Elaboration schedule of the Master's thesis:
- Elaboration of individual chapters by: 28. 2. 2021
- Elaboration of conclusion by: 31. 3. 2021
- Submission of the thesis at the department by: 7. 5. 2021
The framework content of the thesis:
The aim of the master thesis is to ...
Estimated range of the thesis:
Estimated range of the Master's thesis is 45 - 65 pages.
[1] BOHUŠOVÁ, H., 2013. Konvergence of systems IFRS and US GAAP. Brno: Policy Research Center ISBN 978-80-87909-00-3.
[2] FORET, M., 2008. Marketing research: we know our customers. Brno: Computer Press a.s. ISBN 978-80-251-2183-2.
[3] KOZEL, R., L. MLYNÁŘOVÁ and H. SVOBODOVÁ, 2011. Modern methods and techniques of marketing research. Prague: Grada Publishing, a.s. ISBN 978-80-247-3527-6.