Individual Assignment Course Code: OPF:PEMNAENV Course Title: Business Environment Assessment Type Individual assignment (2000 words +/-10%) Academic Year 2022-23 Semester – summer 2023 Due date 11.5.2023 (until midnight) Assignment Task · The purpose of your assignment is to analyse the internal and external environment of a company of your choice. · For your assignment, choose ONE company from the Forbes Global 2000. Please visit the following web-link ( and analyse the company’s external and internal environment in which it inhabits. General guidance: · Before you choose your company, please think about the sources for your assignment. Are they easily available from the internet or any database? Are they relevant? Are they available in English or will you have to translate them? I strongly recommend finding company with information available in English as it will save you time to translate it. · Cite all information used in your work which is clearly from a source. Try to ensure that all sources in your reference list are seen as citations in your work, and all names cited in the work appear in your reference list. · Reference and cite your work in accordance with the University’s chosen referencing style (use the University’s internal norm for citing and referencing look at the appendix 4. and 5.). · Do not exceed the word limit. Task specific guidance: · Introduce your company: Who is it? What does it do – product/services? Is it private/public/voluntary? Which country does it operates in (it can be multinational country, but you choose specific country for your assignment)? What is the size of the company? · An analysis of the external environment in which the company exists: · PESTEL - For each factor detailed state what the implications are. · Opportunities and Threads from SWOT analysis · Market analysis – using STP and Perceptual mapping. · Competitor analysis using Porter’s Five forces analysis. · An analysis of the internal environment including: · Product analysis – using BCG model. · Competitive advantage – using VRIO analysis. · Strengths and weaknesses from SWOT analysis · Business model using Business model canvas. Opportunities for formative feedback sessions for the individual assignment will be provided during seminars or office hours.