1Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. The Global Startup Ecosystem Report Fintech Edition Learn more and get connected at startupgenome.com 2Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Table of Contents 03 Introduction 04 About Us 12 Insights & Rankings 13 Global Fintech Trends 19 Global Sub-Sector Startup Analysis 23 Global Fintech Ranking: Top 25 + 10 Runners-Up 27 Ecosystems With Populations Under 3 Million Ranking: Top 20 30 Who Benefits from Fintech Innovation? 33 How “Buy Now, Pay Later” Redefined Financial Inclusion 35 Leveraging Technology to Make an Impact through Financial Inclusion 39 Top Fintech Ecosystem Players 41 How New York City is Nurturing a New Generation of Financial Innovation 43 A Spotlight on Cairo’s Thriving Fintech Ecosystem 46 Ecosystem Pages 47 Silicon Valley 49 New York City 52 London 54 Singapore 57 Beijing 59 Toronto-Waterloo 62 Los Angeles 64 Boston 66 Paris 68 Shanghai 70 Sydney 73 Chicago 75 São Paulo 77 Seattle 79 Tel Aviv 82 Stockholm 84 Bangalore-Karnataka Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC (startupgenome.com). All Rights Reserved. You agree not to reproduce nor distribute the report, either by email, website download, or any other electronic or physical means without the prior written authorization of Startup Genome. This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as professional advice. September 2022, version 1.0 This report cannot be offered for download on any website other than startupgenome.com 87 Amsterdam-Delta 89 Tokyo 92 Abu Dhabi 95 Bahrain 98 Budapest 101 Cairo 104 Calgary 107 Denmark 110 Doha 113 Frankfurt 116 Istanbul 119 Kuala Lumpur 122 Manila 125 Melbourne 128 Montreal 131 Methodology & References 171 Acknowledgments & Partners Learn more and get connected at startupgenome.com 3Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Introduction With the rapid growth of neobanks and digital payments accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the mainstreaming of Cryptocurrency, NFTs, and Blockchain-backed technologies, Fintech has seen multi-faceted innovation in recent years. Emerging economies in particular have benefited from improved financial inclusion. 2021 was a record year for Series A deal amounts in Fintech and 138 Fintechs achieved unicorn status in 2021 — 6.5x growth from the number of unicorns created in 2020. But as inflation has increased in recent months and interest rates are raised, as well as the continued war in Ukraine and disrupted supply chains worldwide, the landscape appears to be changing in 2022. For the purposes of this report, Fintech describes a business that aims at developing a scalable financial services business by making use of software and modern technology. Fintech companies use the internet, Blockchain, and algorithms to offer or facilitate financial services traditionally offered by banks. These services include loans, payments, investments, and wealth management. Fintech also includes software that automates financial processes or addresses financial firms’ core business needs. Please see the methodology page for more information on the criteria used throughout the research and reporting within this report. Learn more and get connected at startupgenome.com 4Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. About Startup Genome Startup Genome is the world-leading policy advisory and research organization for public and private organizations committed to accelerating the success of their startup ecosystem. We have advised more than 125 clients across six continents in 45+ countries to date. Startup Genome’s mission is to accelerate startup success and ecosystem performance everywhere. We work together with global thought leaders and practitioners to define and execute robust policies and programs that drive lasting change. Our impact is rooted in over a decade of independent research with data on three million companies across 280 cities. Working side-by-side with 300 partner organizations, our frameworks and methodologies have become instrumental in building foundations for startups and startup ecosystems to grow. Many of the world’s leading governments and innovation-focused organizations have joined our knowledge network to cut through the complexities of startup ecosystem development and fuel sustained economic growth. Considered the new science of startup ecosystem assessment, we point to key gaps in startup ecosystems and prioritize actions to take in addressing them. Join us and boost startup success, economic growth, and job creation in your region. Follow our work at startupgenome.com, and on LinkedIn and Twitter. Public and private startup community leaders looking to accelerate the growth of their startup ecosystem can reach us at contact@startupgenome.com. Startup Genome’s mission is to accelerate startup success and ecosystem performance everywhere. 5Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center; Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo Smart Capital; CDC MaRS Discovery District; Communitech Corporation Tokyo Metropolitan Government; Deloitte Japan Osaka Business Development Agency T-Hub Foundation Tel Aviv Global Vinnova Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka Enterprise Singapore Hub71 Sharjah Entrepreneurship Center Seoul Business Agency Abstartups Ministry for Economy, Innovation, Digitization and Energy of the State of North; Rhine-Westphalia Office of Strategic Studies, Government of Ras Al Khaimah Quebec International Startup Portugal InnovatePGH Partnership; Pittsburgh Regional Alliance; Innovation Works Ben Franklin Technology Partners; University City Science Center; Drexel University Government of Ontario New York City Economic Development Corporation; Tech:NYC Investment NSW Startup Montréal; Centech; Ville de Montréal; Montréal International Moldovan Association of ICT CompaniesMeath Enterprise Knight Foundation LaunchVic; La Trobe University Department of Trade and Industry Tech Nation (formerly Tech City UK) Kyoto Wisdom Industry Creation Center Kerala Startup Mission KITS; Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre Istanbul Development Agency (ISTKA) Mississippi Development Authority Hessian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Energy, Transport and Housing The Government of the Grand Duke Luxembourg Technologiepark Heidelberg TechQuartier; StartHub Hessen Digital Hub Denmark City of Cape Town; WESGRO; Silicon Cape for Cape Town Information Technology Industry Development Agency National Research, Development and Innovation Office; Ministry of Innovation and Technology iNNpulsa; District Secretariat of Economic Development (DSED); Invest in Bogota Diputación Foral de Bizkaia Cabinet of the Minister for Innovation and Technological Development; Digital Serbia Initiative Tamkeen Techleap Cradle Fund City of Helsinki; City of Espoo; City of Vantaa Qatar Development Bank Innovacorp; ACOA New Zealand Startup Partnership EuraTechnologies City of Edmonton Platform Calgary; Calgary Economic Development Innovate BC Foresight Canada Up!Rotterdam; Rotterdam Partners Indiana Economic Development Corporation The Innovative Private Sector Development (IPSD) Israel Innovation Authority Ocean Super Cluster Novarium GSER 2022: Fintech Edition Our Global Network 6Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Our Services We work with forward-looking governments and private sector organizations to accelerate the success of their startup ecosystems to fuel the growth of more startups, sustainable economic growth, and job growth. Want to speak with someone from our team to find out more? Contact Adam Bregu, Director of Business Development and Partnerships (adam@startupgenome.com) Knowledge Exchange • Network of leading innovation policy makers in 45+ countries • Access to policy best practices and shared learning • Member meetings and leadership workshops Attraction • Creating awareness and a profile for your ecosystem • Highly targeted towards attracting entrepreneurs, talent, and investors • Global reach through our reports, conferences, and media Assessment • Scientific and data-driven assessment of ecosystem performance, sub-sector strengths, and success factor gaps • Ecosystem lifecycle • Peer benchmarking Strategy • Scenario modeling for economic impact • Ecosystem development strategy • Multiyear implementation roadmaps • Stakeholder engagement and steering committee formation Execution • Initiative execution and support for local ecosystem agencies and teams • Impact measurement and reporting • Delivered by Startup Genome and globally leading organizations and experts GSER 2022: Fintech Edition 7Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. About Global Entrepreneurship Network The Global Entrepreneurship Network operates a platform of projects and programs in 180+ countries aimed at making it easier for anyone, anywhere to start and scale a business. By fostering deeper cross-border collaboration and initiatives between entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, policymakers, and entrepreneurial support organizations, GEN works to fuel healthier start and scale ecosystems that create more jobs, educate individuals, accelerate innovation, and strengthen economic growth. GEN’s comprehensive global footprint of national operations and global verticals in policy, research, and programs ensures members have uncommon access to the most relevant knowledge, networks, communities, and programs relative to size of economy, maturity of ecosystem, language, culture, geography, and more. GEN operates a platform of projects and programs in 180+ countries aimed at making it easier for anyone, anywhere to start and scale a business. 8Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Everyday investors, journalists, founders, and the global business community turn to Crunchbase for information on startups and the people behind them. Provides data-driven intelligence on high-growth companies. TNW is a global digital brand that informs, inspires, and connects people who love tech, through media, events, and spaces. Primarily known for its media outlet and award-winning tech events, TNW also incorporates a co-working label, a global startup database, and delivers custom innovation programs to corporates and governments. Provides actionable advice on private capital challenges. Combining rigorous academic approaches with real world industry expertise, its expert team focuses on complex, customized projects that require thorough analysis, whether quantitative or qualitative in nature, to help its clients assess or design strategies, improve performance, and chart winning strategies for the future. (formerly Tech City UK): Empowers ambitious tech entrepreneurs through growth programs, digital entrepreneurship skills, a visa scheme for exceptional talent, and by championing the UK digital sector through data, stories, and media campaigns. GSER 2022: Fintech Edition About Our Global Partners 9Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. About ITIDA The IT Industry Development Agency (ITIDA) is the executive arm of the Egyptian Ministry of Communication & Information Technology. Since its establishment in 2004, ITIDA’s core ideology is spearheading the development of Egypt’s IT industry to increase its global competitiveness and make it a key contributor to the country’s economic growth. Understanding the significant role of innovation and tech- driven entrepreneurship as key drivers for economic growth and global competitiveness, ITIDA collaborates with distinguished public and private stakeholders to support the development of rising tech and tech-enabled startups. In 2010, ITIDA established the Technology Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center (TIEC), a dynamic entity that acts as a catalyst to the ecosystem and provides end-to-end support to entrepreneurs, starting from raising awareness on entrepreneurship in universities and ideation camps through pre-incubation and incubation programs to linkages with potential international/regional investors and market penetration support. Learn more about ITIDA at itida.gov.eg and about TIEC at tiec.gov.eg 10Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. About Tech:NYC Tech:NYC represents the companies and leaders that make up the city’s fastgrowing, entrepreneurial high-tech industry. It does so with government, civic institutions, in business and public policy forums, and with the media. Its primary goal is to continue to attract tech talent and jobs to NYC, to support the growth of the technology sector, and to increase civic engagement by leaders of the New York tech community. Tech:NYC mobilizes the expertise and resources of the tech sector to work with city and state government on programs and policies that ensure New York’s preeminence in the global innovation economy. Find out more about Tech:NYC at technyc.org About NYCEDC New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) is a mission-driven, nonprofit organization that works with and for communities across New York City to strengthen neighborhoods and create good jobs. It does this through industry and business development initiatives, training and skill-building programs, and public investments in key infrastructure. Learn more about NYCEDC at edc.nyc 11Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Discover More in Our Other Sub-Sector Editions 12Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Insights & Rankings 13 Global Fintech Trends 19 Global Sub-Sector Startup Analysis 23 Global Fintech Ranking: Top 25 + 10 Runners-Up 27 Ecosystems With Populations Under 3 Million Ranking: Top 20 12Learn more and get connected at startupgenome.com 13Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. GSER 2022: Fintech Edition Global Fintech Trends Key Findings • Of the top 10 tech exits in 2021, four were in Fintech: Coinbase, Nubank, Robinhood, and One97 Communications. • 2021 was a record year for Series A Fintech fundraising across the globe, with total deal amounts in Africa increasing almost 900% from 2020, North America up nearly 250%, and Latin American up nearly 200%. • Africa saw 10x growth in Series A funding amount in Fintech from 2020 to 2021. • Of the 200 Fintech unicorns created between 2017 and 2021, 138 achieved unicorn status in 2021. • $287 billion was collectively raised across 534 Fintech exits in 2021. • In H1 2022, the count of Series A deals is -27% in comparison to H1 2021 and -17% in comparison to H1 2020. • The count of Series B+ deals in H1 2022 is -12% in comparison to H1 2021, although H1 2022 was up 55% from H1 2020, indicating that 2021 levels were a pandemic-related peak. • 2021 was a record year for tech startups, and as is normal during record years, inflation was high — valuations calculated in terms of revenue multiples for late-stage funding and exit deals shot up 50% globally compared to 2020. Fintech saw an even higher level of inflation in late-stage funding deals during H1 2022 than in 2021, with revenue multiples increasing another 37%, reaching 104% above H1 2021 and more than 3x H2 2019. In 2020, we observed that “digital-only banking clearly is on the rise; including by adding new services such as wealth management as well as broader service bundles.” This proved true, and the growth of neobanks and digital payments was accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Such technology has seen particularly rapid uptake in emerging economies, improving financial inclusion and helping to accelerate innovation. However, Fintech expert Fabian Vandenreydt predicts that consolidation in digital banking will change the landscape, telling us “A lot of the payment companies will either disappear or will merge among themselves, or will be acquired by either financial institutions, bigger technology companies in payments, or possibly, private equity. I don’t think there will be less capital, but I think it will be deployed at different points and differently.” 14Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. The pandemic-driven boom of online shopping and low interest rates of recent years helped to drive the success of “Buy Now, Pay Later” (BNPL) startups, which were able to raise funds at low cost and offer easy–to-access loans to online consumers. Stockholm-founded Klarna is a leader in this area of consumer finance, accounting for the three highest deal amounts in BNPL startups in 2021– H2 2022. As interest rates increase and many countries are facing increased costs of living, this model may soon see declining deal values. Cryptocurrency has also exploded since our last Fintech report. 2021 saw record highs in the value of crypto leaders Bitcoin and Ethereum, before huge industrywide drops occurred in the first quarter of 2022, the so-called crypto winter. NFTs also made the headlines in 2021, with sales of digital ownership of intangible items reaching $25 billion — up from almost $95 million the year before — according to DappRadar, which provides insights on decentralized applications. “NFT” was even named Word of the Year 2021 by Collins Dictionary, further highlighting the technology’s move into the mainstream. Inflation for crypto deals has been even higher than for the one documented for Tech overall in the Global Startup Ecosystem Report 2022 (GSER 2022). Both crypto and NFTs have volatile market value and there’s much speculation about what their futures will look like, with some anticipating that the novelty of the latter in particular will soon fade. However, it’s clear that such financial tools are increasingly becoming mainstream, with governments worldwide considering whether to regulate the crypto industry and how best to do so. 2021 saw record highs in the value of crypto leaders Bitcoin and Ethereum, before huge industry-wide drops occurred in the first quarter of 2022, the so-called crypto winter. 14 15Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Funding & Investment Of the top 10 global tech exits in 2021, four were Fintechs: Coinbase at $86 billion, nubank at $42 billion, Robinhood at $32 billion, and One97 Communications at $16.8 billion. Together, they made up around 61% of the $287 billion total value of 534 global Fintech exits. Additionally, the top 21 exits in Fintech in 2021 were IPOs — making up the top 3% of all exits in 2021. This indicates that retail investors are excited about the sub-sector and see growth potential. However, this flurry of exits generated large amounts of “dry powder” (unspent funds earmarked for investment) that are likely to influence the investment climate going forward. In 2022, Fintech exits are down from these highs — H1 2022 has seen a decline of 23% in deal count compared to H1 2021. Exit value in H1 2022 is down 92% compared to H1 2021, a reflection of two huge exits taking place in H1 2021: Coinbase at $86 billion and BNPL startup Affirm at $15 billion. The ​top Fintech exits for 2022 so far are all mergers and acquisitions — Wyre at $1.5 billion, Wealthfront at 1.4 billion, and Technisys at $1.1 billion — due to stock markets that are unfavorable to IPOs. Between 2017 and the end of 2021, 200 Fintech unicorns were created globally — an impressive 138 achieved unicorn status in 2021. This indicates 6.5x growth from the number of Fintech unicorns created in 2020. North America produced the majority of Fintech unicorns created between 2017 and the end of 2021 at 49%, followed by 22% in Europe and 19% in Asia. Africa (excluding MENA) has produced three unicorns to date, all in Fintech and all in 2021. 15 16Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. 2021 was an impressive year for Series A Fintech fundraising across the globe, with total Series A deal amount in Africa increasing almost 900% from 2020, North America up nearly 250%, and Latin American up nearly 200%. Africa saw 10x growth in Series A funding amount in Fintech from 2020 to 2021. Huge deals including PalmPay’s $100 million and Kuda’s $25 million Series A rounds contributed to Africa’s record-breaking year. Latin America also saw a particularly steep rise in Series A deal count. Series A deal size has seen a 20% decline in H1 2022 compared to H2 2021 and is at almost the same level as H1 2021. The global count of Series A deals is -27% in H1 2022 in comparison to H1 2021 and -17% in comparison to H1 2020, with Q2 2022 dropping 41% from Q1 2022. However, the number of Series A deals continued to rise in Latin America, MENA, North America, and Oceania in 2021. Turning to global Series B+ deal count, H2 2022 was 12% lower than the record high achieved in H1 2021. 16 17Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. As discussed in the GSER 2022, 2021 was a record year for tech startups. As is normal during record years, inflation was high — valuations calculated in terms of revenue multiples for late-stage funding and exit deals shot up 50% globally compared to 2020. Surprisingly, the Fintech sub-sector saw an even higher level of inflation in late-stage funding deals during H1 2022 than in 2021. Revenue multiples increased 37% from H2 2021 to H1 2022. This means that the H1 2022 level of inflation was 104% above H1 2021 and more than 3x H2 2019. 2021 was a record year for tech startups. 17 104% Inflation increase from H1 2021 to H2 2022 Later-Stage Valuation / Revenue Median H2 2019 H1 2020 H2 2020 H1 2021 H2 2021 H1 2022 12.2x 15.5x 14.9x 19.9x 29.7x 40.6x 18Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Looking at product segments, the largest number of Series A Fintech deals in 2021 was in Payments, while Blockchain & Cryptocurrency was the only segment maintaining rapid growth. However, while Payments are maturing in Europe and North America, it is still growing rapidly in Africa, Latin America, and MENA. Series A funding has been rising steadily across all product segments except Consumer Finance. Blockchain saw a significant rise in Series B+ deal count in H1 2022. 18 19Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. GSER 2022: Fintech Edition Global Sub-Sector Startup Analysis Key Findings • All sub-sectors have seen accelerated growth since the GSER 2021, with the fastest growth being achieved by AI & BD, followed by Blockchain, Fintech, and Advanced Manufacturing and Robotics. • AI & BD is growing rapidly and becoming a core element of almost a quarter of startups. Over five years, it grew 51% in Series A deal count and 104% in exit count. • In 2021, Fintech experienced the second highest Series A deal size after AI & BD among purely digital sub-sectors, and second highest Series A median amount after Cybersecurity. In 2020, Startup Genome’s first Fintech report suggested that AI would help the Fintech industry develop hyper-personalized solutions. This has proved true. As discussed in the GSER 2022, AI & BD increasingly overlaps with other industries both in terms of amount invested and deal count. AI & BD was the sub-sector with the largest growth in the GSER 2022 timeframe, and data-driven decision-making and algorithmic processes are quickly becoming a standard component of most startups. +51%in Series A deal count +104%in exit count AI & BD 20Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. 21Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. 22Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. In 2021, Fintech experienced the second highest Series A deal size after AI & BD among purely digital sub-sectors, and second highest Series A median amount after Cybersecurity. For more detailed sub-sector analysis, explore the Global Startup Ecosystem Report 2021 and our other sub-sector reports. In 2021, Fintech experienced the second highest Series A deal size after AI & BD among purely digital sub-sectors, and second highest Series A median amount after Cybersecurity. 23Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Global Fintech Ranking: Top 25 + 10 Runners-Up GSER 2022: Fintech Edition Key Findings • The top five Fintech ecosystems are Silicon Valley, New York City, London, Singapore, and Hong Kong. • Hong Kong is a new entry in the top five ecosystems, thanks to strong scores in the Focus and Funding factors. • São Paulo is Latin America’s Fintech leader at #16. Nubank’s $42 billion IPO contributed to a 200x growth in the ecosystem’s exit amount in 2021 versus 2020. • North America and Asia both have eight ecosystems in the top 25, making up 32% each. Europe holds 24% with six ecosystems. MENA, Latin America, and Oceania each have one ecosystem in the top 25 (4% each). No African ecosystems are represented. Global Top 25 Hong Kong is among the top five global ecosystems for Fintech due in part to its number of Fintech-focused accelerators and incubators, which are reflected in its Focus factor score. The city also scores well in Funding, which includes early-stage funding volume and growth, as well as the number of local investors. In 2021, Hong Kong produced two Fintech unicorns: ZA and Amber Group. Its most recent unicorn, created in May 2022, is Babel Finance. Toronto-Waterloo’s improved Funding factor score has helped it move up six places from 2020, to #7. This is in part thanks to Wealthsimple’s $600 million May 2021 private equity round, the highest Fintech deal in the ecosystem in 2021. Toronto-Waterloo is also in the top five performing ecosystems in the Performance and Legacy factors and in the top 10 ecosystems in Funding and Experience. As home to 31 Fintech public companies with more than 250 employees, Zurich is a leader in the Legacy factor. Its high number of Fintech-focused accelerators and incubators contribute to its Focus factor, further driving the Swiss city’s entry at #15 (from #24 in 2020). Top 5 Fintech Ecosystems: Silicon Valley, New York City, London, Singapore, and Hong Kong. 24Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. São Paulo is Latin America’s Fintech leader and the region’s only entry in the top 25, at #16. Nubank’s December 2021 $42 billion IPO contributed to a 200x growth in exit amount in 2021 versus 2020. Latin America overall saw a 198% increase in Fintech Series A funding amount from 2020 to 2021 and produced six Fintech unicorns in 2021. With approximately 26,000 relevant patents registered in the ecosystem, Seattle is performing well in Knowledge, and is in the top five Fintech ecosystems for Talent. Both factors contribute to its move up to #18 from #26 in 2020. LA is another North American success story, coming in at #8 thanks to strong Funding and Talent scores. The ecosystem produced six unicorns in 2021, including Acorns and Recharge Payments. Tala, which provides financial services in emerging markets, secured a $145 billion Series E round in October 2021 and refinancing tool loanDepot exited at a valuation of $4.5 billion. Bangalore-Karnataka moved to #21 from tied #26 in 2020, thanks in part to Razorpay’s $375 million December 2021 Series F and CoinSwitch’s $260 million October 2021 Series C, which contribute to its Funding factor. This year’s Fintech report includes a change in methodology from our 2020 edition. Ecosystems benefit when they have a sub-vertical focus and our rankings now take better account of that fact. Greater weight has been given to the Focus factor to reflect the fact that more people working in the same area accelerates progress. For more information, see the Methodology section. The biggest movers from the 2020 Fintech report include Zurich (+9), Seattle (+8), Toronto-Waterloo (+6), and Bangalore-Karnataka (+6). Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Shanghai moved down five spots from 2020 (from #6 to #11) due to a 22% drop in exits over $1 million. The ecosystem has also experienced a 41% reduction in Series A rounds since the last ranking and a decline in the Talent factor score. Tokyo is a high performer in the Knowledge rank, indicating that it has produced a large amount of Fintech-related patents. The Japanese capital also scores well in Legacy, and the $2.7 billion acquisition of Paidy by PayPal 2021 contributed to the ecosystem’s success. 24 25Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Global Fintech Ranking (Top 25 + 10 Runners-Up) contd. Silicon Valley New York City London Singapore Hong Kong Beijing Toronto-Waterloo Los Angeles Boston Paris Shanghai Mumbai Sydney Chicago Zurich São Paulo Atlanta Seattle Tel Aviv Stockholm Overall Ranking 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Performance 10 10 10 7 6 10 9 8 9 6 7 9 8 7 2 8 8 4 4 3 Funding 10 10 10 10 8 9 9 9 6 8 6 7 4 5 6 8 3 2 7 6 Startup Experience 10 10 10 9 8 10 8 7 5 8 9 7 8 6 2 9 3 4 6 7 Knowledge 9 9 8 3 2 10 4 8 7 7 10 1 4 5 6 2 4 8 8 6 Talent 10 9 8 8 6 5 5 9 10 8 4 2 5 9 8 1 7 10 7 6 Focus 9 9 10 10 10 4 8 8 7 8 6 7 6 6 8 3 3 5 2 4 Legacy 10 10 9 7 10 8 9 6 5 7 6 8 7 6 10 4 4 1 6 8 Factors scored 1 to 10, with 1 the lowest and 10 the highest. For more information, please see Methodology. 26Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Global Fintech Ranking (Top 25 + 10 Runners-Up) Bangalore-Karnataka Amsterdam-Delta Delhi Tokyo Luxembourg Austin Frankfurt Miami Seoul Washington, D.C. Dallas Estonia Hangzhou Melbourne Salt Lake-Provo Overall Ranking 21 22 23 24 25 26-30 31-35 Performance 3 5 5 4 1 2 2 5 2 3 6 1 1 6 4 Funding 8 4 7 4 1 5 1 4 3 3 2 5 2 2 1 Startup Experience 6 5 5 6 1 4 2 3 4 3 1 2 4 2 1 Knowledge 7 6 2 10 1 5 5 3 10 6 4 1 9 3 2 Talent 3 6 2 3 1 10 3 2 2 7 6 1 4 4 4 Focus 6 2 5 1 10 5 7 3 4 2 1 9 4 1 2 Legacy 1 8 2 9 4 2 5 2 5 4 3 1 2 3 3 Factors scored 1 to 10, with 1 the lowest and 10 the highest. For more information, please see Methodology. 27Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Ecosystems With Populations Under 3 Million Ranking: Top 20 GSER 2022: Fintech Edition Key Findings • The top five Fintech ecosystems with populations under 3 million are Zurich, Stockholm, Luxembourg, Austin, and Estonia. • Europe makes up most of the top 20 Fintech ecosystems with populations under 3 million, with 12 entries (60%). North America produced seven (35%) of the top 20, and MENA one (5%). • Austin is North America’s top performing ecosystem with a population under 3 million. Its high score in Talent is driven by the number of Fintech papers published in leading academic journals. Austin also performs well in the Funding factor thanks to high levels of early-stage funding and the Experience factor thanks to the number of Series A deals created in the ecosystem over 10 years. • At #12, Abu Dhabi is MENA’s only entry into the top 20 ecosystems with a population under 3 million, due to its performance in Focus and Legacy. Fintech companies comprise 7.8% of the ecosystem’s startups, versus MENA’s average of 4.5% in ecosystems with Fintech startups. Notable Top 20 Ecosystems Zurich’s count of high-quality universities such as ETH Zurich, one of the world’s leading institutions in science and technology, and number of Fintech-related academic publications contribute to its high performance in the Talent factor and help it secure the top spot in the ranking. Stockholm is the global leader in terms of Funding, Experience, and Knowledge in Fintech, and the second highest in the Legacy factor. The city has a wellestablished Fintech ecosystem and its large number of financial institutions provides partnerships and support for startups. Buy now, pay later startup Klarna, open banking platform Tink, and point-of-sale provider iZettle are just some of the Fintech success stories to come out of Stockholm in recent years. Luxembourg is also an established financial center and its place in the top five is in large part due to its high score in the Focus factor — Fintechs make up 7% of the ecosystem’s startups, versus a global average of 3% for ecosystems with Fintech startups. Estonia’s place in the top five is also mainly due to its performance in Focus. Fintechs account for 5.5% of the ecosystem’s startups. Helsinki’s place at #14 is in part due to its high score in Knowledge. The Finnish city is ranked #27 globally in the number of Fintech-related patents. 28Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. contd. Rank - Tier 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Zurich Stockholm Luxembourg Austin Estonia Salt Lake-Provo Copenhagen Dublin Charlotte Vancouver Oslo Abu Dhabi Hartford Helsinki Brussels Geneva Orlando Vienna Malta Nashville 10 10 8 3 1 7 6 4 8 2 9 9 8 8 10 10 3 6 4 6 Legacy 10 8 10 9 10 7 7 8 8 6 6 10 7 3 6 5 4 6 9 1 Focus 9 7 3 10 2 6 8 3 2 8 6 2 9 6 7 8 5 8 2 5 Talent 10 10 4 10 2 7 8 5 6 9 6 1 8 10 8 8 5 7 1 2 Knowledge 10 10 8 10 9 9 7 10 4 9 8 4 6 7 8 5 8 5 3 7 Startup ExperienceFunding 10 10 9 10 10 9 8 8 5 9 8 4 4 7 7 5 7 5 4 6 10 10 8 9 5 10 8 8 10 6 7 5 6 7 4 4 7 3 2 9 Performance Factors scored 1 to 10, with 1 the lowest and 10 the highest. For more information, please see Methodology. 29Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. contd. Rank - Tier 21-25 26-30 31-35 Bristol Columbus Edinburgh-Glasgow Kansas City Research Triangle Nicosia Pittsburgh Prague Sofia St. Louis Brisbane Calgary Cincinnati Cleveland Lithuania 6 7 5 4 3 5 7 2 1 2 4 2 5 9 1 Legacy 1 4 2 8 2 9 2 4 1 5 2 4 3 3 5 Focus 6 10 7 5 10 2 10 4 2 9 4 4 3 4 2 Talent 9 3 7 3 9 2 6 4 2 3 5 4 4 6 1 Knowledge 2 4 6 6 6 2 2 4 5 4 3 2 1 1 1 Startup ExperienceFunding 3 2 8 3 6 2 1 3 3 6 1 3 4 1 6 9 6 3 2 3 2 5 6 8 1 4 2 1 1 4 Performance Factors scored 1 to 10, with 1 the lowest and 10 the highest. For more information, please see Methodology. 30Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. JIMMY CHEN Jimmy Chen is the founder and CEO of Propel and the creator of the Providers app, which offers low-income Americans the ability to track their SNAP benefits (more commonly known as food stamps) and debit accounts while granting users access to job postings, discount coupons, and savings tools. Chen graduated from Stanford and worked as a Product Manager at Facebook before leaving to produce software for people experiencing poverty. Who Benefits from Fintech Innovation? These days, many are disillusioned by Fintech — is it just another way for the wealthy to become even wealthier? America’s financial services industry has historically been known to perpetuate economic inequality. Can Fintech change that story, or will it be more of the same? More than ever before, entrepreneurial Fintech apps, portals, and streamlined websites are helping people optimize their financial health, often from the convenience of mobile devices. The Fintech industry’s explosive growth results from factors including burgeoning cryptocurrencies, dynamic regulations, a need for more affordable financial services, and the economic impact of COVID-19. Beneficiaries of Fintech Startup Innovation People in tech typically set out to solve their own problems. Fintech startups frequently stem from founders aiming to optimize financial products and services after they observe an opportunistic gap as a result of their own life experiences. Individuals who have challenges that overlap with a Fintech organization’s founder — frequently coupled with other demographic similarities — are usually their best-served segment. GSER 2022: Fintech Edition 31Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. However, people who demographically differ from the average Fintech founder (by location, age, gender, socioeconomic status, race, etc.) have fewer innovations created on their behalf. While targeting a lookalike audience is advantageous for say, managing advertising budgets, overlooking those who are unlike existing Fintech founders leaves neglected segments within the Fintech startup space, as well as in global economies. More quality Fintech innovations targeted at a broader range of demographics would create stronger overall financial health across the board. This does not necessarily have to create not-for-profit ventures. Finding business models that align revenues with the positive social impact of serving an underserved community — such that you can only achieve one if you also achieve the other — is the best way to avoid finding yourself in a situation where you’re forced to trade off one at the expense of the other. It’s a more difficult business to build, but once created, can be deeply sustainable. Fintech Startups Can Better Support the Financially Vulnerable In order to utilize Fintech innovation to better support wellness among the financially vulnerable, the industry must improve how it serves specific audience segments and appropriately lift underrepresented individuals to found startups that support their communities. Unexpectedly to some, low-income households command, on the aggregate, a substantial amount of purchasing power — and there are far fewer companies competing for it. Few for-profit startups believe they can relieve financial inequality and even fewer think they can achieve high growth in doing so. While tech won’t solve poverty alone, it can play a significant role in building safety net services that restore financial health. Fintech can better serve neglected audiences by enabling B2C companies to better define who their customer is, how to determine their key market, and what they should do to best serve their clientele. The expansion of supported segments aims to increase the representation of currently underserved audiences as well as the advantages they receive as a result. This includes thorough research and honesty on what truly benefits customers; that can’t be achieved when those innovations include a paternalistic view of what elitists deem is best for individuals with whom they don’t identify closely. Audiences won’t use products or services that don’t solve their problems effectively, and adoption will be higher among those who feel the innovations provide sensible choices and respectful treatment along with convenience. At a time when many are financially fragile and assumptions about cash flow, savings buffers, and credit scores may actually be poor business decisions, Fintech should intentionally and empathetically promote customer specialization that prioritizes customer well-being. Enabling Traditionally Excluded Entrepreneurs Of course, no amount of empathy is a replacement for lived experience. The best way for Fintech to serve a wider swath of the population is to enable a diverse The best way for Fintech to serve a wider swath of the population is to enable a diverse set of entrepreneurs to start companies that address the issues they understand best. Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. 32Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. set of entrepreneurs to start companies that address the issues they understand best. Entrepreneurial diversity of all kinds — gender, race, age, geography, language, socioeconomic status, and more — is critical to creating a Fintech ecosystem that serves everyone, not just the well off. As one example, the Providers app, created by Propel, offers a free checking account and debit card for managing SNAP benefits, disability benefits, child tax credits, and cash, as well as allowing users to track expected payment arrival dates. It allows users to manage earned income and government assistance alongside one another in the same app, in addition to facilitating job hunting, and allowing users to compare grocery prices. Traditionally, people receiving government assistance would often check their account balances by purchasing an inexpensive item and looking at the number displayed on the receipt. The Providers app permits users the dignity of personal financial awareness and reduces unnecessary hurdles. While there are over 40 million Americans who receive SNAP benefits, this is merely one of many underserved segments of the population — enabling more diversity in entrepreneurship is key to unlocking Fintech’s promise of prosperity for all. This contributed article was prepared by Jimmy Chen in a personal capacity. The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views or position of Startup Genome. Entrepreneurial diversity of all kinds is critical to creating a Fintech ecosystem that serves everyone, not just the well off. 33Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. WALID HASSOUNA Walid Hassouna is the CEO of valU, the first “Buy Now, Pay-Later” startup in MENA. He is also the Chairman of Paytabs Egypt and the Vice Chairman of EFG EV Fintech. He sits on multiple boards and his leadership of the NBFI platform at EFG Hermes has seen it grow multiple businesses and launch innovative brands. Walid holds a BBA from Cairo University, an MBA from Georgia State University, and an Islamic Finance Qualification from CISI-UK. How “Buy Now, Pay Later” Redefined Financial Inclusion With soaring prices and dwindling purchasing power, people are growing out of the traditional procedures and limitations that come with applying for credit cards. Instead, many are finding “Buy Now, Pay Later” (BNPL) to be a more convenient solution. Dating back to the 19th century, the BNPL model makes onboarding customers to installment plans a lot faster than accessing conventional bank credit and in turn benefits businesses by making their products more easily attainable. I still find it mind boggling that the model was introduced to the Egyptian market almost two centuries ago. Today, it has evolved to become a very viable Fintech product around the world. The Need for “Buy Now, Pay Later” Due to a range of uncertainties, many people around the world find it hard to apply for and be approved for bank credit. Personally speaking, for someone who’s based between Cairo and the U.S., I have both BNPL and traditional bank cards. For any transaction that I make through the latter — for example, making an Easy Payment Plan transaction using my bank card — I have to go to the app, pick this specific transaction, pick a tenor, and agree on the interest rate. It’s not easy for me to understand my statement and verify the fees associated with each transaction. In comparison, my BNPL accounts are much more straightforward. GSER 2022: Fintech Edition 34Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. The modern BNPL model was created to provide an easier checkout, faster onboarding, and more transparency in accessing and handling credit. Most BNPL models outside of Egypt are free for the customer in every aspect — zero interest, zero fees. Due to the relative ease and transparency compared to traditional credit processes, demand is high and BNPL models have emerged around the world. BNPL is one of the fastest-growing segments in consumer finance, with Reuters reporting that transaction volumes hit $120 billion in 2021, up from just $33 billion in 2019. An Easy Solution When we decided to build valU, a BNPL startup, we aimed to solve hurdles specific to the Egyptian market. The first of these was that it took at least 72 hours to get underwritten — people seeking credit needed to submit an illogical amount of documentation. There might even be a visit to their house, work, or both. It would take almost 21 days after the application for a normal citizen to receive an unsecured credit card. We found the slow timing, extensive documentation, and external verification huge burdens to obtaining credit. An easy solution popped to mind — we wanted to build a model that allowed customers to instantly access financial products with ID only, and with no in-person visits or guarantors required. We were met with skepticism. But because we use data to underwrite customers, and because we have immense professional experience in the banking system, we understand every bank and each policy. As such, we have a very low cost of risk compared to other lending institutions. valU acquires 30,000 customers per month and processes an average of 100,000 transactions worth EGP 700 million per month, which makes it the biggest BNPL provider in Egypt and the second among Egyptian consumer finance companies. And all this in just four years. We have made accessing credit easier for ordinary people, our risk is under control, and we didn’t burn a lot of cash. valU has been profitable from January 2020, exactly two years from launch. Our disruption of the Egyptian lending market led to others following suit. Today, there are a lot of products in the market that are similar to us or are a carbon copy of our business model. We are also partners with e-payment companies such as Paymob and PayTabs Egypt, which are able to provide installment-based plans to merchants for online acquisitions through valU. Inflation-Proofing a “Buy Now, Pay Later” Model Globally, BNPL is usually based on 0% interest for the customer and a commission from the merchant. Our model is different: 50% of our transactions are 0% for the customer and the other half is a long tenor with an interest rate and purchase fees payable by our customers. That’s why our business is inflation-proof — our value hasn’t been affected by macroeconomic factors. During recent inflation, our valuation actually went up thanks to our interest-bearing products, which differentiate us from traditional BNPL models. Today, there are around 30 different players that are very similar to valU. This creates a very healthy competitive environment that not only provides benefits to our customers, but also reflects on the broader business cycle of commerce. It fascinates me that a financial instrument as old as time has been rethought as a Fintech innovation that disrupts markets and changes the lives of people for the better. This contributed article was prepared by Walid Hassouna in a personal capacity. The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views or position of Startup Genome. 35Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. AHMED WAGUEEH Ahmed Wagueeh is the co-founder and CTO of Khazna, an Egyptian Fintech startup dedicated to improving the financial well-being of the 35 million Egyptians who lack access to formal financial services. Passionate about software development since childhood, he studied computer engineering at the Cairo University and worked for Intel, Valeo, and IBM, before cofounding Khazna in 2020. Leveraging Technology to Make an Impact through Financial Inclusion In recent years, Fintech has expanded from the exclusive domain of large, established financial institutions. This has given rise to a variety of consumeroriented solutions designed to provide access to financial services, especially for traditionally underserved populations. This enables people who lack access to financial services to gain access to critical lifelines such as insurance and credit lines, which are essential for battling life’s unexpected hardships and harnessing unforeseen opportunities. Fintech Can Empower Underserved Populations Access to financial services remains a challenging yet necessary endeavor. In countries that have yet to fully embrace Fintech, most traditional financial services cater to high-value segments of the market. The underserved have very few options except to rely on unpredictable, unstable, and often undocumented means of obtaining capital: personal loans from friends, family, or employers, for example. In times of economic hardship, the inability to obtain the financial flexibility enjoyed by more fortunate segments of the population can negatively impact the health and well-being of underserved communities. Fintech has evolved to GSER 2022: Fintech Edition 36Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. become a solution to this service gap, and at Khazna, our vision is to improve lives by extending world-class financial services to everyone. The Fintech Landscape in Egypt As an Egyptian startup, inspired by the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE)’s efforts toward financial inclusion amongst many strategies, utilizing technology to drive this, our mission begins right here, in one of the world’s most financially underserved populations. According to the World Bank’s Global Findex Database, 73% of Egyptian adults are unbanked. One reason for this is that, according to our research, 60% of the blue-collar workforce struggles to save money year after year, and opening a traditional bank account in Egypt often requires a minimum cash deposit. Additionally, the inconvenience of traditional banking offerings and disinterest in incumbent institutions further distances Egypt’s working population from the economic safety net that formal credit and financial systems can offer. Therefore, a significant portion of the Egyptian population relies on uncomfortable and inconvenient sources of credit such as borrowing from friends and family to cover short-term financial needs. Internet availability and access in Egypt, however, is a different story. As of January 2021, internet penetration in Egypt stood at 57%. Additionally, Egypt has the highest number of smartphone users in MENA. The median age in Egypt is 24.6 years, and this young, tech-savvy portion of the population is eager to use financial services and conduct various transactions online. Therefore, Egypt has become an incredibly attractive market for Fintech startups, especially homegrown businesses such as Khazna. We have a vested interest in Egypt and are striving to make a positive impact by creating a path to financial stability for underserved Egyptian citizens. According to FinTech Egypt — an initiative spearheaded by the Central Bank of Egypt to support, promote, and develop the country’s Fintech sector — and infrastructure as well as lending and alternative finance are the Fintech subsectors with the highest growth potential. Additionally, Egypt is home to top-tier economists. There are a lot of people working hard to achieve sustainability goals that also enhance the economy. Financial inclusion is at the forefront of the national and international sustainability movement, and Fintech solutions can improve the financial wellbeing of millions of individuals who are overlooked by established financial services models. It is against this backdrop that a new generation of Egyptian workers is emerging — a generation that demands more financial freedom to create generational wealth and climb the economic ladder. Fintech solutions can improve the financial well-being of millions of individuals who are overlooked by established financial services models. 36Learn more and get connected at startupgenome.com 37Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Solving the Problem of Cash At Khazna, we build technology to create an impact on society, and this impact is in the form of financial inclusion. In lockstep with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, we provide solutions to what we call the “problem of cash.” Blue-collar workers in Egypt often struggle to obtain the requirements to open a traditional bank account. This puts key financial tools such as loans and credit cards out of reach for a large portion of the population, including people who are gainfully employed. Fortunately, the government has created a regulatory and technological infrastructure that supports the digitization of currency. As a result, economic activity and entrepreneurial opportunities have increased exponentially. For example, in 2017 there were approximately 70,000 POS (point of sale) machines around the country. In 2022, Egypt is home to more than 800,000 POS machines. This is a direct result of the infrastructure that the government has built. In summary, a digital economic framework enables significantly more people and small businesses to participate in the economy. Based on this foundation, we strive to empower Egyptians financially through our products and services, such as the Khazna App and Khazna Card. By partnering with employers to validate employee data and creditworthiness, we offer multipurpose credit lines to users of our Khazna App. Users can take advantage of their credit line in several ways: withdrawing earned wages in cash, using “Buy Now, Pay Later” (BNPL) services, accessing bill payment services, and enabling companies to transfer payroll instantly to their employees. Our products are designed for ease of use with the customers’ needs on top of all product design and development decisions, to fit the mid and low-income segments’ requirements. This contributed article was prepared by Ahmed Wagueeh in a personal capacity. The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views or position of Startup Genome. Our Khazna Card, a prepaid card launched in partnership with the Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank, provides unbanked cardholders with a wide range of financial services that would typically be out of their reach. Khazna Card users have instant, around-the-clock access to a multipurpose credit line on the Khazna App, even on national holidays and other periods when traditional financial institutions are closed. Egypt Is Just the Beginning As an impact-driven company, all of our services are developed by Egyptians in Egypt to empower Egyptians who lack access to formal financial services. The investment funding that we’ve received over the last two and a half years is a testament to our business model and the greater concept of positively impacting society through technology and financial inclusion. Although our products are currently focused on the Egyptian market, our vision is to improve lives by extending world-class financial services to all. I hope this article serves as an eye-opening example of how startups in developing countries throughout the world can empower their populations through the creative use and application of Fintech. In 2017 there were approximately 70,000 POS (point of sale) machines around the country. In 2022, Egypt is home to more than 800,000 POS machines. 38Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Top Five Ecosystems Singapore Hong Kong Beijing Shanghai Mumbai Ecosystems to Watch Kuala Lumpur Manila ASIA Top Five Ecosystems Sydney Melbourne New Zealand Brisbane Adelaide OCEANIA Top Five Ecosystems Silicon Valley New York City Toronto-Waterloo Los Angeles Boston Ecosystems to Watch Calgary Montreal NORTH AMERICA Top Five Ecosystems São Paulo Mexico City Buenos Aires Santiago Lima LATIN AMERICA Top Five Ecosystems Lagos Nairobi Johannesburg Cape Town Accra AFRICA Top Five Ecosystems Tel Aviv Abu Dhabi Dubai Riyadh Cairo Ecosystems to Watch Bahrain Doha MENA Top Five Ecosystems London Paris Zurich Stockholm Amsterdam-Delta Ecosystems to Watch Budapest Denmark Istanbul EUROPE Top Five Ecosystems by Region & Ecosystems to Watch GSER 2022: Fintech Edition 39Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Startupbootcamp Top Fintech Ecosystem Players Global Top Fintech Accelerators & Incubators Top Fintech Accelerators & Incubators by Region Y Combinator F10 Village Capital FinTech Innovation Lab Plug and Play Tech Center Techstars Google for Startups Accelerator Astralabs MassChallenge L Antler Cyberport Hong Kong Chain Capital (Shanghai) JioGenNext LongHash Ventures ASIA X15 Ventures Lightning Lab Centrality Muru-D Bitfwd Ventures OCEANIA Y Combinator Plug and Play Tech Center Techstars Village Capital Google for Startups Accelerator NORTH AMERICA Start-Up Chile Gate.io Labs Darwin Startups Cotidiano Aceleradora Platanus Ventures LATIN AMERICA AlphaCode (South Africa) Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology Villgro Africa Ada LAB CcHub Growth Capital AFRICA Falak Startups EFG-EV FINTECH FasterCapital Flat6labs Abu Dhabi Global Market MENA Startupbootcamp F10 Startup Wise Guys Entrepreneur First Barclays Accelerator powered by Techstars EUROPE GSER 2022: Fintech Edition The top accelerators, incubators, and investors are determined primarily by the number and amount of investments in Fintech-related companies between 2017 to 2021. 40Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Andreessen Horowitz Global Top Fintech VC Firms & Investors Top Fintech VC Firms & Investors by Region Coinbase Ventures Alumni Ventures 500 Global Global Founders Capital QED Investors FJ Labs Clocktower Technology Ventures Digital Currency Group Speedinvest Sequoia Capital India Binance Labs Fenbushi Capital Sequoia Capital China BEENEXT Capital Management ASIA Reinventure Group Kosmos Ventures AirTree Ventures Grok Ventures National Australian Bank Ventures OCEANIA Coinbase Ventures Andreessen Horowitz 500 Global QED Investors FJ Labs NORTH AMERICA Kaszek Monashees Bossa Nova Investimentos Canary (Brazil) NXTP Ventures LATIN AMERICA Blockdream Ventures EchoVC Partners LoftyInc Capital Management 4Di Capital Acuity Ventures Partners AFRICA VentureSouq Kube VC Moneta Venture Capital Aleph Viola FinTech MENA Global Founders Capital Speedinvest Anthemis Group Partech Index Ventures EUROPE Top Fintech Ecosystem Players GSER 2022: Fintech Edition The top accelerators, incubators, and investors are determined primarily by the number and amount of investments in Fintech-related companies between 2017 to 2021. 41Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. How New York City is Nurturing a New Generation of Financial Innovation New York City has long cemented its status as home to the world’s most influential financial institutions, and it’s quickly confirming its place as a Fintech leader. When Andreeseen Horowitz announced that it was opening a new office in the city in late 2021, the leading investment firm stated “New York has long been the financial capital of the world, and there’s no question it will become the fintech capital too.” The breadth of the sector is represented by a swell of companies that have completed IPOs or reached unicorn status in recent years — startups building the future of mobile banking, insurance, wealth and asset management, and more. Among them are insurance startup Lemonade and personal finance app MoneyLion, both of which went public in 2021. Blockchain security company Chainalysis and corporate card and finance automation platform Ramp are each valued at approximately $4 billion. In total, more than 1,000 Fintech startups call New York City home, at least 20 of which have reached unicorn status. Some of the most rapid growth has come from Cryptocurrency and Blockchain companies, whose number increased a whopping 106% (up to 338 from 110) since 2016. GSER 2022: Fintech Edition Supporting the Next Generation of Financial Innovation Its Wall Street legacy and long-standing status as a financial hub have helped New York City become the most attractive place for early-stage entrepreneurs to build their Fintech startups. Well-established financial institutions are an active part of the ecosystem, supporting new players through dedicated initiatives such as the FinTech Innovation Lab. A premiere accelerator program co-founded by the Partnership Fund for New York City and Accenture, it has so far supported 270 early-stage Fintech companies that have collectively raised $2.7 billion in new capital to date. Rise, created by Barclays, is another Fintech initiative backed by a traditional bank. A hub for startups and scale-ups to connect with each other and Barclays connections, it offers coworking space and dedicated initiatives to support female Fintech founders. Additionally, at the end of 2021, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York launched the New York Innovation Center to support product innovation for the central bank community. 42Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. A Global Leader in Democratizing Access to Financial Services With the world’s largest stock exchange just down the street from the newest web3 startup, New York City’s financial sector is just as varied as the city itself. And when the COVID-19 pandemic exposed and exacerbated existing gaps in financial inclusion, players throughout the ecosystem responded quickly. In the last few years, dozens of New York City startups have been founded to improve access to financial services, and many existing Fintech startups pivoted or adapted their products to prioritize greater equality. Examples include Guava, a neobank and community platform serving Black entrepreneurs and small businesses that has raised a $2.4 million pre-seed round. Further, MoCaFi has raised more than $7 million to provide financial products to under- and unbanked communities. In December 2021, Goalsetter closed a $15 million Series A from major bank investors to scale its child- and family-focused banking and savings platform, and since its founding in 2018, alternative credit card company Petal has used more than $700 million in VC funding to quickly scale its machine learning tools and provide a critical lifeline for those with low or no credit scores. A Hotbed for the Future of Decentralized Finance New York City is home to the world’s most well-funded crypto startups: in 2021, the city attracted $6.5 billion in venture capital funding, or 46% of all VC funding for crypto startups in the U.S. Some of the largest DeFi companies call the city home — ConsenSys, Fireblocks, Gemini, NYDIG, and Paxos among them — and earlier-stage Fintech companies are increasingly incorporating Blockchain infrastructure into their product offerings. New York City-based Uniswap Labs is the largest decentralized exchange operating on the Ethereum Blockchain, and Nivelo is using Blockchain to offer seamless and more secure digital payroll services. A Global Public Square for the World’s Fintech Community Both early-stage and established Fintech startups understand the importance of New York’s position in the global financial ecosystem, making the city a top business destination for Fintech leaders from across the world. NY Fintech Week is an annual, large-scale forum bringing together more than 17,000 fintech founders, investors, and financial service professionals, and NY Fintech Women is the city’s go-to event for convening and empowering women in Fintech. NFT.NYC is one of the city’s most popular tech events, bringing together artists, advocates, and technologists using NFTs to build their projects. In addition, Mainnet’s annual summit addresses the ways crypto continues to disrupt adjacent industries. Ample Opportunity for Fintech Founders With a strong legacy, dedicated initiatives, and vibrant networking scene, New York City has ample opportunities for Fintech founders. It may be home to timehonored institutions such as Wall Street and the New York Stock Exchange, but with both traditional banks and dynamic new players fostering innovation, the financial ecosystem here is anything but staid. 43Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. A Spotlight on Cairo’s Thriving Fintech Ecosystem In emerging venture markets, where Fintech consistently attracts more money than any other sector, Egypt’s ecosystem is surging on the twin waves of demographics and demand. Roughly two-thirds of the country’s 106 million people — the largest population in MENA — are unbanked. In a strong sign for technology adoption, more than half are younger than 25. Mobile penetration is almost total. Egypt’s government, consequently, is counting on new digital services to replace the country’s cash culture, which is critical for poverty reduction. Toward that end it is reworking regulations to create a growth-friendly environment for Fintech startups, especially for consumer and small-business applications, and for embedded finance. Most recently, the Financial Regulatory Authority eased the way for fintech companies’ expansion into sectors including insurance, capital markets, and real-estate financing. Fostering Fintech Innovation The Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) is an innovation catalyst. In 2019, CBE launched a Fintech sandbox: a regulatory safe space for startups to experiment with business models and technology. Its latest initiative, FinTech Hub, is planting the seeds of finance’s future in a symbol of finance’s past: gathering startups, GSER 2022: Fintech Edition investors, mentors, service providers, and other parts of the ecosystem in a CBE heritage building in central Cairo. Egypt’s commitment to the industry is manifest in FinTech Hub, which is positioned as the physical nexus for all parts of the ecosystem and a launchpad for startups serving all of MENA. “For startups, working hand-in-hand with the Central Bank is very important,” says Tarek A. El Kady, founder and chairman of Alex Angels and the Mediterranean Angel Investors. “These companies are solving real problems and gaining traction. With government involvement they can move forward.” Critical to that progress is digital banking, which CBE approved in 2020. Banque Misr — one of Egypt’s four major state-owned banks — responded quickly with the launch of Egypt’s first digital bank in 2021. Cairo startups also are playing in this space, including Telda, which landed a $5 million pre-seed round led by Sequoia in 2021. Banque Misr views collaboration with entrepreneurs as critical to the future of finance. It has created an innovation program for startups, a string of business-development centers targeting founders, and a brand-new accelerator. The state isn’t only clearing roads for startups; it also is putting gas in their engines. In March 2022, Egypt’s three largest national banks, in partnership with VC firm Global Ventures, launched an $85 million fund supporting Fintech 44Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. innovation. Several early investments squarely target the under- and unbanked, including Khazna, which provides services including buy now, pay later and bill payments to individuals, and Mozare3, which links smallholder farmers to food processors and buyers. “The big state-run banks want to get in on these opportunities early,” says Loay Y. El-Shawaby, principal at El-Shawarby Attorneys at Law and a co-founder of the angel network Alex Angels. “The National Bank of Egypt advertises itself not only as a financial institution but also as an unbanked financial-technology institution.” Egypt also is optimizing its infrastructure for digital onboarding. CBE recently launched an electronic know-your-customer system. And in March 2022, it adopted the Instant Payment Network — an inter-bank operating system — and the associated app InstaPay, which enables instant electronic transactions between banks and their customers. It also has plans for APIs allowing Fintech startups to connect to the open-banking infrastructure. A Venture Magnet With so much demand and support for Egyptian Fintech, private money also is converging on the sector, from local and international venture capital firms and at least five major angel networks. In the first half of 2022, Fintech startups reaped a record $167 million in 31 VC deals, with five clocking in above $10 million, according to FinTech Egypt, an initiative of CBE. That compares with $159 million raised during all of 2021. More than half of these investors are Egypt-based, including Flat6Labs, which was ranked the second most active VC firm across emerging venture markets by Magnitt, a data platform for founders and investors. Roughly a quarter of investors hail from the larger MENA region, and almost a fifth from the United States. And those VCs are on a roll. A full 70% report plans for additional Fintech and Fintech-enabled investments in Egypt in the next three years. Growth-stage funding dominates, with 90% of investments in Series A and later rounds. Payments and remittance make up 58% and lending and alternative finance 26%. But other sub-sectors, such as wealth management and savings and the B2B marketplace are climbing. “You can see the market evolving in terms of products and services,” says Dr. Ayman Ismail, who holds the title of Abdul Latif Jameel endowed chair of entrepreneurship at the American University of Cairo and is founding director of the accelerator AUC Venture Lab. “The initial layer was getting digital payments in place. Now we’re seeing a second layer on top of that: extending credit to consumers and SMEs, stock trading, savings and digital banks.” Egypt is reworking regulations to create a growth-friendly environment for Fintech startups, especially for consumer and smallbusiness applications, and for embedded finance. Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. 45Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. And Egyptian startups are exciting global tech titans. In May 2022, PayPal’s corporate venture arm led a $50 million Series B round in PayMob, which enables digital payments for SMEs. The same month, Amazon acquired 4% of ValU, a Cairo-based “Buy Now, Pay Later” startup, for $10 million. While the PayMob investment is Egypt’s largest to date, other Cairo Fintechs have enjoyed strong raises this year, including Khazna at $38 million, Lucky (an app for credit products and cashback rewards) at $25 million, and online investment platform Thndr at $20 million. As for exits, more than half of Egyptian Fintech investors and a quarter of startups view the stock market as an option. Fawry — Egypt’s first unicorn — set the precedent. The digital-payments company went public in 2019, and its IPO was oversubscribed by 30 times. The Ace of Accelerators Egypt also is both the birthplace and host of Techne Summit, the preeminent investment and entrepreneurship event in MENA. The eighth annual summit, scheduled for November 2022 in Alexandria, is expected to attract more than 30,000 attendees, including hundreds of investors and founders. One track is dedicated to Fintech. Techne Summit’s support for founders extends to two other initiatives. One is a series of tours to connect, educate, and inspire entrepreneurs in Egyptian cities. The other is a pre-acceleration program in which startups partner with corporations to solve industry challenges. Among Techne Summit’s partners is The American University in Cairo’s Venture Lab. That accelerator introduced Egypt’s first Fintech-dedicated program, in 2015. Roughly a third of the country’s Fintech startups have graduated from it. To stay on top of the rapidly evolving innovation landscape, AUC Venture Lab — named best accelerator in Africa by the Global Startup Awards — partners with major national and global organizations, including the Commercial International Bank, the International Finance Corporation, and Mastercard. One graduate of Venture Lab is Ahmed Mahmoud. In 2018 Mahmoud launched ElGameya, a digital version of a rotational savings and credit association, in which a group of people save and borrow together. ElGameya, which also participated in the CBE sandbox, closed a six-figure pre-seed round with Cairo Angels and AUC Angels in 2021 and currently is pursuing a seven-figure raise. Mahmoud says AUC Venture Lab was a turning point for both him and his business. He praises Cairo for its dense network of Fintech expertise on which startups like his can draw. “With all respect to Saudi Arabia and Dubai and other countries,” says Mahmoud, “Cairo has the best ecosystem and the biggest addressable market. We have everything.” The opinions expressed in this sponsored article do not necessarily reflect the views or position of Startup Genome. Fawry set the precedent. The digitalpayments company went public in 2019, and its IPO was oversubscribed by 30 times. 46Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. 4646Learn more and get connected at startupgenome.com Ecosystem Pages 47 Silicon Valley 49 New York City 52 London 54 Singapore 57 Beijing 59 Toronto-Waterloo 62 Los Angeles 64 Boston 66 Paris 68 Shanghai 70 Sydney 73 Chicago 75 São Paulo 77 Seattle 79 Tel Aviv 82 Stockholm 84 Bangalore-Karnataka 87 Amsterdam-Delta 89 Tokyo 92 Abu Dhabi 95 Bahrain 98 Budapest 101 Cairo 104 Calgary 107 Denmark 110 Doha 113 Frankfurt 116 Istanbul 119 Kuala Lumpur 122 Manila 125 Melbourne 128 Montreal United StatesUnited States Silicon Valley - Bay AreaSilicon Valley - Bay Area #1#1 "The global pandemic led to new tech and innovation hubs, and the new"The global pandemic led to new tech and innovation hubs, and the new paradigm of remote and hybrid companies is even further enforcing theparadigm of remote and hybrid companies is even further enforcing the distribution of Silicon Valley's ethos into a truly global phenomenon. Thisdistribution of Silicon Valley's ethos into a truly global phenomenon. This enables a much broader set of people to connect with the unique essence ofenables a much broader set of people to connect with the unique essence of startup creation, bringing innovation to the edges of our human network."startup creation, bringing innovation to the edges of our human network." Na'ama MoranNa'ama Moran Co-founder and CEO, Cheetah TechnologiesCo-founder and CEO, Cheetah Technologies HighlightsHighlights Despite years of hand-wringing about costs and efforts to build “the next Silicon Valley” elsewhere,Despite years of hand-wringing about costs and efforts to build “the next Silicon Valley” elsewhere, Silicon Valley continues its reign as the world’s pre-eminent startup ecosystem. A much discussed flight ofSilicon Valley continues its reign as the world’s pre-eminent startup ecosystem. A much discussed flight of tech workers during the COVID-19 pandemic is not reflected in the numbers. In 2022, the number oftech workers during the COVID-19 pandemic is not reflected in the numbers. In 2022, the number of residents employed in tech in the region actually rose from 25% to 29%, according to the 2022 Siliconresidents employed in tech in the region actually rose from 25% to 29%, according to the 2022 Silicon Valley Index. Silicon Valley remained the top ecosystem for venture investing, with $105 billion in capitalValley Index. Silicon Valley remained the top ecosystem for venture investing, with $105 billion in capital flowing to the area’s startups in 2021, double the 2020 total. Thanks to Stanford University and theflowing to the area’s startups in 2021, double the 2020 total. Thanks to Stanford University and the region’s other top educational institutions, the ecosystem is well supplied with fresh talent.region’s other top educational institutions, the ecosystem is well supplied with fresh talent. Silicon Valley also continues to offer some of the world’s best networking opportunities and hosts a hugeSilicon Valley also continues to offer some of the world’s best networking opportunities and hosts a huge array of startup-focused gatherings and events, including TECHSPO Silicon Valley, Palo Alto foundersarray of startup-focused gatherings and events, including TECHSPO Silicon Valley, Palo Alto founders meetup 106 Miles, and Founders Summit 2022. Venture Capital World Summit will be held in July 2022.meetup 106 Miles, and Founders Summit 2022. Venture Capital World Summit will be held in July 2022. TheThe Women of Silicon Valley conference is set to bring together more than 2,700 tech industry professionalsWomen of Silicon Valley conference is set to bring together more than 2,700 tech industry professionals in June, and BIOMEDevice Silicon Valley 2022 will gather Life Sciences innovators in November. TiE Siliconin June, and BIOMEDevice Silicon Valley 2022 will gather Life Sciences innovators in November. TiE Silicon Valley is organizing TiEcon 2022 for 50,000 global attendees in May.Valley is organizing TiEcon 2022 for 50,000 global attendees in May. Silicon Valley produces a steady stream of huge funding deals. Recent rounds include online learningSilicon Valley produces a steady stream of huge funding deals. Recent rounds include online learning platform Course Hero’s $380 million Series C in December 2021, customer experience assurance platformplatform Course Hero’s $380 million Series C in December 2021, customer experience assurance platform $350 million private equity round in January 2022, and Web3 startup Aptos’ $200 million seed round in$350 million private equity round in January 2022, and Web3 startup Aptos’ $200 million seed round in March 2022.March 2022. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $25 bn$25 bn ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $2 tn$2 tn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $1.5 m$1.5 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $11 m$11 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $119 k$119 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 5 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $247 bn$247 bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 7.6 years7.6 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 812bn812bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 23022302 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 47 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths AI, Big Data & AnalyticsAI, Big Data & Analytics The AI Accelerator Summit brings together leadersThe AI Accelerator Summit brings together leaders in AI hardware and architecture from largein AI hardware and architecture from large organizations and startups in Silicon Valley. Theorganizations and startups in Silicon Valley. The world’s leading AI and Big Data event, AI & Big Dataworld’s leading AI and Big Data event, AI & Big Data Expo 2022, will take place in Santa Clara.Expo 2022, will take place in Santa Clara. SambaNova Systems, which builds advancedSambaNova Systems, which builds advanced software, hardware, and services to run AIsoftware, hardware, and services to run AI applications, raised a $676 million Series D in Aprilapplications, raised a $676 million Series D in April 2021, raising its valuation to more than $5 billion.2021, raising its valuation to more than $5 billion. AI-powered customer service platform UniphoreAI-powered customer service platform Uniphore raised a $400 million Series E in February 2022.raised a $400 million Series E in February 2022. FintechFintech Fintech Mercury provides venture debt to early-Fintech Mercury provides venture debt to earlystage startups, with an aim of lending out $200stage startups, with an aim of lending out $200 million in 2022 and up to $1 billion the followingmillion in 2022 and up to $1 billion the following year. Mercury is offering 25% to 50% of a startup’syear. Mercury is offering 25% to 50% of a startup’s equity round in debt. All-in-one payment solutionequity round in debt. All-in-one payment solution for insurance Ascend raised both a $250 millionfor insurance Ascend raised both a $250 million debt financing round and a $30 million Series A indebt financing round and a $30 million Series A in January 2022. Digital-asset trading platformJanuary 2022. Digital-asset trading platform FalconX raised a $210 million Series C in AugustFalconX raised a $210 million Series C in August 2021.2021. Life SciencesLife Sciences After a name change and shift from oncology toAfter a name change and shift from oncology to immunology, AltruBio relaunched with a $63 millionimmunology, AltruBio relaunched with a $63 million Series A in April 2021. Gene-editing companySeries A in April 2021. Gene-editing company Graphite Bio One completed a $230 million IPO onGraphite Bio One completed a $230 million IPO on the Nasdaq in June 2021.the Nasdaq in June 2021. Reasons to Move Your Startup to Silicon Valley - Bay AreaReasons to Move Your Startup to Silicon Valley - Bay Area Easy Financing OpportunitiesEasy Financing Opportunities Silicon Valley may be a legendarily high-costSilicon Valley may be a legendarily high-cost ecosystem, requiring large amounts of capital to get aecosystem, requiring large amounts of capital to get a startup off the ground, but it is also the worldwidestartup off the ground, but it is also the worldwide epicenter of startup financing. The area also boastsepicenter of startup financing. The area also boasts the highest concentration of billionaires per capita inthe highest concentration of billionaires per capita in the world, which means startups have access to athe world, which means startups have access to a huge range of experienced angel investors willing tohuge range of experienced angel investors willing to bet on unique and innovative ideas.bet on unique and innovative ideas. Ideal Startup EnvironmentIdeal Startup Environment Silicon Valley provides entrepreneurs withSilicon Valley provides entrepreneurs with everything necessary to found a startup, includingeverything necessary to found a startup, including world-leading venture capital, talent, andworld-leading venture capital, talent, and networking opportunities. Startups can draw fromnetworking opportunities. Startups can draw from the area’s deep pool of talented engineers,the area’s deep pool of talented engineers, marketers, designers, and executives. The area ismarketers, designers, and executives. The area is also home to many world-leading tech behemoths,also home to many world-leading tech behemoths, offering growing companies opportunities foroffering growing companies opportunities for partnerships and growth.partnerships and growth. Legal SupportLegal Support The world’s #1 startup hub offers efficient laws,The world’s #1 startup hub offers efficient laws, policies, and regulations to safeguard businesspolicies, and regulations to safeguard business interests and IP. These act as a necessary shield forinterests and IP. These act as a necessary shield for tech businesses, especially the ones that are startingtech businesses, especially the ones that are starting small.small. 48 United StatesUnited States New York CityNew York City MEMBERS:MEMBERS: New York City Economic Development CorporationNew York City Economic Development Corporation // Tech:NYCTech:NYC #2#2 "Record investment in New York startups is a testament to our city's unmatched"Record investment in New York startups is a testament to our city's unmatched entrepreneurial talent. Local tech continues to drive the city’s economy — a winentrepreneurial talent. Local tech continues to drive the city’s economy — a win for all New Yorkers."for all New Yorkers." Jason Myles ClarkJason Myles Clark Executive Director, Tech:NYCExecutive Director, Tech:NYC HighlightsHighlights 2021 was a red hot year for venture capital in America’s second-largest tech hub. New York-based VC2021 was a red hot year for venture capital in America’s second-largest tech hub. New York-based VC firms raised an estimated $1.6 billion in funds in 2021, and venture-backed startups in the region raisedfirms raised an estimated $1.6 billion in funds in 2021, and venture-backed startups in the region raised more than $55 billion — up from $20.2 billion in 2020. The ecosystem also saw two of the largestmore than $55 billion — up from $20.2 billion in 2020. The ecosystem also saw two of the largest traditional IPOs by deal size for venture-backed, NYC-based startups in the last decade: UiPath, which wastraditional IPOs by deal size for venture-backed, NYC-based startups in the last decade: UiPath, which was founded in Bucharest before moving to the U.S., and Oscar Health. Five New York-based tech companiesfounded in Bucharest before moving to the U.S., and Oscar Health. Five New York-based tech companies raised more than $300 million in 2021: robotic process automation startup UiPath, Healthtech startup Ro,raised more than $300 million in 2021: robotic process automation startup UiPath, Healthtech startup Ro, risk-detection AI company Dataminr, text message marketing startup Attentiv, and website building startuprisk-detection AI company Dataminr, text message marketing startup Attentiv, and website building startup Squarespace, which also went public in 2021. Corporate card startup Ramp joined New York’s unicorn clubSquarespace, which also went public in 2021. Corporate card startup Ramp joined New York’s unicorn club when it raised $115 million in an April 2021 Series B round, reportedly becoming New York City’s fastest-when it raised $115 million in an April 2021 Series B round, reportedly becoming New York City’s fastestgrowing startup. It has since increased its total fundraising to $1.4 billion over eight rounds.growing startup. It has since increased its total fundraising to $1.4 billion over eight rounds. New York-based WeWork is partnering with chambers of commerce and Tech:NYC to launch WeWorkNew York-based WeWork is partnering with chambers of commerce and Tech:NYC to launch WeWork Growth Campus NYC to provide entrepreneurs with space and resources. WeWork has pledged $25Growth Campus NYC to provide entrepreneurs with space and resources. WeWork has pledged $25 million and will provide space in 11 locations. In 2021, the Queens Chamber of Commerce created Queensmillion and will provide space in 11 locations. In 2021, the Queens Chamber of Commerce created Queens Tech Council, a tech industry group that advocates for tech companies in the borough and works to raiseTech Council, a tech industry group that advocates for tech companies in the borough and works to raise awareness that tech careers are accessible to everyone. Tech Year NYC, a pilot program created byawareness that tech careers are accessible to everyone. Tech Year NYC, a pilot program created by Tech:NYC in partnership with Girls Who Code and the NYC Mayor’s Office of Youth Employment, willTech:NYC in partnership with Girls Who Code and the NYC Mayor’s Office of Youth Employment, will provide paid work and mentorship opportunities at tech companies for 1,000 students.provide paid work and mentorship opportunities at tech companies for 1,000 students. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $14 bn$14 bn ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $371 bn$371 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $1.2 m$1.2 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $8.1 m$8.1 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $102 k$102 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 6 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $88 bn$88 bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 8.6 years8.6 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 139bn139bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 16191619 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 4949 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths AI, Big Data & AnalyticsAI, Big Data & Analytics NYC-based AI companies received $8.7 billion acrossNYC-based AI companies received $8.7 billion across 292 deals in 2021. AI Summit New York will bring292 deals in 2021. AI Summit New York will bring together representatives from the world’s leadingtogether representatives from the world’s leading organizations to discuss an AI-powered future. Aorganizations to discuss an AI-powered future. A coalition of NYC government agencies andcoalition of NYC government agencies and businesses opened the nation’s first Cyberattackbusinesses opened the nation’s first Cyberattack Defense Center in 2021. EDC’s Cyber NYC initiativeDefense Center in 2021. EDC’s Cyber NYC initiative has invested in growing the cyber workforce whilehas invested in growing the cyber workforce while NYC-based cybersecurity firms are attractingNYC-based cybersecurity firms are attracting investor attention.investor attention. Life SciencesLife Sciences In 2021, NYC’s annual life sciences VC and NationalIn 2021, NYC’s annual life sciences VC and National Institutes of Health funding both touched all-timeInstitutes of Health funding both touched all-time highs at $1.4 billion and $2.8 billion, respectively.highs at $1.4 billion and $2.8 billion, respectively. NYC announced in June 2021 that it would beNYC announced in June 2021 that it would be doubling its investment in the Life Sci NYCdoubling its investment in the Life Sci NYC initiative to $1 billion to cement New York as ainitiative to $1 billion to cement New York as a global leader in Life Sciences. As of 2021, NYC’sglobal leader in Life Sciences. As of 2021, NYC’s total lab exclusive inventory totaled about 1.9total lab exclusive inventory totaled about 1.9 million square feet and is projected to grow to 4.64million square feet and is projected to grow to 4.64 million square ft by 2025.million square ft by 2025. BlockchainBlockchain Mayor Eric Adams took his first three paychecks inMayor Eric Adams took his first three paychecks in cryptocurrency and has stated that he wants NYCcryptocurrency and has stated that he wants NYC to be the “center of cryptocurrency.” NYC is nowto be the “center of cryptocurrency.” NYC is now home to over 250 blockchain startups and ahome to over 250 blockchain startups and a growing pool of blockchain talent. Several of thegrowing pool of blockchain talent. Several of the largest blockchain employers in the world,largest blockchain employers in the world, including IBM, R3, and Coinbase, are also growingincluding IBM, R3, and Coinbase, are also growing their footprint in NYC. In 2021, NYC accounted fortheir footprint in NYC. In 2021, NYC accounted for almost half of all Blockchain investments nationally.almost half of all Blockchain investments nationally. Reasons to Move Your Startup to New York CityReasons to Move Your Startup to New York City Dedicated SupportDedicated Support NYC Business Quick Start is an effort to position NYCNYC Business Quick Start is an effort to position NYC as the most business-friendly large city. It offersas the most business-friendly large city. It offers businesses a single point of contact to help navigatebusinesses a single point of contact to help navigate regulations and cuts through red tape to reduceregulations and cuts through red tape to reduce processing time by 50%. New York SCORE providesprocessing time by 50%. New York SCORE provides free expert mentoring to entrepreneurs, and Empirefree expert mentoring to entrepreneurs, and Empire State Development's Small Business Division alsoState Development's Small Business Division also offers resources. NYC Department of Small Businessoffers resources. NYC Department of Small Business Services offers free legal services. WE Legal helpsServices offers free legal services. WE Legal helps female entrepreneurs access resources on business-female entrepreneurs access resources on businessrelated topics.related topics. High-Quality TalentHigh-Quality Talent NYC’s talent pool is over 4 million people, andNYC’s talent pool is over 4 million people, and roughly 3.2 million hold a bachelor’s degree — moreroughly 3.2 million hold a bachelor’s degree — more than Los Angeles, San Francisco, Philadelphia,than Los Angeles, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., and Boston combined. 47% ofWashington, D.C., and Boston combined. 47% of the workforce is made up of immigrants and almostthe workforce is made up of immigrants and almost 200 languages are spoken in NYC. The workforce is200 languages are spoken in NYC. The workforce is cultivated by 100+ institutes of higher learning andcultivated by 100+ institutes of higher learning and numerous workforce training programs. Programsnumerous workforce training programs. Programs including Tech Talent Pipeline, a no-cost service toincluding Tech Talent Pipeline, a no-cost service to help companies find diverse, talented candidates,help companies find diverse, talented candidates, further strengthen the ecosystem.further strengthen the ecosystem. Tax BenefitsTax Benefits START-UP NY offers new and expanding businessesSTART-UP NY offers new and expanding businesses the opportunity to operate tax-free for 10 years on orthe opportunity to operate tax-free for 10 years on or near eligible university or college campuses in Newnear eligible university or college campuses in New York. These companies’ employees will pay no stateYork. These companies’ employees will pay no state or local personal income taxes for the first five yearsor local personal income taxes for the first five years on income up to $200,000 for individuals. Businesseson income up to $200,000 for individuals. Businesses also gain access to advanced research laboratoriesalso gain access to advanced research laboratories and industry expertise through these partnerships.and industry expertise through these partnerships. 50 Selected Startup OrganizationsSelected Startup Organizations AlleyCorpAlleyCorp AlleyCorp is a $600M+ evergreen venture fundAlleyCorp is a $600M+ evergreen venture fund founded by serial entrepreneur Kevin Ryan thatfounded by serial entrepreneur Kevin Ryan that incubates and invests in transformational companiesincubates and invests in transformational companies in New York City.in New York City. Company VenturesCompany Ventures Company is a one-million square foot innovationCompany is a one-million square foot innovation campus located in midtown NYC, and Companycampus located in midtown NYC, and Company Ventures is the venture ecosystem that sits at theVentures is the venture ecosystem that sits at the heart of the building, investing in New York's mostheart of the building, investing in New York's most talented founding teams.talented founding teams. Cornell TechCornell Tech Cornell Tech is Cornell University’s groundbreakingCornell Tech is Cornell University’s groundbreaking campus for technology research and computercampus for technology research and computer science and engineering education in NYC.science and engineering education in NYC. NewlabNewlab Newlab helps build, test, and scale world-changingNewlab helps build, test, and scale world-changing technologies that support of the health of thetechnologies that support of the health of the planet through investment, venture building, andplanet through investment, venture building, and structured collaboration with industry andstructured collaboration with industry and government partners.government partners. Per ScholasPer Scholas Per Scholas’ mission is to advance economic equityPer Scholas’ mission is to advance economic equity through rigorous training for tech careers and tothrough rigorous training for tech careers and to connect skilled talent to leading businesses.connect skilled talent to leading businesses. STARTUP GENOME MEMBERSSTARTUP GENOME MEMBERS New York City Economic DevelopmentNew York City Economic Development CorporationCorporation New York City Economic Development Corporation creates shared prosperity acrossNew York City Economic Development Corporation creates shared prosperity across New York City’s five boroughs by strengthening neighborhoods and creating goodNew York City’s five boroughs by strengthening neighborhoods and creating good jobs. NYCEDC works with and for communities to provide them with the resourcesjobs. NYCEDC works with and for communities to provide them with the resources they need to thrive, and we invest in projects that increase sustainability, support jobthey need to thrive, and we invest in projects that increase sustainability, support job growth, develop talent, and spark innovation to strengthen the City’s competitivegrowth, develop talent, and spark innovation to strengthen the City’s competitive advantage.advantage. MEMBERMEMBER Tech:NYCTech:NYC Tech:NYC is an engaged network of tech leaders working to foster a dynamic,Tech:NYC is an engaged network of tech leaders working to foster a dynamic, diverse, and creative New York. We bring together New Yorkers to support adiverse, and creative New York. We bring together New Yorkers to support a successful technology ecosystem, attract and retain top-tier talent, and celebratesuccessful technology ecosystem, attract and retain top-tier talent, and celebrate New York and the companies that call it home.New York and the companies that call it home. MEMBERMEMBER KEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERSKEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERS 51 United KingdomUnited Kingdom LondonLondon #2#2 "It’s fantastic to see that London tech companies are attracting large volumes of"It’s fantastic to see that London tech companies are attracting large volumes of capital across all stages of the funding journey as a sign that our techcapital across all stages of the funding journey as a sign that our tech ecosystem is truly flourishing and our entrepreneurs are second to none."ecosystem is truly flourishing and our entrepreneurs are second to none." Eileen BurbidgeEileen Burbidge Partner, Passion CapitalPartner, Passion Capital HighlightsHighlights London remains Europe’s startup capital and ranked fourth globally for VC investment in 2021. The city’sLondon remains Europe’s startup capital and ranked fourth globally for VC investment in 2021. The city’s tech companies raised an all-time high of $25.5 billion in VC funding last year, more than double its 2020tech companies raised an all-time high of $25.5 billion in VC funding last year, more than double its 2020 total. An influx of capital into the U.K. capital from Silicon Valley is driving much of this boom. Cleantechtotal. An influx of capital into the U.K. capital from Silicon Valley is driving much of this boom. Cleantech has been a particularly hot sub-sector with $1.7 billion pumped into London-based Cleantech companieshas been a particularly hot sub-sector with $1.7 billion pumped into London-based Cleantech companies in 2021. London is the #2 city globally for the number of Cleantech rounds raised by startups.in 2021. London is the #2 city globally for the number of Cleantech rounds raised by startups. Local VC firms include Balderton Capital, which focuses on backing European technology companies. InLocal VC firms include Balderton Capital, which focuses on backing European technology companies. In November 2021, it announced it had raised a second, $600 million fund. Early-stage VC firm Passion CapitalNovember 2021, it announced it had raised a second, $600 million fund. Early-stage VC firm Passion Capital announced its third, $62.5 million fund in March 2021.announced its third, $62.5 million fund in March 2021. Unsurprisingly given this flood of investment, London gained 20 new unicorns in 2021, more than anyUnsurprisingly given this flood of investment, London gained 20 new unicorns in 2021, more than any other previous year. These include Insuretech Marshmallow, SaaS company TrueLayer, and Fintech Starlingother previous year. These include Insuretech Marshmallow, SaaS company TrueLayer, and Fintech Starling Bank. London’s total unicorn count now stands at 75, making it the unicorn capital of Europe. In JanuaryBank. London’s total unicorn count now stands at 75, making it the unicorn capital of Europe. In January 2022, Wayve, a provider of autonomous vehicle software, raised a $200 million Series B round that drew2022, Wayve, a provider of autonomous vehicle software, raised a $200 million Series B round that drew participation from Microsoft, Eclipse Ventures, and Balderton Capital, among others.participation from Microsoft, Eclipse Ventures, and Balderton Capital, among others. London Tech Week is the UK’s tech flagship event, where global founders, investors, and more comeLondon Tech Week is the UK’s tech flagship event, where global founders, investors, and more come together to discuss all things tech. Black Girls In Tech Fest is a networking and recruitment event totogether to discuss all things tech. Black Girls In Tech Fest is a networking and recruitment event to create pathways for Black women in tech. Tech Nation provides coaching, content, and community forcreate pathways for Black women in tech. Tech Nation provides coaching, content, and community for founders, leaders, and scaling companies.founders, leaders, and scaling companies. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $14 bn$14 bn ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $314 bn$314 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $714 k$714 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $6.2 m$6.2 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $69 k$69 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 7 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $68 bn$68 bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 9.5 years9.5 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 79bn79bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 14411441 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 #3 52 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths FintechFintech London-based Fintechs raised $11.7 billion in 2021,London-based Fintechs raised $11.7 billion in 2021, which accounted for 46% of total VC investment forwhich accounted for 46% of total VC investment for the year. Barclays Accelerator, a Fintech-focusedthe year. Barclays Accelerator, a Fintech-focused accelerator powered by Techstars, reached a $4accelerator powered by Techstars, reached a $4 billion valuation in 2021. The government plans tobillion valuation in 2021. The government plans to support the sub-sector with new visa pathways forsupport the sub-sector with new visa pathways for foreign workers, enhancing the regulatory toolbox,foreign workers, enhancing the regulatory toolbox, reforming market-listing rules, and exploring areforming market-listing rules, and exploring a central-bank digital currency. Revolut raised an $800central-bank digital currency. Revolut raised an $800 million Series E in July 2021. Payment solutionsmillion Series E in July 2021. Payment solutions provider SaltPay raised a $370 million Series C inprovider SaltPay raised a $370 million Series C in November 2021, and Blockchain-based lendingNovember 2021, and Blockchain-based lending platform Celsius Network raised a $350 millionplatform Celsius Network raised a $350 million Series B the same month.Series B the same month. EdtechEdtech The U.K.'s Edtech sub-sector attracted a flood ofThe U.K.'s Edtech sub-sector attracted a flood of American money in 2021r. More than 40% of allAmerican money in 2021r. More than 40% of all Edtech investment into Europe goes to the U.K.Edtech investment into Europe goes to the U.K. EdTech World Forum and London Edtech Week areEdTech World Forum and London Edtech Week are key events. Student recruitment platform Unibuddykey events. Student recruitment platform Unibuddy raised a £14.5 million ($18.9 million) Series B in Julyraised a £14.5 million ($18.9 million) Series B in July 2021. Apprenticeship startup2021. Apprenticeship startup MultiverseMultiverse raised araised a $130 million Series C in September 2021. Online$130 million Series C in September 2021. Online teaching platformteaching platform Atom LearningAtom Learning raised a £19raised a £19 million ($24.7 million) Series A in December 2021.million ($24.7 million) Series A in December 2021. Reasons to Move Your Startup to LondonReasons to Move Your Startup to London Access to FundingAccess to Funding Compared with other international tech hubs,Compared with other international tech hubs, startups in London have access to deeper pools ofstartups in London have access to deeper pools of capital, with an average seed round of $653,000,capital, with an average seed round of $653,000, compared to a global average of $494,000.compared to a global average of $494,000. As of theAs of the close of 2021, London was home to over 1,370 VCclose of 2021, London was home to over 1,370 VC firms, more than any other European city. Severalfirms, more than any other European city. Several global investment firms have increased their presenceglobal investment firms have increased their presence in London recently. Index Ventures announced a $3.1in London recently. Index Ventures announced a $3.1 billion fund for European startups in July 2021, whilebillion fund for European startups in July 2021, while Silicon Valley-based VC Sequoia Capital alsoSilicon Valley-based VC Sequoia Capital also expanded its footprint in the UK capital.expanded its footprint in the UK capital. Government SupportGovernment Support The mayor of London’s £1 million ($1.3 million)The mayor of London’s £1 million ($1.3 million) Resilience Fund challenges innovators to developResilience Fund challenges innovators to develop solutions to some of London’s most pressingsolutions to some of London’s most pressing problems. London & Partners offers support andproblems. London & Partners offers support and advice for scaleup companies looking to set upadvice for scaleup companies looking to set up shop in London. Its Business Growth Programmeshop in London. Its Business Growth Programme supports pre-seed and seed stage startups andsupports pre-seed and seed stage startups and SMEs that employ between five and 10 people. TheSMEs that employ between five and 10 people. The program also runs an accelerator program forprogram also runs an accelerator program for mission-driven businesses working towards themission-driven businesses working towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. SelectedUN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Selected ccoommppaanniieess ggaaiinn aacccceessss ttoo ccoorrppoorraatteess,, mmeennttoorrss,, wwoorrkksshhooppss,, aanndd bbuussiinneessss aaddvviiccee.. As of the close of 2021, London was home to over 1,370 VC firms, more than any other European city. 53 SingaporeSingapore SingaporeSingapore MEMBERS:MEMBERS: Enterprise SingaporeEnterprise Singapore #18#18 "Singapore’s start-up ecosystem is home to regional unicorns, top talent, and"Singapore’s start-up ecosystem is home to regional unicorns, top talent, and sophisticated investors. It is the ideal base to address Southeast Asia’s trillion-sophisticated investors. It is the ideal base to address Southeast Asia’s trilliondollar digital commerce and climate-tech opportunities."dollar digital commerce and climate-tech opportunities." Steve MelhuishSteve Melhuish Co-founder, PropertyGuru Group and impact investorCo-founder, PropertyGuru Group and impact investor HighlightsHighlights With its rising middle class, pro-business environment, and booming internet economy, Singapore is anWith its rising middle class, pro-business environment, and booming internet economy, Singapore is an attractive hub for startups.attractive hub for startups. Department of Statistics and Enterprise Singapore data shows that there areDepartment of Statistics and Enterprise Singapore data shows that there are close to 4,000 startups in Singapore, over 220 VCs, and over 200 accelerators. Singapore minted 11 newclose to 4,000 startups in Singapore, over 220 VCs, and over 200 accelerators. Singapore minted 11 new unicorns in 2021, and many global corporations have set up innovation centers here in recent years.unicorns in 2021, and many global corporations have set up innovation centers here in recent years. In 2021, 52% of equity funding generated in Southeast Asia was from Singapore, according to EnterpriseIn 2021, 52% of equity funding generated in Southeast Asia was from Singapore, according to Enterprise Singapore. Investors are attracted to Singapore’s position as an entry to Southeast Asia and to Singapore’sSingapore. Investors are attracted to Singapore’s position as an entry to Southeast Asia and to Singapore’s high-quality startups. Enterprise Singapore provides support programs under Startup SG and Enterprisehigh-quality startups. Enterprise Singapore provides support programs under Startup SG and Enterprise Singapore ’s investment arm, SEEDS Capital, has co-invested in 160 Singapore-based startups.Singapore ’s investment arm, SEEDS Capital, has co-invested in 160 Singapore-based startups. The government allocated an additional S$300 million in the 2020 budget to support the growth of techThe government allocated an additional S$300 million in the 2020 budget to support the growth of tech startups in key emerging sectors including Advanced Manufacturing, Life Sciences, and Agtech. Cleantechstartups in key emerging sectors including Advanced Manufacturing, Life Sciences, and Agtech. Cleantech is also quickly growing here, with startups including VFlow Tech, Terrenus Energy, and Red Dot Analyticsis also quickly growing here, with startups including VFlow Tech, Terrenus Energy, and Red Dot Analytics bringing attention to the region. To support sustainable growth, the Singapore Government announced inbringing attention to the region. To support sustainable growth, the Singapore Government announced in its 2021 budget that it will issue green bonds on select public infrastructure projects, with up to S$19its 2021 budget that it will issue green bonds on select public infrastructure projects, with up to S$19 billion in public sector green projects identified. In 2022, it was announced that $35 billion in green bondsbillion in public sector green projects identified. In 2022, it was announced that $35 billion in green bonds will be issued by 2030 to fund green public sector projects.will be issued by 2030 to fund green public sector projects. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $3.2 bn$3.2 bn ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $89 bn$89 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $850 k$850 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $6 m$6 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $45 k$45 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 8 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $17 bn$17 bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 6.8 years6.8 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 12bn12bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 224224 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 #4 54 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths AI, Big Data & AnalyticsAI, Big Data & Analytics The Singapore government has been ramping upThe Singapore government has been ramping up and encouraging investment in tech startups,and encouraging investment in tech startups, including companies focused on AI, Big Data, andincluding companies focused on AI, Big Data, and Analytics. Follow-on investments are expectedAnalytics. Follow-on investments are expected through programs such as Startup SG Equity.through programs such as Startup SG Equity. Hosted by the National University of Singapore, AIHosted by the National University of Singapore, AI Singapore is a national AI program to anchorSingapore is a national AI program to anchor Singapore’s AI capabilities. Innovation intelligenceSingapore’s AI capabilities. Innovation intelligence startup PatSnap raised $300 million in March 2021,startup PatSnap raised $300 million in March 2021, bringing its valuation to more than $1 billion, andbringing its valuation to more than $1 billion, and AI-driven tech company Advance Intelligence GroupAI-driven tech company Advance Intelligence Group raised a $400 million Series D in September 2021,raised a $400 million Series D in September 2021, making both companies unicorns.making both companies unicorns. Life SciencesLife Sciences Singapore's biomedical innovation ecosystem hasSingapore's biomedical innovation ecosystem has grown nearly six times over the past decade, withgrown nearly six times over the past decade, with over 360 biomedical startups and SMEs establishedover 360 biomedical startups and SMEs established in the region to date. Enterprise Singaporein the region to date. Enterprise Singapore reported that a record $600 million was raised inreported that a record $600 million was raised in related funding between January and Septemberrelated funding between January and September 2021. Doctor Anywhere raised a $65.7 million Series2021. Doctor Anywhere raised a $65.7 million Series C round in August 2021, one of the largest privateC round in August 2021, one of the largest private funding rounds ever raised by a healthtechfunding rounds ever raised by a healthtech company in Southeast Asia.company in Southeast Asia. Agtech & New FoodAgtech & New Food The Singapore government has dedicated $45.2The Singapore government has dedicated $45.2 million to its new Agri-food Cluster Transformationmillion to its new Agri-food Cluster Transformation Fund, which is focused on supporting farmersFund, which is focused on supporting farmers through technology and boosting domestic foodthrough technology and boosting domestic food production. In February 2022, Nex Gen Foodsproduction. In February 2022, Nex Gen Foods raised $100 million in the largest Series A deal for araised $100 million in the largest Series A deal for a plant-based meat company globally to date. Theplant-based meat company globally to date. The startupstartup was founded in the U.S. but is nowwas founded in the U.S. but is now headquartered in Singapore.headquartered in Singapore. Reasons to Move Your Startup to SingaporeReasons to Move Your Startup to Singapore Government SupportGovernment Support Enterprise Singapore, a Singapore governmentEnterprise Singapore, a Singapore government agency under the Ministry of Trade and Industry, hasagency under the Ministry of Trade and Industry, has a suite of startup-friendly policies, including grantsa suite of startup-friendly policies, including grants for first-time entrepreneurs, talent placements, andfor first-time entrepreneurs, talent placements, and co-investments. Together with other governmentco-investments. Together with other government agencies, it works closely with private sectoragencies, it works closely with private sector ecosystem partners such as VCs and accelerators toecosystem partners such as VCs and accelerators to support growth in Deep Tech sectors. Global supportsupport growth in Deep Tech sectors. Global support organizations and investors including 500 Startups,organizations and investors including 500 Startups, Plug and Play, Sequoia, and many more have aPlug and Play, Sequoia, and many more have a presence in Singapore, connecting the ecosystem topresence in Singapore, connecting the ecosystem to the global community.the global community. Talent Development &Talent Development & AttractionAttraction Singapore welcomes entrepreneurs and tech talentSingapore welcomes entrepreneurs and tech talent with initiatives including the Entrepass visa forwith initiatives including the Entrepass visa for foreign founders. In addition,foreign founders. In addition, Tech@SGTech@SG andand TechPass provide visas for Singapore-basedTechPass provide visas for Singapore-based startups to attract global tech talent. Largestartups to attract global tech talent. Large corporations including Dyson and biotechnologycorporations including Dyson and biotechnology company BioNTech have set up headquarters incompany BioNTech have set up headquarters in Singapore to tap into the diverse and growingSingapore to tap into the diverse and growing engineering and science talent. Semiconductorengineering and science talent. Semiconductor manufacturing company GlobalFoundries ismanufacturing company GlobalFoundries is building a new S$5.4 billion plant in Singapore.building a new S$5.4 billion plant in Singapore. Large corporations including Dyson and biotechnology company BioNTech have set up headquarters in Singapore to tap into the diverse and growing engineering and science talent. 55 Selected Startup OrganizationsSelected Startup Organizations "Ranking as the #18 Global Startup Ecosystem"Ranking as the #18 Global Startup Ecosystem overall, Singapore is a leading example of aoverall, Singapore is a leading example of a thriving startup community. It is thrilling to closelythriving startup community. It is thrilling to closely collaborate with Enterprise Singapore to take acollaborate with Enterprise Singapore to take a data-centric approach to studying this success."data-centric approach to studying this success." Stephan Kuester, Head of Ecosystem Strategy ofStephan Kuester, Head of Ecosystem Strategy of Startup GenomeStartup Genome 500 Global500 Global 500 Global is a venture capital firm that invests early500 Global is a venture capital firm that invests early in founders building fast-growing technologyin founders building fast-growing technology companies. It has backed over 2,600 companies,companies. It has backed over 2,600 companies, including 41 companies valued at $1+ billion.including 41 companies valued at $1+ billion. Action Community forAction Community for Entrepreneurship (ACE)Entrepreneurship (ACE) ACE is the national voice for the Singapore startupACE is the national voice for the Singapore startup ecosystem, and a key trade association representingecosystem, and a key trade association representing the interests of startups in Singapore. ACEthe interests of startups in Singapore. ACE constantly seeks to build a vibrant and sustainableconstantly seeks to build a vibrant and sustainable startup ecosystem.startup ecosystem. NUS EnterpriseNUS Enterprise NUS Enterprise, the entrepreneurial arm of theNUS Enterprise, the entrepreneurial arm of the National University of Singapore, plays a key role inNational University of Singapore, plays a key role in advancing innovation and entrepreneurship throughadvancing innovation and entrepreneurship through entrepreneurial education, industry partnerships,entrepreneurial education, industry partnerships, support, and outreach.support, and outreach. Quest VenturesQuest Ventures Quest Ventures is a top venture capital firm in Asia.Quest Ventures is a top venture capital firm in Asia. Its portfolio includes 100+ companies in more thanIts portfolio includes 100+ companies in more than 150 cities, creating opportunities for more than150 cities, creating opportunities for more than 4,400 employees, and its Enterprise and ESG efforts4,400 employees, and its Enterprise and ESG efforts impact thousands more.impact thousands more. SGInnovateSGInnovate SGInnovate is a Singapore government-backedSGInnovate is a Singapore government-backed Deep Tech ecosystem builder and investor.Deep Tech ecosystem builder and investor. SGInnovate supports the development of talent andSGInnovate supports the development of talent and helps emerging tech startups to commercializehelps emerging tech startups to commercialize research, build solutions, and tackle the mostresearch, build solutions, and tackle the most pressing challenges.pressing challenges. STARTUP GENOME MEMBERSSTARTUP GENOME MEMBERS Enterprise SingaporeEnterprise Singapore Enterprise Singapore is a government agency championing enterprise development.Enterprise Singapore is a government agency championing enterprise development. We work with committed companies to build capabilities, innovate, andWe work with committed companies to build capabilities, innovate, and internationalize. We also support the growth of Singapore as a hub for global tradinginternationalize. We also support the growth of Singapore as a hub for global trading and startups.and startups. MEMBERMEMBER KEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERSKEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERS “Ranking as the #18 Global Startup Ecosystem overall, Singapore is a leading example of a thriving startup community. It is thrilling to closely collaborate with Enterprise Singapore to take a data-centric approach to studying this success.” Stephan Kuester, Head of Ecosystem Strategy of Startup Genome 56 ChinaChina BeijingBeijing #5#5 "Beijing is a vibrant city for venture capital and startups. With a large pool of"Beijing is a vibrant city for venture capital and startups. With a large pool of talent from top universities, the presence of multiple technology corporations,talent from top universities, the presence of multiple technology corporations, and access to capital, it has ample resources to help startups to grow."and access to capital, it has ample resources to help startups to grow." Heng Teck YongHeng Teck Yong Partner, Pegasus CapitalPartner, Pegasus Capital HighlightsHighlights The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics spotlighted not just athletic greatness, but also Beijing’s growing statusThe Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics spotlighted not just athletic greatness, but also Beijing’s growing status as a startup and technology hub. The Games showcased advances in 5G, AI and Robotics, self-drivingas a startup and technology hub. The Games showcased advances in 5G, AI and Robotics, self-driving vehicles, telemedicine, and smart venue management. China Unicom, the event’s officialvehicles, telemedicine, and smart venue management. China Unicom, the event’s official telecommunications service provider, built an intelligent vehicle networking system that supported a self-telecommunications service provider, built an intelligent vehicle networking system that supported a selfdriving car to carry the Olympic torch. It also helped test four types of unmanned vehicles including busesdriving car to carry the Olympic torch. It also helped test four types of unmanned vehicles including buses andand delivery vehicles.delivery vehicles. Meanwhile, China is accelerating its ambitious program to support startups in industries such asMeanwhile, China is accelerating its ambitious program to support startups in industries such as chipmaking and biotech. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is set to namechipmaking and biotech. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is set to name approximately 3,000 "little giant" startups in 2022. The designation provides startups with specialapproximately 3,000 "little giant" startups in 2022. The designation provides startups with special incentives and signals to investors, employees, and potential corporate partners that the companies enjoyincentives and signals to investors, employees, and potential corporate partners that the companies enjoy a special endorsement by the government.a special endorsement by the government. China is building Huairou Science City in the northeastern suburbs of Beijing to provide laboratories andChina is building Huairou Science City in the northeastern suburbs of Beijing to provide laboratories and infrastructure for advanced research. In March 2022, five experimental stations opened to users. Moreinfrastructure for advanced research. In March 2022, five experimental stations opened to users. More than 50 applications have been received from domestic and foreign teams, according to the Huairou Parkthan 50 applications have been received from domestic and foreign teams, according to the Huairou Park of the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The 5th International Conference on Networkof the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The 5th International Conference on Network Technology will be held in Beijing in October 2022.Technology will be held in Beijing in October 2022. Notable recent funding news out of Beijing includes Edtech Fenbi’s $390 million Series A in February 2021,Notable recent funding news out of Beijing includes Edtech Fenbi’s $390 million Series A in February 2021, augmented reality startup Nreal’s $60 million Series C in March 2022, andaugmented reality startup Nreal’s $60 million Series C in March 2022, and security threat intelligencesecurity threat intelligence company ThreatBook’s ¥300 million yuan ($47 million) Series E, also in March 2022.company ThreatBook’s ¥300 million yuan ($47 million) Series E, also in March 2022. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $9.5 bn$9.5 bn ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $795 bn$795 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $1.5 m$1.5 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $10 m$10 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $45 k$45 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 1 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $86 bn$86 bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 8 years8 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 432bn432bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 283283 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 #6 57 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths AI, Big Data & AnalyticsAI, Big Data & Analytics Beijing is home to 1,070 AI companies, over a quarterBeijing is home to 1,070 AI companies, over a quarter of China’s total. Tech hub Zhongguancun aloneof China’s total. Tech hub Zhongguancun alone hosts 10 AI labs and 9,000 tech companies. The IEEEhosts 10 AI labs and 9,000 tech companies. The IEEE International Conference on ComputerInternational Conference on Computer Communication and Artificial Intelligence is held inCommunication and Artificial Intelligence is held in Beijing. Xiaoice’s AI referee and coaching system notBeijing. Xiaoice’s AI referee and coaching system not only helped train domestic athletes for the Beijingonly helped train domestic athletes for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games, but also participated2022 Winter Olympic Games, but also participated in judging more than 40 test events. AI and IoTin judging more than 40 test events. AI and IoT platform Terminus Technologies raised a $93 millionplatform Terminus Technologies raised a $93 million Series B in September 2021. AI startup Aibee raisedSeries B in September 2021. AI startup Aibee raised $100 million in venture funding in March 2022.$100 million in venture funding in March 2022. FintechFintech Beijing has ranked #1 among global Fintech hubsBeijing has ranked #1 among global Fintech hubs for three consecutive years by the Global FinTechfor three consecutive years by the Global FinTech Hub Report. Co-organized by Tsinghua UniversityHub Report. Co-organized by Tsinghua University PBC School of Finance and more than 30 otherPBC School of Finance and more than 30 other colleges and universities, and sponsored bycolleges and universities, and sponsored by Tsinghua University Fintech Research Institute, theTsinghua University Fintech Research Institute, the 2021 China Fintech Research Conference was held2021 China Fintech Research Conference was held in Beijing to promote research around Fintech. Thein Beijing to promote research around Fintech. The Fintech World Forum will take place in Beijing inFintech World Forum will take place in Beijing in June 2022.June 2022. Blockchain startup Cobo raised a $40Blockchain startup Cobo raised a $40 million Series B in September 2021.million Series B in September 2021. Reasons to Move Your Startup to BeijingReasons to Move Your Startup to Beijing Infrastructure for AdvancedInfrastructure for Advanced ResearchResearch A cluster of advanced research institutions isA cluster of advanced research institutions is currently being constructed in Huairou Science City.currently being constructed in Huairou Science City. The cluster will accommodate 5,000 people on a siteThe cluster will accommodate 5,000 people on a site spanning approximately one square kilometer withspanning approximately one square kilometer with laboratories and other facilities for cutting-edgelaboratories and other facilities for cutting-edge science.science. Research FundingResearch Funding The National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaThe National Natural Science Foundation of China has set up the Research Fund for Internationalhas set up the Research Fund for International Scientists (RFIS) to support foriegn scientists whoScientists (RFIS) to support foriegn scientists who are ready to conduct basic research in China. RSIFare ready to conduct basic research in China. RSIF offers scientists up to $125,000 per year per projectoffers scientists up to $125,000 per year per project and is open to all research areas within the NSFC’sand is open to all research areas within the NSFC’s funding scope. Projects are expected to start infunding scope. Projects are expected to start in 2023.2023. Bejing is home to 1,070 AI companies, over a quarter of China’s total. 58 CanadaCanada Toronto-WaterlooToronto-Waterloo MEMBERS:MEMBERS: Communitech CorporationCommunitech Corporation // MaRS Discovery DistrictMaRS Discovery District #17#17 "As new Canadians, we built ApplyBoard to democratize access to education for"As new Canadians, we built ApplyBoard to democratize access to education for students worldwide. We chose the Toronto-Waterloo corridor because we couldstudents worldwide. We chose the Toronto-Waterloo corridor because we could easily access a diverse and global community of talented people."easily access a diverse and global community of talented people." Martin BasiriMartin Basiri CEO and cofounder, ApplyBoardCEO and cofounder, ApplyBoard HighlightsHighlights With more than 300,000 tech workers, the Toronto-Waterloo corridor is home to North America’s third-With more than 300,000 tech workers, the Toronto-Waterloo corridor is home to North America’s thirdlargest and fastest-growing innovation ecosystem. Anchored by the cities of Toronto (recognized as onelargest and fastest-growing innovation ecosystem. Anchored by the cities of Toronto (recognized as one of the most multicultural on the planet) and Waterloo (home to the well-regarded University of Waterloo),of the most multicultural on the planet) and Waterloo (home to the well-regarded University of Waterloo), the corridor boasts excellent transit connectivity and leading innovation hubs including MaRS andthe corridor boasts excellent transit connectivity and leading innovation hubs including MaRS and Communitech, as well as deep reservoirs of wealth. Nearly half of the venture capital deployed in CanadaCommunitech, as well as deep reservoirs of wealth. Nearly half of the venture capital deployed in Canada in 2021, a record CAD$7.7 billion, went to companies based in Toronto and Waterloo.in 2021, a record CAD$7.7 billion, went to companies based in Toronto and Waterloo. The corridor’s millennial population is growing at lightning speed — more than 21% per year — and theThe corridor’s millennial population is growing at lightning speed — more than 21% per year — and the quality of talent based here ranks alongside the globe’s elite tech regions. More broadly, Canada’squality of talent based here ranks alongside the globe’s elite tech regions. More broadly, Canada’s favorable immigration policies, public institutions, and social-democratic values have attracted a steadyfavorable immigration policies, public institutions, and social-democratic values have attracted a steady influx of highly-skilled newcomers to the area. In 2021, the Toronto region ranked as the best city in theinflux of highly-skilled newcomers to the area. In 2021, the Toronto region ranked as the best city in the world for working women, second in the world for safety, and sixth in the world for remote workers.world for working women, second in the world for safety, and sixth in the world for remote workers. ApplyBoard, an Edtech company that helps place international students, closed a $375 million Series DApplyBoard, an Edtech company that helps place international students, closed a $375 million Series D round in June 2021. Deep Genomics, which creates genetic therapies using AI, raised $180 million in Seriesround in June 2021. Deep Genomics, which creates genetic therapies using AI, raised $180 million in Series C funding a month later, and Cleantech startup GaN Systems raised $150 million in November. PasswordC funding a month later, and Cleantech startup GaN Systems raised $150 million in November. Password managermanager 1Password1Password has raisedhas raised $920$920 million over three rounds, with its most recent a $620 million Series Cmillion over three rounds, with its most recent a $620 million Series C in January 2022.in January 2022. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $2.7 bn$2.7 bn ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $46 bn$46 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $700 k$700 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $6.5 m$6.5 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $70 k$70 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 6 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $12 bn$12 bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 9.1 years9.1 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 13bn13bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 563563 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 #7 59 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths AI, Big Data & AnalyticsAI, Big Data & Analytics Few countries command as much trust as Canada,Few countries command as much trust as Canada, and global debates about the creation and use ofand global debates about the creation and use of new technology have created opportunities fornew technology have created opportunities for Toronto-Waterloo tech companies to lead in sectorsToronto-Waterloo tech companies to lead in sectors where trust is critical. Applied AI, Cybersecurity,where trust is critical. Applied AI, Cybersecurity, Fintech, Healthtech, sustainability and Smart CitiesFintech, Healthtech, sustainability and Smart Cities are just some examples. The Toronto region’s publicare just some examples. The Toronto region’s public and private institutions — governed by robust laws —and private institutions — governed by robust laws — remain role models in the Tech for Good movement.remain role models in the Tech for Good movement. Life SciencesLife Sciences The Toronto-Waterloo corridor is a global life-The Toronto-Waterloo corridor is a global lifesciences powerhouse, boasting some of the world’ssciences powerhouse, boasting some of the world’s best hospitals, and more than 8,000 relatedbest hospitals, and more than 8,000 related companies. The foundation of this success comescompanies. The foundation of this success comes from the University of Toronto (famous for thefrom the University of Toronto (famous for the discovery of insulin and stem cells) and thediscovery of insulin and stem cells) and the University of Waterloo, which has the largest post-University of Waterloo, which has the largest postsecondary co-op program in the world, with nearlysecondary co-op program in the world, with nearly 20,000 co-op students enrolled over three semesters20,000 co-op students enrolled over three semesters in more than 120 programs.in more than 120 programs. Reasons to Move Your Startup to Toronto-WaterlooReasons to Move Your Startup to Toronto-Waterloo Building for HumanityBuilding for Humanity Canada’s reputation as a progressive nation providesCanada’s reputation as a progressive nation provides a rock-solid foundation for founders to build trusta rock-solid foundation for founders to build trust into their technologies and tackle some of the world’sinto their technologies and tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges. CEOs Tobi Lütke (Shopify),biggest challenges. CEOs Tobi Lütke (Shopify), Michele Romanow (Clearco), and Joshua LiuMichele Romanow (Clearco), and Joshua Liu (SeamlessMD) are some vocal local champions of this(SeamlessMD) are some vocal local champions of this ethos.ethos. From Lab to MarketFrom Lab to Market Toronto-Waterloo is enviably equipped to turnToronto-Waterloo is enviably equipped to turn student talent into professionals, and to turn ideasstudent talent into professionals, and to turn ideas into prosperous companies. In 2020, MaRS-into prosperous companies. In 2020, MaRSsupported ventures raised $2.4 billion whilesupported ventures raised $2.4 billion while generating $1.5 billion in revenue and almost 23,000generating $1.5 billion in revenue and almost 23,000 jobs. The University of Waterloo’s Innovation Area, ajobs. The University of Waterloo’s Innovation Area, a $35-million space offering wet and biosafety labs$35-million space offering wet and biosafety labs for 75 ventures, is set to open in 2023.for 75 ventures, is set to open in 2023. Global CommunityGlobal Community Toronto-Waterloo represents 230 nationalities and 180Toronto-Waterloo represents 230 nationalities and 180 languages spoken. By 2025, Canada will welcomelanguages spoken. By 2025, Canada will welcome more than 1.3 million new Canadians. The region is anmore than 1.3 million new Canadians. The region is an open destination, where newcomers can find peopleopen destination, where newcomers can find people from their native community and also join dozensfrom their native community and also join dozens more. Local universities attract tens of thousands ofmore. Local universities attract tens of thousands of international students every year, and consistentlyinternational students every year, and consistently produce world-class graduates for high-growthproduce world-class graduates for high-growth companies.companies. Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths AI, Big Data & AnalyticsAI, Big Data & Analytics Few countries command as much trust as Canada,Few countries command as much trust as Canada, and global debates about the creation and use ofand global debates about the creation and use of new technology have created opportunities fornew technology have created opportunities for Toronto-Waterloo tech companies to lead in sectorsToronto-Waterloo tech companies to lead in sectors where trust is critical. Applied AI, Cybersecurity,where trust is critical. Applied AI, Cybersecurity, Fintech, Healthtech, sustainability and Smart CitiesFintech, Healthtech, sustainability and Smart Cities are just some examples. The Toronto region’s publicare just some examples. The Toronto region’s public and private institutions — governed by robust laws —and private institutions — governed by robust laws — remain role models in the Tech for Good movement.remain role models in the Tech for Good movement. Life SciencesLife Sciences The Toronto-Waterloo corridor is a global life-The Toronto-Waterloo corridor is a global lifesciences powerhouse, boasting some of the world’ssciences powerhouse, boasting some of the world’s best hospitals, and more than 8,000 relatedbest hospitals, and more than 8,000 related companies. The foundation of this success comescompanies. The foundation of this success comes from the University of Toronto (famous for thefrom the University of Toronto (famous for the discovery of insulin and stem cells) and thediscovery of insulin and stem cells) and the University of Waterloo, which has the largest post-University of Waterloo, which has the largest postsecondary co-op program in the world, with nearlysecondary co-op program in the world, with nearly 20,000 co-op students enrolled over three semesters20,000 co-op students enrolled over three semesters in more than 120 programs.in more than 120 programs. Reasons to Move Your Startup to Toronto-WaterlooReasons to Move Your Startup to Toronto-Waterloo Building for HumanityBuilding for Humanity Canada’s reputation as a progressive nation providesCanada’s reputation as a progressive nation provides a rock-solid foundation for founders to build trusta rock-solid foundation for founders to build trust into their technologies and tackle some of the world’sinto their technologies and tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges. CEOs Tobi Lütke (Shopify),biggest challenges. CEOs Tobi Lütke (Shopify), Michele Romanow (Clearco), and Joshua LiuMichele Romanow (Clearco), and Joshua Liu (SeamlessMD) are some vocal local champions of this(SeamlessMD) are some vocal local champions of this ethos.ethos. From Lab to MarketFrom Lab to Market Toronto-Waterloo is enviably equipped to turnToronto-Waterloo is enviably equipped to turn student talent into professionals, and to turn ideasstudent talent into professionals, and to turn ideas into prosperous companies. In 2020, MaRS-into prosperous companies. In 2020, MaRSsupported ventures raised $2.4 billion whilesupported ventures raised $2.4 billion while generating $1.5 billion in revenue and almost 23,000generating $1.5 billion in revenue and almost 23,000 jobs. The University of Waterloo’s Innovation Area, ajobs. The University of Waterloo’s Innovation Area, a $35-million space offering wet and biosafety labs$35-million space offering wet and biosafety labs for 75 ventures, is set to open in 2023.for 75 ventures, is set to open in 2023. Global CommunityGlobal Community Toronto-Waterloo represents 230 nationalities and 180Toronto-Waterloo represents 230 nationalities and 180 languages spoken. By 2025, Canada will welcomelanguages spoken. By 2025, Canada will welcome more than 1.3 million new Canadians. The region is anmore than 1.3 million new Canadians. The region is an open destination, where newcomers can find peopleopen destination, where newcomers can find people from their native community and also join dozensfrom their native community and also join dozens more. Local universities attract tens of thousands ofmore. Local universities attract tens of thousands of international students every year, and consistentlyinternational students every year, and consistently produce world-class graduates for high-growthproduce world-class graduates for high-growth companies.companies. The Toronto’s region’s public and private institutions remain role models in the Tech for Good movement. 60 Selected Startup OrganizationsSelected Startup Organizations CANhealthCANhealth The CAN Health Network is a Canada-firstThe CAN Health Network is a Canada-first approach to technology adoption. By breaking downapproach to technology adoption. By breaking down barriers to entry into the health care sector forbarriers to entry into the health care sector for Canadian companies, their solutions can be quicklyCanadian companies, their solutions can be quickly validated, procured and scaled across the country.validated, procured and scaled across the country. Creative Destruction LabCreative Destruction Lab (CDL)(CDL) Creative Destruction Lab (CDL) is a nonprofitCreative Destruction Lab (CDL) is a nonprofit organization that delivers an objectives-basedorganization that delivers an objectives-based program for massively scalable, seed-stage, science-program for massively scalable, seed-stage, scienceand technology-based companies.and technology-based companies. University of TorontoUniversity of Toronto The University of Toronto is where talent, ideas,The University of Toronto is where talent, ideas, research and ambition converge to build the nextresearch and ambition converge to build the next generation of global entrepreneurs.generation of global entrepreneurs. University of WaterlooUniversity of Waterloo The University of Waterloo integrates workThe University of Waterloo integrates work experience with academic and research excellence,experience with academic and research excellence, delivering a unique entrepreneurial culture.delivering a unique entrepreneurial culture. Innovators can access support, mentorship, fundingInnovators can access support, mentorship, funding and connections from over 45 programs.and connections from over 45 programs. Vector InstituteVector Institute The Vector Institute is an independent, not-for-The Vector Institute is an independent, not-forprofit corporation dedicated to advancing artificialprofit corporation dedicated to advancing artificial intelligence, excelling in machine learning and deepintelligence, excelling in machine learning and deep learning.learning. STARTUP GENOME MEMBERSSTARTUP GENOME MEMBERS Communitech CorporationCommunitech Corporation Founded in 1997, Communitech was built by tech founders who saw the need for aFounded in 1997, Communitech was built by tech founders who saw the need for a community of support to help ensure the future prosperity of Canada. As Canada’scommunity of support to help ensure the future prosperity of Canada. As Canada’s tech supercharger, we help founders hire and retain the smartest, brightest and mosttech supercharger, we help founders hire and retain the smartest, brightest and most experienced people; access growth financing at every stage; sell to the biggestexperienced people; access growth financing at every stage; sell to the biggest customers at home and around the world; and connect with the right people at thecustomers at home and around the world; and connect with the right people at the right time.right time. MEMBERMEMBER MaRS Discovery DistrictMaRS Discovery District MaRS is North America’s largest urban innovation hub. A registered nonprofit, MaRSMaRS is North America’s largest urban innovation hub. A registered nonprofit, MaRS supports high-growth startups and scaleups tackling key issues in health, Cleantech,supports high-growth startups and scaleups tackling key issues in health, Cleantech, Fintech, and other sectors. In addition, MaRS convenes members of the techFintech, and other sectors. In addition, MaRS convenes members of the tech ecosystem to drive breakthrough discoveries, grow the economy, and make an impactecosystem to drive breakthrough discoveries, grow the economy, and make an impact by solving real problems for real people — in Canada and around the world.by solving real problems for real people — in Canada and around the world. MEMBERMEMBER KEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERSKEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERS 61 United StatesUnited States Los AngelesLos Angeles #6#6 "We built a rock hard community, and seeing L.A. now, as one of the top startup"We built a rock hard community, and seeing L.A. now, as one of the top startup cities in the world, is a testament to the power of community."cities in the world, is a testament to the power of community." Cam KashaniCam Kashani Cofounder and CEO at COACCEL: The Human AcceleratorCofounder and CEO at COACCEL: The Human Accelerator HighlightsHighlights Long known for movies rather than technology, and overshadowed as a startup hub by nearby SiliconLong known for movies rather than technology, and overshadowed as a startup hub by nearby Silicon Valley, Los Angeles has shifted in recent years to become not just one of North America’s top startupValley, Los Angeles has shifted in recent years to become not just one of North America’s top startup ecosystems, but a global hotspot. What sets the growing startup ecosystem apart from many establishedecosystems, but a global hotspot. What sets the growing startup ecosystem apart from many established tech hubs is its inclusivity. Los Angeles ranked sixth in Smart Asset’s Best Places for Black Entrepreneurstech hubs is its inclusivity. Los Angeles ranked sixth in Smart Asset’s Best Places for Black Entrepreneurs 2022 study, which compared 57 U.S. metro areas. The number of Black-owned businesses increased by2022 study, which compared 57 U.S. metro areas. The number of Black-owned businesses increased by more than 41% over the past two years.more than 41% over the past two years. New venture capitalist firms and funds are furthering powering the ecosystem. Upfront Ventures hasNew venture capitalist firms and funds are furthering powering the ecosystem. Upfront Ventures has raised $176.5 million for a new fund. Wonder Ventures has raised a new $31 million early-stage fundraised $176.5 million for a new fund. Wonder Ventures has raised a new $31 million early-stage fund focused exclusively on L.A. startups. Jumpstart Nova, which invests exclusively in Black-founded andfocused exclusively on L.A. startups. Jumpstart Nova, which invests exclusively in Black-founded and Black-led health companies and has roots in L.A., has raised $55 million. Haven Ventures, a new FintechBlack-led health companies and has roots in L.A., has raised $55 million. Haven Ventures, a new Fintech fund focused on seed and pre-seed startups, is cutting checks of up to $1 million. New all-female,fund focused on seed and pre-seed startups, is cutting checks of up to $1 million. New all-female, minority-led VC firm Emmeline Ventures is in the process of securing its initial fund, and Emmeline hasminority-led VC firm Emmeline Ventures is in the process of securing its initial fund, and Emmeline has already announced its first deal: $30,000 toward a seed round for Blockchain startup Clutch Wallet.already announced its first deal: $30,000 toward a seed round for Blockchain startup Clutch Wallet. The annual Upfront Summit hosts more than 1,000 investors, entrepreneurs, and ecosystem leaders. TheThe annual Upfront Summit hosts more than 1,000 investors, entrepreneurs, and ecosystem leaders. The latest edition took place in Los Angeles in March 2022. TECHSPO Los Angeles 2022 is scheduled for July.latest edition took place in Los Angeles in March 2022. TECHSPO Los Angeles 2022 is scheduled for July. The Montgomery Summit, one of the premier technology conferences in the U.S., will take place in SantaThe Montgomery Summit, one of the premier technology conferences in the U.S., will take place in Santa Monica in May.Monica in May. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $5.9 bn$5.9 bn ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $297 bn$297 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $1 m$1 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $7 m$7 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $94 k$94 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 6 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $39 bn$39 bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 117bn117bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 880880 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 #8 62 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths Life SciencesLife Sciences UCLA has more than 350 medical research centers,UCLA has more than 350 medical research centers, labs, and institutes, and receives approximately $1labs, and institutes, and receives approximately $1 billion in research funding annually. The Losbillion in research funding annually. The Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at UCLAAngeles Biomedical Research Institute at UCLA influences healthcare advancements throughoutinfluences healthcare advancements throughout the world. Biopharma company ACELYRIN raised athe world. Biopharma company ACELYRIN raised a $250 million Series B in November 2021. Biotech$250 million Series B in November 2021. Biotech startup Appia Bio launched in May 2021, backed bystartup Appia Bio launched in May 2021, backed by a $52 million Series A.a $52 million Series A. GamingGaming According to CBRE, of the 60 esports teams activeAccording to CBRE, of the 60 esports teams active in the U.S. in 2021, 16 are headquartered in Greaterin the U.S. in 2021, 16 are headquartered in Greater Los Angeles, making the area home to the highestLos Angeles, making the area home to the highest concentration of esports teams in the country. Sixconcentration of esports teams in the country. Six of the 10 most valuable esports teams areof the 10 most valuable esports teams are headquartered in Los Angeles, according to Forbes.headquartered in Los Angeles, according to Forbes. Future Forum: The Future of Esports was held hereFuture Forum: The Future of Esports was held here in December 2021. Avatar technology companyin December 2021. Avatar technology company Genies raised a $150 million Series C in April 2022,Genies raised a $150 million Series C in April 2022, valuing the company at $1 billion. Video gamevaluing the company at $1 billion. Video game engine Mythical Games raised a $150 million Seriesengine Mythical Games raised a $150 million Series C in November 2021.C in November 2021. CleantechCleantech L.A. Cleantech Incubator (LACI) offers incubatorL.A. Cleantech Incubator (LACI) offers incubator programs to help Cleantech startups gain access toprograms to help Cleantech startups gain access to capital and scale with a special emphasis oncapital and scale with a special emphasis on underrepresented communities such as women andunderrepresented communities such as women and people of color. It has supported 281 startups thatpeople of color. It has supported 281 startups that have gone on to raise a total of $636 million andhave gone on to raise a total of $636 million and secured state funding to identify a satellite greensecured state funding to identify a satellite green workforce training hub in South LA in anticipationworkforce training hub in South LA in anticipation of launching a training program in fall 2022.of launching a training program in fall 2022. Reasons to Move Your Startup to Los AngelesReasons to Move Your Startup to Los Angeles Creative TalentCreative Talent A global hub for the entertainment, culture, media,A global hub for the entertainment, culture, media, and fashion industries, Los Angeles is one of theand fashion industries, Los Angeles is one of the creative capitals of the world. One out of every sixcreative capitals of the world. One out of every six people in the region is employed in a creative field,people in the region is employed in a creative field, providing startups with a vast pool of creative talentproviding startups with a vast pool of creative talent and energy to draw from.and energy to draw from. 63 United StatesUnited States BostonBoston #4#4 "Boston has an incredible density of talent from veteran entrepreneurs,"Boston has an incredible density of talent from veteran entrepreneurs, universities, investment capital, pillar companies, and a supportive ecosystem.universities, investment capital, pillar companies, and a supportive ecosystem. It's a magical combination of the key ingredients to fuel startups."It's a magical combination of the key ingredients to fuel startups." David ChangDavid Chang General Manager of Expert Network, Hunt Club, Founding Member, TBD AngelsGeneral Manager of Expert Network, Hunt Club, Founding Member, TBD Angels HighlightsHighlights With its incredible strength in Life Sciences and Robotics and world-leading universities, Boston is aWith its incredible strength in Life Sciences and Robotics and world-leading universities, Boston is a startup powerhouse. The ecosystem is consistently in the top five global leaders in the GSER rankings, astartup powerhouse. The ecosystem is consistently in the top five global leaders in the GSER rankings, a result of its strong talent, funding, and experience, among other factors.result of its strong talent, funding, and experience, among other factors. In 2021, the top 10 funding events in the ecosystem alone added up to more than $7 billion, more thanIn 2021, the top 10 funding events in the ecosystem alone added up to more than $7 billion, more than double 2020’s total. Amazon aggregator Thrasio led the way, raising $1.85 billion overall in 2021, anddouble 2020’s total. Amazon aggregator Thrasio led the way, raising $1.85 billion overall in 2021, and Devoted Health raised $1.15 billion in October. VC deal sizes are also ballooning in the ecosystem — 2021Devoted Health raised $1.15 billion in October. VC deal sizes are also ballooning in the ecosystem — 2021 saw $28 billion raised from 133 VC deals in Massachusetts.saw $28 billion raised from 133 VC deals in Massachusetts. The Boston ecosystem is particularly welcoming to women, with several local ecosystem standoutsThe Boston ecosystem is particularly welcoming to women, with several local ecosystem standouts headed by female leaders, including Care.com. Around 10% of startups here are founded by women, whichheaded by female leaders, including Care.com. Around 10% of startups here are founded by women, which compares favorably to a national average of 3% of VC dollars going to female founders. Boston is alsocompares favorably to a national average of 3% of VC dollars going to female founders. Boston is also home to several women-founded venture capital firms including Boston Seed Capital, Victress Capital, andhome to several women-founded venture capital firms including Boston Seed Capital, Victress Capital, and Glasswing Ventures.Glasswing Ventures. Standout events in Boston’s business event calendar include Startup Week, an annual celebration ofStandout events in Boston’s business event calendar include Startup Week, an annual celebration of entrepreneurship and innovation, and the ecosystem is home to a large number of support organizations,entrepreneurship and innovation, and the ecosystem is home to a large number of support organizations, including nonprofit accelerator MassChallenge and seed-to-Series A incubator TiE ScaleUp.including nonprofit accelerator MassChallenge and seed-to-Series A incubator TiE ScaleUp. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $8.7 bn$8.7 bn ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $266 bn$266 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $1.5 m$1.5 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $8.3 m$8.3 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $90 k$90 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 5 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $51 bn$51 bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 8.9 years8.9 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 113bn113bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 715715 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 #9 64 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths Life SciencesLife Sciences Home to over 1,000 Life Sciences companies, BostonHome to over 1,000 Life Sciences companies, Boston is among the world’s topis among the world’s top Life Sciences hubLife Sciences hubs. Thes. The greater Boston area is home to five leading Nationalgreater Boston area is home to five leading National Institutes of Health-funded hospitals and boasts theInstitutes of Health-funded hospitals and boasts the highest per-capita government biotech funding inhighest per-capita government biotech funding in the country. Life Sciences companies inthe country. Life Sciences companies in Massachusetts raised a record high of more than $13Massachusetts raised a record high of more than $13 billion in 2021. The Massachusetts Life Sciencesbillion in 2021. The Massachusetts Life Sciences Center offers a tax incentive program and hasCenter offers a tax incentive program and has awarded more than $241 million to relevantawarded more than $241 million to relevant companies in the state.companies in the state. AdvancedAdvanced Manufacturing &Manufacturing & RoboticsRobotics Robotics companies employ more than 4,700Robotics companies employ more than 4,700 people. In July 2021, accelerator The Founderpeople. In July 2021, accelerator The Founder Institute announced partnerships withInstitute announced partnerships with NASA AmesNASA Ames Research CenterResearch Center andand MassRoboticsMassRobotics for a Founderfor a Founder Institute AI & Robotics Accelerator program inInstitute AI & Robotics Accelerator program in Boston. Digital surgery company Activ Surgical hasBoston. Digital surgery company Activ Surgical has raised a total ofraised a total of $85.4$85.4 million over five rounds, andmillion over five rounds, and Realtime RoboticsRealtime Robotics raised a total ofraised a total of $47.2$47.2 millionmillion over five rounds. In September 2021, Locus Roboticsover five rounds. In September 2021, Locus Robotics raised a further $50 million, taking its total fundingraised a further $50 million, taking its total funding to around $300 million and making the company ato around $300 million and making the company a unicorn.unicorn. Reasons to Move Your Startup to BostonReasons to Move Your Startup to Boston Funding Research &Funding Research & DevelopmentDevelopment Several institutions outside of the universities alsoSeveral institutions outside of the universities also invest heavily in R&D in the Boston area. CARB-Xinvest heavily in R&D in the Boston area. CARB-X pledged to invest up to $550 million in antibacterialpledged to invest up to $550 million in antibacterial R&D between 2016 and 2021, while restaurantR&D between 2016 and 2021, while restaurant technology company Toast is set to invest $1 billion intechnology company Toast is set to invest $1 billion in hardware and software R&D over five years.hardware and software R&D over five years. Support and MentorshipSupport and Mentorship Boston’s strong track record of success meansBoston’s strong track record of success means newer founders can access abundant support andnewer founders can access abundant support and mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs.mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs. Established ecosystem members are willing to shareEstablished ecosystem members are willing to share advice on what it takes to grow a company, as welladvice on what it takes to grow a company, as well as connect founders to suppliers, financing,as connect founders to suppliers, financing, employees, and more.employees, and more. Tech TalentTech Talent The Boston region is home to around 60 colleges andThe Boston region is home to around 60 colleges and universities, including world-leading institutionsuniversities, including world-leading institutions Harvard and MIT. The particular focus on engineeringHarvard and MIT. The particular focus on engineering at many of these universities produces a steady flowat many of these universities produces a steady flow of highly qualified engineers. It’s no surprise thenof highly qualified engineers. It’s no surprise then that Boston made the top 10 markets in the U.S. andthat Boston made the top 10 markets in the U.S. and Canada for technology talent, according to CBRE’sCanada for technology talent, according to CBRE’s 2021 Scoring Tech Talent report.2021 Scoring Tech Talent report. 65 FranceFrance ParisParis #15#15 "France's startup ecosystem has transformed over the last few years. Today, we"France's startup ecosystem has transformed over the last few years. Today, we see leading entrepreneurs and investors from around the world gravitatingsee leading entrepreneurs and investors from around the world gravitating towards France, resulting in record levels of funding that are powering newtowards France, resulting in record levels of funding that are powering new innovations and high-growth companies."innovations and high-growth companies." Roxanne VartaRoxanne Varta Director, Station FDirector, Station F HighlightsHighlights Paris has advanced its quest to become Europe’s largest startup ecosystem: the French capital’s greaterParis has advanced its quest to become Europe’s largest startup ecosystem: the French capital’s greater metro area is now home to 12,000 startups, more than London and Berlin.metro area is now home to 12,000 startups, more than London and Berlin. The government is working hard to build on this momentum. In October 2021, President Emmanuel MacronThe government is working hard to build on this momentum. In October 2021, President Emmanuel Macron presented a €30 billion ($33 billion) France 2030 plan. Nearly €15 billion is dedicated to startups, includingpresented a €30 billion ($33 billion) France 2030 plan. Nearly €15 billion is dedicated to startups, including €5 billion for DeepTech startups and €1 billion for digital job training.€5 billion for DeepTech startups and €1 billion for digital job training. Launched by the French president in 2021, the Scale-Up Europe initiative brings together over 300Launched by the French president in 2021, the Scale-Up Europe initiative brings together over 300 founders, investors, researchers, and corporations with the goal of making Europe home to ten tech giantsfounders, investors, researchers, and corporations with the goal of making Europe home to ten tech giants valued at more than €100 billion ($109 billion) by 2030. A February 2022 Scale-up Europe conference wasvalued at more than €100 billion ($109 billion) by 2030. A February 2022 Scale-up Europe conference was aimed at increasing European venture capital funds’ capacity to provide late-stage funding to EU-basedaimed at increasing European venture capital funds’ capacity to provide late-stage funding to EU-based startups and scaleups by creating a pan-European fund of funds.startups and scaleups by creating a pan-European fund of funds. La French Tech, a movement to promote the French tech scene launched in April 2022 in partnershipLa French Tech, a movement to promote the French tech scene launched in April 2022 in partnership with Jobteaser. It seeks to create a job board dedicated to startup jobs. VivaTec is an annual technologywith Jobteaser. It seeks to create a job board dedicated to startup jobs. VivaTec is an annual technology conference held in Paris. In 2021, Station F, a flagship entity for the tech community in France, launchedconference held in Paris. In 2021, Station F, a flagship entity for the tech community in France, launched an online component calledan online component called Launch by Station FLaunch by Station F. The program enables entrepreneurs from anywhere to. The program enables entrepreneurs from anywhere to learn the basics to start a company. In February 2022, Ankorstore, which sells anything from homeware tolearn the basics to start a company. In February 2022, Ankorstore, which sells anything from homeware to food and fashion, raised an additional €250 million ($272 million) in new investment, raising its valuation tofood and fashion, raised an additional €250 million ($272 million) in new investment, raising its valuation to €1.75 billion ($191 billion) and making it France’s second unicorn.€1.75 billion ($191 billion) and making it France’s second unicorn. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $5 bn$5 bn ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $89 bn$89 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $1.4 m$1.4 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $5 m$5 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $52 k$52 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 5 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $23 bn$23 bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 9.2 years9.2 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 9.5bn9.5bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 532532 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 #10 66 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths FintechFintech Finance for Tomorrow launched in 2017 with theFinance for Tomorrow launched in 2017 with the goal of making green and sustainable finance a keygoal of making green and sustainable finance a key driver in the development of Paris as a financialdriver in the development of Paris as a financial center. The 2021 edition of its flagship event,center. The 2021 edition of its flagship event, Climate Finance Day, focused on accelerating theClimate Finance Day, focused on accelerating the deployment of sustainable finance anddeployment of sustainable finance and democratizing its impact. Spendesk has raised ademocratizing its impact. Spendesk has raised a total of $311.8 million in funding over seven rounds,total of $311.8 million in funding over seven rounds, including a €100 million ($109 million) Series C inincluding a €100 million ($109 million) Series C in January 2022. P2P payment startup Lydia has raisedJanuary 2022. P2P payment startup Lydia has raised a total of $262.6 million in funding over sevena total of $262.6 million in funding over seven rounds.rounds. AI, Big Data & AnalyticsAI, Big Data & Analytics The 10th edition of Big Data & AI Paris, a majorThe 10th edition of Big Data & AI Paris, a major European AI event, took place in Paris inEuropean AI event, took place in Paris in SeptemberSeptember 2021. Startup studio Kamet invests in Parisian2021. Startup studio Kamet invests in Parisian startups engaged in sectors like Big Data analyticsstartups engaged in sectors like Big Data analytics and IoT. Digital experience analytics platformand IoT. Digital experience analytics platform Contentsquare has raised a total of $812 million inContentsquare has raised a total of $812 million in funding over five rounds. AI-driven decisionfunding over five rounds. AI-driven decision automation and optimization company Shiftautomation and optimization company Shift Technology has raised a total of $545 million overTechnology has raised a total of $545 million over 10 rounds, including a $220 million Series D in10 rounds, including a $220 million Series D in November 2021.November 2021. Reasons to Move Your Startup to ParisReasons to Move Your Startup to Paris Access to Large MarketsAccess to Large Markets Startups in Paris enjoy unrivaled access to one of theStartups in Paris enjoy unrivaled access to one of the largest domestic markets in Europe, and easy accesslargest domestic markets in Europe, and easy access to a European market of more than 500 millionto a European market of more than 500 million consumers. The city is also a convenient gateway toconsumers. The city is also a convenient gateway to African and Asian markets. A high-speed rail networkAfrican and Asian markets. A high-speed rail network offers fast and frequent connections to all majoroffers fast and frequent connections to all major European cities. The area’s three internationalEuropean cities. The area’s three international airports, all connected to the city center via the metro,airports, all connected to the city center via the metro, offer direct connections to 260 destinations in 191offer direct connections to 260 destinations in 191 countries.countries. Government SupportGovernment Support The local and national governments supportThe local and national governments support startups with tax incentives and other initiatives,startups with tax incentives and other initiatives, such as infrastructure projects. French corporatesuch as infrastructure projects. French corporate tax has been progressively lowered since 2018, fromtax has been progressively lowered since 2018, from 33% to 25% in 2022, which is close to the OECD33% to 25% in 2022, which is close to the OECD average. France also beats the UK and Germany foraverage. France also beats the UK and Germany for its effective corporate tax rate on R&D. Companiesits effective corporate tax rate on R&D. Companies spending on scientific and technical researchspending on scientific and technical research benefit from a tax credit equivalent to 30% of theirbenefit from a tax credit equivalent to 30% of their initial investment, up to €100 million ($109 million)initial investment, up to €100 million ($109 million) per year.per year. Highly Educated WorkforceHighly Educated Workforce With 21 of the best-ranked business schools in theWith 21 of the best-ranked business schools in the world, and three of the top five best-ranked master'sworld, and three of the top five best-ranked master's degrees in management, there is a pool of highlydegrees in management, there is a pool of highly skilled talent in Paris. The French capital is particularlyskilled talent in Paris. The French capital is particularly rich in engineering talent, which comes in cheaprich in engineering talent, which comes in cheap compared to Silicon Valley, thanks in part to taxcompared to Silicon Valley, thanks in part to tax incentives for innovative projects.incentives for innovative projects. 67 ChinaChina ShanghaiShanghai #8#8 "Shanghai has an abundant pool of innovative and high quality talent that is"Shanghai has an abundant pool of innovative and high quality talent that is highly receptive to diverse ideas. There is strong demand for this talent fromhighly receptive to diverse ideas. There is strong demand for this talent from both startups and corporations."both startups and corporations." Daryoush ZiaiDaryoush Ziai CEO, Schindler ChinaCEO, Schindler China HighlightsHighlights Shanghai may have centuries of culture behind it, but this Asian metropolis is looking to the future.Shanghai may have centuries of culture behind it, but this Asian metropolis is looking to the future. Juniper Research ranked Shanghai as the world’s #1 Smart City for 2022, based on its transportation andJuniper Research ranked Shanghai as the world’s #1 Smart City for 2022, based on its transportation and infrastructure, energy and lighting, city management, technology, and urban connectivity.infrastructure, energy and lighting, city management, technology, and urban connectivity. As a global financial hub and location of one of the world’s busiest container ports, Shanghai is China’sAs a global financial hub and location of one of the world’s busiest container ports, Shanghai is China’s gateway to the world. The city’s population of 24 million includes a large base of sophisticated andgateway to the world. The city’s population of 24 million includes a large base of sophisticated and cosmopolitan consumers, as well as 250,000 expats. It is no surprise then that the city is a popular homecosmopolitan consumers, as well as 250,000 expats. It is no surprise then that the city is a popular home base for foreign companies. Mercedes-Benz Group opened an R&D center in Shanghai in March 2022. Thebase for foreign companies. Mercedes-Benz Group opened an R&D center in Shanghai in March 2022. The center, its second R&D facility in China, will focus on connectivity, automated driving, and big data. SMICcenter, its second R&D facility in China, will focus on connectivity, automated driving, and big data. SMIC announced it will invest $8.87 billion to build a chip plant in Shanghai.announced it will invest $8.87 billion to build a chip plant in Shanghai. The Venture Capital World Summit was held in Shanghai in March 2022. MWC Shanghai, Asia’s mostThe Venture Capital World Summit was held in Shanghai in March 2022. MWC Shanghai, Asia’s most influential event for the connectivity industry, is scheduled to take place here in July.influential event for the connectivity industry, is scheduled to take place here in July. IEEE ICIT, one ofIEEE ICIT, one of the flagship conferences of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, will be held in the city in August.the flagship conferences of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, will be held in the city in August. Non-Nonprofit Asian Association of Business Incubation (AABI)profit Asian Association of Business Incubation (AABI) held its 2021 AABI Summit and Awards Ceremony inheld its 2021 AABI Summit and Awards Ceremony in Shanghai in November 2021.Shanghai in November 2021. Notable recent funding rounds out of Shanghai include self-driving tech firm Zongmu’s ¥1 billion ($149Notable recent funding rounds out of Shanghai include self-driving tech firm Zongmu’s ¥1 billion ($149 million) Series E,million) Series E, AI startup Pateo’s ¥300 million ($44.6 million) raise, and Mooe Robot’s ¥100 millionAI startup Pateo’s ¥300 million ($44.6 million) raise, and Mooe Robot’s ¥100 million ($14.9 million) Series B.($14.9 million) Series B. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $4.5 bn$4.5 bn ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $250 bn$250 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $1.6 m$1.6 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $10 m$10 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $36 k$36 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 1 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $52 bn$52 bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 10 years10 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 105bn105bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 222222 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 #11 68 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths GamingGaming Shanghai is developing into an esports center.Shanghai is developing into an esports center. Research from Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityResearch from Shanghai Jiao Tong University ranked the city second in the world and first in Asiaranked the city second in the world and first in Asia for esports. High-profile offline esports event Intelfor esports. High-profile offline esports event Intel World Open was held in the city in January 2022.World Open was held in the city in January 2022. Los Angeles-based game developer Riot Games isLos Angeles-based game developer Riot Games is opening a new studio in Shanghai. Mobile gamesopening a new studio in Shanghai. Mobile games developer Moonton was acquired by ByteDance fordeveloper Moonton was acquired by ByteDance for $4 billion in March 2021.$4 billion in March 2021. HealthtechHealthtech Shanghai is home to more than 240,000 healthcareShanghai is home to more than 240,000 healthcare professionals, and 18 of the top 20 globalprofessionals, and 18 of the top 20 global pharmaceutical companies have their Chinapharmaceutical companies have their China headquarters or research centers in Shanghai. Theheadquarters or research centers in Shanghai. The city’s 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) for the sectorcity’s 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) for the sector aims to grow biopharma-related manufacturing andaims to grow biopharma-related manufacturing and establish six industrial parks. Simbay Park, aestablish six industrial parks. Simbay Park, a biotech-focused industrial park, is one of 12biotech-focused industrial park, is one of 12 municipal-level startup incubators in Shanghai.municipal-level startup incubators in Shanghai. Biotech startup Igenesis raised a ¥100 million ($14.9Biotech startup Igenesis raised a ¥100 million ($14.9 million) Series C in March 2022.million) Series C in March 2022. Reasons to Move Your Startup to ShanghaiReasons to Move Your Startup to Shanghai Financial IncentivesFinancial Incentives Enterprises registered in Shanghai or that have set upEnterprises registered in Shanghai or that have set up regional headquarters in Shanghai receive a startupregional headquarters in Shanghai receive a startup subsidy of ¥5 million ($743,000). The subsidy is paidsubsidy of ¥5 million ($743,000). The subsidy is paid over three years in three installments of 40%, 30%,over three years in three installments of 40%, 30%, and 30%. Eligible recognized regional headquartersand 30%. Eligible recognized regional headquarters are also granted a three-year rent subsidy equal toare also granted a three-year rent subsidy equal to 30% of the total rent. Multinationals with regional30% of the total rent. Multinationals with regional headquarters in Shanghai and an annual turnover ofheadquarters in Shanghai and an annual turnover of more than ¥500 millionmore than ¥500 million ($74.3 million) are entitled to($74.3 million) are entitled to an additional lump sum incentive, again paid over aan additional lump sum incentive, again paid over a three-year period.three-year period. Global ConnectionsGlobal Connections Long known as the Pearl of the Orient, Shanghai isLong known as the Pearl of the Orient, Shanghai is a fashionable metropolis and major Asia-Pacifica fashionable metropolis and major Asia-Pacific transport hub with excellent connectivity. Moderntransport hub with excellent connectivity. Modern and international, it is one of the most open citiesand international, it is one of the most open cities in China. Almost 700 regional headquarters ofin China. Almost 700 regional headquarters of multinational corporations are located in the city. Asmultinational corporations are located in the city. As well as being an international financial, trade, andwell as being an international financial, trade, and shipping center, Shanghai is also a scientific andshipping center, Shanghai is also a scientific and technological innovation center.technological innovation center. Modern and international, Shanghai is one of the most open cities in China. 69 AustraliaAustralia SydneySydney MEMBERS:MEMBERS: Investment NSWInvestment NSW #20#20 "Sydney has the best of both worlds — world-leading economic strength and"Sydney has the best of both worlds — world-leading economic strength and lifestyle, making it the best place in the world to grow a startup."lifestyle, making it the best place in the world to grow a startup." Amy BrownAmy Brown Secretary, Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade, and CEO, Investment NSWSecretary, Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade, and CEO, Investment NSW HighlightsHighlights Sydney’s close-knit but fast-growing startup ecosystem had a banner year in 2021. More than AU$10Sydney’s close-knit but fast-growing startup ecosystem had a banner year in 2021. More than AU$10 billion ($7.6 billion) was invested in Australian firms across 682 deals, three times the AU$3.1 billion ($2.3billion ($7.6 billion) was invested in Australian firms across 682 deals, three times the AU$3.1 billion ($2.3 billion) invested in 2020. Among the largest of these deals was the $231.5 million that Sydney-basedbillion) invested in 2020. Among the largest of these deals was the $231.5 million that Sydney-based sustainable Bitcoin mining company Iris Energy raised in its Nasdaq IPO in November. Plant-based meatsustainable Bitcoin mining company Iris Energy raised in its Nasdaq IPO in November. Plant-based meat company v2food raised an AU$149 million ($113 million) Series B in August 2021, while Harrison.ai raised acompany v2food raised an AU$149 million ($113 million) Series B in August 2021, while Harrison.ai raised a AU$129 million ($98 million) Series B in December 2021. Not long after, in February 2022, HR platformAU$129 million ($98 million) Series B in December 2021. Not long after, in February 2022, HR platform Employment Hero raised AU$181 million ($137 million) in a Series F round, which put its pre-moneyEmployment Hero raised AU$181 million ($137 million) in a Series F round, which put its pre-money valuation at AU$1.07 billion.valuation at AU$1.07 billion. Home to unicorns Canva and Zip Co, Sydney’s startup ecosystem is also attracting internationalHome to unicorns Canva and Zip Co, Sydney’s startup ecosystem is also attracting international investment. Early-stage investment firm The Fund announced in 2021 that it is expanding to Australia. Theinvestment. Early-stage investment firm The Fund announced in 2021 that it is expanding to Australia. The Fund is targeting $3.5 million and will invest in approximately 40 startups.Fund is targeting $3.5 million and will invest in approximately 40 startups. The Network Readiness Index, which ranks the application and impact of information and communicationThe Network Readiness Index, which ranks the application and impact of information and communication technology in economies around the world, placed Australia #13 out of the 130 economies on its 2021 list.technology in economies around the world, placed Australia #13 out of the 130 economies on its 2021 list. The UNCTAD Technology and Innovation Report 2021 ranked Australia #12 overall and first in skills.The UNCTAD Technology and Innovation Report 2021 ranked Australia #12 overall and first in skills. SIGGRAPH Asia announced that Sydney would host its 2023 conference and exhibition.SIGGRAPH Asia announced that Sydney would host its 2023 conference and exhibition. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $1.3 bn$1.3 bn ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $68 bn$68 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $835 k$835 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $5.4 m$5.4 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $76 k$76 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 9 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $5.9 bn$5.9 bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 9 years9 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 12bn12bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 288288 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 #13 70 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths FintechFintech Of over 800 Australian Fintech startups, 60% areOf over 800 Australian Fintech startups, 60% are located in Sydney.Australia ranks sixth in the worldlocated in Sydney.Australia ranks sixth in the world and second in Asia in Fintech, according to analyticsand second in Asia in Fintech, according to analytics firm Finexable. The 2020-21 Federal Budget includedfirm Finexable. The 2020-21 Federal Budget included AU$9.6 million ($7.3 million) to help Fintechs expandAU$9.6 million ($7.3 million) to help Fintechs expand into international markets and AU$6.9 million ($5.2into international markets and AU$6.9 million ($5.2 million) for industry-led Blockchain pilots to reducemillion) for industry-led Blockchain pilots to reduce regulatory compliance costs. In July 2021, paymentsregulatory compliance costs. In July 2021, payments company Airwallex announced that its secondcompany Airwallex announced that its second Australian engineering hub will be located inAustralian engineering hub will be located in Sydney.Sydney. CleantechCleantech Sydney is a thriving innovation center for renewableSydney is a thriving innovation center for renewable energy and Cleantech companies. With anenergy and Cleantech companies. With an estimated 35% annual growth rate, the renewableestimated 35% annual growth rate, the renewable energy industry in New South Wales attracts billionsenergy industry in New South Wales attracts billions of dollars in investment and is set to become theof dollars in investment and is set to become the leading state for clean energy production,leading state for clean energy production, decarbonisation, and halving emissions by 2030.decarbonisation, and halving emissions by 2030. Sydney is also home to EnergyLab, Australia andSydney is also home to EnergyLab, Australia and New Zealand's largest climatetech startupNew Zealand's largest climatetech startup accelerator.accelerator. Reasons to Move Your Startup to SydneyReasons to Move Your Startup to Sydney Educated WorkforceEducated Workforce Sydney is home to many of Australia’s leadingSydney is home to many of Australia’s leading universities, research institutes, and technicaluniversities, research institutes, and technical colleges. Two of Sydney’s six universities arecolleges. Two of Sydney’s six universities are members of the Group of Eight, a coalition of themembers of the Group of Eight, a coalition of the eight world-leading, research-intensive Australianeight world-leading, research-intensive Australian universities. More than two-thirds of New Southuniversities. More than two-thirds of New South Wales workers hold a bachelor’s degree, and theWales workers hold a bachelor’s degree, and the average age of the workforce is 40.average age of the workforce is 40. Quality of LifeQuality of Life The 2021 Cities of Choice ranking placed Sydney atThe 2021 Cities of Choice ranking placed Sydney at #10 in the world for quality of life, with it being#10 in the world for quality of life, with it being cited as an example of a “comfortable city.” Thecited as an example of a “comfortable city.” The NSW Government is extending Sydney’s affordableNSW Government is extending Sydney’s affordable rental housing scheme, and the city aims to addrental housing scheme, and the city aims to add over 10,000 affordable rental properties in the nextover 10,000 affordable rental properties in the next 15 years, with 600 currently in the pipeline.15 years, with 600 currently in the pipeline. Supportive BusinessSupportive Business EnvironmentEnvironment The AU$250 million ($189 million) Jobs Plus ProgramThe AU$250 million ($189 million) Jobs Plus Program is designed to support companies that want tois designed to support companies that want to expand their footprint in NSW. The program reducesexpand their footprint in NSW. The program reduces the costs and risks of establishing a business in thethe costs and risks of establishing a business in the state.state. 71 Selected Startup OrganizationsSelected Startup Organizations "Ranking as a Top 20 Global Startup Ecosystem"Ranking as a Top 20 Global Startup Ecosystem Sydney has grown tremendously, producing anSydney has grown tremendously, producing an impressive 22 exits over $50 million. Theimpressive 22 exits over $50 million. The leadership of Investment NSW is an asset for theleadership of Investment NSW is an asset for the ecosystem."ecosystem." JF Gauthier, Founder & CEO of Startup GenomeJF Gauthier, Founder & CEO of Startup Genome STARTUP GENOME MEMBERSSTARTUP GENOME MEMBERS Investment NSWInvestment NSW Investment NSW is the New South Wales (NSW) government’s economicInvestment NSW is the New South Wales (NSW) government’s economic development and attraction agency, with a mandate to reinforce NSW as the mostdevelopment and attraction agency, with a mandate to reinforce NSW as the most desirable place in the world to visit, study, invest and do business. It helps drive thedesirable place in the world to visit, study, invest and do business. It helps drive the state’s economic growth and transformation by showcasing NSW business, events,state’s economic growth and transformation by showcasing NSW business, events, tourism and education for new markets and investors in Australia and around thetourism and education for new markets and investors in Australia and around the world.world. MEMBERMEMBER “Ranking as a Top 20 Global Startup Ecosystem Sydney has grown tremendously, producing an impressive 22 exits over $50 million. The leadership of Investment NSW is an asset for the ecosystem.” JF Gauthier, Founder & CEO of Startup Genome 72 United StatesUnited States ChicagoChicago #19#19 "VC firms in the city, the nation, and around the globe should take note;"VC firms in the city, the nation, and around the globe should take note; Chicago’s startup system is primed to be a world leader."Chicago’s startup system is primed to be a world leader." ForbesForbes HighlightsHighlights Home to corporate behemoths like Walgreens and State Farm, Chicago has long been an industrial hub.Home to corporate behemoths like Walgreens and State Farm, Chicago has long been an industrial hub. Recently it’s become a unicorn factory as well. In 2021, 12 Chicago-based startups reached over $1 millionRecently it’s become a unicorn factory as well. In 2021, 12 Chicago-based startups reached over $1 million in valuation, bringing the total numbers of unicorns to come out of the ecosystem so far to 20.in valuation, bringing the total numbers of unicorns to come out of the ecosystem so far to 20. Chicago startups raised $7 billion across 372 venture deals in 2021—by far the highest total for theChicago startups raised $7 billion across 372 venture deals in 2021—by far the highest total for the ecosystem since PitchBook began tracking such statistics in 2006. New funds also emerged here in 2021,ecosystem since PitchBook began tracking such statistics in 2006. New funds also emerged here in 2021, including LongJump, CAST US by Cleveland Avenue, and TechRise by P33.including LongJump, CAST US by Cleveland Avenue, and TechRise by P33. Logistics platformLogistics platform ShipBobShipBob raised $200 million atraised $200 million at Series ESeries E in June 2021, peer-to-peer reviewin June 2021, peer-to-peer review companycompany G2G2 raised $157 million at Series D the same month, and marketing and sales automationraised $157 million at Series D the same month, and marketing and sales automation platformplatform ActiveCampaignActiveCampaign raised $240 millionraised $240 million Series CSeries C in April 2021.in April 2021. Chicago’s startup scene is notably diverse. Women founders raised over $257 million in 2021, nearly tripleChicago’s startup scene is notably diverse. Women founders raised over $257 million in 2021, nearly triple the $80 million raised in 2019. The median deal size rose from $2.5 million in 2019 to $8.5 million in 2021.the $80 million raised in 2019. The median deal size rose from $2.5 million in 2019 to $8.5 million in 2021. The same year, TechRise awarded nearly $1 million in seed funding to more than 42 early-stage Black- andThe same year, TechRise awarded nearly $1 million in seed funding to more than 42 early-stage Black- and Latino-founded startups. In February 2022,Latino-founded startups. In February 2022, highly regarded incubator 1871 launched a new acceleratorhighly regarded incubator 1871 launched a new accelerator program for Black-owned businesses, and a month laterprogram for Black-owned businesses, and a month later LongJumpLongJump,, a first-check venture fund that investsa first-check venture fund that invests in Chicago’s underrepresented founders, made its first investments. Notable startup events include thein Chicago’s underrepresented founders, made its first investments. Notable startup events include the annual TECHSPO Chicago, and 2022 sees the city hosting the Venture Capital World Summit.annual TECHSPO Chicago, and 2022 sees the city hosting the Venture Capital World Summit. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $1.7 bn$1.7 bn ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $49 bn$49 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $1 m$1 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $5 m$5 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $88 k$88 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 5 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $11 bn$11 bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 10.7 years10.7 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 17bn17bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 487487 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 #14 73 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths FintechFintech Launched in 2010, The Trading Show was the firstLaunched in 2010, The Trading Show was the first high-frequency trading conference in the U.S. Thehigh-frequency trading conference in the U.S. The annual event is now a leading Fintech event. Theannual event is now a leading Fintech event. The Chicago Payments Symposium provides anChicago Payments Symposium provides an opportunity for payments ecosystem leaders toopportunity for payments ecosystem leaders to connect. Investment management technologyconnect. Investment management technology startup Enfusion received a $150 million minoritystartup Enfusion received a $150 million minority investment from ICONIQ Growth in January 2021,investment from ICONIQ Growth in January 2021, “Super app” maker M1 Finance hit $1.45 billion“Super app” maker M1 Finance hit $1.45 billion valuation after raising a $150 million Series E in Julyvaluation after raising a $150 million Series E in July 2021, and Zero Hash raised a $105 million Series D in2021, and Zero Hash raised a $105 million Series D in January 2022.January 2022. AI, Big Data & AnalyticsAI, Big Data & Analytics The Center for Applied Artificial Intelligence at theThe Center for Applied Artificial Intelligence at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of BusinessUniversity of Chicago’s Booth School of Business brings together MBA students and researchers tobrings together MBA students and researchers to drive AI-powered innovation, and the monthly Bigdrive AI-powered innovation, and the monthly Big Data & Analytics Roundtable provides a forum toData & Analytics Roundtable provides a forum to discuss tools and applications of Big Data anddiscuss tools and applications of Big Data and Analytics across industries and functions.Analytics across industries and functions. CCCCCC Intelligent SolutionsIntelligent Solutions has raised a total ofhas raised a total of $150$150 million over two rounds, and Big Data analyticsmillion over two rounds, and Big Data analytics startup Ocient raised a $40 million Series B instartup Ocient raised a $40 million Series B in January 2021.January 2021. Reasons to Move Your Startup to ChicagoReasons to Move Your Startup to Chicago Diverse TalentDiverse Talent Chicago has earned a reputation as being one of theChicago has earned a reputation as being one of the best cities for female entrepreneurship.best cities for female entrepreneurship. Approximately 30% of Chicago-based startups haveApproximately 30% of Chicago-based startups have either a woman or person of color as a founder oreither a woman or person of color as a founder or CEO, and the ecosystem has the largest percentage ofCEO, and the ecosystem has the largest percentage of female startup leaders in the U.S. At least eight Black-female startup leaders in the U.S. At least eight Blackled or founded startups raised significant funds hereled or founded startups raised significant funds here in 2021.in 2021. Low CostsLow Costs Chicago boasts a lower cost of living than many ofChicago boasts a lower cost of living than many of the country’s big coastal tech hubs, and Illinois’the country’s big coastal tech hubs, and Illinois’ flat-rate income tax is attractive to employees,flat-rate income tax is attractive to employees, especially when compared with New York andespecially when compared with New York and California. Office rents in the city are about half theCalifornia. Office rents in the city are about half the rate of those in San Francisco, making operatingrate of those in San Francisco, making operating costs more reasonable.costs more reasonable. Talent PipelineTalent Pipeline The greater Chicago region is home to some ofThe greater Chicago region is home to some of America’s best MBA and engineering programs,America’s best MBA and engineering programs, which provide a talent pipeline for local businesses.which provide a talent pipeline for local businesses. The University of Chicago, Northwestern, LoyolaThe University of Chicago, Northwestern, Loyola University, DePaul University, and Columbia CollegeUniversity, DePaul University, and Columbia College all run popular entrepreneurial programs. Theall run popular entrepreneurial programs. The program at Northwestern’s Kellogg School ofprogram at Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management, The Garage, is currently incubatingManagement, The Garage, is currently incubating more than 60 student-founded startups. The City ofmore than 60 student-founded startups. The City of Chicago works with local universities throughChicago works with local universities through programs including P33 to connect talent to jobprograms including P33 to connect talent to job opportunities.opportunities. 74 BrazilBrazil São PauloSão Paulo "São Paulo is the epicenter of the fastest growing startup region in the world:"São Paulo is the epicenter of the fastest growing startup region in the world: Latin America. The recent blockbuster listing of Nubank will be soon followed byLatin America. The recent blockbuster listing of Nubank will be soon followed by others such as Kavak and Creditas. This in turn will fuel a whole new generationothers such as Kavak and Creditas. This in turn will fuel a whole new generation of talent and investment, further accelerating the growth of the region."of talent and investment, further accelerating the growth of the region." Dhaval ChadhaDhaval Chadha co-founder and CEO, Justosco-founder and CEO, Justos HighlightsHighlights The largest city in Brazil, São Paulo is home to more than 20 million residents. Its size and density offerThe largest city in Brazil, São Paulo is home to more than 20 million residents. Its size and density offer founders a large market and the opportunity to connect with fellow innovators. No wonder São Paulo isfounders a large market and the opportunity to connect with fellow innovators. No wonder São Paulo is home to 2,770 startups, the highest number by far in Brazil, including 11 unicorns valued at $1 billion orhome to 2,770 startups, the highest number by far in Brazil, including 11 unicorns valued at $1 billion or more.more. The University of São Paulo is ranked in the top 100 in the World University Rankings. With some of theThe University of São Paulo is ranked in the top 100 in the World University Rankings. With some of the best academic programs in STEM fields, the city’s businesses benefit from this talent pipeline. São Paulobest academic programs in STEM fields, the city’s businesses benefit from this talent pipeline. São Paulo hosts the innovation and data centers of global titans such as Microsoft, Google, and Facebook, and is alsohosts the innovation and data centers of global titans such as Microsoft, Google, and Facebook, and is also the regional headquarters for Airbnb, Netflix, and Amazon. 63% of all companies operating in Brazil have athe regional headquarters for Airbnb, Netflix, and Amazon. 63% of all companies operating in Brazil have a São Paulo location.São Paulo location. São Paulo is also the Latin American base for many of the world’s biggest banks, improving access toSão Paulo is also the Latin American base for many of the world’s biggest banks, improving access to capital for the city’s growing companies. SoftBank has committed to investing $8 billion in Latin Americacapital for the city’s growing companies. SoftBank has committed to investing $8 billion in Latin America through two dedicated funds, and top American VC firm Andreessen Horowitz is also investing in thethrough two dedicated funds, and top American VC firm Andreessen Horowitz is also investing in the region. São Paulo also boasts a number of homegrown VC firms, including Kaszek, which recentlyregion. São Paulo also boasts a number of homegrown VC firms, including Kaszek, which recently announced a $475 million early-stage fund and a $525 million fund for later-stage investments. São Paulo-announced a $475 million early-stage fund and a $525 million fund for later-stage investments. São Paulobased Positive Ventures secured $10 million for its latest fund to invest in startups deliveringbased Positive Ventures secured $10 million for its latest fund to invest in startups delivering environmental or social impact. In 2021, insurtech Justos raised both a $2.8 million seed round and a $35.8environmental or social impact. In 2021, insurtech Justos raised both a $2.8 million seed round and a $35.8 million Series A. São Paulo also produced the region’s highest exit that year: Nubank’s $41 billion IPO.million Series A. São Paulo also produced the region’s highest exit that year: Nubank’s $41 billion IPO. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $1.5 bn$1.5 bn ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $108 bn$108 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $432 k$432 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $4.8 m$4.8 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $22 k$22 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 8 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $13 bn$13 bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 8.4 years8.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 59bn59bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 205205 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 #16 75 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths FintechFintech São Paulo is the financial heart of both Brazil andSão Paulo is the financial heart of both Brazil and South-America. Many of the world’s biggest banksSouth-America. Many of the world’s biggest banks have their Latin American headquarters in Sãohave their Latin American headquarters in São Paulo, giving Fintech startups access to top industryPaulo, giving Fintech startups access to top industry players. Digital bank Neon raised a $300 millionplayers. Digital bank Neon raised a $300 million Series D in February 2022, putting the company'sSeries D in February 2022, putting the company's pre-money valuation at $700 million.pre-money valuation at $700 million. ProptechProptech São Paulo is home to the highest concentration ofSão Paulo is home to the highest concentration of Proptech companies in Brazil. Real estateProptech companies in Brazil. Real estate marketplace Quinto Andar raised a $420 millionmarketplace Quinto Andar raised a $420 million Series E in August 2021, putting the company's pre-Series E in August 2021, putting the company's premoney valuation at $4.68 billion. Loft, anothermoney valuation at $4.68 billion. Loft, another marketplace, raised a $525 million Series D inmarketplace, raised a $525 million Series D in March 2021. Rental services startup Yuca raised $10March 2021. Rental services startup Yuca raised $10 million in venture funding in June 2021.million in venture funding in June 2021. Agtech & New FoodAgtech & New Food The state of São Paulo is an agriculturalThe state of São Paulo is an agricultural powerhouse and the world leader in the productionpowerhouse and the world leader in the production of sugar, sugarcane ethanol, and orange juice.of sugar, sugarcane ethanol, and orange juice. Agtech companies are working to innovate thisAgtech companies are working to innovate this important sector. São Paulo-based tech firms haveimportant sector. São Paulo-based tech firms have received 50 grants from the Research forreceived 50 grants from the Research for Innovation in Small Businesses program to developInnovation in Small Businesses program to develop new Agtech solutions, including digitizing pestnew Agtech solutions, including digitizing pest traps and monitoring fields for improved efficiency.traps and monitoring fields for improved efficiency. Farmer-focused financing platform Agrolend raisedFarmer-focused financing platform Agrolend raised a $14 million Series A in January 2022.a $14 million Series A in January 2022. Reasons to Move Your Startup to São PauloReasons to Move Your Startup to São Paulo Global and RegionalGlobal and Regional ConnectionsConnections São Paulo is home to some of the busiest and bestSão Paulo is home to some of the busiest and best connected airports in South America. Guarulhosconnected airports in South America. Guarulhos International and Congonhas welcome flights from allInternational and Congonhas welcome flights from all over the world and are often used as a layover pointover the world and are often used as a layover point by those traveling elsewhere in South America. Brazilby those traveling elsewhere in South America. Brazil is part of the Southern Common Marketis part of the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) so companies in Brazil have direct(MERCOSUR) so companies in Brazil have direct access to Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay andaccess to Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay and seven other member states.seven other member states. Large, Affluent MarketLarge, Affluent Market The State of São Paulo is responsible for a third ofThe State of São Paulo is responsible for a third of Brazil’s entire GDP and has an economy the size ofBrazil’s entire GDP and has an economy the size of the entire country of Mexico. The city alone has anthe entire country of Mexico. The city alone has an economy comparable in size to Belgium. 63% ofeconomy comparable in size to Belgium. 63% of international companies doing business in Brazil areinternational companies doing business in Brazil are based in São Paulo.based in São Paulo. 76 United StatesUnited States SeattleSeattle #9#9 "Seattle hits the startup ecosystem trifecta: top notch talent, thriving"Seattle hits the startup ecosystem trifecta: top notch talent, thriving accelerators and incubators, and a growing number of VCs and angel investors.accelerators and incubators, and a growing number of VCs and angel investors. Seattle is poised to continue its impressive growth trajectory as the place forSeattle is poised to continue its impressive growth trajectory as the place for starting and building the next big businesses in tech."starting and building the next big businesses in tech." Oren EtzioniOren Etzioni CEO, Allen Institute for AI (AI2)CEO, Allen Institute for AI (AI2) HighlightsHighlights The hometown of Microsoft and Amazon has attracted one of the largest concentrations of tech talent inThe hometown of Microsoft and Amazon has attracted one of the largest concentrations of tech talent in the U.S. That influx is benefitting more than these behemoths. Washington state saw $8.5 billion investedthe U.S. That influx is benefitting more than these behemoths. Washington state saw $8.5 billion invested in 549 venture capital deals in 2021 — a 77% increase over the $4.8 billion raised in 401 deals in 2020, andin 549 venture capital deals in 2021 — a 77% increase over the $4.8 billion raised in 401 deals in 2020, and much of this activity took place in Seattle. Real estate platform Flyhomes raised a $150 million Series C inmuch of this activity took place in Seattle. Real estate platform Flyhomes raised a $150 million Series C in June. Zenoti, a maker of software for spas, raised a $80 million Series D, also in June, and games developerJune. Zenoti, a maker of software for spas, raised a $80 million Series D, also in June, and games developer Rec Room raised a $145 million round in December.Rec Room raised a $145 million round in December. There are now 16 unicorn startups in the ecosystem. Together, they raised more than $2.5 billion in 2021,There are now 16 unicorn startups in the ecosystem. Together, they raised more than $2.5 billion in 2021, more than all the startups in Washington state managed to raise in 2018.more than all the startups in Washington state managed to raise in 2018. The University of Washington, China’s Tsinghua University, and Microsoft together created the GlobalThe University of Washington, China’s Tsinghua University, and Microsoft together created the Global Innovation Exchange (GIX), where students work in teams to solve real-world challenges by developing aInnovation Exchange (GIX), where students work in teams to solve real-world challenges by developing a market-ready product. GIX opened in 2016 with a master’s degree in technology innovation, and has sincemarket-ready product. GIX opened in 2016 with a master’s degree in technology innovation, and has since launched additional degree and certificate programs.launched additional degree and certificate programs. The Buerk Center promotes entrepreneurship across the University of Washington. Ready Set Raise, anThe Buerk Center promotes entrepreneurship across the University of Washington. Ready Set Raise, an equity-free accelerator for women, launched in 2018.equity-free accelerator for women, launched in 2018. At the annual Seattle Angel Digital Conference, investors pool funds to invest in one promising startup.At the annual Seattle Angel Digital Conference, investors pool funds to invest in one promising startup. Since 2012, the conference has educated 430 new investors and invested $4.5 million in 35 startups.Since 2012, the conference has educated 430 new investors and invested $4.5 million in 35 startups. GeekWire hosts Startup Day, the GeekWire Summit, the GeekWire Awards, and other meetups.GeekWire hosts Startup Day, the GeekWire Summit, the GeekWire Awards, and other meetups. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $3.8 bn$3.8 bn ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $109 bn$109 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $1.4 m$1.4 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $7 m$7 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $114 k$114 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 3 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $16 bn$16 bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 9 years9 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 40bn40bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 370370 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 #18 77 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths AI, Big Data & AnalyticsAI, Big Data & Analytics The University of Washington is a leader in the fieldThe University of Washington is a leader in the field of machine learning and Big Data. Thanks to itsof machine learning and Big Data. Thanks to its entrepreneurial environment and programs toentrepreneurial environment and programs to support founders, the university has spun out manysupport founders, the university has spun out many tech startups. The W Fund is an early-stage venturetech startups. The W Fund is an early-stage venture fund that aims to invest approximately $20 millionfund that aims to invest approximately $20 million by 2026 in such startups. Outreach, another AI-by 2026 in such startups. Outreach, another AIdriven sales startup, raised a $200 million Series G indriven sales startup, raised a $200 million Series G in June 2021. AI-fueled sales platformJune 2021. AI-fueled sales platform HighspotHighspot raisedraised a $248 milliona $248 million Series FSeries F in January 2022.in January 2022. Life SciencesLife Sciences Seattle was ranked #11 in Startup Genome’s LifeSeattle was ranked #11 in Startup Genome’s Life Sciences Edition. The city is home to the FredSciences Edition. The city is home to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, the Bill &Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the University ofMelinda Gates Foundation, and the University of Washington. Five Washington-based biotechWashington. Five Washington-based biotech companies entered the public markets in 2021,companies entered the public markets in 2021, leading the nation in both deal volumes and totalleading the nation in both deal volumes and total proceeds. Sana Biotechnologyproceeds. Sana Biotechnology raised $587 millionraised $587 million inin its January 2021 IPO. Apis Health Angel Conferenceits January 2021 IPO. Apis Health Angel Conference launched in 2021 to connect investors and health-launched in 2021 to connect investors and healthrelated startups.related startups. Reasons to Move Your Startup to SeattleReasons to Move Your Startup to Seattle Talent PoolTalent Pool The Seattle region added more than 48,000 tech jobsThe Seattle region added more than 48,000 tech jobs from 2016 to 2020, an increase of more than 35%, andfrom 2016 to 2020, an increase of more than 35%, and a faster growth rate than any other large U.S. techa faster growth rate than any other large U.S. tech market,market, according toaccording to a CBRE report. The University ofa CBRE report. The University of Washington has more than 60,000 students andWashington has more than 60,000 students and supplies the ecosystem with graduates. Seattlesupplies the ecosystem with graduates. Seattle University, Bellevue College, a network of communityUniversity, Bellevue College, a network of community colleges adds to the pipeline. Non-profitcolleges adds to the pipeline. Non-profit AdaAda Developers AcademyDevelopers Academy partners with local techpartners with local tech companies to train women and nonbinary people tocompanies to train women and nonbinary people to be software developers.be software developers. The Seatle region added more than 48,000 tech jobs from 2016 to 2020, an increase of more than 35%, and a faster growth rate than any other large U.S. tech market, according to a CBRE report. 78 IsraelIsrael Tel AvivTel AvivEcosystem rank and metrics for Tel Aviv - JerusalemEcosystem rank and metrics for Tel Aviv - Jerusalem MEMBERS:MEMBERS: Tel Aviv GlobalTel Aviv Global #7#7** "There’s great talent here […] We’ve made a number of investments in"There’s great talent here […] We’ve made a number of investments in companies we believe will help us improve, and that’s the reason I continue tocompanies we believe will help us improve, and that’s the reason I continue to come back here."come back here." Doug McMillonDoug McMillon CEO, WalmartCEO, Walmart HighlightsHighlights Israel, the Startup Nation, has more startups per capita than any nation in the world thanks to its tight-knitIsrael, the Startup Nation, has more startups per capita than any nation in the world thanks to its tight-knit entrepreneurial community, impressive R&D capabilities, educated population, and strong governmententrepreneurial community, impressive R&D capabilities, educated population, and strong government support. Tel Aviv is the heart of this red-hot ecosystem, with a significant majority of the country’s techsupport. Tel Aviv is the heart of this red-hot ecosystem, with a significant majority of the country’s tech ventures concentrated within its greater metropolitan area, and nearly 3,000 within the city limits. Startupventures concentrated within its greater metropolitan area, and nearly 3,000 within the city limits. Startup Genome ranked Tel Aviv #2 in the 2021Genome ranked Tel Aviv #2 in the 2021 GSER: Cleantech EditionGSER: Cleantech Edition and #4 in itsand #4 in its GSER: Agtech and NewGSER: Agtech and New Food EditionFood Edition.. Tel Aviv’s startups have together been valued at $120 billion. The city’s startups raised a record-breakingTel Aviv’s startups have together been valued at $120 billion. The city’s startups raised a record-breaking $20 billion in 2021 — a whopping 63% of the national total. The same year, Tel Aviv gained 30 new$20 billion in 2021 — a whopping 63% of the national total. The same year, Tel Aviv gained 30 new unicorns, and 20 of its scaling companies went public, raising $4 billion. With hundreds of active investorsunicorns, and 20 of its scaling companies went public, raising $4 billion. With hundreds of active investors and venture capital funds in the country’s central region, the message is clear: watch this space.and venture capital funds in the country’s central region, the message is clear: watch this space. Diverse Multinationals including Volkswagon, Anheuser-Bosch, Apple, Citibank, and over 130 others haveDiverse Multinationals including Volkswagon, Anheuser-Bosch, Apple, Citibank, and over 130 others have established innovation centers in Tel Aviv. In addition to the high concentration of talent, the companiesestablished innovation centers in Tel Aviv. In addition to the high concentration of talent, the companies enjoy over 30 different grants and tax incentive programs for R&D activity, including conditional grants,enjoy over 30 different grants and tax incentive programs for R&D activity, including conditional grants, reduced tax rates, tax exemption, and other tax-related benefits offered by the state. Overall, Israel isreduced tax rates, tax exemption, and other tax-related benefits offered by the state. Overall, Israel is ranked #2 in the world in R&D expenditure per capita. Israel invests about 4.1% of its GDP in R&D, twiceranked #2 in the world in R&D expenditure per capita. Israel invests about 4.1% of its GDP in R&D, twice the OECD average.the OECD average. In January 2022, Israel launched a $70 million program to promote entrepreneurship among ArabIn January 2022, Israel launched a $70 million program to promote entrepreneurship among Arab communities, and is advancing numerous initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion.communities, and is advancing numerous initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $5.5 bn$5.5 bn ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $120 bn$120 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $2 m$2 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $7.5 m$7.5 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $85 k$85 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 4 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $30 bn$30 bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 7 years7 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 24bn24bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 431431 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 #19 79 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths AI, Big Data & AnalyticsAI, Big Data & Analytics Israel ranks third in the world by number of AI andIsrael ranks third in the world by number of AI and machine learning startups, with the majoritymachine learning startups, with the majority concentrated in Tel Aviv. Eleven Israeli-foundedconcentrated in Tel Aviv. Eleven Israeli-founded companies were featured in the 2021 AI 100 finalistscompanies were featured in the 2021 AI 100 finalists report from research firm CB Insights. A committeereport from research firm CB Insights. A committee on AI has released a comprehensive plan to promoteon AI has released a comprehensive plan to promote AI in Israel. An initial 550 million shekels ($168.2AI in Israel. An initial 550 million shekels ($168.2 million) of the 5.26 billion shekels ($1.6 billion) inmillion) of the 5.26 billion shekels ($1.6 billion) in funding proposed by the plan was approved in Aprilfunding proposed by the plan was approved in April 2021. ZenCity, a Tel Aviv-based AI solution for2021. ZenCity, a Tel Aviv-based AI solution for governments, raised $30 million in June 2021, and AIgovernments, raised $30 million in June 2021, and AI chipmaker Hailo, also in Tel Aviv, raised a $136chipmaker Hailo, also in Tel Aviv, raised a $136 million Series C in October 2021.million Series C in October 2021. CybersecurityCybersecurity In 2021, Israeli Cybersecurity startups raised anIn 2021, Israeli Cybersecurity startups raised an impressive $8.8 billion, more than triple the amountimpressive $8.8 billion, more than triple the amount raised in 2020. In Tel Aviv alone, the sub-sector alsoraised in 2020. In Tel Aviv alone, the sub-sector also produced a record 9 new unicorns in 2021, and oneproduced a record 9 new unicorns in 2021, and one out of every three Cybersecurity unicorns in theout of every three Cybersecurity unicorns in the world is now an Israeli company. Orca Securityworld is now an Israeli company. Orca Security raised a $550 million Series C round in October.raised a $550 million Series C round in October. Cloud security startup Wiz raised $250 million inCloud security startup Wiz raised $250 million in private funding, also in October, bringing itsprivate funding, also in October, bringing its valuation to $6 billion.valuation to $6 billion. Reasons to Move Your Startup to Tel AvivReasons to Move Your Startup to Tel Aviv Employment Aid ProgramsEmployment Aid Programs The Israeli Ministry of Economy offers wage subsidiesThe Israeli Ministry of Economy offers wage subsidies for new employees for a specific period of up tofor new employees for a specific period of up to several years depending on the program. Subsidyseveral years depending on the program. Subsidy rates range from 10 to 40% depending on therates range from 10 to 40% depending on the employee’s background (i.e. students, workers fromemployee’s background (i.e. students, workers from minority groups), and the amount of time theminority groups), and the amount of time the employee has already been working in the position.employee has already been working in the position. Intellectual PropertyIntellectual Property IncentivesIncentives A company that creates IP assets in Israel, or isA company that creates IP assets in Israel, or is willing to transfer some IP to Israel, is entitled towilling to transfer some IP to Israel, is entitled to reduced corporate, dividend, and capital gains taxreduced corporate, dividend, and capital gains tax rates. The country’s Angel's Law also provides taxrates. The country’s Angel's Law also provides tax benefits and deductions to single investors whobenefits and deductions to single investors who invest in Israeli companies during their initial R&Dinvest in Israeli companies during their initial R&D (seed) stage.(seed) stage. R&D Grant ProgramsR&D Grant Programs The Innovation Authority operates more than 40 R&DThe Innovation Authority operates more than 40 R&D grant programs for multinational companies,grant programs for multinational companies, individual entrepreneurs, research institutions, andindividual entrepreneurs, research institutions, and NGOs. The programs offer a unique, customized, andNGOs. The programs offer a unique, customized, and comprehensive incentive toolbox, includingcomprehensive incentive toolbox, including Innovation Labs programs, which offer up to a 50%Innovation Labs programs, which offer up to a 50% deduction in R&D expenses for specific sub-sectors.deduction in R&D expenses for specific sub-sectors. 80 Selected Startup OrganizationsSelected Startup Organizations "Tel Aviv is showcased in the GSER, ranking as the"Tel Aviv is showcased in the GSER, ranking as the #7 Global Startup Ecosystem. Working with our#7 Global Startup Ecosystem. Working with our local partner, Tel Aviv Global, we share the talentlocal partner, Tel Aviv Global, we share the talent and funding success stories as well as consistenlyand funding success stories as well as consistenly outstanding supportive policies that have fueledoutstanding supportive policies that have fueled this growth."this growth." Stephan Kuester, Head of Ecosystem Strategy ofStephan Kuester, Head of Ecosystem Strategy of Startup GenomeStartup Genome 8200 EISP8200 EISP An exclusive community of successful entrepreneurs,An exclusive community of successful entrepreneurs, industry experts, and investors that provides supportindustry experts, and investors that provides support for early-stage ventures, founded by alumni of thefor early-stage ventures, founded by alumni of the elite 8200 military intelligence unit.elite 8200 military intelligence unit. CityZoneCityZone CityZone is a living lab for entrepreneurs advancingCityZone is a living lab for entrepreneurs advancing solutions to urban challenges in cooperation withsolutions to urban challenges in cooperation with the Tel Aviv municipality, Tel Aviv University, and thethe Tel Aviv municipality, Tel Aviv University, and the Atidim Corporate Park in Tel Aviv.Atidim Corporate Park in Tel Aviv. EcoMotionEcoMotion A platform for smart-mobility startups to connectA platform for smart-mobility startups to connect with global industry, entrepreneurs, academia,with global industry, entrepreneurs, academia, government, investors, and 13,000 communitygovernment, investors, and 13,000 community members.members. Hila Ovil-BrennerHila Ovil-Brenner 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur, investor,20 years of experience as an entrepreneur, investor, and advisor to startups; Hila is currently Managingand advisor to startups; Hila is currently Managing Director at TechStars Tel Aviv and Founder of theDirector at TechStars Tel Aviv and Founder of the non-profit, Yazamiyot - Women Entrepreneurs.non-profit, Yazamiyot - Women Entrepreneurs. Yossi VardiYossi Vardi A pioneer of Israeli hi-tech, Yossi has helped buildA pioneer of Israeli hi-tech, Yossi has helped build over 85 companies over a 50 year career, andover 85 companies over a 50 year career, and advances innovation through industry events andadvances innovation through industry events and collaboration.collaboration. STARTUP GENOME MEMBERSSTARTUP GENOME MEMBERS Tel Aviv GlobalTel Aviv Global Tel Aviv Global & Tourism is a municipal company under the Mayor's Office at the TelTel Aviv Global & Tourism is a municipal company under the Mayor's Office at the Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality. It facilitates the global quantum leap taken by the city of TelAviv-Yafo Municipality. It facilitates the global quantum leap taken by the city of Tel Aviv-Yafo in creating economic and tourism growth.Aviv-Yafo in creating economic and tourism growth. MEMBERMEMBER KEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERSKEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERS “Tel Aviv is showcased in the GSER, ranking as the #7 Global Startup Ecosystem. Working with our local partner, Tel Aviv Global, we share the talent and funding success stories as well as consistently outstanding supportive policies that have fueled this growth.” Stephan Kuester, Head of Ecosytem Strategy of Startup Genome 81 SwedenSweden StockholmStockholm "I am truly impressed by the level of skill and execution among up-and-coming"I am truly impressed by the level of skill and execution among up-and-coming entrepreneurs in Sweden. There is no doubt that entrepreneurs will findentrepreneurs in Sweden. There is no doubt that entrepreneurs will find solutions to address the most pressing challenges of our time and I'm sure thatsolutions to address the most pressing challenges of our time and I'm sure that Stockholm will be a key factor in us succeeding."Stockholm will be a key factor in us succeeding." Omid EkhlasiOmid Ekhlasi CEO and founder, TecharenanCEO and founder, Techarenan HighlightsHighlights The success of Swedish startups such as Spotify and Skype has made Stockholm a globally renownedThe success of Swedish startups such as Spotify and Skype has made Stockholm a globally renowned startup hub and attracted the attention of international investors. Klarna has raised $3.7 billion in fundingstartup hub and attracted the attention of international investors. Klarna has raised $3.7 billion in funding over 33 rounds, including a secondary market round in December 2021. Open banking platform Tink wasover 33 rounds, including a secondary market round in December 2021. Open banking platform Tink was acquired by Visa for €1.8 billion ($1.96 billion) in January 2021. Cloud communications company Sinch raisedacquired by Visa for €1.8 billion ($1.96 billion) in January 2021. Cloud communications company Sinch raised $1.1 billion in May 2021.$1.1 billion in May 2021. Stockholm produces the most unicorns per capita after Silicon Valley and is home to more than 1,000Stockholm produces the most unicorns per capita after Silicon Valley and is home to more than 1,000 diverse startups with an average valuation of $3.6 million. Government and startup support organizationsdiverse startups with an average valuation of $3.6 million. Government and startup support organizations are not resting on their laurels, however, and continue to nurture the ecosystem with a range ofare not resting on their laurels, however, and continue to nurture the ecosystem with a range of initiatives.initiatives. In September 2021, UNICEF established a global center for innovation in Stockholm. The StockholmIn September 2021, UNICEF established a global center for innovation in Stockholm. The Stockholm Innovation Scholarship is awarded to five innovators in different categories: simplify everyday life, creativeInnovation Scholarship is awarded to five innovators in different categories: simplify everyday life, creative industries, life sciences and health, travel and tourism, and social impact and sustainability. Vinnova is theindustries, life sciences and health, travel and tourism, and social impact and sustainability. Vinnova is the Swedish Government's innovation agency and expert authority in innovation policy. The KnowledgeSwedish Government's innovation agency and expert authority in innovation policy. The Knowledge Foundation (KK-stiftelsen) funds research and competence development at Sweden’s colleges andFoundation (KK-stiftelsen) funds research and competence development at Sweden’s colleges and universities. Sthlm Fintech Week is an annual event for the Swedish Fintech ecosystem. Kista Scienceuniversities. Sthlm Fintech Week is an annual event for the Swedish Fintech ecosystem. Kista Science City is the leading ICT cluster in Europe, hosting companies including Ericsson and IBM, as well as a rangeCity is the leading ICT cluster in Europe, hosting companies including Ericsson and IBM, as well as a range of startups and universities. Kista is also home to the Urban ICT Arena, where smart technology is created,of startups and universities. Kista is also home to the Urban ICT Arena, where smart technology is created, tested, and displayed in a real urban environment.tested, and displayed in a real urban environment. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $1.3 bn$1.3 bn ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $63 bn$63 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $950 k$950 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $2.7 m$2.7 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $58 k$58 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 6 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $5.7 bn$5.7 bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 43bn43bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 356356 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 #20 82 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths CleantechCleantech Sweden has become a leader in renewable energySweden has become a leader in renewable energy thanks in part to the country’s ambitious goal ofthanks in part to the country’s ambitious goal of reaching net-zero emission by 2045. Stockholm inreaching net-zero emission by 2045. Stockholm in particular has benefited from holistic city planning,particular has benefited from holistic city planning, close public-private ties, and the region’s target toclose public-private ties, and the region’s target to go CO2 free by 2040. The city’s growing demandgo CO2 free by 2040. The city’s growing demand for new fuels has pushed it to become a leader infor new fuels has pushed it to become a leader in biogas, ocean power, and smart grids. Eco-citybiogas, ocean power, and smart grids. Eco-city Stockholm Royal Seaport is due to be completed inStockholm Royal Seaport is due to be completed in 2030.Lithium-ion battery maker Northvolt raised2030.Lithium-ion battery maker Northvolt raised $2.75 billion in June 2021 to expand capacity to$2.75 billion in June 2021 to expand capacity to meet increasing demand for electric cars.meet increasing demand for electric cars. Life SciencesLife Sciences Sweden’s Life Sciences companies benefit from theSweden’s Life Sciences companies benefit from the country’s high innovation capacity, world-leadingcountry’s high innovation capacity, world-leading universities, and public-private collaboration.universities, and public-private collaboration. Business Sweden accelerates the growth andBusiness Sweden accelerates the growth and innovation of Swedish Life Sciences companies. Theinnovation of Swedish Life Sciences companies. The government has created an office of Life Sciencesgovernment has created an office of Life Sciences to develop a national strategy for the Life Sciences.to develop a national strategy for the Life Sciences. SISP is a national platform supporting bothSISP is a national platform supporting both incubators and Life Sciences startups. Investmentincubators and Life Sciences startups. Investment syndicate Sciety provides capital market servicessyndicate Sciety provides capital market services with a focus on Swedish Life Sciences.with a focus on Swedish Life Sciences. Reasons to Move Your Startup to StockholmReasons to Move Your Startup to Stockholm Global OutlookGlobal Outlook Stockholm’s ecosystem is notably international, withStockholm’s ecosystem is notably international, with large numbers of foreign players hailing from diverselarge numbers of foreign players hailing from diverse backgrounds. English is the language of business inbackgrounds. English is the language of business in the ecosystem, and multiculturalism is viewed as athe ecosystem, and multiculturalism is viewed as a business strength. Sweden’s open economy fostersbusiness strength. Sweden’s open economy fosters innovation and competition. The governmentinnovation and competition. The government proactively invests to promote the growth ofproactively invests to promote the growth of promising sectors and trade with growing marketspromising sectors and trade with growing markets such as the Baltic region, India, and Brazil.such as the Baltic region, India, and Brazil. 83 IndiaIndia Bangalore-KarnatakaBangalore-Karnataka MEMBERS:MEMBERS: Bangalore Bioinnovation CentreBangalore Bioinnovation Centre // Karnataka Innovation & Technology Society (KITS)Karnataka Innovation & Technology Society (KITS) "Bengaluru-Karnataka Innovation Ecosystem has catalyzed and scaled up"Bengaluru-Karnataka Innovation Ecosystem has catalyzed and scaled up startups at an unprecedented pace. This nurturing ecosystem has steadily givenstartups at an unprecedented pace. This nurturing ecosystem has steadily given birth to numerous unicorns and is now evidencing signs of logarithmic growth."birth to numerous unicorns and is now evidencing signs of logarithmic growth." Dr C. N. Ashwath NarayanDr C. N. Ashwath Narayan Minister of Science & Technology, Higher Education & Information Technology and Biotechnology, GovernmentMinister of Science & Technology, Higher Education & Information Technology and Biotechnology, Government of Karnatakaof Karnataka HighlightsHighlights Bangalore-Karnataka has been described as the world’s fastest-growing tech hub and the Indian city isBangalore-Karnataka has been described as the world’s fastest-growing tech hub and the Indian city is home to the R&D centers of some of the world’s most famous tech companies, including Amazon,home to the R&D centers of some of the world’s most famous tech companies, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, and Google. Its IT sector employs over four million people, and accounts for anMicrosoft, Facebook, and Google. Its IT sector employs over four million people, and accounts for an estimated $130 billion in exports every year.estimated $130 billion in exports every year. The Government of Karnataka was the first Indian state government to establish a dedicated Startup CellThe Government of Karnataka was the first Indian state government to establish a dedicated Startup Cell to promote its ecosystem. Innovate Karnataka provides financial support to startups through various fundsto promote its ecosystem. Innovate Karnataka provides financial support to startups through various funds and Idea2PoC grants, which provide early-stage funding to concepts that have yet to establish proof ofand Idea2PoC grants, which provide early-stage funding to concepts that have yet to establish proof of concept. The Karnataka Digital Economy Mission launched the Beyond Bengaluru Startup Grid inconcept. The Karnataka Digital Economy Mission launched the Beyond Bengaluru Startup Grid in November 2021 to support startups in the state outside of Bangalore-Karnataka, and a startup incubationNovember 2021 to support startups in the state outside of Bangalore-Karnataka, and a startup incubation center set up by the Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce opened in February 2022. The Maruticenter set up by the Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce opened in February 2022. The Maruti Suzuki Incubation Program aims to help startups develop industry-ready solutions and become large-scaleSuzuki Incubation Program aims to help startups develop industry-ready solutions and become large-scale businesses. Karnataka took home 30% of the total startup awards at the National Startup Awards 2021,businesses. Karnataka took home 30% of the total startup awards at the National Startup Awards 2021, during Startup India Innovation Week.during Startup India Innovation Week. Notable recent funding deals in the ecosystem include online learning platform Vedantu’s $2 millionNotable recent funding deals in the ecosystem include online learning platform Vedantu’s $2 million Series E in February 2022, electric scooter company Ather Energy’s ₹4.2 billion ($55.7 million) Series D inSeries E in February 2022, electric scooter company Ather Energy’s ₹4.2 billion ($55.7 million) Series D in January 2022, and food delivery service Swiggy’s $700 million round, also in January.January 2022, and food delivery service Swiggy’s $700 million round, also in January. Karnataka hosts India’s flagship tech event, the Bangalore Tech Summit.Karnataka hosts India’s flagship tech event, the Bangalore Tech Summit. Summit Up, a two-day event forSummit Up, a two-day event for female entrepreneurs took place in December 2021.female entrepreneurs took place in December 2021. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $2.1 bn$2.1 bn ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $105 bn$105 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $655 k$655 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $5 m$5 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $13 k$13 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 9 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $21 bn$21 bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 6.2 years6.2 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 27bn27bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 219219 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 #21 84 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths FintechFintech Bangalore-Karnataka ranks eighth among citiesBangalore-Karnataka ranks eighth among cities globally in the amount of VC investment attractedglobally in the amount of VC investment attracted by its Fintech sub-sector, according to an analysis byby its Fintech sub-sector, according to an analysis by research firm London & Partners and Dealroom. Theresearch firm London & Partners and Dealroom. The Karnataka Digital Economy Mission, in partnershipKarnataka Digital Economy Mission, in partnership with India’s top financial technology companies, iswith India’s top financial technology companies, is creating a roadmap for the growth of the sub-creating a roadmap for the growth of the subsector. San Francisco-based Fluxon Apps will set upsector. San Francisco-based Fluxon Apps will set up a new hub in Bengaluru by the end of 2022. Onlinea new hub in Bengaluru by the end of 2022. Online payments solution Razorpay raised a $375 millionpayments solution Razorpay raised a $375 million Series F in December 2021.Series F in December 2021. Life SciencesLife Sciences Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre is the largest LifeBangalore Bioinnovation Centre is the largest Life Sciences hub in India. It is a joint initiative of theSciences hub in India. It is a joint initiative of the Department of Biotechnology, the Government ofDepartment of Biotechnology, the Government of India, and the Department of Electronics, IT, BT andIndia, and the Department of Electronics, IT, BT and S&T, and the Government of Karnataka. It worksS&T, and the Government of Karnataka. It works closely with Karnataka Innovation & Technologyclosely with Karnataka Innovation & Technology Society, a nodal center for implementing schemesSociety, a nodal center for implementing schemes of the Department of Electronics, IT, BT and S&T,of the Department of Electronics, IT, BT and S&T, the Government of Karnataka and its Startup Cell.the Government of Karnataka and its Startup Cell. Telehealth startup Mfine raised a ₹3.6 billion ($48.4Telehealth startup Mfine raised a ₹3.6 billion ($48.4 million) Series C in September 2021.million) Series C in September 2021. Reasons to Move Your Startup to Bangalore-KarnatakaReasons to Move Your Startup to Bangalore-Karnataka Access to FundingAccess to Funding Karnataka accounted for 45% of total FDI in India forKarnataka accounted for 45% of total FDI in India for the first half of fiscal year 2021–2022. While startupthe first half of fiscal year 2021–2022. While startup activity is increasing in Delhi and smaller cities,activity is increasing in Delhi and smaller cities, funding remains heavily skewed towards Bengalurufunding remains heavily skewed towards Bengaluru and its seasoned entrepreneurs, a March 2022 Mintand its seasoned entrepreneurs, a March 2022 Mint analysis shows. The Karnataka government alsoanalysis shows. The Karnataka government also provides seed funding of up to ₹5 million ($66,300)provides seed funding of up to ₹5 million ($66,300) for startups in the state.for startups in the state. Location and InfrastructureLocation and Infrastructure Karnataka is well connected to all major marketsKarnataka is well connected to all major markets through two international airports, 14 nationalthrough two international airports, 14 national highways, a rail network, and several ports. Thehighways, a rail network, and several ports. The Bengaluru - Mumbai Economic Corridor andBengaluru - Mumbai Economic Corridor and Chennai - Bengaluru Industrial Corridor passChennai - Bengaluru Industrial Corridor pass through the state. Karnataka ranked #3 in thethrough the state. Karnataka ranked #3 in the Institute for Competitiveness Export PreparednessInstitute for Competitiveness Export Preparedness Index 2021. Karnataka hosts 44% of India’s R&DIndex 2021. Karnataka hosts 44% of India’s R&D centers, including Google’s first AI and machinecenters, including Google’s first AI and machine learning focused center and Intel’s largest 5Glearning focused center and Intel’s largest 5G technology design center.technology design center. Tech TalentTech Talent Bangalore-Karnataka is home to a quarter of India’sBangalore-Karnataka is home to a quarter of India’s digital talent, more than any other city in the country,digital talent, more than any other city in the country, according to a report by Nasscom and consultingaccording to a report by Nasscom and consulting firm Zinnov's enterprise decision-making platformfirm Zinnov's enterprise decision-making platform Draup. 90,000 engineers graduate from Bangalore’sDraup. 90,000 engineers graduate from Bangalore’s universities every year. Bangalore-Karnataka wasuniversities every year. Bangalore-Karnataka was named the most liveable city among 111 cities in Indianamed the most liveable city among 111 cities in India in the Union Housing and Urban Affairs' 'Ease ofin the Union Housing and Urban Affairs' 'Ease of Living Index' report 2021.Living Index' report 2021. 85 Selected Startup OrganizationsSelected Startup Organizations STARTUP GENOME MEMBERSSTARTUP GENOME MEMBERS Bangalore Bioinnovation CentreBangalore Bioinnovation Centre Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre (BBC) is a joint initiative of the Department ofBangalore Bioinnovation Centre (BBC) is a joint initiative of the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, and Department of Electronics, IT, BT and S&T,Biotechnology, Government of India, and Department of Electronics, IT, BT and S&T, Government of Karnataka. It is a state-of-the-art translational research andGovernment of Karnataka. It is a state-of-the-art translational research and entrepreneurship center catering to the needs of startups in Life Sciences.entrepreneurship center catering to the needs of startups in Life Sciences. MEMBERMEMBER Karnataka Innovation & Technology SocietyKarnataka Innovation & Technology Society (KITS)(KITS) Karnataka Innovation & Technology Society (KITS) is a nodal center for implementingKarnataka Innovation & Technology Society (KITS) is a nodal center for implementing schemes of the Department of Electronics, IT, BT and S&T, Government of Karnataka,schemes of the Department of Electronics, IT, BT and S&T, Government of Karnataka, and its startup cell.and its startup cell. MEMBERMEMBER 86 NetherlandsNetherlands Amsterdam-DeltaAmsterdam-Delta #14#14 "The Netherlands is home to Europe’s biggest tech companies and world-class"The Netherlands is home to Europe’s biggest tech companies and world-class startups. A great part of the ecosystem's success is about the community andstartups. A great part of the ecosystem's success is about the community and its leaders being willing to pass on their knowledge and capital gains to the nextits leaders being willing to pass on their knowledge and capital gains to the next generation."generation." Constantijn van OranjeConstantijn van Oranje Envoy, Techleap.nlEnvoy, Techleap.nl HighlightsHighlights Amsterdam may be a smaller city by population than London or Paris, but its startups have producedAmsterdam may be a smaller city by population than London or Paris, but its startups have produced outsized value given the size of the ecosystem. According to Dealroom, between 2010 and the firstoutsized value given the size of the ecosystem. According to Dealroom, between 2010 and the first quarter of 2021, the total enterprise value of tech companies created in the Amsterdam region increasedquarter of 2021, the total enterprise value of tech companies created in the Amsterdam region increased from $10 billion to $100 billion, making the ecosystem one of the fastest-growing in Europe.from $10 billion to $100 billion, making the ecosystem one of the fastest-growing in Europe. The Dutch capital is also open, dynamic, and community minded. Rockstart and Startupbootcamp, two ofThe Dutch capital is also open, dynamic, and community minded. Rockstart and Startupbootcamp, two of Europe’s best-performing accelerators, were founded in Amsterdam. Holland in the Valley is an initiative toEurope’s best-performing accelerators, were founded in Amsterdam. Holland in the Valley is an initiative to strengthen ties between the Netherlands and the Bay Area at multiple levels. ScaleNL helps Dutch techstrengthen ties between the Netherlands and the Bay Area at multiple levels. ScaleNL helps Dutch tech entrepreneurs scale to the US via a network, platform, programs, and funding. Techleap is leading theentrepreneurs scale to the US via a network, platform, programs, and funding. Techleap is leading the Global Entrepreneur Initiative to connect successful Dutch founders living abroad to founders in theGlobal Entrepreneur Initiative to connect successful Dutch founders living abroad to founders in the Netherlands who want to expand.Netherlands who want to expand. Amsterdam’s Cleantech startups had a particularly strong 2021. In September, Picnic raised €600 millionAmsterdam’s Cleantech startups had a particularly strong 2021. In September, Picnic raised €600 million ($650 million) from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to further its ambition of building the most($650 million) from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to further its ambition of building the most sustainable European grocery delivery company. Urban e-bike company VanMoof raised a $128 millionsustainable European grocery delivery company. Urban e-bike company VanMoof raised a $128 million Series C the same month.Series C the same month. In July 2021, neobank Bunq announced the largest ever Series A round raised by a European Fintech. TheIn July 2021, neobank Bunq announced the largest ever Series A round raised by a European Fintech. The €193 million ($209 million) deal took the company’s value to approximately €1.6 billion ($1.73 billion). Other€193 million ($209 million) deal took the company’s value to approximately €1.6 billion ($1.73 billion). Other notable funding news in the ecosystem include online fashion outlet Otrium’s $120 million Series C innotable funding news in the ecosystem include online fashion outlet Otrium’s $120 million Series C in March 2021, and mobility Fintech company Moove’s August 2021 $100 million deal.March 2021, and mobility Fintech company Moove’s August 2021 $100 million deal. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $1.9 bn$1.9 bn ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $54 bn$54 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $492 k$492 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $3.6 m$3.6 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $67 k$67 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 6 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $9.2 bn$9.2 bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 10.7 years10.7 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 22bn22bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 523523 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 #22 87 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths Agtech & New FoodAgtech & New Food The Dutch government’s Vision on CircularThe Dutch government’s Vision on Circular Agriculture sets out its ambition to be a globalAgriculture sets out its ambition to be a global leader in circular agriculture by 2030. Wageningenleader in circular agriculture by 2030. Wageningen University and Research (WUR) ranks #1 in the worldUniversity and Research (WUR) ranks #1 in the world in the field of Agriculture and Forestry, according toin the field of Agriculture and Forestry, according to QS World University Rankings 2021. In 2021, leadingQS World University Rankings 2021. In 2021, leading Agtech organization Cropin announced the openingAgtech organization Cropin announced the opening of its first international office in Amsterdam. App-of its first international office in Amsterdam. Apponly supermarket Crisp raised a €30 million Series Bonly supermarket Crisp raised a €30 million Series B in March 2021.in March 2021. Life SciencesLife Sciences Amsterdam-Delta’s Life Sciences ecosystem includesAmsterdam-Delta’s Life Sciences ecosystem includes two internationally renowned universities, Universitytwo internationally renowned universities, University of Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, asof Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, as well as Amsterdam University Medical Centre andwell as Amsterdam University Medical Centre and the Netherlands Cancer Institute. The Netherlandsthe Netherlands Cancer Institute. The Netherlands is the top European importer and exporter ofis the top European importer and exporter of medical devices. Hubs including Amsterdam Sciencemedical devices. Hubs including Amsterdam Science Park and the Amsterdam Life Sciences District offerPark and the Amsterdam Life Sciences District offer opportunities for collaboration, and the Europeanopportunities for collaboration, and the European Medicines Agency is also located here. LUMICKSMedicines Agency is also located here. LUMICKS raised a €77.6 million ($84 million) Series D in Aprilraised a €77.6 million ($84 million) Series D in April 2021, and clinical data platform Castor raised a $452021, and clinical data platform Castor raised a $45 million Series B in July 2021.million Series B in July 2021. Reasons to Move Your Startup to Amsterdam-DeltaReasons to Move Your Startup to Amsterdam-Delta Competitive Economic ClimateCompetitive Economic Climate The business climate in the Amsterdam-Delta regionThe business climate in the Amsterdam-Delta region is welcoming for startups. Entrepreneurs from outsideis welcoming for startups. Entrepreneurs from outside the EU can apply for a startup visa, and many highlythe EU can apply for a startup visa, and many highly skilled migrants qualify for a 30% personal tax incomeskilled migrants qualify for a 30% personal tax income advantage. The Netherlands is stable and prosperous,advantage. The Netherlands is stable and prosperous, and its capital city is open, creative, and dynamic.and its capital city is open, creative, and dynamic. Established Startup HubEstablished Startup Hub The area has a long history as a successful businessThe area has a long history as a successful business hub and as a center of global trade, so there is anhub and as a center of global trade, so there is an established infrastructure of services, accelerators,established infrastructure of services, accelerators, and coworking spaces. These business essentialsand coworking spaces. These business essentials combine with the Dutch entrepreneurial mindset tocombine with the Dutch entrepreneurial mindset to create a fast-growing startup culture.create a fast-growing startup culture. TalentTalent The Amsterdam-Delta region offers companies accessThe Amsterdam-Delta region offers companies access to a large pool of talented, highly motivated, well-to a large pool of talented, highly motivated, welleducated, and multilingual potential employees. 44%educated, and multilingual potential employees. 44% of the population have attended higher educationof the population have attended higher education institutions, 80% speak English, and 90% speak twoinstitutions, 80% speak English, and 90% speak two or more languages.or more languages. 88 JapanJapan TokyoTokyo MEMBERS:MEMBERS: Tokyo Metropolitan GovernmentTokyo Metropolitan Government #12#12 "Tokyo's startup ecosystem has continuously been expanding through"Tokyo's startup ecosystem has continuously been expanding through digitalization in various industries. Tokyo launched the Tokyo Consortium indigitalization in various industries. Tokyo launched the Tokyo Consortium in 2020, and is working as a leading member of a strong community of more than2020, and is working as a leading member of a strong community of more than 270 leading companies, investors, incubators, universities, governments, and270 leading companies, investors, incubators, universities, governments, and more to enter the new era together with startups."more to enter the new era together with startups." Eiichirou KodamaEiichirou Kodama Director General for Global Financial City Strategy, Office of the Governor for Policy Planning, TokyoDirector General for Global Financial City Strategy, Office of the Governor for Policy Planning, Tokyo Metropolitan GovernmentMetropolitan Government HighlightsHighlights Tokyo’s latest startup boom kicked off in 2014 in response to the acceleration of digital technology, asTokyo’s latest startup boom kicked off in 2014 in response to the acceleration of digital technology, as well as coordinated efforts by the Tokyo Government, Cabinet Office, and Ministry of Economy, Trade andwell as coordinated efforts by the Tokyo Government, Cabinet Office, and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to nurture local startups.Industry to nurture local startups. Changes in policy have helped Tokyo’s ecosystem to flourish. The Kishida Cabinet named 2022 the "firstChanges in policy have helped Tokyo’s ecosystem to flourish. The Kishida Cabinet named 2022 the "first year of startup creation," and various regulations are also being streamlined to promote startup formationyear of startup creation," and various regulations are also being streamlined to promote startup formation and growth. These include changes to allow autonomous driving, shortening the time from approval ofand growth. These include changes to allow autonomous driving, shortening the time from approval of listing to IPO to approximately 21 days, and deregulation around crowdfunding. The Tokyo Metropolitanlisting to IPO to approximately 21 days, and deregulation around crowdfunding. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government announced its Startup Collaboration Strategy in February 2022.Government announced its Startup Collaboration Strategy in February 2022. Universities and support organizations are also supporting local startups. The J-Startup project aims toUniversities and support organizations are also supporting local startups. The J-Startup project aims to help Japanese startups reach global markets, and the University of Tokyo is set to establish a ¥60 billionhelp Japanese startups reach global markets, and the University of Tokyo is set to establish a ¥60 billion ($500 million) fund for startups spun out from universities. The result of all these efforts is that the($500 million) fund for startups spun out from universities. The result of all these efforts is that the number of people who are looking to find a career in a startup is increasing, according to a 2021 reportnumber of people who are looking to find a career in a startup is increasing, according to a 2021 report from Amateras Startup Review.from Amateras Startup Review. Much of the momentum in the Tokyo ecosystem is the result of the entrance of overseas crossoverMuch of the momentum in the Tokyo ecosystem is the result of the entrance of overseas crossover investors. For example, software company SmartHR raised ¥15.6 billion ($129 million) from a total of eightinvestors. For example, software company SmartHR raised ¥15.6 billion ($129 million) from a total of eight companies, including Light Street Capital and Sequoia Capital Global Equities. News app SmartNews raisedcompanies, including Light Street Capital and Sequoia Capital Global Equities. News app SmartNews raised a $230 milliona $230 million Series FSeries F in Septemberin September 20212021. Successful entrepreneurs are also beginning to act as angel. Successful entrepreneurs are also beginning to act as angel investors and advisors to younger generations.investors and advisors to younger generations. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $3 bn$3 bn ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $62 bn$62 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $789 k$789 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $2.7 m$2.7 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $67 k$67 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 3 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $15 bn$15 bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 8.7 years8.7 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 25bn25bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 424424 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 #24 89 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths AdvancedAdvanced Manufacturing &Manufacturing & RoboticsRobotics Tokyo’s startups are supplying robots and satellitesTokyo’s startups are supplying robots and satellites to the growing space industry, which is expected toto the growing space industry, which is expected to generate more than $1 trillion worldwide in 2040,generate more than $1 trillion worldwide in 2040, according to Morgan Stanley. The Japanese roboticsaccording to Morgan Stanley. The Japanese robotics market is expected to grow from around ¥1 trillionmarket is expected to grow from around ¥1 trillion (~$8.3 billion) in 2010 to around ¥10 trillion in 2035.(~$8.3 billion) in 2010 to around ¥10 trillion in 2035. Space resource exploration company IspaceSpace resource exploration company Ispace Technologies has raised $174.8 million, including anTechnologies has raised $174.8 million, including an undisclosed Series C round in October 2021. Spiber,undisclosed Series C round in October 2021. Spiber, which is developing microbially fermented materials,which is developing microbially fermented materials, raised $221.4 million in September 2021 from araised $221.4 million in September 2021 from a private equity round.private equity round. FintechFintech According to Yano Research Institute’s FinTechAccording to Yano Research Institute’s FinTech Market 2019 report, Tokyo is the third largestMarket 2019 report, Tokyo is the third largest global financial center after New York and London.global financial center after New York and London. That year, the Fintech market in the country wasThat year, the Fintech market in the country was estimated at $3.2 billion with forecasts that itestimated at $3.2 billion with forecasts that it could increase to over $10 billion by 2022. Mobilecould increase to over $10 billion by 2022. Mobile banking startup Kyash raised a $41.3 million Seriesbanking startup Kyash raised a $41.3 million Series D in March 2022. Online security brokerage serviceD in March 2022. Online security brokerage service Folio has raised $100.8 million over five rounds.Folio has raised $100.8 million over five rounds. Automated investment advice company MoneyAutomated investment advice company Money Design has raised $94 million over nine rounds.Design has raised $94 million over nine rounds. Life SciencesLife Sciences Foreign investors are increasingly interested inForeign investors are increasingly interested in Japanese Life Sciences startups, many in Tokyo. InJapanese Life Sciences startups, many in Tokyo. In 2021, U.S. and European venture investors closed2021, U.S. and European venture investors closed eight Life Sciences deals in the country, totalingeight Life Sciences deals in the country, totaling $98 million. In February 2022, Belgian venture$98 million. In February 2022, Belgian venture capital firm Newton Biocapital launched a €150capital firm Newton Biocapital launched a €150 million fund to harness synergies betweenmillion fund to harness synergies between European and Japanese Life Sciences startups, andEuropean and Japanese Life Sciences startups, and FTI Venture Partners is a Life Sciences-focusedFTI Venture Partners is a Life Sciences-focused venture capital firm with offices in Tokyo andventure capital firm with offices in Tokyo and Boston. Personalized nutrition startup Bisu raised aBoston. Personalized nutrition startup Bisu raised a $3.3 million seed round in October 2021.$3.3 million seed round in October 2021. Reasons to Move Your Startup to TokyoReasons to Move Your Startup to Tokyo Dedicated SupportDedicated Support The Japanese government dedicated 2022 as theThe Japanese government dedicated 2022 as the “first year of startup creation," with a dedicated“first year of startup creation," with a dedicated supplementary budget and various deregulations tosupplementary budget and various deregulations to promote the startup economy. The Businesspromote the startup economy. The Business Development Center TOKYO offers a one-stopDevelopment Center TOKYO offers a one-stop support center for those starting out. The Tokyosupport center for those starting out. The Tokyo Consortium brings together more than 270 players inConsortium brings together more than 270 players in a supportive business community.a supportive business community. High Demand for DigitalizationHigh Demand for Digitalization There is a customer market for digital products inThere is a customer market for digital products in Tokyo, which is home to 2,964 major companiesTokyo, which is home to 2,964 major companies with capital of ¥1billion or more. The city also has awith capital of ¥1billion or more. The city also has a large number of Fortune Global 500 companylarge number of Fortune Global 500 company headquarters. According to a 2021 survey, 90% ofheadquarters. According to a 2021 survey, 90% of companies say they will increase or maintain theircompanies say they will increase or maintain their IT investment, indicating that the needs ofIT investment, indicating that the needs of technology companies are very high.technology companies are very high. Large MarketLarge Market Tokyo, the capital of Japan, is one of the largest citiesTokyo, the capital of Japan, is one of the largest cities in the world, with a population of approximately 14in the world, with a population of approximately 14 million. Its gross metropolitan product was $965.4million. Its gross metropolitan product was $965.4 billion in 2018. With Japan’s overall household assetsbillion in 2018. With Japan’s overall household assets rising to $27 trillion as of 2020, the market holds greatrising to $27 trillion as of 2020, the market holds great potential for both business-to-business and direct-to-potential for both business-to-business and direct-toconsumer companies.consumer companies. 90 Selected Startup OrganizationsSelected Startup Organizations "Tokyo is highlighted in the GSER, the world’s"Tokyo is highlighted in the GSER, the world’s paramount report on enriching startup andparamount report on enriching startup and economic growth. Ranking as #12 Global Startupeconomic growth. Ranking as #12 Global Startup Ecosystem overall with incredible support from theEcosystem overall with incredible support from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the widerTokyo Metropolitan Government and the wider Tokyo Startup Ecosystem Consortium."Tokyo Startup Ecosystem Consortium." Stephan Kuester, Head of Ecosystem Strategy ofStephan Kuester, Head of Ecosystem Strategy of Startup GenomeStartup Genome CIC Japan G.K.CIC Japan G.K. The largest innovation center in Japan, home toThe largest innovation center in Japan, home to 250+ startups, VCs, researchers, and other250+ startups, VCs, researchers, and other organizations passionate about innovation.organizations passionate about innovation. Keio Innovation Initiative, Inc.Keio Innovation Initiative, Inc. A VC firm established by Keio University, supportingA VC firm established by Keio University, supporting startups that create innovative new businesses bystartups that create innovative new businesses by utilizing the excellent research results of universitiesutilizing the excellent research results of universities and research institutes.and research institutes. Plug and Play JapanPlug and Play Japan A subsidiary of Plug and Play that aims to build aA subsidiary of Plug and Play that aims to build a world-class platform that drives innovation. Itworld-class platform that drives innovation. It connects leading corporations with startups toconnects leading corporations with startups to support them in expanding their possibilities fromsupport them in expanding their possibilities from Japan to the world, and from the world to Japan.Japan to the world, and from the world to Japan. The University of TokyoThe University of Tokyo Japan's top university, a world-class center forJapan's top university, a world-class center for research, and a vibrant academic community.research, and a vibrant academic community. The University of Tokyo EdgeThe University of Tokyo Edge Capital PartnersCapital Partners VUTEC works with academia in Japan and abroad,VUTEC works with academia in Japan and abroad, including the University of Tokyo. It supports scienceincluding the University of Tokyo. It supports science and technology startups that are pioneeringand technology startups that are pioneering frontiers to solve global issues with capital, talent,frontiers to solve global issues with capital, talent, and knowledge.and knowledge. STARTUP GENOME MEMBERSSTARTUP GENOME MEMBERS Tokyo Metropolitan GovernmentTokyo Metropolitan Government TMG aims to create the world’s leading ecosystem, one where innovations areTMG aims to create the world’s leading ecosystem, one where innovations are continuously generated through the organic collaboration of players includingcontinuously generated through the organic collaboration of players including corporations, startups, universities, and others. The Tokyo Consortium also supportscorporations, startups, universities, and others. The Tokyo Consortium also supports creating this ecosystem.creating this ecosystem. MEMBERMEMBER KEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERSKEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERS “Tokyo is highlighted in the GSER, the world’s paramount report on enriching startup and economic growth. Ranking as #12 Global Startup Ecosystem overall with incredible support from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the wider Tokyo Startup Ecosytem Consortium.” Stephan Kuester, Head of Ecosytem Strategy of Startup Genome 91 United Arab EmiratesUnited Arab Emirates Abu DhabiAbu Dhabi MEMBERS:MEMBERS: Hub71Hub71 "Abu Dhabi’s innovation ecosystem is an undeniable catalyst for achieving"Abu Dhabi’s innovation ecosystem is an undeniable catalyst for achieving sustainable economic growth. Advancing diverse sectors through the creativesustainable economic growth. Advancing diverse sectors through the creative minds of entrepreneurs stems from our work of building a self-sustainingminds of entrepreneurs stems from our work of building a self-sustaining ecosystem that startups, investors, businesses, and government can capitalizeecosystem that startups, investors, businesses, and government can capitalize on in the pursuit of scaling disruptive technologies with real-world impact."on in the pursuit of scaling disruptive technologies with real-world impact." H.E. Mohamed Ali Al Shorafa Al HammadiH.E. Mohamed Ali Al Shorafa Al Hammadi Chairman of Hub71 and the Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development (ADDED)Chairman of Hub71 and the Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development (ADDED) HighlightsHighlights According to Hub71, Abu Dhabi’s global tech ecosystem, tech startups in its community secured AED 30According to Hub71, Abu Dhabi’s global tech ecosystem, tech startups in its community secured AED 30 million ($8.2 million) across more than 20 corporate deals in 2021, with startups ramping up AED 1.5 billionmillion ($8.2 million) across more than 20 corporate deals in 2021, with startups ramping up AED 1.5 billion ($40.8 million) in venture capital investment since the ecosystem’s inception in 2019. The aggregate($40.8 million) in venture capital investment since the ecosystem’s inception in 2019. The aggregate valuation of Hub71 startups soared to AED 5.9 billion ($1.6 billion), demonstrating the growing impact ofvaluation of Hub71 startups soared to AED 5.9 billion ($1.6 billion), demonstrating the growing impact of the local startup ecosystem on the UAE’s capital city.the local startup ecosystem on the UAE’s capital city. Hub71and Hewlett Packard Enterprise are collaborating on a series of programs to nurture tech startups.Hub71and Hewlett Packard Enterprise are collaborating on a series of programs to nurture tech startups. The Abu Dhabi Investment Office (ADIO) is partnering with Microsoft and Plug and Play on a range ofThe Abu Dhabi Investment Office (ADIO) is partnering with Microsoft and Plug and Play on a range of initiatives to help founders successfully scale their businesses. These include the Microsoft Growth Xinitiatives to help founders successfully scale their businesses. These include the Microsoft Growth X Accelerator, a virtual accelerator program, and engagement initiative Highway to 100 Unicorns. In 2021, theAccelerator, a virtual accelerator program, and engagement initiative Highway to 100 Unicorns. In 2021, the Khalifa Innovation Center became the first entity in the city to receive a license from the Abu DhabiKhalifa Innovation Center became the first entity in the city to receive a license from the Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development to operate as an incubator. As part of the Emirates BlockchainDepartment of Economic Development to operate as an incubator. As part of the Emirates Blockchain Strategy 2021, the UAE government is adopting Blockchain technology to conduct transactions with theStrategy 2021, the UAE government is adopting Blockchain technology to conduct transactions with the aim of moving more than half of the government’s transactions to the Blockchain. In May 2021,aim of moving more than half of the government’s transactions to the Blockchain. In May 2021, telecommunications company Etisalat launched a Blockchain-based platform to prevent fraud in relation totelecommunications company Etisalat launched a Blockchain-based platform to prevent fraud in relation to trade invoices.trade invoices. Recent fundraising news out of the ecosystem includes digital freight network TruKKer’s $96 millionRecent fundraising news out of the ecosystem includes digital freight network TruKKer’s $96 million Series B in February 2022.Series B in February 2022. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $97 m$97 m ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $4 bn$4 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $1.3 m$1.3 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $14 m$14 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $33 k$33 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 9 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $207 m$207 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 10 years10 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 1.9bn1.9bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 99 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 9292 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths FintechFintech Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) is the city’sAbu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) is the city’s international financial center and free zone. Itinternational financial center and free zone. It embraces digital-first offerings and sustainableembraces digital-first offerings and sustainable finance frameworks. The ADGM Digital Lab providesfinance frameworks. The ADGM Digital Lab provides access to resources including data, APIs, andaccess to resources including data, APIs, and reference architectures for Fintechs, financialreference architectures for Fintechs, financial institutions, and regulators. The ADGM RegLab is ainstitutions, and regulators. The ADGM RegLab is a regulatory framework for testing innovative Fintechregulatory framework for testing innovative Fintech solutions. It is the world’s second most active Fintechsolutions. It is the world’s second most active Fintech sandbox and offers the world’s first fully digitalsandbox and offers the world’s first fully digital courtroom. ADGM also organizes a number ofcourtroom. ADGM also organizes a number of Fintech events, including the Fintech Abu DhabiFintech events, including the Fintech Abu Dhabi Festival and the FinTech Awards. Open bankingFestival and the FinTech Awards. Open banking platform Tarabut Gateway has raised $25 million,platform Tarabut Gateway has raised $25 million, including a February 2021 $13 million seed round.including a February 2021 $13 million seed round. Agtech & New FoodAgtech & New Food The UAE currently imports more than 85% of itsThe UAE currently imports more than 85% of its food, making improving food security a top priority.food, making improving food security a top priority. Abu Dhabi has been at the heart of that push. LastAbu Dhabi has been at the heart of that push. Last year, the Abu Dhabi Investment Office announcedyear, the Abu Dhabi Investment Office announced more than AED 500 million ($136 million) inmore than AED 500 million ($136 million) in incentives to bring global Agtech companies to theincentives to bring global Agtech companies to the city. ADQ recently announced plans to build ancity. ADQ recently announced plans to build an Agtech Park in Al Ain with the aim of positioningAgtech Park in Al Ain with the aim of positioning the UAE as the region’s leading farming hub.the UAE as the region’s leading farming hub. Hydroponic technology company Pure HarvestHydroponic technology company Pure Harvest Smart Farms raised $64.5 million in October 2021.Smart Farms raised $64.5 million in October 2021. Reasons to Move Your Startup to Abu DhabiReasons to Move Your Startup to Abu Dhabi Rule of LawRule of Law Startups in the UAE benefit from the country’s strongStartups in the UAE benefit from the country’s strong rule of law through the direct application of Englishrule of law through the direct application of English common law, a strong judiciary, quick judgmentscommon law, a strong judiciary, quick judgments facilitated by world's first e-courts, and strongfacilitated by world's first e-courts, and strong enforceability of judgments.enforceability of judgments. Startup SupportStartup Support Hub71’s Incentive Program is designed to reduceHub71’s Incentive Program is designed to reduce the cost of setting up and growing tech companiesthe cost of setting up and growing tech companies in Abu Dhabi, offering subsidies on housing, officein Abu Dhabi, offering subsidies on housing, office space, and insurance for seed- and growth-stagespace, and insurance for seed- and growth-stage companies up to AED 500K ($136,000) for one year.companies up to AED 500K ($136,000) for one year. ADGM's Tech Startup Licence provides incentivesADGM's Tech Startup Licence provides incentives for up to three years. Three and five-year businessfor up to three years. Three and five-year business visas are available for entrepreneurs based atvisas are available for entrepreneurs based at Hub71. ADGM and Hub71 link founders to aHub71. ADGM and Hub71 link founders to a growing community of venture capital funds, banks,growing community of venture capital funds, banks, investors, regulators and corporate and governmentinvestors, regulators and corporate and government ppaarrttnneerrss ttoo pprroovviiddee ccaappiittaall ffoorr ggrroowwtthh aanndd ooppppoorrttuunniittiieess ttoo ssccaallee.. 93 Selected Startup OrganizationsSelected Startup Organizations "As a policy advisor and provider of research to the"As a policy advisor and provider of research to the entrepreneurial, employment, and economicentrepreneurial, employment, and economic growth of Abu Dhabi, we are thrilled to see thegrowth of Abu Dhabi, we are thrilled to see the accelerated development of the startup scene inaccelerated development of the startup scene in Abu Dhabi and to share success stories and greatAbu Dhabi and to share success stories and great practices developed in coordination with Hub71 inpractices developed in coordination with Hub71 in the Global Startup Ecosystem Report.”the Global Startup Ecosystem Report.” Stephan Kuester, Head of Ecosystem Strategy ofStephan Kuester, Head of Ecosystem Strategy of Startup GenomeStartup Genome STARTUP GENOME MEMBERSSTARTUP GENOME MEMBERS Hub71Hub71 Hub71 is a global tech ecosystem, a community of highly innovative tech startups andHub71 is a global tech ecosystem, a community of highly innovative tech startups and companies at all stages of growth in Abu Dhabi.companies at all stages of growth in Abu Dhabi. MEMBERMEMBER “As a policy advisor and provider of research to the entrepreneurial, employment, and economic growth of Abu Dhabi, we are thrilled to see the accelerated development of the startup scene in the Abu Dhabi and to share success stories and great practices developed in coordination with Hub71 in the Global Startup Ecosytem Report.” Stephan Kuester, Head of Ecosytem Strategy of Startup Genome 94 BahrainBahrain BahrainBahrain MEMBERS:MEMBERS: TamkeenTamkeen "The growth within the ecosystem is another example in Bahrain's long history of"The growth within the ecosystem is another example in Bahrain's long history of economic dynamism, bolstered by an attractive environment, ease of businesseconomic dynamism, bolstered by an attractive environment, ease of business set up, dedicated and talented workforce, innovative regulation, and a readinessset up, dedicated and talented workforce, innovative regulation, and a readiness to embrace entrepreneurship and innovation."to embrace entrepreneurship and innovation." Husain Mohamed RajabHusain Mohamed Rajab CEO, TamkeenCEO, Tamkeen HighlightsHighlights Bahrain offers an exceptional, mature regulatory framework within a unified jurisdiction. Both local andBahrain offers an exceptional, mature regulatory framework within a unified jurisdiction. Both local and international companies benefit from a liberal business climate, zero corporate taxes, and a welcominginternational companies benefit from a liberal business climate, zero corporate taxes, and a welcoming culture. The InterNations Expat Insider 2021 survey named Bahrain the best place for expatriates to workculture. The InterNations Expat Insider 2021 survey named Bahrain the best place for expatriates to work and live in the Middle East. The Golden Residency Visa, launched in early 2022, offers a new flexible optionand live in the Middle East. The Golden Residency Visa, launched in early 2022, offers a new flexible option for investors, entrepreneurs, and other highly talented individuals looking to settle and do business infor investors, entrepreneurs, and other highly talented individuals looking to settle and do business in Bahrain.Bahrain. Bahrain has long been a regional trailblazer of economic diversification and today less than 20% of theBahrain has long been a regional trailblazer of economic diversification and today less than 20% of the country’s GDP comes from oil and gas. In reflection of the ongoing economic change, the number ofcountry’s GDP comes from oil and gas. In reflection of the ongoing economic change, the number of startups in Bahrain has grown at a compound annual growth rate of 46% since 2018. Blockchain andstartups in Bahrain has grown at a compound annual growth rate of 46% since 2018. Blockchain and cryptocurrency are fast growing areas, with Bahrain-founded crypto exchange Rain raising a $111.85 millioncryptocurrency are fast growing areas, with Bahrain-founded crypto exchange Rain raising a $111.85 million Series B in January 2022. Bahrain is also quickly embracing NFTs — the Kingdom hosted MENA’s first NFTSeries B in January 2022. Bahrain is also quickly embracing NFTs — the Kingdom hosted MENA’s first NFT exhibition in March 2022 and the Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance announced the launch of NFTsexhibition in March 2022 and the Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance announced the launch of NFTs with an education linked use case the same month.with an education linked use case the same month. Hope Ventures has launched a series of initiatives designed to support promising high-growth businessesHope Ventures has launched a series of initiatives designed to support promising high-growth businesses led by local entrepreneurs, and also created Beban, a reality TV show on the most watched Arabic TVled by local entrepreneurs, and also created Beban, a reality TV show on the most watched Arabic TV network, in which 12 entrepreneurs pitch to investors, to engage youth in the startup domain. Tamkeen,network, in which 12 entrepreneurs pitch to investors, to engage youth in the startup domain. Tamkeen, which aims to drive economic growth by supporting enterprises and individuals, released a 2021-2025which aims to drive economic growth by supporting enterprises and individuals, released a 2021-2025 strategy that includes ramping up support for startups.strategy that includes ramping up support for startups. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $19 m$19 m ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $564 m$564 m MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $53 k$53 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $3.1 m$3.1 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $30 k$30 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 1 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $145 m$145 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) N/AN/A GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 10m10m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 11 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 95 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths FintechFintech Bahrain has over 120 Fintech startups, with clustersBahrain has over 120 Fintech startups, with clusters in payments and crypto. Bahrain’s Al Waha Fund ofin payments and crypto. Bahrain’s Al Waha Fund of Funds is investing in the $50 million VentureSouq’sFunds is investing in the $50 million VentureSouq’s FinTech Fund in response to a rise in demand forFinTech Fund in response to a rise in demand for digital payments. Fintech Infinios was formed indigital payments. Fintech Infinios was formed in 2014 and is licensed and regulated by the Central2014 and is licensed and regulated by the Central Bank of Bahrain as an ancillary services provider.Bank of Bahrain as an ancillary services provider. Open banking platform Tarabut Gateway raised aOpen banking platform Tarabut Gateway raised a $13 million seed round in February 2021, the largest$13 million seed round in February 2021, the largest Fintech seed round in MENA to date. Later that year,Fintech seed round in MENA to date. Later that year, it raised $12 million in Pre-Series A funding.it raised $12 million in Pre-Series A funding. BlockchainBlockchain Bahrain is a growing Blockchain hub that pioneeredBahrain is a growing Blockchain hub that pioneered crypto-friendly regulation in the region. Blockchaincrypto-friendly regulation in the region. Blockchain infrastructure provider Binance was granted ainfrastructure provider Binance was granted a crypto-asset service license in Bahrain in Marchcrypto-asset service license in Bahrain in March 2022. Inablr is building a Blockchain-based2022. Inablr is building a Blockchain-based investment platform that is set to launch in Bahraininvestment platform that is set to launch in Bahrain in 2022. Bahrain FinTech Bay, MENA’s largestin 2022. Bahrain FinTech Bay, MENA’s largest Fintech hub, and R3, a leading enterprise BlockchainFintech hub, and R3, a leading enterprise Blockchain software provider, have partnered to provide toolssoftware provider, have partnered to provide tools for MENA Blockchain-based startups to test,for MENA Blockchain-based startups to test, validate, and implement their products andvalidate, and implement their products and accelerate their expansion within the ecosystem.accelerate their expansion within the ecosystem. CoinMENA raised a $9.5 million seed round inCoinMENA raised a $9.5 million seed round in November 2021.November 2021. Reasons to Move Your Startup to BahrainReasons to Move Your Startup to Bahrain Business-Friendly EnvironmentBusiness-Friendly Environment The Kingdom allows 100% foreign ownership forThe Kingdom allows 100% foreign ownership for nearly all business activities within the nationalnearly all business activities within the national jurisdiction. Operating costs for businesses arejurisdiction. Operating costs for businesses are substantially lower than in much of the rest of thesubstantially lower than in much of the rest of the GCC region, in the case of manufacturing by 20–56%.GCC region, in the case of manufacturing by 20–56%. Low TaxesLow Taxes The government of Bahrain doesn’t collectThe government of Bahrain doesn’t collect corporate taxes on businesses outside the oil andcorporate taxes on businesses outside the oil and gas industry. There are also no personal incomegas industry. There are also no personal income taxes and no wealth or capital gains taxes in thetaxes and no wealth or capital gains taxes in the country.country. Skilled Labor ForceSkilled Labor Force Bahrain is ranked first in MENA in the UN HumanBahrain is ranked first in MENA in the UN Human Development Index, which means companies in theDevelopment Index, which means companies in the country gain access to the most skilled local talent incountry gain access to the most skilled local talent in the GCC. The Bahraini government supports athe GCC. The Bahraini government supports a network of technical programs, such as the MENAnetwork of technical programs, such as the MENA Fintech Academy, to upskill the local labor force.Fintech Academy, to upskill the local labor force. Enterprises hiring recent university graduates canEnterprises hiring recent university graduates can receive a wage subsidy of up to 70%. In March 2022,receive a wage subsidy of up to 70%. In March 2022, Tamkeen established a collaboration with theTamkeen established a collaboration with the technology training academy General Assembly andtechnology training academy General Assembly and the Bahrain Institute of Banking & Finance to providethe Bahrain Institute of Banking & Finance to provide ssppeecciiaalliizzeedd tteecchh ttrraaiinniinngg ffoorr aarroouunndd 11,,220000 BBaahhrraaiinnii nnaattiioonnaallss.. 96 Selected Startup OrganizationsSelected Startup Organizations "We are thrilled to see Bahrain's startup ecosystem"We are thrilled to see Bahrain's startup ecosystem ranking as a Top 10 MENA Ecosystem inranking as a Top 10 MENA Ecosystem in Performance, Funding, and Affordable Talent. OurPerformance, Funding, and Affordable Talent. Our local partner Tamkeen and other key stakeholderslocal partner Tamkeen and other key stakeholders have supported founders in Bahrain for many yearshave supported founders in Bahrain for many years with highly progressive policies and have buildwith highly progressive policies and have build great conditions for tech entrepreneurs to start andgreat conditions for tech entrepreneurs to start and grow their businesses from Bahrain."grow their businesses from Bahrain." Stephan Kuester, Head of Ecosystem Strategy ofStephan Kuester, Head of Ecosystem Strategy of Startup GenomeStartup Genome Bahrain Fintech BayBahrain Fintech Bay FinTech Bay is one of the largest FinTechs Hub inFinTech Bay is one of the largest FinTechs Hub in MENA that incubates impactful FinTech initiativesMENA that incubates impactful FinTech initiatives through innovation labs, acceleration andthrough innovation labs, acceleration and educational opportunities.educational opportunities. Hope FundHope Fund Hope Fund supports local youth initiatives by uniqueHope Fund supports local youth initiatives by unique growth opportunities and access to tools andgrowth opportunities and access to tools and resources to build a better future for themselvesresources to build a better future for themselves through skills development and entrepreneurshipthrough skills development and entrepreneurship support.support. TamkeenTamkeen Tamkeen empowers Bahrainis to become employeesTamkeen empowers Bahrainis to become employees of choice and enables the private sector to becomeof choice and enables the private sector to become the key engine of economic growth.the key engine of economic growth. TenmouTenmou “Tenmou”, is a tech-focused angel investor and“Tenmou”, is a tech-focused angel investor and ecosystem builder, investing in Bahrain and itsecosystem builder, investing in Bahrain and its people. Tenmou provides both mentorship andpeople. Tenmou provides both mentorship and capital to high-potential, innovative Bahrainicapital to high-potential, innovative Bahraini entrepreneurs from the seed stage.entrepreneurs from the seed stage. STARTUP GENOME MEMBERSSTARTUP GENOME MEMBERS TamkeenTamkeen Tamkeen empowers Bahrainis to become employees of choice and enables theTamkeen empowers Bahrainis to become employees of choice and enables the private sector to become the key engine of economic growth. It works withprivate sector to become the key engine of economic growth. It works with enterprises to innovate, grow, transform, digitalize, and internationalize. It alsoenterprises to innovate, grow, transform, digitalize, and internationalize. It also supports Bahraini talents with their training needs, ensuring their competitivenesssupports Bahraini talents with their training needs, ensuring their competitiveness both locally and internationally.both locally and internationally. MEMBERMEMBER KEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERSKEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERS “We are thrilled to see Bahrain’s startup ecosystem ranking as a Top 10 MENA Ecosystem in Performance, Funding, and Affordable Talent. Our local partner Tamkeen and other key stakeholders have supported founders in Bahrain for many years with highly progressive policies and have build great conditions for tech entrepreneurs to start and grow their businesses for Bahrain.” Stephan Kuester, Head of Ecosytem Strategy of Startup Genome 97 HungaryHungary BudapestBudapest MEMBERS:MEMBERS: Ministry of Innovation & TechnologyMinistry of Innovation & Technology // National Research, Development and Innovation OfficeNational Research, Development and Innovation Office "We strongly believe that the abundance of local talent combined with a vibrant"We strongly believe that the abundance of local talent combined with a vibrant startup ecosystem will significantly contribute to innovation in Hungary. We havestartup ecosystem will significantly contribute to innovation in Hungary. We have to continue funding the investment activities of the best private technologicalto continue funding the investment activities of the best private technological incubators."incubators." Tibor GulyásTibor Gulyás Deputy State Secretary, Ministry for Innovation and TechnologyDeputy State Secretary, Ministry for Innovation and Technology HighlightsHighlights Budapest is a lively cultural center and home to a thriving startup ecosystem. More than 900Budapest is a lively cultural center and home to a thriving startup ecosystem. More than 900 startups,startups, over 50 angel investors, and a growing array of startup support organizations call the Hungarian capital cityover 50 angel investors, and a growing array of startup support organizations call the Hungarian capital city home. In 2021,home. In 2021, Startups.co.ukStartups.co.uk named Budapest thenamed Budapest the number one city in which to launch a business post-number one city in which to launch a business post- BrexitBrexit.. The government also offers strong support for startups. Hiventures is one of the largest governmentThe government also offers strong support for startups. Hiventures is one of the largest government funded VC in Europe, managing a startup fund of over $220 million with over 400 investments. NRDIfunded VC in Europe, managing a startup fund of over $220 million with over 400 investments. NRDI Office and Ministry for Innovation and Technology (ITM), recently launched the Startup Factory incubatorOffice and Ministry for Innovation and Technology (ITM), recently launched the Startup Factory incubator program with approximately $6.6. million in co-funding investments of eight technological incubators toprogram with approximately $6.6. million in co-funding investments of eight technological incubators to be continued in 2022. Four thousand students have enrolled in the Startup University program at over 20be continued in 2022. Four thousand students have enrolled in the Startup University program at over 20 universities. Startup Hungary is an entrepreneur-led organization launched to supercharge the startupuniversities. Startup Hungary is an entrepreneur-led organization launched to supercharge the startup community and to support high-growth potential tech companies in Hungary.community and to support high-growth potential tech companies in Hungary. Incubator Design Terminal helps innovative Hungarian startups enter the international market, and CEUIncubator Design Terminal helps innovative Hungarian startups enter the international market, and CEU iLab’s incubator program provides founders with mentorship and funding opportunities.iLab’s incubator program provides founders with mentorship and funding opportunities. Seon fraud-Seon fraudmanagement software company has secured a $91 million investment in 2022, a valuation estimated atmanagement software company has secured a $91 million investment in 2022, a valuation estimated at $0.5 billion.$0.5 billion. Bitrise, a platform for mobile app development, has raised five rounds, including $60 million atBitrise, a platform for mobile app development, has raised five rounds, including $60 million at Series C in November 2021.Series C in November 2021. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $211 m$211 m ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $1.6 bn$1.6 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $325 k$325 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $1.4 m$1.4 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $30 k$30 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 2 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $444 m$444 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 10.6 years10.6 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 265m265m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 2929 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 98 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths Artificial IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence The Continental Artificial Intelligence DevelopmentThe Continental Artificial Intelligence Development Centre is an active player in Hungary’s AI ecosystem,Centre is an active player in Hungary’s AI ecosystem, housing more than a thousand people working inhousing more than a thousand people working in R&D-related activities.R&D-related activities. OTP BankOTP Bank has partnered withhas partnered with data center AI companydata center AI company SambaNova SystemsSambaNova Systems toto build Europe’s fastest AI supercomputer.build Europe’s fastest AI supercomputer. ViroFighter,ViroFighter, a robot developed by the European Knowledgea robot developed by the European Knowledge Centre in cooperation with Budapest nonprofitCentre in cooperation with Budapest nonprofit ELTE-Soft in 2021, is capable of disinfecting a roomELTE-Soft in 2021, is capable of disinfecting a room autonomously.autonomously. FintechFintech Around 24% of Hungarian Fintech companies workAround 24% of Hungarian Fintech companies work in financial software development and systemin financial software development and system integration, while 21% are involved in paymentintegration, while 21% are involved in payment services and 20% in data analysis and businessservices and 20% in data analysis and business intelligence services. The World FinTech Festival, aintelligence services. The World FinTech Festival, a satellite event of the Singapore FinTech Festival, issatellite event of the Singapore FinTech Festival, is held in Budapest.held in Budapest. Reasons to Move Your Startup to BudapestReasons to Move Your Startup to Budapest Low Cost of LivingLow Cost of Living Compared to ecosystems in Western Europe and theCompared to ecosystems in Western Europe and the United States, Budapest is a cheap place to foundUnited States, Budapest is a cheap place to found and operate a startup. The Cost of Living Index forand operate a startup. The Cost of Living Index for the city is 56.5, compared to 100 for New York. Thethe city is 56.5, compared to 100 for New York. The cost of housing, utilities, and education are all verycost of housing, utilities, and education are all very low compared to many other tech hubs.low compared to many other tech hubs. Skilled WorkforceSkilled Workforce The education system in Hungary is skill-centeredThe education system in Hungary is skill-centered and practical, producing high-quality, workforce-and practical, producing high-quality, workforceready graduates. 90% of students speak English andready graduates. 90% of students speak English and two-third of the startup workforce are STEMtwo-third of the startup workforce are STEM graduates. This has led many companies in sectorsgraduates. This has led many companies in sectors such as pharmaceuticals, engineering, R&D, and ITsuch as pharmaceuticals, engineering, R&D, and IT to look to Budapest when searching for talent.to look to Budapest when searching for talent. Startup-Friendly PoliciesStartup-Friendly Policies At just 9%, Hungary’s corporate tax rate is among theAt just 9%, Hungary’s corporate tax rate is among the lowest in Europe, and a new company can belowest in Europe, and a new company can be registered and receive a VAT number in 72 hours. Theregistered and receive a VAT number in 72 hours. The KATA flat-tax system allows self-employed individualsKATA flat-tax system allows self-employed individuals to pay a fixed monthly amount to cover all theirto pay a fixed monthly amount to cover all their Hungarian tax obligations. As of 2020, the monthlyHungarian tax obligations. As of 2020, the monthly amount ranged from Ft 50,000 ($165) to Ft 75,000amount ranged from Ft 50,000 ($165) to Ft 75,000 ($248) for those not employed by any other company.($248) for those not employed by any other company. 99 Selected Startup OrganizationsSelected Startup Organizations STARTUP GENOME MEMBERSSTARTUP GENOME MEMBERS Ministry of Innovation & TechnologyMinistry of Innovation & Technology The Ministry is responsible for creating the national RDI strategy and defining policiesThe Ministry is responsible for creating the national RDI strategy and defining policies in the field of research, innovation, and higher education. Its responsibilities includein the field of research, innovation, and higher education. Its responsibilities include infrastructure, energy, environmental policies, and economic and competitivenessinfrastructure, energy, environmental policies, and economic and competitiveness strategy.strategy. MEMBERMEMBER National Research, Development and InnovationNational Research, Development and Innovation OfficeOffice The Office is responsible for the execution of research development and innovationThe Office is responsible for the execution of research development and innovation (RDI) policies in Hungary and to ensure that Hungary adequately invests in RDI by(RDI) policies in Hungary and to ensure that Hungary adequately invests in RDI by funding excellent research and supporting innovation.funding excellent research and supporting innovation. MEMBERMEMBER 100 EgyptEgypt CairoCairo MEMBERS:MEMBERS: Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA)Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA) "Egypt’s digital transformation strategy had a direct impact on the betterment of"Egypt’s digital transformation strategy had a direct impact on the betterment of the local entrepreneurship scene, making not only major cities economicallythe local entrepreneurship scene, making not only major cities economically competitive but local communities too."competitive but local communities too." Dr. Amr TalaatDr. Amr Talaat Minister of ICTMinister of ICT HighlightsHighlights Egypt’s startup ecosystem is among the most vibrant in Africa and has been experiencing rapid growth inEgypt’s startup ecosystem is among the most vibrant in Africa and has been experiencing rapid growth in recent years. In its third quarter 2021 Africa Funding Report, Digest Africa reported that Egypt had therecent years. In its third quarter 2021 Africa Funding Report, Digest Africa reported that Egypt had the highest number of deals in Africa and third highest total funding. The Egyptian ecosystem saw a 168%highest number of deals in Africa and third highest total funding. The Egyptian ecosystem saw a 168% year-on-year increase in capital investment in 2021 to reach a new record of $491 million, according toyear-on-year increase in capital investment in 2021 to reach a new record of $491 million, according to Magnitt’s 2021 Egypt Venture Investment Report.Magnitt’s 2021 Egypt Venture Investment Report. In 2020, an investment law designated areas in need of development. Companies in these areas canIn 2020, an investment law designated areas in need of development. Companies in these areas can deduct 50% of investment costs, and firms in certain industries, such as renewable energy, will not bededuct 50% of investment costs, and firms in certain industries, such as renewable energy, will not be subject to taxes or customs duties on equipment purchases. In April 2022, the General Authority forsubject to taxes or customs duties on equipment purchases. In April 2022, the General Authority for Investment and Freezones, the Financial Regulatory Authority, and the Information Technology IndustryInvestment and Freezones, the Financial Regulatory Authority, and the Information Technology Industry Development Agency signed a cooperation protocol to make it easier for local and international VCs toDevelopment Agency signed a cooperation protocol to make it easier for local and international VCs to invest in Egyptian startups.invest in Egyptian startups. In September 2021, Plug and Play and ITIDA announced the opening of an accelerator and incubator toIn September 2021, Plug and Play and ITIDA announced the opening of an accelerator and incubator to develop Egyptian startups. The three-year agreement outlined an accelerator program that will run twodevelop Egyptian startups. The three-year agreement outlined an accelerator program that will run two cycles each year, targeting a total of 60 companies. The incubator will provide support to 60 early-stagecycles each year, targeting a total of 60 companies. The incubator will provide support to 60 early-stage startups each year, split into two cycles.startups each year, split into two cycles. Four major tech funds launched in 2021: Algebra Ventures’ $90 million fund, Sawari Ventures’ $28 millionFour major tech funds launched in 2021: Algebra Ventures’ $90 million fund, Sawari Ventures’ $28 million fund, Benya and Openner’s $50 million fund, and Sequence Ventures’ EGP 500 million ($2.7 million)fund, Benya and Openner’s $50 million fund, and Sequence Ventures’ EGP 500 million ($2.7 million) DeepDeep Tech fund.Cairo Angels also announced the first close of its $5 million micro-VC fund.Tech fund.Cairo Angels also announced the first close of its $5 million micro-VC fund. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $435 m$435 m ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $2.7 bn$2.7 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $165 k$165 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $1.2 m$1.2 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $7 k$7 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 6 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $836 m$836 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 5.7 years5.7 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 132m132m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 1616 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 101 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths FintechFintech In September 2021, the government passed a lawIn September 2021, the government passed a law allowing the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) to giveallowing the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) to give out banking licenses to Fintech firms. Egyptianout banking licenses to Fintech firms. Egyptian Fintech companies raised $159 million across 32Fintech companies raised $159 million across 32 deals in 2021, a 300% increase on the previous year,deals in 2021, a 300% increase on the previous year, according to the CBE. The National Bank of Egypt,according to the CBE. The National Bank of Egypt, Banque Misr, and Banque du Caire jointly launchedBanque Misr, and Banque du Caire jointly launched a EGP 1 billion ($55 million) Fintech fund ina EGP 1 billion ($55 million) Fintech fund in September 2021. Cairo-based Thndr raised a $20September 2021. Cairo-based Thndr raised a $20 million Series A in February 2022.million Series A in February 2022. Logistics &Logistics & TransportationTransportation Incubator Logivators launched in 2021 to supportIncubator Logivators launched in 2021 to support Egyptian startups in the Logistics & TransportationEgyptian startups in the Logistics & Transportation sub-sector. Egypt is home to 33 Logistics startups,sub-sector. Egypt is home to 33 Logistics startups, 88% of which are based in Cairo Fulfillment services88% of which are based in Cairo Fulfillment services startup Flextock raised $3.25 million of pre-seedstartup Flextock raised $3.25 million of pre-seed funding in May 2021. In September 2021, ride-funding in May 2021. In September 2021, ridehailing app Halan closed a $120 million venturehailing app Halan closed a $120 million venture funding round, becoming Egypt’s first ever megafunding round, becoming Egypt’s first ever mega deal. In March 2022, Swvl became the first companydeal. In March 2022, Swvl became the first company launched from Africa and the second in MENA tolaunched from Africa and the second in MENA to list on the Nasdaq via a SPAC merger.list on the Nasdaq via a SPAC merger. Reasons to Move Your Startup to CairoReasons to Move Your Startup to Cairo Abundant ResourcesAbundant Resources Entrepreneurs can draw talent from over 170Entrepreneurs can draw talent from over 170 universities and institutes producing 500,000 annualuniversities and institutes producing 500,000 annual graduates, as well as access a network of over 40graduates, as well as access a network of over 40 incubators and accelerators and 80 coworkingincubators and accelerators and 80 coworking spaces. The IT Industry Development Agency (ITIDA)spaces. The IT Industry Development Agency (ITIDA) is also on tap to support entrepreneurs.is also on tap to support entrepreneurs. Market AccessMarket Access Egypt’s strategic location and extensiveEgypt’s strategic location and extensive international trade network make it an idealinternational trade network make it an ideal platform for companies doing business in MENAplatform for companies doing business in MENA and Africa. With a young population of 20 millionand Africa. With a young population of 20 million tech savvy consumers, Cairo provides a perfecttech savvy consumers, Cairo provides a perfect testbed for innovation and an attractive market fortestbed for innovation and an attractive market for scalability.scalability. Young, Skilled TalentYoung, Skilled Talent EgyptEgypt’s population of about 102 million people, is’s population of about 102 million people, is rapidly growing, providing companies with a large andrapidly growing, providing companies with a large and growing domestic market and vast talent pool togrowing domestic market and vast talent pool to recruit from. Over half of the country’s population isrecruit from. Over half of the country’s population is under 30, and many of them are multi-lingual andunder 30, and many of them are multi-lingual and technically skilled.technically skilled. 102 Selected Startup OrganizationsSelected Startup Organizations "Startup Genome is proud to partner with the"Startup Genome is proud to partner with the Information Technology Industry DevelopmentInformation Technology Industry Development Agency to review Cairo's startup ecosystemAgency to review Cairo's startup ecosystem performance and individual ecosystem successperformance and individual ecosystem success factors. The results, ranking Cairo as a Top 15factors. The results, ranking Cairo as a Top 15 Global Ecosystem and #2 MENA Ecosystem in theGlobal Ecosystem and #2 MENA Ecosystem in the Affordable Talent category, combined with a largeAffordable Talent category, combined with a large domestic market, make Cairo an excitingdomestic market, make Cairo an exciting ecossytem for regional founders and investorsecossytem for regional founders and investors alike."alike." Stephan Kuester, Head of Ecosystem Strategy ofStephan Kuester, Head of Ecosystem Strategy of Startup GenomeStartup Genome Algebra VenturesAlgebra Ventures Egypt’s leading tech VC firm. Algebra VenturesEgypt’s leading tech VC firm. Algebra Ventures partners with founders to build transformativepartners with founders to build transformative companies, and supports them by providing multi-companies, and supports them by providing multistage capital, assisting with strategy and operations,stage capital, assisting with strategy and operations, and helping to build star teams.and helping to build star teams. American University in Cairo -American University in Cairo Venture LabsVenture Labs Egypt's first university-based startup acceleratorEgypt's first university-based startup accelerator program and leading accelerator in Africa andprogram and leading accelerator in Africa and Middle East.Middle East. Cairo AngelsCairo Angels Egypt’s first formal angel investment network.Egypt’s first formal angel investment network. Formed in 2012, it invests in and supports early-Formed in 2012, it invests in and supports earlystage startups in Egypt and across MENA. Cairostage startups in Egypt and across MENA. Cairo Angels facilitates due diligence, negotiates terms,Angels facilitates due diligence, negotiates terms, and finalizes deal closing.and finalizes deal closing. Cubit VenturesCubit Ventures An early-stage venture fund backing tech startupsAn early-stage venture fund backing tech startups driving digital transformation in Egypt. Cubitdriving digital transformation in Egypt. Cubit Ventures is capitalizing on Egypt’s imminentVentures is capitalizing on Egypt’s imminent Technology Innovation andTechnology Innovation and Entrepreneurship CenterEntrepreneurship Center (TIEC)(TIEC) Information Technology Industry DevelopmentInformation Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA)Agency (ITIDA) The IT Industry Development Agency (ITIDA) is the executive arm of the EgyptianThe IT Industry Development Agency (ITIDA) is the executive arm of the Egyptian Ministry of Communication and Information Technology. Established in 2004, ITIDA’sMinistry of Communication and Information Technology. Established in 2004, ITIDA’s core mission is to spearhead the development of Egypt’s IT industry to increase itscore mission is to spearhead the development of Egypt’s IT industry to increase its global competitiveness and make it a key contributor to the country’s economicglobal competitiveness and make it a key contributor to the country’s economic growth.growth. MEMBERMEMBER SSTTAARRTTUUPP GGEENNOOMMEE MMEEMMBBEERRSS KKEEYY EECCOOSSYYSSTTEEMM PPLLAAYYEERRSS eeccoonnoommiicc aasscceenntt ccoouupplleedd wwiitthh aann aacccceelleerraatteedd ddiiggiittaall aaddooppttiioonn aaccrroossss aallll sseeccttoorrss.. TTIIEECC ddrriivveess eeccoonnoommiicc ggrroowwtthh bbyy pprroovviiddiinngg kknnoowwlleeddggee aanndd ffiinnaanncciiaall ssuuppppoorrtt ttoo eennttrreepprreenneeuurrss aanndd ssttaarrttuuppss.. SSiinnccee 22001100,, iitt hhaass ssoouugghhtt ttoo uunnlleeaasshh ccrreeaattiivvee ssoolluuttiioonnss aanndd iinnnnoovvaattiivvee iiddeeaass tthhaatt mmaakkee iimmppaacctt iinn EEggyypptt.. 103 CanadaCanada CalgaryCalgary MEMBERS:MEMBERS: Calgary Economic DevelopmentCalgary Economic Development // Platform CalgaryPlatform Calgary "Calgary is an exciting place to be for those in the tech and innovation space."Calgary is an exciting place to be for those in the tech and innovation space. Not only is the city breaking VC records, we’re leading the continent in techNot only is the city breaking VC records, we’re leading the continent in tech talent growth. Momentum is on Alberta’s side."talent growth. Momentum is on Alberta’s side." Doug SchweitzerDoug Schweitzer Minister of Jobs, Economy and InnovationMinister of Jobs, Economy and Innovation HighlightsHighlights Calgary is rapidly transforming into a global tech hub. Almost 90% of venture capital investment in AlbertaCalgary is rapidly transforming into a global tech hub. Almost 90% of venture capital investment in Alberta came from 66 Calgary companies, totaling $500 million in deals. From Amazon Web Services’ multibillion-came from 66 Calgary companies, totaling $500 million in deals. From Amazon Web Services’ multibilliondollar investment in a Data Center Region in Calgary to tech giants Infosys and Mphasis, Calgary isdollar investment in a Data Center Region in Calgary to tech giants Infosys and Mphasis, Calgary is attracting major investments from global companies. These big fish poise Calgary’s startup ecosystem forattracting major investments from global companies. These big fish poise Calgary’s startup ecosystem for big things.big things. Accelerators and incubators are also flocking to Calgary. The likes of Thrive by SVG Ventures, Plug andAccelerators and incubators are also flocking to Calgary. The likes of Thrive by SVG Ventures, Plug and Play, Avatar Innovations, Creative Destruction Labs – Rockies, Life Sciences Innovation Hub, and AlbertaPlay, Avatar Innovations, Creative Destruction Labs – Rockies, Life Sciences Innovation Hub, and Alberta Catalyzer are all part of Calgary’s tech ecosystem supporting the burgeoning startup scene. TheCatalyzer are all part of Calgary’s tech ecosystem supporting the burgeoning startup scene. The innovation ecosystem is further strengthened by support from all orders of governments, includinginnovation ecosystem is further strengthened by support from all orders of governments, including funding for an Energy Transition Centre located in the city’s downtown core and the Platform Innovationfunding for an Energy Transition Centre located in the city’s downtown core and the Platform Innovation Centre, as the nucleus of Calgary’s innovation hub. Moreover, Mphasis, alongside the Government ofCentre, as the nucleus of Calgary’s innovation hub. Moreover, Mphasis, alongside the Government of Alberta and the University of Calgary launched the Quantum City Centre of Excellence in 2021.Alberta and the University of Calgary launched the Quantum City Centre of Excellence in 2021. Attracting and developing world-class tech talent in Alberta is Calgary’s top priority, supported byAttracting and developing world-class tech talent in Alberta is Calgary’s top priority, supported by Calgary’s five post-secondary institutions, the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program, and the StartupCalgary’s five post-secondary institutions, the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program, and the Startup Visa Program. According to LinkedIn Talent Insights, Calgary is seeing the fastest growth in tech talent inVisa Program. According to LinkedIn Talent Insights, Calgary is seeing the fastest growth in tech talent in North America. Emerging as one of North America’s most important innovation hubs, Calgary is whereNorth America. Emerging as one of North America’s most important innovation hubs, Calgary is where bright minds and big ideas come together with an unmatched spirit to solve global challenges.bright minds and big ideas come together with an unmatched spirit to solve global challenges. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $247 m$247 m ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $2.5 bn$2.5 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $555 k$555 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $799 k$799 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $68 k$68 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 9 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $930 m$930 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 10 years10 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 790m790m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 6666 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 104 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths CleantechCleantech Home to Canada’s energy sector, Calgary is one ofHome to Canada’s energy sector, Calgary is one of the world’s top Cleantech markets. Startupthe world’s top Cleantech markets. Startup Genome’s 2021Genome’s 2021 GSER: Cleantech EditionGSER: Cleantech Edition namednamed Calgary an “Ecosystem to Watch” and ranked it inCalgary an “Ecosystem to Watch” and ranked it in the top 30 of 280 cities worldwide. Calgary is homethe top 30 of 280 cities worldwide. Calgary is home to over 70% of Alberta’s Cleantech firms, which areto over 70% of Alberta’s Cleantech firms, which are supported by sector-specific laboratories and centerssupported by sector-specific laboratories and centers of excellence, research institutions, and acceleratorsof excellence, research institutions, and accelerators and incubators. Local tech companies are gettingand incubators. Local tech companies are getting noticed, including Validere, a Blackrock-backednoticed, including Validere, a Blackrock-backed Calgary-based company, which raised $43 million inCalgary-based company, which raised $43 million in Series B funding in March 2022.Series B funding in March 2022. FintechFintech Calgary is a fast-growing Fintech hub, withCalgary is a fast-growing Fintech hub, with companies developing solutions in debtcompanies developing solutions in debt management, insurtech, and paytech that attractmanagement, insurtech, and paytech that attract capital and world-class talent. Building on thecapital and world-class talent. Building on the momentum of unicorns Solium Capital by Morganmomentum of unicorns Solium Capital by Morgan Stanley Shareworks and Benevity, Neo FinancialStanley Shareworks and Benevity, Neo Financial also reached unicorn status in 2022. Bright starsalso reached unicorn status in 2022. Bright stars Symend and Helcim have raised over $215 millionSymend and Helcim have raised over $215 million combined and are cementing Calgary’s place ascombined and are cementing Calgary’s place as one of Canada’s hottest Fintech ecosystems.one of Canada’s hottest Fintech ecosystems. Reasons to Move Your Startup to CalgaryReasons to Move Your Startup to Calgary Global TalentGlobal Talent Calgary, the third most multicultural city in Canada,Calgary, the third most multicultural city in Canada, attracts and retains top minds from around the world.attracts and retains top minds from around the world. Federal programs including theFederal programs including the Global Talent StreamGlobal Talent Stream expedite visas, and theexpedite visas, and the Startup Visa programStartup Visa program hashas helped Calgary welcome newcomers from 150helped Calgary welcome newcomers from 150 countries in the last decade. This influx of talentcountries in the last decade. This influx of talent helps growth-stage startups to get started in Calgaryhelps growth-stage startups to get started in Calgary and scale globally.and scale globally. Low Cost of Doing BusinessLow Cost of Doing Business A transportation hub with connections to globalA transportation hub with connections to global markets, Calgary offers cost advantages includingmarkets, Calgary offers cost advantages including the lowest corporate tax rate in Canada, as well asthe lowest corporate tax rate in Canada, as well as no payroll tax, health care premiums, or provincialno payroll tax, health care premiums, or provincial sales tax. This means that residents pay the lowestsales tax. This means that residents pay the lowest overall taxes in Canada. Average home prices, rent,overall taxes in Canada. Average home prices, rent, and energy costs are far lower than in other largeand energy costs are far lower than in other large Canadian cities.Canadian cities. 105 Selected Startup OrganizationsSelected Startup Organizations Bow Valley College Centre forBow Valley College Centre for Entertainment ArtsEntertainment Arts A Centre for Entertainment Arts providing studentsA Centre for Entertainment Arts providing students with the skills and knowledge to enter the globalwith the skills and knowledge to enter the global animation, visual effects (VFX), and gaminganimation, visual effects (VFX), and gaming industries.industries. Mount Royal UniversityMount Royal University Institute of Innovation andInstitute of Innovation and EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship The Institute develops capabilities of high-impactThe Institute develops capabilities of high-impact talent through program learning, co-operativetalent through program learning, co-operative education, entrepreneurship, live-client case studies,education, entrepreneurship, live-client case studies, community service learning and field schools.community service learning and field schools. Plug and Play AlbertaPlug and Play Alberta A global accelerator offering three streams:A global accelerator offering three streams: sustainability, health and a sector agnostic stream.sustainability, health and a sector agnostic stream. SAIT School for AdvancedSAIT School for Advanced Digital Technology (SADT)Digital Technology (SADT) SADT offers fast-track digital learning for newSADT offers fast-track digital learning for new students, recent grads and alumni, and upskillingstudents, recent grads and alumni, and upskilling through Continuing Education, Professional Studiesthrough Continuing Education, Professional Studies and Corporate Training.and Corporate Training. University of Calgary HunterUniversity of Calgary Hunter Hub for EntrepreneurialHub for Entrepreneurial ThinkingThinking A community hub that supports entrepreneurialA community hub that supports entrepreneurial student experiences via programming and events,student experiences via programming and events, funding opportunities, cultivating networks, and afunding opportunities, cultivating networks, and a dedicated collision space.dedicated collision space. STARTUP GENOME MEMBERSSTARTUP GENOME MEMBERS Calgary Economic DevelopmentCalgary Economic Development Calgary Economic Development works with business, government, and communityCalgary Economic Development works with business, government, and community partners to position Calgary as the location of choice for the purpose of attractingpartners to position Calgary as the location of choice for the purpose of attracting business investment, fostering trade, and growing Calgary’s workforce.business investment, fostering trade, and growing Calgary’s workforce. MEMBERMEMBER Platform CalgaryPlatform Calgary Platform Calgary brings together the resources of Calgary's tech ecosystem to helpPlatform Calgary brings together the resources of Calgary's tech ecosystem to help startups launch and grow. Through collaboration and targeted programming, we arestartups launch and grow. Through collaboration and targeted programming, we are a hub for technology-focused economic diversification and job creation.a hub for technology-focused economic diversification and job creation. MEMBERMEMBER KEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERSKEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERS 106 DenmarkDenmark DenmarkDenmark MEMBERS:MEMBERS: Digital Hub DenmarkDigital Hub Denmark "Denmark is one of the most digitalized countries in the world, making it an"Denmark is one of the most digitalized countries in the world, making it an attractive market to foster innovation and adopt disruptive technologies. Withattractive market to foster innovation and adopt disruptive technologies. With growing international interest, we will continue to adopt new measures togrowing international interest, we will continue to adopt new measures to facilitate entry into the Danish ecosystem."facilitate entry into the Danish ecosystem." Simon KollerupSimon Kollerup Minister for Industry, Business, and Financial AffairsMinister for Industry, Business, and Financial Affairs HighlightsHighlights Internationally, Denmark’s startup scene may be best known for Copenhagen-founded unicorns includingInternationally, Denmark’s startup scene may be best known for Copenhagen-founded unicorns including Zendesk, Trustpilot, and Pleo, but there are several other flourishing clusters of specialized techZendesk, Trustpilot, and Pleo, but there are several other flourishing clusters of specialized tech knowledge. Aarhus is Denmark’s youngest city by population, Odense is a hub for robotics, and Jutlandknowledge. Aarhus is Denmark’s youngest city by population, Odense is a hub for robotics, and Jutland offers both urban life and nature. Collectively, Denmark’s cities form a vibrant and nurturing startupoffers both urban life and nature. Collectively, Denmark’s cities form a vibrant and nurturing startup ecosystem that in 2021 was home to more than 4,300 startups and scaleups and 30 active VC investors.ecosystem that in 2021 was home to more than 4,300 startups and scaleups and 30 active VC investors. The nation has produced 10 unicorns to date.The nation has produced 10 unicorns to date. The robust ecosystem, educated talent pool, and relatively low tax rate of 22% for foreign investors haveThe robust ecosystem, educated talent pool, and relatively low tax rate of 22% for foreign investors have attracted the interest of international corporations. IBM has a software development center inattracted the interest of international corporations. IBM has a software development center in Copenhagen, Apple built a sustainably-powered data center in Viborg, and in December 2021,Copenhagen, Apple built a sustainably-powered data center in Viborg, and in December 2021, Meta/Facebook announced plans to expand its Odense data center campus.Meta/Facebook announced plans to expand its Odense data center campus. Denmark has a formal governance model across its strongest digital tech ecosystems (Fintech, Healthtech,Denmark has a formal governance model across its strongest digital tech ecosystems (Fintech, Healthtech, Robotics, Createch, Proptech, Agtech, and Edtech) that is governed by a steering committee for theRobotics, Createch, Proptech, Agtech, and Edtech) that is governed by a steering committee for the Danish Digital Ecosphere, with leaders from the strongest ecosystems and Digital Hub Denmark. TogetherDanish Digital Ecosphere, with leaders from the strongest ecosystems and Digital Hub Denmark. Together they work to attract talent, investors, and customers to the 1,100 tech startups and scaleups in thethey work to attract talent, investors, and customers to the 1,100 tech startups and scaleups in the ecosphere.ecosphere. In July 2021, Copenhagen-based Dixa, which creates customer engagement software, raised $105 million inIn July 2021, Copenhagen-based Dixa, which creates customer engagement software, raised $105 million in a Series C round. Aarhus-foundeda Series C round. Aarhus-founded ViaBillViaBill has raised $177.3 million over four rounds, including $120 million athas raised $177.3 million over four rounds, including $120 million at an unknown series round in February 2022.an unknown series round in February 2022. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $1.1 bn$1.1 bn ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $38 bn$38 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $1.2 m$1.2 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $4.7 m$4.7 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $74 k$74 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 5 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $5.9 bn$5.9 bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 10.6 years10.6 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 21bn21bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 258258 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 107 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths Life SciencesLife Sciences Denmark is one of the fastest-growing EuropeanDenmark is one of the fastest-growing European nations for biotech investment, second only to thenations for biotech investment, second only to the Netherlands for pace of growth in 2021. HealthNetherlands for pace of growth in 2021. Health Tech Hub Copenhagen is a community andTech Hub Copenhagen is a community and coworking space for leading Healthtech startups.coworking space for leading Healthtech startups. BioInnovation Institute, an initiative of the NovoBioInnovation Institute, an initiative of the Novo Nordisk Foundation, operates an incubator andNordisk Foundation, operates an incubator and supports early-stage Life Sciences projects andsupports early-stage Life Sciences projects and startups. Cancer therapy developer IO Biotechstartups. Cancer therapy developer IO Biotech raised $100.1 million in its November 2021 IPO, andraised $100.1 million in its November 2021 IPO, and Bioproduction startup 21st.Bio raised $97.1 million inBioproduction startup 21st.Bio raised $97.1 million in December 2021.December 2021. AdvancedAdvanced Manufacturing &Manufacturing & RoboticsRobotics Odense, Denmark, is one of the top robotics hubs inOdense, Denmark, is one of the top robotics hubs in Europe, hosting 175 startups and scaleups, 40Europe, hosting 175 startups and scaleups, 40 higher education programs, and 10 researchhigher education programs, and 10 research institutes. Robotics cluster Odense Roboticsinstitutes. Robotics cluster Odense Robotics achieved the EU-certified Gold Label for Clusterachieved the EU-certified Gold Label for Cluster Management Excellence. DTU Skylab is theManagement Excellence. DTU Skylab is the Technical University of Denmark’s living lab forTechnical University of Denmark’s living lab for innovation and entrepreneurship where students,innovation and entrepreneurship where students, researchers, and corporate partners can collaborateresearchers, and corporate partners can collaborate on innovative solutions for real-world challenges.on innovative solutions for real-world challenges. Blue Ocean Robotics raised DKK 335 million ($51Blue Ocean Robotics raised DKK 335 million ($51 million) in January 2022.million) in January 2022. FintechFintech In 2015, Denmark was home to 70 FintechIn 2015, Denmark was home to 70 Fintech companies. By the end of 2021, it was home tocompanies. By the end of 2021, it was home to more than 250. Copenhagen Fintech is one of themore than 250. Copenhagen Fintech is one of the leading Fintech hubs in the Nordics, with moreleading Fintech hubs in the Nordics, with more than 200 members, strong connections to thethan 200 members, strong connections to the corporate sector, and a lively coworking space.corporate sector, and a lively coworking space. Expense management tools developer Pleo raised aExpense management tools developer Pleo raised a $350 million Series C in December 2021, putting the$350 million Series C in December 2021, putting the company's pre-money valuation at $4.35 billion.company's pre-money valuation at $4.35 billion. Digital bank Lunar has raised $371.3 million inDigital bank Lunar has raised $371.3 million in funding over nine rounds.funding over nine rounds. Reasons to Move Your Startup to DenmarkReasons to Move Your Startup to Denmark Ease of Doing BusinessEase of Doing Business You can register a company In Denmark in 15 minutesYou can register a company In Denmark in 15 minutes with an electronic application and just DKK 1 ($0.15).with an electronic application and just DKK 1 ($0.15). Companies are tax exempt until their working capitalCompanies are tax exempt until their working capital exceeds DKK 50,000 ($7,300). The government’sexceeds DKK 50,000 ($7,300). The government’s Start-up Denmark initiative is a one-point-of-entry forStart-up Denmark initiative is a one-point-of-entry for both EU and non-EU entrepreneurs to relocate andboth EU and non-EU entrepreneurs to relocate and grow high-impact startups in Denmark. If accepted togrow high-impact startups in Denmark. If accepted to the program, up to two founders receive a residencethe program, up to two founders receive a residence and work permanent for up to two years, with theand work permanent for up to two years, with the possibility of a three-year extension.possibility of a three-year extension. Educated TalentEducated Talent Copenhagen is home to the Technical University ofCopenhagen is home to the Technical University of Denmark, one of the leading engineeringDenmark, one of the leading engineering institutions in Europe; Copenhagen Businessinstitutions in Europe; Copenhagen Business School, one of Europe’s largest business schools;School, one of Europe’s largest business schools; the IT University; and Aalborg University, which hasthe IT University; and Aalborg University, which has been ranked as Europe’s best engineeringbeen ranked as Europe’s best engineering university for five years in a row. Thanks to theseuniversity for five years in a row. Thanks to these institutions and more, there is an abundance ofinstitutions and more, there is an abundance of highly qualified talent to hire in Denmark.highly qualified talent to hire in Denmark. Supportive CommunitySupportive Community Denmark has a tight-knit startup ecosystem that isDenmark has a tight-knit startup ecosystem that is easy to tap into. There are numerous platforms thateasy to tap into. There are numerous platforms that assist startups looking to enter the Danish market andassist startups looking to enter the Danish market and soften the transition. Copenhagen Fintech,soften the transition. Copenhagen Fintech, Copenhagen Health Tech Hub, Odense Robotics,Copenhagen Health Tech Hub, Odense Robotics, Vision Denmark, Proptech Denmark, Edtech Denmark,Vision Denmark, Proptech Denmark, Edtech Denmark, Agro Food Park, and the national industry associationAgro Food Park, and the national industry association for startups are some examples.for startups are some examples. 108 Selected Startup OrganizationsSelected Startup Organizations "We are excited to see Denmark's rapid progress in"We are excited to see Denmark's rapid progress in developing a united and well-coordinated startupdeveloping a united and well-coordinated startup ecosystem. In each of Denmark's core areas ofecosystem. In each of Denmark's core areas of innovation, be it Proptech or Robotics, you will findinnovation, be it Proptech or Robotics, you will find truly inspiring and highly innovative companiestruly inspiring and highly innovative companies that are scaling globally."that are scaling globally." Marc Penzel, Founder & President of StartupMarc Penzel, Founder & President of Startup GenomeGenome Matrikel1Matrikel1 Houses some of the most promising Danish startupsHouses some of the most promising Danish startups and the most prominent investors from pre-seed toand the most prominent investors from pre-seed to Series A.Series A. Odense RoboticsOdense Robotics Denmark’s national robotics, automation, and droneDenmark’s national robotics, automation, and drone cluster brings together the entire ecosystem to drivecluster brings together the entire ecosystem to drive innovation and growth in the industry nationwide.innovation and growth in the industry nationwide. TechBBQTechBBQ The largest startup event in Scandinavia. TechBBQThe largest startup event in Scandinavia. TechBBQ brings together talent, entrepreneurial minds, andbrings together talent, entrepreneurial minds, and international investors to foster innovation in theinternational investors to foster innovation in the Danish ecosystem.Danish ecosystem. The Association of TechThe Association of Tech Startups in DenmarkStartups in Denmark A member-driven political organization that works toA member-driven political organization that works to create the best conditions for tech startups andcreate the best conditions for tech startups and scaleups, and ensure the growth of tech companiesscaleups, and ensure the growth of tech companies in Denmark.in Denmark. The KitchenThe Kitchen Aarhus University’s startup hub, dedicated toAarhus University’s startup hub, dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and innovators grow.helping entrepreneurs and innovators grow. STARTUP GENOME MEMBERSSTARTUP GENOME MEMBERS Digital Hub DenmarkDigital Hub Denmark Digital Hub Denmark works to make Denmark an even better digital playground. TheDigital Hub Denmark works to make Denmark an even better digital playground. The hub will support the digital ecosystem in Denmark by matching private companies,hub will support the digital ecosystem in Denmark by matching private companies, researchers, tech-entrepreneurs, and students in the development of new digitalresearchers, tech-entrepreneurs, and students in the development of new digital products, services, and business models. Digital Hub Denmark connects great ideasproducts, services, and business models. Digital Hub Denmark connects great ideas with robust experience.with robust experience. MEMBERMEMBER KEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERSKEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERS “We are excited to see Denmark’s rapid progress in developing a united and well-coordinated startup ecosystem. In each of Denmark’s core areas of innovation, be it Proptech or Robotics, you will find truly inspiring and high innovative companies that are scaling globally.” Marc Penzel, Founder & President of Startup Genome 109 QatarQatar DohaDoha MEMBERS:MEMBERS: Qatar Development BankQatar Development Bank "In line with Qatar National Vision 2030, QDB’s strategy is focused on promoting"In line with Qatar National Vision 2030, QDB’s strategy is focused on promoting the private sector and the local entrepreneurship ecosystem, while offeringthe private sector and the local entrepreneurship ecosystem, while offering access to capital, capabilities, and international markets."access to capital, capabilities, and international markets." Abdulrahman Hesham Al SuwaidiAbdulrahman Hesham Al Suwaidi Acting CEO, Qatar Development BankActing CEO, Qatar Development Bank HighlightsHighlights Qatar is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of GDP per capita. Thanks to investment fromQatar is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of GDP per capita. Thanks to investment from both the public and private sectors, Doha’s startup ecosystem has been growing steadily in recent years.both the public and private sectors, Doha’s startup ecosystem has been growing steadily in recent years. To achieve Qatar’s 2030 vision of diversifying the economy away from reliance on hydrocarbons, theTo achieve Qatar’s 2030 vision of diversifying the economy away from reliance on hydrocarbons, the Qatari government has invested heavily in founders and innovators. It has been joined by many startupQatari government has invested heavily in founders and innovators. It has been joined by many startup support organizations in nurturing Doha’s ecosystem.support organizations in nurturing Doha’s ecosystem. 2021 marked the second consecutive year of growth of Qatar’s VC ecosystem. Funding grew by 92%2021 marked the second consecutive year of growth of Qatar’s VC ecosystem. Funding grew by 92% compared to 2020, to reach a record high. Startups graduating from accelerator programs accounted forcompared to 2020, to reach a record high. Startups graduating from accelerator programs accounted for 46% of the 24 deals in Qatar in 2021.46% of the 24 deals in Qatar in 2021. Qatar Development Bank (QDB) provides financial and advisory services, as well as acceleration andQatar Development Bank (QDB) provides financial and advisory services, as well as acceleration and incubation programs through affiliated entities including Qatar Business Incubation Center. In March 2021,incubation programs through affiliated entities including Qatar Business Incubation Center. In March 2021, QDB launched Scale 7, the first business incubator for fashion, film, and other cultural entrepreneurs.QDB launched Scale 7, the first business incubator for fashion, film, and other cultural entrepreneurs. Ithmar, a seed-funding program from QDB, provides entrepreneurs with equity capital and is Shari’aIthmar, a seed-funding program from QDB, provides entrepreneurs with equity capital and is Shari’a compliant. Qatar University’s QU Innovation & Entrepreneurship Strategy (2018–2023) aims to support thecompliant. Qatar University’s QU Innovation & Entrepreneurship Strategy (2018–2023) aims to support the ecosystem’s development. The Qatar Science and Technology Park’s (QSTP) Product Development Fundecosystem’s development. The Qatar Science and Technology Park’s (QSTP) Product Development Fund provides up to 50% of the total budget of local high-tech startups, and has awarded grants to 26provides up to 50% of the total budget of local high-tech startups, and has awarded grants to 26 companies.companies. The Research to Startup program was created by QSTP to support the research community in Qatar byThe Research to Startup program was created by QSTP to support the research community in Qatar by bridging the gap between academia and industry. It provides a pathway to commercialize intellectualbridging the gap between academia and industry. It provides a pathway to commercialize intellectual property and launch startups. So far 45 startups have participated in the program.property and launch startups. So far 45 startups have participated in the program. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $12 m$12 m ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $123 m$123 m MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $302 k$302 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $5 m$5 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $39 k$39 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 10 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $64 m$64 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) N/AN/A GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 70k70k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 11 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 110 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths FintechFintech One third of all funding deals in Qatar in 2021 wereOne third of all funding deals in Qatar in 2021 were in Fintech. Investors in all of these deals were basedin Fintech. Investors in all of these deals were based locally, with Qatar Fintech Hub leading the charge.locally, with Qatar Fintech Hub leading the charge. Fintech was identified as crucial to the long–termFintech was identified as crucial to the long–term development of Qatar’s financial sector in thedevelopment of Qatar’s financial sector in the country’s Second National Development Strategycountry’s Second National Development Strategy 2018–2022. The Qatari Fintech market is projected to2018–2022. The Qatari Fintech market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 19.6% togrow at a compound annual growth rate of 19.6% to reach $2 billion by 2025, according to the Globalreach $2 billion by 2025, according to the Global Islamic Fintech Report 2021. The government isIslamic Fintech Report 2021. The government is streamlining regulations and providing funding tostreamlining regulations and providing funding to boost the sub-sector.boost the sub-sector. Logistics &Logistics & TransportationTransportation Qatar’s growing population and hosting of globalQatar’s growing population and hosting of global events including the FIFA World Cup 2022 have ledevents including the FIFA World Cup 2022 have led to a huge infrastructure boom. The Doha Metro, ato a huge infrastructure boom. The Doha Metro, a new road network, Hamad Port, and Hamadnew road network, Hamad Port, and Hamad International Airport are all being constructed orInternational Airport are all being constructed or expanded. The Al Wukair Logistics Park supportsexpanded. The Al Wukair Logistics Park supports SMEs with light industrial workshops, storage units,SMEs with light industrial workshops, storage units, and open yards. Logistics & Transportationand open yards. Logistics & Transportation accounted for 26% of all capital deployed in Qataraccounted for 26% of all capital deployed in Qatar in 2021. Logistics and supply chain solutionsin 2021. Logistics and supply chain solutions company GWC was announced as the officialcompany GWC was announced as the official logistics provider for the FIFA World Cup Qatarlogistics provider for the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022.2022. Reasons to Move Your Startup to DohaReasons to Move Your Startup to Doha Access to CapitalAccess to Capital Qatar offers startups diverse sources of funding,Qatar offers startups diverse sources of funding, including venture capital, regulator-backedincluding venture capital, regulator-backed accelerator and incubator programs, and angelaccelerator and incubator programs, and angel investors. Qatar Development Bank facilitates fundinginvestors. Qatar Development Bank facilitates funding through its QAR 365 million ($100 milion) VC fund.through its QAR 365 million ($100 milion) VC fund. ELV8, a 12-month growth accelerator program fromELV8, a 12-month growth accelerator program from Qatar Science and Technology Park in partnershipQatar Science and Technology Park in partnership with Plug and Play, provides mentorship and fundingwith Plug and Play, provides mentorship and funding opportunities for Qatari startups to expandopportunities for Qatari startups to expand internationally.internationally. 111 Selected Startup OrganizationsSelected Startup Organizations "Qatar Development Bank worked in collaboration"Qatar Development Bank worked in collaboration with Startup Genome to showcase Doha’s growingwith Startup Genome to showcase Doha’s growing entrepreneurial ecosystem in the Global Startupentrepreneurial ecosystem in the Global Startup Ecosystem Report. Based on QDB's strategic effortEcosystem Report. Based on QDB's strategic effort to enhance economic diversivitation and facilitateto enhance economic diversivitation and facilitate growth opportunities, Startup Genome is verygrowth opportunities, Startup Genome is very proud to finally put this emerging startupproud to finally put this emerging startup ecosystem on the global map."ecosystem on the global map." Marc Penzel, Founder & President of StartupMarc Penzel, Founder & President of Startup GenomeGenome Digital Incubation CenterDigital Incubation Center DIC was created to boost ICT innovation in Qatar,DIC was created to boost ICT innovation in Qatar, particularly among young people at the critical earlyparticularly among young people at the critical early stages of starting or growing a technology-relatedstages of starting or growing a technology-related business.business. Doha TechAngelsDoha TechAngels DTA is Qatar’s first private angel fund and isDTA is Qatar’s first private angel fund and is registered with Qatar Financial Center (QFC). It’sregistered with Qatar Financial Center (QFC). It’s focused on providing seed funding for early stagefocused on providing seed funding for early stage technology startups in Qatar, the Middle East, andtechnology startups in Qatar, the Middle East, and beyond.beyond. Qatar Business IncubationQatar Business Incubation Center (QBIC)Center (QBIC) QBIC is a unique mixed-use business incubationQBIC is a unique mixed-use business incubation center providing support services to helpcenter providing support services to help entrepreneurs and companies who either have anentrepreneurs and companies who either have an idea to start a business or want to grow an existingidea to start a business or want to grow an existing business.business. Qatar Fintech HubQatar Fintech Hub QFTH brings together talented entrepreneurs,QFTH brings together talented entrepreneurs, investors and enablers to develop disruptiveinvestors and enablers to develop disruptive technologies so that great visions become reality. Ittechnologies so that great visions become reality. It launches incubation and acceleration programs forlaunches incubation and acceleration programs for Fintech startups.Fintech startups. Qatar Science & TechnologyQatar Science & Technology ParkPark QSTP provides a free zone and technology park thatQSTP provides a free zone and technology park that hosts leading global tech companies, mentor andhosts leading global tech companies, mentor and support a network of startups and rising techsupport a network of startups and rising tech STARTUP GENOME MEMBERSSTARTUP GENOME MEMBERS Qatar Development BankQatar Development Bank Qatar Development Bank was established in 1997 under the name Qatar IndustrialQatar Development Bank was established in 1997 under the name Qatar Industrial Development Bank, and it is a development entity 100% owned by the government. ItDevelopment Bank, and it is a development entity 100% owned by the government. It was established to support investment in and develop local industries, and to drivewas established to support investment in and develop local industries, and to drive economic development and diversification in the State of Qatar with a focus on theeconomic development and diversification in the State of Qatar with a focus on the private sector.private sector. MEMBERMEMBER KEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERSKEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERS vveennttuurreess,, aanndd hhaavvee aa vvaalluuee cchhaaiinn ooff aacccceelleerraattiioonn,, iinnccuubbaattiioonn,, aanndd ffuunnddiinngg pprrooggrraammss.. 112 GermanyGermany FrankfurtFrankfurt MEMBERS:MEMBERS: StartHub HessenStartHub Hessen // TechQuartierTechQuartier "Frankfurt has a dynamic and increasingly mature ecosystem. A first unicorn in"Frankfurt has a dynamic and increasingly mature ecosystem. A first unicorn in 2021 is an expression of this. With numerous talents, innovative ideas and2021 is an expression of this. With numerous talents, innovative ideas and promising start-ups the region has great potential."promising start-ups the region has great potential." Tarek Al-WazirTarek Al-Wazir Minister of Economics, Energy, Transport and Housing and Vice Minister-President, State of HessenMinister of Economics, Energy, Transport and Housing and Vice Minister-President, State of Hessen HighlightsHighlights Frankfurt is the economic and geographical center of the FrankfurtRheinMain region and one of the mostFrankfurt is the economic and geographical center of the FrankfurtRheinMain region and one of the most important data traffic hubs in the world. Its 43,000 companies employ 650,000 people. Over 40% of salesimportant data traffic hubs in the world. Its 43,000 companies employ 650,000 people. Over 40% of sales revenue attributable to the 100 highest-grossing software companies in Europe is generated in therevenue attributable to the 100 highest-grossing software companies in Europe is generated in the Frankfurt region. Cosmopolitan and fast-growing, Frankfurt is an ideal home for innovative startups lookingFrankfurt region. Cosmopolitan and fast-growing, Frankfurt is an ideal home for innovative startups looking for world-class talent and industry partners.for world-class talent and industry partners. Entrepreneurs in Frankfurt are supported by a range of government and university programs. StartHubEntrepreneurs in Frankfurt are supported by a range of government and university programs. StartHub Hessen and TechQuartier are key players that connect founders, investors, mentors, and corporateHessen and TechQuartier are key players that connect founders, investors, mentors, and corporate innovators. The Hessian Center for AI brings together 13 universities to drive research, education, practiceinnovators. The Hessian Center for AI brings together 13 universities to drive research, education, practice and leadership in AI, including the AI Startup Rising project, which supports startups from the ideation toand leadership in AI, including the AI Startup Rising project, which supports startups from the ideation to scaling stage.scaling stage. Some of Frankfurt’s biggest startup success stories include drone manufacturer Wingcopter and cloudSome of Frankfurt’s biggest startup success stories include drone manufacturer Wingcopter and cloud foundation platform meshcloud. Mattress retailer Emma is among the fastest growing companies infoundation platform meshcloud. Mattress retailer Emma is among the fastest growing companies in Europe and has expanded internationally. Insurance platform Clark became the region's first unicorn inEurope and has expanded internationally. Insurance platform Clark became the region's first unicorn in 2021, and BioNTech SE — which along with Pfizer developed one of the first vaccines against COVID-19 —2021, and BioNTech SE — which along with Pfizer developed one of the first vaccines against COVID-19 — is based in the nearby city of Mainz.is based in the nearby city of Mainz. In December 2021, Wingcopter received an undisclosed amount of funding from a Japan-based ventureIn December 2021, Wingcopter received an undisclosed amount of funding from a Japan-based venture capital firm dedicated exclusively to investments within the drone technology ecosystem, further to thecapital firm dedicated exclusively to investments within the drone technology ecosystem, further to the $22 million Series A it raised in January 2021.$22 million Series A it raised in January 2021. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $242 m$242 m ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $11 bn$11 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $549 k$549 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $4.7 m$4.7 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $60 k$60 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 7 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $1.3 bn$1.3 bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 10.2 years10.2 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 7bn7bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 8989 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 113 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths FintechFintech As an international financial hub Frankfurt offersAs an international financial hub Frankfurt offers Fintech startups proximity to established banks andFintech startups proximity to established banks and a large talent pool. The City of Frankfurt and thea large talent pool. The City of Frankfurt and the State of Hesse are actively promoting the sub-State of Hesse are actively promoting the subsector. FinTech Digital Hub Frankfurt bringssector. FinTech Digital Hub Frankfurt brings together talent from the financial and startuptogether talent from the financial and startup sectors. The Safe Financial Big Data Cluster,sectors. The Safe Financial Big Data Cluster, managed by TechQuartier, enables cross-managed by TechQuartier, enables crossinstitutional use of financial market data whileinstitutional use of financial market data while preserving data sovereignty. Fintech investorpreserving data sovereignty. Fintech investor CommerzVentures closed its third fund at €300CommerzVentures closed its third fund at €300 million ($327 million) in March 2022. The fund hasmillion ($327 million) in March 2022. The fund has invested in 28 companies to date.invested in 28 companies to date. CybersecurityCybersecurity Digital Hub Cybersecurity, based in Darmstadt, isDigital Hub Cybersecurity, based in Darmstadt, is linked to the Fraunhofer SIT and Germany'slinked to the Fraunhofer SIT and Germany's National Center for Applied Research ATHENE,National Center for Applied Research ATHENE, Europe's largest cluster for applied cybersecurity.Europe's largest cluster for applied cybersecurity. Incubation and funding programs includingIncubation and funding programs including StartUpSecure|ATHENE have contributed toStartUpSecure|ATHENE have contributed to growth in the number of Frankfurt Cybersecuritygrowth in the number of Frankfurt Cybersecurity startups. The city also hosts the European Cyberstartups. The city also hosts the European Cyber Security Summit.Security Summit. CleantechCleantech Frankfurt was among the first German cities toFrankfurt was among the first German cities to adopt a Master Plan to achieve 100% renewableadopt a Master Plan to achieve 100% renewable energy supply by 2050. This continued interest inenergy supply by 2050. This continued interest in sustainability has helped Frankfurt become asustainability has helped Frankfurt become a prominent hub for Cleantech talent andprominent hub for Cleantech talent and companies. Approximately one third of the region’scompanies. Approximately one third of the region’s startups are focused on sustainability and climate.startups are focused on sustainability and climate. The Green and Sustainable Finance ClusterThe Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany, co-managed by the Frankfurt School,Germany, co-managed by the Frankfurt School, brings together key players. Impact Festival is thebrings together key players. Impact Festival is the flagship event for B2B sustainability startups inflagship event for B2B sustainability startups in Hessen. Examples of local Cleantech companiesHessen. Examples of local Cleantech companies include Africa GreenTec, which delivers solarinclude Africa GreenTec, which delivers solar powered containers to rural areas of Africa.powered containers to rural areas of Africa. Reasons to Move Your Startup to FrankfurtReasons to Move Your Startup to Frankfurt Access to Major PlayersAccess to Major Players A major European financial center, Frankfurt is homeA major European financial center, Frankfurt is home to the European Central Bank, Deutsche Bundesbank,to the European Central Bank, Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Deutsche Bank, DZ Bank,Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Deutsche Bank, DZ Bank, KfW, and Commerzbank, as well as major players inKfW, and Commerzbank, as well as major players in other industries.other industries. Access to TalentAccess to Talent Frankfurt is home to some 230,000 studentsFrankfurt is home to some 230,000 students studying at 53+ research institutes and 25+studying at 53+ research institutes and 25+ universities, including several excellent universitiesuniversities, including several excellent universities like TU Darmstadt and Goethe University. As alike TU Darmstadt and Goethe University. As a result the region boasts a highly qualifiedresult the region boasts a highly qualified workforce. A dense network of ties connectsworkforce. A dense network of ties connects universities and innovative companies ensuringuniversities and innovative companies ensuring close links between research and industry.close links between research and industry. Strategic ConnectionsStrategic Connections Frankfurt has built bridges with nearby startupFrankfurt has built bridges with nearby startup clusters and talent pools. The city joined withclusters and talent pools. The city joined with neighboring Darmstadt, also home to renownedneighboring Darmstadt, also home to renowned universities and a strong financial sector, to create auniversities and a strong financial sector, to create a tech hub and to connect technical talent with thetech hub and to connect technical talent with the banking industry. Frankfurt’s central location inbanking industry. Frankfurt’s central location in Europe also makes it a logistics hub, with data, people,Europe also makes it a logistics hub, with data, people, and goods streaming through the city continually.and goods streaming through the city continually. 114 Selected Startup OrganizationsSelected Startup Organizations ATHENE Digital HubATHENE Digital Hub CybersecurityCybersecurity A project of the National Research Centre forA project of the National Research Centre for Applied Cyber Security ATHENE in Darmstadt, whichApplied Cyber Security ATHENE in Darmstadt, which has become Germany's leading innovationhas become Germany's leading innovation community for cybersecurity startups.community for cybersecurity startups. Frankfurt ForwardFrankfurt Forward A project of the Frankfurt Economic DevelopmentA project of the Frankfurt Economic Development Agency, Frankfurt Forward is the independentAgency, Frankfurt Forward is the independent matchmaker and innovation driver for thematchmaker and innovation driver for the FrankfurtRhineMain startup ecosystem.FrankfurtRhineMain startup ecosystem. Impact FestivalImpact Festival Europe's largest B2B platform for sustainableEurope's largest B2B platform for sustainable innovation and technology, accelerating greeninnovation and technology, accelerating green transformation and connecting innovators,transformation and connecting innovators, companies, and investors.companies, and investors. STARTUP GENOME MEMBERSSTARTUP GENOME MEMBERS StartHub HessenStartHub Hessen StartHub Hessen is the central platform for startups and the Hessen startupStartHub Hessen is the central platform for startups and the Hessen startup ecosystem. We help startups and other players with networking and visibility, andecosystem. We help startups and other players with networking and visibility, and provide an overview of funding options.provide an overview of funding options. MEMBERMEMBER TechQuartierTechQuartier TechQuartier is a community-based innovation manager and ecosystem builder forTechQuartier is a community-based innovation manager and ecosystem builder for startups and corporates to develop digital solutions together.startups and corporates to develop digital solutions together. Our community consistsOur community consists of more than 500 startups plus scaleups, corporates, investors, universities, regulators,of more than 500 startups plus scaleups, corporates, investors, universities, regulators, public administration and institutions.public administration and institutions. MEMBERMEMBER KEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERSKEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERS 115 TurkeyTurkey IstanbulIstanbul MEMBERS:MEMBERS: Istanbul Development AgencyIstanbul Development Agency "The last decade has witnessed the rise of a resilient, attractive, and rapidly"The last decade has witnessed the rise of a resilient, attractive, and rapidly evolving startup ecosystem in Istanbul. Out of this dynamism, Istanbul willevolving startup ecosystem in Istanbul. Out of this dynamism, Istanbul will emerge as a leading attraction spot for global technology startups."emerge as a leading attraction spot for global technology startups." Mustafa VarankMustafa Varank Minister of Industry and TechnologyMinister of Industry and Technology HighlightsHighlights Turkey is home to nearly 42 million digitally savvy young people, and Istanbul is the hotspot for theseTurkey is home to nearly 42 million digitally savvy young people, and Istanbul is the hotspot for these digital natives. More than 80 active organizations supporting startups call the city home, including Plug anddigital natives. More than 80 active organizations supporting startups call the city home, including Plug and Play Istanbul and Endeavor. The city also hosts various startups events, including pitching competitionPlay Istanbul and Endeavor. The city also hosts various startups events, including pitching competition Take-Off, aerospace festival TEKNOFEST, and international gaming exhibit GAMING ISTANBUL.Take-Off, aerospace festival TEKNOFEST, and international gaming exhibit GAMING ISTANBUL. The state is nurturing this growing ecosystem through various means. Istanbul Development Agency’sThe state is nurturing this growing ecosystem through various means. Istanbul Development Agency’s $30 million regional venture capital fund expands funding opportunities, retaining Development and$30 million regional venture capital fund expands funding opportunities, retaining Development and Investment Bank of Turkiye’s $95.5 million fund of funds. Following the legalization of equity-basedInvestment Bank of Turkiye’s $95.5 million fund of funds. Following the legalization of equity-based crowdfunding, six new platforms are set to begin operations. 2021 was a record year for fundraising incrowdfunding, six new platforms are set to begin operations. 2021 was a record year for fundraising in Istanbul, both in the number of deals and total investment. With 294 deals totaling $1.55 billion, IstanbulIstanbul, both in the number of deals and total investment. With 294 deals totaling $1.55 billion, Istanbul was second in MENA for both metrics, and fourth in Europe for number of deals. Total investmentwas second in MENA for both metrics, and fourth in Europe for number of deals. Total investment skyrocketed 948% year-over-year while deal count was up 47%, according to startups.watch.skyrocketed 948% year-over-year while deal count was up 47%, according to startups.watch. Amongst 2021 exits, online shopping company Hepsiburada took the lead with its $761 million exit via aAmongst 2021 exits, online shopping company Hepsiburada took the lead with its $761 million exit via a secondary transaction on a NASDAQ IPO. Since Peak Games became the country’s first unicorn insecondary transaction on a NASDAQ IPO. Since Peak Games became the country’s first unicorn in 2020, the country has gained five more. One of them, Trendyol, raised an additional $1.85 billion in 2021,2020, the country has gained five more. One of them, Trendyol, raised an additional $1.85 billion in 2021, becoming Turkey’s first decacorn. Grocery delivery startup Getir has become “the hottest new ideabecoming Turkey’s first decacorn. Grocery delivery startup Getir has become “the hottest new idea in online retail,â€ according to the Financial Times. It was the country’s second decacorn. AI-poweredin online retail,â€ according to the Financial Times. It was the country’s second decacorn. AI-powered digital marketing platform Insider is the latest addition to the unicorn club.digital marketing platform Insider is the latest addition to the unicorn club. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING  (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $475 m$475 m ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE  (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $17 bn$17 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND  (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $250 k$250 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND  (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $1.7 m$1.7 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY  (2021)(2021) $15 k$15 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 9 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $2 bn$2 bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 8.5 years8.5 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 8bn8bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 5454 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 116 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths GamingGaming When San Francisco-based Zynga bought TurkishWhen San Francisco-based Zynga bought Turkish mobile gaming company Peak for $1.8 billion inmobile gaming company Peak for $1.8 billion in June 2020, the acquisition created Turkey’s firstJune 2020, the acquisition created Turkey’s first unicorn. Istanbul’s Gaming ecosystem hasunicorn. Istanbul’s Gaming ecosystem has become the second-largest gaming cluster inbecome the second-largest gaming cluster in Europe, with 165 studios. Turkish Gaming companiesEurope, with 165 studios. Turkish Gaming companies closed $265 million in funding in 2021, withclosed $265 million in funding in 2021, with valuations up 80% year-over-year. Dream Gamesvaluations up 80% year-over-year. Dream Games raised a $225 million Series C in January 2022 toraised a $225 million Series C in January 2022 to become the sub-sector’s second unicorn with abecome the sub-sector’s second unicorn with a value of $2.75 billion. Spyke Games received $55value of $2.75 billion. Spyke Games received $55 million in Seed funding in January 2022.million in Seed funding in January 2022. AI, Big Data & AnalyticsAI, Big Data & Analytics Istanbul is home to 73% of Turkey’s AI startups.Istanbul is home to 73% of Turkey’s AI startups. The National AI Strategy released recently a five-The National AI Strategy released recently a fiveyear plan to modernize regulations and expandyear plan to modernize regulations and expand access to quality data and infrastructureaccess to quality data and infrastructure advantages through Turkey’s tech base,advantages through Turkey’s tech base, Informatics Valley. AI-focused higher educationInformatics Valley. AI-focused higher education continues to grow in the city, which now has threecontinues to grow in the city, which now has three bachelors degrees and nine masters-level programsbachelors degrees and nine masters-level programs on AI and data science. The state-backed Tech-on AI and data science. The state-backed TechInvesTR VC Program nurtures early-stageInvesTR VC Program nurtures early-stage companies. AI-supported real estate startupcompanies. AI-supported real estate startup Tiko’s 2021 $65 million round is the country’sTiko’s 2021 $65 million round is the country’s largest Series A to date. No-code AI platformlargest Series A to date. No-code AI platform Cameralyze raised a $3 million seed round inCameralyze raised a $3 million seed round in February 2022. Logistics company Yolda.com raisedFebruary 2022. Logistics company Yolda.com raised a $5 million seed round in December 2021.a $5 million seed round in December 2021. FintechFintech Fintech is the busiest sub-sector in the country,Fintech is the busiest sub-sector in the country, with 589 active startups targeting 70.3 millionwith 589 active startups targeting 70.3 million digital banking customers. Approximately 9% of alldigital banking customers. Approximately 9% of all new Turkish startups are in Fintech. Türkiyenew Turkish startups are in Fintech. Türkiye Wealth Fund forecasts that the annual value ofWealth Fund forecasts that the annual value of Turkish financial services exports will increase fromTurkish financial services exports will increase from $2 billion to $16 billion by 2036. Regulatory reforms$2 billion to $16 billion by 2036. Regulatory reforms enabling branchless and service model bankingenabling branchless and service model banking were completed by the start of 2022. Fifteen VCwere completed by the start of 2022. Fifteen VC funds and startup support mechanisms owned byfunds and startup support mechanisms owned by financial institutions are set to invest in the sub-financial institutions are set to invest in the subsector. The Istanbul Financial Center aims tosector. The Istanbul Financial Center aims to become a major business district serving Fintechsbecome a major business district serving Fintechs and financial firms.and financial firms. Fintech Tarfin raised an $8Fintech Tarfin raised an $8 million Series A in December 2021.million Series A in December 2021. Reasons to Move Your Startup to IstanbulReasons to Move Your Startup to Istanbul Globally ConnectedGlobally Connected With various accelerator programs and a wide rangeWith various accelerator programs and a wide range of international events, Istanbul acts as a bridgeof international events, Istanbul acts as a bridge connecting east and west and local players withconnecting east and west and local players with global entrepreneurial networks. Examples includeglobal entrepreneurial networks. Examples include the state-led startup summit, Take-Off, andthe state-led startup summit, Take-Off, and StartupIstanbul, which hosts over 500 startups andStartupIstanbul, which hosts over 500 startups and 300 investors from 80 countries. Istanbul Technical300 investors from 80 countries. Istanbul Technical University’s incubation center, ITU Seed, is gearingUniversity’s incubation center, ITU Seed, is gearing up to launch an international startup acceleratorup to launch an international startup accelerator program.program. Supportive CommunitySupportive Community Traditional Turkish values like generosity, loyalty,Traditional Turkish values like generosity, loyalty, and strong community networks mean successfuland strong community networks mean successful tech entrepreneurs maintain strong relationshipstech entrepreneurs maintain strong relationships with the Istanbul ecosystem, acting as mentors,with the Istanbul ecosystem, acting as mentors, angels, or serial entrepreneurs. The CEOs ofangels, or serial entrepreneurs. The CEOs of Yemeksepeti, Pozitron, and Mynet founded theYemeksepeti, Pozitron, and Mynet founded the country’s first angel investor network, Galatacountry’s first angel investor network, Galata Business Angels, and serve as board members andBusiness Angels, and serve as board members and managers of startup support organizations.managers of startup support organizations. Young Tech TalentYoung Tech Talent With half of the population under the age of 32,With half of the population under the age of 32, Turkey has the largest youth population in Europe.Turkey has the largest youth population in Europe. Many of those tech-savvy young people selectMany of those tech-savvy young people select Istanbul as a destination for higher education,Istanbul as a destination for higher education, creating a vast pool of talent for employers. State-ledcreating a vast pool of talent for employers. State-led 1 Million Coders initiative is1 Million Coders initiative is entering its third year, andentering its third year, and global coder training platform 42’s Istanbul branchglobal coder training platform 42’s Istanbul branch has joined it to nurture the talent pool with freshhas joined it to nurture the talent pool with fresh minds.minds. 117 Selected Startup OrganizationsSelected Startup Organizations “Startup Genome is thrilled to see more and“Startup Genome is thrilled to see more and more global startup success stories born out ofmore global startup success stories born out of Istanbul. The on-demand delivery company GetirIstanbul. The on-demand delivery company Getir is a great example but there is so much moreis a great example but there is so much more happening. The dedication of the Istanbulhappening. The dedication of the Istanbul Development Agency helped place Istanbul as aDevelopment Agency helped place Istanbul as a Top 15 Emerging Ecosystem."Top 15 Emerging Ecosystem." Marc Penzel, Founder & President of StartupMarc Penzel, Founder & President of Startup GenomeGenome BTMBTM A social structure that offers all kinds of support onA social structure that offers all kinds of support on entrepreneurship and innovation in the processes ofentrepreneurship and innovation in the processes of commercialization of new business ideas and theircommercialization of new business ideas and their growth after commercialization.growth after commercialization. Endeavor TurkiyeEndeavor Turkiye Endeavor Turkiye aims to create multiplier effect byEndeavor Turkiye aims to create multiplier effect by inspiring high-growth entrepreneurs to dreaminspiring high-growth entrepreneurs to dream bigger, supporting and investing in them to scalebigger, supporting and investing in them to scale faster, and providing a platform to pay it forward.faster, and providing a platform to pay it forward. ITU SeedITU Seed ITU Seed supports tech-based incentives as anITU Seed supports tech-based incentives as an ecosystem prescribing pre-incubation, acceleration,ecosystem prescribing pre-incubation, acceleration, Big Bang, and incubation phases to entrepreneurs atBig Bang, and incubation phases to entrepreneurs at the idea or development stage.the idea or development stage. TEKNOFESTTEKNOFEST TEKNOFEST is Turkey's aerospace and technologyTEKNOFEST is Turkey's aerospace and technology festival, organized with the partnership of numerousfestival, organized with the partnership of numerous organizations. It hostis technology competitions inorganizations. It hostis technology competitions in 35 different categories.35 different categories. startups.watchstartups.watch A research platform that provides a fullA research platform that provides a full understanding on trends, transactions, andunderstanding on trends, transactions, and what’s next via tracking startup ecosystems.what’s next via tracking startup ecosystems. STARTUP GENOME MEMBERSSTARTUP GENOME MEMBERS Istanbul Development AgencyIstanbul Development Agency Istanbul Development Agency is a government agency with a view to expeditingIstanbul Development Agency is a government agency with a view to expediting regional development, providing sustainability, and closing interregional andregional development, providing sustainability, and closing interregional and intraregional gaps by improving collaboration among public sector and privateintraregional gaps by improving collaboration among public sector and private industry and non-governmental organizations, fostering opportune and efficient useindustry and non-governmental organizations, fostering opportune and efficient use of resources and galvanizing the local potential. It implements programs and supportsof resources and galvanizing the local potential. It implements programs and supports projects and activities for the development and strengthening of Istanbul’s startupprojects and activities for the development and strengthening of Istanbul’s startup ecosystem to make it a prominent international entrepreneurship hubs.ecosystem to make it a prominent international entrepreneurship hubs. MEMBERMEMBER KEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERSKEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERS “Startup Genome is thrilled to see more and more global startup success stories born out of Istanbul. The ondemand delivery company Getir is a great example but there is so much more happening. The dedication of the Istanbul Development Agency helped place Istanbul as a Top 15 Emerging Ecosystem.” Marc Penzel, Founder & President of Startup Genome 118 MalaysiaMalaysia Kuala LumpurKuala Lumpur MEMBERS:MEMBERS: Cradle FundCradle Fund "Malaysia offers a safe, conducive and vibrant environment for startups to initiate"Malaysia offers a safe, conducive and vibrant environment for startups to initiate and grow their business. Through the SUPER roadmap, there are variousand grow their business. Through the SUPER roadmap, there are various initiatives and interventions such as funding, talent, innovation, policies, andinitiatives and interventions such as funding, talent, innovation, policies, and market access that enhance the ecosystem and ensure startups in Malaysiamarket access that enhance the ecosystem and ensure startups in Malaysia experience a fantastic growth journey."experience a fantastic growth journey." Rafiza GhazaliRafiza Ghazali Group CEO, Cradle FundGroup CEO, Cradle Fund HighlightsHighlights Kuala Lumpur offers startups a strategic location to over 674 million potential customers within theKuala Lumpur offers startups a strategic location to over 674 million potential customers within the ASEAN market.1 The city’s unrivaled connectivity, infrastructure, and talent, as well as strong governmentASEAN market.1 The city’s unrivaled connectivity, infrastructure, and talent, as well as strong government support, provide an ideal environment for companies to grow.2 As such, the city has been consistentlysupport, provide an ideal environment for companies to grow.2 As such, the city has been consistently ranked as one of the world’s most promising emerging startup hubs.3 Kuala Lumpur is currently home toranked as one of the world’s most promising emerging startup hubs.3 Kuala Lumpur is currently home to several successful startups including drone technology company Aerodyne, Fintechs Jirnexu and Capbay,several successful startups including drone technology company Aerodyne, Fintechs Jirnexu and Capbay, and e-commerce unicorn Carsome.and e-commerce unicorn Carsome. Several government agencies support the ecosystem with funding, including Cradle Fund, MDeC, PenjanaSeveral government agencies support the ecosystem with funding, including Cradle Fund, MDeC, Penjana Kapital, Malaysia Venture Capital Management, Modal Perdana, and Malaysia Debt Ventures. To furtherKapital, Malaysia Venture Capital Management, Modal Perdana, and Malaysia Debt Ventures. To further encourage innovation, the government has adopted policies including the National Technology andencourage innovation, the government has adopted policies including the National Technology and Innovation Sandbox to nurture and encourage innovation in the country. Malaysia’s 2022 budget allocatesInnovation Sandbox to nurture and encourage innovation in the country. Malaysia’s 2022 budget allocates RM 230 million ($54 million) to support women entrepreneurs. Another RM 150 million ($35 million) hasRM 230 million ($54 million) to support women entrepreneurs. Another RM 150 million ($35 million) has been set aside to promote entrepreneurship among young people.been set aside to promote entrepreneurship among young people. The Malaysia Startup Ecosystem Roadmap (SUPER) 2021–2030 is a key government initiative. ByThe Malaysia Startup Ecosystem Roadmap (SUPER) 2021–2030 is a key government initiative. By coordinating efforts among all main stakeholders, SUPER, under the purview of Cradle Fund, serves as thecoordinating efforts among all main stakeholders, SUPER, under the purview of Cradle Fund, serves as the true north of all other national laws and rules pertaining to startups, with the goal of providing a friendly,true north of all other national laws and rules pertaining to startups, with the goal of providing a friendly, effective, and efficient environment for startups. Under SUPER, the Mystartup platform was initiated toeffective, and efficient environment for startups. Under SUPER, the Mystartup platform was initiated to serve as a central depository of information on Malaysia's ecosystem.serve as a central depository of information on Malaysia's ecosystem. In addition, the Malaysia Digital Industry Blueprint (MyDIGITAL) is intended to support the digital economy.In addition, the Malaysia Digital Industry Blueprint (MyDIGITAL) is intended to support the digital economy. MyDIGITAL's goals include attracting unicorns and increasing the number of startups.MyDIGITAL's goals include attracting unicorns and increasing the number of startups. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $198 m$198 m ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $72 bn$72 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $215 k$215 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $3.3 m$3.3 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $16 k$16 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 3 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $6.6 bn$6.6 bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 8.2 years8.2 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 4.5bn4.5bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 4646 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 119 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths GamingGaming Kuala Lumpur is a budding regional Gaming hub.Kuala Lumpur is a budding regional Gaming hub. According to Report Linke, it is currently among theAccording to Report Linke, it is currently among the six most significant countries for mobile gaming insix most significant countries for mobile gaming in Southeast Asia. Several global companies, includingSoutheast Asia. Several global companies, including PlayStation Studios, have recently opened offices inPlayStation Studios, have recently opened offices in the city. Malaysia hosts LEVEL UP KL, the largestthe city. Malaysia hosts LEVEL UP KL, the largest conference for game developers in Southeast Asia,conference for game developers in Southeast Asia, and Galaxy Racer, the largest esports and Gamingand Galaxy Racer, the largest esports and Gaming organization in the world, will open its Asia Pacificorganization in the world, will open its Asia Pacific headquarters here in 2022. The company plans toheadquarters here in 2022. The company plans to invest RM 42 million ($10 million) in the countryinvest RM 42 million ($10 million) in the country within the next five years and will organize esportswithin the next five years and will organize esports events and tournaments to boost its Gamingevents and tournaments to boost its Gaming ecosystem.ecosystem. FintechFintech The Network Readiness Index 2021 ranked MalaysiaThe Network Readiness Index 2021 ranked Malaysia 38 out of 134 countries in readiness to transition to38 out of 134 countries in readiness to transition to a digitized economy. According to Mordora digitized economy. According to Mordor Intelligence, the highly competitive MalaysianIntelligence, the highly competitive Malaysian Fintech market is among the largest in Asia. TheFintech market is among the largest in Asia. The awarding of digital banking licenses to fiveawarding of digital banking licenses to five consortiums by Bank Negara Malaysia is expectedconsortiums by Bank Negara Malaysia is expected to bring new interest to the Kuala Lumpur Fintechto bring new interest to the Kuala Lumpur Fintech industry. These digital banks will cater to theindustry. These digital banks will cater to the region’s previously underserved market, estimatedregion’s previously underserved market, estimated to be over 290 million unbanked adults.to be over 290 million unbanked adults. E-commerceE-commerce Malaysia is an attractive market for e-commerce inMalaysia is an attractive market for e-commerce in Southeast Asia due to its dynamic economy andSoutheast Asia due to its dynamic economy and developed infrastructure for digital technologies.developed infrastructure for digital technologies. eCommerce revenue in Malaysia reached a total ofeCommerce revenue in Malaysia reached a total of $4 billion in 2020. According to GlobalData’s$4 billion in 2020. According to GlobalData’s eCommerce Analytics, Malaysia’s eCommerceeCommerce Analytics, Malaysia’s eCommerce marketsaw a 24.7% growth in 2021. The market ismarketsaw a 24.7% growth in 2021. The market is expected to reach $12.6 billion by 2024, increasingexpected to reach $12.6 billion by 2024, increasing at a CAGR of 14.3%t between 2020 and 2024. 9at a CAGR of 14.3%t between 2020 and 2024. 9 Unicorn Carsome raised $290 million in a Series EUnicorn Carsome raised $290 million in a Series E funding, valuing the used-car online marketplacefunding, valuing the used-car online marketplace at $1.7 billion.at $1.7 billion. Reasons to Move Your Startup to Kuala LumpurReasons to Move Your Startup to Kuala Lumpur Educated WorkforceEducated Workforce With nearly 40% of Malaysia’s population under theWith nearly 40% of Malaysia’s population under the age of 25, the Kuala Lumpur region has a strongage of 25, the Kuala Lumpur region has a strong pipeline of skilled young talent. Over 330,000 studentspipeline of skilled young talent. Over 330,000 students are enrolled in more than 240 institutions of higherare enrolled in more than 240 institutions of higher learning. This talent pool is diverse, and multilingual.learning. This talent pool is diverse, and multilingual. Most Malaysians speak English fluently.Most Malaysians speak English fluently. Supportive BusinessSupportive Business EnvironmentEnvironment Malaysia offers startups well-developedMalaysia offers startups well-developed infrastructure, advanced telecommunicationinfrastructure, advanced telecommunication services, high broadband penetration, a robustservices, high broadband penetration, a robust financial sector, and a business-friendly regulatoryfinancial sector, and a business-friendly regulatory framework. The country has a mobile penetrationframework. The country has a mobile penetration rate of 142.1% and 127.4% internet penetration rate,rate of 142.1% and 127.4% internet penetration rate, making Malaysians a digitally savvy market segmentmaking Malaysians a digitally savvy market segment for startups to penetrate.for startups to penetrate. 120 Selected Startup OrganizationsSelected Startup Organizations "We celebrate the success stories and progress in"We celebrate the success stories and progress in the Malaysian ecosystem showing great strides inthe Malaysian ecosystem showing great strides in entrepreneurship, high quality employment, andentrepreneurship, high quality employment, and economic growth. It's thrilling to see the hard workeconomic growth. It's thrilling to see the hard work of Cradle Fund, MDEC, and other key players in thisof Cradle Fund, MDEC, and other key players in this vibrant ecosystem come to fruition, with thevibrant ecosystem come to fruition, with the ecosystem ranking as a Top 25 Emergingecosystem ranking as a Top 25 Emerging Ecosystem globally."Ecosystem globally." Stephan Kuester, Head of Ecosystem Strategy ofStephan Kuester, Head of Ecosystem Strategy of Startup GenomeStartup Genome Cradle FundCradle Fund With a mandate to fund high-caliber technology,With a mandate to fund high-caliber technology, Cradle Fund has supported over 1,000 startupsCradle Fund has supported over 1,000 startups across multiple sectors. Cradle Fund's programacross multiple sectors. Cradle Fund's program offerings include fuinding, commercializationofferings include fuinding, commercialization support, and various other value-added services tosupport, and various other value-added services to accelerate growth.accelerate growth. Malaysia Digital EconomyMalaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC)Corporation (MDEC) MDEC’s aspiration is to firmly establish Malaysia asMDEC’s aspiration is to firmly establish Malaysia as the Heart of Digital ASEAN, a regional digitalthe Heart of Digital ASEAN, a regional digital powerhouse launching global champions to lead thepowerhouse launching global champions to lead the Fourth Industrial Revolution.Fourth Industrial Revolution. Malaysia Venture CapitalMalaysia Venture Capital Management (MAVCAP)Management (MAVCAP) Mavcap supports the development of the MalaysianMavcap supports the development of the Malaysian VC ecosystem via public-private partnership, locallyVC ecosystem via public-private partnership, locally and internationally, investing and championing localand internationally, investing and championing local techpreneur to the global scale.techpreneur to the global scale. Malaysian Business AngelMalaysian Business Angel Network (MBAN)Network (MBAN) MBAN is the official trade association and governingMBAN is the official trade association and governing body for angel investors and angel clubs in Malaysia.body for angel investors and angel clubs in Malaysia. It aims to put forward the agenda of angel investingIt aims to put forward the agenda of angel investing in an all inclusive manner for the benefit ofin an all inclusive manner for the benefit of members, the angel ecosystem and start-ups.members, the angel ecosystem and start-ups. Malaysian ResearchMalaysian Research Accelerator for Technology &Accelerator for Technology & Innovation (MRANTI)Innovation (MRANTI) MRANTI is focused on accelerating growth andMRANTI is focused on accelerating growth and nurturing partnerships; to generate impactfulnurturing partnerships; to generate impactful STARTUP GENOME MEMBERSSTARTUP GENOME MEMBERS Cradle FundCradle Fund Established in 2003 with a mandate to fund high-caliber technology, Cradle Fund hasEstablished in 2003 with a mandate to fund high-caliber technology, Cradle Fund has supported over 1,000 Malaysian Technology-Based companies across multiple sectorssupported over 1,000 Malaysian Technology-Based companies across multiple sectors and holds the highest commercialization rate amongst funding agencies in theand holds the highest commercialization rate amongst funding agencies in the country. Cradle Fund's program offerings are not restricted to monetary aid, but alsocountry. Cradle Fund's program offerings are not restricted to monetary aid, but also include commercialization support and various other value-added services toinclude commercialization support and various other value-added services to accelerate growth.accelerate growth. MEMBERMEMBER KKEEYY EECCOOSSYYSSTTEEMM PPLLAAYYEERRSS rreesseeaarrcchh,, vviiaabbllee iinnvveennttiioonnss,, aanndd rreeaaddyy--ttoo--uussee tteecchhnnoollooggiieess.. “We celebrate the success stories and progress in the Malaysian ecosystem showing great strides in entrepreneurship, high quality employment, and ecomonic growth. It’s thrilling to see the hard work of Cradle Fund, MDEC, and other key players in this vibrant ecosystem come to fruition, with the ecosystem ranking as a Top 25 Emerging Ecosystem globally.” Stephan Kuester, Head of Ecosytem Strategy of Startup Genome 121 PhilippinesPhilippines ManilaManila MEMBERS:MEMBERS: Department of Trade and IndustryDepartment of Trade and Industry "The Philippine startup ecosystem is thriving in the new normal as seen in the"The Philippine startup ecosystem is thriving in the new normal as seen in the unfettered growth of investments. Home to a great pool of creative talents andunfettered growth of investments. Home to a great pool of creative talents and with more focused government support, the Philippines is now a real emergingwith more focused government support, the Philippines is now a real emerging startup destination."startup destination." Dr. Rafaelita M. AldabaDr. Rafaelita M. Aldaba Undersecretary for Competitiveness and Innovation Group, Department of Trade and IndustryUndersecretary for Competitiveness and Innovation Group, Department of Trade and Industry HighlightsHighlights Over the last few years, a number of regulatory reforms have helped enhance the competitiveness of theOver the last few years, a number of regulatory reforms have helped enhance the competitiveness of the Philippine startup ecosystem. In 2021, the ecosystem raised $1 billion in funding, a 179% growth on thePhilippine startup ecosystem. In 2021, the ecosystem raised $1 billion in funding, a 179% growth on the previous year. Two local Fintech startups are valued at more than $1 billion, with Mynt achieving "doubleprevious year. Two local Fintech startups are valued at more than $1 billion, with Mynt achieving "double unicorn" status in November 2021 after raising $300 million and Voyager Innovations raising a total of $210unicorn" status in November 2021 after raising $300 million and Voyager Innovations raising a total of $210 million in its latest funding round. Kumu raised a $73.6 million Series C and GrowSari, an e-commercemillion in its latest funding round. Kumu raised a $73.6 million Series C and GrowSari, an e-commerce startup, raised $77.5 million in its latest funding round.startup, raised $77.5 million in its latest funding round. With the potential contribution of startups to the economy, the Philippine government has been focusingWith the potential contribution of startups to the economy, the Philippine government has been focusing on building a robust startup ecosystem through the implementation of such policies as the Ease of Doingon building a robust startup ecosystem through the implementation of such policies as the Ease of Doing Business Act, which streamlined government processes, systems, and procedures; the RevisedBusiness Act, which streamlined government processes, systems, and procedures; the Revised Corporation Code, which allows the incorporation of one-person corporations; and the Innovative StartupCorporation Code, which allows the incorporation of one-person corporations; and the Innovative Startup Act and Philippine Innovation Act, which provide benefits and incentives for startup and innovativeAct and Philippine Innovation Act, which provide benefits and incentives for startup and innovative enterprises.enterprises. To continue fostering innovation and collaboration, the annual Philippine Startup Week (PHSW), theTo continue fostering innovation and collaboration, the annual Philippine Startup Week (PHSW), the country’s premier startup networking conference, is held to celebrate and showcase the Filipino startupcountry’s premier startup networking conference, is held to celebrate and showcase the Filipino startup community. Aside from various community-organized events across the country, PHSW includes threecommunity. Aside from various community-organized events across the country, PHSW includes three main events: the Department of Science and Technology’s Technology Business Incubation Summit, themain events: the Department of Science and Technology’s Technology Business Incubation Summit, the Department of Information and Communications Technology’s InnovNation event, and the Department ofDepartment of Information and Communications Technology’s InnovNation event, and the Department of Trade and Industry’s Slingshot Conference. The IGNITE innovation conference by TechShake, dentsu X,Trade and Industry’s Slingshot Conference. The IGNITE innovation conference by TechShake, dentsu X, and Brainsparks also supports the startup ecosystem.and Brainsparks also supports the startup ecosystem. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $292 m$292 m ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $2 bn$2 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $150 k$150 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $5 m$5 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $8 k$8 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 10 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $575 m$575 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 8.4 years8.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 411m411m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 1919 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 122 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths FintechFintech Philippines Fintech Map 2022 identifies more thanPhilippines Fintech Map 2022 identifies more than 220 Fintech companies in the country, of which 27%220 Fintech companies in the country, of which 27% are in lending. With sustained demand for digitalare in lending. With sustained demand for digital banking solutions and a shift towards digitalbanking solutions and a shift towards digital transformation, the Philippines mobile wallet andtransformation, the Philippines mobile wallet and payment market is expected to record a CAGR ofpayment market is expected to record a CAGR of 24.1%, reaching $19.8 billion by 2025. The PayMongo24.1%, reaching $19.8 billion by 2025. The PayMongo Accelerator Program, launched in 2021, is the firstAccelerator Program, launched in 2021, is the first such program in the Philippines, and is backed bysuch program in the Philippines, and is backed by Silicon Valley-based Y Combinator. Philippine DigitalSilicon Valley-based Y Combinator. Philippine Digital Asset raised a $50 million Series B in FebruaryAsset raised a $50 million Series B in February 20222022.. The same month, PayMongo raised $31 million inThe same month, PayMongo raised $31 million in Series BSeries B funding.funding. E-commerceE-commerce E-commerce adoption in the Philippines increasedE-commerce adoption in the Philippines increased to 80% in 2021, up from 70% in 2019 and 76% into 80% in 2021, up from 70% in 2019 and 76% in 2020.2020. The E-commerce Philippines 2022 RoadmapThe E-commerce Philippines 2022 Roadmap envisions one million e-commerce businesses by theenvisions one million e-commerce businesses by the end of 2022, as well as a digitally literate workforceend of 2022, as well as a digitally literate workforce to support the expanding sub-sector. In 2021, theto support the expanding sub-sector. In 2021, the Philippines had over a million thriving e-commercePhilippines had over a million thriving e-commerce enterprises, exceeding the Roadmap's target. Greatenterprises, exceeding the Roadmap's target. Great Deals e-commerce, a Filipino end-to-end e-Deals e-commerce, a Filipino end-to-end ecommerce service platform, raised a $30 million incommerce service platform, raised a $30 million in Series B funding in May 2021.Series B funding in May 2021. Reasons to Move Your Startup to ManilaReasons to Move Your Startup to Manila Government Startup ProgramsGovernment Startup Programs The government provides assistance to startupsThe government provides assistance to startups through incubation and acceleration programs. Thethrough incubation and acceleration programs. The IDEA, ADVANCE, and Global Acceleration ProgramsIDEA, ADVANCE, and Global Acceleration Programs were designed to help startups validate theirwere designed to help startups validate their solutions, commercialize, scale up, and expandsolutions, commercialize, scale up, and expand globally. The government also provides fundingglobally. The government also provides funding support through the Startup Grant Fund, which helpssupport through the Startup Grant Fund, which helps startups in overcoming R&D roadblocks, and thestartups in overcoming R&D roadblocks, and the Startup Venture Fund, which provides equity fundingStartup Venture Fund, which provides equity funding to startups.to startups. Support for ForeignersSupport for Foreigners Foreign businesses employing foreign nationalsForeign businesses employing foreign nationals enjoy fiscal incentives, and in March 2022, theenjoy fiscal incentives, and in March 2022, the Foreign Investment Act was amended to allowForeign Investment Act was amended to allow foreign nationals to own an MSME with a minimumforeign nationals to own an MSME with a minimum paid-in capital of $100,000.paid-in capital of $100,000. Tax IncentivesTax Incentives The 2021 Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives forThe 2021 Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises Act (CREATE Act) provides export-Enterprises Act (CREATE Act) provides exportoriented enterprises and domestic enterprisesoriented enterprises and domestic enterprises engaged in strategic activities as defined under theengaged in strategic activities as defined under the Strategic Investment Priority Plan (SIPP) with theStrategic Investment Priority Plan (SIPP) with the following incentives: income tax holiday, VAT andfollowing incentives: income tax holiday, VAT and customs duty exemptions to be followed by a Specialcustoms duty exemptions to be followed by a Special Corporate Income Tax or Enhanced Deductions up toCorporate Income Tax or Enhanced Deductions up to a maximum period of 17 years.a maximum period of 17 years. 123 Selected Startup OrganizationsSelected Startup Organizations "Startup Genome and the Department of Trade"Startup Genome and the Department of Trade and Industry, Philippines have been workingand Industry, Philippines have been working closely together to highlight Manila in the GSER.closely together to highlight Manila in the GSER. We are excited to capture their progress in fundingWe are excited to capture their progress in funding as a Top 25 Asian Ecosystem and Top 15 Asianas a Top 25 Asian Ecosystem and Top 15 Asian Emerging Ecosystem for early stage funding andEmerging Ecosystem for early stage funding and investor activity."investor activity." Stephan Kuester, Head of Ecosystem Strategy ofStephan Kuester, Head of Ecosystem Strategy of Startup GenomeStartup Genome Foxmont Capital PartnersFoxmont Capital Partners A VC firm dedicated to investing in Filipino-focusedA VC firm dedicated to investing in Filipino-focused or Filipino-founded early-stage technology startupsor Filipino-founded early-stage technology startups that have proven that they can scale effectively andthat have proven that they can scale effectively and lead the Philippine digital evolution.lead the Philippine digital evolution. Gobi-Core PH FundGobi-Core PH Fund A joint-venture partnership between Gobi PartnersA joint-venture partnership between Gobi Partners and Core Capital with a $10-million fund. Gobi-Coreand Core Capital with a $10-million fund. Gobi-Core PH Fund aims to invest in seed-stage and pre-SeriesPH Fund aims to invest in seed-stage and pre-Series A startups in the Philippines.A startups in the Philippines. National Development CouncilNational Development Council NDC was created to function as the government’sNDC was created to function as the government’s investment arm. It has allocated a venture fund forinvestment arm. It has allocated a venture fund for Philippine startups in the seed to Series B stage.Philippine startups in the seed to Series B stage. Phildev FoundationPhildev Foundation A nonprofit innovation organization that acceleratesA nonprofit innovation organization that accelerates science and technology for national developmentscience and technology for national development through initiatives, programs, and partnerships.through initiatives, programs, and partnerships. QBOQBO The Philippines' first public-private partnershipThe Philippines' first public-private partnership platform, which serves as an innovation hub forplatform, which serves as an innovation hub for Filipino startups.Filipino startups. STARTUP GENOME MEMBERSSTARTUP GENOME MEMBERS Department of Trade and IndustryDepartment of Trade and Industry The Department of Trade and Industry is the agency of the Philippine governmentThe Department of Trade and Industry is the agency of the Philippine government responsible for realizing the country’s goal of developing globally competitive andresponsible for realizing the country’s goal of developing globally competitive and innovative industry and services sectors that contribute to inclusive growth andinnovative industry and services sectors that contribute to inclusive growth and sustainable development. Its Competitiveness and Innovation Group has beensustainable development. Its Competitiveness and Innovation Group has been established to grow and develop the Philippine innovation and entrepreneurship andestablished to grow and develop the Philippine innovation and entrepreneurship and startup ecosystems towards generating more and better opportunities forstartup ecosystems towards generating more and better opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship in the country.employment and entrepreneurship in the country. MEMBERMEMBER KEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERSKEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERS “Startup Genome and the Department of Trade and Industry, Phillipines have been working closely together to highlight Manila in the GSER. We are excited to capture their progress in funding as a Top 25 Asian Ecosystem and Top 15 Asian Emerging Ecosystem for early stage funding and investor activity.” Stephan Kuester, Head of Ecosytem Strategy of Startup Genome 124 AustraliaAustralia MelbourneMelbourne MEMBERS:MEMBERS: LaunchVicLaunchVic "A globally renowned creative and education hub with access to world-class"A globally renowned creative and education hub with access to world-class education, Melbourne is now home to numerous unicorns. Our talent, creativity,education, Melbourne is now home to numerous unicorns. Our talent, creativity, and thriving startup community make Melbourne a great place to build and scaleand thriving startup community make Melbourne a great place to build and scale global startups."global startups." Dr Kate CornickDr Kate Cornick CEO, LaunchVicCEO, LaunchVic HighlightsHighlights Victoria is home to more than 2,600 startups that are rapidly becoming the beating heart of a newVictoria is home to more than 2,600 startups that are rapidly becoming the beating heart of a new economy — the startup sector is now the same size as Victoria’s tourism sector. The state capital,economy — the startup sector is now the same size as Victoria’s tourism sector. The state capital, Melbourne is a thriving hub for startups across an array of sub-sectors including Life Sciences, SaaS, AI,Melbourne is a thriving hub for startups across an array of sub-sectors including Life Sciences, SaaS, AI, Blockchain, Advanced Manufacturing, IoT, Big Data, and Fintech.Blockchain, Advanced Manufacturing, IoT, Big Data, and Fintech. Victoria consistently ranks highly for the quality of its educational institutions. It’s home to the UniversityVictoria consistently ranks highly for the quality of its educational institutions. It’s home to the University of Melbourne, Australia’s highest ranked university at #37, along with Monash University at #58 in the topof Melbourne, Australia’s highest ranked university at #37, along with Monash University at #58 in the top 400 universities according to the QS World University Rankings 2022. RMIT University has been ranked #2400 universities according to the QS World University Rankings 2022. RMIT University has been ranked #2 in the world for research that has impacted the development of Blockchain technology, and its Blockchainin the world for research that has impacted the development of Blockchain technology, and its Blockchain Innovation Hub is the world’s first research center focused on the social science of Blockchain.Innovation Hub is the world’s first research center focused on the social science of Blockchain. LaunchVic, the state’s lead startup agency, continues to create infrastructure to support the growth ofLaunchVic, the state’s lead startup agency, continues to create infrastructure to support the growth of the ecosystem. Its initiatives include the AU$10 million Alice Anderson Fund, an angel sidecar for women-the ecosystem. Its initiatives include the AU$10 million Alice Anderson Fund, an angel sidecar for womenled startups, and the Victorian Startup Capital Fund, a fund of funds set to unlock AU$240 million ($168led startups, and the Victorian Startup Capital Fund, a fund of funds set to unlock AU$240 million ($168 million) to support Victorian early-stage startups with high growth potential. LaunchVic has also helpedmillion) to support Victorian early-stage startups with high growth potential. LaunchVic has also helped launch dozens of programs. Three of the latest, which were created in partnership with Agriculturelaunch dozens of programs. Three of the latest, which were created in partnership with Agriculture Victoria, hope to boost the local Agtech sub-sector. Farmers2Founders, Rocket Seeder, and SproutX willVictoria, hope to boost the local Agtech sub-sector. Farmers2Founders, Rocket Seeder, and SproutX will each receive AU$600,000 ($420,000) to run pre-accelerator programs.each receive AU$600,000 ($420,000) to run pre-accelerator programs. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $816 m$816 m ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $17 bn$17 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $670 k$670 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $3.9 m$3.9 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $63 k$63 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 6 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017-2021)(2017-2021) $3.1 bn$3.1 bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017-2021)(2017-2021) 9.3 years9.3 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 7bn7bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 185185 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 125 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths Life SciencesLife Sciences In 2021, CBRE ranked Melbourne as one of the topIn 2021, CBRE ranked Melbourne as one of the top five Life Sciences hubs in Asia-Pacific, and thefive Life Sciences hubs in Asia-Pacific, and the University of Melbourne as second globally forUniversity of Melbourne as second globally for university-related biomedical research. Five ofuniversity-related biomedical research. Five of Australia’s largest medical research institutes areAustralia’s largest medical research institutes are located here, and there are several research andlocated here, and there are several research and innovation initiatives, includinginnovation initiatives, including incubator Melbourneincubator Melbourne Connect and Bio Innovation Hub. RegenerativeConnect and Bio Innovation Hub. Regenerative medicine company Mesoblast has raised $412.3medicine company Mesoblast has raised $412.3 million over seven rounds. Medtech startupmillion over seven rounds. Medtech startup SeerSeer raised a AU$34 million ($24 million) Series A inraised a AU$34 million ($24 million) Series A in August 2021, and Ena Respiratory has raised a totalAugust 2021, and Ena Respiratory has raised a total ofof AU$50AU$50 million ($35 million).million ($35 million). FintechFintech Melbourne is home to more than 400 FintechMelbourne is home to more than 400 Fintech startups, and unicorns AfterPay, Airwallex, Judostartups, and unicorns AfterPay, Airwallex, Judo Bank, MYOB, and PEXA were all founded here.Bank, MYOB, and PEXA were all founded here. Melbourne is also the location of the annualMelbourne is also the location of the annual Intersekt conference, which brings the AustralianIntersekt conference, which brings the Australian Fintech community together. In 2021, globalFintech community together. In 2021, global banking-as-a-service platform Railsbank establishedbanking-as-a-service platform Railsbank established its first office in Melbourne, and financial servicesits first office in Melbourne, and financial services platform Airwallex raised a $100 million Series E.platform Airwallex raised a $100 million Series E. Business payments startup Zeller raised an AU$100Business payments startup Zeller raised an AU$100 million ($70 million) Series B in March 2022.million ($70 million) Series B in March 2022. Reasons to Move Your Startup to MelbourneReasons to Move Your Startup to Melbourne Dynamic, Educated WorkforceDynamic, Educated Workforce Melbourne is projected to become the largestMelbourne is projected to become the largest Australian city by 2031 and is home to one of theAustralian city by 2031 and is home to one of the most educated workforces in the country. More thanmost educated workforces in the country. More than half of all Victorians aged 20–64 hold some form ofhalf of all Victorians aged 20–64 hold some form of post-secondary qualification, while almost 30% agedpost-secondary qualification, while almost 30% aged 15–74 have a university degree. It’s also a15–74 have a university degree. It’s also a multicultural city with close links to Asian markets.multicultural city with close links to Asian markets. Government SupportGovernment Support The Victorian government reduced the employerThe Victorian government reduced the employer rate of payroll tax from 2.02% to 1.2125% in 2021.rate of payroll tax from 2.02% to 1.2125% in 2021. The Business Event Sponsorship Program providesThe Business Event Sponsorship Program provides up to AU$10,000 ($7,400) to support those hostingup to AU$10,000 ($7,400) to support those hosting conferences.conferences. The 2021–2022 Victorian budgetThe 2021–2022 Victorian budget allocates AU$484.5 million ($361 million) throughallocates AU$484.5 million ($361 million) through 2025 towards new job creation initiatives, with2025 towards new job creation initiatives, with dedicated funds for small business services anddedicated funds for small business services and support initiatives and funds to revitalizesupport initiatives and funds to revitalize Melbourne’s central business district. The AU$2Melbourne’s central business district. The AU$2 billion ($1.49 billion) Breakthrough Victoria Fund isbillion ($1.49 billion) Breakthrough Victoria Fund is investing in projects in health and Life Sciences,investing in projects in health and Life Sciences, World-Class UniversitiesWorld-Class Universities The University of Melbourne is the highest-rankedThe University of Melbourne is the highest-ranked university in Australia and #33 in the world. Theuniversity in Australia and #33 in the world. The Financial Times ranked Melbourne Business SchoolFinancial Times ranked Melbourne Business School the highest among Australian MBA programs. QS Bestthe highest among Australian MBA programs. QS Best Student Cities Rankings 2022 named MelbourneStudent Cities Rankings 2022 named Melbourne Australia’s best student city.Australia’s best student city. AAddvvaanncceedd MMaannuuffaaccttuurriinngg,, ddiiggiittaall tteecchhnnoollooggiieess,, AAggtteecchh && NNeeww FFoooodd,, aanndd cclleeaann eeccoonnoommiieess.. 126 Selected Startup OrganizationsSelected Startup Organizations “Startup Genome is honored to work with“Startup Genome is honored to work with LaunchVic in accelerating ecosystem growth, jobLaunchVic in accelerating ecosystem growth, job creation and impact in Melbourne. We are excitedcreation and impact in Melbourne. We are excited about Melbourne's startup community's futureabout Melbourne's startup community's future because of the increasing investment in itsbecause of the increasing investment in its innovative entrepreneurs.”innovative entrepreneurs.” JF Gauthier, Founder & CEO of Startup GenomeJF Gauthier, Founder & CEO of Startup Genome Giant LeapGiant Leap Giant Leap Fund is Australia’s first venture capitalGiant Leap Fund is Australia’s first venture capital fund that is 100% dedicated to investing in impactfund that is 100% dedicated to investing in impact startups – rapidly scalable businesses that blendstartups – rapidly scalable businesses that blend financial returns with real and measurable socialfinancial returns with real and measurable social and environmental benefits.and environmental benefits. Hatch QuarterHatch Quarter Melbourne-Based Innovation Hub and StartupMelbourne-Based Innovation Hub and Startup Incubator.Incubator. Scale InvestorsScale Investors Scale Investors is Australia’s first and only networkScale Investors is Australia’s first and only network of angel investors committed to investing in andof angel investors committed to investing in and empowering exceptional women entrepreneurs.empowering exceptional women entrepreneurs. StartmateStartmate We accelerate the most ambitious founders,We accelerate the most ambitious founders, operators and investors through our programs,operators and investors through our programs, propelled by a highly-trusted mentor-drivenpropelled by a highly-trusted mentor-driven community, and backed by the best angels, venturecommunity, and backed by the best angels, venture funds and tech startups in the region.funds and tech startups in the region. Startup VictoriaStartup Victoria Startup Victoria exists to create more founders,Startup Victoria exists to create more founders, better foundersbetter founders STARTUP GENOME MEMBERSSTARTUP GENOME MEMBERS LaunchVicLaunchVic LaunchVic is fuelling the growth of Victoria’s startup ecosystem. Through ourLaunchVic is fuelling the growth of Victoria’s startup ecosystem. Through our expertise, we help to build the capability and confidence of Victoria’s most importantexpertise, we help to build the capability and confidence of Victoria’s most important asset — its people — to start, grow, invest in, or work for globally ambitious startups.asset — its people — to start, grow, invest in, or work for globally ambitious startups. MEMBERMEMBER KEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERSKEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERS “Startup Genome is honored to work with LaunchVic in accelerating ecosystem growth, job creation and impact in Melbourne. We are excited about Melbourne’s startup community’s future in its innovative entrepreneurs.” JF Gauthier, Founder & CEO of Startup Genome 127 CanadaCanada MontréalMontréal MEMBERS:MEMBERS: CentechCentech // Montréal InternationalMontréal International // Startup MontréalStartup Montréal // Ville de MontréalVille de Montréal "Montréal demonstrates a strong dynamic of innovation and a high level of"Montréal demonstrates a strong dynamic of innovation and a high level of performance and attractiveness for both entrepreneurs and investors. Access toperformance and attractiveness for both entrepreneurs and investors. Access to capital, talent, and high quality support from key private and public stakeholderscapital, talent, and high quality support from key private and public stakeholders working together allows our ecosystem to stand out globally in several cutting-working together allows our ecosystem to stand out globally in several cuttingedge sectors."edge sectors." Guillaume CaudronGuillaume Caudron CEO Reseau Capital, Quebec VC & PE associationCEO Reseau Capital, Quebec VC & PE association HighlightsHighlights Montréal offers a strategic location and highly educated talent. With its world-renowned cultural life andMontréal offers a strategic location and highly educated talent. With its world-renowned cultural life and safe neighborhoods, it’s a great place to live and work. A strategic gateway to European markets and othersafe neighborhoods, it’s a great place to live and work. A strategic gateway to European markets and other North American startup hubs, Montréal is just 90 minutes by air from New York, Boston, and Toronto, andNorth American startup hubs, Montréal is just 90 minutes by air from New York, Boston, and Toronto, and less than an hour from the U.S. border. It is home to seven universities and more than 200,000 students,less than an hour from the U.S. border. It is home to seven universities and more than 200,000 students, including 35,500 international students. These universities rank first in Canada for research funding, takingincluding 35,500 international students. These universities rank first in Canada for research funding, taking in more than $1.34 billion yearly. Local companies recruit from a bilingual, tech-savvy talent pool.in more than $1.34 billion yearly. Local companies recruit from a bilingual, tech-savvy talent pool. Montréal’s startups attracted $1.6 billion in funding in 2021, a new record for the city. BKR Capital, theMontréal’s startups attracted $1.6 billion in funding in 2021, a new record for the city. BKR Capital, the first Canadian VC fund dedicated to Black-led businesses, recently opened an office in Montréal. Female-first Canadian VC fund dedicated to Black-led businesses, recently opened an office in Montréal. Femaleled fund Accelia Capital is also based here.led fund Accelia Capital is also based here. With dedicated task forces, collective briefs, monthly meetings, and an annual ecosystem partners’ event,With dedicated task forces, collective briefs, monthly meetings, and an annual ecosystem partners’ event, founders benefit from a host of startup support organizations that collaborate on a daily basis. MILA, thefounders benefit from a host of startup support organizations that collaborate on a daily basis. MILA, the Quebec AI institute, has joined forces with BDC Capital to nurture AI-related startups. Aerospace groupQuebec AI institute, has joined forces with BDC Capital to nurture AI-related startups. Aerospace group Aéro Montréal and incubator Centech are working together to foster sustainable innovation within theAéro Montréal and incubator Centech are working together to foster sustainable innovation within the aerospace supply chain.aerospace supply chain. Aéro Montréal also organizes the Global Aerospace Supply Chain Summit. CycleAéro Montréal also organizes the Global Aerospace Supply Chain Summit. Cycle Momentum and Innovacorp have allied to boost their mentoring and networking offerings. WomenMomentum and Innovacorp have allied to boost their mentoring and networking offerings. Women Techmakers Montréal was created by Google to highlight women in technology.Techmakers Montréal was created by Google to highlight women in technology. TOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDINGTOTAL EARLY STAGE FUNDING (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $857 m$857 m ECOSYSTEM VALUEECOSYSTEM VALUE (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $24 bn$24 bn MEDIAN SEED ROUNDMEDIAN SEED ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $1 m$1 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $671 k$671 k MEDIAN SERIES A ROUNDMEDIAN SERIES A ROUND (2019H2-2021)(2019H2-2021) $6.8 m$6.8 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.7 m$4.7 m SOFT. ENGINEER SALARYSOFT. ENGINEER SALARY (2021)(2021) $63 k$63 k GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $46 k$46 k Amount ($)Amount ($) Count (#)Count (#) ExitsExits (2017-2021)(2017-2021) EARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIEREARLY-STAGE FUNDING GROWTH TIER (2018/19 VS. 2020/21)(2018/19 VS. 2020/21) 5 Calculated on a scale ofCalculated on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) TOTAL VC FUNDINGTOTAL VC FUNDING (2017 - 2021)(2017 - 2021) $5 bn$5 bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $4.5 bn$4.5 bn TIME TO EXITTIME TO EXIT (2017 - 2021)(2017 - 2021) 10.4 years10.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 9.4 years9.4 years GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $687 m$687 m GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. $28.6 bn$28.6 bn 8.3bn8.3bn GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 11.3bn11.3bn 196196 GLOBALAVG.GLOBALAVG. 101101 128 Sub-Sector StrengthsSub-Sector Strengths Life SciencesLife Sciences The Montréal Life Sciences cluster links government,The Montréal Life Sciences cluster links government, research, and industry. Home to 16 research centersresearch, and industry. Home to 16 research centers and 14 world-class university research chairs in Lifeand 14 world-class university research chairs in Life Sciences-related fields,Sciences-related fields, CA$590 million was investedCA$590 million was invested in Life Sciences in Montréal in 2021, representingin Life Sciences in Montréal in 2021, representing 30% of all VC investment in the region during the30% of all VC investment in the region during the period. Montréal General Hospital launched a newperiod. Montréal General Hospital launched a new health tech incubator in September 2021.health tech incubator in September 2021. Congruence Therapeutics’ raised a CA$63 millionCongruence Therapeutics’ raised a CA$63 million Series A in February 2022, and Ventus TherapeuticsSeries A in February 2022, and Ventus Therapeutics raised a $140 million Series C the same month.raised a $140 million Series C the same month. AI, Big Data & AnalyticsAI, Big Data & Analytics More than 600 researchers and 14,000 universityMore than 600 researchers and 14,000 university students in AI-related programs call Montréalstudents in AI-related programs call Montréal home. The International Center of Expertise for thehome. The International Center of Expertise for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (ICEMAI) isAdvancement of Artificial Intelligence (ICEMAI) is one of two global centers of expertise. It supportsone of two global centers of expertise. It supports the responsible use of AI and analyzes Canada’sthe responsible use of AI and analyzes Canada’s capacity to commercialize and adopt AI-relatedcapacity to commercialize and adopt AI-related technologies. The Quebec government made atechnologies. The Quebec government made a CA$100 million investment in SherbrookeCA$100 million investment in Sherbrooke Quantique, an innovation zone focused onQuantique, an innovation zone focused on quantum computing. Concordia University isquantum computing. Concordia University is launching an Applied AI Institute. AI-based travellaunching an Applied AI Institute. AI-based travel app Hopper raised a Secondary Market round ofapp Hopper raised a Secondary Market round of $35 million in February 2022. 2022 saw a new$35 million in February 2022. 2022 saw a new partnership between AI Sweden and AI-researchpartnership between AI Sweden and AI-research institute MILA.institute MILA. FintechFintech Montréal is a hotbed for sustainable finance. TheMontréal is a hotbed for sustainable finance. The city ranked first in Canada and third in Northcity ranked first in Canada and third in North America among the 78 financial centers consideredAmerica among the 78 financial centers considered for the Global Green Finance Index 7. Montréal willfor the Global Green Finance Index 7. Montréal will host the second annual Sustainable Financehost the second annual Sustainable Finance Summit in 2022.Summit in 2022. Fintech Cadence has partneredFintech Cadence has partnered with Fintel Connect to support startups in the sub-with Fintel Connect to support startups in the subsector. The CA$120 million the Station FinTechsector. The CA$120 million the Station FinTech Montréal Accelerator launched in 2021.Montréal Accelerator launched in 2021. Opportunity Fund invests in later-stage FintechOpportunity Fund invests in later-stage Fintech startups. Fintech platform Zapper raised a $15startups. Fintech platform Zapper raised a $15 million Series A in May 2021. Crypto exchangemillion Series A in May 2021. Crypto exchange Shakepay raised a CA$44 million Series A inShakepay raised a CA$44 million Series A in January 2022.January 2022. Reasons to Move Your Startup to MontréalReasons to Move Your Startup to Montréal Educated TalentEducated Talent Montréal is home to several ofMontréal is home to several of CanadaCanada's best's best universities, includinguniversities, including McGill UniversityMcGill University (currently(currently ranked joint 27th in the world and second in Canada).ranked joint 27th in the world and second in Canada). Five new programs have been created in recentFive new programs have been created in recent months to further support the transfer of academicmonths to further support the transfer of academic talent towards entrepreneurship. In February 2022,talent towards entrepreneurship. In February 2022, the startup ecosystem welcomed hyper-growththe startup ecosystem welcomed hyper-growth program Hypercroissance Québec to provide tailoredprogram Hypercroissance Québec to provide tailored support to its most promising scaleups.support to its most promising scaleups. Government SupportGovernment Support Montréal offers strong governmental support,Montréal offers strong governmental support, funding programs, and three new provincialfunding programs, and three new provincial strategies to support innovation. Quebec’s 2022–23strategies to support innovation. Quebec’s 2022–23 budget extended a temporary increase in the taxbudget extended a temporary increase in the tax credit relating to investment and innovationcredit relating to investment and innovation through 2023. The increase was implemented tothrough 2023. The increase was implemented to accelerate the province’s post-pandemic economicaccelerate the province’s post-pandemic economic recovery. In February 2022, Quebec announced tworecovery. In February 2022, Quebec announced two new innovation zones, one specializing in quantumnew innovation zones, one specializing in quantum science and one in digital technologies. Thescience and one in digital technologies. The Quality of LifeQuality of Life Montréal is a hub for creativity, arts and culture.Montréal is a hub for creativity, arts and culture. Extremely safe and dynamic, the city offers residentsExtremely safe and dynamic, the city offers residents excellent public transportation and easy access toexcellent public transportation and easy access to nature. The cost of living in Montréal is lower than innature. The cost of living in Montréal is lower than in other major Canadian cities including Vancouver andother major Canadian cities including Vancouver and Toronto. Montréal tied for first place in North AmericaToronto. Montréal tied for first place in North America with Boston in the QS Best Student Cities 2022with Boston in the QS Best Student Cities 2022 Rankings, and it ranked ninth globally.Rankings, and it ranked ninth globally. ggoovveerrnnmmeenntt ppllaannss ttoo iinnvveesstt mmoorree tthhaann $$115500 mmiilllliioonn iinn tthheessee iinnnnoovvaattiioonn zzoonneess.. 129 Selected Startup OrganizationsSelected Startup Organizations Montréal InternationalMontréal International For 25 years, Montréal International has contributedFor 25 years, Montréal International has contributed to building Greater Montréal’s internationalto building Greater Montréal’s international reputation and prosperity by acting as a drivingreputation and prosperity by acting as a driving force for economic development.force for economic development. Réseau CapitalRéseau Capital The venture capital and private equity associationThe venture capital and private equity association that brings together all stakeholders involved in thethat brings together all stakeholders involved in the Quebec investment chain.Quebec investment chain. Startup MontréalStartup Montréal Startup Montréal is a not-for-profit organizationStartup Montréal is a not-for-profit organization created through the merger of Bonjour Startupcreated through the merger of Bonjour Startup Montréal with Montréal inc. Through collaborativeMontréal with Montréal inc. Through collaborative projects, it extends Montréal's startup ecosystemprojects, it extends Montréal's startup ecosystem outreach and multiplies its positive impact.outreach and multiplies its positive impact. STARTUP GENOME MEMBERSSTARTUP GENOME MEMBERS CentechCentech Centech is dedicated to accelerate theCentech is dedicated to accelerate the creation and growth of deep-techcreation and growth of deep-tech companies that market globally.companies that market globally. MEMBERMEMBER Montréal InternationalMontréal International For the past 25 years, MontréalFor the past 25 years, Montréal International (MI) has contributed toInternational (MI) has contributed to building Greater Montréal’s internationalbuilding Greater Montréal’s international reputation and prosperity by acting as areputation and prosperity by acting as a driving force for economic development.driving force for economic development. MEMBERMEMBER Startup MontréalStartup Montréal Startup Montréal is a not-for-profitStartup Montréal is a not-for-profit organization born from the merger oforganization born from the merger of Bonjour Startup Montréal with MontréalBonjour Startup Montréal with Montréal inc. Through collaborative projects, weinc. Through collaborative projects, we extend Montreal’s startup ecosystemextend Montreal’s startup ecosystem outreach and multiply its positive impact.outreach and multiply its positive impact. MEMBERMEMBER Ville de MontréalVille de Montréal As a higher education town and aAs a higher education town and a cosmopolitan city, Montréal is a breeding-cosmopolitan city, Montréal is a breedingground for talents and an economic hubground for talents and an economic hub of knowledge. It also stands out becauseof knowledge. It also stands out because of it's exceptional cultural vitality andof it's exceptional cultural vitality and world-renowned creative force.world-renowned creative force. MEMBERMEMBER KEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERSKEY ECOSYSTEM PLAYERS 130 131Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Methodology & References 132 Methodology 137 References 131Learn more and get connected at startupgenome.com 132Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Methodology GSER 2022: Fintech Edition The Startup Genome quantitative data infrastructure includes data on over 3 million companies, 280+ ecosystems, and survey data from close to 100,000 startup executives and founders across the globe. These are the main datasets that make up this data science infrastructure: • Startup Genome proprietary data: • Interviews with 100+ experts • 2017–2022 Startup Ecosystem Survey with close to 100,000 participants overall • Crunchbase: global dataset on funding, exits, and locations of startups and investors • Dealroom: global dataset on funding, exits, and locations of startups and investors • PitchBook: private capital market data provider • Local partners (accelerators, incubators, startup hubs, investors): • list of startups • list of local exits and funding events • CB Insights: global dataset on unicorns Sub-Sector Definition Definition: For the purposes of this report, Fintech describes a business that aims at developing a scalable financial services business by making use of software and modern technology. Financial technology (Fintech) companies use internet, blockchain and software technologies, as well as algorithms, to offer or facilitate financial services traditionally offered by banks. These services include digital banking, loans, payments, investments, and wealth management. Fintech also includes software that automates financial processes or addresses financial firms’ core business needs. Below are the product categories under Fintech: Alternative Lending Alternative lending consists primarily of nonbank companies or platforms that provide a range of consumer loans, business loans, and related underwriting services. This does not include companies that offer point-of-sale (POS) financing services, which we include in our consumer finance segment. Alternative lending providers often utilize artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI & ML), data mining, and predictive modeling technologies for loan underwriting and incorporate alternative data, such as education history and phone records, into credit risk models. 133Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Consumer Finance The consumer finance industry includes everyday consumer financial services, such as checking and savings accounts, debit cards, credit cards, and other point-of-sale credit products. Startups in this space provide services similar to traditional retail banking and tools for personal financial management (PFM). PFM tools are designed to help users manage, spend, and budget their expenses. Some companies also may provide other revolving credit $14 accounts or loyalty and rewards services. Companies in this segment differentiate primarily by focusing on distinct customer demographics and by providing personalized offerings, wages, and other required financial compensation. EPLI provides coverage for claims made by employees for violation of legal rights, including wrongful termination, harassment, and employment-related lawsuits. Digital Assets Companies in the digital assets space provide the access, buying, selling, exchanging, storing, and transferring of cryptocurrencies and tokens through exchanges, wallets, networks, and other technologies. Cryptocurrencies and other types of digital assets offer an alternative to traditional fiat exchange, presenting a decentralized, low-fee, instant settlement solution that functions via the internet and is available to just about anybody with an internet connection. Cryptocurrencies have the potential to improve how money is traditionally used by reducing fees associated with cross-border payments, providing real-time settlement of transactions, and reducing the costs of handling cash. These digital assets could also revolutionize how goods are traded and exchanged, providing more transparency and eliminating costs associated with middle-man services. Financial Services IT These companies offer cloud-based banking platforms that allow banks and other financial institutions to white label and deploy online signup processes, mobile banking applications, personal finance management, and other retail banking services directly to their customers. Payments The payments segment includes startups developing technology focused on a broad range of digital money-movement opportunities including payments acceptance, authorization, processing, card issuing, settlement services, debt collection, remittance, and foreign exchange. Startups are also focused on several retail-related opportunities including retail POS technology, e-commerce enablement, sales data analytics, online fraud mitigation, and transaction security. Regtech Regulatory technology (regtech) providers develop solutions to standardize and automate regulatory compliance, reduce fraud, and manage enterprise risk, allowing financial institutions to spend more time on their core businesses. Cryptocurrencies have the potential to improve how money is traditionally used by reducing fees associated with cross-border payments, providing real-time settlement of transactions, and reducing the costs of handling cash. 134Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Data Sources Primary Data Sources • Startup Genome LLC (2017-2022). StartupGenome.com Database • Dealroom.co BV. (2017-2022). Dealroom.co Database • Crunchbase (2017-2022). Crunchbase.com Database • CB Insights (2019-2022). CBInsights.com Database • PitchBook (2018-2022), a private capital market data provider Database Secondary Data Sources • Shanghai Rankings • USPTO • WIPO Fintech Ranking Methodology Overall Ranking The overall global ecosystem ranking is a weighted average of the following factor scores: • Performance: 25% • Funding: 20% • Startup Experience: 5% • Knowledge: 10% • Talent: 5% • Focus: 25% • Legacy: 10% The success factors are weighted by the above percentages to establish the overall rank of each ecosystem. The time frame considered for each factor score is detailed in the ranking details below. The weights of the factors were determined from research and experience. This method takes into account what is deemed to be of importance in ecosystem mapping and analysis overall and across all ecosystem sizes. We have used our research in the period of 2009-2020 and correlation analysis and modeling work based on linear regression analyses, using factor indexes as independent variables with the performance index as dependent variable. Adding the actual Performance Index to the ranking formula serves to include the influence of unobserved factors on the performance of an ecosystem. Ranking Details Performance Captures the actual leading, current, and lagging indicators of ecosystem performance. • 50% number of exits of $50M+ in time period of Apr 1, 2017 to Mar 31, 2022 • 25% number of exits all in time period of Apr 1, 2017 to Mar 31, 2022 • 25% log of output (number of startups in Fintech) in the time period of Jan 01, 2012 to Dec 31, 2021). 135Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Funding Quantifies funding metrics important to the success of early-stage startups. • 10% log of number of Series B funding deals in the time period of Apr 1, 2017 to Mar 31, 2022 • 10% log of number of Series B funding deals in the time period of Apr 1, 2017 to Mar 31, 2022 Knowledge Quantifies the activity of technology knowledge space by measuring the published innovation. • 80% Number of Patents (log of number of patents related to the sub-sector) in the time period of Jan 1, 2011 to Dec 31, 2020. • 10% Technology Potential, a measure calculated at the technology class level globally and calculated for each ecosystem based on the technologies it produces in the time period of Jan 1, 2011 to Dec 31, 2020. • 10% Ecosystem Complexity, a measure of the capacity of the ecosystem for producing patents in complex technology classes, calculated by measuring the diversity and commonness of the published patents globally. Talent Assesses the talent that relevant startups have access to. For this Factor, we analyzed all subjects included in Shanghai Rankings and matched to the relevant Startup Sub-Sectors to calculate the following metrics: • 35% Average of TOP score from Shanghai Rankings • 30% Average of CNCI score from Shanghai Rankings • 30% Average Q1 Score from Shanghai Rankings • 5% Number of Degree Program Experience • 90% Venture A Funding (log of number of historical Series A funding deals, as a proxy for number of teams that raised funds in the ecosystem in the time period of Apr 1, 2012 to Mar 31, 2022 • 10% Exits (log of number of historical $50M+ exits, as a proxy for number of scaled teams in the ecosystem in the time period of Apr 1, 2012 to Mar 31, 2022 Focus Quantifies the concentration of early startups and the availability of infrastructures to support their mentorship and scaling. • 50% share of startups in the sub-sector, shows the concentration of startups in the sub-sector in the time period of Jan 01, 2012 to Dec 31, 2021. (This time frame is different to other metrics because the registration of companies on the global databases has a 6-24 month lag.) • 50% Number of Fintech Focused Accelerators and Incubators. Legacy Quantifies the backbone and large companies in the ecosystems, which are important sources of network, partnership, mentorship, and attract investor attention. • 40% log sum of market value for public companies in Financial Services for all time 136Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. • 35% log normalized market value for Financial Services public companies by population for all time • 20% log of number of financial Services public companies with more than 250 employees for all time • 5% log of the normalized count of financial Services public companies by population with more than 250 employees for all time Key Concepts and Definitions Ranking Score The ranking is primarily driven by one question: In which ecosystems do earlystage startups have the best chance of building global success? Startup A technology-enabled business that is less than 10 years old. Steve Blank defines a startup as a “temporary organization in search of a repeatable and scalable business Model. We use this definition to look across sectors and sub-sectors, including software, hardware, health, energy, and others, and we use these parameters for data collection purposes. Startup Ecosystem A shared pool of resources, generally located within a 60-mile (100-kilometer) radius around a center point in a given region, with a few exceptions based on local realities. Resources typically include policymakers, accelerators, incubators, coworking spaces, educational institutions and funding groups. Ecosystem Success Factors Model Our principal analytical tool, this measures different dimensions that support the performance of local startups. We look at multiple factors for our rankings: one measuring actual performance, with other Success Factors associated with performance, each comprising sub-factors and metrics. These factors are highlighted in our Ranking Methodology section, as well as in each rankings section. • Performance: A combination of leading, lagging, and current indicators that capture economic outcomes in a startup ecosystem. • Funding: The level and growth of early-stage funding, looking at both access and quality. • Startup Experience: The depth and diversity of the pool of prior startup experience in an ecosystem. • Talent: Measures the accessibility, quality, and cost of software engineering expertise. In which ecosystems do earlystage startups have the best chance of building global success? 137Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. 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(2022, April 7), https://enterprise.press/stories/2022/04/07/ egypt-wants-vcs-to-invest-here-directly-and-is-looking-at-regulatory-changes-to- make-it-possible-68695/ Silicon Valley-based plug and play to invest in Egypt’s startup ecosystem. (2021, September 23), https://enterprise.press/stories/2021/09/23/silicon-valley-based- plug-and-play-to-invest-in-egypts-startup-ecosystem-54172/ Tawanda Karombo. (2021, July 2). Egyptian start-UPS are Africa’s new venture capital darlings, https://qz.com/africa/2027988/egypt-attracts-startup-funding-af- ter-banking-regulatory-changes/ Yassin Mohammad. (2022, February 20). Investments in Egyptian fintech companies grow by 300% in 2021, https://www.arabnews.com/node/2028431/busi- ness-economy Egypt’s startup scene in 2021 (Part II): The year startup investment diversified. 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Doing Business in Bahrain: Overview, https://uk.practi- callaw.thomsonreuters.com/9-500-6281?transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc. Default)&firstPage=true Bahrain tops GCC rankings as best place for expats to live | Economic Development Board (EDB) Bahrain. (2021, May 19), https://www.bahrainedb.com/lat- est-news/bahrain-tops-gcc-rankings-as-best-place-for-expats-to-live#:~:text=De- spite%20the%20pandemic%2C%20Bahrain%20remains,%2C%20compared%20 with%2054%25%20globally Bahrain launches ‘golden’ permanent residency visas to lure talent. (2022, February 22), https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/nri/migrate/bahrain-launch- es-golden-permanent-residency-visas-to-lure-talent/articleshow/89747572.cms Ministry of Finance and National Economy | Bahrain Economic Report | Quarterly - Q4 2021. (2022, March), https://www.mofne.gov.bh/Files/cdoc/CI2036-BEQ%20 Q4%202021%20[EN].pdf Zahraa Hussain. (2022, March 17). Bahrain holds region’s first NFT MENA exhibition. (2022, March 17), https://www.bna.bh/en/news?cms=q8FmFJgiscL2fwIz- ON1%2BDgi4YsSbf2vydTxwwYh3umQ%3D The BIBF Launches the First-Ever Educational Linked NFTs in the World. (2022, March 6), https://www.bibf.com/the-bibf-launches-the-first-ever-educational- linked-nfts-in-the-world/ Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance | The BIBF Launches the First-Ever Educational Linked NFTs in the World. (2022, March 6), https://www.bibf.com/the-bibf- launches-the-first-ever-educational-linked-nfts-in-the-world/ Hope Ventures is set to launch its first series of entrepreneurial initiatives by September 2021. (2021, August 3), https://www.startupbahrain.com/news/hope- ventures-is-set-to-launch-its-first-series-of-entrepreneurial-initiatives-by-septem- ber-2021/ Hope Fund | Beban, https://hopefund.bh/beban/ Fareed Rahman. (2022, January 6). 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(2022, February 27), https://www.ucalgary.ca/entrepreneurial/quantum Alberta advantage immigration program. (2022, February 8), https://www.alberta. ca/alberta-advantage-immigration-program.aspx Startup visa (SUV) » platform Calgary, https://www.platformcalgary.com/pro- grams-and-events/suv/ Canada’s thriving tech workforce is outpacing the U.S. | LinkedIn, https://www. linkedin.com/pulse/canadas-thriving-tech-workforce-outpacing-us-riva-gold/ Alberta cleantech report 2021: The state of cleantech in Alberta. (2021, September 22), https://foresightcac.com/learn/alberta-cleantech-report-2021-the-state-of- cleantech-in-alberta/ Validere, https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/validere-technologies/com- pany_financials Amanda Stephenson. (2020, February 22). Neo financial becomes Calgary’s latest $1 billion tech ‘unicorn’ | CBC news, https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/ neo-financial-unicorn-calgary-venture-capital-1.6442174 Neo Financial, https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/neo-financial/compa- ny_financials Symend, https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/symend/company_financials Helcim Inc., https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/helcim/company_finan- cials Fiscal Plan Moving Forward 2022–25, https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/6d0f1358- beb5-4bb7-8da1-a350a138039c/resource/36771cab-bee0-44b5-99ad-a03d88d- a653c/download/budget-2022-fiscal-plan-2022-25.pdf Melbourne Melbourne to host major international tech events - Invest Victoria. (2022, March 21), https://www.invest.vic.gov.au/news-and-events/news/2021/december/mel- 169Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. bourne-to-host-major-international-tech-events Pat Daniel. (2021, October 22). RMIT second in the world for blockchain, https:// coinculture.com/au/tech/rmit-rank-2-globally-for-blockchain/ Fund of funds. (2020, November 12), https://launchvic.org/fund-of-funds $1.8 MILLION FUNDING TO HATCH AGTECH’S NEXT BIG IDEAS. (2020, November 12), https://launchvic.org/files/1.8-Million-Funding-to-Hatch-AgTechs-Next-Big- Ideas-10-Feb-2022.pdf A boost for bio and tech innovation in Victoria - Invest Victoria. (2022, March 21), https://www.invest.vic.gov.au/news-and-events/news/2021/march/a-boost-for- bio-and-tech-innovation-in-victoria Mesoblast, https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/mesoblast/company_finan- cials Seer, https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/seer-5904/company_financials Ena Respiratory, https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/innavac/company_fi- nancials FinTech startups in Melbourne. (2022, March 6), https://tracxn.com/explore/Fin- Tech-Startups-in-Melbourne Intersekt 2021. 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(2021, September 3), https://www.timeshigher- education.com/student/best-universities/best-universities-australia Business school rankings, https://rankings.ft.com/rankings/2866/mba-2022 2021-2022 state budget, https://www.victorianchamber.com.au/cdn/41nmr- 4mixts0g8w0 Business event sponsorship program - City of Melbourne, https://www.mel- bourne.vic.gov.au/business/grants-tenders/business-events-sponsorship/Pages/ business-events-sponsorships.aspx Business event sponsorship recipients - City of Melbourne, https://www.mel- bourne.vic.gov.au/business/grants-tenders/business-events-sponsorship/Pages/ business-events-sponsorship-recipients.aspx Report on the 2021–22 Budget Estimates, https://www.parliament.vic.gov.au/ images/stories/committees/paec/2021-22_Budget_Estimates/Report/PAEC_59- 12_2021-22_Budget_Estimates.pdf Kuala Lumpur Aerodyne Group, https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/aerodyne-america 170Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Jirnexu, https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/jirnexu CapBay, https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/capital-bay Carsome, https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/carsome Malaysia’s startup ecosystem is becoming competitive, but more work needs to be done. (2022, January 31), https://www.businesstoday.com.my/2022/02/02/malay- sias-startup-ecosystem-is-becoming-competitive-but-more-work-needs-to-be-do- ne/ Budget Speech 2022. (2021, October 29), https://budget.mof.gov.my/pdf/2022/ ucapan/bs22.pdf Malaysia Startup Ecosystem Roadmap 2021 - 2030, https://www.mosti.gov.my/ wp-content/uploads/repository/penerbitan/2021/(SUPER)%20Malaysia%20Start- up%20Ecosystem%20Roadmap%202021-2030.pdf Southeast Asia gaming market - Growth, trends, COVID-19 impact, and forecasts (2022 - 2027). (2022), https://www.reportlinker.com/p06227800/Southeast-Asia- Gaming-Market-Growth-Trends-COVID-19-Impact-and-Forecasts.html Li Mei Foong. (2021, July 6). Malaysia’s video games take on global boss fight, https://the-ken.com/sea/story/malaysias-pixel-sized-video-game-sector-in-a-glob- al-boss-fight/ The gaming industry: A new game of growth. (2020, December 8), https://www. mida.gov.my/the-gaming-industry-a-new-game-of-growth/ PREMIER ONLINE GAME DEVELOPERS CONFERENCE IN SOUTHEAST ASIA. (2021, October 1), https://mdec.my/levelupkl/ George Miller. (2022, January 13). Galaxy racer to invest RM42 million (US$10 million) into Malaysia’s Esports ecosystem, https://europeangaming.eu/portal/ latest-news/2022/01/13/107100/galaxy-racer-to-invest-rm42-million-us10-million- into-malaysias-esports-ecosystem/ Malaysia — Network readiness index, https://networkreadinessindex.org/country/ malaysia/ Business friendly environment - Why greater KL, https://www.investkl.gov.my/ why-greater-kl/business-friendly-environment Istanbul Turkish startups snag $1.55B funding in 2021. (2022, January 25), https://www. pymnts.com/startups/2022/turkish-startups-snag-record-1-55b-funding-in-2021-a- 948-pct-increase/ Timur Sırt. (2022, January 21). Turkish startups notch record $1.5B funding in buoyant 2021, https://www.dailysabah.com/business/tech/turkish-startups-notch- record-15b-funding-in-buoyant-2021 171Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Acknowledgments & Partners 171Learn more and get connected at startupgenome.com 172Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Acknowledgments GSER 2022: Fintech Edition A project like the Global Startup Ecosystem Report: Fintech Edition can only be realized with an enormous effort from both the project team and external supporters. Several partners have invested significant resources into the project. Numerous advisors, founders, investors, and industry experts have given us access to their knowledge, networks, and time because they support our vision and want to move their ecosystem and the whole startup sector forward. Startup Genome and Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN) would like to express our deep gratitude and appreciation to everyone who contributed towards making this project possible. Startup Genome Authors JF Gauthier, Chief Executive Officer Marc Penzel, President Stephan Keuster, Head of Ecosystem Strategy Hazel Boydell, Editor-in-Chief External Authors Jimmy Chen, Founder & CEO, Propel Walid Hassouna, CEO, valU Ahmed Wagueeh, co-founder & CTO, Khazna Project Team Startup Genome JF Gauthier, Founder & CEO Marc Penzel, Founder & President Stephan Keuster, Head of Ecosystem Strategy Tricia (Whitlock) Naik, Chief Operations Officer Dr. Christopher Haley, Head of Research Hazel Boydell, Editor-in-Chief Rahul Chatterjee, Director, Global Operations & MD, Delhi 173Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. 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All Rights Reserved. Partners Global Partners TNW TNW is a global digital brand that informs, inspires, and connects people who love tech, through media, events, and spaces. Primarily known for its media outlet and award-winning tech events, TNW also incorporates a co-working label, a global startup database, and delivers custom innovation programs to corporates and governments. Bella Private Markets Provides actionable advice on private capital challenges. Combining rigorous academic approaches with real world industry expertise, its expert team focuses on complex, customized projects that require thorough analysis, whether quantitative or qualitative in nature, to help its clients assess or design strategies, improve performance, and chart winning strategies for the future. Crunchbase Everyday investors, journalists, founders, and the global business community turn to Crunchbase for information on startups and the people behind them. Dealroom.co Provides data-driven intelligence on high-growth companies. Tech Nation (formerly Tech City UK) Empowers ambitious tech entrepreneurs through growth programs, digital entrepreneurship skills, a visa scheme for exceptional talent, and by championing the U.K. digital sector through data, stories, and media campaigns. Startup Genome Network Members Startup Genome provides its members with innovation policy advice and exclusive research. Members also gain access to a global network of policymakers, government representatives, and other leaders to further support and accelerate the growth of innovation ecosystems. Abu Dhabi Hub71 Amsterdam Techleap.nl Atlantic Canada Innovacorp Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) Bahrain Tamkeen 175Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Belgrade & Novi Sad Cabinet of the Minister for Innovation and Technological Development Digital Serbia Initiative Biscay Startup Bay Diputación Foral de Bizkaia Bogotá iNNpulsa District Secretariat of Economic Development (DSED) Invest in Bogotá Budapest National Research, Development and Innovation Office Ministry of Innovation and Technology Cairo Information Technology Industry Development Agency Calgary Platform Calgary Calgary Economic Development Cape Town City of Cape Town WESGRO Silicon Cape for Cape Town Denmark Digital Hub Denmark Doha Qatar Development Bank Edmonton City of Edmonton Frankfurt TechQuartier StartHub Hessen Helsinki Metropolitan Area City of Helsinki City of Espoo City of Vantaa 176Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Hesse Hessian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Energy, Transport and Housing Indiana Indiana Economic Development Corporation Israel Israel Innovation Authority Istanbul Istanbul Development Agency Bangalore - Karnataka Karnataka Innovation and Technology Society Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre Kerala Kerala Startup Mission KIC InnoEnergy SE Kuala Lumpur Cradle Fund Kyoto Kyoto Wisdom Industry Creation Center London Tech Nation Lille EuraTechnologies Luxembourg The Government of the Grand Duke Luxembourg Mannheim-Heidelberg Technologiepark Heidelberg Manila Department of Trade and Industry Melbourne LaunchVic La Trobe University Metro Rhein-Ruhr Ministry for Economy, Innovation, Digitization and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia Miami Knight Foundation 177Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Mid-East Region Ireland Meath Enterprise Mississippi Mississippi Development Authority Montreal Startup Montréal Centech Montréal International Ville de Montréal New South Wales Investment NSW New York City New York City Economic Development Corporation Tech:NYC New Zealand New Zealand Startup Partnership Novarium Ocean Super Cluster Ontario Government of Ontario Osaka Osaka Business Development Agency Palestine The Innovative Private Sector Development (IPSD) Philadelphia Ben Franklin Technology Partners University City Science Center Drexel University Pittsburgh InnovatePGH Partnership Pittsburgh Regional Alliance Innovation Works Portugal Startup Portugal Québec City Québec International 178Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Ras Al Khaimah Office of Strategic Studies, Government of Ras Al Khaimah Rotterdam Up!Rotterdam Rotterdam Partners São Paulo ABStartups Seoul Seoul Business Agency Sharjah Sharjah Entrepreneurship Center (Sheraa) Singapore Enterprise Singapore Sri Lanka Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka Sweden Vinnova Tel Aviv Tel Aviv Global Telangana T-Hub Foundation Tokyo Tokyo Metropolitan Government Deloitte Japan Toronto-Waterloo MaRS Discovery District Communitech Corporation Tunisia Smart Capital CDC Turin Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo Western Balkan Region German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) 179Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Ecosystem Partners Atlantic Canada, Canada Startup Zone New Brunswick Innovation Foundation Innovacorp Genesis Centre New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF) Propel Innovation PEI Bounce Health Innovation Concrete Ventures Saint Mary’s University Venn Ignite Build Ventures Dal Innovates Volta Centre for Women in Business Navigate Startup House Halifax Innovation District Atlantic FinTech Cape Breton Partnership-Innovation District Bahrain Bahrain Fintech Bay 500 Startups Al Doseri Investments Bahrain Development Bank Bahrain Fashion Incubator Brinc C5 Capital & C5 Accelerate Corporate Hub Economic Development Board Environment Arabia Flat6Labs Bahrain Kickstart Bahrain Middle East Venture Partners Kickstart Bahrain Level Z Nest Accelerator Osool 180Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Rowad Program Social Media Club StartupBahrain Startup MGZN Tenmou - The Bahrain Business Angels Company UNIDO - Bahrain Yo Startups Bangalore-Karnataka, India 91springboard Kyron Global Microsoft Ventures Global Incubation Services Microsoft Tlabs Nasscom The India Network Beijing, China 91Maker Creative Young Community Cyzone Innoway BJ Makes-global Noodle & Meetup Startup Grind Suhehui Technode Belgrade & Novi Sad, Serbia Business Incubator (BITF) Business Incubator Novi Sad ICT Hub Innovation Fund SC Ventures Science Technology Park Belgrade Serbian Games Association Serbian Blockchain Initiative Startit The Office of the Minister without Portfolio Responsible for Innovation and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia UNICEF Innovation Fund Vojvodina ICT Cluster 181Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Cairo, Egypt Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (TIEC) 500 Startups A15 Flat6 Labs Cairo Falak Startups AUC Venture Lab Innoventures Algebra Ventures EdVentures Sawari Ventures FEPS Business Incubator Seedstars Endure HIM angel Kamelezer The Cairo Angels Ideavelopers Calgary, Canada A100 Alberta Enterprise Corporation Alberta Innovation Corridor Bow Valley College Calgary Innovation Coalition Creative Destruction Lab - Rockies Innovate Calgary Mount Royal University, Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship National Angel Capital Organization Rainforest Alberta Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) Startup Calgary University of Calgary, Hunter Hub for Entrepreneurial Thinking Venture Capital Association of Alberta Chicago, United States Catapult Chicago University of Chicago Matter Chicago mHUB 182Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. The Shift Chicago 1871 WorldChicago Denmark #CPHFTW AalborgSyndikatet AAU Incubator (SEA), Aalborg University Accelerace (and Symbion) Agro Food Park Inkubator/Agro Business Park AI Innovation House Arsenalet Brains Business Business Factory Center for Industri Copenhagen Fintech Danske Commodities (DC) Business Accelerator Digital Hub Denmark DTU Skylab Ecopark Filmby Aarhus incl. Ideas Lab Food ehub Green Tech Center Growing Investors Ideas Lab Incuba Science Parks incl. Incuba Startup Lab InnoFounder It-forum (netværk) Leo Innovation Lab Lynfabrikken Novi Odense Robotics Odense Robotics Startup Hub Office Lab PreSeed Venture Robo Cluster Startup Factory - Navitas StartupWorks Talent Garden Rainmaking TechBBQ The City of Aarhus, Business Development The Creators Community 183Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. The Danish Growth Fund Thinkubator (and SingularityU) UAS Denmark Venture Cup VIA studentervæksthus Aarhus C WeLoveStartups Edmonton, Canada Innovate Edmonton Startup Edmonton TEC Edmonton University of Alberta Health Accelerator Startup TNT Valhalla Private Capital Advanced Technology Centre Edmonton Regional Innovation Network Frankfurt, Germany Frankfurt Economic Development Goethe University Frankfurt Hessen Trade & Invest (HTAI) Hessian Ministry of Economics, Energy, Transport and Housing HIGHEST TU Darmstadt ING-DiBa Station FRM WIBank Greater Helsinki, Finland Aalto Entrepreneurship Society (Aaltoes) A Grid Business Espoo Enter Espoo, Kiuas, Junction Maria01 Slush Helsinki Education Hub Terkko Health hub Arctic15 Indiana Elevate Ventures gBETA Techpoint Purdue Research Foundation The Mill 184Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Flywheel Fund Southbend-Elkhart Regional Partnership Indiana SBDC DeveloperTown Endeavor Society of Innovators at Purdue Northwest Speakeasy STARedUP Foundation The Northeast Indiana Innovation Center AgriNovus Kosciusko EDC NEXT Studios Sixty8 Capital University of Notre Dame London, United Kingdom MassChallenge Techstars London Balderton Capital Wayra London Accelerator Network City of London KPMG TechUK GSMA Level39 Tech London Advocates GEN Microsoft Ventures Northzone Microsoft for Startups Manila, Philippines Department of Science and Technology Department of Information and Communications Technology Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines Small Business Corporation National Development Company Philippine Exporters Confederation, Inc. QBO Innovation Hub AIM-Dado Banatao Incubator IdeaSpace Foundation 185Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Startup Village Launchgarage Brainsparks Philippine Fintech Association Fintech Alliance of the Philippines Melbourne, Australia Potential(x) ygap First Gens Accelerator Program ASTN HeadStart Cyrise SBE Australia, Springboard Tech SBE Australia, Springboard Life Sciences SBE Australia, E3 Runway Hq ACMI X BioMelbourne Network Inspire9 Runway Geelong Rome2Rio Startup Bootcamp Startup Victoria York Butter Factory Miami, United States 500 Startups Miami Angels Endeavor Miami eMerge Americas Venture Cafe Miami Refresh Miami Venture for America Florida International University University of Miami LAB Miami Babson WIN Idea Center at Miami Dade College CIC Miami Code Fever The Venture City WeWork WhereBy.Us 186Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Mid-East Region, Ireland EO Accelerator Meath Enterprise Centre Boyne Valley Food Hub Arklow Enterprise Centre Athy Enterprise Centre Clane Project Centre Kells Tech Hub Maynooth Works Wicklow Enterprise Centre Kells Enterprise & Technology Centre PFS Accelerator Meath County Council Meath Local Enterprise Office Meath County Chamber Louth-Meath Education & Training Board Maynooth University Kildare Chamber of Commerce Kildare County Council Kildare Local Enterprise Office Kildare-Wicklow Education & Training Board Wicklow Chamber of Commerce Wicklow County Council Wicklow Local Enterprise Office Enterprise Ireland Mid-East Regional Skills Forum Mid-East Action Plan for Jobs Committee Industrial Development Authority - IDA Media Ireland Montréal, Canada BCF Ventures CEIM CEuMontréal Creative Destruction Lab Cycle Momentum District 3 Esplanade EVOL Fintech Cadence Founder Institute FounderFuel 187Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Futurpreneur Canada Groupe 3737 HEC Montréal Investissement Québec International IVADO Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation du Québec MILA Montréal InVivo Montréal NewTech MT Lab Next AI Notman House PME MTL Polytechnique Montréal Quartier de l’innovation Réseau Mentorat Startupfest TandemLaunch Techstars AI V1 studio Zu New York City, United States Starta Venture Accelerator Blue Ridge Labs Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce Bunker Labs Cela Civic Hall Coindesk/Consensus Company Entrepreneurs Roundtable Accelerator Flatiron Partnership Gary’s Guide Innovative Collective Mayor’s Office of International Affairs MeetUp New Lab New York Angels NY Fashion Tech Lab NY Tech Alliance NYC Blend SAP 188Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Techstars URBAN-X VentureOut New Zealand Angel HQ Angel Association New Zealand ArcAngels BizDojo Blackbird Ventures Brandon Capital Partners Bridgewest Ventures Callaghan Innovation Creative HQ COIN South Flux Accelerator Lightning Lab Enterprise Angels Equitise Flying Kiwi Angels GD1 Global Entrepreneurship Network Icehouse Ventures KiwiNet Kōkiri Ministry of Awesome Movac New Zealand Trade and Enterprise New Zealand Growth Capital Fund Northland Inc SODA Inc Sprout Startup Dunedin StartupWeekend Startup Queenstown Lakes The Factory ThincLab TIN Network WNT Ventures ZeroPoint Ventures 189Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Québec City, Canada BDC PwC Québec ROBIC Ville de Québec Québec City Group if incubators Quantino Entrepreneuriat Laval Metro Rhein-Ruhr, Germany 1stMOVER :agile Accelerator Axa Startup Center BLSW Capnamic Coparion Founders Institute Future Champions Accelerator Gateway Gründungsservice der Universität zu Köln Getstarted, Bitkom Gründerzentrum RWTH Aachen HEADQUARTER[S] Cologne High-Tech Gründerfonds Hub Aachen Intelligent Venture Capital Management MWIDE NRW Bank Business Angel Initiative WIN NRWalley NUK — Neues Unternehmertum Rheinland Pirate Summit / Jolly Rogers UG S-UBG STARTPLATZ Startup Dorf Startup Unit Düsseldorf Tengelmann Ventures Vodafone Uplifts Seattle, United States Startup Seattle ARI Lighter Capital New Tech Northwest 190Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Techstars Fledge Microsoft Ventures Seattle Angel Conference Alliance of Angels Startup Grind Seven Peaks Ventures Angel Resource Institute Microsoft for Startups SURF Incubator Shanghai, China ChinaAccelerator Ether Capital Innoclub Innospace+ NakedHub People Square Startup Grind Technode Xnode Sharjah, UAE Sharjah Media City (Shams) Singapore Action Community for Entrepreneurship 500 Startups FocusTech Ventures Starburst Accelerator 500 Ecosystems Singapore PTE. LTD. Startup X PTE. LTD. Trendlines Medical Singapore Tel Aviv, Israel Future Block Programs Future Block Coworking Techstars Startup Nation Central Geektime SOSA Microsoft Ventures Microsoft for Startups 191Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Tokyo, Japan Plug n Play Japan Venture Capital Association (KII, UTEC), Keidanren, Keio University, Mitsubishi Estate, Mitsui Fudosan, Mori Building, Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tokyu, Tokyu Land Corporation, The University of Tokyo, Waseda University Toronto-Waterloo, Canada Centre for Social Innovation Invest Toronto Next 36 OneEleven DMZ City of Toronto World Canada Brook eld Institute The Founder City Project Venture Lab RIC Centre Innovation Factory Haltech Creative Destruction Lab Turin, Italy VeM Venture Capital Monitor Iban Italian Business Angel Network Torino City Lab Unione Industriale Torino I3P LIFTT 192Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2022 Startup Genome LLC (www.startupgenome.com), All Rights Reserved. You agree not to reproduce nor distribute the report, either by email, website download, or any other electronic or physical means without the prior written authorization of Startup Genome. This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as professional advice.