' .4 * third edition ENGLISH FILE Intermediate Plus Student's Book ith Pocket Book for speakers of Spanis iTutor checker Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden Mike Boyle OXFORD Special offer! ® Go to www.oup.es/promo @ Enter your code: 1JVAY47 (3) Access digital content and promotions. Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden Mike Boyle ENGLISH FILE Intermediate Plus Student's Book Paul Setigson and Clive Oxenden are the original co-authors of English File 1 and English File 2 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Contents Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation 1 4 A Why did they call you that? pronouns working out meaning from vowel sounds context 8 B True colours adjectives adjective suffixes word stress 12 ■4 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 1 A bad start 2 14 Pack and go! present tenses holidays and U/ 18 B Opening up or closing down? possessives shops and services 's, linking 22 REVISE AND CHECK 1&2 ■< In the street; Short films A farmers' market 3 24 A The generation gap past simple, past continuous, stages of life -ed endings; sentence or used to? rhythm 28 B In the picture prepositions photography word stress 32 Mi PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 2 All kinds of problems 4 34 A That's rubbish! future forms: will / shall and going to rubbish and recycling hi, /ai /, and lei/ 38 B Degrees and careers first and second conditionals study and work 42 REVISE AND CHECK 3&4 ■< In the street; Short films A New York sanitation worker word stress 5 44 A What's on? present perfect simple television /w/, hi, and M 48 B The country in other present perfect continuous countries the country vowel sounds; sentence stress 52 ■4 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 3 Time to tell the police Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation • A Do it yourself obligation, necessity, prohibition, DIY and repairs; paraphrasing consonant clusters advice 58 B At your service can, could, and be able to at a restaurant 62 REVISE AND CHECK 5&6 Mi In the street; Short films The history of flat-pack furniture word pairs with and 64 A Giving it away phrasal verbs cash machines; phrasal verbs linking 68 L Going out and staying in verb patterns 72 Mi PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 4 Is it a due? live entertainment tod, hul and tel; words with two pronunciations 8 74 A Looking after yourself have something done looking after yourself sentence stress 78 B The rest is history the passive; impersonal you history the letters ar 82 REVISE AND CHECK 7&8 Mi In the street; Short films The Globe Theatre 9 84 A Can't remember, can't forget reported speech word families word stress 88 B Wedding dramas uses of the past perfect weddings sentence stress 92 Mi PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 5 FindingHenry 10 94 A America and the world be, do, and have: auxiliary and British and American English sentence stress main verbs 98 B Exam time revision of verb forms exams revision of sounds 102 REVISE AND CHECK 9&10 Mi In the street; Short films A wedding planner 104 Communication 132 Grammar Bank 165 Irregular verbs 113 Writing 152 Vocabulary Bank 166 Sound Bank 122 Listening G pronouns V working out meaning from context P vowel sounds 1A Why did they call you that? It's Caroline, but most people call me Caro. 1 SPEAKING & LISTENING a Work with a partner. Talk about your names. * My full name is... * I'm named after... * Same people call me... for short. * I have a nickname. It's... * I hate it when people call me... b fi.J2))) Listen to four people talking about their names. Write the names down, and tick (§} Tony Joe Robert Sophie 8 S Ryan Liam Michael Simon b With a partner, decide if they are men's names, women's names, or both. Write M, W, or B in the box. Are any of them short for another name? c V p.166 Sound Bank. Look at the typical spellings of the sounds in a. d Look at some common British surnames. How do you think they are pronounced? Adams Evans Harrison Johnson Jones Mason Murray Taylor Walker Wright e 14))) Listen and check. 3 READING & VOCABULARY working out meaning from context a You're going to read an article about names. Before you read, look at the title of the article. In what ways do you think a name can help or hurt you? b Read the article and write the headings in the correct paragraphs. There is one heading you don't need to use. □ Life expectancy □ Popular names □ Names and careers in history Q How people see you B Success at school c Read the article again. Answer the questions with a partner. 1 How do people see you differently if you're called Elizabeth, or Sophie, or Ann? 2 What kind of names might help you to get better results at school? 3 Why might someone called Elbe choose to be an electrician? 4 When you are applying tor a job, is it an advantage or a disadvantage to have an unusual name? 5 What kind of initials should you have if you want to live longer? ^) Guessing the meaning of new words and phrases When you are reading and find a word or phrase you don't know: 1 Decide if you think it's a noun, a verb, an adjective, etc. 2 Try to work out the meaning from the context (the other words around it). 3 If you still can't work out what it means, either ignore it and carry on reading, or use a dictionary to help you. Is your name helping or hurting you? Most of us never think about our names. They're just names and they usually don't mean much - or do they? New research has come out which suggests that our names can affect everything from our emotional well-being to our career paths, and even how long we live. A recent survey asked 6,000 people in the UK to rank common names for men and women in three categories: successful, lucky, and attractive. The results showed a strong preference for certain names. People called James and Elizabeth were seen as the most successful, Jack and Lucy were the luckiest, and Sophie and Ryan were the most attractive. Overall, it seems that the best name for men is James, which came near the top in all three categories. The least desirable ones were George and Ann, which ranked near the bottom in all categories. □_ ^ The potential effects of your name go beyond perceptions. According to several studies, teachers give higher marks to children with attractive names. In the US, where grades are given on a scale from A (excellent) to D (poor), another study found that students with first names beginning with A or B received higher marks than students whose first names started with C or D. □_ Some experts also believe that people are attracted to jobs that sound like their names. One study found that people called Dennis and Denise are more likely to become dentists. There are hairdressers called Harry, artists called Art, and even a lawyer called Sue Yoo*. Even if your name and job don't match, your name could affect your job prospects. A study found that American employers were more likely to consider the CVs of applicants who have 'normal-sounding' names. Researchers also say that companies are more likely to promote people if their names sound successful. It may seem incredible, but there is evidence that your name could affect how long you live. Researchers compared the death certificates of people with 'positive' initials (such asJ.O.Y. or F.U.N.) and people with 'negative' ones (such as D.I.E. or S.A.D.).The results? People with positive initials live about four years longer than the average, while people with negative initials die about three years sooner. So if you have an 'undesirable' name, should you change it to a new one? Most experts say no. For most people, having a positive attitude will help more than giving yourself a new name. *The name Sue Yoo sounds like the phrase 'sue you', which means to make a claim against somebody in court. d Look at the highlighted words or phrases in the article which are related to research. Try to work out what they mean, and how they are pronounced. e Now match them with 1-9. 1 _noun people who study something carefully to discover new facts about it 2 _noun the facts that make you believe something is true 3 _noun an investigation of the opinions of a particular group of people 4 _noun the number you get when you add two or more numbers and then divide the total by the number of figures you added 5 _noun di fferent levels or numbers used for measuring something 6 _verb to put in order according to cpality, importance, etc. 7 _adjective probable or expected 8 _adverb generally 9 _preposition further than f 1.5))) Listen and check. Underline the stressed syllable. g Do you thinkjyour name is helping or hurting you? Why? 4 SPEAKING Do the questionnaire in groups. I WHAT'S IN A NAME? • What are three first names you really like and three you don't like at all? Why do you like or dislike them? • What are the advantages and disadvantages of...? - having a very common name - having a very old-fashioned name - having a very unusual name or a foreign name - being named after a celebrity or royalty - having the same first name as your father or mother • Can you think of people who... - have a name that suits their appearance or personality? Why does it suit them? - have a name that doesn't suit them? Why doesn't it suit them? 5 16») SONG Riofl 6 LISTENING & SPEAKING a Look at the brand names. How do you pronounce them? What do these companies make? b 17))) Listen to a radio programme about brand names. Which of the brands...? 1 is named after a Greek goddess _ 2 is named after the company's founder__ 3 has a name which means 'three stars'_ 4 is named, after a very large number_ 5 has a name which means 'sound' plus 'boy' _ c Listen again and answer the questions. 1 What do the T and 'K' in IKEA stand for? 2 What did Samsung originally sell? 3 What was Nike's original name? 4 Why did Sony's founders choose its name? 5 What does the man say about the spelling of'Google'? d Look at the photos. What are the two products called? Do you know why? e Work in pairs A and B and read about the two products. B >- Communication p.lOA. f A read about how the Kindle was named. Find answers to the questions below. 1 Who named the product? 2 What instructions did the company's founder give for choosing a name? 3 What docs the name mean? 4 Why is the meaning appropriate? How was the Kindle named? There were ebook readers before the Amazon Kindle, but the Kindle was the first to become popular around the world. Since it first appeared in 2007, millions of Kindles have been sold, and in fact Amazon now sells more ebooks than paper books. When it was time to give the Kindle a name, Amazon's founder, Jeff Bezos, asked Michael Cronan to try to think of one. Cronan, who was an American designer, also had a business that created names for companies and products. Bezos told him that he didn't want a high-tech name. Amazon's customers loved traditional paper books and Bezos didn't want to annoy them. Cronan and his wife talked a lot about reading, and about the warm, comfortable feelings people get from it. A lot of different names were considered, but he finally chose 'kindle', which means 'to light a fire'. Cronan thought that this would remind people of the excitement they feel when they are enjoying their favourite book. The name was also inspired by a line from the French novelist Victor Hugo: 'to read is to light a fire'. g Tell B about how the Kindle was named, using questions 1-4 to help you. h Now B will tell vou about how the iMac J was named. i Talk to a partner. 1 What are some well-known brand names from your country? Do you know where the names came from? 2 What's the name of the brand and model of your computer, car, or phone? Why do you think they were given those names? 3 Can you think of a product name which you think is very clever? Why? Do you know one which doesn't suit the product well? 6 1A 7 GRAMMAR pronouns a Look at the sentences from the texts in 6. What do the pronouns in bold refer to? 1 Bezos told him that he didn't want a high-tech name. 2 Amazon's customers loved traditional paper hooks and Bezos didn't want to annoy them. 3 Jobs asked Segallfor a new name that had 'Mac' or 'Macintosh' in it. 4 A few days after coming up with the name, Segall went to Jobs and suggested it to him. b >• p.132 Grammar Bank 1A. Learn more about pronouns and practise them. c 19))) Listen and change the word order in the sentence. Change the direct object to it or them. ))) 1 Give me the book. (^Give it to me. ))) 2 Give her the shoes. (Give them to her. Think of a couple you know well (friends or family). Tell your partner about thern and try to get all of the pronouns right. Give the information below, and anything else you know about them. names jobs how they met pets children appearance personality I'm going to tell you about my neighbours. His name is Mario and hers is Sara. She's a writer and he's an accountant They haven't got any children but they have a dog. Its name is Beppo.. 8 SPEAKING a Read about three new products. Would you like to buy them? Why (not)? b In pairs or groups, talk about what would make a good name for the products. Think about: • the name's meaning, sound, and length • things that the name could remind people of • how you want people to feel about the product • how easy the name would be to pronounce • the names of similar products c Make a list of possible names with your partner or group. The car The exercise machine The translation app F A CAR THAT DRIVES ITSELF! - i This amazing new car does all the driving for you while you read, relax, have a snack, or even have a nap! It's had zero accidents in thousands of hours of testing. Target customers: Busy families, workers with long commutes 0 GET A 30-MINUTE WORKOUT IN 5 MINUTES! This exciting exercise machine works nine major muscle groups and gets your heart working in just a few minutes. Target customers: 6^ #rlfr ^ Men aged 18-30 fcl You say it in your language... they hear it in theirs! mil This smartphone app translates while you talk. Works for up to 12 languages. Target customers: Business people p Making suggestions What about...? What do you think about...? How about...? We could call it... Accepting Rejecting That's a great idea. / think it's too... Yes, let's call it that. That's not bad, but... d Decide on the best name for each product, and think about the reasons why the names are right. e Present your best name to another pair or group. We suggest the name... for the car. It's a perfect name because.. G adjectives V adjective suffixes P word stress IB True colours Are you getting the red shirt? No, I prefer the green one. Green suits me better than red. 1 VOCABULARY adjective suffixes a Take the colour personality test. Then compare your colour choices with a partner. 2 PRONUNCIATION word stress Colour personality test What kind of person are you? Your preferences in colour may reveal the answer! Look at the colours quickly and write l on the colour that immediately attracts you the most. Then number the others 2-8. Don't think about fashion or whether the colour Looks good on you, only on how they make you feel. b >■ Communication Colour and personality p.104. Read the results of the test. c Complete some adjectives from the colour personality test with the right ending -y, -ive, -less, -able, -ish. How do people who have these qualities behave? Word stress on adjectives formed with suffixes When an adjective is formed from a root word and a suffix, the stress is always on a syllable of the root word, e.g. rely. - reliable. The stress does not change when a negative prefix is added, e.g. unreliable. mood rest self. sensit_ socl a Underline the stressed syllable in the bold adjectives in the questions below. Remember it will never be on the prefix or suffix. 1 Who is the most gla]mo|rous person you know? What makes him / her like that? 2 Are you very po|ssejssive of anything, e.g. your phone or your laptop? Why don't you like other people using it? 3 Were you a re[bejlLious child or teenager? What kind of things did you do? 4 What are your most comfor|ta|ble clothes? When do you wear them? 5 Do you think you are a cre|a|tive person? Why (not)? 6 Have you ever been to a very lu|xu|ri|ous hotel or restaurant? Where? Was it worth the money? 7 Have you ever felt en[vi|ous of a brother or sister? Why (not)? 8 What's the most imjpre|ssive monument or building you've ever visited? Why did you like it so much? 9 What kind of un|heal|thy food do you really like eating? 10 What do you think is a sui|ta|ble present to take if somebody invites you for a meal in their house? b fiyi4))) Listen to the adjectives and check. Then listen again and repeat them. c Work with a partner. A ask B questions 1-5. Then B ask A questions 6-10. d >■ p.152 Vocabulary Bank Adjective suffixes. 3 LISTENING & SPEAKING a Look at the website and the photos below. What do you think colour analysis is? Do you know anyone who has tried it? c Listen again. Mark the statements T (true) or F (false). HoC O o HouseW ofColour CQLOUS» OUR. SERVICES * F1M> (nun CONSULTANT ^^^^^^^^^^^^H 'tWECT GIFT * EVt'.NIS MAtiAZtWE » ABDlfT 115 » CONTACT □ □ □ - Ä W i ~1 ftoch ■en Your Image Consultant, Your Personal Stylist and YOU! Welcome to House of Colour - Through expert Colour Analysis, Mike Up tuition and guwmanl by Pergonal Stylit» and highly trained Image Consultants, you will learn everything you need to look great, 'eel wonderful and became your own excellent personal shopper. Discover your Colour for this Season Find out ina on trend cotOW• Hut work tor you b 1 15))) Listen to an interview with Wendy Woodward, a woman who tried colour analysis. Answer the questions. 1 Which photo shows Wendy after she did colour analysis? 2 Why did she do colour analysis? 3 How did she feel after she had done it? Tip: True / False listening • Read the questions before you listen. • Work on one question at a time. • Check your answers when you listen again. 1 A stylish colleague told Wendy about colour analysis. 2 Wendy went on her own to do colour analysis. 3 The colour analyst worked out her colours by making her try on a lot of different clothes. 4 Wendy learned that she was a 'winter' person. 5 Winter people should wear pale colours. 6 Wendy very rarely wears black nowadays. 7 Soon after the colour analysis she bought some cheap new clothes. 8 She exchanged clothes with her friends because they were different seasons. 9 People immediately told her that she looked more glamorous. 10 Wendy's mother and husband have also now done colour analysis. d Listen again and correct the false statements in c. Talk to a partner. 1 Would you like to try colour analysis? Why (not)? 2 What colours do you prefer for these things? Why? • clothes (e.g. T-shirts, trousers, shoes, etc.) • cars • mobile phone cases 3 Do you know anyone who... ? • wears one colour almost all the time • drives a bright red car • dyes his / her hair an unusual colour What are they like? 4 What kind of colours do these words remind you of? Can you explain why? spring autumn summer winter angry relax money love holiday 4 GRAMMAR adjectives a Complete each sentence with a word from the list. as in more most much ones than the 1 According to a paint company survey, the world's_ popular colour is blue. 2 White meat is healthier__red meat. 3 Black tulips arc much more expensive than pink__. 4 The blue whale is the largest creature _ _ the world. 5 Insurance for a red car can be a bit _ _ expensive than for other colours. 6 White tigers are__less common than ordinary tigers. 7 Black tea isn't as good for you_ _green tea. 8 According to a survey,_ most popular car colour in Europe is black. b >■ p.133 Grammar Bank IB. Learn more about adjectives and practise them. c Talk to a partner. Choose two topics or two questions from each section. Compare them! 1 restaurant food and home-made food 2 being an only child and having lots of brothers and sisters 3 the English and people from your country 4 walking or running outdoors and going to the gym 5 studying in the morning and studying at night 6 going on holiday abroad and going on holiday in your country i I think restaurant food is better than my home-made I food because I'm not a very good cook, but it's much V more expensive and it usually isn't as healthy... Extremes! 1 What is place you've ever been to? (hot) 2 Which sportsperson from your country do you think is MMM role model? (positive) 3 Which is (r:r:i";o restaurant in your town? (popular) Which is eb^^h? (expensive) 4 Where are some places you often walk to? Which are HHH to and '._ j from your home? (close, far) 5 Who is iSiaEsssH person you know? (clever) Why do you think so? 6 Where are you HBK3: at home, at work, or somewhere else? Why? (stressed) The hottest place I've ever been to was Rome in August. It was much too hot to go sightseeing... 5 READING a Look at some names for colours from an online clothing website. What colours do you think they are? Would you use any similar words for colours in your language? berry ivory melon mint morning sky mushroom wine b Look at four colours from a well-known UK paint company, Farrow & Ball. How would you describe the colours? c With a partner, try to match the colours to their names. Arsenic Cabbage White Dead Salmon Monkey Puzzle d Read the article about the paint names. Check your answers to c. 1 -;: m _ ' — 10 IB What colour is Dead Salmon: There was a time when you could tell what colour something was by its name. Red, green, even lemon yellow or royal blue immediately told us what something would look like. But, as anyone who has recently bought clothes, a car, or even children's crayons has probably noticed, the trend for giving colours bizarre names is now everywhere, and the image they create in our mind does not necessarily correspond with the actual colour. One company which may have taken this trend the furthest is the popular UK paint company Farrow & Ball. They sell a wide range of beautiful colours with very unusual names. It is easy to laugh at these names, but in fact many of them have stories behind them. ^^^^^^^ffl Why did the company give this attractive brownish-pink colour such a depressing-sounding name? In fact, the name has been used for this colour for more than 200 years. According to Farrow & Ball, the name comes from an 1805 bill for the painting of the library of an old English country house. 'Dead' actually referred to the paint finish, in the way matt or gloss might today. The name of this pleasant greenish-blue colour may surprise people who associate the name with a poisonous chemical and think of it as a white powder. However, in the late 18th century, arsenic was used to create a colour called Paris Green, which was commonly used in paint and wallpaper. Many people became ill as a result of living in houses with Paris Green walls or wallpaper, including, it is said, Napoleon. ^^^^^^^^HThis dark greyish-green colour is named after a kind of pine tree found in Chile and Argentina. The tree got its English name in the 1800s after examples were brought to London, and somebody commented that it would be very difficult to climb, even for a monkey. I^TOffl^^^J This subtle shade of white, which has a slight blueish hint, also gets its name from nature. It is named after the Cabbage White butterfly, so-called because the caterpillars feed on cabbages. e Read the article again. Then cover the text and look at the colour names in c. In pairs, say what you can remember about the origin of the names. f Look at the highlighted adjective and noun phrases. With a partner, try to work out what they mean. g Would you use any of these colours to paint a room in your house? Are unusual colour names a trend in your country as well? 6 SPEAKING & WRITING a You're going to describe your favourite room in your house to a partner. Think about these things: • why it's your favourite room • the decoration and furnishing, e.g. walls, curtains, blinds, cushions • the furniture • paintings, posters • what else is in the room While you listen to your partner ask questions to help you imagine what the room is like. b V p.113 Writing Describing a room. Write a description of your favourite room. Practical I Mm A bad start ■4 JENNY IS BACK IN video _ _ LONDON a 1 19))) Jenny works in New York for the magazine New York 24seven. She has just arrived in London. Watch or listen to her talking to Andrew. How docs he help her? What problem does she have at the end? Mi REPORTING LOST LUGGAGE video Watch or listen again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Correct the F sentences. 1 Jenny is in the U K for business and pleasure. 2 Andrew was on holiday in New York. 3 Jenny's husband (Rob) is working in San Francisco. 4 Andrew gives Jenny back her laptop. 5 He introduces himself, and says his surname is Paton. 6 Jenny's flight to London was delayed. Why do you think: a man was watching Jenny and Andrew? What do you think be is going to do? I a 120))) Watch or listen to Jenny reporting her missing suitcase. Answer the questions. 1 How long is Jenny staying in the UK? 2 What docs her suitcase look like? 3 What's in it? 4 How long will it probably take for Jenny to get her case back? b Watch or listen again. Complete the You Hear phrases in the dialogue on p.13. c 1.21))) Watch or listen and repeat some of the You Say phrases. Copy the rhythm and intonation. d Practise the dialogue with a partner. e mm In pairs, roleplay the dialogue. A You are a passenger on flight BA1722 from San Francisco. You have just landed at London Heathrow Airport and your luggage hasn't arrived, so you go to Lost Luggage to report it. B works at the Lost Luggage counter. Use the Useful language to help you to describe your luggage. B You work at the Lost Luggage counter at London Heathrow Airport. A's luggage hasn't arrived. Take A's details and give a reference number. f Swap roles. o Useful Language: describing luggage Type of luggage: suitcase / case; sports bag; backpack / rucksack Colour: It's dark / light /greyish blue, etc. Material: It's made of hard plastic / canvas / synthetic material, etc. Size: It's small / medium size / large Extras: It has four wheels / a logo / a label, etc. ))) You Hear You Say Can I help you? Yeah, my suitcase hasn't arrived. . flight were you on? Flight RT163 from JFK. I'll take your_and then I can issue you with a reference number. Can I have your name, please? My name's Jenny Zielinski. That's Z-l-E-L-l-N-S-K-l. And you're a. How. to the UK. _ are you That's right. staying for? Ten days. OK, How many . are you missing? Just one - a suitcase. Can you. it for me? Well, it's kind of greyish blue... and hard plastic, I think. And what. is it? Oh, it's medium size, like this. And it has wheels. Anything else? Yeah, there's a small lock and a label with my name and phone number on it. And what was_ _the suitcase? Just about everything! Clothes, toiletries, all my personal belongings, really. Can I have your__in the UK? Just a minute. It's The Grange, Marsh Lane, Long Crendon, Oxfordshire. And a. .number? Yes, it's 001 202 494 012. And finally, can you _this? Of course. Do you have any idea where it is? I mean, do you think it's still in New York? It's possible. We're very for the inconvenience. Here's your reference number. You can track the progress of your luggage___, or just give us a call. But we should be able to get it back to you within 24 hours. That'd be great. Thank you. M AT HENRY'S HOUSE VIDEO 1 22))) Watch or listen to the rest of Jenny's day. What other problem does she have? Watch or listen again. Answer the questions. 1 What does Hen ry help jenny with? 2 Is Rob having a good time in Alaska? Why (not)? 3 What is Jenny drinking? 4 Whose computer is she using? 5 Who is Luke? 6 When is Jenny goi ng to see him? Why? 7 What is Hen ry going to lend jenny? Who is Selina Lavelle? Why do you think Grant (the man who was following them) is watching Henry's house? Look at the Social English phrases. Can you remember any of the missing words? Social English phrases Henry (And) it's______to see you. It's_to see you too. No, no,_me take that. Jenny Henry Henry Jenny Rob Jenny Rob Rob . me. You've had a hard journey._ It's weird,_it? I really_____you. Oh no! That's_. It's not your__, is it? Oh_! You'll look great in those, Jenny! d" 1 23))) Watch or listen and complete the phrases. e Watch or listen again and repeat the phrases. How do you say them in your language? Can you...? |] explain why you are travelling to a place ~] report lost luggage J greet someone you haven't seen for some time | | sympathize with someone about a problem G present tenses V holidays P /s/ and /// What time does your At 9.00. I'm flight leave? getting the 7 o'clock train to the airport. 2A Pack and go! 1 VOCABULARY holidays a Look at the X-ray pictures of a backpack and a suitcase at airport security. Can you identify the 12 items inside them? Which item(s)...? 1 do you have to take out of your bag when you go through security 2 are you not allowed to take through security >• p.153 Vocabulary Bank Holidays. c Make a list of the ten most important things you make sure you take with you when you go on holiday. d Compare with a partner. How many things are different? e Read the introduction to an article. What do you think the top three things are that the British most often forget to pack? Home | News Sport [ TV | Health | Science Travel Money Britons spend £118 million replacing forgotten holiday items By TRAVEL REPORTER Forty-one per cent of Britons forget to pack at least one essential item when they go on holiday, according to a survey. In total, almost 15 million important holiday items are left behind each year, and Britons spend £118 million buying these things again once they reach their destination. 0 Comment B Prim 2 PRONUNCIATION s and z/ a Look at the word below. What sound do the pink letters have, or scissors b 1 28))) Listen and check. Practise saying it. c 1 29))) Listen and write the words in the correct column. bags cruise flip flops holidays massage passport pyjamas razor safari sunset swimsuit towels 1 27))) Listen to the top ten items in reverse order, and write them down. Did you guess the top three correctly? Have you or has anybody you know ever forgotten something really important when they went on holiday? What happened? d ri>30))) Listen and check. Practise saying the words. e >- p.167 Sound Bank. Look at the typical spellings of the sounds. In what position is s never pronounced /z/? f Practise saying the phrases some sunglasses shoes and socks summer clothes striped pyjamas bags and cases see the sights 14 LISTENING SPEAKING a WRITING a 1 31))) Listen to five airport security screeners. Match them with pictures A-E. b '1,'32))) Listen to an interview with a US security scrcencr. Docs she feel mainly positive or mainly negative about her job? c Listen again. Choose a, b, or c. O Tip: Multiple-choice listening • Read the questions carefully before you listen. • Don't choose an option just because it has a word you heard in the recording. Make sure all of the information is correct. 1 She mentions taking away people's_. a food and drink b scissors and razors c perfume and shampoo 2 When she has to take things away from passengers she___. a enjoys it b feels bad about it c thinks it's just a routine part of her job 3 What she likes best about her job is____. a meeting all sorts of di fferent people b keeping the things that she takes away from passengers c being able to get free flights 4 Some of her colleagues get angry with people who__. a are rude b are trying to hide things c are slow 5 She thinks some screeners can be unfriendly because_. a they work long hou rs b the job is very repetitive c the rules are always changing 6 One th ing that annoys her about passengers is that_. a they complain about travelling b they get aggressive c they don't know the rules 7 Passengers are most polite to the security screeners_. a early in the morning b in the afternoon c late at night Have you ever had a problem going through airport security? What happened? Was the screener friendly? Look at the page from a website. Read some of the ideas for cheap holidays. Discuss the questions with a partner. 1 What do you think are the pros and cons of each idea? 2 Do you know anyone who has done these things? Were they a success? A | NEWS | SPORT | BUSINESS CULTURE Want a cheap holiday? Try these ideas 1 Go couch-surfing. On websites like couchsurhng.org, local people will let you sleep on their sofa for free. It's not luxury travel, but you'll meet friendly locals and see how they really live. 2 Swap houses. Exchange houses with someone in the place you're going to visit. You stay in their place, and they stay in yours. Websites like homelink.org can arrange this for a small fee. 3 Save on travel costs. Book early for good offers with low-cost airlines. Use special services such as InterRail for travelling around Europe by train, or check out car-sharing websites like ridefinder.eu. 4 Eat street food. In many cities, even really expensive ones, you can find food which is both tasty and cheap at stalls in the street. For example, try crepes in Paris, kebabs in Istanbul, tacos in Mexico City. Most places have their own delicious speciality. 5 Try 'voluntourism'. These holidays combine volunteer work and tourism. Help in an orphanage, work on an organic farm, and more - all for free. You'll save money and have experiences you'd never find on a package holiday. b With a partner, write short paragraphs on three more ideas for saving money on holiday. Give reasons why each one is a good idea. / If you travel off-season, you'll save money on train v. and plane tickets, hotel rooms, and even food. c Show your three ideas to another pair. Which tips are the most useful? GRAMMAR present tenses Caroline's going on holiday to Majorca, (^hcj^) the right verb form to complete her tweets. Tick (/) if both forms are possible. Caroline 2h ago Just arrived at the airport.1 / wear / I'm wearing a sunhat and flip flops and 2 / look like I I'm looking like a typical tourist. # Majorcaherelcome! Caroline lh ago Oh no! I can't find my boarding pass! My flight3 boards / is boarding at 11:00... 30 minutes from now... # Majorcaherelcome! Caroline 50m ago Great news. Just found my boarding pass in the book4 / read / I'm reading. 5 / have I I'm having a quick drink in the bar to celebrate! # Majorcaherelcome! b Compare answers with a partner. Explain why you think each form is right. c >• p.134 Grammar Bank 2A. Learn more about present tenses and practise them. d >- Communication Caroline's holiday plans A p.105, B p.106. e Make questions with the present simple or present continuous. Then ask and answer with a partner. Holidays • / you / prefer summer holidays or winter holidays? Why? • / you / plan a holiday at the moment? Which places / you / think about? What / you / want to do there? Weekends • What / you / usually do at the weekend? • What / you / do this weekend? Today • What time / this class / finish? Where / you / go after class today? • What / you / do / this evening? Where / you / have dinner? READING a Think of some times when you have seen or met tourists from another country. Discuss the questions. 1 Where were the tourists from? 2 Where were they and what were they doing? 3 What was your impression of them? b You are going to read an article about two tourism surveys. Before you read, discuss the questions with a partner. Choose answers from the nationalities in the list. Which nationality or nationalities...? the Americans the British the French the Germans the Greeks the Italians the Japanese the Spanish 1 enjoy doing sport on holiday 6 are considered very polite 2 love sunbathing 7 leave the worst tips 3 almost never sunbathe on holiday 8 leave the most generous tips 4 drink more alcohol than usual 9 make a lot of noise on holiday 10 dress well when they are 5 are the world's best tourists on holiday Read the article once, and compare your answers to the findings in the surveys. How many did you guess correctly? Read the article again. Look at the highlighted words and phrases. With a partner, work out their meanings. What different nationalities do on holida >1 A new survey of holiday makers in Europe and the USA has found that the holiday you enjoy may depend on the country you come from. Some holiday destinations were popular among all nationalities. The beach, for instance, was the undisputed leader among all destinations in the survey. Activity holidays are also popular, for example, cycling, sailing, or trekking holidays. Even when their main aim is to relax, travellers said that they enjoyed seeing the sights and visiting places of interest in and around their holiday destination. There are, however, country-specific differences: • The Greeks are particularly keen on sport during their holidays, with 75% engaging in some kind of sporting activity. ■ Sunbathing is extremely popular with the Germans. Almost 50% named it as their favourite holiday activity, especially on Spanish beaches - in fact 25% of high-income Germans are planning to go to Spain in the next 12, months. Going hiking and eating out in upmarket restaurants came second and third for Germans. • Citing concerns about skin cancer, only one in ten Americans said sunbathing was something they would do on holiday. Eager to soak up the history and culture that they can't find at home, 46% of Americans prefer to go on tours of museums, historic buildings, and other places of interest. • About 60% of UK travellers admitted drinking more while away than they would normally do, with 28% saying they had five or more alcoholic drinks every day. ... and what the locals think of them Another survey, conducted by Expedia, an online travel company, has ranked the Japanese as the world's best tourists. The British and the Canadians rank second and third among the 27 nationalities in the survey. The survey also revealed that the French, have the reputation for being the world's worst tourists. Around 4,500 hoteliers across the globe gave their opinions on the best travellers overall, as well as on specific categories including politeness, generosity, behaviour, fashion sense, tidiness, and how much they complain. The survey found that: • The Japanese, British, Canadians, Germans, and Australians are considered the most polite tourists. The French were considered the most impolite. • Hoteliers also found the French to be the most frugal and the meanest tippers. The biggest tippers were the Americans, followed by the British, the Germans, and the Japanese. • The top three loudest nations were the Americans, the Italians, and the Spanish. The Japanese were ranked as the quietest. ■ The Americans were at the bottom of the list for fashion sense, with the stylish Italians and French taking top prize. • The Japanese, Germans, and British were considered the tidiest tourists. The Americans ranked at the bottom here as well. • The Japanese were ranked as the least likely to complain, followed by the Canadians and the Swiss. The nationalities who complained the most were the Americans, the Germans, and the French. e Talk to a partner. 1 What would you say are the favourite holiday destinations for people from your country? What do they like to do there? 2 How do you think people feel about tourists from your country in the categories from the survey (polite, generous, etc.)? 7 SPEAKING a Choose two of the ideas below to talk about. Think about what you are going to say, and make notes. a place I'd really like to go to for a holiday a great winter holiday 1 once had things I do differently when I'm on holiday (clothes, tipping, activities...) a holiday I will always remember from my childhood things tourists do that annoy me a family holiday when everyone argued a holiday when I had a lot of problems a holiday when I did a lot of sport Work with a partner or in small groups. Talk about your topics, giving as much information as you can. Listen to the other student(s) and ask for more information. Asking for more information Ask questions about what people say to show interest and keep the conversation going. Reaily? Why is / was that? What will / did you do next? What is / was it like? Would you do it again? 8 WRITING >• p.114 Writing Holiday tweets. Write a series of holiday tweets. 9 37))) SONG Destination: Anywhere CítísU 2A H G possessives V shops and services P 's; linking Where did you get your bag? pening up or closing down? At a small shop a friend of mine recommended. 1 VOCABULARY shops and services a Look at the photos. Do you usually buy these things... ? • online • in a small local shop • in a supermarket, hypermarket, or department store • in another way b p.154 Vocabulary Bank Shops and services. c Talk to a partner. What's the di fference between... ? 1 a DI Y store and a hypermarket 2 a stationer's and a newsagent's 3 a dry cleaner's and a launderette 4 an estate agent's and a travel agent's 5 'the shop's closing' and 'the shop's closing down' LISTENING & SPEAKING a Look at the photos. Do you see similar sights in any areas of your town? b Read the article about high streets in the UK. Why have they changed so much? What are some towns trying to do? Can anyone save the British high street? The high street was once the heart of communities across the UK. The butcher's, baker's, and greengrocer's were all there, run by locals who knew their customers by name. But today one in seven high street shops has closed down, or has been replaced by a cafe or a beauty salon, as shoppers drive to out-of-town hypermarkets or malls, or buy online. The recession doesn't help either. In the worst-hit towns, more than one-third of the small high street shops have disappeared To try to save their high streets, some towns now offer free parking nearby. Others plan to have live music and theatre performances in the town centre, and others are encouraging small businesses to move into empty shop spaces and open 'pop-up shops' (quirky, interesting shops that close or change after a few weeks). The towns are hopeful, but are these efforts too little, too late? c 1 40))) Listen to four people talk about their local shopping street. Who is most optimistic about the situation of small shops? d Listen again and complete the chart. Harry Kate Ken Bea 1 Where do you live? 2 What shops are there near you? 3 What's happening to smalt shops in your area? Why? Do you think this is a good or bad thing? Interview a partner with the questionnaire below. My local shops 1 What kinds of shops are there near where you live? 2 Do you go to them much? If not, where do you buy things? J What shops have opened up or closed down near you? Are you pleased or sorry about it? ! Are there any markets near you? Do you ever go to them? Do you have a favourite stall? 5 What chain stores are there near you? (H&M, Zara, etc.) Do you shop there? How do you feel about them? Are they in competition with local shops? 6 Are small shops in your country struggling? Do you think it's important to support them? Why (not)? 3 GRAMMAR possessives a With a partner decide if the highlighted phrases are right (/) or wrong (X). Correct the wrong phrases. 1 Could you tell me where to find childrens' books? 2 What's Carlos's surname? I can never remember it. 3 I'm going to Marta's to study this afternoon. 4 Is this your new car's husband? It's lovely! 5 I mustn't forgetit's the my mother's birthday tomorrow. 6 I'm sure you'll like Tony. He's a really old friend of mine. 7 I didn't like the film's beginning, but the end was good. 8 One day I'd love to have mine own flat. b >- p.135 Grammar Bank 2B. Learn more about possessives and practise them. 4 PRONUNCIATION 's; linking O The pronunciation of's The's, like the s added to plural nouns and the third person of verbs, can be pronounced in three different ways: 1 /s/ after the unvoiced sounds Ikl, Ipl, HI, HI, and 10/ 2 III after voiced sounds (most other sounds) 3 fOl after Is/, hi, /<£/, l% and If a 1 44))) Read the information box. Then listen and repeat the phrases. myp arents' house my wife's brother 2 d^ my friend's car the men's toilets Charles's flat my niece's husband b 1 45))) Listen to the phrases. Is the's 1 /s/, 2 Izl, or 3 /iz/? | Maria's mother Q Max's motorbike | | Philip's phone Q Mr Smith's salary ) Tom's train ] my neighbours' new dog j my wife's work Q George's job c Practise saying the phrases. d <\L, 46))) Listen and repeat the sentences, linking the marked words. Do you know why they are linked? 1 What's the name^of the shop? 2 Jane's^,anwex-colleague^,of^ours. 3 Some friends^of mine^are coming for dinner this^,evening. 4 Is that^all your^own work? 5 He lives^at the top^of the hill. 6 We're having lunch^at^Anne's. 7 They make their^own bread. e Practise saying the following sentences with a partner. Do you agree? 1 Mother's Day and Father's Day are just commercial opportunities for shops to sell more. 2 A chemist's should be open 24 hours a day. 3 It's safer to eat meat bought from a butcher's or a market than from a supermarket. 4 There's no point in spending much on children's clothes and shoes because they don't last for long. 5 If you don't like your friend's partner, it's better not to say so. 6 There should be a law against a boss's children being employed in his or her company. 5 READING a You're going to read about a UK shopping site, NotOnTheHighStreet.com. Why do you think the founders decided to call it that? b Now read About us and check. NOT ON THE HIGH STREET Where everything has a story ABOUT US Award-winning entrepreneurs Holly Tucker and Sophie Cornish founded the website NotOnTheHighStreet.com from a kitchen table. Two working mothers, they loved discovering handmade and beautiful objects for themselves and as gifts, the kind of things that were sold in quirky markets, craft fairs or small boutiques. But finding these places took time. So Sophie and Holly came up with an idea. What if there were one place which brought together unique and hard-to-find objects from all over the UK? From this idea, NotOnTheHighStreet.com was born. Launched with just 100 sellers, there are now thousands of talented and creative small businesses who sell here, with more joining every week. Each seller hand-makes their products, and sends them directly to the buyer. Happy shopping! Read about three of their sellers. Write the questions in the right place. There is one question you do not need. A What are your ambitions for the future? B What sort of products do you make and sell? C How does the place where you live influence your products? D Do you also sell in shops or only from the website? E How is your health now? F Where did you start your company and where do you work now? G When did you set up your business and why? Read about the sellers again. Answer the questions with KW, AB, or EC. Which seller...? 1 makes things that people speci Really ask her for 2 gives some of the money she makes to a good cause 3 started her business after she moved house 4 would like her business to be more international 5 started working again after a period of not being able to 6 creates products out of unwanted things e Look at the highlighted words related to crafts and work out their meanings. f If you were able to buy one thing from one of the sellers, what would you buy? Who would you buy it for? SPEAKING Choose three of the topics and tell a partner about them. Give as much information as you can. Talk about something you've bought which.. was personalized for you made you feel better you bought directly from the person who made it was made was a present for a friend or relative you couldn't really afford, but you just had to have locally was eco-friendly you later had to take back to the shop gifts home garden pictures & prints jewellery fashion baby & child pets weddings see more SOME OF OUR SELLERS KRESSE WESLING 1 _ _ My husband and I have built our entire business around 'upcycling' -recycling old materials to make something new. We take old fire hoses* and create belts, wallets, phone cases, and bags from them. What inspired you to start your business? Recycling has always been a passion of ours. As soon as I saw some of the London Fire Brigade's old hoses, I instantly fell in love with them. We now collect old hoses across the country and 50% of the profits go to the Fire Fighters Charity. 2 _? It started in a single room where we lived in Brixton, London. Now we have a large workshop. We've recycled over 170 tonnes of hoses. 'hose = a long tube made of rubber used for putting water onto a fire, gardens, etc. 1^ ABIGAIL BRYANS Describe your product range. What makes it unique? I make wooden signs with clever sayings. 'Champagne is the answer* is one of my most popular signs. I also get many fantastic requests for personalized signs from customers. About ten years ago, I was on my own with three small children and no job. Over the years I had made small gifts like photo frames and sold them to friends, and it was a friend of mine who told me, 'Don't be frightened to fail'. Hearing those words inspired me to start the business. Now I'm working full-time at my kitchen table in south London. I would just love my designs to be sold around the world. I'd also love a little workshop so that I didn't have to work in my kitchen! EDWINA COOPER What inspired you to create your business? I'd always enjoyed painting, but about ten years ago I had a stroke*. I couldn't speak or move my right hand, which I use to paint. The doctors said I'd never paint again but I slowly got better. A few years later, a friend asked me to do an illustration for her business. She liked what I did and it inspired me to start painting again. Much better. I'm fully recovered now and I'm selling my hand-painted cushions on NotOnTheHighStreet.com. I'm so happy that people like what I do. My husband, son, and I moved to the Isle of Wight about seven years ago, which is when I started painting cushions at home. I'm inspired by the island, and my customers say my paintings make them feel like they're on the island with me. "stroke = a sudden serious illness when a blood vessel (= tube) in the brain bursts or is blocked evise an ec GRAMMAR ((5kcle)a,b, ore. 1 I emailed _ _the photos. a her b she c hers 2 What are_surnames? a them b theirs c their 3 He made_. a for me coffee b coffee for me c coffee to me 4 My sister_. a lent them to us b them lent to we c lent to we them 5 The red shoes are nice, but 1 prefer those_. a blue one b blues ones c blue ones 6 He's_man I've ever met. a the bossiest b the most bossy c the more bossy 7 She's__in her new job than she was before. a much more happy b more happier c much happier 8 The film was_than the book. a a bit better b bit better c a bit more better 9 _a word he says. a I'm not believing b I don't believe c I'm not believe 10 You look worried - what_about? a are you thinking b you are thinking c do you think 11 Where_onholiday this summer? a do you go b are you going c you go 12 _our grandparents next weekend. a We're visiting b We're visit c We visit 13 I love looking at other_fam ily photos. a people's b peoples' c people' 14 What's the_where you were born? a village's name b village name c name of the village 15 We grow all_. a the own vegetables b our own vegetables c ours own vegetables VOCABULARY a Complete the sentences with an adjective made from the bold word. 1 My grandmother is extremely_. glamour 2 Teenagers can be very_. mood 3 Don't be so_! child 4 She's very__. She won't do anything stupid, sense 5 He's always been_-he loves painting, create 6 Their car's not really_for a family of four, suit 7 Our hotel room was_. luxury 8 Work is very_at the moment, stress 9 It's a bit_to carry so much money, risk 10 Her Russian is very_. impress b Complete the words. 1 There are lots of mosquitoes - where's the i_r__? 2 We're going on a s_in Kenya -1 hope we see elephants! 3 It's a p_holiday, so everything's included. 4 He stayed in the sun for too long and he got s_. 5 It always takes me ages to p_my bags. 6 I need a new m_c_. The one in my camera is full. 7 Free g_tours of the museum leave every hour. 8 I can't go swimming. I don't have my s_. c Where can you buy these things? Write the name of the shop. 1 meat _ 5 aspirins _ 2 a newspaper _ 6 a house _ 3 bread _ 7 fish _, 4 flowers _ PRONUNCIATION a (Circle)the word with a different sound. toothpaste safari expensive baker's sunbathe butcher's brush fishmonger raincoat comb memory overall possessive clothes bizarre sights delicious envious chemist's healthy b Underline the stressed syllable. 1 im pul sive 3 pro fi ta ble 5 news a gent's 2 sight see ing 4 am bi tious 22 r CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a Read the article once. Do you agree that the kind of holiday you enjoy depends on your personality? 'Choosing the right holiday is more than just picking a place or experience that sounds fun or interesting,' says Arthur Hoffman of Expedia Asia Pacific. 'Travellers should think carefully about what they and their travel companions are like, and then research travel destinations,' he says. 'This will help ensure the right holiday for the right person and their personality.' So here's some advice on what different personality types should look for when picking their next holiday. Extrovert / introvert Extroverts enjoy holiday experiences that provide high levels of excitement, novelty, risk-taking, and social interaction.1_, restaurants, and crowded cafes rather than art galleries and temples or churches. They love action-packed holidays that never stop. Introverts are the opposite: they like activities that promote reflection and intellectual or spiritual experiences. Nervous / relaxed Nervous individuals tend to prefer destinations, cultural activities, and food types that remind them of home or of past travel experiences. When travelling overseas, they often choose restaurants that serve food similar to their country of origin. Unusual experiences tend to worry them.2__, they can find resorts or holiday experiences with high levels of socialising and activities stressful. Relaxed people are just the opposite. They are OK with trips involving unknowns, and take new challenges in their stride. Open / closed Open people will rarely go back to the same destination unless they have fallen in love with the place and want to explore it further. They enjoy big cities that offer lots of variety, such as Mumbai, London, Paris, New York, or Sydney. Closed people visit places they have fond memories of, such as their hometowns.3_. Conservative / eccentric Conservative types will often take holidays that others will be impressed by within their immediate social circles.4__and showing them their latest holiday photos. Eccentrics take holidays that might not win them much social approval, such as bird-watching in Siberia! Careful / spontaneous Careful people like to plan well in advance - way before a holiday even begins. They want to know the exact where, when, and why of their holiday, and often have a long list of must-sees. 5 _ and will spend a lot of time researching on the internet and reading travel guides. They often record their holidays through photos, videos, travel diaries, or blogs. Spontaneous people don't make plans and will go along with the flow. b Read the article again and complete it with phrases A—F. There is one sentence you do not need. A They tend to have strict time and money budgets B They often go back to the same holiday destination again and again C They tend to prefer busy, lively places D They love telling others where they have been E They often go on holiday with large groups of friends F Although they prefer not to travel alone m CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE VIDEO ____ — PEOPLE? 1 47))) In the street Watch or listen to five people and answer the questions. Diarmuid Edisha James Sean Elayne 1 Diarmuid's mother chose his name to help him to remember_. a a person b a city c a country 2 Edisha's names were chosen by__. a her father b her mother c her aunts 3 Two colours James says he likes, or used to like are_ a red and green b green and blue c red and blue 4 What Sean remembers about the holiday is_. a watching the rain b playing in the rain c arguing in the rain 5 Elayne prefers to shop online because_. a it's more convenient for her b she doesn't like all the people in the malls c she likes the choice you have online CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? Do the tasks with a partner. Tick (/) the box if you can do them. Can you...? 1 Q agree or disagree with this statement, and say why: Our names can affect how successful we are in life. 2 Q talk about whatmakes a successful brand name 3 '_I compare how different nationalities behave on holiday 4 | | ask and answer these questions: • What do you usually take on holiday? Have you ever forgotten anything important? • What shops are there where you live? How are they changing? Where do you usually do your shopping? Short films A farmers' market video watch and enjoy a film on iTutor. G past simple, past continuous, or used to? V stages of life P -ed endings; sentence rhythm 3A The generation gap What were you like as a teenager? Very different! I used to have long hair, and I played in a rock group. 1 GRAMMAR past simple, past continuous, or used to? a Look at the picture of a school playground. Which child or children do you think is / are...? a tomboy a 'girly' girl a bookworm a well-behaved child quarrelling being naughty b 2 2))) Listen and check. Do you identify with any of them? Which one? Why? c Read the posts on a blog where people write about what they were like as children. Who thinks they have changed the most / the least? d With a partner,(circle)the correct form of the highlighted verbs. Why is the other form not possible? e >■ p.136 Grammar Bank 3A. Learn more about the past simple, the past continuous, and used to, and practise them. What kind of child were you... and have you changed? I Nick I'd say I was a pretty well-behaved child. I loved toy cars, and xl was spending /1 used to spend hours lining them up to create traffic jams. I was an only child so I didn't have as much opportunity to be naughty as other kids! I think I'm still someone who avoids conflict but sadly I don't have as much of an imagination as I used to. Laura I was a good mix between girly girl and tomboy. I loved playing outside - but 1 didn't like jeans, I liked pretty clothes. For example, I remember once when I climbed a really high tree but I couldn't get down, because21 was wearing /1 used to wear a pink frilly dress and it got caught in the branches! In that sense I haven't changed much. I still love wearing pretty clothes and I still love going for walks in the country. Sarah As a child3 / used to be /1 was being very shy. My dad was in the army so my family moved around a lot, a different school almost every year. I became a lot more confident after 4 / started j I used to start university. A lot of the people at uni didn't know anybody else, so it was easier to make friends. In fact nowadays many people see me as outgoing! 24 2 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING -ed endings; sentence rhythm a '2j5))) Listen to the three different pronunciations of the -ed ending. 1 I used to be shy. I liked animals. I've changed alot. I enjoyed exams. 3/id/ 1 started school. It ended in tears. 12 6))) Listen to some more regular past simple verbs. How is the -ed ending pronounced? Tick (S) the right box. Ill Idl /id/ 1 I hated eating vegetables. n □ □ 2 We looked alike. □ n □ 3 I tried everything. □ □ □ 4 We lived abroad. □ □ 5 I hoped to pass. □ n □ 6 We decided to move. r j □ c Practise saying the sentences. Past or present? When the -ed ending is pronounced l\l or Id/, it can often be difficult to hear whether a regular verb is in the past or present tense. Use the context to help you. d (2)7))) Listen to six more sentences. Are the verbs in the present or past? Write Pr or Pa. in 2D 3D 4i.: 5L_ 6D e 2;8))) Listen to the rhythm of the conversation below. Then practise it with a partner. Copy the rhythm, and try to pronounce the -ed endings correctly. a When was the last time you stayed at a hotel? b Last year. We were driving to the SOUth for a holiday, and we Stopped at a hotel for the night on the way. a Did you USe to gO to hotels when you were a Child? b No, we used to spend the holidays at my grandparents'. They lived in a village in the country. f Talk to a partner. Events in your life Take it in turns to ask and answer the questions with the past simple form of the verb. I you born? (be) I you m when you HH a child? (live, be) ■ you when you Ml primary school? (be, start) ■ your first day? (enjoy) What mm you mml{do) the first time you MM abroad? (be, travel) Where ■ Where ■ How old l ■Hyou I WhenM Where ■ I you I I? (go) 4 When MM the last time you mm a meal for friends? (be, cook) What BSD you HH ? (make) Mi your friends mm it?(like) 5 When the last time you mm relatives? (be, visit) who mm you an? (visit) what mm you mm? (do) (^Where were you born? ! was born in a small town called Morella^~^ When I was younger Do you agree with these statements? If you do, explain why. If you don't, change them so that they're true for you. When I was younger... 1 my town used to have better shops and services than it does today. 2 children used to spend more time playing outside than they do now. 3 people used to cook more, and eat out less. 4 the weather didn't use to be as changeable. 5 more young people used to go to university. Now they all want to get a job when they finish school. 6 people didn't use to watch so much TV. / / don't agree with 1.1 think there used to be fewer good shops. V We now have a new shopping mall outside the centre of town. What was happening? Add two more times and dates that you remember well to the list. Where were you then? What were you doing? • at midnight on 31 December of last year • at 9.00 last night • at lunchtime on your last birthday At midnight on 31 December of last year, I was at a friend's house. We were playing music and dancing... 3A 25 3 VOCABULARY stages of Life a Which stage of life is each person in? Match the people and the photos. [Zla baby a toddler □ a child a pre-teen a teenager □ in his / her early twenties (= 20-23) in his / her mid-thirties (= 34-36) in his / her late forties (= 47-49) □ a pensioner middle-aged The word middle-aged means different things to different people, but usually refers to a person in their forties or fifties. I'm not sure how old he is, but he looks middle-aged. 2 9))) Listen and check. Which stages of life do you associate with...? • nursery school / primary school / secondary school • learning a language / learning to swim / learning to drive • going to bed early / staying up late / sleeping late • having your first boyfriend or girlfriend / your first job / your first grandchild • going to work abroad / being self-employed / being retired Think of three people you know who are in different stages of life in a. Tell your partner about them. My sister Ana is in her mid-thirties, but she looks younger. She's married and has a six-month old baby called Mario. She used to work as a nurse but now she's at home looking after Mario. 4 LISTENING a Can you always tell how old someone is from their appearance? What other ways are there of telling a person's age, e.g. the kind of music they like? b '2 10))) Listen to Part 1 of a local radio news report on teenagers and answer the questions. 1 Who is able to hear the Mosquito Tone? 2 Were both the presenters able to hear it? 3 Were you able to hear it? How did it make you feel? c 2 11))) Listen to Part 2 of the news story. What is the Mosquito Tone being used for? Does everybody think it's a good idea? d Listen to Part 2 again. Complete the information in your own words. 1 Some shop owners think that teenage gangs can... 2 Shop owners think that the Mosquito Tone... for them. 3 They say that it doesn't... 4 Some groups of people are trying to... because they think it's harmful and unfair. 5 The Mosquito Tone has been released as... 6 This allows teenagers to... e Do you think the shop owners and teenagers are using the Mosquito Tone in an appropriate way? Why (not)? 26 3A READING & SPEAKING a Look at the headlines of three news stories. In groups of three, say what you think each one is about. Under 16? This is no place for you! Babies at the movies Airline's new child rules cause controversy b You arc going to read one of the three articles and tell each other about it. Work in groups of three. >- Communication News stories B p.105. C p.106. c A read the article below and find answers to the questions. 1 What new idea is being tried? Where? 2 What problem is this idea meant to solve? 3 Who will be affected by it? 4 What good points about this idea are mentioned? 5 What problems with the idea are mentioned? Hornel I Sport | TV&Showbiz i Health | Science | Travel Money Under 16? This is no place for you! As from today, teenagers under 16 will be banned from the centre of the Welsh town of Bangor at night. This is the first time a town in the UK has banned children from an entire city centre. The aim of the new rule is to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in the town centre. In the last year, the area has seen a large number of robberies committed by young people. The new curfew, which applies between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m., means that any person under 16 who is caught in the centre of town without a parent or adult guardian could go to jail for three months or pay a £2,500 fine. Both parents and some politicians have criticized the rule, which they say treats all young people like criminals. Sports groups, youth centres, and even churches could be affected, they say. One mother said: 'My son is 16, and he wouldn't be allowed to walk home from the bus stop with these rules.' Another resident said: 'The idea is simply crazy.' d Read the article again. Work out the meaning of the highlighted words and phrases, and then complete the glossary. Check the pronunciation of the words and phrases. e Work in groups with B and C. Tell each other your stories. Try to use the words from the glossary and explain them to B and C if necessary. f Discuss the questions with your group. 1 Do you think these are good ideas? Why (not)? 2 Are there any places in your town where babies, children, or teenagers aren't allowed? 3 Are there any places where you don't think babies / small children, teenagers, adults, or old people should be allowed? Why? don't think children should be allowed in spas. It's a place to relax, and children make a noise in the pool. 6 SPEAKING & WRITING a What were you like as a child, or as a teenager? Tell a partner. Talk about three of the topics in either When I was a child... or When I was a teenager.., . Say how you're different today. When I was a child... • my favourite toy • foods I used to love / hate eating • games and sport • something I used to be afraid of • a time I hurt myself quite badly • things I used to have to do every day When I was a teenager... • my best friend • subjects I used to love / hate • clothes and hair • a singer/group I used to listen to a lot • someone I used to quarrel with • a time when I got in a lot of trouble Glossary 1_ /'kxJjui/iMHjn a time after which people are not allowed to go outside their homes 2 _/'amli 'S3ij.ll br'lictvjad)/ noun a way of acting that is not considered acceptable by other people 3 _/bam/ verb said officially that something is not allowed 4____/fain/ raimasum of money thatyou have to pay for breaking a law or rule b Write a paragraph for the blog in 1 about what you used to be like as a child (or as a teenager) and if you have changed. 7 2 12))) SONG Young folks Si 3A 27 % I 1 . M G prepositions m V photography ^^^^^k » I P word stress Who's this It's me when picture of? 1 was a child. It 3B In the picture remmas me or ail the wonderful family^ ^^days we hacf^ 1 VOCABULARY photography 2 PRONUNCIATION word stress a Look at the photo. Where was it taken? Do you have any photos of yourself in front of a famous monument? a 2 16))) Underline the stress in the words beginning with photo. Listen and check. Practise saying the words. 1 pho;to|graph 4 phojtojgra phic 2 photographer 5 photogenic 3 pho|to|gra;phy 6 pho|to|co|py b Now underline the stressed syllabic in the multi-syllable words in 1-7 below. 1 There's a tree in the background. 2 In the foreground there's a girl. 3 You can see a house in the distance. 4 There's a man be hind her. 5 It's a close- up of a watch. 6 It's out of focus. 7 Is your cam era au to matic? c 2 17))) Listen and check. Practise saying the sentences. d >- Communication Spot the differences A p.107, B p.108. Describe the picture to each other and find the differences. b Simon and Alice are tourists in Pisa. Complete the dialogue with the words below. right background blurred take behind automatic Alice Man Alice Man Alice Simon Man Alice Man Excuse me, could you possibly1_a photo of us? Yes, sure. Which button do I press? This one here. It's2_Just press it. Right. You want the tower in the3_, I suppose. Yes, please. Can you take it so it looks, you know, as if we're holding up the tower? All right, I'll try. Can you move back a little... a little to the "_... Just a minute. There's someone5_you. OK, I think that's OK. Do you want to have a look? Oh, that is so great. But I moved. It's a bit6__. Could you take just one more? Oh, all right... 3 LISTENING & SPEAKING a How do you feel about having your photo taken? Do you think you're photogenic? Why (not)? b 2 18))) Listen to Part 1 of an interview with Brian Voce, a professional portrait photographer. Make notes under the questions below. 1 How did he first become interested in photography? 2 What kind of people docs he photograph and where? 3 Which famous person did he have an embarrassing experience with? What happened? c 2 13))) Listen and check. d p.155 Vocabulary Bank Photography. 4 What's the favourite photo he mentions? 28 c In Part 2 of the interview, Brian explains how to look good in a portrait. Before you listen, read sentences 1-8. With a partner, decide whether you think they are T (true) or F (false). 1 Most people enjoy being photographed. 2 It's easier to relax if you are on your own with the photographer. 3 A professional photographer won't take long to get good photos. 4 What you wear is not really important. 5 Most people, including men, will look better with make-up on. 6 It's better to pose standing up than sitting down. 7 It's important to be in a comfortable position. 8 It's better not to look at the camera until just before the photographer shoots. d 2 19))) Listen and check your answers. e Listen again and correct the false statements. f Talk to a partner. 1 Arc there any tips you've learned that you might put into practice next time someone takes a photo of you? 2 Do you think you're good at taking photos? Why (not)? 3 What do you normally take photos with? 4 Do you prefer taking photos of scenery or portraits of people? What else do you take photos of? 4 WRITING >- p.115 Writing An article. Write an article with tips on how to take good holiday photos. 5 GRAMMAR prepositions a With a partner, complete the gaps with a preposition from the list. at (x2) from in of (x2) over next to I took this photo when we were flying 1_ the Andes - I was going 2_Argentina to Chile. Luckily, I was sitting3_the window, so I had a perfect view. I'm not usually very good' . taking photos, but I think this one is beautiful, and I'm quite proud1 it. Later on during the flight, we had a lot of turbulence, and by the time we finally arrived 6_Santiago I was feeling quite nervous. But when I look7_this photo it reminds me8_the feeling of calm that mountains always give me. Which preposition(s) in the text... ? 1 show where a person or thing is 2 show where a person or thing is moving 3 are examples of prepositions used after certain verbs 4 are examples of prepositions used after certain adjectives >- p.137 Grammar Bank 3B. Learn more about prepositions and practise them. Complete 1—10 with a preposition. Then choose four topics to talk to a partner about. 1 A photo you took that you are very proud_ 2 Someone in your family that you really like talking_ 3 Something you're really looking forward _at the moment 4 Something your country is famous_ 5 Someone you often argue_ 6 A beautiful sight that you once flew_ 7 What you have_the walls of your bedroom 8 Someone you could rely__in a crisis 9 Something you usually ask_when you eat out 10 Somewhere you had to walk_a large number of steps 6 READING a What do you do with the photos you've taken? Tell a partner. Which of these do you usually do? • store them on your computer, phone, tablet, etc. • back them up on a separate hard drive or CD-ROM • email them to friends and family • upload them to an online photo site ■ print them out b Read the article about storing digital photos and complete 1-5 with a heading from the list. There is one heading you don't need to use. A Safe in the cloud? B Hard drives don't hold enough photos C Digital files can deteriorate D Photo sites come and go E Technology becomes obsolete F How long will they last? How safe are your digital photos? In the past, your grandmother probably kept her photos in a box, or in an old album, and sadly, over time these memories faded or disappeared. But with today's technology, that shouldn't be a problem. A digital photo lasts forever, right? Actually, think again. Though it is still a good idea to preserve all of your photos as digital computer files, there are plenty of things that can damage or even destroy those high-tech memories. Very few people realize this can happen, but if you store your photos as jpgs (the most common file format), the file will actually deteriorate every time you copy or resave it. Experts disagree about how much damage this can do, but the damage is real. 2 _ Your files may be safe on your hard drive, but how long will your hard drive last? The average is just five years. Before then, one big magnet could erase your drive in an instant. You could back up your photos on a CD-ROM, but they don't last much longer: about 10-20 years at most, experts say. 3B Read the article again. Match the storage method with the problem it has. 1 ■jpg hies a only last for about five years 2 hard drives b only last for 10 to 20 years 3 CD-ROMs c are damaged when they're copied 4 CD-ROM drives d can go out of business 5 'the cloud' e may not exist in the future 6 photo sites f can be damaged by storms Look at the highlighted words in the text related to digital photos and computers, and work out their meaning from the context. What do you think is the biggest threat to your own digital photos? After reading the article, will you do anything differently to protect your photos? Let's say all goes well and your CD-ROM full of photos lasts for 20 years. By then, will there still be any CD-ROM drives in the world that can read the disc? This is also true for flash drives, memory cards, and the rest. Today's high-tech storage solution is tomorrow's useless floppy disk. People talk about saving their files in a magical place on the internet, like Apple's iCloud or Dropbox. But this just means your files are in a company's data centre on - guess what? - a whole load of hard drives, which could die or go bad just as easily as your own. Just recently, a summer thunderstorm hit a cloud storage centre in the US, and major sites like Netflix, Pinterest, and Instagram were knocked offline for almost a whole day. Thousands of files were lost. Websites like Flickr and Instagram let you quickly upload photos and share them with others. But bear in mind that a photo site which is popular now could one day go out of business, taking your photos with it. So what should you do? Experts say to make lots of copies of your photos and save them in many different ways - on your computer, on a backup drive, online, and even as traditional printed photos. It may be too late to save Grandma's photos, but you can still preserve yours. 7 LISTENING & SPEAKING a 2 23))) Listen to three people talk about their favourite childhood photos. Number the photos 1—3. There is one photo you don't need to use. b Listen again. Which speaker...? 1 wanted to have the photo on his / her wall, but couldn't 2 doesn't think he / she looks very good in the photo Q 3 says the photo makes him / her feel better when he / she is a bit sad 4 only saw the photo many years after it was taken 5 likes the photo because of the emotion you can see in it 6 used to keep the photo in his / her kitchen Q c Think of an interesting photo of yourself as a child. Tell a partner about it. Include the information below or your own ideas. • How old are you in the photo? • Who are you with? • What's happening, or what has just happened? • When and where was the photo taken? • Why do you like it? Does it remind you of anything special? • Where do you keep or display it? d Show your partner some more photos on your phone and tell him or her about them. HRfflSfflj^^^^ffi All kinds of problems M HENRY'S CAR VIDEO 2 m RENTING A CAR VIDEO 12 24))) Watch or listen to Jenny and Henry. Where does Henry want to take her? Why can't he? How is Jenny going to get there? Listen again and (circle) the correct answer. 1 Jenny's suitcase still hasn't beenfound j has beenfound. 2 Henry thinks Jenny will like Luke j won't understand Luke. 3 Henry's car has aflat tyre j has two flat tyres. 4 He thinks the car was damaged by neighbours / vandals. 5 Jenny doesn't know j knows Luke's address. 6 Jenny had previously decided to travel by public transport j to rent a car. 7 She offers to make dinner for Henry j take Henry out to dinner. 8 Jenny waits j doesn't wait while Luke looks at her laptop. Glossary a spare (tyre) /spea 'taia/ = an extra tyre in a car the AA = a breakdown service in the UK o British and American English rent a car = American English rent a car OR hire a car = British English Who do you think vandalized Henry's car? Who is the man who arrives as Jenny leaves? a '2,25))) Watch or listen to Jenny renting a car. Answer the questions. 1 How long does Jenny rent a car for? 2 What car does she rent? 3 Where does she want to leave the car? What do you th ink is sign i ficant about the news on the TV? Do you think Jenny noticed it? b Watch or listen again. Complete the You Hear phrases in the dialogue on p. 33. c 2 26))) Watch or listen and repeat some of the You Say phrases. Copy the rhythm. d Practise the dialogue with a partner. e mm In pairs, roleplay the dialogue. A You're a visitor to the UK who wants to rent a car for a week. Talk to the assistant and choose the car you want. Use Useful language to help you. B You're the assistant at a car rental company. Help A choose a car and get all of A's details. Use Useful language to help you. f Swap roles. O Useful language: describing cars Kinds of drive: automatic or manual Car types: economy (small cars) compact (small, but larger than economy) family (medium size) luxury (large cars, 4x4s, sports cars) convertibles (open-top cars) people carriers (for more than five people) Extras: air conditioning, satnav )))You Hear You Say (^) Hello. Can 1 help you? Oh, hi. I'd like to rent a car, please. Have you from us before? No. OK, could 1 your driving licence, please? Great. So what of car are you looking for? Oh, nothing too big. It's just for me. OK, so a compact. _-door? Yeah, that'll be fine. For how long? Nine days. Automatic or ? An automatic, please. Any additional ? No, just me. Great. Well, we have several _I can show you, but I'd recommend the Vauxhall Corsa. It's £_per day and that includes insurance. That sounds promising. Can I take a look? Of course, but first I'd like to run through some of the basics. The_tank is full when you start, so if you return it with a full tank, there's no extra_. Great. But if you get any_^_ tickets or speeding fines Fair enough! Would it be you have to pay for them possible to leave the car at yourself, the airport? No problem, but that's a one-way rental so there's an additional charge of £_. OK. And one last thing - have you Yes, I have. So driving on the driven in__before? left's not a problem. That's good. OK, let's go out and take a look at the car. We can go through the paperwork afterwards. Great. ■< WHERE IS HENRY? VIDEO ' 2j 27))) Watch or listen to Jenny's afternoon and evening. What has happened to a) her laptop? b) her suitcase? What does she hear on the news? b Watch or listen again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Correct the F sentences. 1 Henry is in his study when Jenny comes back. 2 Jenny reminds Henry about the dinner. 3 She isn't surprised by Luke's news about her computer. 4 Luke thinks that Henry has probably gone to the university to work. 5 Henry is always late for everything. 6 Jenny is feeling tired because of jet lag. 7 When she wakes up, Henry is back. 8 She phones Rob to say goodnight. Who do you think was responsible for what happened on the news? What do you think Jenny is going to do next? What do you think has happened to Henry? c Look at the Social English phrases. Can you remember any of the missing words? Social English phrases Henry I'm_I can't take your call at the moment. Henry Please leave your message after the_. Luke Hi, Jenny. What's_? Jenny _on... my suitcase has arrived! Jenny Well,at. Jenny I'm_ it's back. tired. Jenny Thanks, Luke. See you. d fi^28>)) Watch or listen and complete the phrases. e Watch or listen again and repeat the phrases. How do you say them in your language? Can you...? ~^ talk about transport options ~^ rent a car J record a voicemail greeting and leave a message G future forms: will I shall and going to V rubbish and recycling P /ail, and /ci/ When are they going to collect the They'll be here on Tuesday, I think. 4A That's rubbish! 1 LISTENING a How often do you or your family throw away food? What kind of things? How (FHS^*"' ^ do you feel about it? OttV^"1 b Look at the photo below. What do you Bt*1 UQV think the woman is looking for? Why? c You're going to listen to a journalist, Liz Scarff, talking about her experiences of living as a 'freegan'. Read the beginning of an article she wrote about freegans. Who are they? What do they do? VOICES ! SPORT TECH , LIFE PROPERTY TRAVEL MONEY My three days as a freegan By Liz Scarff They're not poor or homeless, but they look in rubbish bins for food to eat. They call themselves 'freegans' - a combination of the words 'free' and 'vegan' - and they are upset about how much food people waste. Around seventeen million tons of food is thrown away in Britain every year, four million of which is perfectly good to eat. This is especially disturbing since four million people in Britain can't afford a healthy diet. Their ideas are admirable, but taking and eating food from the rubbish sounds disgusting, embarrassing, and possibly unsafe. So, just how easy is it to live on food from bins? My challenge is to live as a freegan for three days. Too embarrassed to go on my own, I've brought my friend Dave. But first, we meet up with two London freegans. Ash and Ross, for a quick lesson in freeganism. 2 29))) Listen to Liz Scarff talk about trying to live as a freegan. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Sunday 1 You should take gloves and a torch with you before going to look in bins. [ 2 Large shops arc better than small or medium size ones. 3 In the first bin they found frozen chicken soup and chilli con came. 4 They also found some eggs, but they were past their sell-by date. Q 5 Ross says you don't need to worry if the packaging is broken or if something is past its sell-by date. \_] 6 He says you should wash everything you find before eating it. Monday 7 Liz and Dave found the unlocked bin behind a large supermarket. 8 They found fruit and vegetables in the bin behind the supermarket. 9 They didn't feel embarrassed looking in the bins. 10 They had soup and bread and baked apples for dinner. _J 2 30))) Listen to the second part of Liz's challenge. Answer the questions. Tuesday 1 How did Liz feel on Tuesday morning? 2 What did they have for breakfast? .3 What did they find in the bins on Tuesday? 4 How does she feel about what people had thrown away? 5 What did they have for dinner on Tuesday evening? 6 Did all the ingredients come from the rubbish? Wednesday 7 What was wrong with the bins in the farmer's market on Wednesday? 8 What did they find in them? 9 What did Liz learn from trying freeganism? What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of being a freegan? Can you imagine ever trying it? 2 VOCABULARY rubbish and recycling 4 SPEAKING Look at three sentences from the listening. Can yon remember any of the missing words? 1 Ash and Ross walk confidently to tbe_, lift the _, and start looking for food. 2 At the bottom is a_of eggs. 3 If the _ _is open or it's past the_-__, don't take it. 2 31))) Listen and complete the sentences. >- p.156 Vocabulary Bank Rubbish and recycling. a Read the questionnaire and think about your answers, b Discuss the questions in groups of three or four. 3 PRONUNCIATION Id, lad, and fci/ a Look at the sound pictures. What are the words and sounds? Write the words from the list in the right column. away bin date diet garbage lid lifestyle packaging reapply recycle tray waste 2 36))) Listen and check. Practise saying the words. c >- p.166 Sound Bank. Look at the typical spellings for the three sounds in a. 4A 35 5 READING a How long have you had your mobile phone? When do you think you'll get a new one? What will you probably do with your old phone? b Read the article about mobile phone recycling. Find two reasons why recycling mobiles is better than throwing them away. Home Reviews Videos Phones Tablets Cameras Components Computing Car Technology News Deals Got a new mobile? Think twice before you throw the old one away! Recycling our old mobile phones is something we often mean to do. But by the time we remember to do it, we decide that they're so old they're worthless, and we throw them away. But are they really? 1_'Only about 3-4 per cent of the phones we receive can't be repaired,' says Simon Walsh, Sales and Marketing Director for a British phone recycler. As a phone arrives at a recycling centre, it goes through a rigorous testing process, which starts with a check to ensure that it's not been lost or stolen. 2_Many phones are then passed to specialized repair centres. Even mobiles that can't be repaired are valuable.3_Batteries contain nickel which can be used to make stainless steel for saucepans. The plastics in phones can be melted down to be made into traffic cones. Of the phones that can be reused, about 20% stay in the UK. The rest of them are sent to places in Asia and Africa where they are specially needed because there are few landlines. But there's more to it than that. It's good to recycle and reuse second-hand mobiles from the UK, but the countries which receive the mobiles also need to recycle them. 4_ This is a growing problem because some mobile phone parts contain dangerous chemicals.5_. The phone's electrical circuits contain lead, which can cause brain damage. It's estimated that there are more than 500 million used mobile phones around the world. If we send all of them to landfills, over 130,000 kilos of lead will be released into the soil.6_. The even greener alternative to recycling seems almost unthinkable. It's to keep your current phone for more than the usual twelve months! Adapted from www.techradar.com Glossary nickel /'nikl/ a hard, silver-white metal lead /led/ a soft, heavy, grey metal used in the past for water pipes or to cover roofs Read the article again and complete it with A-F, A They contain small quantities of metals such as platinum, which are used to make jewellery. B If they don't, the phones will still end up in landfill. C As demand for mobiles and smartphones increases, the problem is going to get even worse. D Some phone batteries have cadmium, a metal which can cause lung cancer. E Then components such as the keypad are checked. F In fact, most mobiles can be repaired and sold again. d Look at the highlighted words and phrases connected with recycling and the environment. Work out their meaning from the context. e What other electronic gadgets and appliances do you think people could recycle? Do they do it where you live? 36 4A 6 GRAMMAR future forms: will I shall and going to a Complete the dialogues with will j shall or be going to and the correct form of the verb. 1 A Could you take the rubbish out? It's beginning to smell. B I_it as soon as this programme finishes, I promise, (do) 2 A I . your plate now, madam? (take) B Yes, thanks. It was delicious, but I couldn't finish it all. 3 A What. you . when you finish school? (do) I know you've made plans. I_a gap year, and work on a conservation project in Peru, (have) 4 a I'm a bit worried about the picnic. I think it _this afternoon, (rain) B Well, on the internet it says it_sunny. (be) I wouldn't worry if I were you. 5 A Don't put bottles in the rubbish. We need to take them to the bottle bank. B OK, OK. I_it again, (not do) b '2 37))) Listen and check. Practise the dialogues with a partner. c >■ p.138 Grammar Bank 4A. Learn more about future forms and practise them. d Talk to a partner. Choose two topics from each group to talk about, or use your own ideas. Talk about a plan you have... • for this evening • for the weekend • for your next holiday • to save money or spend less • to improve your diet • to learn something new Make a prediction about... • the environment • your favourite sports club • the economy and unemployment • an actor, singer, or group you like • your friends' or family members' careers • the characters in a TV series you watch Responding to plans and predictions Plans I'm going to... Are you? So am I. What a good idea! How nice! Predictions / don't think... will / is going to... I think so too. I don't think so either. I hope so. I hope not. 4A 37 G first and second conditionals V study and work P word stress Why do you want to study business? r Because if I get a good degree, I'll be able to find an interesting job. 4B Degrees and careers 1 VOCABULARY study and work a Read the job adverts. Would you like to do either of the jobs? b Complete the adverts with a word from the list. covering CV experience degree references qualifications vacancy c >* p.157 Vocabulary Bank Study and work. 2 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING word stress a Underline the stressed syllable in these words. attend degree dissertation PhD post;grajdu!ate projfejssor qua|li|fi|ca[tions re fe ree re si dence scho lar ship se mi nar tujtojri|al unjder|grajdu|ate vajcan|cy b 2 42))) Listen and check. c Work in pairs. What is the ciifference between...? 1 an undergraduate and a postgraduate 2 a master's degree and a Ph D 3 a campus and a hall of residence 4 a professor and a tutor 5 a seminar and a webinar 6 a tutorial and a lecture 7 qualifications and skills 8 a covering letter and a CV d Talk to a partner. Look at the points below. When you choose a subject to study, how important do you think these factors should be? How important were they for you? • future career prospects • how much you like the subject • how learning the subject will allow you to help others • your parents' wishes and dreams • how hard you have to study • the quality of the teaching • other factors:__ Bird Keeper New^ _ . I _ _ . . * Add to shortlist Bristol | £ Competitive Bristol Zoo Gardens is hiring an Animal Keeper for our Bird Section. The successful applicant will be a bird keeper with at least two years' experience of working with a variety of bird species. Applicants should have1_ _ such as an A-level in English or Biology. A2___in Zoo Management would also be an advantage. To apply, please send a3_letter and4_to... Art Handler London | £27,000-£30,000 A fine-art mover is seeking to fill a5. * Add to shortlist for the position ot Art Handler. The ideal candidate will have a minimum of two years'5 _ _ of moving and handling very expensive art and antiques for museums and galleries. Excellent7_from previous employers are also required, as well as a driving licence. LISTENING Would you ever consider doing a job for no pay? Why (not)? You're going to listen to three people talking about their internships. First read the information below. What is an internship? What do you think the advantages and disadvantages are? 'It's slave labour, Real interns speak out For many young graduates, starting out in a new career means taking an unpaid internship, with no guarantee of a permanent job at the end. While internships can provide graduates with useful experience, referees, and skills for their CVs, they also require a lot of hard work. Many interns feel exploited by employers, who treat them as cheap labour. In fact, nearly 40% of internships are unpaid, especially in industries such as fashion, PR, the media, and politics. Legally, most interns in the UK are entitled to the minimum wage. However, few employers realize this. Many interns have to work in bars or restaurants at night to pay for their rent, food, and expenses, while others end up in debt. We spoke to three recent interns about their experiences... 38 c 2 43>)) Listen to Rosic, Joe, and Lauren talk about their experiences of internships. Who had a positive experience? Who had the most negative experiences? d Listen again, and make notes in the chart. Rosie Joe Lauren * The kind of company The good side The bad side e Discuss the questions. 1 Have you ever done an internship? Do you know anyone who has worked as an intern? Did they have a good experience? 2 Do you think unpaid internships arc fair? Why (not)? Rosie Norman GRAMMAR first and second conditionals 2 44))) Listen to the ends of two job interviews. Complete the conditionals. Which person do you think has a real possibility of getting the job? 1 If we_you the job, when_ you_ _to start? 2 If we _ you the job, you_ a lot of training. >- p.139 Grammar Bank 4B. Learn more about first and second conditionals and practise them. 2 47))) Listen and write five first conditional sentences giving advice to people looking tor work. Do you agree with the advice? Imagine you were in these situations. What would you do? Say why using a second conditional. If I was offered a great job abroad, I'd probably take it, because... >—- 1 You are offered a great job abroad. 2 Your partner is offered a job abroad in a country that you wouldn't like to live in. 3 You have to choose between a well-paid but boring job and a very interesting but badly paid job. 4 You are offered a job while you are still in the middle of your studies. 5 You have to choose between working at night or working at weekends. but it teaches you a lot' 5 READING a In your country, do young people sometimes do part-time jobs in the evening or at weekends, or while they're at university? What sort of part-time jobs are common where you live? b Read the newspaper article about Saturday jobs. Who is most positive about the job they did? c Read the article again. Answer with A-E. Which person...? 1 _felt that the job was badly paid 2 _liked the parts of the job where he / she could rest 3 _started very early and finished very late 4 _enjoyed spending time with the other workers 5 _was very unsuccessful in one of his / her jobs 6 _learned the importance of enjoying the work that you do 7 _learned the importance of punctuality 8 _got practice in something that later became his / her job 9 _and_aren't sure if they learned anything 10 _stopped getting any weekly money from his / her parents after starting his / her first part time job The best Saturday job I ever had... Shelf-stacker, dog-walker, and baby-sitter — most of us would have one of these classic Saturday jobs at the bottom of our CVs, if we were being strictly accurate. For the teenagers of today, however, it is far more difficult to find part-time work. A Sir Ranulph Fiennes, explorer When I was 16,1 wanted to buy a canoe and needed £85.1 washed the buses at Midhurst bus station between 3 a.m. and 7 a.m. during the week. Then I washed the dishes at the Angel Hotel from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. I was paid £11 per week in all, and that's how I got the cash. It is too long ago to know if I actually learnt anything from the experience. I did two humiliating Saturday jobs. The first was selling vacuum cleaners door to door. I didn't sell a single one. The other job was working with my granddad for a frozen-food delivery service. I doubt that a Saturdayjob really teaches you anything. Where I come from, it's automatic: at age 11 you get a job. It wasn't,'Hey man, I'm really learning the value of work.' It was,'If I want money, I must work for it' My dad never gave me a penny of pocket money after the age of 11. C Tony Ross, illustrator and In the fifties, when I was a boy, I used to work at the Post Office over Christmas. Many of us did it, and it was fantastic fun. I earned enough to buy an old motor scooter. My favourite part was going in the lorry to collect the mail bags from the station, because you didn't have to walk the streets all day. The other good thing was doing a round with your own house in it, because then you could stop for a cup of tea. I learnt the basics of working for money like arriving on time, and enjoying it no matter what. It was a good introduction because very few people work for fun. I think I'm probably the only one. D Clive Stafford Smith, lawyer I worked for a sand and gravel* company when I was 16. It was cold, damp, and so boring that I cried. I've learned various important things from that job. First, I know I'm very lucky to have a job now that I truly love. I also learned that it's crazy to pay bankers millions while paying minimum wage to people at gravel companies. It's terrible work and no one should have to do it. Anyone who says differently should be forced to work at that gravel company for a year. When I was 16,1 worked in our local supermarket, stacking shelves for two years. In a job like that you make the decision whether this is what you want to do for the rest of your life. I was doing my A-levels, and the other guys and girls were really quite pleased for me, as they were living through my experiences. I am good at talking and telling stories, and I think I learnt it there, because one of the things about stacking shelves or being at the checkout is that you get to pass the time with people. That's what I liked best. d Look at the highlighted words and phrases related to jobs, and work out their meaning from the context. Then match them with the definitions. 1__noun a regular route that someone takes when collecting or delivering something 2__knocking on people's doors to try to convince them to buy something 3 _ _noun taking things directly from e.g. a shop or business to people's homes 4__noun a job which involves putting things on shelves, usually in a supermarket 5__noun the place where you pay, e.g. in a supermarket 6 _noun the smallest amount of money a job can pay you according to the law e Which of the jobs mentioned do you think sounds the best / the worst? 7 WRITING 6 SPEAKING In groups of three, discuss the questions about work and studies. Follow the arrows to ask the questions that are most relevant to you / your partners. ' -' Part-time work Have you ever done a part-time —^ or holiday job? Why did you choose it? ■ Did you enjoy it? What did you learn from thejob? - Do you think it will help you find a new or better job in the future? If you're studying now... If you're working now.. What qualification are you studying for? What jobs do you think you might get with your qualification? Do you know anyone who has a job you'd like to have? Which job? Why? What jobs would you definitely not like to do? Why? Why did you apply for your current job? What qualifications did you need? ^ ......... + ........ Why do you think you got the job? In what ways do you think working is better than studying? How is it worse? and study for a different career, what would you choose? 3& ec GRAMMAR (Qrcle)a, b, or c. 1 I couldn't answer my phone because I_. a drove b used to drive c was driving 2 We_to a lot of different shops yesterday. a went b used to go c were going 3 She____get up so late. a didn't use b didn't use to c didn't used to 4 When I was young 1. . playing football. a love b was loving c used to love 5 We're very pleased__our holiday photos. a with b to c of 6 A Are we going out? B It_the weather. a depends b depends on c depends of 7 _the steps until you get to the bottom. a Go down b Go c Be down 8 A These bags are so heavy! B_you with them. a I help b I'm going to help c I'll help 9 A I've made an appointment to see my dentist. B When_? a do you go b will you go c are you going 10 I'm really sorry. I promise_late again. a I'm not b I won't be c I'm not going to be 11 This job looks interesting._I apply? a Shall b Do c Will 12 I_to work abroad unless the pay was very good. a don't want b won't want c wouldn't want 13 I might get the job if I___more experience. a will have b had c would have . to earn some money, you 14 If you___ shouldn't become an intern. a will need b need c needed 15 You won't get into university_ harder. a unless you don't study b if you study c unless you study VOCABULARY a Write a word or phrase con nected with age. 1 15 years old_ 4 over 65_ 2 21or22_ 3 18months old. 5 58. b (^kde)the right word or phrase. 1 My sister's a very good photographer j photographic. 2 It's very dark in here so you'll need to use zoom j flash. 3 I always upload j download my photos onto Facebook. 4 There's my dog, in the bottom right-hand j right-hand bottom corner. 5 What document I file, format did you save the photo as? 6 Here's a photo of us on the beach - you can see our hotel in the foreground j background. c Write words for the definitions. 1 a person whose job is to take the rubbish away _ 2 the material often used to make boxes _ 3 the top of a jar _ 4 a large plastic bag for putting rubbish in__ 5 a plastic or paper cover for a chocolate bar _ 6 a large area of land where waste is put__ d Complete the words. 1 Don't forget to include a c_letter with your C V. 2 I'm living in a hall of r_in my first year at university. 3 He won't get the job. He doesn't have enough q______. 4 You need to a__for a work permit to work in the US. 5 Most students attend 1____everyday. 6 I'm trying to get a job, but there very few v_. 7 Her new job has a t__period of six months. 8 Them__wage in the UK is about £6.50 an hour. PRONUNCIATION blurred behind recycle reapply photo 1 ^ 2 3 M 4 Ü 5 different sound. hoped changed saved opposite skills lid apply file faculty waste replay data front overseas focus b Underline the stressed syllable. 1 pho to gra pher 3 re|cy|cle 5 qua litfi|ca tions 2 pho to co py 4 un der gra; dm ate r CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a Read the article once. Is it positive or negative about recycling in the UK? Recycling facts and figures UK households produced over 30 million tonnes of waste last year, of which 25% was collected for recycling. This figure is still quite low compared to some other EU countries, some of which recycle over 50% of their waste. There is still a great deal of waste which could be recycled that ends up in landfill sites. Some interesting facts • Up to 60% of the rubbish that ends up in the dustbin could be recycled. • On average, 16% of the money you spend on a product pays for the packaging, which ultimately ends up as rubbish. • Up to 80% of a vehicle can be recycled. • Nine out of ten people would recycle more if it were made easier. Aluminium • 24 million tonnes of aluminium is produced annually, 51,000 tonnes of which ends up as packaging in the UK. • £36,000,000 worth of aluminium is thrown away each year. • Aluminium cans can be recycled and ready to use in just six weeks. Glass • Each UK family uses an average of 500 glass bottles and jars annually. • Glass is 100% recyclable and can be used again and again. • Glass that is thrown away and ends up in landfills will never decompose. Paper • It takes 70% less energy to recycle paper than to make it from raw materials. • 12.5 million tonnes of paper and cardboard are used annually in the UK. • The average person in the UK throws away 38 kg of newspapers per year. • It takes 24 trees to make one ton of newspaper. Plastic • 275,000 tonnes of plastic are used each year in the UK -that's about 15 million bottles per day. • Most families throw away about 40 kg of plastic per year, which could otherwise be recycled. • The use of plastic in Western Europe is growing by about 4% each year. Plastic can take up to 500 years to decompose. Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 The UK recycles more than most other EU countries. Most of the rubbish that is thrown away could be recycled. More than hal f of an old car can be recycled. Most people think thatrecycling is easy. Aluminium is an easy material to recycle. Glass can only be recycled a few times. 7 Recycling paper uses less energy than making it. 8 The U K uses more plastic than paper and cardboard. 9 UK families recycle all their plastic. 10 Plastic doesn't last forever in landfill. Mi CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE video _ — PEOPLE? 2 49))) In the street Watch or listen to five people and answer the questions. Jo David Paul Marc Kaley 1 Jo thinks children shouldn't be allowed in restaurants sometimes because_____. a they can be noisy b they don't appreciate the food c they shouldn't be out late 2 What kind of photos does David like taking? a photos of buildings b portraits of people c holiday photos 3 Paul_. a buys a new phone every two years b is given a new phone every two years c changes his phone contract every two years 4 Which of these did Marc not study? a American history b British history c European history 5 In which of these places has Kaley worked? a A school and an office, b An office and a restaurant, c A laboratory and a shop. CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? Do the tasks with a partner. Tick (/) the box if you can do them. Can you...? 1 | | talk about what you were like when you were a child or teenager 2 I | describe the different stages of a person's life 3 I_| describe a favourite photograph of yours 4 Q say what you think about recycling 5 talk about your education, and about your work or your work plans Short films A New York sanitation worker video Watch and enjoy a film on iTutor. G present perfect simple V television P Aw', /v/, and Ibl 5A What's on? How long has that quiz show ^Deer It's been on for a long time, for at least three years. 1 VOCABULARY television a How many hours of TV do you watch a day? Tell a partner about one TV programme you love and one you hate. Give reasons. b '3,2))) Listen to the excerpts from six TV programmes. Match each excerpt to a programme. m _a chat show _ d sitcom _b documentary _ e sport _ c drama series _f the news c V p.158 Vocabulary Bank Television. 2 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING Av/, hi, and /b/ a 3,5))) Listen and repeat the three sound pictures and words. f 1 we TV be switch volume button weather over celebrity •'3,'6$ Listen to the pairs of words. Can you hear the difference? Practise saying them. Practise saying the sentences. Let's buy a wide-screen TV. I never watch live sport. Switch over to channel five. It won't be over before eleven. e Ask and answer with a partner. 1 Do you watch TV programmes...? - on a TV (where? what kind?) - on your computer, tablet, or phone 2 Are there any TV programmes that...? - you always switch off as soon as they start - you watch although you know they are awful - you only watch because the rest of your family like them 3 Which channel do you usually watch...? - when there is a big news story - for live sport 4 Do you ever... - turn the volume right down (or off) during a programme? What kind of programme? - get bored halfway through a programme but still carry on watching? Why do you carry on watching? 3 LISTENING a Do you watch any cartoon series on TV? Which one(s)? What do you think of them? b 3 8))) Listen to Part 1 of a chat show where the guests are two sisters who write for a new US animated series called Bob's Burgers. Tick (/) the topics they discuss. 1 2 3 4 1 a why b buy 2 a ban b van 5 3 a vet b wet 6 4 a boat b vote 5 a bake b wake 7 6 a wine b vine 8 7 a fiver b fibre 8 a very b berry 9 •'3; 7))) Li sten and pre] g> the word you hear. 10 who the series is for what the series is about _ how they got the job how much money TV writers earn their daily routine how many episodes they write in a year how long it takes to create an episode _ the process of creating an episode the actors in the series _ their favourite episodes in the series Listen again for more details about the topics they discuss, and make notes. 3 9))) Listen to Part 2 of the programme. Why do they mention the following? 1 Loren Bouchard 4 their other sisters 2 baked potatoes 5 Game of Thrones and Homeland 3 JonHamm 6 The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills How important is a good script in a TV series? Think of examples of programmes that you think are well written or badly written. 4 GRAMMAR present perfect simple a Complete the questions with a word from the list, already evet for just since yet 1 Have you ever watched a UK or US period drama series? What was it? Did you like it? 2 Are there any programmes that have been on TV in your country___five years or more? Do you ever watch them? 3 Do you sometimes re-watch an episode of a series that you've_seen? 4 What TV actors or presenters did you like when you were a child? Have they made any good programmes _then? 5 Is there anything that has__happened in the news today? 6 Is there a new TV series that everyone is watching? Have you seen it__? b Ask and answer the questions with a partner. c >^ p.140 Grammar Bank 5A. Learn more about the present perfect simple and practise it. d Tell your partner about... • a series you've just finished watching • a film you've seen more than three times • a DVD or film download that you've had for over a month but not watched yet • a film or TV programme that everyone you know has seen but you haven't 5A 45 Article Talk Read Edit View history Netflix___ From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 5 READING a Read the Wikipedia entry about Netflix. Does anything similar exist in your country? Would you like it to? b Now read the article below. Is the journalist positive about...? 1 the scries House of Cards 2 Netflix 3 both ALL IN ONE SITTING We have all been there: you settle in to watch one episode of a TV show, and eight hours later you've watched the whole season... On the day when Netflix released the entire 13-episode first season of its political drama series House of Cards in one go, it reminded viewers on Twitter to #watchresponsibly: 'Don't forget to shower, eat something, get up and walk around!' All through that day, people were tweeting: 'What episode are you on?' Netflix's strategy was to encourage subscribers to 'binge-watch' the show - the TV equivalent of binge-eating. House of Cards of course is not rubbish; it is a highly praised political drama. Originally a novel by Michael Dobbs, it follows the congressman Francis 'Frank' Underwood (Kevin Spacey), his scary wife, Claire, and young reporter, Zoe Barnes, as they struggle for power and influence in Washington. At 2 a.m., two episodes into the series, I simply couldn't stop. It was going to be a long night. The show is clearly and cleverly structured for binge-consumption. Each episode is called a 'chapter'. There are no introductory flashbacks, common in traditional series. And at the end of nearly every episode, the cliffhanger makes the temptation to find out what is going to happen unbearable. By 10 a.m. the next day, and minutes away from the end of the final episode, I was searching for a release date for season two. Initial reviews of IMetflix's strategy and the show were mixed. Liz Shannon, a fellow binge-watcher, was sceptical. 'I'm not | convinced that substituting the buzz that traditional shows j acquire during a whole season for the buzz of binge-watching p will be a success.' Laura Hudson was slightly more critical. 1 'It's not a great show; it's debatably a good one, but more ? importantly, it was just good enough to make me press "next" 3 every time the episode finished.' That's precisely the point. Netflix Inc. is an American provider of on-demand internet streaming media, available in North and South America, the UK, and several other European countries, In its simplest form, video is streamed to the user's computer. TV series and films can be paused or restarted at will, According to a 2011 report, Netflix is the biggest source of North American web traffic. What's clear is that with DVDs and on-demand video, consumers have never had more choice in their own media consumption habits. Why pay the very expensive monthly cost for cable service when you're only watching three or four shows on as many channels? And why wait each week or months at a time for your favourite show? And with Netflix another advantage is that there are no commercials. Netflix knows that it's already succeeded, at least in the US. Breaking Bad, for example, another good show for binge-watching, has been a hit. According to the Wall Street Journal, 73% of members who started streaming season one of Breaking Bad finished all seven episodes. Seasons two and three were longer - thirteen episodes each - but the number of viewers jumped to 81% and 85% respectively.' As for me, I've heard great things about Friday Night Lights. Netflix, here I come. Whether it's Downton Abbey or The Big Bang Theory - tell us about your TV binge experiences... 46 5A c Read the article again. Choose a, h, or c. 6 SPEAKING Tip: Multiple-choice reading • Read the text first to get an idea of what it's about and how it's organized. • Read the questions and try to eliminate any options that you know are wrong. • Finally, re-read the parts of the text that go with the other options and try to choose the correct one. a Look at the statements and decide if you agree or disagree with them. Think of reasons why. 1 Binge + a verb means _. a to share your experience of doing something with other people b to do something too much i n a short period of ti me c to do something late at night 2 Rouse of Cards is_. a an addictive sitcom b a soap opera about politics c a drama series based on a book 3 One of the features of House of Cards is that each episode_. a ends making you want to watch the next one b begins with some scenes from previous episodes c is based on one chapter of the book 4 The first reviewers__. a made both positive and negative comments about the show andNetflix's strategy b thought the series was good but Netflix's strategy was irresponsible c thought that people would return to watching shows weekly 5 According to the article, nowadays___than before. a more TV series are being made b people have more choice as to how to watch TV series c people watch more channels 6 In the series Breaking Bad_. a the first season was longer than the second one b the second season was nearly twice as long as the first one c fewer people finished watching the third series Look at the highlighted words related to TV. With a partner work out their meaning from the context. Talk to a partner. 1 Do you think you would enjoy House of Cards? Why (not)? Have you seen any of the other series mentioned in the article? 2 What was the last TV series you got 'addicted' to? • Did you watch it in weekly episodes, on DVD, or onl i ne? • How many seasons did you watch? • How many episodes didyou usually watch in one sitting? 3 Have you ever 'binge-watched' any other series? Why (not)? Do you know anyone who has? b Work in small groups. Choose statements from a where you don't all agree. See if you can persuade the other students to agree with you. / agree with 1. There's more suspense when you have to wait a week for the next episode... 5A 47 G present perfect continuous V the country P vowel sounds; sentence stress How long have your parents been living in the country?_ B The country in other countries For two years. They moved back to their village when they retired. i they m 1 VOCABULARY the country a Look at photos from three different places in Europe. With a partner, answer the questions. 1 Which country do you think they were taken in? 2 What do you think it would be like to live in each of these places? Which would you prefer? 3 Can you name at least three things in each photo? b >- p.159 Vocabulary Bank Tfie country. 2 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds a Look at the pairs of words below. Are the vowel sounds the same or different? Write S or D. 1 leaf wheat □ 2 bush mud □ 3 plant grass □ 4 grow cow □ 5 pick chicken n 6 pond stone u 7 lamb farm □ 8 sheep field □ b 3.14))) Listen and check. Practise saying the words. 3 LISTENING & SPEAKING a 3.15))) Listen to Melisa from Turkey who used to live in the country and Eric from the USA who lives there now. Answer the questions. Melisa Eric 1 What's the countryside like where they live / used to live? 2 How do / did they entertain themselves? 3 What disadvantages do they mention? b Talk to a partner. 1 Do either of the two places described attract you? Why? 2 Does the countryside they describe sound like the countryside near you? Why (not)? 3 Do you ever go to the country? Why do you go? Do you enjoy yourself there? Why (not)? 4 Answer the questions below. If you live in a large town or city.. If you live in a village or small town in the country.. I Imagine you moved to the country. What do you think you would miss the most about the city? Imagine you moved to a big town or city. What do you think you would miss the most about the country? What do you think you would enjoy the most about the country? What do you think you would enjoy the most about the city? 4 READING & SPEAKING a Read the introduction to the article. Why do you think people move from the city to the country? Why do some people move back? From the (and sometimes back again) Not everyone who moves to the country ends up staying there. In fact, for the first time in years, as many people are moving back to cities as are moving out to the country. b Work in pairs A and B. A read about Liz Jones, B read about Rob Penn. Answer questions 1-5. Liz Jones 'I was just divorced, and bored with my easy, if super-busy, London life. I wanted to live somewhere quieter, simpler, more beautiful, so I sold my house and bought a big farmhouse with 50 acres of land. I'll look after horses, I thought, I'll get a dog. I'll grow all my own food. It will be idyllic and friends will come to stay and tell me how lucky I am to live here. But even from the first week, it was a nightmare. When I moved in, the house was cold and absolutely filthy, and the cooker didn't work. I discovered everything in the countryside is more expensive: you have to drive miles to find a shop where everything costs twice as much as in my local supermarket in London. I never fitted in. I think that in the country, if you are a woman, you will never be accepted unless you are a full-time mum. Another thing I hated was the shooting! I just couldn't pass a group of men with guns, shooting rabbits and deer, without getting out of my car and saying: "Do you really have nothing better to do on a Saturday morning?" That didn't make me very popular. I became so lonely, I often used to sit in my car and listen to the kind voice of the satnav lady.' After five years Liz decided to go back to London. 'On my last night in the country, I sat outside underneath millions of stars and I thought to myself: "I've come to the end of a five-year prison sentence." 1 Why did Liz move to the country? 2 What was she dreaming of doing there? 3 What problem s did she have at the beginnin g? 4 Why does she think people didn't accept her? 5 How long did she stay? What did she compare living in the country to? Glossary 1 _phrasal verb leaving a car 2___phrasal verb started ro live in a new home 3 _phrasal verb was able to live and work well with other people 4 _unit of land, equivalent to 4,050 square metres Rob Penn, a writer, left London for some peace and quiet in the Black Mountains in Wales. 'I've been living here in a small farmhouse for eight years now,' says Penn. 'It wasn't easy at first. The fact that I ride a bicycle every day caused suspicion. In the countryside you only use a bike if something is wrong. A local farmer said to me, "I see you on the bike. How long have you lost your driving licence for, then?"' Over time, however, Penn has managed to fit in with his new neighbours. 'I'm lucky. I live in a place with a strong sense of community. My local pub is an active part of that. We have two village halls as well. Between them, they put on activities or meetings every night of the week - singing workshops, the garden club, zumba, as well as monthly films and occasional quiz nights. 'In the city, you choose your community. It may be through work, your football team, oryour kids' school oryour colleagues,' says Penn. 'In the country, your neighbours are your only community.' Penn has no plans to move back to London. 'I stood in a field this week, listening to the first sounds of spring. I love to hearthe birds singing in the sunshine. I wouldn't live anywhere else. The rural sights, sounds and, above all, communities beat the city any day.' 1 Who is Rob Penn? Where did he move to? 2 Why did he move? 3 How long has he been living there? 4 What problems did he have at first? Did he solve them? 5 Why did he decide to stay? Glossary 1 _ 2 _ phrasal verb organize an event e.g. a play, a workshop phrasal verb integrate, be able to live and work well with other people 3 _phrasal verb go to live in a place where you lived before c Read your article again. Work out the meaning of the highlighted words, and then complete the glossary. d Cover the articles and use your answers to questions 1-5 to tell each other about Liz and Rob in your own words. Try to use the phrasal verbs from the glossary, and explain them to your partner if necessary. e Answer the questions in small groups. 1 What was one problem that both Liz and Rob had? Do you think this would be the main problem for people moving from the city to the country in the area where you live? Why (not)? 2 Why do you think one of them succeeded and the other failed? 3 Do you know anyone who's moved from the city to the country? Did they stay? Why (not)? 4 Do you know anyone who's moved from the country to the city? Did they stay? Why (not)? 5B 49 5 GRAMMAR present perfect continuous a Look at the photos and speech bubbles, (^ircj^) the correct verb form. I'm planting/ I've been planting potatoes right now. Can I call you back? Take those boots off! They're covered in mud! What do you expect? I'm working I I've been working in the garden all day. b Compare answers with a partner. Explain why you chose each answer. c >> p.141 Grammar Bank 5B. Learn more about the present perfect continuous and practise it. 6 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING sentence stress a Complete sentences 1-10 with the present perfect continuous of the verbs. 1 I _really hard this week. (work) 2 I_ well lately, (not sleep) 3 IVty neighb ou rs_ _a lot of n oise recently, (make) 4 I_about getting a new phone for a while, (think) 5 I_ _with my family a lot recently, (argue) 6 I__TV at all lately, (not watch) 7 1_ _very stressed for the last few weeks, (feel) 8 I _a lot of exercise this month. (do) 9 I_ _ a lot recently, (go out) 10 I _a lot of time on Facebook this week, (spend) b 3 17))) Listen and check. Then listen and repeat, copying the rhythm. c Work with a partner. For each sentence in a say if it is true for you or not, and give reasons. / 1 is true for me. I've been working really hard I this week because / have exams soon. d Now think of two things you have or haven't been doing this week or recently. Work in pairs A and B. A tell B what you've been doing. B show interest by asking for more details. Then swap roles. (^jye been eating out a lot recently. Oh really? Whyf^ f Because some friends of mine are visiting, \ so we've been going out together. 5B 7 READING & LISTENING a Are there any radio or TV programmes you know that have been running for a long time in your country? Do you watch them? What do you think of them? Why do you think they've been so successful? b 3 18))) Read and listen to an article about The Archers a BBC programme that is the world's longest-running radio soap opera. Answer the questions. 1 What is the programme about? 2 What was its original aim? 3 Who were the original main characters? A British Institution J 1 iTter/K neVieirs Ce-l«-t>T-citiTis I ust before 7 o'clock I every evening, people all over Britain, from Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall (a major fan, who actually appeared on the show) to students, housewives, and farmers, tune in to BBC Radio 4, and listen to an introductory tune that has been playing every night for more than 60 years. It is the theme tune to The Archers, the longest running radio soap opera in the world, and a British institution. Tfie Archers, which is about life in the fictional village of Ambridge, was conceived by the Ministry of Agriculture as a way of providing information about new farming methods to British farmers and smallholders in order to increase productivity after the Second World War, during the years of food shortages and rationing. It was originally about the lives of three farmers: Dan Archer, who farmed efficiently with little cash, Walter Gabriel, who farmed inefficiently with little cash, and George Fairbrother, a wealthy businessman who farmed for a hobby. The programme was hugely successful - at the height of its popularity it was estimated that 60% of adult Britons were regular listeners, and today its listeners number over a million. The involvement of the Ministry of Agriculture ended in the 1970s, but The Archers still contains many storylines and discussions about farming, and has a separate 'agricultural story editor'. Glossary smallholder /'sirnilhooUto/ a person who owns or rents a small piece of land for farming rationing / rxjbnuy' the policy of limiting the food, fuel, etc., that people are allowed to have, when there is not enough for everyone to have as much as they want; it started in the UK In the Second World War in 1940 and ended in 1954. 3 19))) You are going to hear an interview with an actor who plays one of the main characters in The Archers. Do these statements describe (A) the actor, (C) his character, or (B) both? 1 His name is David Archer._ 2 He's very honest and dependable._ 3 He was born on a sheep station in Tasmania._ 4 His father worked as a farmer._ 5 He lives in Ambridge.__ 6 He has a cottage in Norfolk._ Listen again and make notes. What does he say about these things? 1 how long he's been working on the programme 2 his character's grandfather 3 why his father went to Devon 4 what the other actors know about the country 5 what city and country people like about The Archers 6 where he lives now and why Are there any radio or TV programmes in your country about farming or the countryside? Have you ever watched them? How popular are they? 8 WRITING >* p.117 Writing An informal email. Write an email about things you've been doing recently. 9 3 20))) SONG Country boy J3 5B 51 Time to tell the police ■4 A WORRIED PHONE CALL video M MAKING A POLICE REPORT video a 3 21))) Watch or listen to Jenny talking to Rob on the phone. In the end, what does Rob say she should do? b Watch or listen again. Answer the questions. 1 Is Jenny sure the man i n the news is the man she met on the plane? Why (not)? 2 What time were Jenny and Henry planning to have dinner? 3 What time is it now? Why is Rob worried about this? 4 How does Jenny describe the house? 5 What doesn't she think she'll be able to do? If you were Jenny, would you stay in Henry's house alone? a 3 22))) Watch or listen to Jenny and Luke at the police station. What information docs the police officer ask for about Henry? How do Luke and Jenny describe him? b Watch or listen again. Complete the You Hear phrases in the dialogue on p.53. c 3 23))) Watch or listen and repeat some of Jenny's You Say phrases. Copy the rhythm and intonation. d mmm In groups of three practise the dialogue. e >■ Communication Reporting a missing person A p.107, B p,108. 52 ))) You Hear You Say ... You also said that your father-in-law - Henry Walker - hasn't returned home yet. How long has he been_? He was supposed to be home three hours ago. OK. It's a bit early to report him missing but _a statement. So, I'll your name's Jenny Zielinski. That's right. And you're staying at The Grange, Marsh Lane, Long Crendon. Yes. OK. Can you_ He's 62,1 think. He's average Mr Walker? height and build. He has grey hair and glasses. I don't know what colour his eyes are. They're brown. Here is a photo of him. Do you know what his _were for the rest of the day? No. Can you give me some idea of his normal_? Not really... Weil, he's an academic. He teaches at the university a few days a week but he often works from home. He takes a lot of long walks, but never this late. And Jenny, do you . _ Well, there was my suitcase. seeing anything unusual The airport had returned my when you got back to the lost luggage and the lock house this afternoon? was broken. Is there anything. There were some books on the floor. Rea/(y? That's weird. Henry's normally really tidy. OK. Try not to_, we'll look into this. In the meantime, perhaps you should stay with Luke, and if you think of anything else, or he turns up, give me a call. M4 A THREATENING MESSAGE video a 3 24))) Watch or listen to Jenny and Luke talking the next morning. What's the good news? What's the bad news? Watch or listen again. Circle) the correct phrase When did you see 1 him? This morning. Around ten. 2 Where were you? At his house in Long 3 Crendon. 4 And do you remember what Oh, just a brown jacket, a he was ? dark green shirt, and jeans. 5 Do you remember anything Yes, actually. We were going about the last to go to Oxford but Henry's 6 time you saw him? two front tyres had been punctured. 7 Really? So you left for Oxford and he stayed to fix 8 the car? Yes. message horn Henry. Henry says the people who arc holding him want her laptop j suitcase. Henry shows them today's j yesterday's newspaper. He asks Jenny and Luke to go j not to go to the police again. He asks them lo give Rob a message j not to say anything to Rob. What do you think has happened to Henry? Why? What do you think fenny and Luke should do? c Look at the Social English phrases. Can you remember any of the missing words? Social English phrases Jenny Thanks for_ me stay. ? Jenny What does it_ Luke I have_idea. Jenny It's a_from Henry! Henry As you can see, I'm_ Henry Listen_. d 3 25))) Watch or listen and complete the phrases. e Watch or listen again and repeat the phrases. How do you say them in your language? Can you...? 1 describe someone's appearance and routine 1 report a problem to the police J thank someone for helping you G obligation, necessity, prohibition, advice V DIYand repairs; paraphrasing P consonant clusters This lamp doesn't work. Can you fix it? I think we just need to change the bulb. 6A Do it yourself 1 VOCABULARY DIY and repairs; paraphrasing a Look at the photo of the shop. What kind of things does it sell? Do you ever go to shops like this? b 3 26))) Listen to a person asking about things in a DIY store. Which of the four objects above does he want to buy? C Listen again and complete the dialogue. Then practise the dialogue with a partner. 2 PRONUNCIATION consonant clusters P Consonant clusters Some words have three (or even four) consonant sounds together, and these can be difficult to pronounce. These are common in: 1 words beginning with scr, spr or str, e.g. script, spring, struggle 2 in the middle of a word, e.g. sunglasses, describe 3 when you add an s to a word ending in two consonant sounds, e.g. pounds A Excuse me. B Yes, can I help you? A Yes, thanks. I'm 1_ know the2_. _for some... Sorry, I don't They're the3_that you put in the wall. I want to put some pictures on the wall. B You mean nails? A Ah, yes, that's it. And 1 need one more thing. My 4_doesn't5_. I need a new er... B Bulb? A Yes, thank you. B You'll find them over there, behind the gardening things. d V Communication What's it called? A p.109, B p.110. e >■ p.160 Vocabulary Bank DIY and repairs. a 3 30))) Listen and repeat the groups of words. 1 screw screwdriver scream screen string stress stream straight 2 paintbrush toothbrush electrician handle 3 needles shelves lamps bulbs b Practise saying the sentences. 1 I need some screws and a screwdriver. 2 Go straight down the next street. 3 Two electric toothbrushes, please. 4 That's strange - the string's not very strong. 5 Put some new bulbs in the lamps. 54 3 LISTENING & SPEAKING a Have you ever been to IKEA or similar stores that sell self-assembly (or flat-pack) furniture? Did you buy anything there? What? b Read the information about IKEA. What information does the author give...? 1 to show that IKEA is very popular outside Sweden 2 to show that there are also problems with IKEA It looks so easy at first... Started in 1943, the Swedish furniture store IKEA has transformed homes around the globe with its cheap, modern Scandinavian style. It has also changed the way we live: one in ten Europeans now sleeps in an IKEA bed, and its catalogue is in more homes than any other publication, including the Bible, the Yellow Pages, and the complete works of Shakespeare. But along with the pleasure of inexpensive furniture is the pain. The frustrating one-way system used to navigate the stores, for example, or some of the strange names given to the products (Snille chair, Odda chest of drawers, etc.). Most of all, there's the problem of getting the furniture home and trying to put it together. We asked three IKEA shoppers to share their experiences... c 3 31))) Listen to three people describe an experience with IKEA furniture. What: did they buy? Who was the least successful at assembling it? d Listen again. Which speaker...? A Q didn't have all the parts he / she needed B Q doesn't blame IKEA for the experience C Q had problems understanding what to do D [^J had to assemble the furniture twice E Q hadn't expected to have a problem F Q learned a lesson from the experience e 3 32))) Listen to some extracts from the listening, and write the missing words. What do you think they mean? 1 After hours and hours, and a lot of __ _, I finally managed to put it together. 2 So I had to_it to____ , move all the bits into the bedroom... 3 I'm quite_, quite practical, so 1 thought, 'No problem'. 4 I realized I'd put the doorhandle on the___ round. 5 It's_, but at least it has four legs! f Talk to a partner. Choose two things that you (or someone you know) have done and tell your partner about it. Use the questions in the box to help you. assembled flat-pack furniture changed a wheel on a car / a tyre on a bike Have you ever...? painted a wall or a room set up a Wi-fi network set up a home cinema system fixed something in your home, e.g. an appliance that was broken ^3 Describing a process When and where did you do it? Why did you have to do it? Did anyone help you? How long did it take? What problems did you have? How successful were you in the end? 4 READING & SPEAKING a You're going to read about some unusual uses for everyday things. Before you read, with a partner, try to complete sentences 1—5. rice a bowl a potato a banana mayonnaise 1 You can use_ light bulb. 2 You can use_ for your mobile. 3 You can use _ from wood. 4 You can use_ _to take out a broken that has got wet. 5 You can use _ _to make a speaker _to remove water marks _to repair a phone to fix a scratched DVD. b Read the article once, and check your answers. c Look at the highlighted verbs and try to guess their meaning. Then match them with the definitions below. 1 to move a cloth or your hand backwards and forwards on something while pressing hard 2 _to clean or dry something with a cloth or towel, e.g. you - the windows of your car after you have washed them 3 _to connect an electronic device to another device, or to the electricity supply 4 _to let something fall 5 _marked on the surface by something sharp 6 _to make something shine, e.g. your shoes, a mirror 7 _to take out something 8 _ , to turn something in a particular direction, e.g. the lid of a jar 9 _to make something louder d Read the article again. Then with a partner, try to remember exactly what to do lor each of the problems in a. e Are there any tips you think you might try? Brilliant uses for everyday things It's been a bad day. First you dropped your mobile in the pool and now the DVD you wanted to watch is scratched. But don't worry, you needn't buy new ones. You can fix them with everyday things you already have at home! Read on for some good DIY tips from the internet 9f Mi obile phones make our lives easier, but it's so easy to lose them, or drop them, worst of all, into water. If that happens to you, you may think the phone is ruined. In fact, you don't have to throw it away. Reader's Digest says all you have to do is to take the battery out and put the phone in a bowl of rice overnight. You must use uncooked rice, and it will absorb all of the water. Next morning put the battery back, and the phone will work again. Another problem with mobile phones is that you probably have a lot of great music on yours, but if you're with a group of friends and you all want to listen, you need to plug it into a speaker, and you may not have one at hand. Or do you? Next time, try this easy trick from Real Simple magazine. Put the phone into a bowl and press 'play'. The bowl will amplify the sound from your mobile's speakers. Now everyone can hear the music! A jar or glass will also work if you don't have a bowl. I n addition to rice, a potato can also I make a great DIY tool. Here's an example. The other day I was trying to kill a fly that was buzzing around a ceiling light and the worst happened: I missed the fly but broke the light bulb. Now it can be very difficult to remove a broken bulb, and of course, you mustn't ever do it with bare hands. Luckily, there's another way. According to the Martha Stewart website, ■— (ivH-s^ ~~ I s'mP'v CLJt a potato in half, press the S *v potato into the remains of the bulb, then 9 V twist and remove it. Remember you must switch off the light first. nother useful DIY tool is a banana. Check out this idea from Apartment Therapy. If you have a scratched DVD that won't play, rub the inside of a banana skin over the scratch. Then polish the DVD with a soft cloth and - voila! - problem solved. This trick works because the waxy substance in the banana skin fills in the scratch. For deep scratches, you should rub some toothpaste in first. Even mayonnaise has surprising uses. _ Everyone knows that you shouldn't put a wet glass on a wooden table, because it will probably leave an ugly mark on the wood. But sometimes you forget. Don't worry, again according to Apartment Therapy, just rub some mayonnaise into the mark and leave it for 15 minutes or longer. Wipe clean, and the mark will be gone. For best results, you should do this as soon as possible after the mark is made. A 56 6A 5 GRAMMAR obligation, necessity, prohibition, advice a Look at some extracts from the article in 4. Complete the chart with the bold phrases. You needn't buy new ones. In fact, you don't have to throw it away. Reader's Digest says all you have to do is to take the battery out. ... but if you're with a group of friends and you all want to listen you need to plug it into a speaker. ' ■ ■ .and of course, you mustn't ever do it with bare hands. Remember you must switch off the light first. For deep scratches, you should rub some toothpaste in first. Everyone knows that you shouldn't put a wet glass on a wooden table, because it will probably leave an ugly mark on the wood. 1 It's an obligation / necessity. _ 6 SPEAKING & WRITING a What would you suggest in these situations? Compare your ideas with a partner. 2 It isn't an obligation / necessity. 3 Don't do it! It's prohibited / dangerous. 4 It's a good idea. 5 It isn't a good idea. b V p.142 Grammar Bank 6A. Learn more about expressing obligation, necessity, prohibition, and advice. c Look at the problems and possible solutions below. Make three sentences using the expressions in bold. 1 Your microwave has a bad smell. a) buy a new one b) put half a lemon in a glass of water and cook it on high c) clean it with strong detergent mustn't / don't have to / should ^You don't have to buy a new one. 2 Your leather sofa has a scratch. a) paint the scratch with a permanent pen b) pay a professional to repair it c) rub some olive oil on it needn't / shouldn't / should 3 Your cups have tea and coffee stains. a) only use dark coloured cups for tea and coffee b) wash them with water and bleach* c) clean them with a mixture of salt and lemon juice should / mustn't / don't have to * a chemical that makes something become white What shall I do? you spill red wine on your white trousers you think your computer might have a virus one of the screws in your glasses keeps coming out you have a biro mark on your jeans the heel breaks on one of your shoes there's a power cut, and. you have a freezer t^—-full of food you can't get good reception on your phone the zip on your suitcase breaks at the airport your car is nearly out of petrol and the nearest petrol station is ZO km away one of your shoelaces breaks while you're out Responding to other people's suggestions That's a brilliant idea! Yes, that really works. Are you sure that would work? I suppose that might work. That sounds dangerous to me, I wouldn't want to try that. b Choose the best solution you discussed in a and write a short paragraph about it for a competition on the internet. Describe the problem and give instructions for solving it. 6A 57 v G can, could, and be able to V at a restaurant P word pairs with and Excuse me, can you help me? 6B At your service I'll be able to help you when I finish with this customer. 1 READING a What really annoys you about customer service when you go shopping? With a partner, write down three things you consider to be bad customer service. b Read an article about bad customer service. Write the correct headings in the article. There is one you don't need to use. a Too few shop assistants B Inappropriate offers C it's a shop, not a social club d Too much pressure to buy E Too much stock F Keeping too few checkouts open C Silent cashiers H Terrible changing rooms The 7 worst customer servic crimes ^ Keeping toofett^checkouts open_, So many stores are guilty of this. The worst are the supermarkets. Then they ring the bell to get a new2 cashier from out the back, and leave their finger on the bell, making a really irritating noise. Mary Portas - broadcaster, writer, and shopping expert - names some of the most irritating aspects of shopping. f I Cashiers at supermarket checkouts now don't even say the final price - you're supposed to see it on the 3till. They've lost basic communication skills. Even worse is when they dump the 4receipt and the change into your band in one lump. Horrible, I At the newsagent's, you go to the 5counter to buy a newspaper and they offer to sell you a huge chocolate bar for £1, as well. A massive bar of chocolate at 7.30 in the morning? How about just smiling and saying good morning? " There's a long queue to try things on, but they say, 'You can only take in four items'. You should be able to take a big armful in. And there's nowhere to hang your clothes, so you have to put them on the floor. Except the floors are filthy. 6 7 Again, many fashion stores are guilty of this. The Brails are so full of clothes that you can't even see the sizes. You have to pull the 7hangers apartto look in, then they fall onto the floor. I hate it when assistants stand next to the till gossiping to each other. It's all too common in department stores, hairdressers, and coffee shops. All you want to do is pay, but it's as if you're invisible. This is why I hate beauty counters. You walk through the ground floor of many department stores and a woman runs after you and sprays you with perfume, asking, 'Could I just interest you in...?' Her face is usually orange, with eyebrows drawn on with a pencil. It says, 'You too could look like me'. You can't be serious! Why would I want to look like you? No, thanks! Adapted from The Daily Telegraph c Look at the highlighted words in the text, and match them with A-G in the photos. d Read the article again. Tick (/) the opinions that Mary Portas agrees with. 1 Supermarkets should make sure people don't have to queue for too long to pay. 2 Cashiers should be more friendly. 3 Cashiers shouldn't chat to customers. 4 Shop assistants shouldn't encourage you to buy things you haven't asked for. 5 Instead of chocolate, the newsagent's should offer people fruit to buy. 6 It's important to limit the number of items customers take into changing rooms so that they don't spend too long in there. 7 Changing rooms are generally uncomfortable and dirty. 8 It should be easy to see what size clothes arc. 9 It's unreasonable to expect shop assistants not to chat to each other while they are working. 10 People on beauty counters usually look great because they use the products they are selling. e Which of the customer service 'crimes' she mentions are a problem in your country? Which of the opinions in d do you agree with? 1 P*1gi I C : a Look at the list of places below. Think about the ones you go to, how good or bad the service usually is there, and experiences that you have had. • supermarkets • mobile phone / computer shops • clothes shops • gyms • banks ■ department stores • chemists b Work in groups of three or fou r. For each place talk about: • how often you go there • how convenient the opening and closing times are ■ what the facilities arc like (queuing, changing rooms, background music, seating areas, etc.) • what the staff are like (enough of them, helpful, etc.) ■ what the customer service is like if you have a problem • any especially good or bad experiences you have had c In your groups, decide on three things that would really improve customer service in these places. 3 GRAMMAR can, could, and be able to a Right (/) or wrong (X)? With a partner, correct the mistakes in the highlighted phrases. 1 If you wait till the sales, you'll can get it more cheaply. 2 People are still in the shop, so it can't be closed. 3 I wanted to buy some jeans, but I didn't can find any that I liked. 4 I think you could to try a smaller size. 5 I'd love to can sing well. 6 You can park over there but you can't leave your car there for more than two hours. b >* p.143 Grammar Bank 6B. Learn more about can, could, and be able to and practise them. c Complete the statements with your own ideas, then compare answers with a partner. 1 Everybody should be able to... 2 I hate not being able to... 3 I've never been able to... 4 I'd love to be able to... 5 Even though it was very difficult, I was able to... 6 If I work / study hard, I hope I'll be able to... in a few years' time. 4 3 39))) SONG Hit 'em up Style (Oops!) J3 # 5 VOCABULARY at a restaurant 7 READING & LISTENING a Do you know a restaurant, café, or bar where the service is bad? What's bad about it? b >- p.161 Vocabulary Bank At a restaurant. PRONUNCIATION word pairs with and a Look at the photo. What do you think the 'ri stands for? Why do you think it's written like that? ■ 3;42))) Listen and repeat the phrases. fish and chips oil and vinegar salt and pepper cup and saucer bread and butter knife and fork Ask and answer with a partner. What's the difference between...? 1 a cup and a glass 2 a spoon and a teaspoon 3 a plate and a saucer 4 a jug and a mug 5 a tablecloth and a napkin 6 a plate and a dish 7 a meal and a course 8 'clear the table' and 'lay the table' 9 'take orders' and 'order food' 10 'pour the wine' and 'try the wine' Have you ever worked as a waiter / waitress in a bar or restaurant? Do you know anyone who has or does? What are the main advantages and disadvantages? Read the article about the TV reality show Service. Answer the questions. 1 How is Service different from other restaurant reality shows? 2 What are the prizes at the end of the show? 3 Who is Michel Roux and where does he work? 4 What examples does he give to show that service is as important as food? 5 What is surprising about Danielle's and Ashley's previous experience of restaurants? Michel ERVICE I Wf i a Ktmwxm s imi ■ m km timi KKtMi»j tavAi ■ ■ a «: We've seen plenty of cookery competitions where amateur chefs compete hoping to become professionals, but BBC2's Service, a programme from chef Michel Roux, one of the judges on BBC's Masterchef, focuses on another side of restaurants. Over eight episodes, eight young people with no restaurant experience at all are taught the skills to become top waiters and waitresses. Rather than having competitors voted off each week, after the eight weeks two winners are chosen to receive six-month scholarships with the Academy of Food & Wine Service. 'Great service is as important as great food,' says Roux, who owns several well-known restaurants, including Le Gavroche, a two-Michelin star restaurant in London. 'If the food at one of my restaurants was OK, but the service was brilliant, the customers would still come back. But I'd never see them again if the service was rubbish, even though the food was brilliant.' 'There is a great career to be had in restaurant service,' says Roux. 'Head waiters can earn as much as a top chef. And, Like chefs, their skills can take them all over the world.' Roux's trainees include Brooke Arnold, 18, who has previously worked for McDonald's, Nikkita Palphreyman, 19, a single mother, and Niki Bedson, 22, an unemployed history graduate. 24-year-old James Marvin used to work in sales, and Danielle Menagh, 19, was a hairdresser. 'Before the show I'd never drunk wine,' she says. The most unlikely trainee is 21-year-old Ashley Flay. 'I left school at 14,' he says. 'Before the show, I'd never eaten in a place which had table service.' c 3/43))) Listen to a breakfast radio show where a critic talks about the series. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Ryan only watched the final episode. 2 In the first episode the trainees weren't very successful working at a pizza restaurant. 3 Ashley and Nikkita had a fight. 4 Michel Roux and his colleagues made the trainees feel more confident. 5 Brooke had a disaster when she cooked crepes Suzette. 6 In the final episode the trainees served at a restaurant in Paris. 7 Michel Roux was very nervous for them beforehand. 8 Only Danielle and Ashley won scholarships. 9 The show was a success both for the trainees themselves and as a programme. d Listen again and correct the F sentences. e Discuss the questions with a partner. 1 When you go to a restaurant, which do you think is more important, the service or the food? Why? 2 Think of some places where you like to eat out. Are there waiters or are they self-service places? How do the staff treat you? How do you treat the staff? 8 WRITING >- p.118 Writing A restaurant review. Write a review of a restaurant you've been to recently for a website. 6B 61 5&6 Revise an< ec GRAMMAR (Circle)a, b, or c. VOCABULARY a (Circle) the word that is different. 1 A What's this programme? 1 sheep cow barn hen B I don't know. I've turned it on. 2 remote control stand speakers sitcom a already b just c yet 3 rope drill hammer screwdriver 2 We've never been to Madrid, but to 4 knife fork tray spoon Barcelona last year. 5 mug bowl cup glass a we went b we've been c we've gone 3 A Shall I make some photocopies? B No,it's OK- them. a I already did b I already have done c I've already done 4 They've lived here__. a for two months b two months ago c since two months 5 Where have you been?_since 9.00! a I'm waiting b I've been waiting c I've waited 6 How long_to your family? a is this farm belonging b has this farm been belonging c has this farm belonged 7 The fields are really wet._a lot recently. a It's raining b It rains c It's been raining 8 You_pay if you don't have any money. a mustn't b don't have to c needn't to 9 I didn't have any screws so I_use nails instead. a had to b must to c must 10 You _ _pay me back till next week. a needn't b don't need c don't have 11 She thinks I_sell my car. a need b ought c should 12 When we're on holiday_go swimming every day. a we'll can b we'll be able to c we'll be able 13 She_to come to the party. a might not can b might not be able c might not 14 The exam was really hard, but I___pass. a was able to b could c could to 15 He_be from Paris —he doesn't speak French. a could b can c can't b C omple te the word s. 1 Can you t_the TV up? I can't hear it. 2 I find some s_operas really addictive. 3 Have you seen the weather f_for tomorrow? 4 I'm not very interested in c_affairs. 5 We need a TV with a bigger s_. c Write words for the definitions. 1 trees grow these in spring and lose them in autumn 2 a small, narrow river 3 an area of low land between hills or mountains 4 to take fruit from the plant where they are growing 5 a young sheep d (Circle) the right word. 1 I'm not tall enough - do you have a hammer / ladder? 2 This torch needs new batteries j matches. 3 Do you have a needle and string j thread? 4 I've lost one of the nails j screws from my glasses. 5 We need to set up j put up our new computer. e Complete the phrases with a verb. 1 _for the bill 4 _ a button back on 2 _ 3 _ a tip our order . a table for 9 o'clock PRONUNCIATION a (Circle) the word with a different sound. b Underline the stressed syllable. 1 com mer cial 3 screw dri ver 5 tea spoon 2 har vest 4 ba tteiry path plant grass tap bush bucket mug country cookery should wood cartoon ought work forecast torch bowl cow stone grow CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a Read the article once. Is tipping in the U K similar to tipping in your country? Tipping in the UK Tipping is not expected in the UK in the way it is in the United States or Canada. All staff in the UK must be paid at least the National Minimum Wage, whether they receive tips or not. Therefore, unlike in much of North America, the need for tipping is much less. Cafes and coffee shops In a cafe, you may receive waiter / waitress service to bring your tea, coffee, sandwiches, or whatever you have ordered to the table. In these establishments tipping is not usual. If you feel the service has been especially pleasant you can leave a pound (or the change) in appreciation. In coffee shops such as Starbucks, there may be a tip jar on the counter, but very few customers leave tips, and you certainly don't have to. In self-service cafes where you collect your food and put it on a tray (as found in tourist attractions, for example) you don't tip either. Restaurants and pubs In pubs, where you usually choose and pay for your order at the bar, but the food is brought to your table, tipping is uncommon. You can leave a pound or two if you wish. In restaurants where you place your order with a waiter / waitress and receive your food and your bill at your table, you should tip around 10% of the bill. This varies from place to place - in more expensive restaurants where you receive personal service, a tip would always be expected (it would be considered rude not to leave one unless there was a problem with the service), whereas in the most casual of restaurants tipping is not universal. If you have been very unhappy with the service, you could consider not leaving a tip. In some restaurants, a service charge may automatically be added to the bill, typically 10% or 12.5%, sometimes only for larger groups. This should be noted on the menu. But if you're not happy with the service, you can ask for it to be removed, and explain why you're unhappy. If a service charge is added, or the menu says 'service included', you needn't add any further tip. In some cases if you pay by credit card the machine may ask if you want to add a tip, Check your bill carefully to see if a service charge has been added before paying, and if it has, be sure not to add any more. In some cases a restaurant may print 'service not included' on the menu or the bill. This is a request for a tip! b Read the article again and answer the questions. 1 Is tipping more common in the UK or in the US? 2 When might you leave a tip in a café? 3 Do you need to leave a tip in all types of restaurant in the UK? 4 When might you decide not to leave a tip i n an expensive restaurant? 5 Do all restaurants add a service charge? Do you have to pay it? 6 Why should you be careful if you pay by credit card in a restaurant? c Choose five new words or phrases from the text. Check their meaning and pronunciation and try to learn them. Mi CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE ™E° PEOPLE? 3 44))) In the street Watch or listen to five people and answer the questions. Andrew Diarmuid Mairi 1 Andrew doesn't watch _ Chris Christopher . very often. a comedies b chat shows c the news 2 Diarmuid thinks the countryside is_ a somewhere he wouldn't like to live at the moment b a good place for families to live c not as safe as it used to be 3 Mairi is_the bed that she put up. a worried about b a bit disappointed with c quite pleased with 4 Chris had problems with his IK E A bed because_. a he assembled it badly b he didn't have all the right pieces c the instructions were badly written 5 Christopher says that when he needs a shop assistant_. a he can never find one b they are always chatting c he goes to look for one CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? Do the tasks with a partner. Tick (/) the box if you can do them. Can you...? 1 [__] describe your TV-watching habits 2 LJ compare living in a city with living in the country, and describe your own experience 3 [ ] describe two of your favourite shops and say why you like them 4 Q describe a DIY job that someone has done i n you r home 5 |_| agree or disagree with these statements, and say why: • Most TV programmes aren't worth watching. • To be successful, a shop must have good customer service. 04 Short films The history of flat-pack furniture video watch and enjoy a film on iTutor. G phrasal verbs V cash machines; phrasal verbs P linking What shall I do with this old T-shirt? iving it away VOCABULARY & LISTENING cash machines a Look at the words and expressions. Do they refer to the same thing or four different things? Which is the most common in the UK and in the US? cash machine ATM hole in the wall cashpoint b Do the quiz with a partner. What do you press on a cash machine...? 1 if you want to take out money 2 if you want to know how much money you have 3 if you want a paper record of what you did 4 if you want to put money into your account 5 if you make a mistake and need to start again Either give it away or throw i )w it away J □ check your balance □ make a deposit □ cancel □ print receipt □ withdraw cash What do you have to do if you see the following? I 6 current account or savings account? 7 enter your PIN 8 remove your cash 9 insert your card 10 out of service I | take your money out of the machine I | find another machine that's working I | decide which account you want to use | | put your card in the machine ] key in your secret number c ;4 2))) Listen and check. r d 4 3))) Listen to two true news stories and answer the questions. Story 1 What was strange about each machine? 2 Who was responsible? 3 What happened in the end? e Listen again and answer with a number. How much money... 1 did you get if you tried to take out £20? 2 was given out by cash machines in Coventry? 3 did three family members collect? £_ £_ 4 How much money were the ATMs missing? $_ Talk to a partner. 1 How often do you go to a cash machine? Do you do anything apart from withdraw cash? 2 Have you ever had a problem with a cash machine? What happened? What did you do about it? 3 If a cashniachinegaveyow more money than you asked for, what would you do? 2 GRAMMAR phrasal verbs a Look at some sentences from the news stories in Id. With a partner, (frcj^ the correct form. Tick (/) if both forms are possible. 1 Over a hundred people were queuing, looking for free money j lookingfree money for. 2 Eventually, police arrived and stood guard over the machine until the bank was able to switch off it j switch it off remotely. 3 If you've taken money out j taken out money recently at an ATM in New York City, you might want to check your wallet for fake notes. 4 Police have warned customers and shops to look out for the fakes j look out the fakes for after they were found in two ATMs on Monday. 5 The man went on holiday to the Dominican Republic to enjoy the stolen cash, but he was immediately arrested when he came ten days later back j came back ten days later. b >• p.144 Grammar Bank 7A. Learn more about phrasal verbs and practise them. 3 PRONUNCIATION linking a Match 1-6 with a-f. 1 2 3 4 5 6 He keeps arguing with the referee. He's still asleep. I can't finish this steak. This chicken's past its sell-by date. The rubbish is beginning to smell. It's probably in Wikipedia. Take^Jt^nut. Throwwif_away. Send him, off. d Take,Jf_,away. e LookJLjjp. f Wake hirnjjp. b 4 7))) Listen and check. c H/8))) Listen and repeat a-f, linking the words. d Work with a partner. A cover a-f. B say a sentence from 1-6. A say a response from a-f from memory. Then swap roles. e 4 9))) Listen to the sentences. Make another sentence to follow each one with a phrasal verb from the box and a pronoun (it, me, or them). fill in pick up switch off pay back take off try on turn down turn up ))) 1 It'll look great on you! Cjfy 'f °n- Ihn 7A 65 READING & SPEAKING a You're going to read an article about a man who calls himself Mr Lucky. Why do you think he has given himself this name? b Read an article about him, and answer the questions. 1 Who is Mr Lucky? What do we find out about him? 2 What is Wearelucky? 3 What kind of things have people done with the money? Subscribe ! Contact us c Read the article again. Complete the gaps with a sentence or phrase below. A At first he didn't know what to do with all the money B Each lucky person's story is recorded on the Wearelucky website C Giving away money is an incredible feeling D He was moved by her openness, and her dedication to her shop E Some people are especially generous F They are people he meets, in cafes or on the Tube d Look at the highlighted words related to money, and with a partner work out their meaning. e If Mr Lucky gave you £1,000, what would you do with it? If you were Mr Lucky, who would you give the money to? Search ■ When luck comes to town What good deed would you do with a gift of £1,000? Sonia Zhuravlyova meets the mystery man making strangers' dreams come true. } bu have I »ecn personally selected to Partite m our cxcitiug\lcxr pr^ct Cj X'J000is\ p*, to spend on something good. | '°nrc,J-^-nkin;pJease(1JrnowrJ We all know the old saying 'money can't buy happiness', but one man disagrees. He thinks he has come up with a way to make his money give him pleasure - by giving it to strangers. '!__' says Mr Lucky, the mystery millionaire behind Wearelucky, a project that has seen nearly 100 people receive £1,000 each in cash. But there is a catch. You must promise to do something 'good' with it. Mr Lucky wishes to remain anonymous but I can reveal that he is a Londoner, and is in his forties. The name Wearelucky came to him when he was thinking about his own good fortune — he took a job abroad with an insurance company and earned so much that he could afford to retire in 2011 aged 37. 2_, whether to give it to a charity in a developing country, or to an individual in the UK. So he decided to get other people to decide for him. Wearelucky was born. So far, the lucky people have included web designers, nurses, taxi drivers, bar owners, and photographers — anyone qualifies. 3__, who have responded positively to his idea for the project. If he likes you and your idea for the money, then you get an invitation. He also sometimes gives an invitation to someone he trusts, and asks them to choose someone to give it to. Since 2011, 92 people have qualified. 'I am constantly looking out for "lucky" people,' he explains. The invitation comes in a square black envelope and asks the person to get in touch within 48 hours, explaining in detail the good deed they will do with the money. 4___, and Mr Lucky, who is an amateur photographer, takes their photo. The project's definition of the 'good' deed is quite open. During a recent walk in London, Mr Lucky met Lucy, who runs a small bookshop on Charing Cross Road. 5_ . She decided to pass on the money by giving a bonus to a colleague, which the bookshop couldn't previously afford to do, and by investing the rest in microfinanemg. Jane, a bar owner from St-Fort-sur-Gironde in France, is spending the money on promoting cultural events at her bar for the benefit of her community, and buying late Christmas presents, which she couldn't afford at the time, for her four granddaughters. 6_. Rufus, an 81-year-old football coach in Kerala, India, spent the £1,000 on training — and often feeding — local children. Mr Lucky says, 'I'm enjoying giving the money to someone and they're enjoying the process of giving the money to someone else, so there is this chain reaction of positive feeling.' Recently Mr Lucky gave an invitation to Paul 'Chilli' Churchill, a London taxi driver, and asked him to give it to someone he likes. Just think, the next time you get into a cab, it could be your lucky day! Glossary microfinancing faiaikroo'tainasnsirj/ a system of providing services such; lending money to people who are too poor to use banks 1 A Paul >lJLj Taxi driver xmdoti, UK 5 VOCABULARY phrasal verbs a Look at three sentences from the article. Can yon remember what the missing words are in the phrasal verbs? What do you think they mean? 1 He thinks he has come , money give him pleasure. with a way to make his 2 'Giving _ money is an incredible feeling.' 3 She decided to pass to a colleague. _ the money by giving a bonus b V p.162 Vocabulary Bank Phrasal verbs. 6 SPEAKING Ask and answer the questions with a partner. Give background information, and details or examples where you can. / tried to learn Polish.! got to about pre-intermediate level and then I gave up. The thing that made me give up was the grammar - it was unbelievably difficult... Think of something you have tried to do and failed. How long was it before you gave up? What made you finally give up? Has your car ever broken down on the motorway? What did you do? When you started school (or university) did you find it difficult to fit in? If someone offered to take you out for a meal to a restaurant of your choice, where would you go? Have you ever left something on a bus or train, or in a taxi? Did you ever get it back? If you invited people to your house for a meal, how would you feel if they turned up half an hour late? Have you ever lent money to someone who never paid you back? What would you do if a friend borrowed your laptop but it didn't work when he or she gave it back? 7A 67 G verb patterns V live entertainment P bit, hit, and hi; words with two pronunciations Do you enjoy going to clubs? Not much, prefer spending time with my friends at home. 7B Going out and staying in 1 VOCABULARY Live entertainment a What are the advantages and disadvantages of seeing a concert or a sporting event live instead of on TV? b 4 12))) Listen to three conversations. Match them with the events below. Arc the people talking before, during, or after the event? | a concert [J a play | a sporting event c 4 13))) Listen and repeat some words related to live entertainment. arena audience box office crowd curtain extra time fans final whistle half time interval matinee opponent performance plot programme row scene score spectators stage stalls / circle theatre tickets With a partner, put the words in c in the right column. Some words can go in more than one place. Play, musical or concert Sporting event PRONUNCIATION h-J, b\l, and fel; words with two pronunciations a 4 14))) Listen and repeat the three sounds. Which sound is short, and always on an unstressed syllable? b Look at the groups of words, (^hcle) the word where the pink letter is pronounced /a/. What sound do the other two words have? 1 aiidience stalls arena 2 interval circle curtain 3 score spectator performance c 4 15))) Listen and check. Practise saying the words. d 4 16))) Read the information box. Then listen and repeat the sentences. What do the words mean in each sentence? O Words with the same spelling but different pronunciations A few words in English are spelled exactly the same but pronounced differently, and have different meanings, e.g. bow/'ban/ = to put your head down, e.g. at the end of a concert or play when people are clapping, but bow/boo/ - a weapon that you use to shoot an arrow. 1 We went to a live concert last weekend. 2 We live next to the concert hall. 3 We sat in the front row. 4 After the concert we had a row. e Practise saying the sentences. SPEAKING a You're going to tell a partner about a live event you went to (a concert, play, sporting event, or other). Read the prompts on the right and think about what you're going to say. b Work in pairs. Tell each other about the event you went to. Would you like to have gone to your partner's event? what the event was who you went with how you got the tickets the queues the seats the food and drink how long it lasted what you thought of it if it was worth the money what you did afterwards 68 LISTENING a Read the description of a play called Sleep No More. How is it different from an ordinary play? b 4 17))) Listen to a radio programme where Jill, a theatre critic, is reviewing Sleep No More. Number the photos in the order she mentions them. c Listen again. Mark the statements T (true) or F (false). 1 There arc no tickets available now for Sleep No More. 2 Sleep No More is frightening, but enjoyable. 3 The performance takes place in a well-known hotel. 4 There arc more than 100 different rooms. 5 You're allowed to touch anything in the rooms. 6 In the hospital room, there were drawers containing human hair. 7 All the actors wear identical white masks. 8 Jill was very nervous when she had to interact with the actors. 9 At the end of the play, all of the audience end up in the same place. 10 The critic thought that the plot was very clear. d Would you like to attend a performance like Sleep No More? Why (not)? Have you ever seen anything similar? 5 GRAMMAR verb patterns a Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets (infinitive, to + infinitive, or verb + ing). 1 If a friend asked me_to a classical music concert, I think I'd__no. (go, say) 2 Hove films in 3D - they're much better than ordinary ones, (watch) 3 My parents didn't use to let me_out late during the week when I was a teenager. They wanted me_my evening_. (stay, spend, study) 4 I hate_to clubs. I don't like_in places where there are lots of people and noise, (go, be) 5 I never feci like _ . out on New Year's Eve. I prefer_in. (go, stay) b With a partner, say if the sentences are true for you or not, and why. c >• p.145 Grammar Bank 7B. Learn more about verb patterns and practise them. d Complete the sentences with a verb phrase so that they are true. 1 I've often tried.. .but I've never been able to do it. 2 My parents used to try to make me... 3 When I'm on holiday I really enjoy... 4 How do I feel about housework? Well, I can't stand.. .but I don't mind... 5 I can't imagine not... 6 When I'm away from home I really miss... 7 I would like it if people in my country stopped... 8 At the moment I'm planning... 9 When I leave the house in the morning I often forget... e Compare your sentences with a partner. 6 a SPEAKING If you stay in at the weekend and friends come round, what do you like doing? Tick (/) or cross (X) the activities in the list, and add one more option. WHAT DO YOU LIKE DOING? playing board games or role-playing games watching films or DVDs together cooking and having a meal together getting a takeaway watching sport on TV listening to music and chatting playing video games or online games b Compare your list with a partner. Say why you like / don't like doing each of these. c >- Communication Going out or staying in? A p.107, B p.108. d Think about the last time you spent an evening with friends at your house or theirs. What did you do? 7 READING a What games do you play on your phone, tablet, or laptop? Do you play any online games? b Do you know anyone who plays World of Warcraft? Read a short summary of the game. What do the highlighted words mean? Article Talk World of Warcraft__ From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia World of Warcraft (or WoW) is a multiplayer online role-playing game set in the virtual reality fantasy Warcraft universe, where players control their avatar to fight monsters or other players. Gold coins are used to repair armour or buy items (weapons, food, potions, etc.), but to get these coins you have to complete quests which often take a very long time. Some items like mounts are very expensive, so players who want one for their avatar need a lot of gold. Read the article once. Which of these does the article mention? 5 how much 'gold' costs 6 why people pay for virtual gold 7 why people play World of Warcraft 8 other online games 1 what a 'gold farmer' is 2 the pros and cons of being a gold farmer 3 other jobs in the gold-farming industry 4 how to play World of Warcraft Being paid to play games all day long sounds like a dream job - but for thousands of 'gold farmers', the virtual reality is hard work. Li Hua makes a living playing computer games. Working from a cramped office, he kills dragons and robs them of virtual gold in ten-hour shifts. Next to him, rows of other young workers do the same. 'It is just like working in a factory, the only difference is that this is the virtual world,' says Li. The working conditions are hard. We don't get weekends off and I only have one day free a month. But compared to other jobs it is good. I have no other skills and I enjoy playing sometimes Li is just one of more than 100 workers employed by WoW7gold, an internet-based company that makes more than £1m a year selling in-game advantages to World of Warcraft players. Apart from gold, customers may ask for their avatar's skill level to be increased, or for a virtual magic sword. For thousands of workers such as Li, 'gold farming' is a way of life. They can expect to earn between £80-£120 a month which, given the long hours and night shifts, can amount to as little as 30p an hour. After completing his shift, Li is given a basic meal of rice, meat, and vegetables, and falls into a bed in a room that he shares with eight other gold farmers. His wages may be low, but food and accommodation are included. WELCOME TO THE NEW GOLD MINES he gold farming industry may be about playing games, but these companies take their work seriously. At WoW7gold, there are different departments, including production, sales, advertising, and research. While young, largely unskilled workers such as Li spend their days in the virtual field, highly skilled graduates, mainly female, receive better salaries working as customer service operators. Eva Yuan is one such operator. A 26-year-old graduate who speaks three languages, she has been working for WoW7gold for more than a year. 'Most of our customers are from America, but they are people of all ages and careers,' she says. 'The biggest transaction I have seen was one person who bought 100,000 gold pieces, which costs £2,000 to £3,000.' Yuan thinks her job is worthwhile. 'Everything that appeals to some people in the world needs some people to produce it. We are allowing people to buy what they want, and we care about that.' Thousands of miles away, I ask Jamie, a 24-year-old gamer from the UK, what makes him spend his money on these sites. 'The reason people buy gold is the same reason they pay people to wash their car - they would rather spend money on it than do it themselves,' he says. 'You could spend time getting gold, say 20 real-life hours. Or you could go to work for two hours and pay someone else for the gold. If I'm playing, I want to play, not do boring tasks.' Most multiplayer game operators do not allow players to buy gold from gold farmers. WoW7gold is no longer active, though similar services can be found online. d Read the article again and choose a, b or c. 1 For Li Hua, the advantage of his job is that___. a he enjoys doing it, and it's quite well paid b it's sometimes fun, and it's better than other jobs c he gets his meals free and his own room 2 WoW7gold is a company that_. a pays its employees in virtual money b charges its customers virtual money for their services c sells its customers virtual money and services 3 Eva Yuan thinks that_. a she is overqualified for the job that she is doing b if people want to buy virtual gold there is no reason why companies shouldn't sell it c people spend a ridiculous amount of real money on virtual gold 4 Jamie prefers to buy his virtual gold because_. a he doesn't enjoy the process of getting the virtual gold b he thinks the gold farming industry needs to be encouraged c his job doesn't give him enough free time to be able to get virtual gold e From what the article says, do you think people like Jamie are cheating at the game? Why (not)? Would you pay real money for a virtual object? 4 2D)) SONG We don't need money to have a good time J3 7B 7 Is it a clue? ■4 ROB GETS INVOLVED VIDEO a 4 22))) Watch or listen to Jenny, Luke, and Rob talking about Henry's disappearance. What are two possible clues they notice in the video? Mi TALKING ABOUT HOUSE RULES video b Watch or listen again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Correct the F sentences. 1 Rob thinks they should ask the police for help. 2 Rob and Luke agree that they shouldn't give the laptop to the criminals. 3 Rob noticed something strange about how his father looked. 4 The phrase that really surprises Rob is his old dad. 5 He doesn't know how to interpret the clue. 6 Rob has booked a flight to the UK. 7 Jenny is going to go back to Henry's house. What do you think the clues might mean? Who do you think Simon is? a 4 23))) Watch or listen to Luke telling Jenny about the rules in his house. Complete Rules for guests. Why does he ask her to move her car? F-ules for guests I This is a no-_ % Don't too*_ bouse or leave products in the- fridge. 3 If jou need to use- the internet, the _for the Wi-fi is luteandsimonrufe. 4 If fou use the washing machine, please use the_-__detergents in the cupboard. 5 Please help us save energy - don't use a _water programme. ^ There isn't a_. Hang four tlotbes L. on the instead. ECOVER b Read the dialogue between Luke and Jenny. Can you remember any of the missing words? Watch or listen again and check. Luke It's a great location, and the rent is cheap, but Simon can be a bit difficult. Jenny Oh, right. Luke He's got a few rules. After all, it is his house. Jenny That's fine. Luke To start with, it's a no-smoking house. Jenny Great. Luke And he's a strict vegetarian so _ _cook meat or leave meat products in the fridge. Jenny Uh huh. Luke He just feels really strongly about not eating_. Jenny That's not a_. Luke What about you? Is there_you need? Jenny There is one thing - could I__my phone to your Wi-f i? Luke _. The__is /ukeandsimonrute, all lower case, all one word. Jenny Got it. Luke Anything_? Jenny Yeah. I have some clothes I need to wash. Is it_if I use your washing machine? Luke Of_you can. But Simon prefers us to use the eco-friendly detergents. There's some in the cupboard. Jenny Cool. Luke Oh, and you___use a hot water programme. He's very keen on saving energy. Jenny OK, and_you _ if I use your dryer too? Luke _, we don't have one, but you can hang it out on the washing line. Jenny Great. Is there___else I__ know? Luke No, I don't think_- oh! You should probably move your car. Jenny I guess Simon doesn't like cars either. Luke Well no, but it's not that. We know the kidnappers have been watching us, right? They might see it and recognize us. Jenny You're right. I'll move it right away. Luke Look, I'll come with you and we can get a coffee. There's a nice cafe round the corner. Jenny Thanks, Luke. c 4 24))) Watch or listen and repeat the highlighted phrases. Copy the rhythm. d MB In pairs, practise the dialogue with a partner. e >- Communication Renting a room A p.109, B p.110. ■< TAKING A RISK a 4 25))) Watch or listen to Jenny and Luke discussing the situation with Rob. Where are they going to go tonight? Why? b Watch or listen again and answer the questions. 1 Who is more optimistic at the beginning, Jenny or Luke? 2 Has Rob managed to get a flight to London? Why (not)? 3 What does Rob think the words old man might refer to? 4 What docs he think Luke and Jenny need to do? 5 How are they going to get to the house? 6 Why does Luke know the back way well? What do you think will happen when they go to the house? O British and American English flashlight = American English torch = British English c Look at the Social English phrases. Can you remember any of the missing words? Social English phrases Jenny It's all_a mess. Jenny I hope_. I just don't know. Jenny Any___? Rob I know, but I'll___trying. Rob I've been thinking about Dad's message. That 'old man'_ Jenny Did you__that? d 4,26))) Watch or listen and complete the phrases. e Watch or listen again and repeat the phrases. How do you say them in your language? £ Can you...? J ask about the rules in a house ~] explain the rules in a house ~J suggest and agree on a plan of action G have something done V looking after yourself P sentence stress I love your hair! Where did you have it done? At a new place near my office. ing after yourself 1 VOCABULARY looking after yourself a Look at the website for a spa and gym. Would you like to go there? What would you do if you went there? Do you have any similar places near where you live? mm mmmmm CHECK OUT DATE T ■■■ MIND AND BODY WELLBEING CENTRE CONTACT US Our 1200 m2 Wellbeing Centre offers you everything you need to recharge your mind and body. • The spa area has a large pool, a hamrnarn, and massage rooms offering a variety of treatments. The whole area is beautifully illuminated, with relaxing music, aromas and gentle lighting. • The gym has the most advanced fitness equipment, and a spacious aerobics studio. Yoga, t'ai chi, and Pilates classes are also offered either individually or in groups. • The lounge and bar area offers a healthy assortment of all-organic snacks and juices. b >- p.163 Vocabulary Bank Looking after yourself. Do parts 1 and 2. 2 SPEAKING a Look at the topics below. Work with a partner. How important are these things if you want to look after yourself? LOOKING AFTER YOURSELF doing exercise (where? who with? how often?) walking, e.g. to work doing sport looking after your skin /face using sunscreen looking after your hands and feet BHJ3J having a healthy diet culling down on some food /drink (e.g. red meat, etc.) cutting out some food /drink (e.g. alcohol, etc.) having regular check-ups at the doctor's / dentist's reading (books /newspapers etc.) doing puzzles (crosswords, Sudoku, etc.) playing computer games learning new things Giving opinions I think the most important thing if you want to keep fit is doing regular exercise. I think going to a gym is better than doing exercise at home because... I don't think you need to have medical check-ups unless... I also think it's important to... Imagine the government in your country was planning to introduce three new campaigns to encourage people to look after themselves better. What do you think the best ideas would be? Report your ideas to the class and have a class vote on the three best ideas. We think first they should make it obligatory to do more sport at school. Nowadays people only do two hours a week. Secondly, we think they should ban fizzy drinks... 3 READING & SPEAKING a Look at the photos of two spa treatments. What do you think they are? b Work in pairs A and B and read about the treatments. B go to Communication Hot or cold p.110. c A read the article on the right and find answers to the questions below. 1 Where did the journalist have the treatment? Where does it come from? 2 In what sort of room do you have the treatment? 3 What shows how hot the room gets? 4 What are the health benefits? 5 How do you protect yourself during the treatment? 6 How hot was it inside? How does this compare to a normal sauna? 7 How long did the journalist stay for? 8 H ow d id the j ournalist feel afterwards ? d Read the article again. Work out the meaning of the highlighted words and phrases, and then complete the glossary. Check the pronunciation of the words and phrases. e Imagine you had the treatment in the article. Think about how you felt before, during, and afterwards. Describe the experience to B in your own words. Use your answers in c to help you. Explain the words in the glossary if necessary. / / was on holiday in New Jersey and I went to a I really amazing sauna... f Now listen to B's story and ask about any new words. g Talk to your partner. 1 Which of the two treatments would you prefer? Why? 2 Do you ever have saunas? How long do you stay in the sauna? Do you enjoy it? 3 Have you eve r h ad a treatment that i nvolves very cold water or temperature? What was it like? 4 What are the hottest / coldest places you've ever been in? What were you doing there? How did you feel? 5 Do you find it easier to put up with extreme heat or extreme cold? Sauna or oven? Sweating next to cooking eggs I n New York City, there are some very hot saunas. But none of them come close to the heat you can find inside Ithe Bui Hanzung Mok room at King Spa Korean Sauna in nearby New Jersey. A Korean tradition for over 500 years, this brick room gets its heat from wood burned in a fire each morning. The brick holds so much heat that spa workers put cartons of eggs inside the room to cook (they're later sold in the spa restaurant). The spa says the heat helps remove impurities from the body and is also good for aches and pains. Inside the sauna, I sit on a mat to stop my legs from burning. What can I say? Nothing. It's too hot to talk. Opposite me one Korean woman (or is it a man?) is wrapped in a heavy blanket and has a handkerchief around her face for protection. Sitting on the floor, slowly breathing the hot and humid air, I see a thermometer near where the eggs are cooked. As I stand up to look at it, I feel the heat on my scalp and nose. I look to see how hot it is but I can hardly see because so much sweat is dripping into my eyes. Finally, I can see the temperature: 220 degrees - an ordinary sauna is only 70-100 degrees! Like most people, I manage to stay inside for only a few minutes, but others last longer. But I definitely feel lighter, as if I've lost a few kilos, and more relaxed. Maybe I'll have to go back. Glossary 1_ ./'tutinkatJ'Tf/ noun a small square piece of cloth used to blow your nose 2 _/rxpf in/ verh covered in 3 _/skxlp/ noun the skin on the top of your head A _/'blacrjkrt/ noun a cover made of wool that people have on beds to keep them warm 5 _Silnpin/ verb falling in small drops 6 _/crks an pemz/ continuous bad feelings in your body, e.g. because you are ill 8A 75 4 GRAMMAR have something done a Look at the photos. Who...? 1 is having his/her hair cut. 2 is cutting his / her hair. 3 is painting his / her flat. 4 is having his / her flat painted. b >- p.146 Grammar Bank 8A. Learn more about have something done and practise it. 5 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress a 4 30))) Listen and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm. 1 i had my hair cut yesterday. 2 do you usually have your shopping delivered? 3 i think you ought to have your eyes tested. 4 were going to have our flat repainted soon. 5 Have you ever had your fortune told? 6 i hate having my photo taken. b Talk to a partner. Give more information for each question and ask follow-up questions. How often do you (or your family)...? have your teeth cleaned at the dentist's have your eyes checked have prints made ofyour digital photos have things delivered when you go shopping have your clothes dry-cleaned have your car washed Have you ever...? had your fortune told had clothes made for you had the locks changed at your flat or house had your photo taken by a professional 6 VOCABULARY at the hairdresser's a Have you ever had any of these hairstyles? Would you like to have any of them? b >■ p.163 Vocabulary Bank Looking after yourself. Do part 3. c Talk to a partner. 1 How often do you go to the hairdresser's or barber's? What do you usually have done? 2 Are there any hairstyles that arc very popular in your country at the moment? 7 LISTENING & SPEAKING a You are going to listen to an interview with Dino Karveli, a hairdresser at his salon in London. Read the information about Dino. With a partner, think of two questions you might ask him if you were interviewing him. b 4 32))) Listen once. Did he answer your questions? c Listen again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Dino's father was a barber in Greece._ 2 When he came to the UK he worked for Vidal Sassoon for two years._ 3 He docs a wide variety of hair treatments._ 4 He thinks it's important for hairdressers to be sociable. 5 He thinks men get just as stressed about their hair as women._ 6 It's easy to fix a mistake in hair colour._ 7 A woman once got very upset with him because he cut her hair very short.__ 8 Dino would never say no to a client's request. 9 He thinks to have good hair you need to go to a good hairdresser._ d Discuss the questions with a partner. 1 What's the best or worst haircut you've ever had? 2 How long have you had your current hair style? What was your hair like before? 3 Do you know anyone (friends, celebrities, family) who has great hair? What do they do to maintain it? Where do they have it cut? Dino Karveli [ntroduct Dino Karveli is a hairdresser in London. His parents are Greek, and he came to live in London in 1990. He has been working as a hairdresser since 1993. 8A 77 G the passive; impersonal you V history P the letters ar B The rest is history Where was Queen Elizabeth II crowned? In Westminster Abbey. Nearly every British monarch has been crowned there. I VOCABULARY history a Look at the quiz Know your history. With a partner, work out the meaning of the highlighted words. Then choose the right answer. ! KNOW YOUR HISTORY! 1 Which country was Mustafa Kemal Ataturk the leader of? a Morocco b Poland c Turkey 2 What year were the 9/n attacks on New York and Washington, D.C.? a 2000 b 2001 c 2003 3 Which of these countries is not a monarchy today? a Denmark b Ireland c Japan 4 Which of these countries hasnotfought a civil war in its history? a England b Spain c Germany 5 When did the Russian Revolution take place? a the early 18th century b the early 19th century c the early 20th century 6 Which army fought with 300 men at Thermopylae? a the Spartan army b the Persian army c the Roman army 7 During which war was the battle of Gettysburg fought? a the Vietnam war b the American Warof Independence c the American Civil War 1 b 4 33))) Listen and check your answers. c Look at some stills from classic historical films. Which events from the quiz are the films connected to? d What historical films or TV series have been on recently? Did you see any of them? Did you learn anything from them? 2 PRONUNCIATION the letters ar a Look at three words with the letters ar. How are they pronounced? Put them in the correct row. war monarchy army b 4 34))) Listen and check. c Now add these words to the correct rows. dark warm farmer warning afterwards reward avatar start bargain quarter wardrobe standard towards d 4 35))) Listen and check. After which letters is ar usually pronounced hi/? 3 READING & SPEAKING a Bill Bryson is an American travel writer. Read an extract from his book The Lost Continent where he describes revisiting the site of the battle of Gettysburg. Answer the questions. 1 Why did he decide to go there? 2 What historical things did he sec? 3 How did he feel about the visit as a whole? b Read the extract again. How did the writer feel about these things? Write + (positive) or - (negative). Underline the phrases in the extract that tell you how he felt. 1 the places he went to on holiday as a child_ 2 the museum at the site_ 3 the display about the Gettysburg Address_ 4 the truth about when Lincoln gave the speech _ 5 the appearance of the battlefield_ 6 the shops and restaurants near the battlefield_ 7 being at the site when he was a child_ c Look at the highlighted words connected to war and history and try to work out their meanings. Then match them to the definitions below. 1 _noun the place where a battle is fought 2___ verb destroying something by exploding it 3 _noun large guns on wheels used in battles 4__noun small metal objects that arc fired from a gun 5 _noun members of an army 6 _noun a long gun you hold against your shoulder to shoot with d '4/36))) Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. e Tell a partner about one of the following places. • a historical site you've visited • a place that you enjoyed as a child, but you found disappointing when you returned as an adult • a place you know that has been spoiled by tourism Bill Bryson On another continent, 4,000 miles away, I became quietly seized with that nostalgia that overcomes you when you have reached the middle of your life. I wanted to go back to the magic places of my youth - to Mackinac Island, the Rocky mountains, Gettysburg - and see if they were as good . as 1 remembered them... I drove to Gettysburg, where the decisive battle of the American Civil War was fought over three days in July 1863. There were over 50,000 casualties. I parked at the visitors' centre and went inside. It contained a small museum with glass cases containing bullets, brass buttons, belt buckles and that sort of thing. [...] There was little to give you any sense of the battle itself. i One interesting thing was a case devoted to the Gettysburg Address, where I learned that Lincoln was invited to speak only as an afterthought and that everyone was taken aback when he accepted. It was only ten sentences long and took just two minutes to deliver. I was further informed that he gave the address many months after the battle. T had always imagined him making it more or less immediately afterwards, while there were still bodies lying around. [...] The truth, as so often in this life, was disappointing. I went outside and had a look at the battlefield, which sprawls over 3,500 acres of mostly flat countryside, fringed by the town of Gettysburg with its gas stations and its motels. The battlefield had the great deficiency common to all historic battlefields. There was nothing much to distinguish this stretch of empty fields from that one. You had to take their word for it that a great battle was fought there. There i were a lot of cannons scattered about, I'll give them that. [...] Through my dad's old binoculars I could clearly see The Lost Continent how troops had advanced from the direction of the town, a mile or so to the north, sweeping across the Burger King parking lot, skirting the [...] Tastee Delite Drive-in and re-grouping just outside the Wax Museum and Gift Shop. It's all very sad. Ten thousand soldiers fell there in an hour, two out of every three Confederate soldiers didn't make it back to base. It's a pity, that so much of the town of Gettysburg has been spoiled with tourist tat and that it is so visible from the battlefield. When I was little, my dad bought me a Union cap and a toy rifle and let me loose on the battlefield. I was in heaven. I dashed about the whole day crouching behind trees, blowing up parties of overweight tourists with cameras around their necks. [...] Now, however, I found it difficult to summon any real excitement for the place. Glossary The Gettysburg Address = it famous speech made by President Lincoln after the battle The Confederate army = the army of the southern US states The Union army = the army of the northern US states 8B LISTENING Look at the pictures of Westminster Abbey in London. What famous events have taken place here? Do you know anything else about it? Lady Chapel The Shrine of St. Edward the Confessor. %)37))) Listen to a guided tour of Westminster Abbey. Follow the route, and match places A-F with the correct information. 1 Nearly every king and queen has been crowned here._ 2 Some well-known scientists are buried near here._ 3 Prince William and Kate Middleton stood here at their wedd ing. _ 4 Here you can see the tomb of the first king of England to be buried in the Abbey._ 5 Geoffrey Chaucer and Charles Dickens arc buried here._ 6 Queen Elizabeth I is buried here._ c Listen again, pausing after each area and taking notes. What does the guide say about these people and things? 1 Princess Diana 2 Edward I and Eleanor of Castile 3 Queen Mary 4 Shakespeare and Jane Austen 5 what the Quire is used for 6 the writing on the Coronation Chair 5 GRAMMAR the passive; impersonal you 6 SPEAKING & WRITING a Complete the in formation about Westminster Abbey with the verbs in the right form of the passive. What does the woidyou refer to in the last sentence of the text? ABOUT the Abbey The Abbey has a famous set of bells, which can ___on major church festivals and other Admission to the Abbey is £18 for adults. Guided tours in English '<__several times a day The Abbey can be quite crowded in summer and during these months large group tours need5_ in advance, (book) Please visit our website for more information. Please note that restoration work6_ the Coronation Chair at the moment, (carry out). The work7_in about a year's time, (finish) During this time you can see a replica of the chair. b >■ p.147 Grammar Bank 8B. Learn more about the passive and impersonal you and practise them. c >• Communication Local history A p.lll, and B p.112. Roleplay being a tourist and ask your partner about the history of your town. a Tell a partner about a famous building you've visited (not in your town). Use the questions to help you and add your own ideas. Include any interesting details or anecdotes that you can remember. FAMOUS BUILDINGS - Where is it? When was it built? • What was it used for originally? • What is it used for now? • What did you learn about it while you were there? • How long did you spend there? How much did you have to pay to visit it? • Would you recommend visiting it? b >■ p.119 Writing Describing a building. Write a description of an interesting building in your town or country for a tourism website. 7 4 40))) SONG Believe in humanity Ji 7&8 Revise an< GRAMMAR (^hrcle)a, b, or c. 1 That story's not true. He_. a made up it b made it up c made up 2 Why don't you_? a come later round c come round later He really doesn't get b later come round a on with his parents b on his parents c on his parents with 4 Those shoes don't fit - why don't you_ to the shop? a take back b take back them c take them back 5 They decided__to a concert. a to go b go c going 6 You should_more careful. a to be b be c being 7 Are you going to keep on_that noise all night? a to make b make c making 8 He wanted_him. a me help b me to help c that I help 9 My mother never used to let me_late. a to stay out b stay out c staying out Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. 1 I'm going to pay someone to take my photo. I'm going to have______. 2 The hairdresser cut my hair last week. I had___last week. 3 I'd like someone to paint my flat. I'd like to have___. 4 They built the cathedral in the 15th century. The cathedral__in the 15th century. 5 Most people think that the government should pay nurses more. Most people think that nurses_ __. more. 6 I don't like it when people tell me what to do. I don't like__what to do. VOCABULARY a Complete the phrasal verbs. 1 They're going to be late — their car's__down. That's a fantastic idea! Who_up with it? I lent him some money but he never_me back. Do you want to_round for dinner at the weekend? Don't_on doing that. It's very annoying. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 That expensive deli has closed _ 9 She's given all her old clothes _ He finally turned_ I'm 35-1 can't move . two hours late. _____to my parents' house! 10 I can't do this - it's too hard. I give_. Write words for the definitions. 1 the place where theatre tickets are sold _ 2 a short period of time separating parts of a play or concert 3 the events that form the story of a novel, play, or film 4 an afternoon performance of a play 5 the person that you are playing against in a game Complete the words. 1 She's had her hair d_orange. My nails look terrible-Ineedam_. You need to do more exercise if you want to lose w_ A m_is a very good way to relax. It's important to s_after you've been running. A m_has a king or a queen. The a . on the army base killed and injured dozens. 8 The historical battlefield was full of old bullets and c_ 9 The w__between Iran and Iraq lasted for 8 years. 10 50,000 s_were killed in the battle. PRONUNCIATION a (CiTcle)the word with a different sound. start dark quarter parting war reward warning army audience circle curled turn cash cancel fake tan theatre arena receipt leader b Underline the stressed syllable. 1 depo sit 3 per:forjmance 5 ae|rojbics 2 ma|ni|cure 4 spec.ta tors CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a Read the article once. What is 'event cinema'? Why is it popular? Event cinema: opera in cinemas takes off Cinemas are proving to be a goldmine for some of the UK's finest opera and ballet companies. Hollywood films are facing competition from live performances being shown in cinemas around the country, in a development called 'event cinema'. In recent weeks tens of thousands of Britons have gone to the cinema to watch live screenings of ballet or opera. La Boheme has beaten Gangster Squad at the box office, and The Nutcracker came ahead of the latest Bond film when it was shown last month. Over the past three years the number of cinemas showing ballet and opera performances has risen from fewer than 100 to around 250. More than 120 different events were shown at cinemas last year, a 400% increase from five years ago. And it is not just opera and ballet. Plays are also enjoying big audiences, with 20,000 tickets already sold for a cinema screening of a performance of Alan Bennett's People at the National Theatre next month. Advances in digital technology have allowed opera and ballet companies to broadcast their events live, and cinemas have realised that the growing demand for an alternative to blockbuster films can help increase their own profits, especially when they can charge more - at around £15 on average - than for a movie. For one company, Picturehouse Cinemas, event cinema already represents more than ten per cent of its ticket sales. And experts predict that very soon more than two million Britons a year will go to the cinema to see live performances or events -double the number that do so already. By the end of this decade at least one in 20 cinema tickets will be for something other than a movie, according to David Hancock, head of film and cinema at IHS Screen Digest. 'There is great demand - especially for cultural products,' he said, though sport and pop concerts have also made an appearance. Melissa Keeping, who chairs the recently established Event Cinema Association, said: 'Opera and ballet are expensive and are generally located in large cities, so even if tickets are affordable the journey makes it difficult for a lot of people to go. But bring the performance live to your local cinema, in real time, at a fraction of the cost-what's not to like?' Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Cinemas don't make much money from showing opera and ballet performances. 2 Operas and ballets shown in cinemas are never as popular as films. 3 'Event cinema' was more popular five years ago. 4 'Event cinema' wouldn't be possible without digital technology. 5 Opera tickets are more expensive than cinema tickets. 6 Picturehouse Cinemas show more operas and ballets than most cinemas. 7 Some people go to the cinema to watch live sport. 8 Only cinemas in big cities show opera and ballet. m CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE video PEOPLE? 4 41))) In the street Watch or listen to four people and answer the questions. Mairi Lindsay 1 In the past Mairi _ Dexter Charlie a used to go to the hairdresser's more often b used to have a lot of bad haircuts c used to have more things done at the hairdresser's Lindsay prefers to go to the bank rather than use online banking because_. a she doesn't trust online banking b she likes talking to people face to face c it's really near where she lives One of the reasons why Dexter likes video games is because_. a you use your body as well as your mind b you can read books about the characters after you've played the games c you interact a lot with other people When Charlie visited the ruins of Pompeii, she also_ a had a problem with a dog b walked up the volcano c saw a documentary about Roman civilisation It was an appropriate place for her to visit because_ a she had always been fascinated by Roman society b she had just read a book about Pompeii c it was connected to something she was studying at school CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? Do the tasks with a partner. Tick (/) the box if you can do them. Can you...? 1 |_| describe a concert or sporting event that you've been to 2 l I talk about the entertainment options where you live 3 n talk about different ways that people can look after themselves, and describe what you do 4 Q describe a famous building you know, including its history 04 Short films The Globe Theatre video watch and enjoy a film on iTutor. G reported speech V word families P word stress 9A Can't remember, can't forget I told you not to forget to phone her. Sorrv. ' I thought you said you'd do i du said )it. 1 SPEAKING I'VE GOT A GOOD MEMORY... OR I: 1 □ 2 □ □ 4 □ jO EXT- l find it difficult to remember where I've put things. I remember people's faces but often forget their names. I don't know anyone's phone number except my own. My phone remembers the rest! I never forget my family's birthdays, but l only remember my friends' because Facebook reminds me. I always have to make lists of things I need to do so that I don't forget them. I sometimes have a good idea before going to sleep but then I've forgotten it by the following morning. I usually remember how to get to a place when I've been there once. 8 CH There are some English words that l find really difficult to remember, however hard l try. 9 |Z] l sometimes forget my passwords and have to reset them. 10 LJ l have problems remembering the PIN numbers for my credit and debit cards. a Tick (/) the sentences above which apply to you. Compare with; partner. Give examples. ^3 Giving examples I often forget where I've put things like / such as my phone and my car keys. I make lots of lists, for example / for instance when I go shopping. 2 LISTENING a Read the website about the StoryCorps project. What does it aim to do and why? Why do you think Gweneviere Mann decided to use it? b 5 2))) Listen to the news report about Gweneviere and check. Tick (/) the things she has had problems remembering. 1 the date 2 her name 3 her phone number 4 whether she has had a meal or not 5 what city she 1 ives in 6 how to get home from work 7 who her boyfriend is 8 who her colleagues are 9 how much time has passed c Listen again and answer the questions. 1 What kind of people does Brian mention who have recorded stories on StoryCorps? 2 What does she do to remember the date? 3 What might happen if she doesn't write down when she eats? 4 When did Gweneviere's memory problem start? 5 What was Gweneviere afraid of? 6 Do Gweneviere and Yasir have a positive attitude? 7 Where did she use to say that she lived? 8 Who did she think was her mother? How were the two women different? 9 What did she ask Yasir not to let her do when she ran the marathon? d Is there anyone you know who you think should record a story for StoryCorps? Why b What kind of things would you like to be able to remember better? Do you know any tricks for remembering things like PIN numbers and passwords? GREAT QUESTIONS I BLOG I NEWSLETTER I CONTACT US Recording and preserving America's stories. ABOUT STORYCORPS StoryCorps is an oral history project which provides people of all backgrounds with the opportunity to record, share, and preserve the stories of their lives. Since 2003, we have collected more than 45,000 interviews with nearly 90,000 participants. RECORD YOUR STORY Think of a person whose stories you would like to hear, like a grandparent parent, or friend. Then bring your friend or loved one to the StoryCorps facility and record your story together. At the end, you'll receive a free CD of your story, and a second copy will be kept at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. STORIES Gweneviere Mann talks to her boyfriend, Yasir Salem, about losing her short-term memory after suffering a stroke. They visited StoryCorps in New York City. 3 GRAMMAR reported speech a Look at some extracts from the radio programme. With a partner say what you think the missing words are. 1 The doctors told her that her condition _improve in a couple of years. 2 She lives in New York, but after her stroke she always used to say that she_ in San Francisco. 3 And she often used to ask him_; one of her colleagues_her mother. 4 She told Yasir__let her look at any of the distance signs along the way. b 5 3))) Listen and complete the gaps. c Complete the sentences in direct speech. 1 The doctors said:'_condition __in a couple of years.' 2 After her stroke Gweneviere always used to say:'__in San Francisco.' 3 She often used to ask Yasir:'__that woman_mother?' 4 She told Yasir :'___ look at any of the distance signs along the way!' d >- p.148 Grammar Bank 9A. Learn more about reported speech and practise it. e Work in pairs A and B. Write down three questions to ask your partner. Then ask your questions and try to remember your partner's answers. Don't write them down! f N ow test your memory. Tell a new partner what you asked your previous partner and what he or she said. 9A 4 READING & SPEAKING a With a partner, look at the list of days and dates. Can you remember where you were and what you did on these days? Try to remember as many details as you can, e.g. who you were with, what you were wearing, what you had to eat, and so on. last Saturday night the first day of this course your last birthday 31 December last year 25 December 2012 b Read the article about Jill Price. What is unusual about her memory? Why is it a problem for her? c Read the article again. Find out why the following are mentioned. Don't write your answers. 1 24 January 1968 6 California 2 24 January 1986 7 1980 3 a restaurant in Beverly Hills 8 crying A Prince Andrew and Fergie 9 2000 5 New Jersey 10 Michael d With a partner, compare what you remember. e Look at the highlighted verbs from the text. With a partner try to work out their meaning from the context. f Can you think of any advantages of having superior autobiographical memory like Jill? If you had to choose, would you rather not be able to remember things (like Gwenevierc Mann), or not be able to forget things (like Jill Price)? SPORT | BUSINESS COMMENT i TRAVEL I DRIVING I CULTU Search The woman who remembers everything Can you remember exactly what you did, who you saw, and what you said, on any day, at any time 10, 20 or even 30 years ago? Jill Price can. But is it a gift or a curse? Jill Price asks me my date of birth and I tell her: January 24, 1968. 'Okay- 1986 you were 18.1 could tell you on January 24,1986,1 was working in an ice cream shop, it was a Friday. I had turned 20. We were four days away from the Challenger explosion. I hated my job and Saturday night I went out with Tim and Candace.' She could probably tell me what she ate, what they ordered, and what time she got home. We have met for dinner at a restaurant in Beverly Hills. 'As I sit here with you, it's 6.30 on Wednesday night,' she says. 'Today would have been the 22nd wedding anniversary of Prince Andrew and Fergie. That was also on a Wednesday. It was a friend's birthday and he got some balloons that he didn't want so he gave them to me. And then I went to see a friend of mine who worked at the Hard Rock Cafe.' Jill Price doesn't try to remember these things; she simply isn't able to forget them. She was born in New Jersey on December 30,1965. When she was eight, she thinks her brain 'snapped' due to the move the family made from New Jersey to California, and she began to remember in great detail. By the time she was 12, she realized she could remember every single day of the previous year. Since 1980, her memory has been near perfect. Any date she is given from that year onward she can instantly recall. There is a downside to this: painful and unpleasant memories are as vivid as if they had just occurred. Awkward moments from school, battles with her weight, or hurtful comments from her childhood never fade in her memory. 'I can't forget,' she says. Crying helps her to cope with the unhappiness that her memory can cause. T cry all the time. Up to 10 times a day. I cry in the shower every morning.' Doctors have been studying Jill since 2000. At first, they didn't know how to classify her, and have only recently given a name to her condition - superior autobiographical memory. They have only found three other people in the world who share the condition. No one else in Jill's family has a memory like hers. Her brother, Michael, is happy not to remember everything. Jill has recently published her memoirs, The Woman Who Can't Forget, but Michael hasn't read it yet because there might be things in it he doesn't want to know. When I asked him what he would do if he was the one who had this memory, he answered, 'I would be making a fortune counting cards in Vegas.' Glossary The Challenger explosion a US space shuttle exploded in 1986 shortly after taking off, killing all seven astronauts on board. Beverly Hills a famous district of Los Angeles where many celebrities live Prince Andrew and Fergie Queen Elizabeth H's second son and his ex-wife, Sarah Ferguson New Jersey the state south of New York Vegas Las Vegas, the famous US casino city in Nevada 86 9A VOCABULARY & PRONUNCIATION word families and word stress 5 7))) Listen to these word families and underline the stressed syllable. In which word family a) is the stress always on the same syllable b) does the stress change on one of the words? remember: me|mo|ry me|mo|ra|ble me|mo|rize me|mo|ri[al me|moirs forget: for|get|ful un|for|get|ta|ble b Match the words from the word families with their definitions. verb to learn something REMEM so that you can remember it 2__noun a person's ability to remember things; something that you remember 3 _noun something that is built or done to remind people of i * a person or an event, e.g. a war ) 4___noun (plural) a person's written account of his / her own life and experiences i _adj easy to remember because it is special in some way FORGET can't forget it adj so special that you adj often forgetting things 6 SPEAKING a Choose two of the topics below, and think about what you are going to say, e.g. examples or details. a memorable moment from your school days an unforgettahle birthday or Christmas something you were made to memorize as a child and found difficult a person you know who's very forgetful a memorial that you think is very beautiful someone s memoirs that you've read and really enjoyed something from your past that you wish you could remember better someone you know who has an incredibly good memory a time when you forgot an important date or appointment b Work in groups of three or four. Talk about your topics, and listen and respond to the other people in the group. Starting an anecdote or story I'll never forget the time when... This happened to me when... When I was at school, we had a history teacher who... I'm going to tell you about a friend of my mother's, who's incredibly forgetful... c From memory, tell the rest of the class about something someone in your group told you. 7 5 8))) SONG Memories 9A 87 G uses of the past perfect V weddings P sentence stress 9B Wedding dramas Why didn't he tell her he'd changed his mind? It wouldn't have made any difference if he'd told her. 1 READING & LISTENING a You're going to read a short story by William Somerset Maugham. Read the information about him below. Do you think it was acceptable for Maugham to write about people he met? Why (not)? Article Talk Read Edit William Somerset Maugham (1874-1965) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia William Somerset Maugham ('SAmaset 'mo:m) was a well-known English novelist and short story writer whose stories often took place in China, Singapore, Burma (now Myanmar), Malaysia, and other East Asian countries. Maugham wrote at a time when many of these places were colonies of Great Britain. He was famous for writing stories about real people who he met when he was travelling, and many of these people were very upset to recognize themselves in his books. Mabel Parti 1 eorge was working in Burma for the British colonial government. He and VjMabel became engaged when he was back in England. When he returned to Burma, it was arranged that she would join him there in six months. But one difficulty came up after another. Mabel's father died, the war came, then George 5 was sent to a district which was unsuitable for a white woman. In the end it was seven years before she was able to start. He made all the arrangements for the marriage, which was going to take place on the day of her arrival, and went down to Rangoon to meet her. Then, suddenly, without warning, his nerve failed him. He had not seen Mabel for seven years. He had forgotten what she was like. 10 She was a total stranger. He felt a terrible feeling in his stomach. He couldn't go through with it. He must tell Mabel that he was very sorry, but he couldn't, he really couldn't marry her. But how could a man tell a girl a thing like that when she had been engaged to him for seven years and had come six thousand miles to marry him? He didn't have the nerve for that either. There was a boat just about 15 to sail for Singapore; he wrote a letter to Mabel, and without any luggage, just in the clothes he was wearing, he boarded the boat. The letter Mabel received said: b 5 9))) Read and listen to Part 1 of Mabel. Answer the questions with a partner. 1 Who were George and Mabel? 2 Why couldn't they get married for seven years? 3 What do you think his nerve/ailed him in line 8 means? Why did it happen? 4 What was George's dilemma? 5 What did he decide to do? What do you think of his behaviour? What do you think will happen next? c 5 10))) Listen to Part 2. Mark George's route on the map. Dearest Mabel, 1 ketvt been suddenly called aWe\y on business - p.120 Writing A story. Write a story describing a significant event. 9B 91 Finding Henry ■4 WHAT THE CLUE MEANS video its video I« GIVING DIRECTIONS IN A BUILDING 8, v 1 i a 5 19))) Watch or listen to Jenny and Luke looking in Henry's study. What does the old-man refer to? Where do they think Henry is? b Watch or listen again. Complete the sentences with Jenny, Luke, or Rob. 1 _has checked all the paintings. 2 _thinks maybe the oldman thing wasn't a message. 3 _suggests looking on top of the bookcase. 4 _ _ finds the two paperweights. 5 _discovers that Proteus is a company in Oxford. 6 _phones the Police Inspector. 7 _downloads the plans of the Proteus building. 8 _is going to guide the police officers. What do you think they are going to find in the building? 5 20))) Look at the plan of the building. Watch or listen. Mark the rest of the police officers' route. Where do they end up, A, B, or C? b Read the dialogue between Luke and Tom. Can you remember any of the missing words? Watch or listen again and check. Luke OK, go to the end of the corridor, go _the door and turn__ Tom We're in a large open area. Luke That's right. Now, go_ahead. You should see some stairs on your right. Go _the stairs and a coffee bar. Turn right. _on and you should see a set of double doors. Tom 5hould we go through? Luke Yes. Now, you should see some stairs on your_. Tom Yeah, I see them. Luke Right. Go_the stairs, continue straight on and walk down the ramp. Tom We're at the end of the ramp. Which _now? Luke _right and carry on straight __the corridor. Go past a maintenance room and two fuse boxes, and try the next door on your right. Tom The door's locked. Is there _way? Luke Hold on. OK. Turn___and go _down the corridor. Tom Should we go back up the ramp? Luke No. Go straight to the end of the corridor and turn left. Tom We're here. There are two doors. Which _should we take? Luke _ _the one on your left. Tom It's open! Luke What can you see? Tom There are three big safes and cages full of documents. Are you sure this is the _way? Luke Yes, you're in the store room. Can you hear a generator? Tom Yes! It's coming from the end of the corridor. Luke Head_it. But watch out for guards! Tom There's a door here and a narrow corridor to the right. What should we do? Luke I don't know! Tom Wait. I can hear voices. There are people in there. Police Inspector That must be the room. Tom OK. We're going in, c 5 21))) Watch or listen and repeat the highlighted sentences. Copy the rhythm. d mm In pairs, practise giving directions in a building. A choose a place on the plan but don't tell B. A give B directions to the place. B check with A that you are going the right way, and anything else you don't understand. e Swap roles. ■< A HAPPY ENDING? video a 5 22))) What do you think the police officers found? What do you think happens to all the characters? Watch or listen. Were your predictions correct? b Watch or listen again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Correct the F sentences. 1 The news report says that Andrew Page is getting better. 2 Selina and Grant managed to escape. 3 Rob thinks the clue was very difficult. 4 Henry is very grateful for all their help. 5 They go out for a meal to celebrate. 6 Rob thinks it is still worth coming to the UK. 7 jenny wants to stay longer in the UK. c Look at the Social English phrases. Can you remember any of the missing words? Social English phrases Henry I must_, I was beginning to lose hope. Henry Goodness__what would have happened if you hadn't found me in time. Henry Could you_the glasses, Luke? Rob It's_to have you back, Dad. Henry ljust_you were here, Rob. Jenny I can't ___......._ to get back to the peace and quiet of New York! d 5 23))) Watch orlisten and complete the phrases. e Watch or listen again and repeat the phrases. How do you say them in your language? ^ Can you...? J give directions inside a building ^ check that you understand the directions ~^ express relief and gratitude 93 G be, do, and have: auxiliary and main verbs V British and American English P sentence stress 10A America and the world How often do you have American fast ,, rfood? „ Hardly ever. I'm not very keen on fast food. 1 GRAMMAR be, do, and have: auxiliary and main verbs a Which of these statements about America are true? Why do you think so? Discuss them with a partner. How much do you know about the USA? Are these statements true or false? 1 The US has a higher percentage of millionaires than any other country. In the US, colour, honour, and favour aren't spelt with a u; words ending -tre (centre, litre) are spelt -ter. Over 90% of Americans don't own a passport. The average American husband does 50% of the housework. The world's first skyscraper was in New York. 8 10 In 1950, only 22% of American adults were single; now the figure is about 50%. English has always been the official language of the United States. Texas used to be part of Mexico and didn't join the US until the year 1845. The US had the world's biggest economy until it was overtaken by China in 2013. In the US, football is known as soccer, the name which the sport had originally been called at British public schools. b 5 24))) Listen and check your answers. Correct the false statements, c Look at the bold verbs in the questions. With a partner, I^Lrcj^)the ones which are auxiliary verbs. 2 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress a 5 28))) Listen and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm. 1 The Capital of the USA is Washington DC. 2 it isn't New York. 3 When are your friends arriving? 4 i have a house in New Jersey. 5 HOW long have you known your best friend? 6 i haven't seen my grandparents for ages. 7 Anne does PiLates twice a week, s Where d oes your sister live? 9 My brother doesn't like animals. b Listen again. What vowel sound do are, have, and doeshzve when they are unstressed? c Complete the rules with a partner, ^hcl^ the right word. When are be, do, and have stressed? be 1 is usually stressed / unstressed in positive sentences or in questions. 2 is stressed j unstressed in negative sentences. do and have 3 are stressed j unstressed when they are main verbs. 4 are usually stressed j unstressed when they arc positive auxiliary verbs. 5 are stressed j unstressed when they are negative auxiliary verbs in questions. d >- Communication More facts about the USA? A p.Ill, B p.112. Say sentences to your partner, who must decide if they are true or false. d >- p.150 Grammar Bank 10A. Learn more about be, do and have and practise them. 94 3 SPEAKING & READING a Talk to a partner. Are the following aspects of American culture important in your country? What do you think of them? Do you prefer them to ones from your country? Why (not)? • films and TV programmes • music • food • chain stores, coffee shops, etc. • fashion • technology Read about a survey on America's influence in the world What do Europeans like most and least about American culture? What do Americans think? World ▼ Europe UK US Business Markets Opinion Article Comments (24) Who's negative about American culture? You'd be surprised.., In a recent survey The Walt Street Journal asked more than 18,000 people in 18 countries (16 European nations, plus the US and Russia) to identify the best and worst parts of US cultural influence in the world. What Europeans think Among Europeans, 32% said US influence was negative, while 26% gave a positive response. 40% said American films and television programmes were the best contribution, making this the most popular category overall. All of the European countries said American food was the worst contribution. 65% of French people gave this answer, the highest in the group. What Americans think Surprisingly, many Americans view their own country more negatively than Europeans do. 46% of Americans said the US has a negative influence in the world, while only 33% described it as positive. Americans named a number of different things as their country's best contribution to world culture, including the food at 11%. When asked to identify America's worst contribution, 32% of Americans pointed to film and television, much higher than in any other country. 4 LISTENING & SPEAKING a 5 29))) Listen to three Americans talking about what they think are their country's best and worst contribution. Fill in as much of the chart as you can. Bes mm *v, 1 Andy 2 Molly 3 Jenny Compare answers with a partner. Then listen again and complete the chart. Is there anything that surprised you? Who do you agree with, more? I n pairs, talk about ways in wh\chyour country has had an influence in the world. Which influences are the most positive? Are any negative? VOCABULARY British and American English What do these American English words mean? Write the British word with the same meaning. British American 1 cookie 2 cell phone 3 rcstroom 4 movie 5 movie theater 6 high school 7 8 vacation garbage 9 parking lot 10 fries 5 30))) Listen and check. Now match some more British and American words. British American 1 lift J a apartment 2 sweets □ b stand in line 3 flat □ c faucet 4 petrol □ d check 5 queue verb □ e subway 6 trainers □ f gas 7 underground □ g elevator 8 pavement □ h candy 9 (restaurant) bill i sidewalk 10 tap □ j sneakers d 5 31))) Listen and check. e Do you know any other words that are American English? Do you know what they are in British English? 6 READING a Look at the title and the first paragraph of each article. Which writer is British? Which is American? b Read the articles. Write the headings in the correct place. There is one heading you don't need to use. A Being unfriendly B Thinking we're stupid C Not knowing how to spell words...or pronounce them D Being a bit stingy E Paying for health care F Being such patriots C Being too nice H Believing the stereotypes I Flying to clear the table HOME NEWS CONTACT VIDEOS BLOG LOGIN 6 Things Americans Do That Drive Brits Crazy By Ruth Margolis American people are some of the friendliest you'll ever meet. But occasionally they do things that we find a bit... eccentric? 1 Saying 'I love your accent!' Before I moved to the USA, I never imagined that my London accent made me sound intelligent. At first the compliments were nice, but then a New York mum asked me to teach her two-year-old how to talk like me. A bit too much, I thought. In America, people in shops say things like 'Ma'am, you have been an awesome customer today'just because I bought some toilet paper. I do not want that. American waiters love to please, but sometimes they're too helpful. Overenthusiastic waiters take away your plate the second it's empty, even if no one else at the table has finished. Insisting that turkey is tasty There's a good reason why Brits only eat this bird at Christmas. Turkey meat is dry and tasteless. But Americans put it in everything - burgers, meatballs, lasagna - everything! We get it, you're proud to be an American. We Brits like our country too, but to your average Brit, hanging a giant flag from your house is a little bit creepy. Having to remove 'u's from words like 'colour' and change 're' to 'er' in words like 'theatre' is a headache. And Americans, please note: saying 'erb' instead of 'herb' and pronouncing 'fillet' as 'fiMay* (without the't') is not clever or sophisticated. You are not French. 6 Things Brits Do That Drive Americans Crazy By Maria Roth We Americans love Brits. They're so charming and smart! But there are some things about them that we don't quite understand. When strangers in stores and people on the street make eye contact, nod, or say 'Hi!' it's OK to smile and say hello back. We won't bite! 2 Overcooking vegetables The authentic British way to prepare vegetables is to put them in boiling water for a fortnight. We Americans think this is weird and unpleasant. Oh, we fat Americans with our big cars and flags! Too many Brits are convinced that this inaccurate picture of us is true, and we are not amused. It seems that some Brits would rather not leave a 15 to 20 per cent tip for their waitress. They may not realize that waiters in the U.S. are paid very low wages and depend on tips to survive. Textl l . noun something people say to express admiration e.g. Hepaidmea- and said I looked lovely. 2 _adj (esp. NAmE) fantastic, great 3___noun a bird similar to a very large chicken 4 _verb (informal) understand 5 _adj (informal) causing you to feel nervous and frightened Text 2 6 _verb move your head up and down, e.g. to say yes or to say hello 7 _ _noun two weeks 8 _adj very strange 9 _. adj not correct 10 _verb would prefer We get it, in British English 'trousers' means pants and 'pants' are really underwear. And the letter z is 'zee' to Americans, but 'zed' to Brits. We Americans just have a different way of speaking and writing. It doesn't mean we're stupid, and I promise we're not trying to offend you. 6 Not wanting to'share' Brits are famous for being reserved - they never complain or discuss their problems. But that's not the way we do things here. We're more open with our friends, and even with strangers, and when people don't share we find it strange. d 5 32))) Listen and check. e Do you find any of these things about the Americans or the British annoying? Arc there any customs in your country that might drive foreigners crazy? 7 5 33))) SONG Living In America Si 10A 97 G revision of verb forms V exams P revision of sounds Exam time What's the hardest exam you've ever done? probably my driving test! 1 VOCABULARY exams a Look at the pictures of people doing exams. Which person is...? 1 a candidate doing an oral exam 2 a candidate taking a written exam 3 a candidate cheating in an exam 4 an invigilator 5 an examiner b Complete the statements about exams with a word or phrase from the box. cram fail marks multiple-choice papers take 1 I never get nervous when I_ an exam. 2 I usually get good_in exams if I revise enough for them. 3 I find reading past_is a good way to revise for an exam. 4 I find____questions very easy because you can always guess one of the options. 5 It's a bad idea to stay up late and _the night before an exam. 6 If you_your driving test, you have to wait three months before you can retake it. P Verbs + exam We often use the verb take with exam, e.g. to take an exam, but we can also say do an exam or sit an exam. c 5 34))) Listen and underline the stressed syllable. can|di|date ejxam e|xa|mi|ner injvi|gi|lajtor mul|ti|ple-choice ojral d Discuss the statements in b with a partner. Which are true for you? Why (not)? 2 PRONUNCIATION revision of sounds a Which word has a different sojmd? Say the three words aloud, and then fcjrch|)the one you think is different. 1 "ja revises prepares gives *"» failed learned cheated marks grant cram work oral report 5 -ff wrong diploma college 6 ) thesis degree science 7 % school good childhood 8 i written idea result 9 J guess test before b ''5,35))) Listen and check 3 LISTENING & SPEAKING a Tell a partner about the last time you took an exam or test. How hard was it? Did you pass or fail? Why? b Read about exams in the UK. Do you have similar exams in your country? Article Talk Read Edit View history Exams in the UK Eleven-plus exam: An exam taken in some parts of the UK at the end of primary school (age 11). The results are used to decide what sort of secondary school a child can attend. GCSEs; Exams in different subjects taken at secondary school (approximately age 16). Before 1988, students did similar exams called O-levels. A-levels: Final school exams (approximately age 18). You need good results in A-levels to attend university. c 5 36))) Listen to four people talk about their experiences with exams or tests. Which speakers...? ■ mention an exam or test that they failed • used to find exams stressful d Listen again. Choose a, b, or c. Tip: Multiple-choice listening • Remember to read the questions carefully before you listen. • Remember to make sure that all of the information is correct in the option you choose. Don't choose it just because it contains a word or phrase that you heard in the recording. 1 Mark had problems with his history O-level because.,. a he didn't have time to finish the questions. b he hadn't prepared the right questions. c he had drunk too much coffee the night before. 2 Sophie failed her driving test the first time because... a she didn't follow the examiner's instructions. b she didn't realize that what the examiner asked her to do was a trick. c she stopped somewhere where it wasn't safe. 3 When Kate had an exam she... a prepared with other students the day before, b stayed up late studying the night before, c made sure she slept well the night before. 4 Paul did badly in his GCSE chemistry... a because he'd done very little work for it. b because his memory failed. c although he thought he'd done well. Ask and answer the questions with a partner. • What's the hardest exam you've ever taken? • Have you ever done an exam where everything went wrong? • How do you usually prepare for a big exam? • Do exams make you feel stressed? If so, what do you do about it? 10B 99 4 READING a Is there a university entrance exam in your country? How difficult is it considered? b Read the article about the gaokao (/gao kau/), China's national university entrance exam. How does it compare with university entrance exams in your country? Sport j Comment | Culture J Business | Money | Life & style j Travel | Environment | Tech | TV | Video A nation prepares for the dreaded gaokao SHANGHAI, 5 June - Tomorrow cities throughout China 1 will close roads near schools, prohibit the hooting of car horns, and even change some aeroplane flight paths, so that nine million students can concentrate on the gaokao, the three-day-long national university entrance exam. University places are scarce in China, and most students 2 are not going to have a chance if they do not do well on the gaokao, a name which means 'high exam' in Mandarin Chinese. The stakes are very high indeed: a place in a top university will almost always lead to a high-paid job after graduation. For millions of Chinese, the exam is an important chance to improve their lives, and because most Chinese families 3 have only one child, the pressure on candidates is intense. We spoke to students who 4 hadn't been out with their friends for many months, and who5 were studying all the time that they weren't sleeping. And while some cram, others cheat. Each year, candidates 6 are caught with high-tech devices such as wireless earphones, as well as pens and watches with tiny scanners. James Bond would he proud. Teachers' lives are difficult, too. One gaokao tutor7 explained her schedule: morning exercises start at 6:10 a.m.; evening classes end at 10 p.m.; students get only one day off a month -and teachers must spend that day marking practice exams. To prepare for the exam, students memorize past exam papers and try to guess what questions 8 will be asked this year. All candidates answer questions in Chinese, Maths, and English, then choose two additional subjects: History, Geography, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, or Political Ideology. Some of the unusual essay questions that9 have appeared on past papers include: • An Englishman dreams of living in Western China in another era. Write a story based on this.' • 'Why chase mice when there are fish to eat?' • 'Talk about water.' • 'Why do we want to return to our childhood?' The exam 10 has been criticized for testing endurance rather than intelligence. Small reforms 11 were made to the exam a few years ago, but little has changed overall. More and more Chinese students 12 have been moving overseas for university or even secondary school, just to avoid the gaokao. The number of candidates who sit the exam has fallen dramatically in recent years, from 10.2 million in 2009 to nine million this year. However, at the same time, the gaokao 13 is beginning to be more widely recognized abroad. The University of Sydney has said it will accept gaokao scores from Chinese students in place of its own entrance exam. China may not need to reform the gaokao after all - it will reform the rest of us. c Read the article again. Mark the statements T (true) or F (false). Tip: True / False reading • Quickly read the text for the main ideas, then read the statements carefully. • Re-read the text carefully and look for information that shows whether each statement is true or false. 1 During the gaokao nobody is allowed to drive in cities where the exam is being held. 2 Unless you do well in the gaokao, you probably won't get a place at university. 3 The exam gives young people the opportunity to do better in life. 4 Students preparing for the exam still have time for a social life. 5 Students are always finding different ways to cheat. 6 The gaokao was mentioned in a recent James Bond film. 7 Gaokao tutors only have one day a month when they don't have to work. 8 Science subjects are optional in the gaokao. 9 Some people don't like the exam because they don't think it shows how intelligent you are. 10 More Chinese students are taking the gaokao now than ever before. d What do you think of the gaokao? What do you think is the best way to decide whether someone should get a place at university or not? 5 GRAMMAR revision of verb forms a Look at the numbered verbs in the text and match them with the tenses and forms below. J present simple (I make...) ] present continuous (I'm making...) ~\ present simple passive (It is made...) ] past simple (/ made...) ] past continuous (I was making...) ] past simple passive (It was made...) ~| futu rc si mple (I will make...) ] future with going to (I'm going to make...) ] future simple passive (It will be made...) J present perfect simple (I've made...) ] present perfect continuous (I've been making...) I | present perfect passive (It's been made...) ] past perfect simple (/ had made...) b >• p.151 Grammar Bank 10B. Practise the main verb forms in English. 6 LISTENING & SPEAKING a You're going to hear an examiner giving advice for doing well in oral exams. Before you listen, look at the tips below. With a partner, try to guess the missing words (but don't write them in yet). Tip: Filling in missing information • Read the text first so you understand the topic, and to help you predict what the missing information is. • You may need to write more than one word in each space. • Try to spell the words correctly. Bxoam, Hfrs: d&i>tuj vreti i*i oral exMHA 1 Arrhn aA:the extmuiwAirm c-en-ire aA Lemd _trefirrethe exMtt b^Uvs._ 2 Mivhe_ocnvtaxt witk the exMMAyKers oauL_____________. 3 Try to Lovk_ Utwh&t the other umJAMute h: 4 Qivt yowr pirfrwr the crjtp&rtwiuty to__tcrp. ApL for yo-wr ■^iirttver's_aAteryou'ire cjkrenyow own. 5 ifyou am't thmk of a word, don't 'jrereig'muL say. 6 "Don't ws- Communication An exam task p.112. 7 WRITING p.121 Writing An exam task. evise an GRAMMAR a (^kde)a, b, or c. 1 Tb ey a sked us how long_. a did we live there b we'd lived there c had we lived there 2 She_she couldn't remember my name. a said b told c said me 3 He asked whether_British or American. a I was b was I c I am 4 We told them_make so much noise, but they didn't turn the music down. a not to b don't c that they didn't 5 I said that I_be late. a wouldn't to b won't c wouldn't b Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. 1 He wouldn't have passed the exam if he _so hard, (not study) 2 If we'd had a smaller wedding, we_ less money, (spend) 3 He_go to university if he'd had better exam results, (be able to) 4 I_much last weekend, (not do) 5 _you__your grandparents recently? (visit) 6 A I went on holiday to Turkey last month. B _you_there before? (be) 7 She. . too hard lately - she looks exhausted, (work) 8 We got to the reception late and the speeches_. (finish) 9 Work on the new bridge_by the end 10 11 of next year, (complete) I ran to the bank but it___ already_. (close) Over 10 million tablets_since 2005. (sell) 12 Why_you_biscuits? It's nearly lunchtime. (eat) 13 Alex_us his holiday photos when the boss came in! (show) 14 It's only 9.00 but she_already_ at work for two hours, (be) 15 The film_in Japaninthe 1960s, (make) VOCABULARY a C omplete the words. 1 2 3 4 5 My mem .is terrible. He finds it hard to mem_new vocabulary. Her mem___were published last year. It was a very mem_wedding. There's a mem_to the Unknown Soldier. b Write words for the definitions. 1 a woman on her wedding day _ 2 a formal talk that a person gives to an audience _ 3 a male friend or relative who helps the groom__ 4 a formal social occasion to celebrate something _ 5 a party that a man has with his male friends just before he gets married __ c Write Br or Am, and give the British or American alternative. 6 ] holiday _] apartment 8 [ | lift 9 | | pavement 10 | | gas 1 Q movie theater _ 2 Q biscuit _ 3 Q sneakers _ 4 □ garbage - 5 [J] toilet _ d Complete the words. 1 Most of my friends passed the exam, but I f_. 2 The questions were all m_-choice. 3 You lose m_if you make spelling mistakes. 4 I passed my driving t_the first time I took it. 5 He ch_in the exam, so they gave him 0%. PRONUNCIATION a (Circle) the word with a different sound. 2 H 3 guest forget memory exam marry pageboy tap cram pass bridesmaid holiday pavement reported failed decided waited memoirs trainers lifts papers b Underline the stressed syllable. 1 me mo ri/.e 3 ceireimo|ny 5 can di date 2 unfor gef ta ble 4 bride groom CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a Read the article once. I f you were going to stu dy in the US, which considerations would be most important to you? How overseas students can choose a US university Selecting a university thousands of miles away, perhaps without the opportunity to visit beforehand, will worry even those overseas students most enthusiastic about an American education. Fortunately, thanks to the internet, you can get a good feel for an institution without multiple transatlantic flights. Many universities provide online tours of their campuses and give you a clear description of student life and the services available to international students. Investigate each university and be honest about where you might1_best. Academic considerations What is it you really want to study? If you have specific reguirements, will the university you are looking at be able to satisfy2__needs? If you plan on studying for a professional gualification in the US, 3_the UK professional organization if your gualification will be accepted when you get home. Usually there aren't any problems, butyou4___be required to take additional coursework or sit an examination, and it is best to know this in advance. City or country? Do you prefer an urban or rural setting? While it may be exciting to think of yourself in a large, glamorous city, the cost of living is _be big enough? Also bear often much higher - will your5 in mind that students in cities may feel more socially isolated than those who choose a rural or suburban university. Conversely, a college that is miles away from any city might have more campus-based activities, butyou may find it frustrating if you can't escape. Relying exclusively on your university for socializing can be too restrictive. Beach or snow? The United States is geographically diverse. Before choosing a university, it is important for you to consider what type of climate suits you best. You may have 6_your Easter break in Florida, but are you prepared for the summer heat or lack of a winter? You may think you like snow, but are you prepared to deal with temperatures of -40 degrees while studying in Buffalo, New York? Small or large? If you attend a very small college, will you get tired of seeing the same 500 people every week? Or will you feel lost if you are one of 60,000 at a large public university?7_many enjoy being the only 'foreigner',8_find comfort in having a well-run place to go when they're homesick or confused and need to share their problems. Read the article again and choose the best words to fill the gaps. 1 a set up b fit in c put up 2 a your b their cits 3 a fell b say c ask 4 a may b will cmust 5 a studies b budget c qualificati 6 a hated b experienced c enjoyed 7 a Although b But c Because 8 a they b others c people ■< CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE? 15.38))) In the street Watch or listen to five people and answer the questions. Yasuko Robin Pranjal Sean Mairi 1 Yasuko is better at remembering_. a names than faces b people than dogs c dogs than people 2 Robin's wedding took place_. a in a registry office b a short time after she got engaged c just th ree weeks ago 3 Sean_. a is positive about the opportunity to make money in the US b thinks some music considered American actually came from other places c th i nks that American music dominates too much worldwide 4 One of the reasons Mairi doesn't go to American fast food restaurants is because_. a she doesn't like the atmosphere b she thinks they are not good value for money c there aren't any in her neighbourhood 5 Pranjal has sometimes_. a expected to get better results in exams b done really badly in exams c not prepared for an exam CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? Do the tasks with a partner. Tick (/) the box if you can do them. Can you...? 1 Q describe a wedding you've been to, or talk about the kind of wedding you'd like to have 2 talk about the influence of American culture in your country, and say what you think about it 3 [ ; talk about an exam you took that didn't go well 4 Q ask and answer these questions: • Do you think you have a good memory? What things do you find it easy / hard to remember? • Do / Did you find exams stressful at school? How do / did you prepare for them? Short films A wedding planner video Watch and enjoy a film on Tutor. Dramatic events... without all die drama. M.lkr your ovTCim lupptn on CUR. ArCurcjiii Uptv^np, wedr.iwonour New York City iln-.itw EiiK-ritiite rcicrcaiea sptttttiihtďcii!- Vťlii-ihťr ir'i an iiitiin.iiť jliur pcuducnon tjIuc. Let us h.uidk- the "Jrjraj" Communication 1A HOW WAS IT NAMED? Student B f Read about how the iMac was named. Find answers to the questions below. 1 Who named the product? 2 What instructions did the company's founder give for choosing a name? 3 What does the name mean? 4 Were any other names considered? How was iC^-JX the iMac ^^^^V named? First produced in 1998, the bright turquoise iMac computer was a huge success for Apple and started a range of other 'i' products like the il'od, the iPad, and the iPhonc. But who put the 'i' in iMac? The answer is Ken Segall, an advertising executive in New York City. He had known Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, for many years before he named the iMac. There was already a range of Macintosh computers, so Jobs asked Segall for a new name that had 'Mac' or 'Macintosh' in it. He also wanted the name to show people that they could go online more easily with the new computer. Segall and his team thought of dozens of names before they chose 'iMac'. The T was for 'internet', but it could also mean 'individual' or 'imagination'. A few days after coming up with the name, Segall went to Jobs and suggested it to him, together with four other names. Unfortunately, Jobs hated all of them. He preferred a name that he had thought of on his own: 'MacMan'. A week later, Segall suggested more names to Jobs, including 'iMac' again. 'Wei!,' said Jobs, 'I don't hate it this week.' The rest is history. g Listen to A tell you about how the Kindle was named. h Now tell A about how the iMac was named, using questions 1-4 to help you. IB COLOUR AND PERSONALITY a Read about the colours you have chosen in first and second place, and in seventh and eighth place. Underline the things that apply to you. Colour personality test I RED: If you put red in 1st or 2nd place, you are energetic and assertive - I you say what you think, and people listen to you. However, you are also I impulsive, and sometimes make decisions without thinking enough. If you | put red in 7th or 8th place, you have lost some of your enthusiasm for life. If you put yellow in 1" or 2nd place, you are hard-working and ambitious. You are often good at business, and are optimistic about the future. If you put yellow in 7!h or 8,h place, you may feel a bit isolated at the moment. You need to make an effort to meet new people. BLUE: If you put blue in 1" or 2nd place, you are very loyal and reliable. You never panic, and are in control of your life. You are also sensitive, however, and your feelings can be easily hurt. If you put blue in 7lh or 8'" place, you may feel unsatisfied with your life, and want to make changes. I GREEN: If you put green in 1st or 2nd place, you are persistent, and don't give up easily. You want to be recognized, and you probably I don't like change. However, you can also be selfish and quite I possessive. If you put green in 7th or 8^ place, you are probably quite | stubborn, and can be very critical of other people. I PURPLE: If you put purple in 1" or 2nd place, you are a bit immature, and I can be moody. You dream of the perfect relationship or the perfect job. | If you put purple in 7,h or 8* place, you are mature and responsible. ■BLACK: If you put black in 1" or 2nd place, which is unusual, you are rebellious, and don't accept your current situation. If you put black in 7'h or 8'" place, you feel in control of your life, and are calm and self-confident. I BROWN: If you put brown in 1" or 2nd place, you are restless and insecure. I You worry about your health, and may be a bit of a hypochondriac. Security I is very important to you. If you put brown in 7th or 8,h place, it means | you don't look after yourself enough, and may have health problems. I GREY: If you put grey in 1" or 2nd place, you are very independent I and afraid of commitment. You don't like doing things in groups, and I prefer watching to doing. If you put grey in 7th or 8,h place, you are sociable and ambitious. b Tell your partner about the results. What do you agree with? What don't you agree with? ^3 Talking about findings and results According to the personality test, I'm... It says that I'm... That's quite accurate. / That's definitely me. That's not me. / That isn't accurate at all. 2A CAROLINE'S HOLIDAY PLANS Student A a Ask and answer questions with B to complete Caroline's holiday itinerary. Use the information in the calendar and the correct form of the verb, present simple or present continuous. (^A What time does she leave London? B At five past eleven in the morning. "N What time does she arrive in Palma? J A At two forty in the afternoon. Calendar Thursday 11.05 a.m. leave London (Gatwick) flight EZ8629 2.40 p.m. arrive in Palma, Majorca Friday have yoga class 10.00 a.m. go waterskiing with Emma (meet at rental shop) Afternoon go sightseeing in_ Saturday 8.30 a.m. go on guided tour of Palma _ have dinner at Tristan (table booked in Emma's name) Sunday 8.00 a.m. go on boat trip round Pollensa Bay 6.00 p.m. _ Monday 5.30 a.m. get bus to airport _ leave Palma, Majorca flight EZ 8630 10.50 a.m. arrive London Gatwick b Check your answers by comparing your calendars. 3A NEWS STORIES Student B c Read Babies at the movies. Find answers to the questions below. 1 What new idea is being tried? Where? 2 What problem is this idea meant to solve? 3 Who will be affected by it? 4 What good points about this idea are mentioned? 5 What problems with the idea are mentioned? Hornel Sport I TV&Showbiz | Health | Science | Travel1 Money Babies at the movies In family-friendly Brooklyn, New York, where going for a walk involves pavements full of mothers pushing buggies and toddlers on scooters, cinemas have now also become a part of baby culture. Three cinemas in the area have agreed to put on early afternoon sessions so that parents can watch the latest films with their young children and avoid calling the babysitter. The cinemas are open to anyone at these times, though the experience may not be suitable for the average film fan. To avoid waking up sleeping babies, the sound of the films is softer than usual. Films with loud, surprising noises, such as gunshots, are usually not shown. One mother, Rhonda Walsh, 32, described her visit with her four-month-old daughter, Madeleine. There was a chorus of crying,' she remembered. But in spite of the screaming babies, she managed to enjoy the experience. 'Of course I don't remember what the movie was,' she added. Glossary 1 _ _/'sku:toz/ noun child's toys with two wheels that you stand on and move by pushing one foot against the ground 2 _/'skrirmin/ verb crying loudly in a high voice 3 _/'DAgiz/ noun chairs on wheels that you use for pushing ababy or young child in 4 _/'QAnJ'nts/ noun sounds of a gun being fired d Read the article again. Work out the meaning of the highlighted words, and then complete the glossary. Check the pronunciation of the words. e Work in groups with A and C. Tell each other your stories. Try to use the words from the glossary and explain them to A and C if necessary. 105 -1 icon lunication 2A CAROLINE'S HOLIDAY PLANS Student B a Ask and answer questions with A to complete Caroline's holiday itinerary. Use the information in the calendar and the correct form of the verb, present simple or present continuous. What time does she leave London? B At five past eleven in the morning. A What time does she arrive in Palma? J (0\ At two forty in the afternoon. Calendar Thursday 11.05 a.m. leave London (Gatwick) flight EZ8629 2.40p.m. arrive in Palma, Majorca Friday 7.30 a.m. have yoga class 10.00 a.m. go water skiing with_ (meet at rental shop) Afternoon go sightseeing in Palma Old City Saturday 8.30 a.m. 9.00 p.m. have dinner at Tristan (table booked in Emma's name) Sunday 8.00 a.m. _ 6.00 p.m. have massage at hotel spa Monday __get bus to the airport 8.30 a.m. leave Palma, Majorca flight EZ 8630 _ arrive London Gatwick ■■mm b Check your answers by comparing your calendars. 3A NEWS STORIES Student C c Read Airline's new child rules cause controversy. Find answers to the questions below. 1 What new idea is being tried? Where? 2 What problem is this idea meant to solve? 3 Who will be affected by it? 4 What good points about this idea are mentioned? 5 What problems with the idea are mentioned? Sport | TV&Showbiz | Health | Science |Travel | Money Homel Airline's new child rules cause controversy It is a decision that adult air passengers will love - but it could annoy families who are travelling together. Malaysia Airlines has decided to ban children under 12 years of age from the first class cabin and the top deck of its A380 planes, so that adult travellers can relax without hearing crying and screaming. Malaysia Airlines CEO Tengku Azmil said that the company received 'many' complaints from passengers who buy expensive tickets, but then can't sleep because of crying children. The decision means families travelling with children will only be able to sit in the economy section on the lower deck. While some have called the decision discriminatory, others agree with it Travel writer Suzanne Rowan Kelleher said: 'My guess is that many parents would opt for kid-free zones on planes when they're travelling without their children.' Glossary 1_ 2 /'skrhmirj/ verb crying loudly in a high voice /di'skruumstsri/ adj unfair; in a way that treats one group of people worse than others 3 _/dek/ noun one of the floors of a ship, bus, or plane 4 _/haen/ verb say officially that something is not allowed d Read the article again. Work out the meaning of the highlighted words, and then complete the glossary. Check the pronunciation of the words. e Work in groups with A and B. Tell each other your stories. Try to use the words from the glossary and explain them to A and B if necessary. 106 3B SPOT THE DIFFERENCES Student A Describe the photo to your partner. Your partner has a very similar photo. Find ten differences between the photos. A In my photo, there's a... in the foreground. B There isn't one in my phota^ 7B GOING OUT OR STAYING IN? Student A Read about the situation below and talk about it with your partner. Try to agree on a plan for Saturday evening at the end of the conversation. You and a friend are planning to meet on Saturday evening, but you haven't decided what to do. You are quite tired as you have had a hard week. You would like to stay at home and watch a DVD together. Plan exactly how you want to spend the evening (which DVD, what you would have to eat and drink, whose house you would go to, etc.) b is your friend. Try to convince him / her to agree with your plan. Give reasons. O Making suggestions Why don't we...? I think we should... Let's... Maybe we could.. PRACTICAL ENGLISH 3 REPORTING A MISSING PERSON Student A a You are going to report a missing person. Read your role and decide on the details. You are sharing a flat in London with a friend from your country. The address is 23 Barrow Street, London W2 7EG. • Decide which of your friends it is. You saw each other in the morning. • Decide what time and where. You bad arranged to have dinner together at home. You got home at 5 o'clock, but it is now 10 p.m. and he / she hasn't turned up, and isn't answering his / her phone. You are worried and go to the police. • Decide what your friend's normal routine is. b B is a police officer. He / she will ask you questions about your friend, and make a report. B will start. c Swap roles. You are now a police officer. B is going to report a missing person. First, think what questions you need to ask. MISSING PERSON INFORMATION Reported by e Missing person Description I (age and appearance) Last seen ! Wearing V.^IHBi Expected to see at Plans for rest of day !■ Normal routine ji Interview B and fill in the form. Finally, tell B not to worry and that you are sure the person will turn up soon. You start: Come Hi and take a seat Now, you want to report a missing person, is that right? e Together decide what happened to your friends! Communication 3B SPOT THE DIFFERENCES Student B Describe the photo to your partner. Your partner has a very similar photo. Find ten differences between the photos. A In my photo, there's a... in the foreground. B There isn't one in my photo^ 7B GOING OUT OR STAYING IN? Student B Read about the situation below and talk about it with your partner. Try to agree on a plan for Saturday evening at the end of the conversation. You and a friend are planning to meet on Saturday evening, but you haven't decided what to do. You haven't been out for ages. You would like to go out somewhere, e.g. to a show or a restaurant. Plan exactly how you want to spend the evening (where you would like to go and when). a is your friend. Try to convince him / her to agree with your plan. Give reasons. O Making suggestions Why don't we...? I think we should... Let's... Maybe we could.. PRACTICAL ENGLISH 3 REPORTING A MISSING PERSON Student B a You are a police officer. A is going to report a missing person. First, think what questions you need to ask. MISSING PERSON INFORMATION Reported by I Missing person Address Description I . I (age and appearance) Last seen Wearing I Expected to see at I Plans for rest of day I Normal routine J b Interview A and fill in the form. Finally, tell A not to worry and that you are sure the person will turn up soon. You start: Come in and take a seat. Now, you want to report a missing person, is that right? c Swap roles. Now you are going to report a missing person. Read your role and decide on the details. You are sharing a flat in London with a friend from your country. The address is 15 Vine Road, London EC1 9AJ. • Decide which of your friends it is. You saw each other at lunchtime. • Decide what time and where. You had arranged to go to the cinema together. The film started at 7.00 but your friend didn't turn up. It is now 11p.m., and he / she isn't answering his / her phone. You are worried and go to the police. • Decide what your friend's normal routine is. d A is a police officer. He / she will ask you questions about your friend, and make a report. A will start. e Together decide what happened to your friends! 108 6A WHAT'S IT CALLED? Student A a You are a customer at a DIY store. You want to buy the things below, but you don't know the word. B is a shop assistant. Have a conversation with B, explaining what you want. He / she will tell you the names of the things you want to buy and where to buy them. B will start. O Paraphrasing Sorry, but I can't remember the word. I'm looking for a thing that you use for + verb + ing It's a kind of... It looks like... b Now you arc the shop assistant. Listen to B explaining what he / she wants to buy. Ask questions and decide which of the things below they are. Tell B what they are called (and spell the words if necessary), and where to find them. You start: Can I help you? pegs washers spanner /pegz/ /'wpj'az/ /'spsena(r)/ stapler pliers tweezers /'stcipb(r)/ /'plaioz/ /'twiizsz/ PRACTICAL ENGLISH 4 RENTING A ROOM Student A a You have a two-bedroom flat and you want to share it with someone. B would like to rent the other room. He / she is coming to see you. First, look at your house rules and decide if there is anything you'd like to add. House rubs • No amoving • 1i>hare Kitchen - Keep food on Td shelf of fridge • Don't use washing machine or dqer after 10 p.m. • Mafce sure to lock door (two fce,s) when going out b Greet B and tell him / her about the house rules, and answer any questions. You start. / Hi, come in. Nice to meet you... If you don't mind, \l'm going to start by telling you about the house rules... c Decide whether you would like to rent the room to B. d Swap roles. You are looking for a room to rent. B has a room in his / her flat. You are going to meet B. B will tell you about the house rules. You also have some questions to ask. Decide if there is anything you'd like to add. • Wi-fi? • Ofc if fou practise four electric guitar? • What's public transport lite? • ? e Go to meet B and talk about the flat. B will start. f Decide if you want to rent the room. 109 Communication 6A WHAT'S IT CALLED? Student B a You are a shop assistant at a D1Y store. Listen to A explaining what he / she wants to buy. Ask questions, and decide which of the things below they are. Tell A what they are called (and spell the words if necessary), and where to find them. You start: Can 1 help you? \ broom /brum)/ mop /mnp/ drawing pins "dronn pinz/ velcro /'vclkrau/ saw toil drill /dnl/ Now you are a customer. You want to buy the things below, but you don't know the word. A is a shop assistant. Have a conversation with A, explaining what you want. He / she will tell you the names of the things you want to buy and where to find them. A will start. I Paraphrasing Sorry, but I can't remember the word. I'm looking for a thing that you use for + verb + ing It's a kind of... It looks like... PRACTICAL ENGLISH 4 RENTING A ROOM Student B a You are looking for a room to rent. A has a room in his / her flat. You are going to meet A. A will tell you about the house rules. You also have some questions to ask. Decide if there is anything you'd like to add. • You have- a cat. OK to bring it? • You have a motorbike. Where can ^fou park if? ■ You have- to leave- for class / work veq earkf. Ok; to have a shower about Wo eve-pf morning? ? b Go to meet A and talk about the flat. A will start. c Decide if you want to rent the room. d Swap roles. You have a two-bedroom flat and you want to share it with someone. A would like to rent the other room. He / she is coming to see you. First, look at your house rules and decide if there is anything you'd like to add. House rules • Mo smoking • No pets Ijhare kitchen - use receding bins, one for glass, one for paper, one for all other rubbish. Don't leave washing-up overnight. No showers after 10 p.m. e Greet A and tell him / her about the house rules, and answer any questions. You start. / Hi, come in. Nice to meet you... If you don't mind, \l'm going to start by telling you about the house rules... f Decide if you would like to rent the room to A. 8A HOT OR COLD? Student B c Read the article on p. 111 about a spa treatment and find answers to the questions below. 1 What's the treatment called? 2 Where does it come from? 3 What is it supposed to be good for? 4 In what sort of room do you have the treatment? 5 What is the temperature of the treatment? 6 How long does the treatment last? 7 Are there any safety precautions? 8 How did the iournalist feel afterwards? Big chill: the medical benefits of cryotherapy ■ Ve come to a spa in Austria to experience temperatures I more than 100 degrees below zero - and while wearing | just shorts and a T-shirt. The reason? Because experts say that spending a short time in an enormous freezer - or cryotherapy, as it's called - can help people with chronic pain or skin problems, and can even improve sporting performance. Cryotherapy was invented in Japan and later perfected in Poland. It is also good for anyone suffering from stress, depression or insomnia. This was the part that appealed to me most. Nearly 40 and a mother of three, I haven't slept well for the whole night since the birth of our first child nine years ago. The treatment lasts only three minutes. (Any longer than eight minutes in the -110°C room and you'd be dead.) When the time comes to enter the chamber, I'm truly terrified. First I have to put on a pair of special trainers and socks, because if you fall over during cryotherapy, you'll stick to the floor. Then I open the door. My first feeling is relief. It's deeply freezing - my arms sting immediately - but somehow it's bearable. It's not like any cold I've ever experienced before - nothing like a really cold day, for example. There's no wind, and the air is dry. It's easier to put up with than a cold shower. After just two minutes 40 seconds, I'm finished. The next morning, I'm looking forward to doing it again. After three sessions, my skin looks really healthy and I feel energized. I also sleep deeply for the first time in years. Glossary 1 _ purpose . /'tfeimbo(r)/ noun a small room used for a special _/pot 'aJS vvjCV phrasal verb accept something that is annoying or unpleasant _,'n'liif.' norma feeling ofhappiness thatyou have when something unpleasant stops or doesn'thappen _/stirj/ verb make someone feel a sudden, sharp pain, e.g. after being bitten by an insect _/'bc3iv»bl/ adj that can be accepted or tolerated d Read the article again. Work out the meaning of the highlighted words and phrases, and then complete the glossary. Check the pronunciation of the words and phrases. e Listen to A's story and ask about any new words. f Imagine you had the treatment in the article. Think about how you felt before, during, and afterwards. Describe the experience to A in your own words. Use your answers in c to help you. Explain the words in the glossary if necessary. / was on holiday in Austria and I had a really amazing treatment called... 8B LOCAL HISTORY Student A a On a piece of paper, write down the information below. Write the names or places only-not the questions. Don't try to translate place names or names of festivals, etc. 1 a famous person who's buried in or near your town 2 a building or monument in your town that you think is ugly and should be pulled down 3 something that used to be made or grown in or near your town, but isn't any more 4 a festival that is celebrated in your town 5 a typical dish which has been made and eaten by local people for many years b Give your paper to B. B is a tourist in your town. He / she will ask you about the names and places. Give as much information as you can. c Now you are a tourist in B's town. Ask B about the names and places on his / her list. / A What's the Ponte I delta Constituzione? B It's a new bridge which was finished in 2008. It was designed by Calatrava 10A MORE FACTS ABOUT THE USA? Student A a Read sentence 1 to B. Try to get the right rhythm. B will guess if it's true or false. b Tell B if he / she is right, and explain why. Continue with sentence 2. ( A Alaska is larger than Spain, France, B True. J V and Germany combined. True or false? — f A That's right. Alaska has an area of 1,718,000 km2 and V Spain, France, and Germany have an area of 1,538,000 km2. Are these statements true or false? l Alaska is larger than Spain, France, and Germany combined True. Alaska has an area of 1,718,000 km2 and Spain, France, and Germany have an area of 1,538,000 km2. 50% of Americans speak another language at home. False. 20% speak a language other than English at home, and about 8% don't speak any English at all. American workers have less paid holiday than workers in other countries. True. Most Americans have 10-20 days of paid holiday a year. The top holiday destination abroad for Americans is Cuba. False. Although Cuba is less than 200 km from the US, Americans are not allowed to travel there unless they get a licence. No American has ever won the Nobel Peace Prize. False. Over 20 Americans have won the prize, including Martin Luther King, Jr. and Barack Obama. c Now listen to B's sentences and say if you think they're true or false. Ill Communication 8B LOCAL HISTORY Student B a On a piece of paper, write down the information below. Write the names or places only — not the questions. Don't try to translate place names or names of festivals, etc. 1 a building, bridge, or monument that has recently been built in or near your town 2 a famous person who was horn in or near your town 3 an event that will be celebrated in your town soon 4 typical souvenirs that are made or sold in your town 5 a place in or near your town that is visited by a lot of tourists b You are a tourist in A's town. Look at A's list of places and names, and ask A about them. B Who's Juan Belmonte? A He's a famous bullfighter who's buried in... He died... c Give your paper to A. A is a tourist in your town. He / she will ask you about the names and places. Give as much information as you can. 10A MORE FACTS ABOUT THE USA? Student B a Listen to A reading you some sentences about the USA. Say if you think they're true or false. b Now read your sentence 6 to A. Try to get the right rhythm. A will guess if it's true or false. c Tell A if he / she is right, and explain why. Continue with sentence 7. A / think that's false^J b The US has more national parks than Europe. True or false? b Ifiat's right. The US has 59 national parks, and Europe has 366. 6 7 8 9 10 Are these statements true or false? The US has more national parks than Europe. False. The US has S9 national parks, and Europe has a total of366, but the US parks cover 210,000 km2, a larger area than all the European parks. Americans buy more Mexican salsa per year than ketchup. True. This has been true since 1992; $680 million was spent on salsa last year, compared to $420 million for ketchup. The USA has 5% of the world's population but 25% of the world's prisoners. True. The prison population has increased by 700% since 1971 to almost 2.2 million. The Declaration of Independence was signed in 1876. False. It was signed in 1776. Häagen-Dazs is an American company. True. It was started by the Mattus brothers in New York in 1976. They chose the name, which doesn't actually mean anything, because they thought it sounded Danish and they admired Denmark and its culture. 10B EXAM TASK Try a speaking exam task with a partner. Read the situation and discuss it with your partner for 2-3 minutes. Try to use some of the tips you heard in 6b. Your teacher has asked you for ideas to improve your school. Look at the picture. Talk about what improvements you think would be most useful. DESCRIBING A ROOM a Read Ana's description of her room. Does it sound comfortable to you? Why (not)? b Read the description again. Number the topics in the order she mentions them. J The colour of the walls, door, etc. J What furniture there is ] Where the room is ] Why she likes it c Complete the gaps in the text with a preposition from the list. Some prepositions are used more than once. language-exchange above at from in inside on with You're going to write a description of your favourite room. Plan the description. 1 Say which room it is and where. 2 Describe the room, the furniture, and the decoration. 3 Say if the room has changed at all. 4 Explain why it is your favourite room. Write the description of the room, in four paragraphs. Use Vocabulary Bank Adjective suffixes p,152 to help you with vocabulary. Check your description for mistakes (grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and spelling). p.ll Sign Up Sign In Home Notebook Ask a question Answers Discussions MY PINK ROOM I've just finished university so I'm living 1 at my parents' house at the moment, 2_my old room. It hasn't changed since I was a teenager. The walls are pale pink and the door and the window frame are much darker pink. We painted the room when we first moved there when I was 13, and I'm 23 now but I still love the colour. It's quite a big room with a huge wardrobe along one wall, so I have plenty of space for all my clothes and shoes and jewellery. There's a full-length mirror3__the wardrobe door. My bed is painted bright pink, and has lots of cushions 4_it. the ceiling' There's a disco ball hanging 5_ the middle of the room. I have the same desk I've had since I was really little. It's pushed right up against the wall and the desk there are some wooden shelves that my dad put up. That's where I keep my diaries, books, and some plants. There's also a big pinkish rug 8_the floor. I have an armchair9_the corner which my mum didn't want anymore. It's got yellow and blue stripes. It's really comfortable but quite ugly, and the colours don't match the rest of the room. I've covered it10__a blanket which is also pink to hide it. My room is quite girly because it has so many pink things. It's a bit like me, I suppose, and that's probably why I still like it! Writing 2 HOLIDAY TWEETS a Read the holiday tweets once. Who is on holiday now? Who is going to have a holiday soon? Who has just finished a holiday? Caroline Having the most amazing experience in Majorca! Met fantastic people but have put on 3 kilos in 4 days! ---,. y„-.------------------: ----— Mark Another hard day: reading, having a nap by the pool, eating, and sunbathing. C Haylee 48 hours until I'll be in Rio sipping a piha colada - or is it a caipirinha? Can't wait! '4 % Michael Oh no! 3 noisy children sitting behind me on my plane to LA. This is going to be the longest flight of my life. Bmv^,JUI,.m,a,,.„.„^.llll,,l-------- Sheila Just got to Uganda! So beautiful here! After 13 hours on bus, am ready for a shower! Read the tweets again. How does each person feel? What words and phrases or symbols do they use to express their feelings? Read the Useful language box. Then rewrite the last four tweets using full sentences. O Useful language: writing tweets Because tweets are short messages and can only have a maximum of 140 characters (including letters, spaces, icons, and punctuation), people frequently leave out words in sentences, often pronouns and auxiliary verbs like I'm, I've, it's, and there is / are. This is acceptable in tweets and text messages but not in formal writing. Having the most amazing experience = I'm having the most amazing experience Another hard day = It's been another hard day 3 noisy children sitting behind me = There are three noisy children sitting behind me d Imagine you're having a four-day holiday. Write a tweet for each of the situations below. Use the Useful language and Vocabulary Bank Holidays p.153 to help you with vocabulary. • the evening before your holiday • the first morning of your holiday • the second and third days • the last evening of your holiday • the day after your holiday is over e Check you r tweets to m ake sure they are not more than 140 characters. )) Interviewer How long have you been an airport screener? Screencr Two years. Interviewer What's the most difficult part of the job? Screener Definitely the repetition. You say and do the same things again and again... and again. [mean, it's SO boring. Tr eats away at you. I also don't like taking and throwing away people's things. But there are certain things you can't bring through security. 1 often have to take away big bottles of sunscreen and expensive perfume, home-made food, uh, also, you know, razors and scissors and other things and throw them in the trash, usually in front of the passenger. They look so sad and confused. It makes me feel a little sad for them, too. Interviewer What do you like about the job? Screener The only thing that keeps it interesting is the variety ol people you meet. I enjoy talking with peopleand wondering where they're travelling to and things like that. It really tells you something about society, Interviewer What are your colleagues like? Screener Urn, some are great, but some are terrible. Like, if a passenger is moving ton slowly, they can be really unkind. Even if it's an elderly traveller, or just a businessman with too many electronic gadgets. The bad ones, um, they shout at people to push their bags through the belt. 1 mean, they don't have to be rude about it. One of my colleagues refuses to say 'please' and 'thank you'. Can you believe that? He tells people to lift their arms, show their feet, take off their belt, and th itigs like that, in a very unkind way. Interviewer Why do you think some screeners are so unfriendly? Screener Well, I think that it really is, as 1 said befure, because of the repetition. I mean, you try standing in the same place and repeating the same instructions to people and watch them make the same mistakes again and again. It's emotionally exhausting. Interviewer What arc some things that annoy you about passengers? Screener I always find it surprising when people don't know they have to take off their coats or boots, or take out theirlaptops, or that they can't take bottles of water through. Sure, not everyone has rhc opportunity to travel, but I mean, have these people not picked up a newspaper, or watched TV, or spoken with someone else who has flown in the last ten years? Interviewer How do passengers treat you generally? Screener Some are nice and courteous. Especially in rhe morning, people seem either cheery and warm or, you know, simply tired and indifferent. They're rarely rude in the morning. By the afternoon, people become more stressed, and they become less friendly and sometimes angry. They get so upset at us personally. But, I mean, we don't make the rules. Someone else does. '1,40))) Harry I live in Hereford, which is a small town in the U K very near Wales, and ourlocal shopping street, our high street, it has all the normal chains like McDonald's and WHSmith rhe stationer's. There are also some smaller shops that are independently owned-there's a butcher's, a hardware store, things like that. There used to be a department store that was owned by a local family, but it closed down last year. The local shops are already having problems, I'd say. And now they're going to develop a new shopping centre outside town, and that'll kill the high street. Also, more people are shopping online now. It worries me because if there are no shops, then the centre of town will just die and Listening 123 become really depressing, maybe just with pound shops or empty stores. Kate In Toronto, where I live in C anada, the shopping street near my house has everything, from delicatessens and pharmacies to restaurants and clothing stores. There are also corner shops, grocery stores, and chains like Starbucks as well. The smaller, independently owned shops are definitely struggling because people are going to big indoor shopping malls or supermarkets, especially in winter when it's too cold to be walking around outdoors. Online shopping is still not very common due to the long distances between cities and towns in Canada. Postal delivery and overnight del ivery aren't real ly practical. Ken I'm from Kobe, a city in Japan, and near the train station we have little shops like a baker's, a cafe, a greengrocer's, and lots of corner shops. But people there shop at department stores, mainly. You know, Japanese department stores have everyth i ng - clothes, TVs, fruit and vegetables. I don't often go to small independent shops, because I usually need to buy a lot of different things. Soit'sa lot more convenient to go to a department store. 1 know the small shops aredisappearingand that'salictle sad, but better things are replacing them. They're just responding to the customers' needs, It's what the shoppers want. Bca 1 live in the centre of Valencia in Spain, and my nearest big shoppi ng street is called Calle Col6n. I almost always go shopping there as it's so close. It has pretty much all the shops I like and a big department store too called F,l Corte Ingles-it's a Spanish institution! I'd say the small local shops are doing quite well. Of course some places close down, but then new ones open up - a Japanese chain called Muji, for example, that sells stuff for your house. There are quite a few shopping centres round Valencia but I never go to them, as they tend to be out of town, so you need a car or bus to get there, and I think the same is true for a lot of people round here, and also tourists like the small shops. Even though I do use them, for me there are two problems with small shops in Spain. One is that they often close at lunch time, which T find really impractical. The other thing is that small shops don't offer the same sort of service that a big store can. For example, it's more difficult to have things delivered, or to change something and get your money back. '2,10))) Interviewer Welcome back. Up next, age and the generation gap. We know how hard it can be to tell someone's age, but in fact it turns out there may be a way that's quite simple. It's called the 'Mosquito Tone Test', and Mark is here to tell us more. Mark Thanks, Sue. The Mosquito Tone is a sound -a very high pitched, very annoying sound, which is why it's named after the insect. What's interesting is that apparently as we age, we slowly lose our ability to hear this sound. According to scientists, almost everyone under rhe age of 25 can hear the Mosquito Tone, but almost no one over 25 can hear it! Interviewer Really! Ts that right? Mark Yes. And to test this out, I actually played the tone for my family last night. My wife and I heard absolutely nothing at all, but our teenage daughters could hear it, and in fact they complained that it was an irritating sound that was quite painful to hear. Interviewer Oh no! Well, at the risk of irritating .some of our younger listeners' ears, why don't we play the tone briefly now? Mark OK, heregoes. I'm playing the tone in 3,2,1... Interviewer Have you played the tone yet? Mark I just did. Or, at least, I think I did. lnterv iewer Well, I suppose that just con firms that neither of us are under 25! 2,11))) Interviewer Now Mark, apart from testing a person's age, what is the Mosqu ito Tone being used for? Mark This has actually become an interesting controversy. Because the sound is so annoying, and because only the young can hear it, the Mosquito Tone is being used to keep teenagers away from certain places. Interviewer What kinds of places? Mark Well, for example, from shopping centres. As you know in some towns you get large groups of young people hanging around shopping centres and causing trouble. And some shop owners say that these gangs can annoy other customers, or frighten them away, which is obviously not good for business. So now these centres can play the Mosquito Tone over their audio system, and the groups of teenagers will feel uncomfortable and leave the area. But of course the sound won't annoy the other customers at all, as they don't hear it. Interviewer I lave you spoken to any of these shop owners? Mark Yes, T have, and they said that the Mosquito Tone has worked very well for them. A nd they also said that although it's true that the Mosquito Tone is certainly very annoying, it doesn't hurt the teenagers. Interviewer It sounds like rather a good idea to me. But you said this was a controversy. Who's against it? Mark Well, there arc some groups of people who are trying to ban the Mosquito Tone. They've pointed out a number of problems with it. Firstly, they worry that the sound really is harmful, but more to the point they say that the Mosquito Tone affects all young people, some of whom are well-behaved and just want to go shopping. And finally they say that the Mosquito Tone doesn't actually stop the problem of teenage gangs, it just drives them from one place to another. Interviewer Those do seem like good points. Mark Yes, indeed. And there's also an interesting twist. Some teenagers have discovered an advantage to the Mosquito Tone. Interviewer Oh yes? Mark Well, the Mosqu ito Tone has also been released as aringtone for your mobile. So in secondary schools that don't permit mobile phones, teens can use their phones in class. They can receive calls and messages during lessons and teach ers don't have any Idea what i s h appening. Interviewer Because the teacher can't hear it! That must really annoy them. Mark That's right. And if they can't hear it, they can't... 6)18))) Interviewer What i nspired you to become a photographer? Brian My cousin, who was ten years older than me, built a darkroom inhis house which I used to visit. From the moment I saw a developing photograph appearing like magic on a piece of paper under the red light, lwas completely hooked. At the same time my school started a photography club, so I joined it. 1 soon knew it was what 1 wanted to do, and later I went on to study photography and film-making at university. Interviewer What sort of people do you usually photograph, and where? Brian I've mainly photographed classical musicians and their ensembles and orchestras. I usual ly photograph them at work and they often perform in wonderful buildings, which are also great for photography, so I've had the chance to work in palaces and chu rches in Rom e, Vienna, Salzburg, Paris, and other places. Interviewer Have you had any other famous clients? Brian Yes, several. I was once asked to photograph Prince Charles, for example. Interviewer Oh, and how did that go? Brian In fact, it was a bit embarrassing. He was visiting a mosque, and though there were many other press photographers there, I was the only one who was given permission to enter the mosque at the same time as the Prince. When I got to the door, 1 was asked to take my shoes off, and 1 realized that I had an enormous hole in one of my socks! 1 was so embarrassed, all I could think about was this hole as I tried to get shots of Prince Charles. And then he left through a different door, and I had to follow him, still in mv socks. Interviewer Do you have a favourite portrait of a celebrity? Brian I have lots, but for example there's a portrait of Meryl Streep by Annie T.eibovitz, where she's wearing a face-mask. It's absolutely wonderful. '2; 19))) Interviewer What are some tricks to taking a good portrait? Brian Each situation is different and what works for one person may not work for another. The most important thing is to get people to relax. Being photographed makes most people nervous and insecure, so, assuming they're not professional models, generally it's best not to have other people around, watching the photo shoot. Once people relax they can even enjoy the process but it does take a long time, so another important thing if you want to have a good photo taken of you is not to be in a hurry. I often need between three and four hours. Interviewer What else can the person who is being photographed do to improve the picture? Brian To start with they should wear comfortable clothes, and if they can, if it's a studio photo, bring some different clothes with them - things that they feci good in. Interviewer What about make-up? Brian if people are used to wearing make-up, then they should use it, because again it will make them feel good. Actually make-up is often a good thing - and in fact, even for men, a little powder can make them look better under studio lights. Interviewer What about how to pose? Brian Well, standing up straight isn't usually a good pose. You can get much more interesting pictures of people, for example, sitting on the floor, leaning against the back of a chair, or sitting just on the edge of a chair. Interestingly, sometimes it's a good thing for people to feel a bit uncomfortable, because the more uncomfortable people are the less they think about their expression and the better the pictures can be. It also helps if people look away and only turn to the camera at the last moment. In ter viewer Brian, thank you very much, and I'lI try to remember those tips. '2.-23))) 1 I really love this photo, even though I look a bit strange in a dress that was obviously too big and a coat that was too small! But it's the way that my grandfather and 1 are looking at each other that I love about it. We were about to go for a walk, and are standing just in front of the door uf his house, on the steps. It was a really cold day so he'd lent me his fur hat. I don't know who took the photo, probably my grandmother, but it's a lovely reminder of my grandfather, who died a few years ago. I have it in a frame on my desk, and both my mother and my grandmother have a framed copy of the same photo - we all love it. 2 My favourite photo ever-not just from my childhood but in my whole life - is this one that my dad took when we went camping. I'm standing in the mountains and on a rock in front of me 124 Listening is this animal called a marmot— it's like a big mouse, and they're quite common round here. The marmot was standing incredibly close to me and it almost looks as if it's smiling at the camera! It wasn't shy at all. A strange thing is, I always remembered the day the photo was taken, but 1 actually didn't see the photo with my own eyes until last year, when I turned 35. My parents found a load of old photos and scanned them for me so that I'd have them in digital form. 1 wanted to enlarge this one and make it into a poster, hut the file wasn't big enough. 3 Er, there arc loads of childhood photos to choose from, but one of my favourites is this one which was taken by my dad - he was always the family photographer - and 1 think it was a day when we went for a picnic with my brothers and cousins. In the picture, I'm the little blonde one in the front, 1 think I was abou t seven or eight, cr, and the two boys on the right arc my brothers, and the rest are my cousins. It reminds me of how close lam to my extended family. So, cr, Hook at it when 1 miss home — and it cheers me up. 1 used to have it stuck on my fridge but now it's packed away in a box somewhere. But my mum uploaded it onto Facebooksonow 1 can look at it any time. :2.'24))) Jenny Hello?... Yes, itis... Oh, that's great news. Thank you... Later today? Great. Now 1 won't have to buy new clothes... Yeah, that's the right address. Bye. Henry Good news? Jenny Great news! They found my suitcase, and they're bringing it over later today. Henry Excellent. Right, I'll take you to my nephew's house so he can fix your computer. Jenny I'm looking forward to meeting Luke. Henry You'll like him. He's a bright boy. Not that! understand a word he says. Jenny I'll bet he doesn't know much about Greek mythology either! Henry You're probably right. Henry That's funny. Jenny What's wrong? Henry The tyre's flat. Jenny Doyouhaveaspare? Henry Well, yes, but it shouldn't be flat, it's new and... Henry I don't believe it! Jenny What is it? Henry They're both flat! They've been punctured! Jenny What? Somebody did that on purpose? In the English countryside? Henry Yon get vandals everywhere these days. Well, I'll just have to stay here and sec if! can get the A A to bring out another spare tyre, I'll call you a taxi. Jenny Isn't there a bus I could catch? Henry Well, there's a bus stop on the main road. You could {Jet the bus to Oxford Irom there, 1 suppose. Jenny How do T get to the bus stop? Henry The quickest way is the footpath at the back of the bouse. Jenny I think I'll do that then. Henry Are you sure you want to get the bus? How wdlyou find Luke's house? Jenny You gave me the address. I can look it up on my phone if 1 get lost. Henry Yes, of course. But, this is really inconvenient for you. You were goi ng to borrow my car, weren't you? Jenny No, don't worry, Henry. I'd actually decided to rent a car anyway. I'll need it for work and it'll probably be cheaper to rent here than in London. lean get one while Luke is working his magic. Henry Well, if you're absolutely sure. Just go to the backdoor and you'll see the path. Follow that- takes you to the bus stop. Jenny OK. Oh, and I'd like to cook dinner this evening to thank you for having me. Henry Youdon'tneedtodothat! Jenny T want to. Henry Well, if you're sure, What time? Jenny I Tow about seven o'clock? Henry Great! And I'll keep my phone on in case you need me. Jenny See you later, Henry, Henry Bye! Henry Who's that? Jenny Luke? Luke You mustbe Jenny. Hi. Jenny Nice to meet you. Luke You too. Come in. Would you like some coffee? I've just made some. Jenny I'd love to, but I'm running abitlatc. We had trouble with the car and then the bus took forever. And I really need to get to a car rental place. I'm really sorry, but could 1 just leave the computer with you? Luke Yeah, no problem. Jenny That's great. 1 feel awful just leaving it here like this. Luke Honestly, don't worry about it. Jenny Areyousure? Luke Yeah, it's cool. T love doing this kind of thing. I'll send you a text and let you know how I'm getti ngon. Jenny That's nice of you, Luke. Thanks. See you later. Luke See you later. ■2.27))) Jenny Henry? Henry? Henry? Henry This is Henry Walker. I'm afraid I can't take your call at the moment. Please leave your message after the tone. Jenny Hi, Henry, it's [enny here. I just wanted to let you know everything went fine. 1 got my car and I'm back home. Remember I'm making dinner. See you soon. Jenny Hi Luke, it's Jenny. Luke Hi Jenny, what's up? Jenny I just wanted to apologize for running off this morning. Luke You really don't need to! I should apologize, actually. It's going to take me longer than 1 thought to unlock your computer. It's like there's an extra security code or something. Jenny Thai's really weird. Luke Don't worry, I'm sure I can crack it. Jenny I just have no idea how it got there. Hang on. Luke What is it? Jenny My suitcase has arrived! Luke Hey, that's great! Jenny Oh, look at that. The lock's broken. Luke Must have been the baggage handlers! Jenny Well, at least it's back. Luke S o, how's uncle Henry? Jenny I le isn't here. I called him but he did n't answer. Luke He probably went for a walk. He often does that, He thinks about his research and stuff. Jenny Wed, I hope he's back in time for dinner! Luke He wdl be. He's always on time. Jenny Yeah, Rob told me Henry's very punctual. Luke Unlike Rob! Jenny Exactly. Luke Is that the jet lag catching up with you? Jenny Yeah, I'm pretty tired. Luke You should have a nap. Don't worry, I'll get this computer working as soon as 1 can. Jenny Thanks,Luke, Seeyoulater. Luke Bye! Jenny Ohno, dinner! Henry? Henry?That's strange. Henry This is Henry Walker. I'm afraid 1 can't take your call at the moment. Please leave your message after the tone. Newsreader The victim of last night's assault at Heathrow Airport has been named as Andrew Page. Mr Page is a research scientist from Oxford. Police believe he was attacked as he left the airport. He is now in hospital in a critical condition. Police are appealing to anyone who may have seen Mr Page to contact them immediately. Mr Page had just returned from New York where he was conducting research on renewable energy. Rob Hi, (enny. Jenny Rob, I need to talk to you. 2 29))) Sunday Liz Dave and I meet Ash and Ross, two London freegans who will train us how to find food in the rubbish. Ash is 21, and his friend Ross is 46. This is Ash. Ash First, you need the right equipment. Take gloves and a torch. Also, yon have to know where to go. Small to medium size shops are probably best. The larger shops lock their bins. Liz We're in the car park behind a supermarket, It's 5 p.m. and dark, so people don't notice us. Ash and Ross walk confidently to the bins, lift the lids, and start looking for food. The first bin bag we open contains frozen meals, including chicken curry and chilli con carne. The meals haven't been opened and the sell-by date is today. Underneath are ten tubs ol ice cream, with the same sell-by date. At the bottom is a carton of eggs. The sell-by date is next week. Ross says this isn't surprising. Ross We get a lot of eggs. Sometimes, if one bieaks, they just throw away all of them. But, er, you know, just be careful when choosing what to eat. If the packaging is open or it's past the sell-by date, don't take it. Oh, and wash everything you find before you eat it. Monday Liz Now it's time for Dave and me to try freeganism on our own. As we begin, it's freezing cold. After an hour and a half of searching, wc still haven't found one unlocked bin. Eventually, we go behind a smaller supermarket and... success! The bins are open. There's a plastic bag full of vegetables at the bottom. So, while Dave holds the lid open, 1 reach in. A couple of people are watching us, and I'm so embarrassed. But the bag's full of potatoes, apples, and carrots, and there's nothing wrong with them. We'll make a nice soup with them. Now, we just need bread. We look inside a coffee shop's bin and there is some. But we're right outside the station and it's rush hour. We're too embarra ssed to take it. So we go to the bi ns outside a nearby supermarket, where we find aplastic bag of sliced bread. The bag is unbroken and the sell-by date is today. At home, after washing the vegetables, we cook a delicious soup, which we have with the bread. Dessert is baked apples. Wonderful. 2.30))) Tuesday Liz I don't feel ill - a good start—so we enjoy a freegan breakfast of avocados, which were a present from Ash and Ross, and we have the rest of yesterday's bread, We decide to visit the bins by the supermarket where we found the vegetables yesterday. Again, we find lots of vegetables and fruit - potatoes, peppers, a melon, and some salad. The salad is close to the sell-by date, but if it were in your fridge, you'd eat it. Other sell-by dates are not lor another week. I don't understand why they were thrown away. After a lunch of yesterday's soup, wc search at bakeries but find nothing. Luckily, we've found enough food this morning for dinner and tomorrow's breakfast. We've decided that it's OK to use a few shop-bought ingredients such as pasta, so on the menu tonight is a spicy pasta soup with green peppers and the carrots from yesterday. For dessert we have another baked apple. Wednesday Liz Today, after a breakfast of melon, wc head off to check out the bins in the market, which smell terrible compared with the supermarket rubbish. We find enough food to eat like kings: sausages, Listening 125 cabbage, lemons, anil some onions. Although three days is a short time to live as a freegan, I've already learned that a lot of food is thrown away for no good reason. Perhaps 1 should continue with my frccganlifestyle? After all, the food wc found, after a good wash, was rhe same as the food you buy in a shop. Except, of course, it was free. 2 43))) Rosic In die fashion industry, it's almost impossible to get a job unless you do an internship first. Companies get so many applications for i nternships that they don't need to pay you. The most I got was about Aj 15 a day for lunch and transport. Tt's slave labour, but it teaches you a lot. I learned loads about making and designing clothes. I sometimes worked beyond 11 p.m., and that wasn't easy, but then you look in the newspapers and sec a model who's wearing a hat that you helped to make. It's so exciting. I'm in a lot of debt after doing three months' unpaid work in London. My parents were able to help me a bit, but I had to earn money by worki ng in a bar as well. Overall, I think internships are brilliant. I'd definitely advise someone to do an internship -despite the hard work and the debt, you learn so much that it's worth it. Joe 1 had an internship in rhe music industry for a few months when 1 was in my early twenties. The positive side was h aving a job. An internship is a position in an organization 1 ike any other job, so you feel that you've taken a step in the right direction. And I enjoyed working in the music industry - Ihkcd the office environment and my colleagues. The downside was that T was paid very little -the minimum wage-and it alt went on food and travel. And the job itself wasn't very interesting, to be honest. There were boring repetitive tasks like writing the company newsletter or managing their social media ch an nels. But all in all it was positive. I think the best experience was sometimes being in the same room as the boss and listening to his phone calls -that was first-hand experience of bow to run a business, And of course the internship went straight onto my CV. Any experience is better than no experience from an employer's perspective. Lauren I've done four internships in publicity. My last one was two months at a small PR agency. They paid for my travel expenses and lunch, and I learned a lot. Th at really helped me when I appl ied for jobs because 1 knew what I was talking about. But in the other three I worked ten-hour days, six days a week, and I got no money at all, so 1 also had to work in a pub to support myself. F.ach time I was told, 'Do well and there'll be a job at the end of it.' Brit then you realize there is no job. It makes you angry. During one of those internships, the manager went on holiday for a month and I had to manage everything. In another one, 1 worked from home, using my own phone, and wasn't paid a penny, not even to cover the phone bill. T only met the boss once-it was all done by email. She promised me a job after three months, but it never happened. '3,8))) Interviewer Welcome back. My next guests are two sisters who write scripts for Bob's Burgers, an animated scries which will be shown next month on Sunday evenings. Please welcome Wendy and Lizzie Molyneux! Lizzie, Wendy, thanks so much for joining us. Wendy / Lizzie Thanks, it's great to be here, our pleasure. Interviewer Now, tell usa.bitaboutBobiBurgm. Wendy Well, like The Simpsons, it's meant for adults and older kids even though obviously it's a cartoon. Lizzie It's a comedy - it's about a funny guy who owns a hamburger restaurant, and his weird kids and weird wife. They all work in the restaurant and live in the apartment above it, and they have lots of problems keeping the restaurant in business. Interviewer So, how did you get the job as writers? Wendy A few years ago we wrote a scripr for another animated series that the network decided not to make. But people read our script and they liked it. Lizzie Yeah, So later we had an interview with the producers of Bob's Burgers. We loved the show and the producers, so wc were su re wc would never get the job. Wendy But then wc did! Lizzie Happy ending! Interviewer What's it I ike to be a TV writer? I mean, what's your daily routine? Lizzie Er, we start work at about 10.00 in the morning. Most weekdays wc are either working on a story or com i ng up with some new jokes for scripts that have already been written. Then in the afternoon it's more of the same. Interviewer How long docs it take to actually write and create an episode? Wendy Actually, it takes a really long time - about six to eight months from the idea to recording. Fi rst, you come up with an idea for a story. Then, you work with a bunch of other writers to create an outline for the story. Lizzie There are about ten fu 11 -ti mc writers on the show. Wendy Right. Then, you go write a full script. That script gets read aloud by the actors, then we record thei r voices in a studio. Once we have the recording, the artists create an aninratic, which is like a rough draft of the cartoon, in black and white. Lizzie And after that, the rough d rawings are sent to a stud io in Korea where the colou r animation is created. 3 9))) Interviewer Who do you think is mustimpnrtant to the show: the actors, the writers, or the director? Or someone else? Lizzie Well, on our show it is definitely the creator of the show, Loren Bouchard. He's always at the office. He manages the writers, the directors, the actors, and pretty much everything else. Wendy Yeah. He barely even has time to cat, but when he does he pretty much only eats baked potatoes, Interviewer Sounds like astrange guy. Do you have guest stars oaBob's Burgers? Wendy Actually yes, we've had a lot of amazing guest stars on our show, like |on Hamm from Mad Men. Interviewer What's it like being sisters and co-writers? Did you write things together when you were children? Lizzie We probably collaborated on making fun of our other sisters, but we didn't actually write together until we were adults. Interviewer Apart from Bob's Burgers, what TV programmes do you like? Wendy Actually 1 love watching dramas like Game OJThrones or Homeland. 1 don't always want to watch other comedies, because then I'd be thinking about work. I will watch anything with zombies as well! Lizzie I also enjoy terrible reality shows like The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Interviewer One last question. What are your future ambitions? Wendy To write more TV! Interviewer Wendy, Lizzie, thank you for coming on the programme. Wendy / Lizzie Thank you. Our pleasure. 3,15))) Melissa T live in Istanbul now, in Turkey, but I used to live in the country in the province of Sakarya. It was an amazing place to live - just so beautiful. There's a large lake nearby and the hills are covered with pine trees — people go to picnic there. The coast is also not faraway. When I lived there it was as if time had stood still. There was no water or electricity— wc had our own well and generator -and there was only one shop. We had to wait for a minibus from the nearest town to bring fresh bread and the newspapers every morning! I worked in a school in a nearby town - in fact the one th at sent the bread and papers - and in my free time I played tennis, went for walks, and played the piano. 1 made my own entertainment. In the end T had to move to Istanbul for work, but I really miss the fresh food and fresh fish, the peace. I sometimes used to think when T was living there that there wasn't enough choice of th i ngs to do, things to buy. but now T think! have too much choice. Eric A few years ago my wife and I retired and we moved to a little town in the mountains here in Colorado. It's gorgeous. We have a house on a hill, and we are surrounded by mountains, which we can see from our window, as well as the woods and a very pretty lake. There are lots ol paths and wc walk every morning with our dog, er, who loves chasingafter sticks and things. There's so much to do. In the summer wc go hiking and we have a I ittle canoe we take on the lake, and of course in the winter wc go skiing. We have lots of friends here and we often have dinner parties or we have our book club meetings. There's a joke here that we only have three seasons: summer, Winter, and 'mud season". That's after the snow has melted and everything, I mean everything, is covered in mud. That's the only bad time to be here. And the other problem is that we don't have a supermarket. The nearest one's about 20 miles from here. f3;19))) Interviewer How long have you been on The Archers? Tim Well, I celebrated 30 years on The Archers this June. Interviewer Which character do you play? Tim 1 play a character called David Archer, who is a farmer, who's the son of Phil Archer, who in turn was the son of Dan Archer, who was the very first Mr Archer back in 1 °.S I, when the program me started. Interviewer What kind of person is David Archer? Tim Well, David is some..., some might say he's a bit thick, 'thick' meaning stupid. He's not. He's a simple soul. I le's extremely honourable, he's extremely hard-working, he's honest, he's dependable, Buthc's a farmer, and that's the most important thing in his life, making the farm work and keeping his family together. Interviewer I low much did you know about life on a farm before you joined the cast? Tim Well, unusually, 1 actually knew a bit because I'd worked on farms when 1 was a child. And 1 was in fact born on a sheep station in Tasmania. And so when I was a boy I used to go and work casually at the local farm. And then also my father in the 1 970s gave up being an advertising executive and went off down toDevon to live off the land, and so he started this ten-acre organic smallholding in Devon. And my wife and I went down and helped him ro get that going, so I've got quite a lot of practical experience on rhe farm. Interviewer Is that an exception on The Archers? Tim Yes, yes, most of the actors don't know one end of a cow from the other, to be honest. Interviewer Dovou think that country and city people react to The Archersva a different way? Listening Tim Yes, they do. City people look at Ambridgc, which is the village that we live in, as a kind of an English ideal of the countryside. It's an old-fashioned England where everybody's nice to each other. There's not much crime. There aren't any yellow lines so that you can't park. And that's, 1 think, what they love about it. And from the country people, what they tend to like is the fact that they all say, 'That's exactly like the village that I live in.' There's the vicar, there's the doctor, there's the person who runs the pub - and there's the bossy woman who runs around trying to organize everybody, you know. Interviewer Would you actually like to live on a farm yourself - or do you? Tim We've got a cottage in Norfolk, so we're - I'm up in the country every weekend. And also 1 was brought up in the country. Until I was 21, we lived just north of London, in Hertfordshire. So I'm a country boy at heart and, cr, you know... Interviewer Have you ever lived in a city? Tim Yeah, we do now. I mean, I've lived in London since - for 30 years. So I'm a country boy who's kind of ended up in the town because that's where the work is. Interviewer Thank you very much. Tim My great pleasure. 3/21))) Rob He was attacked? Jenny That's right. The police found him at the airport. Rob You're sure it's the same person? Jenny Definitely. I saw his picture. His name's Andrew Page and he's a scientist. Rob And you spoke to him? Jenny He helped carry my bags! 1 mean, I could have been the last person to see him before it happened. Rob I think you should go to the police. Jenny I know. And Rob, there's something else. Rob What is it? Jenny Well, 1 don't want to worry you, but your dad hasn't come home. We were supposed to have dinner at seven. Rob What time is it now? Jenny It's a little after nine. Rob What? That is worrying. Dad's usually really punctual. Jenny Should 1 call the police? Rob 1 think you should. It's really not like him. Jenny OK, and Rob? Rob Yeah? Jenny Oh, it's nothing. Rob What is it? Jenny I know this seems odd hut the house feels strange. Rob What do you mean? Jenny I don't know, but 1 don't like being alone here. Rob Well, it's late and you're tired. Jenny That's true. But 1 don't think I'll be able to sleep here. Rob Whydon'tyou ring Luke? You could stay with him, and you could go to the police together and tell them about Dad. Jenny OK, 1 think I'll do that. Rob I'll ring you later. Jenny OK, Rob, I'll be fine. Don'tworry. Bye. ''3; 24))) Jenny Good morning. Luke Hi. Jenny Thanks for letting me stay. I feel a lot safer here. Luke What? Oh, no problem. Jenny I tried Henry again. Still no answer. T wonder if... Luke Yes! I've done it! Jenny What? Luke I'm in. I've cracked the security code on your computer. Jenny That's great, Luke, but Henry... Luke Wait a minute, that's not right. The username says A.Page... and all the files are encrypted. Jenny A. Page? Are you sure? Luke Let me just see if I can open the files. What the...? (enny, take a look at this. It's a formula or something. Jenny What does it mean? Luke I have no idea. Jenny It's a message from Henry! Luke What? What does it say? Jenny It's a video. Hang on. Henry Hello, Jenny. As you can see, I'm all right. I can't tell you where I am. But listen carefully. These people want some documents on your computer. They want you to leave it at the house. To prove that I'm OK, here's a copy of this morning's paper. Henry There's one last thing that they want me to tell you. Don't go to the police again, if you go to the police, you know what'll happen. Now, Jenny, please don't worry. Tell Rob his old man will be ill his study again soon. Jenny Wc need to call Rob. 3 31))) 1 I love IKEA. Especially the bookshelves. We have several. And I'm usually pretty good at putting their stuff together. But I have had a few problems over the years. 1 remember 1 once had some trouble with a wardrobe. After hours and hours, and a lot of swearing, I finaUy managed to put it together. But I'd assembled it in my study, next to the bedroom, which was where the wardrobe was going, because I had more space there, And when my husband and I tried to move it into the bedroom we couldn't get it to fit through the door. Sol had to take it to pieces, move all the bits into the bedroom, and start all over again. 1 suppose it was my fault though, not IKEA's. And the wardrobe looked very nice and has lasted for ages. 2 About three years ago, my girlfriend and 1 went to IKEA to buy a kitchen. The u ri i ts were cheap and cheerful, but the)' also looked quite well-designed, and we were very excited by how good it was all going to look. The guy in the store said they were easy toputup.thatit wouldn't take long, etc., etc. and I'm quite handy, quite practical, sol thought no problem, though I admit my girlfriend was a hit sceptical. Anyway when we got home I thought I'd assemble one cupboard, just to see how easy it was going to be. It was a nightmare. The instructions were incomprehensible - it took me the whole afternoon just to do this one cupboard and when it was finished I realized I'd put the doorhandle on the wrong way round. In the end, we had to pay someone to come and do it all for us. 3 IhavclotsofthingsfromlKEA-it'sgrcat for students because generally speaking it's pretty cheap. Anyway, 1 bought a table there with my boyfriend not long ago. We started putting the table together and at one point we had three legs screwed in. Then we reached for the screws to attach the fourth leg - and realised there were no more screws. We had to take off the other three legs, take one screw off every one of them and reassemble the table. It's wobbly, but at least it has four legs! But it does annoy me when they don't give you the right number of nails or screws or whatever, and it's not the first time it's happened to me. Now I always check before I bring stuff home. 3 43))) Presenter Welcome back to Breakfast", andnow's the time when we talk about what was on TV last night with our TV critic, Rvan. We're going ro start with Service, Michel Roux's scries, which had its final episode last night. Ryan, you watched the whole .series, didn't you? TV critic Yes, 1 did. For those of you that haven't watched it, Service took eight young people with no real background in service or restaurant work, and tried to convert them into great waiters, capable of working in a top restaurant i n the UK, or indeed anywhere in the world. Presenter Tell us a bit about what they were like at the beginning. TV critic Well, in the first episode, after just a few hours of"training, the group had to manage the dinner service at a piz7,a restaurant, and almost everything went wrong. Customers waited ages for their food, then got the wrong orders, and the team all fought with each other. One of the trainees, Nikkita, started to cry, and Ashley -well, when the pressure got too much, he simply disappeared and left the others to it! Presenter But by the end, I'm assuming they'd all improved enormously? TV critic Yes. In later episodes, the trainees gained massively in confidence, mainly thanks to Michel Rouxs encouragement and his positive attitude, and also his great colleagues who helped to train them. They served in all sorts of different settings, including an elegant Paris restaurant — the first trip to France for most of them —and a five-star hotel. They learned to handle really demanding situations, for example, by the end Brooke was able to cook crepes suzette - at the table for her customers —that's crepes flambeed with orange juice and alcohol. That was a moment which really boosted her confidence. Presenter So tell us about last night's final episode. TV critic Right. In the final episode, Chef Michel let the trainees handle the dinner service at his own Michelin-starred restaurant, Le Gavroche. He admitted that he was quite terrified, but in the end, in his own words, they did superbly well. Presenter And the big question last night, of course, was: who were the two winners? TV critic The two winners were Danielle, the formcrhairdresser, who won a scholarship to become a wine waiter. And Ashley, the young man who used to he in trouble with the law, who won the scholarship in service and waiting. But in addition, Michel Roux was so impressed with the trainees' progress that he decided to award one extra scholarship, and that went to the former salesperson James, the oldest of the group at 24. Presenter It's an inspiring story, and we wish them all the best. TV critic And it made great television. Next, I'm going to talk about a new sitcom that was... 4 3))) Story 1 Welcome back to the evening news. It's quarter past seven, which means it's time for 'odd news', our round-up of strange and unusual stories from around the world. Starting close to home, ATM customers in Glasgow were pleasantly surprised this afternoon when a cash machine started giving out free money. TheBank of Scotland ATM was giving out double the amount requested by customers - if you asked for £20, you got £40. The news spread quickly over social networks, and soon over a hundred people were queuing, looking for free money. Eventually, police arrived and stood guard over the machine until the bank was able to switch it off remotely. 1 he bank said it was unlikely to take action because of the difficulty of tracing all the payments made. This is not the first time a cash machine has broken down in this way. A similar malfunction look place in London about six months ago, and some years ago cash machines in Coventry gave away more than£8.50,000 in error. If you were one of the lucky ones who got an extra £20 note, be warned: keeping the extra money is considered a crime, and the law expects you to give it back. During the incident in Coventry, three Listening 127 family members were sent to prison for a year for collecting over £134,000 from the faulty machines. Our next odd story takes us to the other side of the world, where... Story 2 And now the news. If you've taken money out recently at an ATM in New York City, you might want to check your wallet for fake notes. They should be easy to spot because they'll be blank on one side and printed on ordinary paper. Police have warned customers and shops to look out for the fakes after they were found i n two ATMs on Monday. They were never supposed to fool any customers, police say. But they were meant to make the machines think they were full of cash when, in fact, they were missing about $110,000. So who did this, and why? According to police, it was a man who worked for a company that repairs the cash machines. He filled the machine with the fake notes and kept the real money for himsel f. The man went on hoi iday to the Dominican Republic to enjoy the stolen cash, but he was immediately arrested when he came back ten days later. For our next story, we're going over to our reporter in... 4 12))) 1 Hi... Yeah, not bad... Yeah,it'shalf time... One-all. Yeah, there's a really good crowd. The stadium's packed...No, no trouble. The Liverpool fans are making a bit of noise, but nothing major... OK, I'll call you when it's over. With a hit of luck we'll be in the semi-final in an hour's rime. 2 A So, tell me all about it! B It was absolu tely brilliant. We were in the second row, just near the stage, and when he was singing 1 swear a few times he looked right at me! A Did he sing Baby Baby? B Of course! All the best songs. It was just an amazing performance. A Were Sandy and Annette there? B Yeah, we met for a drink in the interval. A Gosh, you're so I ucky you got tickets I 3 A OK, I'm looking for tickets now... There's a m at i nee at 3 p. m. and then an evening performance at 8 p.m. B Let's go at 8.00 if we can get seats. A Well, there aren't any in the stalls, but there are two upstairs in the circle, in the second row. B OK.Go for it.It's a small theatre anyway, so we should have a good view wherever we sit. A OK. Right, we've got them. We can pick them up at the box office. 4 17))) Presenter Next on Arts Week is Jill who has been to see a really exciting new theatre production, Sleep No More, that's on in New York. Critic Thanks, Peter. By now you've probably heard that Sleep No More is one of the hottest tickets in theatre here, and the performances were sold out months ago. Well, I was lucky enough to get a ticket for last night's performance. It was a thrilling, creepy murder mystery - sometimes scary, but also a lor of fun. Presenter I've heard that it's not like any other play anyone's ever been to. Critic That's right. It takes place in an empty six-floor building which has been transformed, just for this play, into the McKittrick Hotel. And in Sleep No More, the members of the audience don't have normal seats. Instead, you walk freely through the 'hotel', going into al I the different rooms. While you're walking and warching, you see different parts of the play. Presenter How many rooms are there in the 'hotel'? Critic More than 100, and each one is completely different. For example, my favourite room was a dark, mysterious sweet shop full of candy jars. You could touch anything in the rooms, so you could open a jar and eat something i f you wanted to. The sweet shop was fun, but in fact most of the rooms were pretty spooky. For example, there was also a dark old-fash ioned pharmacy. It was full of plants and herbs and collections of strange little things. Another room I liked was an empty hospital. There were about 50 drawers in this room, and every single one of them contained about a hundred samples of people's hair. Presenter Spooky. So, what was happening while you were wandering through these rooms? Are there actors there? Critic That's right. The members of the audience all have to wear white masks, so that you know who's the audience and who are the actors, and the actors are all wearing l°30s-style costumes. An actor might interact with you. It happened to me three times, and it was very exciting! Presenter How long does it take to see the performance? Critic Well, you have a few hours. The best thing is to spend the first hour or so exploring the rooms. After that, try to follow some of the characters. You may think you're just wandering around freely, but in fact the directors make sure that you end up exactly where they want you to be. And somehow, I don't understand how, we —the audience-all ended up in the same room for the final scene, and that's wrhen you realize how many people have been walking around the, the hotel. Presenter But what exactly is the play about? Critic Er, that's a difficult question to answer. It's a murder mystery, I know that much. And it's a very artistic and interesting experience to walk through all the rooms. To be honest, even by the end I wasn't that certain about t he plot. Presenter So not a typical theatre performance. Critic No, but it was a very enjoyable evening. Presenter Thanks very much, (ill. So, now you know, if you are planning a trip to New York, try and get tickets. Next, we'll learn more about an unusual new art gallery... 4.22))) Jenny Rob, are you OK? Rob Yes...no...Idon'tknow. Jenny What are you going to do? Rob Ineed to get to England as soon as possible. I wush I was there with you now. Jenny Me too. I just don't know what to do. Should we go back to the police? Rob I don't think so. You heard what they said. T hey 're obviously watching you and T don't want them to hurt Dad I Luke And we can't just give them thelaptop.Wc know what they're capable of. Rob You're right. You know, there's something bothering me about Dad's message. It's the words he used. Jenny What do you mean? Rob I'm not sure. Can you play the end of the message again forme? Henry Please don't worry. Tell Rob h is old man will be in his study again soon. Rob That sounds strange. Luke What sounds strange? Rob 'His old man.' Luke Why is that strange? He is you r dad! Rob But he'd never call himself my 'old man'. It's just not like him. Jenny So what are you saying? That he said it deliberately? Rob I think it could be a clue. Jenny But 'old man'? What on earth can that mean? Rob I don't know. But I'm sure it m cans something. Jenny You know, there was something else. I could hear something in the background. Luke Like a generator or something. Jenny Not just that. At the beginning of the video. It sounded like a church bell ringing. Luke That could be anywhere, Jenny You're right. Rob Anyway, I need to try and get a flight to London. Jenny OK. Good luck. We'll call you later. Rob Bye, guys. Jenny Bye. Luke Well, you definitely can't go back to Henry's house now. Jenny You're right. I'll need to find a room in a hotel oraB&B. Luke Don't be silly. You can stay here as long as you like. Jenny Won't Simon mind? Luke Simon? No, he'll understand. And we've got the spare room. Jenny Are you sure? Luke Of course I'm sure. Jenny Thanks. Luke. That's very nice of you. Luke No worries. I'll tell you about the house. 4 25))) Jenny Oh, 1 hope we're doing the right thing. Luke What do you mean? jenny Maybe we should just go to the police. Luke We can't. You heard what the kidnappers said. Jenny I know, I know... hut it'sall such amess. What will we do if we can't find him? Luke We will! Jenny I hope so. I just don't know. Luke Is that Rob? Jenny Yes. Rob, hi! Rob Hi, Jenny. Jenny Any news? Rob It's snowing really heavily and there aren't any flights to London. T don't know when I'm going to get back. Jenny Oh, Rob, that's terrible! Rob I know, but I'll keep trying. Jenny Is there anything we can do? Rob Yes, actually. I've been thinking about Dad's message - that 'old man' business. Jenny What about it? Rob He must be telling us where he is. It's the only explanation. Jenny But what can we do about it? We don't know what it means. Rob Well, Dad also mentioned something about his study, didn't he? Jenny Yeah, but... Rob I'm sure 1 remember something about an old man. It's the name of a book or a painting or something, and I think it's in the study. Jenny Henry's study? Rob Yeah. Listen Jenny, 1 think you'll have to go back there. Jenny Back to Henry's house? But we know they're watching. Rob 1 know, and I'm really sorry, but it's our only chance. Jenny You're right. Luke and I will figure something out. Rob Thanks, Jenny, I wish 1 was there to help. Jenny Don't worry, we'll be OK. Talk to you soon. Rob Bye [enny. And be really careful! Jenny Did you get that? Luke Yes, but we can't go to the house now. If they're there, they'll see us immediately. Jenny We'll have to go when it's dark. Luke But they still might see us. Jenny We can sneak in the back way. There's a footpath. Luke Good idea. I know that way really well. I used to play around there when T was a kid. Jenny We'll need flashlights though. Luke I've got some. Jenny OK. We'll have to be careful, butwc just might be able to do this! 128 Listening 4 32))) Interviewer Dino, what made you choose hairdressing? Dino Ei\ I always liked it from when I was child. I remember being taken to the barber's by my dad whenl was a child in Greece, and 1 really loved the atmosphere there. Interviewer Tie wasn't a barber himself though? Dino No, bur my aunt was a hairdresser. Interviewer What sort of training did you do? Dino When I came to London 1 went to the Vidal Sassoon Academy. It was a two-year course-absolutely fanrastic, very intense. I loved ir! Interviewer What sort of things do you love or hate doing in hairdressing? Dino [love everything. There really isn't anything I don't like. And I do everything, cut, colour, highlights, straightening. Nowadays some hairdressers specialize in maybe just colour, or just styling, but I think it's important to do everything. Interviewer So do you think that's an important quality for a hairdresser? Dino Very important. I don't believe in specializing in just one area. Interviewer Any other important qualities? Dino I think you need to be sociable, to be able to talk to people, calm them down if they're stressed, listen to them if rhey want to talk. Interviewer Do you enjoy that? Dino Yes, I do. The sociable side of hairdressing was one of the things that attracted me to it. Even women who want to tell me all their problems-1 don't mind it at all, it doesn't distract me. Interviewer Arc women clients very different from men? Dino Y'cs, definirely. They are normally the ones who want to talk, and they are much more worried - stressed-about their hair. Men are more quiet and relaxed, and they're not normally very fussy about their hair. Interviewer What do you do if a client doesn't like thcresulrs? Dino I try to correct it immediately. That's easy if it's the colour, less easy if it's a cut. Interviewer Have you ever had a really7 bad experience where you couldn't correct it? Dino Only once, when I was still at college. I cut a woman's hair shorter than she was expecting it-not much, only about one centimetre shorter, but she burst into tears - and I couldn't correct that. Interviewer 1 often feel that hairdressers always want to cut off more hair than their clients want -is that true? Dino I think maybe it is. Many hairdressers want to make the hair healthier, and cut of all the parts that are, you know, damaged. Or somerimes they have a style in mind and they just want to do it. But obviously, normally I try to do what the customer wants. You have to be flexible. That's another important quality in a hairdresser. Interviewer So, if you completely disagreed with what a client wanted, would you still doit? Dino Well, if a client wanted a treatment rhat 1 thought was going to damage her hair, for example, if she wanted to have her hair bleached when it was already in bad condition. Then 1 would say no. But if it was a question of style - for example, a woman who wanted to have her head shaved completely -1 would try to convince her that it wasn't a good idea, but if she insisted, T would do it. It's her choice after all. Interviewer Do you have any rips for having good hair? Dino Y'es - use good products, ones which are right for your type of hair. I notice that a lot of people take a lot of trouble choosing the right face cream -you know for dry skin, or problem skin. For day, for n ight, and so on. But with shampoo they just buy the first one they see in the supermarket. 4 37))) Verger Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to Westminster Abbey, which as you know is one of the most important and historic churches in Britain. Over l,000ycarsofBritishhtstoryare contained within these walls and, indeed, under the floors. We are now standing in front of the High Altar. Many of you will recognize this as the place where Prince William and Kate Middleton stood attheirwedding in 2011, and of course many other royal weddings have taken place here. It's also where Princess Diana's coffin was placed during her funeral, although as you probably know she is not buried in Westminster Abbey. You may notice that although the part of the building where we are is obviously very old, the altar is relatively modern. In fact it was designed in the 19th century. Now, if! can direct your attention... Right. Let's continue, shall we? The area where we arc now is called the Shrine of St. Edward the Confessor, who was king from the year 1042 to 1066, and was the first king to be buried in the Abbey. You can see his tomb here. These tombs here are of an early king, Edward the first, and his wife Eleanor, who was the daughter of the Spanish king, Ferdinand of Castile. There's an interesting story here, that when Queen Eleanor died in 1290, the King and Queen were in Lincoln, about 145 miles from London. Edward followedhcr body to Westminster Abbey, and at each place where they stopped overnight on the way, he erected a memorial cross. They came to be called the Eleanor crosses, and three of them still exist today. In fact... I .et's move on to see some other royal tombs. We arc now in the beautiful Lady Chapel, or chapel of Henry VIT as it's also called. Many other kings and queens arc buried here including Queen Elizabeth the first, and her half-sister Queen Mary, the daughrer of Catherine of Aragon. Wc are now standing in an area called Poets' Comer, which is probably one of the most famous spots in Westminster Abbey. The first writer who was buried here was Geoffrey Chaucer in the year 1400. Charles Dickens was also buried here. And although Shakespeare is not buried here, rherc is a plaque for him. Jane Austen has a plaque as well, although, again, she is not actually buried here in the Abbey. We are now in an area called the Quire. These seats are where the Westminster Abbeyr choir sings during church services. As you can sec, there is a tall and very lovely screen here, and on the other side of the screen is a monument to Sir Isaac Newton, the scientist. A number of prominent Brirish scientists are buried in this area, including Charles Darwin, and also famous English composers. Moving on in this direction, we can see how... The simple wooden chair that you sec here is the Coronation Chair. It may look simple, but for hundreds of years, nearly every English monarch has been crowned here, including our present queen, Elizabeth [I. There's also a funny story about this chair. In the 18th century, there was a school for boys in Westminster Abbey. And if you look ar the back of the Coronation Chair, you can see graffiti—I mean places where schoolboys have carved their names and written messages on the chair. Look here-one boy has written, T slept the night in the Coronation Chair'. 5 2))) Presenter And now Brian is here to tell us about a fascinating project that's recording the life stories of people throughout the United States. Brian That's right, Liz. It's called the StoryCorps project, and they've already recorded the stories of over 45,000 people. These are everyday ordinary people-friends, older relatives with memory loss, also veterans and immigrants with powerful stories to tell. Everyone who participates receives a free CD with their story on it, and many stories are also online for everyone to enjoy. Presenter Wow! Can you tell us about some of rhe people who have recorded their stories? Brian There are so many great ones. As I said, some of the people who have recorded their stories are people with memory problems. Presenter OIC. Brian For instance, there was a very interesting story from a woman named Gwenevicre Mann, a young woman who has no short-term memory. Presenter Oh? So she can't remember things that have just happened? Brian Yes, that's right. She was there withher boyfriend, Yasir Salem, and they talk about the things she does to help with her problem. For example, she always has a notecard in her pocket with the date on it. And even things like meals. She has to write down every meal she's had. Before she started doing that, she would sometimes have lunch three times in a day because she didn't remember she'd eaten already. Presenter Has she always had this condition? Brian No. She went to hospital for an operation and she had a stroke, and rhat's when her problem started. The doctors told her that her condition would improve in a couple of years. But unfortunately, it didn't. Presenter That sounds so sad. Brian Well, yes. And Gweneviere did say that she was afraid she would wake up one day at age SO and not remember the last 40 years ofherlife. But she and Yasir actually have a very positive attitude to it overall. She's able to laugh at her situation, and she tells a lot of funny stories. For example, she lives in New York, but after her stroke she always used to say that she lived in San Francisco. Yasir would have to correct her every time. And she often used to ask him if one of her colleagues was her mother. Presenter But she wasn't. Brian No, in fact they look completely different. Gweneviere's mum is dark-haired, but her colleague was blonde. Presenter Does she mention any positive aspects of her memory loss? Brian Yes, for example she ran the New York City marathon with Yasir. And her memory loss actually helped her. She told Yasir not to let her look at any of the distance signs along the way. Presenter So she didn't know how far she'd run? Brian Right. And when she asked Yasir how long they'd been running, he always told her it had been only 10 or 15 minutes, so she never felt tired or discouraged. Presenter And did she finish? Brian Yes, absolutely. She said thatfinishing the marathon made her realize that although she had lost some things, she had gained others. It's a really inspiring story, like so many others. T really recommend you listen to some of them. Presenter 1 will. Thankyou very much for telling us about the project. Brian No problem. 5 10))) Part 2 When George arrived at Singapore he found a telegram waiting for him. Quite understand. Don't worry. Love Mabel. 'My God, Ibelieve she's following me,' he said. He checked the passenger liscof rhe next ship on its way to Singapore, and sure enough her name was on ir. There was not a moment to lose. He jumped on the first train to Bangkok. But he was uneasy; she Listening 129 would have no difficulty in finding out that he had gone to Bangkok. Fortunately there was a French boat sailing the next day for Saigon. He took it. At Saigon he would be safe. It would never occur to her that he had gone there. It was five days1 journey from Bangkok to Saigon and the boat was dirty, crowded and uncomfortable. He was glad to arrive and went straight to the hotel. A telegram was immediately handed to him. It contained only two words: Love Mabel. Tie started to tremble. 'When is the next boat for Hong Kong?' he asked. He sailed to I long Kong hut was afraid to stay there. Then he went to Manila, and from there he went on to Shanghai. Shanghai made him feel nervous; every time he went out of the hotel he expected to run straight into Mabel's arms. No, Shanghai would never do. The only thing was to go to Yokohama. At the Grand Hotel in Yokohama a telegram awaited him. So sorry 1 missed you at Manila. Love Mabel. Where was she now? He went back to Shanghai. This time he went straight to the club and asked if he had received any telegrams. One was handed to him. Arriving soon. Love Mabel. 5.12))) Part 4 One morning George and the consul were in the courtyard when there was a loud knock at the door. The doorman opened it. Mabel walked in. She was neat and cool and fresh. There was nothing in her appearance to suggest that she bad just come in after two weeks on the road. George was terrified. He was as pale as death. She went up to him. 'Hello, George, I was so afraid that I'd missed you again.' 'Hello, Mabel,' he said. He did not know what to say. He looked this way and that: she stood between him and the doorway. She looked at him with a.smile in her blue eyes. 'You haven't changed at all,' she said. 'Iwas afraid you'd got fat and bald. I've been so nervous. It would have been terrible if! hadn't been able to marry you after all.' She turned to George's host. 'Are you the consul?' she asked. T am.' 'Good. I'm ready to marry him as soon as I've had a bath.' And she did. 5,19))) Jenny Keats, The Iliad, poems by Byron, The Complete Works of Shakespeare... nothing about an old man! Luke Not even a picture on the front cover. Jenny What about those paintings? Anything there? Luke I've already checked them. Nothing. Should we look through each book? Jenny That could take forever and we don't have time. This is hopeless. It's OK, it's Rob. Rob. Rob Jenny. Any luck? Jenny No. We've been here tor hours and we've looked everywhere. We haven't found a single thing about an old man. Look Rob, maybe the 'old man' thing wasn't a secret message at all. Rob But it sounded so odd. And why would he mention his study? Jenny Well, he's under a lot of pressure. He probably just... Rob Wait! Jenny What? Rob Is there anything on top of the bookcase? Luke Just a load of old books. We've already been through them. Rob Isn't there anything else? Luke Wail a second. Yeah, there are two small paperweights. Rob Do they have anything written on them? Luke This one says 'Apol lo, god of music and poetry'. Rob What about the other one? Luke It says'Proteus... the old man of the sea'! Rob That must he what Dad meant! Jenny What does it mean? Who's Proteus? Luke You know, that name sounds familiar. Rob I think he's a Greek god. Dad's got loads of stuff like that. Luke No, no, not that. I'm sure I've seen it somewdiere. I'll Google it. Jenny Does it mean anything to you, Rob? Rob No. I can't remember hearing it before. Maybe it's someone's name or... Luke Got it! Proteus is a biochemical company. It's based in Oxford and... oh, I don't believe it! Jenny What is it, Luke? Luke It's right by St Bartholomew's church. You know, the one with the famous hells! Jenny That must be where Henry is! Rob, we've got to go call the police. Laing Laing speaking... Yes?... Oh, Jenny Zielinski... OK, slow down... Where? Proteus?... Yes, Iknow it... No, jenny, you can't go down there... It's too dangerous... and it's illegal... I know but... OK, OK, but not on your own... we'll meet you there in ten minutes. Jenny It was night time and we could hear a generator in the background. Laing Right, so we're looking for a room with a generator. How are you doing, Luke? Luke I'm just dow nloading the plans for the Proteus building now. That's it. Done. OK, there's only one room with a generator. It's in the basement. Laing Excellent. Laing Tom, where are you? Tom We're approaching the side entrance. There's nobody around. Laing OK, Tom. I'm going to hand you over to Luke. He's going to gu idc you to a room in the basement. That's where we th i nk Henry's being held. Tom Got it. Laing Be careful. Tom Don't worry. Come on. 5 224; Newsreader Police have arrested a man and a woman following a raid on the Proteus building in Oxford early this morning. They have been named locally as Selina Lavelle and Grant McPadden. Mr McFadden has been charged with assault following the brutal attack on research scientist Andrew Page, who is still recovering in hospital. Ms Lavelle has been charged with false imprisonment, extortion, blackmail, and industrial espionage. Police believe she organized the kidnapping of university lecturer TTenry Walker. Mr Walker, who was rescued in the raid, told reporters he'd been through a terrible ordeal but hadn't been badly hurt. He wished Andrew Page a speedy recovery and said he would visit him in hospital. Mr Walker thanked the police for their hard work. He said that he was too tired to talk to reporters in detail and was just looking forward to returning home. Jenny Well, Henry, you're kind of a star. Henry I never expected to become a celebrity, not at my age. Rob Well, next time you're kidnapped, Dad, try to set us an easier clue. Henry T must admit, I was beginning to lose hope. It took you a long time to work it out. Rob You can't blame us! Proteus - the 'old man' of the sea? I low were we supposed to know that? Henry You need to brush up on your classics. Luke Oh come on, Henry, I think we did reallv well! Henry I'm joking, I'm joking. You were great and I really have to thank you. Goodness knows what would have happened if you hadn't found me in time. Jenny We're just glad we did. Henry Now, I had been saving this for a special occasion and, I think this is it. Could you fetch the glasses, Luke? Luke No worries. Rob It's great to have you back, Dad. Jenny It sure is. Henry I just wish you were here, Rob. Rob Well, it's just stopped snowing. T could get a flight now and maybe we could stay there for longer. What do you think, Jenny? Jenny Oh, I don't know. The English countryside is a little too wild for me. I can't wait to get back to the peace and quiet of New York! 5 29))) Andy 1 think one of the best contributions America has made has been the Hollywood film industry', especially pre-turn of this current century, so we're looking at films from the Marx brothers and Harold Lloyd, to films like Gone with the Wind then films from somebody like Martin Scorcese or Woody Allen. 1 think these Holly wood movies have brought American culture and made it a higher culture in many ways and made it very exciting. I definitely think that the American ability to consume food in such vast quantities, suchbig sizes and mega-sizes it's been talked about in so many ways, 'supersizing' food, I think that's a bad contribution that America has made to the genera] things in the world. Molly i think the best thing about America is the can-do spirit, that you can do anything you want if you work hard enough and you really believe in your dream. I think that's great. 1 think the downside of America is all the chains, the sort of global chains that are set up i n all countries now, and so there's, there are shops that are the same everywhere. And I think that's really a bad thing. Jenny I think one of America's best contributions worldwide would be our effect on people's positivity and energy. We really are anew country and 1 think that's helped us to have that kind of onwards, upwards, bigger, better kind of attitude. And J think that affects everyone and people look to America for that. But on the other hand, they look to us for other things, like not being very healthy, being kind of fat, in general, and not really having so much positivity when it comes to our bodies. 5 36))) Interviewer What's the hardest exam you've ever taken? Mark My A Level Physics exam -1 didn't understand at least half the questions. Interviewer Have you ever done an exam where everything went wrong? Mark I'm afraid so. For a history O level there were five questions - all short essays. I'd prepared five questions from previous exam papers, but nothing else. So 1 was gambling that at least three of the questions would come up. But none of them did, so obviously I didn't pass it. Interviewer How did you usually prepare for a big exam? Mark 1 remember it generally involved a lot of coffee and late nights! Interviewer Did you find exams stressful? Mark I never got that stressed about them until it was too late — that may have had a negative effect on the results, come to think of it. T was never the world's best at exams. 1 usually passed, but the results were never brilliant. Interviewer What's the hardest exam you've ever taken? Sophie I guess the hardest exam was probably my driving test- the practical part. 1 just didn't know what to expect. In fact I failed three times before 1 finally passed. Interviewer Have you ever done an exam where everything went wrong? 130 Listening Sophie Yes, in the beginning of"my first driving test, 1 refused to stop where the examiner asked me to stop. I just didn't think it looked safe and 1 thought it was a trick —f mean, f thought that he was asking me to do something dangerous, to test mc. Anyway it wasn't a trick and lie wasn't happy atall. Interviewer How did you usually prepare forabig exam? Sophie Urn, I did a lot of revising. For some exams at school and university, I also remember eating a lot of fish as I was told it helped, it's supposed to be good for your brain. Interviewer Did exams use to stress you out? Sophie Yes. i hated exams and used to get very nervous and stressed beforehand. But once the exam had started 1 usually relaxed. Interviewer What's the hardest exam you've ever taken? Kate Definitely my eleven plus exam. It was the first exam I'd ever done in my life. I was shocked! T still remember one of the questions, it was: 'Who was the father of the son of William Shakespeare?' I couldn't work out the answer. Interviewer Have you ever done an exam where everything went wrong? Kate No, Irevise too much to let anything like that happen to me. Interviewer How did you usually prepare for a big exam? Kate Well, despite being a teacher now and telling my students not to study the night before the exam, to have an early night... 1 didn't use to do that myself. I used to cram right up until the last minute. And even if 1 did have an early night T slept really badly. Interviewer Did exams use to stress you out? Kate Oh yes, because you can have a bad day and simply not be able to show your real ability in a subject. I always worried that that would happen to me. Interviewer What's the hardest exam you've ever taken? Paul Probably the exam at the end of the first year of my geography course at university. Not because the questions were very difficult but because I'd done so little work for it. Interviewer Have you ever done an exam where everything went wrong? Paul Oh yes. T thought I'd done quite well in my GCSE Chemistry exam but! failed it. So something must have gone very wrong. Interviewer How did you usually prepare for a big exam? Paul I used to read notes over and over again, right up till the last possible minute. Yeah, I relied heavily on short-term memory, I think. Interviewer Did exams use to stress you out? Paul Not really, though the;' probably would now. When 1 was at school and university it was just part of life-so not particularly stressful. 5 37)); The first tip may seem obvious, but it's vital. Get to the place where the oral exam is going to be held in plenty of time. You need to relax before the exam, and if you're late you'll be stressed, and that will make it much more difficult. Try to get there at least half an hour before your time. Then, when you go into the exam, make eye contact with the examiner (or examiners) and smile. Examiners are human, too. Treat them in a polite but friendly way. Body language is important too. Sit up straight, and if you are doing the exam with another candidate, try to lookinterested in what he oi" she essaying. Another important tip if you arc doing the interview i n pairs —and many of the oral exams nowadays are in pairs - is to make sure you give your partner the opportunity to speak too. Ask for your partner's opinion after you've given your own, and try to integrate him or her into the conversation as much as possible. Finally, two tips for when it's your turn to speak. Firstly, if you can't think of the word for what you want to say, don't freeze and say noth i ng. Paraphrase, use other words to communicate what you want to say. Say i'm sorry, I can't remember the word, but it's...' Don't forget that this happens to people all the time, even if they're speaking their own language. And my last tip is, don't use prepared speeches, rehearsed speeches. Examiners can spot them straight away, and they give a very bad impression. It's tine to prepare, and to memorize words and phrases that you might need, for example, to describe what you do. But don't try tomenrori7e whole speeches. Try to remember the tips, and good luck! I'm sure you'll do well! Listening 131 1A pronouns Revise the basics 1 I live in London. NOT i live 2 My name's Anna. 3 My parents don't visit me very often. 4 They have a flat in north London, but mine is in south London, pronouns and possessive adjectives subject object possessive possessive pronouns pronouns adjectives pronouns 1 me my mine you you your yours he / she / it him / her / it his / her / its his / hers we us our ours you you your yours they them their theirs p each other We use each other to talk about an action between two people or groups of people, e.g. We gave each other our email addresses. They send texts to each other all the time. >■ Pocket Book p.2 direct / indirect object pronouns and word order 1 He gave me some money. 1 8))) I'm going to lend her my camera. They've shown their friends their new flat. I'll send you an email. We bought our father some books. 2 He gave it to me. I'm going to lend it to her. They've shown it to them. I'll send it to you. We bought them for him. 1 Some verbs can have two objects, usually a thing (the direct object) and a person (the indirect object). If the direct object is a noun (some money, a digital camera, etc.), we usually use verb + indirect object + direct object. 2 If the direct object is a pronoun (it, them), we usually use verb + direct object + indirect object, with either for or to before the indirect object - it depends on the verb. Some common verbs which can have two objects are: bring (for j to), buy (for), cook (for),find (for), get (for), make (for) give (to), lend (to), offer (to), read (to), sell (to), send (to), show (to), take (to), write (to) • If the indirect object is a pronoun, remember to use the object pronoun, not the subject pronoun: I bought it for her. NOT Tboughti I gave them my number. NOTfga (Circle) the correct form. Me /(M^middle name's Alexandra, but(7) me never use it. 1 My sister doesn't have a tablet. He j She prefers his j her laptop. 2 A Are these_your /yours books here? B Yes, they're my J mine. 3 Most people are happy with theirs j their names, but Kim doesn't like her j hers. 4 A What are hers j her children called? B I don't know, she's never told me j my. 5 I gave them j their my phone number, but they didn't give me theirs j their, 6 A Is this ours j our car key? B No, ours I our says 'VW. 7 This is my j mine pen, so that one must be your j yours. 8 She'll phone us j we when her / hers flight arrives. 9 You should send he j him some photos - this is his / him email address. 10 ft'.? / They're a really good restaurant but I can never remember his J its name. Rewrite the highlighted phrases. Replace the bold words with a pronoun and use to I for. I gave you that pen. / gave it to you. 1 They sent me a new password yesterday. 2 I gave my girlfriend some flowers, but she's still angry with me. 3 She found me some hotels online. 4 My sister wrote me these letters when she was livi ng in Japan. 5 Will you lend him the money? 6 My son made me a birthday card at school. 7 They didn't have the keys so they couldn't show us their new flat. 8 We didn't buy our daughter a computer because we think she's too young. 9 I read the children the first Harry Potter book last week. 10 A friend at university sold me these CDs for 50p each. IB adjectives Revise the basics 1 It's a poisonous snake. NOT i 2 They're very powerful people. NOTpcnverfidspeople 3 I'm older than my brother. NOT more old that 4 Rome isn't as expensive as Paris. NOT tts-i 5 It's the most difficult exercise in the book. NOT iht comparative and superlative adjectives adjective comparative superlative tall taller the tallest hot hotter the hottest modern more modern the most modern busy busier the busiest dangerous more dangerous the most dangerous interesting less interesting the least interesting good better the best bad worse the worst far further the furthest adjective + one / ones I've lost my suitcase. It's a big, blue one. 1 16))) Expensive laptops are usually more reliable than cheap ones. • We use one j ones after an adjective instead of repeating a singular or plural noun. • We don't use one j ones with uncountable nouns. I'm looking for full-time work, hutl'd be happy with part-time. NOT' part-timetme GRAMMAR BANK >■ Pocket Book pp.3-4 more rules for comparatives and superlatives 1 I feel more tired than 1 did yesterday. 117))) She's the most stressed person in the office. 2 She's the cleverest girl in the class. The old road was much narrower than the new one. It would be simpler to go back to the beginning. 1 One-syllable adjectives which end in-ed always use more and the most for comparatives and superlatives, e.g. bored, pleased, shocked, stressed, tired. 2 Some two-syllable adjectives can make comparatives and superlatives with -er and-est. Common examples are clever, narrow, polite, quiet, simple, stupid. • A good dictionary will tell you the usual comparative and superlative form for a two-syllable adjective. a bit and much + comparative adjective 1 It's a bit cloudier today than yesterday. 1 18))) This phone's a bit more expensive than that one. 2 Your job is much more stressful than mine. The business is much busier than it was last year. 1 We use a bit + comparative adjective to say that a difference is small. 2 We use much + comparative adjective to say that a difference is large. a Are the highlighted forms right / or wrong/? Correct b the wrong ones. He's happier than he was yesterday. / She's a person very ambitious. X She's a very ambitious person. 1 That's the baddest film I've ever seen. 2 I'm not as sporty than my brother. 3 Cats are more selfish than dogs. 4 Mexico is further to travel, but the hotels are less expensive. 5 I always lose my phone, so I bought a cheap one. 6 My husband's a more good driver than I am. 7 These shoes are the more comfortable ones I have. 8 My brothers and sisters arc all very successfuls. 9 This exercise is easyer than the other one. 10 It's the biggest room in the house. Complete the sentences to mean the same thing. Adam is friendlier than Chris. Chris isn't as friendly as Adam. 1 Tom isn't as lucky as his brother. Tom's brother is_than he is. 2 Their house is much bigger than ours. Our house is_than theirs. 3 My new password is easier to memorize than my old one. My old password was . _to memorize than my new one. 4 This flat is nicer than the other two we've looked at. This flat is_ _ of the three we've looked at. 5 My sister's children are more helpful than mine. My children aren't_as my sister's. 6 The weather wasn't as good as we'd expected. The weather was_than we'd expected. 7 The film was much less exciting than the book. The book was_ _than the film. 8 Yellow will look better than red for your kitchen. Red won't look_ _as yellow for you r kitchen. 2A present tenses Revise the basics present simple and frequency 1 She goes abroad a lot. NOT She-go 2 Does he know how to ski? NOT Do-he know 3 We don't like camping. NOT We not like 4 They never go swimming. NOT Never they go 5 He's always late. NOT AhvaysheYhte 6 I go for a walk every morning. N OT Tgo every mot present continuous 7 He's working today. NOT He-working 8 Theyaren't / They're not sunbathing. NOT They noti 9 Are you going away this weekend? NOT Doyou go j Yo action and non-action verbs 'itlllUg. $omg 1 33))) A What are the children doing now? B Mark's playing tennis and Anna's reading. A Hi, Marta. Are you waiting for someone? B Yes, I'm waiting for Tim. I like vegetables now, but I didn't use to. Oh, now I remember where I left my glasses. 1 Many verbs describe actions. These verbs are used in the present continuous to talk about actions happening now or in the future. 2 Some verbs describe states and feelings, not actions. Examples are agree, be, believe, belong, depend,forget, hate, hear, know, like, look like, love, matter, mean, need,prefer, realize, recognize, remember, seem, suppose, want. These verbs are normally used in the present simple, not the continuous, even if we are referring to now. >• Pocket Book pp.4-5 verbs which can have action and non-action meanings Do you have any sunscreen? = possession (non-action) 1 34))) He's having a shower at the moment. = an action Do you think we should have lunch in the hotel? = opinion (non-action) They're thinking about going on a cruise. - an action I see what you mean. = understand (non-action) I'm seeing the hotel manager tomorrow morning. = an action * Some verbs have two meanings, an action meaning and a non-action meaning, e.g. have, think, see, look, smell. If they describe a state or feeling, not an action, they are not usually used in the present continuous. If they describe an action, they can be used in the present continuous. present continuous for future arrangements I'm leaving tomorrow. We're seeing our grandparents this weekend. When are they coming to see us? She isn't going out tonight, she's staying in. 1 35))) • We often use the present continuoti s for future arran gements. present simple for 'timetable' future The train leaves at 6.30 in the morning. 1 36))) Our flight doesn't stop in Hong Kong, it stops in Singapore. When do you arrive in New York? • We can use the present simple to talk about things which will happen according to a timetable, especially travel times and arrangements. The present continuous is usually possible as well. a Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Do you know how to waterski? (know) 1 you . camping or staying in cheap hotels? (prefer) 2 We_of going on a safari next year, (think) 3 _we_ _ to take insect repellent? (need) 4 She_ to Frankfurt for a business meeting next week, (fly) 5 A This hotel_ B It_ 6 A What_ _ B I___the spare memory card for my camera, (look for) 7 Tanya_a massage at the moment, and I_for souvenirs, (have, shop) 8 A Where _you___this _Wi-fi. (not have) , we can go to a cafe, (not matter) _you___ _? (do) weekend?(go) B We_ ^Circle) the correct form of the verb. Tick / if both are possible. (jVeVe going)j We go to New Zealand on Saturday. The flight1 leaves j is leaving at 6.50 in the morning, 2 We need j We're needing to check in two hours ahead, so 3 we go j we're going to the airport the night before, and 4 we stay j we're staying in an airport hotel (£200 a night, but it's better than getting up at 2.00 a.m.!). The first part of the flight, to Singapore, 5 takes j is taking 14 hours, and 6 we break J we're breaking the journey there for a couple of days. Then it's on to Auckland. The flight 7 gets in j is getting in at nearly midnight, but our friends 8 meet j are meeting us at the airport, and 9 they look after j they're looking after us for a week or so. Then 10 we travel j we're travelling round North and South Island -11 we rent j we're renting a camper van.12 We have j We're having to be back in Auckland on February 22, but I don't think I'll want to come home! at home, (stay) 2B possessives possessive 's 1 That's Mark's jacket. 1 41))) Have you seen Andrew's phone? He's my sister's boyfriend. 2 I asked Chris' advice. /1 asked Chris's advice. 3 This is a photo of my parents' house. That's the children's bedroom. 4 We spent the weekend at Paul's. I went to my grandmother's yesterday. 1 We usually use possessive's to show possession after the names of people, animals, organizations: Have you seen the dog's lead? What do you think of the government's plansfor education reform? 2 If a name ends with -5, we make the possessive with ' or '5. Both are pronounced hd. 3 Possessives are different for regular and irregular plurals. • After a plural noun ending in -s, we make the possessive with a final' (but no extra s). • After an irregular plural not ending in -s, we make the possessive with '5. 4 We can use name / person + 's to mean that person's house or flat. ^3 's after two names We saw Tom and Mary's parents. = Tom and Mary are brother and sister. We saw their parents. We saw Gill's and David's parents. = We saw Gill's parents and we saw David's parents, a Complete the sentences with apostrophes (') where necessary (possession or contradiction). Mark's brother works in a chemist's. 1 There are lots of expensive womens clothes shops round here. 2 We went to James and Amandas party last night. 3 Thats the towns only bakers. 4 On Saturdays I often look round the shops. 5 Theres been a florists on that corner for years. 6 Two of my friends wives run small businesses from home. 7 Shes going to spend a few uights at her parents. 8 There are too many estate agents in this neighbourhood. 9 Charles sisters both live in flats in the centre. 10 The towns only greengrocers closed down last year. GRAMMAR BANK V Pocket Book pp.5-6 of to show possession 1 What's the name of the street where you live? 1 42))) They sat at the back of the bus. I've found the top of the shampoo bottle. 2 That man over there is a friend of mine. This is an interesting book of Sarah's. Tell me about this plan of theirs. Where's that husband of yours? 1 With other nouns (not people or animals), we often use of. 2 We often use noun + of+ possessive pronoun or name / noun + '5 after a / an or this j that, not's. own I'd love to have my own business. That's my magazine - you can get your own. Our town is going to get its own shopping centre. Small bakers often sell their own bread and cakes. We can use own after a possessive adjective for emphasis: you live? 1 That's the car of my friend j my friend's car over there. 2 He's 95 years old but he still does all his own / all their own shopping. 3 I live in the flat at the building's top J the top oj the building. 4 I quite like supermarket pizza but I prefer to make my own j mine own. 5 I can't remember the name of the book j the book's name. 6 A Who's Sarah? B She's my husband's sister j my sister's husband. 7 Every Christmas we go to my wife's parents' j my wije'sparent's. 8 I've known him for years — he's a very good my friend j friend of mine. 9 Not many people live in the centre of London j London's centre. 10 I'm always really tired at the day's end / the end of the day. 135 3A past simple, past continuous, or used to? Revise the basics past simple 1 When I was young I loved playing outside. 2 We didn't live in a big city. 3 Where did you go to school? past continuous 4 I was watching TV when you arrived. 5 She wasn't studying when I called her. 6 What were you doing at 9.00 this morning? used to 7 He used to have long hair. 8 They didn't use to live in London. 9 What music did you use to like when you were young? past simple and past continuous 1 1 saw him two minutes ago. 2 3))) Humans didn't live in cities until about 8,000 years ago. Where did you grow up? 2 What were you doing at 7 o'clock this morning? He was texting a friend when the accident happened. Sorry, what did you say? I wasn't listening. >■ Pocket Book pp. 6-7 1 We use the past simple for finished past actions or states (when we say, ask, or know when they happened). We can use the past simple for things which happened at any time in the past - very recently, or a long time ago. The important thing is that we see them as finished. >- For irregular past simple verbs see Irregular verbs p.165. 2 We use the past continuous: • to talk about an action in progress at a specific time in the past, • to describe a past action which was interrupted by another action (expressed in the past simple). used to 1 We used to live in Rome. 2.4))) I used to have very long hair. 1 I often went to the cinema when I lived in London. He never wore a suit and tie when he was a student. 1 We use used to (not the past continuous) to describe a habit or state that was true for a significant period in the past, and that has now finished. • We don't say We used to live in Rome if: - we only lived in Rome for a short period of time, e.g. three weeks (= We lived in Rome for three weeks). - we still live in Rome. (= We've lived j We've been living in Rome for the last three years). 2 We can also often use the past simple with an adverb of frequency instead of used to. (^3ircle)the correct form of the verb. Tick • Pocket Book pp.8-9 dependent prepositions after verbs and adjectives 1 We waited for the film to start. 2 22))) They all laughed at me. 2 I'm worried about my camera - the flash isn't working. She's interested in astrology. 3 He's good at spending other people's money. She believes in taking lots of pictures and then choosing the best. • Prepositions that describe place, like in and on, have an independent meaning. They can be used with different verbs and places and the meaning doesn't change. prepositions of movement They flew over the city. 2 21))) He ran across the road. He walked through the door. Go along the street, past the supermarket. Don't run down the steps. You'll fall. • Prepositions that describe movement, like over and through, have an independent meaning. They can be used with different verbs of movement and the meaning doesn't change. 1 Some verbs are always followed by the same preposition. 2 Some adjectives are always followed by the same preposition. 3 If there is a verb after the preposition, we use the -ing form, not the infinitive. JD The verbs ask, discuss, enter, marry, and tell have no preposition, e.g. I asked Jack for directions. NOT asked to We discussed the situation. NOT discussed about The police officers entered the building. NOT entered in She married her personal trainer. NOT married-with The photographer told everyone to smile. NOT told to >• For a list of prepositions after verbs and adjectives see p.164. a Complete the story with the correct prepositions. across onto under into down off towards next to round on between in along The mouse ran down the stairs,1_ and 2_ _the kitchen. It jumped 3_ and ran 4_ the salt and pepper and 5 the coffee pot. There was some cheese 6_ The mouse stole a piece, jumped 7_ the corridor, __the table. _ a plate. . the table, and disappeared 8_ _ the door. Then it ran 9_ the garden and stopped 10__the gate. But unfortunately two cats were hiding 11__ and they started to creep 12_the mouse the grass, b Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. She paid for my flight home. 1 I'm tired_ah this work — I'm ready_ a holiday! 2 I'm not looking forward ___apologizing _what happened. 3 He's very proud _his new camera. 4 Mum! Josh won't share his sweets_me! 5 You can't always rely_the trains here - they're often late. 6 What are you talking_? 7 The pilot told us not to worry_the turbulence. 8 Who's responsible___updating the website? 9 There's no point arguing__it now - let's wait the boss to get here. 10 I'm interested_ _ photography, but I'm not very 4A future forms: will I shall and going to will/shall 1 Predictions 2 38))) Who do you think will win tomorrow's game? The climate probably won't change much in the next five or ten years. 2 Future facts I'll be at work on Monday. The election will be on 6 May. 3 Instant decisions A Is that the phone ringing? B Yes, I think so. I'll get it. 4 Promises A Have you been using my laptop? You didn't switch it off. B Oh, sorry. I'll remember next time. A The battery's almost run down! B Sorry. I promise I won't do it again. 5 Offers and suggestions I'll cook dinner tonight. Shall I throw away this bread? What shall I do with my old phone? Where shall we go for lunch today? We use will j won't + infinitive: 1 to ask for or make predictions about what we think or believe will happen. 2 for future facts. 3 for instant decisions. 4 to make promises. 5 to offer to do something. If the offer is a question, we use S/ia/J//we...? We also use shall with I and we to ask for suggestions. Pocket Book pp.9-10 going to 1 Plans 2 39))) I'm going to buy a new phone this weekend. He's going to make pizza for dinner. 2 Predictions England aren't going to win - they're 3-0 down and there are only ten minutes left. It's getting cloudy - the weather forecast says it's going to rain this afternoon. We use going to + infinitive: 1 when there is a plan to do something - a decision has been made. 2 to make predictions when we feel more sure of the future, for example if we can see what's going to happen. We can often use either will or going to for predictions. Present continuous for future arrangements We use the present continuous when there is an arrangement to do something - something has been organized. We're having Liz and Nick round for dinner tonight. I'm meeting my bank manager tomorrow. There is sometimes very little difference between a plan and an arrangement, and we can often use either going to or the present continuous. Are the highlighted forms right / or wrong X? Correct the wrong ones. Shall I take the rubbish out? / That's the phone-I'm going to get it. X I'Uget 1 A What are your plans for the weekend? B I'm going to do lots of gardening, and we're going to see a film on Sunday. 2 A These cardboard boxes are all empty. Will I put them in the bin? B No, I spoke to David and he's going to use them. 3 A I've decided to buy a new camera. I'll get one with a good zoom. B Do I help you choose one? I know a bit about cameras. 4 A Is Katie going to be at the party? B I don't know. Pass me my phone and I'm going to text her. 5 A Did you finish all the biscuits? B Yes, I'm really sorry. I'm going to leave you some next time. Complete with the correct form of will, shall, or going to and the verbs in brackets. We've decided that we 're going to stay in the UK for our holiday this year, (stay) 1 A It's really hot in here! B I___the air conditioning, (turn on) 2 Can I borrow £10? I_you back tomorrow, (pay) A What are you planning to do with these old clothes? B I_them to the charity shop, (take) A_I_some more bread when I go out? (buy) B Yes, please. I've decided I_ sandwiches for lunch, (make) _ you a lift i f you like, (give) Are you going home by bus? I_ A Let's go to the cinema. B OK. What film_we_ A What_you_ and jars? (do) B I_ _them to the bottle bank for recycling, (take) _? (see) .with all those old bottles 8 A I told you not to use my laptop without asking! B Sorry, 1_it again, (not do) 4B first and second conditionals first conditional 1 If I have time, I'll write my CV tonight. 2 45))) If you don't work hard, you won't get promoted. 2 I f he does well at school, he can go to a good university. I might (may) go back to college if I can't find a job. If you apply for that job, you must prepare an up-to-date CV. If they fail their exams, they should take them again. 3 If you get an interview, think carefully about what to wear. We use the first conditional to talk about a possible future situation and its consequence. 1 The first conditional normally uses if + present simple, will j won't + infinitive. 2 We can also use other modal verbs instead of will, e.g. can, might, may, must, or should. 3 We can also use an imperative instead of will. P Unless We can use unless instead of if... not in conditional sentences. / won't come unless you come too. (= I won't come if you don't come too.) GRAMMAR BANK >• Pocket Book pp.10-11 second conditional 1 If I had more money, I wouldn't need evening work. 2 46))} If they offered you a part-time job, would you accept it? 2 I might meet more people if I lived in a hall of residence. You could apply for a scholarship if you got a place to study in the US. 3 If he was (were) here, he'd know what to do. I'd take it back to the shop if I were you. We use the second conditional to talk about a hypothetical or imaginary situation, or one that we don't think is a possibility. 1 The second conditional normally uses if + past simple, would j wouldn't + infinitive. 2 We can use might or could instead of would. 3 When we use be in the if clause, we can use was or were after I j he j she j it. However, in the phrase if I wereyou, which is often used to give advice, only were is used. NOT If I was you. P First or second conditional The conditional we use depends on how likely the condition is. Compare: If I have more time, I'll do it. [I think it's a real possibility that I'll have time.) If I had more time, I'd do it. (I think it's unlikely or impossible that I'll have more time.) (iCkcle) the correct form. If I go to university, I'd study /(^Ttu^engineering. 1 If she had her own car, she doesn't j wouldn't need to borrow yours. 2 If I had j have a good degree, I'll get a better job. 3 You wouldn't always be late for work if you get / got an earlier bus. 4 We can't help you unless you tell j told us what the problem is. 5 If you find j found your phone, you can send me a text later. 6 You'd j You'll save time if you did your shopping online. 7 I won't j wouldn't go there unless I really had to. 8 They'd enjoy life more if they didn't j don't study all the time. 9 If you can't j couldn't find the street, just give me a ring. 10 If I earned \ earn more, I could afford to go on an exotic holiday. b Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. I wouldn't want to do research if I didn't enjoy working on my own. (not want) 1 If I__to stay at university, I'll probably do a PhD or a master's degree, (decide) 2 If you didn't spend so much on clothes, you _ _borrow money all the time. (not have to) 3 I think my sister and her boyfriend_ soon, if they can afford to pay for the wedding. (get married) 4 If I have time over the summer, I_ for an internship, (apply) 5 1 think Andy might get a scholarship if he _on working hard, (keep) 6 If we_ _a bigger house, we could rent a couple of rooms to students, (buy) 7 I might enjoy my job more if I_such awful colleagues, (not have) 8 If I__get a job, I won't retake my exams, (can) 9 My tutor says I must attend all the seminars if I _ _to fail, (not want) 10 I'd get more job offers if I_ _ better qualified, (be) 5A present perfect simple Revise the basics + - past participle 1 have I've You have You've He /She /It has He/She/It's We have We've They have They've 1 haven't You haven't He/She/It hasn't We haven't They haven't seen the news. Have you seen the news? Has he seen the news? Yes, 1 have. / No, 1 haven't. Yes, he has. / No , he hasn't. 1 I've been to Brazil but I haven't been to Argentina. ' 3 10))) Have you ever lost your suitcase? She's never liked skiing. 2 I don't believe it! We've won £500 on the lottery! He's just sent me a text - I'll tell you what it says. 3 Have / Haven't you had breakfast yet? I haven't talked to her yet-I'm calling her later. 4 A Have you painted the kitchen? B Yes, and I've already done the bathroom too. 5 She's known him for twenty years. I've only worked here since last week. He's been out all morning. >- Pocket Book pp.12-13 1 We use the present perfect for past experiences when we don't say when they happened. If we say when they happened (Jive minutes ago,yesterday, last week, etc.) we use the past simple, e.g. I've been to Brazil a few times. I went to Rio in 2013. 2 We use the present perfect to give news. If something has happened very recently, we often usejust. 3 We use the present perfect withyet to ask if something has happened, or to say that it hasn't happened but that it will. 4 We use the present perfect with already to say that something has happened earlier than expected. 5 We can use the present perfect to talk about situations that started in the past and have continued to the present. We don't use the present simple or the present continuous, e.g. I've lived here for three months. NOT 1 live here for three months / I'm living-herefor three months-. • To express a period of time we often use/or or since. We usefor + a period of time, e.g. for two minutes j tenyears j ages j a long time. We use since + a time in the past, e.g. since this morning j 5.001 September j 2004 j I was a child. • We can use phrases with all to express a period of time, e.g. all my life, all day, allyear, etc. We don't use for with all, e.g. I've been here all day. NOT I've been-hereftrr-ail day. >• For irregular past participles see Irregular Verbs p.165. a (Circle) the correct form. We're late - the fil m Qwsolready started)j hasn't started yet. 1 This programme's been on for an hour j 10.30. 2 I'm not real ly hungry because I've already had j I haven't had breakfast. 3 I've been to Canada but I never went j I've never been to the US. 4 We've known them since we were at university jfiveyears. 5 I've only been at work for an hour but We just j already done a lot. 6 They got married in May so they're j they've been married for six months. 7 You'll love New York - have you been j did you go there before? 8 He's lived here since all his life j all his life. 9 We've never been to Sweden but we went j we've been to Norway last year. 10 1 moved to Paris eleven months ago so I've lived j I live here for nearly a year. Complete the sentences with the present perfect or past simple form of the verbs in brackets. Have you ever been to the Edinburgh Festival? (ever / be) 1 A When _you_ _ here? (get) B I arrived at the weekend, so I_here for a few 2 A days, (only / be) _you. the weather forecast yet? (hear) B No,I_ A Bad news B Oh no! When _the radio, (just / turn on) Ben_a bike accident, (have) _that_? (happen) 4 A Where's Linda? B I think she_ 5 A_you. for lunch, (just / go) _him at tennis? (ever / beat) B No, but I A_ .he. a set the last time we played, (wi n) _his new job? (already / start) _last Monday, (be) , you_a motorbike? B Yes, his first day _ 7 A How long_ (have) B I_my first one twenty years ago. (buy) 8 A__you. last night? (see) B No, I it. (miss) . that amazing documentary 140 5B present perfect continuous Revise the basics + - 1 have I've 1 haven't You have You've You haven't been living here all year. He / She / It has He / She / It's He / She / It hasn't We have We've We haven't They have They've They haven't Have you been playing much tennis? Has he been playing much tennis? Yes, I have. / No, I haven't. Yes, he has. / No, he hasn't. A What have you been doing lately? B I've been playing a lot of tennis. She's been going for a walk every morning this week. My friends have been coming round a lot recently. A You look tired. B I've been working in the garden. A You're covered in paint. B Yes, I've been decorating the kitchen all day. How long have you been looking for a new house? We've been living here since last year. It's been raining all day. 3 16))1 GRAMMAR BANK >• Pocket Book pp.13-14 1 We use the present perfect continuous with 'action verbs' for repeated actions that started in the past and have continued till now. We often use time expressions like recently j lately. 2 We use the present perfect continuous for continuous actions which have present results. 3 We use the present perfect continuous to ask or talk about situations which started in the past and are still happening now. We often use/or / since or time expressions like all day j all morning j all week. We don't use the present continuous or the present simple, e.g. I've been waiting since ten o'clock. NOT I'm waiting since teno^lock. • If you say when something happened, use the past simple, not the present perfect continuous, eg- I've been watching a lot of TV lately. I saw a great programme last night. NOT ¥ve-been seeingtc-amme Match the questions and answers, and complete the answers with the present perfect continuous. Why are your clothes so wet? {W\ 1 Why are you so late? 2 It's hot in here, isn't it? Q 3 Do you want a coffee? 4 Are you going to move to London? 5 Are you hungry? 6 Is her English good? 7 H ow's your new ca mera? Q 8 Why are your hands all red? 9 Do you think it's safe to drive? [J 10 Have you lost a bit of weight? A I__ B No, thanks. L C Yes, I_ .strawberries, (pick) __too much lately (drink) __to fix the air-conditioning, (try) D I don't think so. It___very heavily, (snow) E I've been cleaning the car. (clean) F Notreally. I_ biscuits all afternoon, (eat) G I hope so. We_ _a flat we can afford. (look for) H Yes, she___it for a long time, (learn) I Brilliant - I__pictures all day. (take) J Yes,I_a lot of exercise, (do) K I_ _in a traffic jam for two hours, (sit) (Circle) the correct form. (fyebeen wolfing)) I'm working too hard lately. 1 I've been living / I'm living in a small village for five years. 2 She's travelling j She's been travelling a lot for work at the moment. 3 I haven't been sleeping j I'm not sleeping well lately. 4 I arrived yesterday and I've been staying j I'm staying for two weeks. 5 He's not answering his phone - maybe he's driving / he's been driving. 6 At last! I'm waiting j I've been waiting for you for ages. m 7 I can't stand this weather — it's raining j it's been raining all week. 8 Be quiet! I've been trying j I'm trying to concentrate. 9 I've been seeing j I'm seeing a lot of my family recently. 10 I need a rest. I'm cooking j I've been cooking all day. 6A obligation, necessity, prohibition, advice obligation and necessity 3 33))) 1 I have to fix the kitchen tap. Do you have to do it yourself? She had to buy new curtains. 2 You must be more careful. Must I go to bed now? You must pay him back as soon as possible. 3 I need to buy an extra tin of paint. Did they need to ask someone to help them? 1 We use have to to talk about all kinds of obligation. Have to can be used in all tenses. ^3 have got to We often use have got to instead of have to, e.g. I've got to phone him tomorrow. We also use must to talk about obligation. The meaning is similar to have to, but must is usually used when the speaker sees something as a personal obligation. Compare: Ihave to start work at 9.00. (A general obligation, the company rule.) / must remember to buy some batteries. (A personal obligation, one that the speaker imposes.) We can use need lo to talk about things that are necessary. Need to can be used in all tenses. Pocket Book pp.14-15 no obligation / no necessity 1 You don't have to pay me now. 3 34))) 2 She won't need to paint the bathroom - it looks fine. 3 You needn't hurry. We have plenty of time. 1 We use (not) have to when there is no obligation to do something. 2 We use (not) need to when it is not necessary to do something. 3 We can also use needn't + infinitive without to to say that it is not necessary to do something. prohibition You mustn't change the bulb with the electricity switched on. You mustn't touch that door. The paint's wet. 3 35))) We use mustn't when there is an obligation not to do something. Mustn't and don't have to are completely different. Compare: You mustn't come tomorrow. - Don't come. (An obligation not to do something.) You don't have to come tomorrow. - It's not necessary to come. (No obligation.) advice 1 You should sell your car. 3 36))) They shouldn't pay him before he's done the work. 2 You ought to get asmartphone. She oughtn't to spend so much on clothes. 3 lf you feel really ill, you must go to the doctor's. When you're in Venice, you have to have a drink at Harry's Bar! 1 We use should j shouldn't to give someone advice, or to say what we think is the right thing for ourselves or for someone else to do. 2 We can also use ought to j oughtn't to to give advice. The meaning is the same as should. 3 We can use must and have to to give strong advice when we think it's very important that someone does something. (JGh-ckpthe correct form. Tick / if both are possible. She(Jtadto)j must buy some tools last week. 1 They don't have to j mustn't drive. There's a bus that goes there. 2 You needn't j don't have to worry about getting a ticket in advance - you can pay on the train. 3 He shouldn't j doesn't have to put a nail in the wall. It'll leave a mark. 4 You'll have to j You'll need to read the instructions before you try to assemble the table. 5 We should j ought to turn oft the electricity when we go. 6 I don't need to j mustn't leave yet. I have plenty of time. 7 You mustn't j don't have to spill anything on the sofa -it's leather. 8 She mustn't j didn't have to go to work yesterday. 9 They don't need to j needn't phone us unless their train is delayed. 10 You oughtn't to j don't have to arrive late on your first day at work. Complete the sentences with one word. I definitely think you should sell your house. It would be a really good idea. 1 You_ remove light bulbs with wet hands. It's really dangerous. 2 Here's the form. You_ 3 I think perhaps you_ _to sign it at the bottom. _to buy a new table, and maybe you could get some chairs as well. We___have to leave until 2.30. It'll only take an hour to get there. She___come if she doesn't want to. Nobody will mind. Our journey back was a nightmare. We_ to wait hours for the bus. 7 You. 8 You. not good for you. 9 Do] read his new book! You'll love it. to drink so much coffee. It's really _ to write a letter or can I just send an email? 6B can, could, and be able to ability, possibility, and permission 1 He can cook really well. 3 37))) I can't come to class next week. I have an exam. You can't park here, it's a no-parking zone. 2 Can I try this on? Could I try it in a large? 3 I've been able to drive since I was 18. You'll be able to get it cheaper if you wait for the sales. I'd love to be able to afford that jacket. I like being able to try clothes on, so I never buy things online. I'm afraid I wasn't able to speak to the manager about the new project. 4 She could ski when she was three years old. They couldn't come to the concert last night. He was able to read at a very young age. 5 I couldn't find it in the shops but I was able to buy it online. The current was very strong, but he was able to swim to the shore. GRAMMAR BANK >• Pocket Book pp.16-17 1 We use can to talk about ability, possibility, and permission. Can is a modal verb, and it only has a present form (which can be used to talk about the future) and a past / conditional form (could). 2 We often use Can I...? or Could 1...? to make requests. Could 1...? is more polite. 3 For all other tenses and forms, we use be able to + infinitive. We also sometimes use be able to in the present and past if we want to be more formal. 4 We use could j couldn't to talk about general ability or possibility in the past. We can also use was j were able to but it is more formal. 5 If we want to talk about ability on one specific occasion in the past, we can use couldn't but not could. Instead we use was J were able to. • We can also use managed to instead of was / were able to, e.g. I managed to buy it online. deduction The supermarket can't be closed-it's only 4.00. 3 38))) They can't be back yet. They said they were coming home on Sunday. • We use can't to say we are sure that something is impossible / not true. • In this sense the opposite of can't is must. Compare: Shecan't beat work now. It's only 7.30 a.m. (- I'msure it's not true.) She must be at work now. It's9.30 a.m. (= I'm sure it's true.) a Are the highlighted forms right / or wrong A? Correct the wrong ones. I'm afraid I won't can go to the meeting. X / won't be able to 1 He can to speak French really well. 2 The office is closed now, but you should can phone them on Monday. 3 He loves music - he could play the viol i n when he was four! 4 You couldn't be serious! The ball was definitely out. 5 I love this shopping centre. It's great to be able to buy everything in one place. 6 There's a shop assistant - she might can help you. 7 I tried to phone the bankbut I wasn't able to get through. 8 Will I can use my UK credit card when I'm in the US? 9 I bought a new bike yesterday -1 could get 10% off by paying cash. 10 This camera's really cheap - it can't be very good. b Complete the sentences with the correct form of can, could, or be able to. The chemist's was closed, but I was able to get some aspirin at the supermarket. 1 I prefer real clothes shops to shopping online. I hate not_ _try th i ngs on. 2 Ifwe_afford it, we'd eat out every week. 3 This shirt is much too small for me. It_ be an extra large. 4 _ you see if they have these jeans in my size? 5 If it doesn't fit you, you should___ change it. 6 They__find the book anywhere in the UK, so they ordered it from a US website. 7 I've never_pronounce her name correctly. 8 £50 for two pairs of socks? They_cost that much! 9 I spent ages looking for the right shoes, and in the end I_find the perfect pair. 10 She's got a beautiful voice. I'd love_ sing like that. 143 7A phrasal verbs Type 1 - phrasal verbs with no object I get up at 6.00. r'4,4))) They went away last weekend. What time are you coming back tonight? They set off early in the morning. My sister and her boyfriend have split up. • Some phrasal verbs have no object. The verb and the particle are never separated. NOT hget at 6.00 up. Type 2 - phrasal verbs with an object - separable 1 I looked the word up in the dictionary. 4 5))) I looked up the word in the dictionary. Can you fill this form in? Can you fill in this form? Did you switch the computer off? Did you switch off the compiiter? 2 I looked it up. Can you fill it in? Did you switch it off? 1 Some phrasal verbs have an object and can be separated -we can put the object before or after the particle. 2 If the object is a pronoun (it, them, etc.), it always goes between the verb and the particle. I put it on. NOT I put on it. a (^kde)the correct form. Tick / if both are possible. Shall I switch off my laptop j switch my laptop off? / 1 The pasta was cold so I sent back it j sent it back. 2 I went to the cashpoint and took out G100 j took€100 out. 3 Could you turn down the music j turn the music down? 4 They set off at 7.00 j set at 7.00 off. 5 I decided I didn't like my new coat so I took back it j took it back to the shop. 6 Ipicked up his wallet j picked his wallet up for him. 7 She lent me some money but I haven't paid back her \ paid her back yet. 8 I set up our new computer j set our new computer up at the weekend. 9 I grew up in Wales j grew in Wales up. 10 Can you put those clothes away j put away those clothes? Pocket Book pp.17-18 Type 3 - phrasal verbs with an object - inseparable 1 My husband looks after the children. 4 6))) A Where's your book? B I don't know. I'm looking for it. A Shall we ask for the bill? B I've already asked for it. 2 He doesn't get on with his parents. She's looking forward to her holiday. You should look out for job vacancies. 1 Some phrasal verbs have an object but can't be separated - the verb and the particle must stay together, even if the object is a pronoun. He looks after the children. He looks after them. 2 Some phrasal verbs have two particles - they are never separated. b Complete the sentences using a pronoun and the correct form of the phrasal verb in brackets. Your phone's ringing. Please turn it off, (turn off) 1 My parents are arriving at 11.15. Could you _at the airport? (pick up) 2 A When do you leave on your trip to Chin a? B Next Saturday. I'm really_ _. (look forward to) 3 A Do they still have their website? B No, they_a month ago. (close down) 4 A Is she still with her boyfriend? B No, she's_. (fall out with) 5 A Have you found you r glasses yet? B No, and I've been_ _for half an hour! (look for) 6 A Did he buy the trousers? B No, he__but they didn't fit. (try on) 7 This cheese is past its sell-by date. I'm going to _. (throw away) 8 She was with her husband for twenty years, and she _during his final illness, (look after) 9 A Have they brought the bill? B No, but I've_. (ask for) 10 A Is the TV loud enough? B No. Could you__a bit? (turn up) Some common phrasal verbs Type 1 be on, end up, grow up, move in, set off Type 2 check out, close down, give away, give up, open up, pay back, pick up, put away, put on, put up, send back, set up, switch off, take back, take out, throw away, try on, turn up I down I on I off Type 3 ask for, be out of, fall out with, fit in with, get away from, get out of, look after, look for, look forward to, look out for, look round, move back to 7B verb patterns Revise the basics infinitive with to 1 It's very difficult to read his writing. 2 I need to go to the supermarket. NOT I need go... 3 I went to the cinema to see the new James B ond film. NOT htvenHv the cinema for to see.., 4 Be careful not to stay in the sun too long. NOT Be careful to not stay... infinitive without to 5 He can speak English very well. 6 We mustn't be late. NOT We tnustn'Ho be late. gerund (verb+ -ing) 7 Watching TV helps me to relax in the evening. 8 I'm not very good at remembering names. NOT I'm not very good at remember... 9 1 love lying in the sun. NOT! love lie... 10 I hate not seeing the children at bathtime. NOT Hmtenotsee the children... >> For a list of verb patterns see p.164. GRAMMAR BANK Pocket Book p.18 verbs + infinitive (with or without to) 1 She agreed to come with me. ''4; 18))) They decided to go home early. We wanted to visit the Tate Gallery. 2 We can't buy tickets till tomorrow. Hurry up - we might be late! You shouldn't drink so much coffee. 1 We use the infinitive with to after many verbs. 2 We use the infinitive without to after all modal verbs (except ought). verbs + gerund (verb + -ing) 1 They enjoy watching DVDs at home. 4,19))) I've finished reading the paper if you want it. I hate being late for school. 2 She's given up working on Saturdays. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. I'm going to keep on studying Italian for a few more years. 1 We use the gerund after some verbs, e.g. enjoy,finish, hate. 2 We use the gerund after phrasal verbs. verbs + object + infinitive (with or without to) 1 They want us to go with them. r4j20))) He told me to get an e-reader. She allowed me to leave work early, 2 His parents let him go to the concert. Our boss makes us work late on Fridays. 1 We use an object + the infinitive with to after some verbs. NOT They want that we go with them. 2 We use an object + the infinitive without to after let and make. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. We really enjoy going to concerts, (go) 1 We went to the box office_the tickets we'd booked, (pick up) 2 _to a live sporting event is much more exciting than__it on TV. (go, watch) 3 I hate_ to visit my family more often, but they live so far away, (not be able) 4 I tried_tickets for the Olympics, but I didn't manage___any. (buy, get) 5 It's cheaper_tickets for the theatre than for a football match, (get) 6 She moved to a small village and she really misses_to plays and exhibitions, (go) 7 They told me__in the front row. (not sit) 8 They love_ (choose) 9 I can't afford _ 10 It's difficult which film to see. in this area, (live) _a mobile phone, (imagine, not have) b Rewrite the sentences to mean the same thing. I didn't remember to turn my mobile off. I forgot to turn my mobile off. 1 He said he wouldn't help her. He refused_ _. 2 Her teacher allowed her to leave school early. Her teacher let___. 3 They told me I should go to the cinema with them. They persuaded_. 4 My husband thinks I should go to the dentist. My husband wants_. 5 The police ordered him to move his car. The police made_. 6 He said that he'd help us. He agreed. 7 I practise the piano for twenty minutes a day. I spend twenty minutes a day. 8 They asked if we wanted to have dinner with them. They invited___. 9 We don't go to concerts any more. We've given up_, 10 It's going to continue to rain this afternoon. It's going to carry on___. >• Pocket Book p.ig have something done I'm having my hair cut tomorrow. 4 29))) She has her house repainted every year. We've had a new bathroom put in. You ought to have your roof repaired. How often do you have your car serviced? I don't have the flat cleaned, I clean it myself. The flat was in good condition, so we didn't have it redecorated. When did you have those photos taken? • We use have + object + past participle when we arrange (and usually pay) for someone to do something for us, either because we can't or don't want to do it ourselves. Compare: / cleaned my car yesterday. (= I did it myself.) I had my car cleaned yesterday. (= I paid someone to clean it for me.) • We can use have something done in any tense and with modal verbs. • Have is the main verb, and is stressed. We use auxiliary verbs (do, did, etc.) to make questions and negatives. • If we want to say who did the work, we use by, e.g. We had our wedding photos taken by the same photographer you used. I had the ce?itral heating checked by British Gas. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. I.,, my hair had yesterday cut I had my hair cut yesterday. 1 Have... eyes your tested had ever you ? 2 We... to repaired don't have roof the need 3 I... never whitened teeth have my would 4 She... hair to dyed not advised my me have 5 It's... expensive the to have too replaced carpets 6 He's... professionally have to passport his taken going photo 7 My... faces at children had festival the their painted 8 We... have need oil to checked the 9 I... while shopping had cleaned my was doing car I the 10 1 ... have before legs going want waxed holiday on to my b Write sentences about the people. He / ha ir / cut He's having his hair cut. 1 She / need / car / service 2 He / front door / replace 3 He / new battery / put in 4 They / should / windows / clean 5 She / ought to / eyes / check 6 He / not want / photo / take 7 She / portrait / paint 8 He / want / suit / dry clean 8B the passive; impersonal you the passive present simple present continuous present perfect past simple past continuous past perfect Will and going to infinitive with to 4. 38))) Some historical films aren't based on the facts. The election is being held in May. Has the village been changed by tourism? 10,000 soldiers were killed in an hour at Gettysburg. The castle was being renovated so we couldn't go in. The hospital had been opened by the Queen three years before. When will the new museum be built? We're going to be given the exam results tomorrow. Does the city centre have to be closed to all traffic? infinitive without to The President must be elected by a clear majority. gerund I hate being woken up by a mosquito. GRAMMAR BANK >► Pocket Book pp.19-20 • We often use the passive when it's not said, known, or important who does an action. My phone has been stolen. (= Somebody has stolen my phone, but we don't know who.) • If we want to say who did an action, we use by. Westminster Abbey was started by Henry III in 1245. • We can often say things in two ways, in the active or the passive. Compare: Bill Bryson wrote The Lost Continent. (The focus is more on Bryson.) The Lost Continent was written by Bill Bryson. (The focus is more on the book.) • We often use the passive to talk about processes, for example scientific processes, and in formal writing, such as newspaper reports. The chemicals are combined at very high temperatures. Parts of Windsor Castle have been damaged in afire. impersonal you 1 You can't learn English in three weeks. You never know what the weather's going to do. 2 Exercise is good for you. 4 39))) 1 We can usejyoit as an impersonal subject to mean people in general. 2 We can use you as an impersonal object. Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verb in brackets. The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao was opened in 1997. (open) 1 Many roads____to traffic for the royal wedding last month, (close) In recent years many books__ the American Civil War. (write) A new shopping centre__ centre at the moment, (build) I think you should. about .in the town . to take at photographs if you don't use flash, (allow) 5 The last battle on British soil__ Culloden in 1746. (fight) 6 Washington DC___by nearly 20 million people every year, (visit) 7 Hove_____round a city by someone who knows it well, (show) 8 The gallery was closed because a TV series __inside, (film) 9 I___by the neighbour's noisy dog three times already this week, (wake up) 10 The monarchy ought not_ money, (give) public b Rewrite the sentences to mean the same thing. Someone's stolen my bike! My bike's been stolen. 1 They had to close the palace for renovations. The palace__. 2 You can find instructions on the internet. Instructions_. 3 Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address in 1863. The Gettysburg Address_. 4 A seat belt must be worn at all times. You_. 5 Do you think they're going to offer you the job? Do you think you're__? 6 Has your sister ever beaten you at chess? Have you ever___? 7 Phones have to be switched off during take-off and landing. You_. 8 They're going to open a new visitor centre next year. A new visitor centre__. 9 The government should pay for new hospitals. New hospitals__. 10 Thousands of people visit the castle every day. The castle. 9A reported speech Revise the basics direct statements reported statements '1 have a good memory.' 'I'm not leaving.' We'll never forget you.' '1 can't remember.' 'We might / may be a bit late.' '1 must go.' She said (that] she had a good memory. He told me (that) he wasn't leaving. They said (that) they'd never forget me. He said (that) he couldn't remember. They told us (that) they might be a bit late. She said (that) she had to go. >- Pocket Book pp.20-21 reported imperatives and requests 1 'Don't forget.' ^5y6))) He told me not to forget. 'Wait in the car.' She told me to wait in the car. 'Buy six oranges.' He told me to buy six oranges. 2 'Could you close the window?' She asked me to close the window. 'Can you wait here, please?' He asked us to wait there. word changes in reported speech 1 'I love your bag.' 'I think you told me.' 2 'I'm leaving now.' 'See you tomorrow.' T did it yesterday.' T went skiing last week.' 3 'We don't like it here.' 'This is your station.' She said (that) she loved my bag. 5 4))) He said (that) he thought we'd told him. He said (that) he was leaving (then). He said (that) he'd see me the next day. She told me (that) she'd done it the day before. He said (that) he'd been skiing the week before. She told us (that) they didn't like it there. She said (that) that was our station. • Remember that in reported speech as well as the verbs we often need to change other words or parts of the original sentence. We may need to change: 1 pronouns 2 time expressions 3 here and this reported questions 1 'Where did you live before?' She asked (me) where I'd lived before. ^5))) 2 'Have you been to Australia?' He asked (us) if / whether we'd been to Australia. 'Are you coming with me?' She asked (him) if/whether he was goingwith her. 1 We can use tell + object pronoun + infinitive to report imperatives and instructions. * The verb tell can mean give information or give an instruction. Compare: He told me (that) his name was Rob. (= information) He told me to close the door. (= instruction) 2 We can use ask + object pronoun + infinitive to report requests. We must use an object pronoun, e.g. me, us. • The verb ask can mean ask a question or make a request. Compare: He asked (me) what I was doing. (= question) He asked me to close the door. (= request) 1 Reported questions use normal word order with no question mark: She asked me where I'd lived before. NOT She asked me whe • The verb ask in reported questions can be used with or without a person or object pronoun. 2 We use if or whether to report questions which start with an auxiliary verb. a Complete the sentences using reported speech. 'I don't know your email.' He said... he didn't know my email. 1 'I can't remember which exit it is.' She said... 2 'I can't find my mobile.' He said... 3 'We probably won't get the message.' They said... 4 'I've finished my exams!' She said... 5 'The film will be on tomorrow.' They told us... 6 T can't stay here very long.' He told me... 7 T must leave at 6.30.'She said... 8 'We've never forgotten our visit.' They told me... 9 'I saw a man hiding in the bushes.' He said... 10 'I don't really want to see him.' She told me... b Complete the sentences using reported speech. 'Where do you live?' He asked me... where I lived. 1 'How many children do you have?' She asked him... 2 'Could you take a photo of us?' They asked the woman... 3 'Will you be able to visit us?' They asked us... 4 'Please fill in the application form.' He told me... 5 'Did you arrive on time?' He asked her... 6 'Make sure you buy enough food.' She told us... 7 'Can you help me with the cooking?' She asked me... 8 'How long have you been waiting?' He asked them... 9 'Can you confirm your date of birth?' He asked her... 10 'Don't forget to bring your laptops.' They told us... 9B uses of the past perfect past perfect in narratives %13))) He ran to the departure gate but the flight had already closed. She didn't know where he'd gone. We still hadn't had breakfast when the taxi arrived. How long had they been engaged before they got married? • We use the past perfect when we are talking about the past and we want to talk about an earlier past action. past perfect in reported speech 1 'We haven't been married long.' f5)14))) They said (that) they hadn't been married long. 'My boyfriend proposed to me in Paris.' She told mc (that) her boyfriend had proposed to her in Paris. 2 'I'd already seen the film.' He said (that) he'd already seen the film. 1 We use the past perfect in reported speech when the original speech uses the present perfect or the past simple. 2 If the original speech is past perfect, there is no change in reported speech. GRAMMAR BANK >- Pocket Book p.22 past perfect in third conditionals If I'd known his number, I would have called him. 15))) They'd have been much happier if they'd never met. If 1 hadn't gone to university, 1 wouldn't have met my wife. What would they have done if we'd been late? • We use the past perfect in the if clause of a third conditional. We use third conditional sentences to talk about how things could have been different in the past, i.e. for hypothetical / imaginary situations and their consequences. P'd In third conditionals, 'd is the contraction of both had and would, e.g. If I'd known your number, I'd have called you. had would Complete the sentences with the past simple or past perfect form of the verbs in brackets. When she woke up the house was empty - he % gone. (wake up, go) 1 I___that film very much, even though I_it three times before, (enjoy, see) 2 He__he__there for six months, (say, work) She still _ at 10.00, sol leave) 4 We_ but it 5 He_ . the house without her. (not get up, 6 I. 7 I 8 She_ China before, (ask, visit) 9 They__me they. engaged, (tell, just / get) 10 The plane_ __an hour looking for my phone, _. (spend, disappear) _across the road, but the taxi by someone else, (run, already / take) _ get on the flight because I a ticket, (not can, not book) _ in Sydney for a week when I first . Sally, (only / be, meet) me if I_ _yet, but I. to board, (not take off, not allowed) Complete the third conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. If we'd missed the bus, we wouldn't have got home till midnight, (miss, not get) 1 She_in love if he__ her laugh, (not fall, not make) If they_to the wedding, they_. (invite, go) I__our anniversary if you _me. (forget, not remind) _earlier, we_ 4 hS our flight. (leave, not miss) 5 If you _ 6 She. grandmother's, not fit) _in advance, you . your money, (not pay, not lose) _a wedding dress made if her _perfectly, (have, 7 1 . sleep if I _ much coffee, (be able to, not drink) 8 We_touch if I_ your email address, (lose, not find) 9 If he___we were lost, he __to help, (know, offer) _ _at the policeman, 10 If he. he _. (not shout, not arrest) 10A be, do, and have; auxiliary and main verbs be - main verb and auxiliary >- Pocket Book pp. 23-24 26))) 5 25))) 1 His name was David. They haven't been here before. 2 I'm sitting on the bus. They aren't coming to the party. I was cycling to work when I saw him. Were they watching TV when you phoned? She's been learning Japanese for two years. They haven't been working here long. Lots of clothes are now being made in the Par East Millions of books have been digitized. 1 We can use be as the main verb in a sentence. 2 be is also an auxiliary verb. - We use am j is j are as auxiliaries in the present continuous. - We use was j were as auxiliaries in the past continuous. - We use has been j have been as auxiliaries in the present perfect continuous. - We use had been as an auxiliary in the past perfect continuous. - We use all tenses of be as auxiliaries in passives. do - main verb and auxiliary 1 What do you do? I did my homework last night. 2 She doesn't speak English. Where do they live? They didn't go to the theatre. Did you enjoy the film? 1 We can use do as the main verb in a sentence. 2 We use do j don't j does j doesn't as auxiliaries in the present simple, and did j didn't as auxiliaries in the past simple. have - main verb and auxiliary 1 I have two brothers and a sister. 5 27))) He's having a shower at the moment. What did you have for dinner? 2 I have to be at the airport at 11.00. We had our computer repaired last week. 3 They've bought a new car. I haven't seen him recently. Has he ever been to Spain? 4 I was sure I'd seen him before. We were hungry because we hadn't had breakfast. Had she tried to phone you before she arrived? 1 We can use have as the main verb in a sentence. It can be an action or non-action verb - see Grammar Bank 2 A p. 134. 2 With have to and have something done, have is also a main verb. 3 We use have / haven't J has j hasn't as auxiliaries in the present perfect. 4 We use had j hadn't as auxiliaries in the past perfect. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. I... my hair had yesterday cut / had my hair cut yesterday. 1 What... doing have been you ? 2 She... Africa because heat been to the hasn't like doesn't she 3 Why... had lunch yet you haven't ? 4 She... hair isn't today done her to going h ave 5 We... time do have enough shopping to the didn't What... the at did do weekend you i 7 Nothing... solve to being problem is done the 8 He... Boston be to until in tomorrow have doesn't 9 1... to soon passport have have my renewed 10 She... her when homework her doing was friend phoned b Complete the sentences with the auxiliary verbs be, do, or have. Does he like living in the UK, or is he feeling homesick? 1 A_you ever been to the States? B No, my husband_like flying. 2 A _they miss the beginning of the film? B No, luckily it_started yet. 3_____he know we_coming, or _we need to give him a ring? 4 A I'm sorry I__answer the phone when you called. B That's OK. What_you doing? 5 We____often travel outside Europe, but we _been to Egypt twice. 6 I__working since 7.00 this morning, and now I_ _ going home. 7 A Where_she going on holiday this year? B Rome, I think. She_never been before. 8 They. _only staying in New York for two days - they _ have much time for sightseeing. 150 lOB revision of verb forms GRAMMAR BANK a Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Tina Hi, Roger, how aj-e (be) you? Roger Hi, Tina. I'm exhausted -11___ (work) really hard all week. Is that why you2 Tina out with us last night? Roger Yes, I3_ . (not come) Tina Really? If _(not can) come - I . (study). My last exam . (start) at 9.00 tomorrow _(finish) all my Roger Lucky you! What' Tina __you (plan) to do next? (fly) to Australia in th ree _(want) to go since my _(move) there Roger Tina Is___ days. 19_ aunt and uncle 10__ five years ago, but 111__ be able to) afford it till now. Fantastic - I'm sure you 12___ (love) it. I hope so! What about you? 113_ (speak) to Mary yesterday and she 14___(say) you 15_ (invite) her to go to France. Yes, but unfortunately she 16_ (already / make) other plans. . (never/ Roger Tina And what about tomorrow evening? .you. Roger Tina (celebrate)? Yes, 118_ 19 . (think) of going to that _you new pizzeria. ____(want) to come along? Yes, that would be great -120 (see) you tomorrow. And good luck with the exam! Complete the sentences to mean the same thing. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets. He cleaned the windows and earned £20. (pay) He was paid £20 for cleaning the windows. 1 She first met him twenty years ago. (know) She_ _ him for twenty years. 2 It's not necessary for you to bring any money, (need) You_to bring any money. 3 I can't repair the chair because I don't have any glue, (have) If I__some glue, I could repair the chair. 4 I learnt to swim when I was five, (able, swim) I____since I was five. 5 What are your plans after you graduate? (go) What___to do after you graduate? 6 He says it would be good to include a covering letter, (suggest, include) He___a covering letter. 7 The Queen opened the concert hall in 2009. (open) The concert hall___in 2009. 8 I had much longer hair when I was younger, (used, have) I___longer hair when 1 was younger. 9 You can pay me back tomorrow, (not have to) You_pay me back now. 10 She started learning Russian two months ago. (learn) She_Russian for two months. 11 Somebody had stolen his car so he phoned the police, (steal) He phoned the police because his car_ _. 12 My boss said I could leave work early, (allow, leave) My boss___me___ work early. 13 She agreed to come to the wedding, (say, can) She__come to the wedding. 14 The photo was out of focus because I didn't use flash, (use) The photo would have been in focus if I _ flash. 15 They shouldn't be so careless, (ought, be) Thcy_ _ _more careful. Adjective suffixes VOCABULARY BANK V Pocket Book pp.25~26 1 DESCRIBING PEOPLE a Add an ending to the nouns and verbs below to form adjectives. Write them in the con-ect column. eetr/jekt/ assert /a'sat/ attract /b'traekt/ boss/bns/ cheer /tpra/ create/kri'eit/ envy/'envi/ glamour /'glaemad)/ help/help/ impulse /'rmpAls/ mood /muid/ possess /po'zcs/ power /paoa/ rebel /n'bel/ reiy /n'lai/ self/self/ sense/sens/ style/stall/ -able 1 -Me -y -ive -ous -ful -ish sociable responsible lucky aggressive sensitive active ambitious beautiful childish b f1^10))) Listen and check. Word endings for adjectives Many adjectives are formed by adding suffixes (= endings) such as -able I -ible, -y, -ive, -ous, and -ful to a noun or verb. Sometimes another small spelling change is required, e.g. losing a final e (fame - famous). Check the spelling changes in your dictionary. Knowing typical suffixes will help you to recognise that a new word is an adjective. 2 DESCRIBING PLACES AND THINGS afford /g'foid/ comfort /'kAmfat/ desire /di'zaia/ dirt /dart/ expense /ik'spens/ health /hel9/ a Add an ending to the nouns and verbs on the right impress /lm'pres/ luxury /'lAkfoi'i7 noise/noiz/ to form adjectives. Write them in the correct column. profit /'profit/ risk /risk/ space/speis/ stress/stres/ success /sak'ses/ suit/suit/ use/ju:s/ -able 1 Able -y -ive -ous -ful recognizable incredible easy addictive delicious dangerous colourful affordable b 111))) Listen and check. 3 -FUL AND -LESS -ful and -less -ful and -less are suffixes which add the meaning 'with' or 'without' to the base word, e.g. careful = with care, careless = without care, hopeful = with hope, hopeless = without hope. However, not all words which can form an adjective with -ful can also form one with -less, e.g. we can say successful but NOT success/ess, and not all words which can form an adjective with -less can also form one with -ful, e.g. we can say endless but NOT endful. a Look at the -ful adjectives in the charts in 1 and 2. Tick the ones that can form an adjective with -less. 4 DESCRIBING COLOURS a Match the phrases to the four shades of blue. dark blue (also navy blue) [ \ | | 2 | 3 | | | 4 | greyish blue light blue (also pale blue) bright blue 11 b 1;13))) Listen and check. What does the suffix -ish means when you add it to another adjective, e.g. a colour? c With a partner, say exactly what colour the things you are wearing are. b 1 12))) Listen and check. Pocket Book pp.26-27 1 THINGS TO PACK 2 VERB PHRASES WITH GO Match the words and pictures. adaptor fo'dtepta/ brush AirAf/ comb /kaum/ flip flops /'flip flops/ guidebook /'cjaidbok/ hairdryer /'heodrara/ insect repellent /'insekl n'petant/ make-up /'mei kAp/ memory card /'memari kaid/ nail scissors /'neil sizaz/ (phone) charger /' Lj'u:d3a/ pyjamas /ps'dguimaz/ raincoat /'remkaut/ razor /'reizo(r)/ 1 sunscreen /'SAnskrim/ swimming trunks /'swimirj trArjks/ swimsuit /'swimsint/ toothbrush /'tuiGbrAj*/ toothpaste / 'tu;8peist/ towel / 'taool/ wash bag /'woj bicg/ (also sponge bag) /'spAnd3 bffifl/ Sweden 19 20 21 Co/gat b fly24))) Listen and check. c With a partner, say which things in a you always pack when you go on holiday. Are there any other things that you always pack? a Match the phrases and pictures go + verb + ing camping hiking sailing 1 scuba diving sightseeing snorkelling waterskiing windsurfing b Match the phrases. go on + noun 1 go on a cruise 2 go on a (guided) tour 3 go on a safari 4 go on a boat trip a of a city or a building b with everything included c on a lake d round the Mediterranean e to see wildlife 5 go on a package holiday c ^1 25))) Listen and check your answers to a and b. d With a partner, ask and answer about each phrase. (^Have you ever been camping? Yes, I have. I went camping last summer. Have you ever...? 3 MORE VERB PHRASES a Complete the verb phrases. climb do get have pack see sunbathe unpack watch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 sunbathe on the beach _sunburnt (bitten by insects) _the sights (a show) _the sunset (sunrise) _voluntary work (a course) _a mountain (a hill) __and_your bags _a massage (spa treatments) b 1 26))) Listen and check. < p.14 Shops and services VOCABULARY BANK > Pocket Book p.28 1 PLACES a Match the words and pictures. baker's /'beikoz/ butcher's /'butjoz/ chain store /'tJem sto:/ chemist's /'kemists/ delicatessen /deliko'tesn/ (also deli/'deli/) DIY store/dii ai 'wai sto:/ (also hardware store /'haidweo sto:/) dry cleaner's /drat 'klhnoz/ estate agent's As'teit eid3ants/ fishmonger's /'fifmArjtjoz/ b 1 38))) Listen and check. florist's /'florists/ greengrocer's /'urhngrsusaz/ health food store /'helO f u:d sto:/ hypermarket /'haipomo;kit/ jeweller's /'d3inobz/ launderette /bni'dret/ market stall /'ma:kit sto:l/ newsagent's /'njtuzeichjonts/ off-licence /'of laisns/ stationer's /'steijonoz/ travel agent's /'traevl 'etd3onts/ •£3 i Ur mi 2 PHRASAL VERBS RELATED TO SHOPS AND SHOPPING a Match the highlighted phrasal verbs and the definitions. 1 A lot of local shops and businesses have closed down because of the recession. 2 A Do you need any help? B No thanks, I just want to look round. 3 Did you know they're opening up a new Thai restaurant where that old French one used to be? 4 A Is there somewhere where I can try on this sweater? B Yes, the changing rooms are over there. 5 Excuse me, can you help me? I'm looking for a butcher's. Someone told me that there was one near here. 6 A Do you have these in a medium? B I'm sorry, we're out of mediums at the moment, but we should be getting some in soon. a not have in stock b put something on to see if it fits c start trading or doing business d stop trading or doing business e try to find something f walk round a place to see what there is b 139))) Listen and check. - Pocket Book p.29 1 DESCRIBING A PHOTO a Look at the photos and compete the sentences with a word or phrase from the list. Use capital letters where necessary. behind /hi'haind/ in front of /in 'frAnt av/ in the background /'btckgrouiid/ in the bottom right-hand corner /'bDtom rait haend 'kotna/ in the centre /'sent a/ in the distance /'chstans/ in the foreground /'fmgraund/ in the top right-hand corner /top raiL hscnd 'ko:no/ on top of /on 'top av/ opposite /'npazit/ b 2 14))) Listen and check. Photo 1 1 In the background there's a mountain, and some low cloud. 2 _there's a grandmother and three children. 3 The hoy in an orange T-shirt is standing _his grandmother. .ofthe photo there's a building with lots of steps. There's a small building that looks like a temple __a small hill. Photo 2 6 _ 10 . there's a woman standing on a terrace looking at the view. The woman is standing __a low wall looking at the view. ___the woman there's a building with a tower that looks like a church. _ _ on the left you can just see an old building which looks like a ruin. _ there are two cypress trees. on top of or at the top of The bird is on top of the photo. The bird is at the top of the photo. 2 TAKING PHOTOS a Match the sentences halves. 1 e You use flash when... a you are far away from something and you want to take a close-up of it. 2 You zoom in when... b you can't step far away from your subject, but you want to get ail 3 A photo can be out of focus if... of it in the picture. 4 Many cameras have a portrait setting c you move when you are taking it. to use when... d you want to take a photo of a person. 5 A photo can be blurred if... e you want to take a photo somewhere dark, e.g. indoors or at night. 6 With good cameras you can use different f your camera isn't automatic and you haven't used the right settings. lenses, e.g. a wide-angle lens, when... i you want to make it bigger. 7 You enlarge a photo when... b 2 15))) Listen and check. ■ Pocket Book p.30 1 RUBBISH: NOUNS AND PHRASAL VERBS a Read the definitions for rubbish and waste. Then match the other nouns to their definitions. nouns bin /bin/ bin bag /'bin bseo./ dustman /'dAsttnan/ landfill site /'laendfil salt/ rubbish /'i"AbiJ7 waste /weist/ waste-paper basket/werst 'peipo ba:skit/ 1 rubbish th i ngs that you throw away because you don't want them any more (AmE garbage or trash) 2 waste materials that are not needed, and thrown away, e.g. industrial -, toxic - 3 _a container kept outside that you put rubbish in (also dustbin) 4 _a plastic bag which you put rubbish in and then throw away 5 _a small basket kept in a room where people throw away paper and small things 6___the person whose job it is to take away the rubbish (also refuse collector, NAmE garbage collector) 7 _an area of land where large amounts of waste are covered with earth 2 32))) Listen and check. Complete the sentences with a phrasal verb from the list. phrasal verbs give away /giv a'wei/ take away /teik a'wei/ take out /teik 'aut/ throw away /Oroo o'wci/ 1 If that pen doesn't work, just_ it_. I hate having pens around that don't work. 2 Please could you___the rubbish? I did it yesterday. I'm moving house in a few weeks, and I've decided to____a lot of books and clothes to a charity shop. In many countries there are special containers for used glass and cardboard. People then come and_it__to be recycled. 33))) Listen and check. 2 PACKAGING a Match the words and pictures. bottle /'botl/ can/kacn/ cardboard box /'kaidbmd boks/ carton/'ka: tn/ 1 jar /d3u:(r)/ lid/hd/ packet /'paekit/ plastic bag /'pkestik bjeg/ polystyrene tray /pnli'stairiin trei/ pot/'pot/ sell-by date /'scl bai deit/ tin/tin/ tub /tAb/ wrapper /'ra;p3/ b 2 34))) Listen and check. c What kind of packaging is normally used for...? 10 yoghurt bjscuits olives soft drinks sardines a washing machine icecream milk 3 THE PREFIX RE- a Complete the sentences with a verb from the list. reapply /riio'plai/ recycle /rii'saikl/ reheat /rii'hiit/ replay /rii'plei/ rethink /rii'Bmk/ reuse Mi'juiz/ 1 There's a bottle bank at the local supermarket where you can recycle all your glass bottles and jars. 2 Many supermarkets now charge extra for plastic bags. They prefer customers to have shopping bags which they can_. 3 If you're not sure about the project, you should_the whole thing. 4 You can__your dinner in the microwave. 5 They'll have to___the match next Saturday. 6 You should . sunscreen every hour if you have fair skin. b '2 ■35))) Listen and check. ■ Pocket Book pp.31-32 1 HIGHER EDUCATION a Read the text about University College London (UCL) and complete it with words from the list. campus/'ka.jmpas/ dissertation /disa'teijh/ faculties /'faskltiz/ halls of residence /'ho:lz ov 'rezidons/ lectures /'lektjaz/ postgraduates /poust'ijrsedguats/ professors /prs'fcsoz/ seminars /'semmaiz/ thesis /'Oksis/ tutor /'tjuito/ undergraduates /Ando'gi"Eed3Uots/ webinars /'wcbmoiz/ DISCOVER UCL STUDYING AT UCL WORKING AT UCL RESEARCH AT UCL | University College London, also known as UCL, is one of London's most important universities. Founded in 1826, it is based in the Bloomsbury area of central London. The main 1 campus is located around Gower Street. UCL currently has around 26,000 students, both 2_ (students studying for their first degree) and 3_(students studying for further degrees). Further degrees include a master's degree, usually a one-year course at the end of which students have to write a4_, or a PhD (doctorate), during which students have to write a doctoral UCL has around 4,000 academic and research staff, and 650 6_(the highest ranked university teacher), which is more than any other British university. The research and teaching is divided into ten 7_ , e.g. Arts and Humanities, Engineering Sciences, Medical Sciences, etc. Many students, particularly first year undergraduates and overseas students, live in 8_. The majority of others find their own accommodation. Students are taught in tutorials (small groups of students with a 9_ _), or through 10_ (larger classes where students discuss or study with their teacher) or11_(where a large group of students listen to a talk but do not participate). Some teaching may also be in the form of12___(seminars conducted over the internet). Famous past students range from Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, and Mahatma Gandhi, to all the members of the pop group Coldplay, who met while at university there. b 2 40))) Listen and check. What do the bold phrases mean? c With a partner, say three things which are the same and three which arc different about universities in your country. 2 APPLYING FOR A JOB OR COURSE a Complete th e gaps with a noun or verb from the list. apply attend experience get look qualifications a referee skills work write What you may need to have Qualifications (e.g. a degree, a diploma) _(having done some work before) _(e.g. languages, IT) _(a person who would be prepared to recommend you) and their contact details What you may need to do • 5__out for job vacancies or courses • 5_for a job (a work permit, a place on a course, a grant / scholarship = money that an organization gives sb to help pay for education) • 7_a CV and a covering letter • 8_an interview • 9_a job offer or an offer for a place on a course 10 . as an intern or a trainee b 2 41))) Listen and check. What do the bold phrases mean? P attend or assist attend = to be present at an event Students must attend at least 95% of lectures to pass the course. assist = to help sb to do sth Jack was happy to assist Peter with gathering information for the report. apprenticeship or trial period apprenticeship = a period of time working for an employer to learn the particular skills needed for a job The apprenticeship to be an electrician lasts three years and there is an exam you must pass at the end. trial period = a fixed period of time which tests the ability or performance of sb before they are offered the job permanently They agreed to employ me for a trial period of three months. ■ Pocket Book p.33 1 TV AND PHRASAL VERBS a Label the picture with words from the list. remote (control] /ri'maut (kon'troul)/ screen /skriin/ stand /sttcnd/ speakers /'spiikaz/ 2 TYPES OF PROGRAMME a Match the TV screens with the types of programmes. b Complete the sentences with a phrasal verb from the list. be on /bi: on/ switch over /swiff 'auva/ turn down /t3:n 'daun/ turn off/t3in 'dL7 turn on /t3in 'nn/ turn up /t3in ',\p/ 1 Pie . the TV = press a button to start it working (also switch on) 2 Please_the TV = press a button to stop it working (&[so switch off) 3 Please_the TV - make the volume louder 4 Please_the TV = make the volume quieter 5 The programme__now = it is being shown on TV now 6 Let's_to another channel = press a button to move to another channel c 3,3))) Listen and checkyour answers to a and b. cartoons /ka:'t u:nz/ (or animation /asm'meij'n/) chat shows /'IJ'aet .fauz/ commercials /ka'maiTLz/ (or adverts /'a;dv3its/) cookery programmes /"kokori 'prsogt'Eemz/ current affairs programmes /'IcAtant o'fesz 'proograimz/ documentaries /dDkju'mentriz/ b f^)4))) Listen and check. c Answer the questions with a partner. 1 What kind of programmes do you usually watch? 2 What do you never watch? 3 What's your favourite television programme of all time? What kind of programme was / is it? 4 What's the worst programme you have ever seen? sheep /fi:p/ 111 1 11 11 Iii III Ml lit ! i b 3 12))) Listen and check. c Complete the text with a verb or past participle from the list. grow harvested (x2) pick planted b 3'11))) Listen and check. ^3 the country and the countryside We normally use the country to talk about any area that is not a town or city, e.g. / dVe in the country. We use the countryside when we are talking about the scenery in the country, e.g. fields, woods, etc., usually in a positive way, e.g. We stayed in a little village surrounded by beautiful countryside. In the UK, especially in the east of England, a lot of farmers 1____cereals (for example, wheat), vegetables, and fruit. Most crops are 2__in the early spring and are 3_in the summer. For example wheat is 4_in August, and most potatoes from June onwards. Soft fruits like strawberries are usually ripe in June and July, and many farms invite people to come and 1_their own fruit. d 3 13))) Listen and check. What do you think the bold words mean? Pocket Book p.35 1 IN A SHED: TOOLS AND OTHER THINGS FOR REPAIRS a Match the words and pictures bricks /briksV bucket /'bAkit/ drill/dril/' hammer /'hxms/ ladder /'lasds/ nails /neilz/ padlock /'ptedlok/ J paintbrush /'pcmlb; aJ7 pieces of wood /'phsiz dv wud/ rope /raup/ screwdriver /'skruidraiva/ screws /skruiz/ string/stnrj/ tap /tasp/ tiles /tail?./ wire /'wais/ b 3.27))) Listen and check heck. ^ IN A DRAWER: USEFUL THINGS AROUND THE HOUSE a Match the words and pictures. batteries /'baetriz./ glue kfiwJ handle /'hsendl/ light bulb /'lait bAlb/ matches /'mselhz/ needle and thread /'niidl an 'Bred/ penknife /'pennaif/ Sellotape"" /'sebteip/ torch /toitJY h 3 28))) Listen and check. 3 VERB PHRASES a Match verbs 1-7 with phrases a-g. 1 change c a something together that's broken with glue or Sellotape™ 2 drill b a button on a shirt 3 put up c a light bulb or a tyre 4 setup d two things together, e.g. shoelaces or two pieces of string 5 sew c a new Wi-fi network or a home cinema system 6 stick f shelves or curtains 7 tic y a hole in the wall or in a piece of wood 3 ,29))) Listen and check. ^3 Synonyms Synonyms are words with a very similar meaning, which are often interchangeable. We can use mend, repair, or fix to talk about making something broken OK again. ■ Pocket Book p.36 1 THINGS ON THE TABLE a Match the words and pictures. bowl/boul/ corkscrew /'koikskru:/ cup /kAp/ fork/bik/ glass /glens/ jug /d^Ag/ knife/naif/ mug/mAg/ napkin /'naepkm/ (also serviette /S3ivi'et/) oil and vinegar /oil on 'vmigs/ plate /pleit/ salt and pepper /suit an 'peps/ saucer /'soiso/ serving dish/'s3ivrn du7 spoon/spuin/ tablecloth /'leiblkloB/ teapot/'tiippt/ teaspoon /'ti:spu:n/ tray /trei/ I wine glass /'wain y!u:s/ b 3 40))) Listen and check. P P/ate, dish, meat, and course plate = a round flat object that you put food on when you eat it. dish = 1 a flat container for serving food from; 2 food prepared in a particular way, e.g. the dish of the day, a vegetarian dish. meal= an occasion when people eat food e.g. lunch, breakfast, dinner, course = a separate part of a meal, e.g. the main course, a four-course meal. c What would you expect to find on a restaurant table in your country? What do you put on the tabic when you lay it for lunch or dinner? 2 THINGS PEOPLE DO IN RESTAURANTS a Match the verb phrases and pictures. waiters lay the table (opp. clear) take an order recommend a dish carry a tray serve a table pour the wine b 3 41))) Listen and check. ■ Pocket Book pp.36-37 1 NEW PHRASAL VERBS 2 PHRASAL VERBS WITH AWAY AND BACK a Match the phrasal verbs with the definitions a-1. 1 A You have ten more seconds... B I give up. What's the answer? 2 Hello? Is that the AA? I'm afraid my car's broken down. I'm ontheA451... 3 If you keep on making such a noise I won't read you a story. 4 I waited for ten minutes and just when I was going to go, he turned up. 5 I've come up with a really good idea. 6 Sorry, I can't come tonight. I'm taking my girlfriend out for dinner. They're taking on ten new interns at Radio London. Why don't we apply? 8 It's not true. I just made it up. 9 When I've finished giving out the exam papers, you can start. 10 Why don't you come round after class? We could watch the film together. 11 I asked my brother to help me carry out the repairs on my roof. 12 My aunt passed on all of her special recipes to her nieces and nephews. a appear b continue c invent d distribute e employ f go somewhere with someone you have invited g come to someone's home h stop something because you can't do it i stop working j think of k give something to someone 1 do b '4 10))) Listen and check. P Phrasal verbs Type 1 = no object The verb and particle(s) are never separated. Type 2 = + object (separable) The verb and the particle can be separated. Type 3 = + object (non-separable) The verb and the particlefs) are never separated. The meaning of the particle With some phrasal verbs, the meaning of the particle (the preposition or adverb after the verb) can help you to understand the phrasal verb, e.g. away often means to a different place, out of sight, and back often means to return an action. a Complete the gaps with a verb from the list. be (x2) call get give (x2) pay put run take away 1 If you don't want those clothes, give them away. I'm sure the charity shop would like them. 2 Don't_away! I won't hurt you. 3 The boss will_away until the end of next week. He's at a conference in Mexico. 4 Please_your toys away. They're all over the floor. 5 If you take a paracetamol, it'll_the pain away! back 6 I can only lend you the money if you promise to_ me back next month. 7 That's my book._it back. 8 I'm sorry, but I'm confiscating your phone. You'll_it back at the end of the day. 9 He's out, I'm afraid. Could you__back in about half an hour? 10 A Where are you going? B Just co the shops. I'll ._back in ten minutes. b 4 11))) Listen and check. 3 REVISION OF PHRASAL VERBS Look at some other phrasal verbs from Files 1 -6. Can you remember what they mean? Type 1 be on (TV or at the cinema), end up (all right after a bad start), grow up (on a farm in Sweden), move in (someone with a new house), zoom in (with a camera) Type 2 check out (a website that sounds interesting), close down (a business that's doing badly), give away (old clothes), give up (a bad habit), open up (a new shop), pick up (a newspaper to read), put on (a show), put up (shelves), send back (a dish thatyou don't like), set up (a Wi-fi network), switch off (a boring TV programme), take back (something that was broken), take out (the rubbish), throw away (food that's past its sell-by date), try on (somejeans), turn up / down / on / off (the TV) Type 3 ask for (the bill), be out of (a product that's sold out), fit in with (a new group of people), get away from (the noise), get out of (a car), look after (children or a pet), look for (your glasses), look forward to (a holiday next month), look out for (job vacancies), look round (a new city), move back to (your home town) • Pocket Book p. 38 1 KEEPING FIT a Match the words and pictures for equipment and exercises. Equipment (use) an exercise bike (go on) a running machine (also treadmill) (do / lift) weights (use) a rowing machine (use) a cross-trainer (use) a yoga mat Exercises do sit-up s do prcss-ups stretch do aerobics do spinning 10 do Pilates (or yoga) b 4 27))) Listen and check. c What equipment of exercises are good if you...? • want to lose weight • w ant to tone yoti r m uscles • want to do cardio exercises • have a bad back • want to improve your flexibility 2 BEAUTY TREATMENTS a Match the words and pictures. manicure /'mamikjos/ pedicure /'pcdikjua/ facial /'1'eijl/ massage /'mtcsary waxing /'wEeksin/ fake tan /feik 'taen/ b 4 28))) Listen and check. c Have you ever had any of these treatments? u drat/ ashave/Jeiv/ a trim (or have your hair trimmed) /trim/ highlights /'hatlaits/ b 4 31))) Listen and check.