John Hughes & Andrew Mallett Talking points: planning your presentation 1 Before you watch the video, consider these questions. What types of presentation do you give? What types of audience do you present to? 2 While you watch other people talking about the questions above, compare their experience with yours. 3 How would you answer these questions? 1 What is a presentation? 2 How do you plan a presentation? 3 How many key messages should you have? 4 What do you need to know about your audience? The expert view: planning 4 Watch Andrew Mallett discuss planning presentations. How does he answer the questions in 3? Talking points: practising your presentation 5 Before you watch the video, consider how you practise for presentations. 6 While you watch other people talking about this question, compare their experience with yours. 1 Preparing your presentation I 5 %JE1 The expert view: practising 7 Look at the following list of ways to practise your presentation. Tick the things that you do. Stand up and practise your presentation two or three times. ■ Ask a colleague at work to listen to you or watch your presentation. Write notes on pieces of card to use as prompts. ■ Try to memorize your presentation word for word. Practise different ways of presenting your material. Visualize your presentation (where you will stand, when you will move, etc.). Think about how to arrange the seating in the room. Check all the technical equipment. 8 Watch and listen to Andrew. Tick the points from the list in 7 that he mentions. %H3 Talking points: dealing with nerves 9 Before you watch the video, consider these questions. Do you get nervous before a presentation? What do you worry about? What can you do before a presentation to control your nerves? 10 While you watch other people talking about the questions above, compare their experience with yours. X\