Which abbreviation is usually used in formal writing? _ b Which two abbreviations are usually used in informal writing? a the time is before 12 noon b a list is not complete c the time is after 12 noon d to introduce an example e to introduce more detail c Which two abbreviations can be used in formal and informal writing? _ What are they called? Match the punctuation symbols in the box with their names below. A. B, C; D: E? 1 semi-colon 2 question mark 3 apostrophe 4 comma 5 exclamation mark G_"_ 6 7 8 9 10 - y H -dash full stop inverted commas hyphen colon Study the model Look at model composition 16 on page 108. Circle one example of: 1 a colon 4 a dash 2 an apostrophe 5 a hyphen 3 a semi-colon 6 inverted commas True or false? Are these statements about punctuation true or false? Write T for True and F for False. 1 Exclamation marks should only be used in informal writing. 2 You can connect two sentences about the same subject using a comma. 3 Indirect questions need question marks at the end. 4 We never put« » around direct speech in English. 5 Colons and semi-colons are unusual in informal writing. 6 You should always put a comma before relative clauses with 'who', 'which' and 'where'. 7 You cannot put a comma before relative clauses with 'that'. 8 You can choose whether to use '...' orfor direct speech, but you should be consistent within a piece of writing. Correct the punctuation Each of these sentences has at least one punctuation mistake. Circle the mistakes and rewrite the sentences correctly. 1 «Where did you get that hat?» asked Linda. 2 Simon said hed meet us outside the supermarket at three o clock. 3 I bought a nice top last week, it was really cheap. 4 'I think it's price tag has come off. How much is it?' 5 We went to that new shopping centre - - it was huge! 6 Subject; Gift and Souvenir Shops in Bournemouth 7 Corner shops which sadly are disappearing quickly offer convenience and a sense of community, which is irreplaceable! 8 The shop assistant asked if he could help me? 9 'Its actually half price at the moment Madam." said the salesperson. 10 The record store, that I went to, had a sale on. Writing Skills / Unit 16 95 Develop your writing skills Rewrite the report Read the report question and a student's answer below. Rewrite the report in your notebook. Capitalize appropriate letters, punctuate the sentences and correct the 10 spelling mistakes. You have a part-time job in a toyshop. The manager wants to make the shop more popular with teenagers and has asked you to write a report making some recommendations. Write a report for your manager. to mr williams from sasha spencer subject atracting teenagers to teddington toys date 25th January introduction as reqested i have looked at ways to increse the popularity of teddington toys with teenagers my recomendations are outlined below range of products the vast majority of toys and games curently sold are for children under the age of ten teenagers would be much more likley to visit the shop if it sold computer games some sports equiptment and bored games such as millennium quiz advertising as teddington toys is not in the high street you may want to consider advertising any new products you introduse for teenagers one possibility is to place short advertisments on local television or radio you may also wish to consider putting up posters around local schools conclusion in conclusion teddington toys could become much more popular with teenagers if it offered a range of products for them however this range also needs to be advertised to inform teenagers in the local area about it Read your partner's writing Swap reports with your partner. Have they punctuated the report correctly? Did they do it differently to you? Have they corrected all the spelling mistakes? Composition development Read this composition question and do the exercises that follow. You are working in a local tourist office. You have to write a report for your manager comparing two very different shopping centres in your area. Say what each centre is like, compare their facilities and comment on their particular good or bad points as tourist attractions. Write your report. Brainstorming Answer the following questions using your imagination. 1 What's the name of your manager?_ 2 What's the name of the first shopping centre?_ 3 What is it like? (modern, old-fashioned, large, etc)_ 4 What kind of facilities does it provide? (chain stores, gift shops, cafes, etc) 5 How popular is it with tourists? Why? 6 What's the name of the second shopping centre? 7 What is it like? Remember it must be very different from the first one. 8 What kind of facilities does it provide? 9 How popular is it with tourists? Why? 10 Is one of the shopping centres better for tourists, or do they both attract different kinds of tourists? 11 Do you need to make any recommendations? Yes / No Think about punctuation Here is an introduction to a similar report. Punctuate it correctly. as requested i have compared the daverton centre and lakeside mill both within 10 km of sharpville in terms of their popularity as tourist attractions my findings are presented below Think about spelling Here are some words and phrases you may wish to use in your report. They each contain a spelling mistake. Rewrite them correctly. 1 facilities _ 5 rage of products 2 souveneers _ 6 hand-maid 3 resterants _ 7 arts and craphts 4 coach partys _ 8 bilding n g Skills / Unit 16 97 i t Wordperfect Plan your paragraphs Complete the following paragraph plan for your composition, making notes on what you are going to include in each paragraph. Bwi'igv^pU 2 To:_ FvOV*\: _ •Subject-: D<*fe: _ He0nouf geffing <*. compufev. You kno^ c\ lof move **bouf compufevs fk«v\ me, so I fUougUf l'c\cY. Also, i-P you've going fo be using if -Pov essays, you'll 0fUougU fUe infevnef cowecHc^ looks goo^,