LOGISTICS - TRANSPORT PART 2 . The aim of the lecture is to discuss various factors affecting the development of the transport sector Šárka Čemerková lecturer Logistics - Transport Part 2 . Factors affecting the development of the transport sector Globalization of transport EU transport strategy Regulation in transport Tariff systems Transport management in the company Structure of the lecture GLOBALIZATION OF TRANSPORT •air and ship transport are the most important in international transport •internally, road and rail transport dominate •significant differences between countries •in Europe, there is state ownership of railways or rail subsidies by the state •in Japan and Europe, shipping is much more used than in the US and Canada •costs of international transport represent a much higher share of the value of the product than in domestic transport • •Intermodal transport: otype of combined transport otransport process carried out using at least two different modes of transport while maintaining one integrated handling unit on the entire transport route, organized by only one operator ooverall result is cost savings and higher level of CS FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TRANSPORT SECTOR • Political aspects • Economic aspects • Technical aspects • Social aspects • Ecological aspects •Migration •Urban development •Problems of intercity transport •Problems of transport in cities •Transport investment financing •Planning EU TRANSPORT STRATEGY 2050 (WHITE PAPER ON TRANSPORT) •Efforts to create a competitive transport system within the EU that will improve mobility and also will remove major barriers in key areas (reducing Europe's dependence on oil, reducing transport carbon emissions by 60% by 2050) •10 strategic goals: oGoal 1: to halve the use of 'conventionally driven' cars in urban transport by 2030; discard them by 2050; by 2030 public transport without CO2. oGoal 3: by 2030 to transfer 30% of road freight transport over 300 km to other modes (rail, shipping), by 2050 more than 50%. oGoal 4: Complete the European high-speed rail network by 2050. Triple the length of existing high-speed rail networks by 2030 and maintain a dense rail network in all Member States. By 2050, most of the medium-haul passenger volume should be by rail. TRANSPORT REGULATIONS •Forms of transport regulation: o multilateral agreements o international bilateral agreements o national standards, legislation Road transport •CMR: oconvention on the contract of carriage in international road transport ostandard consignment note •TIR: oagreement establishing a system of security in a number of European countries and Japan to cover possible duties and other charges on goods transported in Europe and in international trade Source: https://www.trucksamolepky.eu •ADR: oEuropean agreement on the international carriage of hazardous substances travelling by road odiamond-shaped symbol on the back of a trailer ois designed to clearly show when a truck is carrying anything that is flammable, poisonous, corrosive, radioactive or otherwise harmful oregulates under what conditions goods can be transported, safety standards, etc. Source: http://www.bakugls.com/transporting-chemicals-by-road-a-guide-to-adr/ •ATP: oagreement on the international carriage of perishable foodstuffs and the specialized means for such carriage osets standards for international road and rail transport omeans of transport: I - isothermal R - refrigerated F - cooling and freezing C - heating • Source: http://www.testek.sk/files/stitky_349-2009.pdf •AETR: oEuropean agreement on the work of vehicle crews in international road transport odetermines the conditions applicable to professional road users (age and professional requirements for drivers, determines the maximum driving time, breaks and exceptions to these rules) analogue and digital tachograph •Toll systems ocharging for the use of roads by means of electronic monitoring of the movement of vehicles oneed to equip the vehicles under review with an on-board unit - independent for each country opayment for kilometers actually traveled - differentiated according to the season and ecological load of vehicles otwo basic types of systems vmicrowave system – toll gates monitoring with microwave sensors and vehicle motion detection cameras vsatellite system – enables full-area tracking of vehicles not only on specially equipped roads, but throughout the terrain o microwave systems dominate Europe oAustria introduced the first full - area microwave system in 2004, the Czech Republic in 2007 osince 2009 a traffic management system has been in operation in the Czech Republic, which enables online collection of traffic flow data using sensors and informing drivers of the current situation by means of information tables on the motorway osince 2012, a system that can detect a car traveling in the opposite direction (CZ) Rail transport •ATP •COTIF (Convention on International Carriage by Rail) Source: https://otif.org/en/?page_id=53 Source: https://otif.org/en/?page_id=53 Appendicies Air transport •Convention on the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air (called the Montreal Convention): ofor international transport only, either between two contracting states or to a return journey to and from the territory of a contracting state through the territory of any other state oEU has made it mandatory for all EU air carriers to carry passengers and luggage River transport •European Agreement on Main Inland Waterways of International Importance (AGN Agreement) •European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN) •Budapest Convention on the Contract for the Carriage of Goods by Inland Waterways (CMNI) • Sea transport •International Convention for the Unification of Certain Bill of Lading Rules (The Hague Rules) •United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea (Hamburg Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea) – the maritime carrier liability concept for damage •many countries have their own rules (e.g. USA, China) PRICE AND DELIVERY CONDITIONS OF CARRIERS •factors affecting shipping prices: ofactors related to the nature of the product: vdensity - weight to volume ratio vproduct shelf life vease / difficulty of handling vfinancial value and liability ofactors related to the market character: vlevel of competition vmarket placement vnature and extent of government regulatory measures vbalance or imbalance of transport to and from a certain market vseasonality of product movements vwhether the product is transported only nationally or internationally •tariff systems: oIn-kind (cost) tariff oValue tariff oDistance (kilometer) tariff oTime tariff oPerformance tariff oSpatial tariff oWeight tariff oCombined tariff o Source: www.dpp.cz TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT IN THE ENTERPRISE • external (out-plant) transport • internal (in-house) transport: o between objects o between operations o in operations •objectives of traffic management in the enterprise: o optimal use o higher level of service o flexibility o transparency Summary of the lecture You can: •Describe the factors influencing the development of the transport sector •Describe the selected objectives of the White Paper on Transport •Explain the importance and types of regulation in transport •Characterize tariff systems •Briefly describe traffic management in the enterprise