ioncluding In this unit: » making a final impression * ending effectively Talking points 1 Before you watch, consider these questions. How do you like to end your presentations? Does the ending make a big difference to a presentation? How? 2 While you watch other people talking about the questions above, compare their experience with yours. The presentations 3 While you watch the end of three presentations given to a group of managers at the company Quartz Power Group (QPG), answer the questions about each presenter. Presenter 1: Patricia Reyes - Market researcher Topic of presentation: The results of a survey carried out for QPG 1 What was the aim of her presentation? 2 What have they looked at during the presentation? 3 Where can her audience find more detailed information? Presenter 2: Marcus Stevenson - QPG's Managing Director Topic of presentation: Plans for a company relocation 4 Is he worried about the challenges in the next few weeks? 5 Does he thinkthe schedule is difficult? 6 What does he think the benefits will be? Presenter 3: Sabine Kolbeck - IT consultant Topic of presentation: The potential use of mobile technology and social networking at QPG 7 What were the main points that Sabine talked about? 8 Can the audience ask her questions? 6 Concluding *_JED The expert view 4 Andrew gives five pieces of advice for ending a presentation. While you watch, make notes about why he thinks the advice is a good idea. - Wkjw?__________________ 2____Recap -fke wuxi-h nuissa^ft or fke- Kev messages. - J.w ofWer woros ' fe-il.fWe.vK 3 A__ fjVus £U* as a res'Wif. - Wkwf is tkis C-Me-d? _- WMj- is if use-fixl?_____ - &pw WHfl.sK fkem. fo do? Jf Rewiwi fke Midie-nce- of- •fki-njs w« sairf af Ike beg-in-niw*. - Wkaf is fkis ftftilfrd? Wkfr is if tcse.-ful? S AsK -for gttesf ifrttS. For a summary of how to conclude your presentation, read the article on page 56. Sm Analysis 5 While you watch the three presentations again, tick (/) if each presenter did the following. Patricia Marcus Sabine Announced the end (either verbally or physically) Recapped their messages Asked the audience to take action Reminded the audience of things said at the beginning Asked for questions or comments %m The expert feedback 6 How does Andrew's analysis of the presentations compare with yours? I 6 Concluding Language focus %JZ3 Concluding your presentation 1 Read these expressions from Patricia Reyes's conclusion. Number them in the order you think she says them (from 1 to 7). a If you'd like to ask me any questions now, then I'd be happy to try and answer them__ b Well, I've come to the end of my presentation__ c My aim was to give you a good overview of the background, the approach and the results of the survey__ d As I said before, you can study this in further detail in your handouts__ e We have seen how far-reaching the research is in terms of numbers__ f Thank you very much for listening__ g We have also looked at the more general and global feedback__ 2 Now watch her conclusion and check your answers in 1. 3 Underline any expressions in 1 that 1 announce the end of the talk 2 recap the key messages and refer to previous parts of the presentation 3 ask the audience to take action 4 thanktheaudience 5 invite questions. Announcing the end of your presentation 4 Andrew mentioned the importance of announcing the end of your presentation. Notice how Patricia does this: 'Well, I've come to the end of my presentation.' Put the words below in the correct order to form sentences that announce the end of a presentation. 1 reached I have end the of presentation my ^IT^HBHB 2 the talk brings me that end to of my End with a quotation Presenters sometimes end a presentation with a quotation by a famous 4 nearly it time is me for end my talk to 3 have I one finishing last say thing to before person. Here are some phrases for doing this: I'd like to leave you with a quote from Bill Gates. 5 is that end of presentation the almost my As Einstein once said,'...'. In the words of Warren Buffett,'...'. To quote Coco Chanel,'...'. 6 Concluding I 37 Recapping and reminding 5 At the end of a presentation, the speaker summarizes what they have said. Look at this example: 'So, to recap, this morning I've told you about the background to our research, and I've also outlined our approach.' Read the sentences below that conclude or sum up a presentation. Two of the three phrases in italics are correct, one is incorrect. Delete the incorrect answers. 1 So in brief/in short/shortly here are the three main changes we must make ... 2 In conclusion/In final/To conclude, there are three things we need to achieve. 3 Before finishing, let me just return /summarize/sum up what I have said over the last hour. 4 At the beginning/Earlier/To start, I told you the history of my company ... 5 At end / finally/To end with, I'd like to leave you with a final thought... 6 Let me make a few concluding/ending/ final remarks before leaving you ... Asking your audience to take action 6 In his conclusion, Marcus summarizes and asks the audience to take action: 'So that is the end of my presentation and the next thing you need to do is put the plan into action.' Look at the sentences below. Match the two parts to make sentences that call for action. 1 So what I recommend is that we ... a ... forward a proposal for the future. 2 Given the issues that I've just mentioned, b ... calling on you all to work together. where... c ... a few recommendations for future lines of enquiry. 3 I'd like to finish up by making ... d ... put this plan into action immediately. 4 These changes will involve everyone, so I'm ... e ... do we go from here? Let me propose a possible 5 Before leaving you, I'd like to put... solution. Inviting questions and thanking 7 Presentations usually end by thanking the audience and asking if there are any questions. Look at this example from Sabine's conclusion: 'So thank you all for making time to consider these ideas... I'd be delighted to answer any questions or respond to any comments you might have...' Complete the sentences below, using the correct form of have, make, or take. 1 Thank you very much for your attention. Would anyone like to ask any questions or _any comments? 2 Thank you all for listening. Now, I'd be happy to_any questions you might have. 3 I'm afraid we're out of time so I'll have to end it there. Thank you for_the effort to come here today. If anyone has any questions, I'll be around for the next half hour. 4 Thank you once again for _the time to consider these ideas. Now, I'd like to open up the floor for questions. 5 So that just about covers everything. Thanks for listening. Does anyone _any questions? 6 Concluding Presentation task Imagine that you are giving a presentation at a management meeting to agree budgets for the following year. Your presentation is about the need to increase the budget for staff training in your department. At the beginning of the presentation, you gave an example of someone who was not trained properly and the negative consequences of this for your company. Then you spoke about • the importance of training in your department • the key area of training that people need in your area of business • how this training might be delivered (e.g. face-to-face, online, etc.). Think about what you would say about each of the points above for your department. Now prepare the conclusion for this presentation. Remember to • announce the end of the presentation • refer back to the beginning and recap your three main points • make a call to action • thank the audience and ask for questions or comments. Alternative task: business pitch In Unit 3, you began a presentation to a company which was interested in using your company's product or service. Now present the conclusion to that talk. As Andrew said, a call for action is particularly important for a marketing or sales presentation, so don't forget to include this in your conclusion. Your conclusion should take no more than two minutes. Useful phrases Announcing the conclusion We're almost at the end of the presentation. Before I end / finish, I'd like to say ... Before we end, may I just say ... Before I take your questions, I'd like to ... That brings me to the end of my presentation. Let me end by saying a few words about ... Recapping the message and summarizing There are three key points I would like us to remember ... So, to sum up, we have identified three issues ... To recap, today we have covered four important ideas ... Let me summarize the key points ... If there's one thing which I would like you to take away from this presentation, it is ... Calling for action The next thing you need to do is ... Over the next few days, I'd like you to think about the ideas we have covered so that ... Please take these ideas and try them out for yourself ... These are my recommendations: ... Coming full circle / Referring back to the beginning At the beginning of the presentation, I explained .... I hope you can now see how we can move forward ... Earlier we saw ... We can now see ... Thanking your audience Thank you for listening / taking part. Thanks for coming. Finally, I'd like to thank you all for coming / making the effort to come here today ... Thank you for making the time to consider these ideas. I hope you have found them useful ... Asking for questions Are there any questions? Does anyone have any questions or comments? I'd be happy to take your questions now. We have a few minutes left for questions. Feel free now to ask questions or make comments. I'd like to open up the floor for questions. 6 Concluding I 39 Analysis Use this analysis form as a checklist when you prepare your presentation. If you are working with other people on a course, ask someone to complete it for you while they watch your presentation. Answer questions 1 -7 about the conclusion. (Note that a No answer does not necessarily mean there is a problem but consider if there is something missing from the conclusion.) 1 Did the presenter announce that the presentation was about the end? Yes / No 2 Did the presenter recap the key messages? Yes/No 3 Did the presenter refer back to the beginning of the presentation (come full circle)? Yes / No 4 Did the presenter call for action or encourage the audience to do something as a result of the presentation? Yes / No 5 Did the presenter thank the audience? Yes/No 6 Did the presenter invite questions or comments? Yes/No 7 Did the presenter make a lasting impression? Yes/No Add any further comments or suggestions about: strengths areas for improvement Self-assessment After your presentation, spend a few minutes thinking about your performance and make notes about the questions below. 1 What did I do well? 2 What do I need to work on for next time? 3 What have I learned from watching other people's presentations?