PLANNING AND MANAGING INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION 1.Situation analysis 2.Targets and target groups determination 3.Budgeting 4.Marketing communication strategy 5.Marketing communication coordination and integration 6.Marketing communication implementation 7.Marketing communication effectivity testing STEPS OF COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGN A. Situation analysis B. Targets and target groups determination C. Budgeting D. Marketing communication mix strategy (strategy, elements, media) E. Marketing communication coordination and integration F. Marketing communication implementation G. Marketing communication effectivity testing A. SITUATION ANALYSIS ANALYSIS  INTERNAL (good product and its positioning, recognizable and remarkable brand, loyal customers, tradition, financial resources, participation in sponsorship projects, previous communication campaigns etc.)  EXTERNAL (product and comunication activities of competitors, legislation and ethics code of professional associations, popularity and use intensity of various types of media in some region, number and quality of communication agencies etc.) INTERNATIONAL DIFFICULTIES IN MARKETING  Here are some of the intricacies that contribute towards the difficulty of global marketing:  Language (incorrect translation), literacy.  Colour.  Gestures.  Product features, packaging, materials.  Original national identity.  Media availability, media overlap, lack of media data, lack of media credibility.  Varying media characteristics, different media usage.  Legal restrictions.  Competition.  Names of products (local name is inappropriate for foreign markets). MARKETING STRATEGIES IN INTERNATIONAL MARKETS  Global marketing strategies (principle of adaptation x standardization):  Same product + same communications (Coca-Cola).  Same product + different communications (bicycle in Europe for creational x in Africa for transport).  Different product + same communications (different petrol fomulae but the same advertising image – petrol station).  Different product + different communications (car company).  New product (invention) + new communications (handpowered washing machine). B. TARGETS AND TARGET GROUPS DETERMINATION (SMART!) Marketing communication targets  Economical (sales increase, profit increase, market share increase, new product launch, …)  Uneconomical (image improvement – repositioning, brand general knowledge increase, …) TARGETS AND TARGET GROUPS DETERMINATION  Specific target groups: children, seniors, potential parents, gays (pink dolar) – LATENT DEMAND?!  See previous lecture – process STP – targeting!!! C. BUDGETING  Method of residual budget  Method of percentage share of turnover  Method according to competitive practices  Method according to targets ADVERTISING BUDGET MODEL IN SHAPED „S “ Sale Communication activities A YES NO D. MARKETING COMMUNICATION MIX STRATEGY (STRATEGY, ELEMENTS, MEDIA)  Strategy of marketing communication:  Push strategy - a set of activities aimed at encouraging members of the distribution channel to stock and sell the product.  Pull strategy - promoting heavily to end customers and consumers in order to pull products through the distribution channel PULL X PUSH MARKETING COMMUNICATION STRATEGY D. MARKETING COMMUNICATION MIX STRATEGY (STRATEGY, ELEMENTS, MEDIA)  Selection of marketing communication elements: advertising (medial mix), sales promotion, personal selling, PR, DM, sponsorship – see previous lectures!!! E. MARKETING COMMUNICATION COORDINATION AND INTEGRATION  Activities determinations, responsibility for communication campaign (own marketing department/in-house x communication agency – advantages, disadvantages!), schedule, … F. MARKETING COMMUNICATION IMPLEMENTATION  Planned communication activities are put in practice. G. MARKETING COMMUNICATION EFFECTIVITY TESTING  The measurement of communication campaign coverage and impact  pre-testing (storyboard), post-testing (questioning), continual testing, tracking studies  Electronic methods of testing (eye camera, psychogalvanometer, tachistoscope, TV meter, …) STORYBOARD (A SET OF DRAWINGS WHICH DESCRIBE THE OUTLINE OF A TV COMMERCIAL) THE EYE CAMERA