III. ADVERTISING 1. What is advertising? 2. Specific forms of Ads 3. Medial mix 1. WHAT IS ADVERTISING? ADVERTISING  The paid form of impersonal presentation.  The advertising is a persuasive process by which the users of products are sought through communication media. THE BASIC FEATURES OF ADVERTISING  Mass  Paid  Impersonal 2. SPECIFIC FORMS OF ADVERTISING  COOPERATIVE ADVERTISING  IN-DOOR ADVERTISING  SUBLIMINAL ADVERTISING COOPERATIVE ADVERTISING  Two or more companies participate in the same communication campaign.  Typical for complements.  e.g. - Škoda + Shell. COOPERATIVE ADVERTISING IN-DOOR ADVERTISING  Advertising located in public covered territory (trains, planes, public transport, shopping centers, consulting rooms, …). SUBLIMINAL ADVERTISING  Subliminal stimuli = "below threshold", are any sensory stimuli below an individual's threshold for conscious perception.  Visual stimuli may be quickly flashed before an individual can process them, or flashed and then masked. Audio stimuli may be played below audible volumes, masked by other stimuli.  Some research has found that subliminal messages do not produce strong or lasting changes in behavior X a recent review of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies shows that subliminal stimuli activate specific regions of the brain despite participants being unaware. "EAT POPCORN" AND "DRINK COCA-COLA“  The birth of subliminal advertising it dates to 1957 when a market researcher named James Vicary inserted the words "Eat Popcorn" and "Drink Coca-Cola" into a movie.  The subliminal ads supposedly created an 18.1% increase in Coke sales and a 57.8% increase in popcorn sales.  Vicary's results turned out to be a hoax. But more recent experiments have shown that subliminal messages actually can affect behavior in small ways.  Source:http://subliminalmanipulation.blogspot.cz/ BASIC TRRADITIONAL MEDIA Medium + Reasons for using - Reasons for not using TV Realism – sight, sound, movement, repetition, regional zoning, entertaining Poor selectivity, detail often missed, high costs long lead times, highly regulated content, inflexible Radio Widespread use, active, local targeting, relatively inexpensive, can involve listeners No visual content, often used only as background, small audiences, low prestige Outdoor (out- of-home, Billboard) Low cost, localized, easily changed Low-attention capacity, limited segmentation possible, vulnerable to vandalism, poor image Medium + Reasons for using - Reasons for not using News press Relatively inexpensive, short lead time, wide reach, good for technical detail Passive, reproduction of photos my be poor, no dynamics Magazine Quality of reproduction provides high impact, longevity, can associate a brand with cultural icons among a mass audience Visual only, long lead times, doe not foster a relationship Internet Inexpensive presence, active, allows movement, sound and colour to attract, fast information provision, can have a sales facility No national coverage, limited access and not relevant for goods as perfume and food Cinema High impact, captive audience Expensive, lacks detail ACTUAL MEDIA  Word of Mouth  Indoor  Mobile phone  Non-traditional media (Ambient media)