Defining Project Project lifecycle and its types Project organising and staffing RACI matrix Project Management Lucie Reczzkova B304 Office hours: Wednesday 10-11.30 Contents 1. PART •Project lifecycle 2. PART •Outputs, results, and benefits of the project •Organizing and staffing the project •Working on your project part 1.6.1 • 3. PART •RACI matrix •Working on your project part 1.6.2 • • • • • • Learning objectives On the end of this lecture you should be able to understand and explain: •What is project lifecycle and its phases. • •The types of project lifecycles. •What is RACI matrix, why do we use it and how do we assemble it. • •How is project organized and what staff do we need to do the project. • • • • Key readings You can find support in the following sources: Chapter 2. Project Management Growth: Concepts and Definitions Chapter 4. Organizing and Staffing the Project Office and Team Kerzner, H. (2017). Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 978-1-119-16535-4. Chapter 5. Developing a mission, vision, goals, and objectives for the project Haegney, J. (2016). Fundamentals of project management. AMACOM Chapter 1, 2 & 6 Grit, R. (2021). Project management : A practical approach. Taylor & Francis Group. • • • • PART 1 What is project lifecycle •Every program, project, or product has certain phases of development known as life-cycle. •A clear understanding of these phases permits managers and executives to better control resources to achieve the specific objectives of the project. •However, the end result is often only temporary. Example: The results of reorganising a car factory or manufacturing a new car model, will lose their value in the long term. After a number of years, the car factory will start up a new project in order to manufacture an even newer car model. •The entire process from start to finish of a project is called the ‘project lifecycle’. • • Project lifecycle phases Project lifecycle phases •Phases at the start of the project - concept, definition, preliminary design, detailed design and production. •Utilisation phase - At the end of the production phase, the deliverable is accomplished and subsequently used. • •During the utilisation phase, follow-up and maintenance are required to maintain the results and keep them up to date. • •After some time, follow-up might be insufficient, and stagnation will occur. • Project lifecycle example • Example for car factory: Øsales of the model start slowing down, or the factory becomes obsolete from a technical perspective. Ø ØA decline then follows, and the project output is no longer useful. ØIn the meantime, a new project might be started up to manufacture an even newer model or build a new factory, and the lifecycle of a new project begins. • Vevox questions PART 2 Types of Project Life Cycle • • • A project can have one of the following types of life cycles: Predictive Life Cycle Iterative Life Cycle Incremental Life Cycle Hybrid Life Cycle Predictive Life Cycle (PMBOK Guide 5) •Also known as the waterfall life cycle. •Traditional form of project management •Project manager develops the complete project management plan at the beginning and then follows it until the project completes. •You plan the work and then work the plan. •The scope of work is fixed. •The chances of changes are low. •Risks are rare, but costly. nal%20approach.-,The%20Incremental%20Project%20Management%20Life%20Cycle,or%20deliverable%20is%20fu lly%20met. Iterative Life Cycle •The iterative and predictive life cycles are comparable. •The processes in each phase are iterated till the phase exit criteria are met. • •It is series of mini-waterfalls. •For small or less complex projects. •Better insulation to changes than the traditional (predictive) approach. nal%20approach.-,The%20Incremental%20Project%20Management%20Life%20Cycle,or%20deliverable%20is%20fu lly%20met. Incremental Life Cycle •The project manager delivers small, usable pieces of deliverables to the client, and based on the feedback the product is refined and developed. •The approach is cyclic in nature and each cycle delivers an added functionality. •The process is repeated till the exit criteria for deliverable is fully met. •For large and complex projects. •Better handles change. nal%20approach.-,The%20Incremental%20Project%20Management%20Life%20Cycle,or%20deliverable%20is%20fu lly%20met. Hybrid Life Cycle • • •The hybrid life cycle is a hybrid of all previously introduced life cycles. •It can be any combination of those life cycles. •A project manager is responsible for selecting the life cycle best suited for their project. Significance of the Project Life Cycle •Offers a Framework to Execute Projects • •Enhances Team Communication • •Helps Measure Progress and Development • •Allows Project’s Evolution • •Helps Organize Reviews and Improve Governance Vevox questions PART 3 Project organising and staffing • • • •In order to carry out a project, management must establish a separate project organisation. • •This organisation is ‘outside’ of the normal line organisation and has its own, temporary project manager, •who acts as the temporary manager of the members of the project team. • Organizing project • • Project and its surroundings • Project and its surroundings – the stakeholders •Stakeholders must be identified and managed throughout the life of the project, because they have direct effect on the success or failure of our project. • •How do we manage stakeholders? -> We ask following questions: 1.Who benefits from the project? -> Who benefits from the deliverables (output) of the project. 2.Who contributes to the project? The people or groups we rely on to get the project done (Project team members, project sponsor, outside experts etc.) 3.Who is impacted by the project? The project output (deliverable) can impact others who do not necessarily benefit from it (engineering supplying priority data for a new marketing campaign). • • • Project and its surroundings – the stakeholders •A signature means that the individual is committed to his contribution, agrees with the scope of work to be done, and accepts the specifications as valid. • •A signature does not mean a guarantee of performance, it is only commitment that we will do our best to fulfil our obligations. Organizing project – the project group •A project group is made up of people who have been brought together, because of their particular capacities, expertise and attitude. •To weld the group into a team, a good, positive atmosphere is essential: the members of the group may not even know each other. •As well as setting out the tasks of each individual in the team, the team has to make decisions relating to: its members should collaborate, and when meetings are planned, and decisions are reached. • Organizing project – the project group •A project group performs several functions: ØProject management is the task of the project manager. A larger project may be divided up into various working groups with a working group manager in charge of each. ØA project manager is sometimes supported by an assistant project manager. ØLarge projects in particular should have a project secretary assigned to them. With small projects, one of the members of the team could be appointed secretary. ØThe duties of the secretary consist of taking care of the correspondence, taking the minutes of meetings, noting how much time has gone into the tasks (time records) and managing the project’s files. ØProject members are selected on the basis of their expertise and their capacity to execute the project. They may be recruited from within the organisation itself, but may also be brought in from outside. ØConsultants. These are very often experts from the within organisation itself, but consultants from outside may also need to be hired. Organizing project – working group ØOne or more working groups can be established within the project group. ØThe working group is responsible for carrying out a separate sub-task of the project. ØThe working group manager is in charge. Example: vwhen building a new factory, for example, a working group can be put together to organise a festive opening, or, vwhen placing a new product on the market, a working group might be responsible for the advertising campaign. vA working group might even be put together to organise a training course after a totally new information system has been installed at a company. Organizing project – project environment The outside world ØA project group does not do its work in isolation and has a certain relationship with the ‘outside world’, i.e. the project environment. ØPeople from outside the organisation may include the following: •The project sponsor of the project group •A steering committee •A committee of experts. This is a group of people experienced in the activities that are required to execute the project. They are available to exchange experiences and act as a sounding board. Few projects have such a committee. •Departmental heads. These individuals provide project members from within the main organisation. •A representative advisory board (or other participation committee) that provides advice on the project or is required to give approval for the project. •The government, which provides subsidies and issues permits. •Interest groups which are inconvenienced by the project and the project result. Who is the project sponsor? •The sponsor is the customer of the project group, who wants the project’s end product to be put at his disposal and who will pay for it. •The project sponsor is responsible for initiating the project and providing the funding. •He will support the project and communicate with the project manager on a regular basis. •There should be only one main sponsor for the project. •The result that the project delivers must meet at least to some extent the project’s objectives as established by the project sponsor. •The sponsor is sometimes termed the ‘owner of the project objectives’. •The project objectives must address the following question: why does the sponsor want this project to be implemented? Who is the project sponsor? •The sponsor has the ultimate say in whether the project result is acceptable. • •The decisions the sponsors make: whether to approve the project proposal, the project plan and the results that the team ultimately delivers. •The sponsor is also responsible for acquisition of a budget and for making sufficient staff and resources available to the project group. •The sponsor must be able to clarify any uncertainties the project group might have and help the group resolve any problems. •Along with the project manager, the sponsor is responsible for monitoring the time and money spent and the standard of research done. Who are the future users of the project? •The project result (the end product) is eventually ‘put into use’ by (future) ‘users’. Example: Ø a construction project yields a house in which the new occupants are considered the users of the project result. ØPatients and nurses are the users of a new hospital wing following its construction, whereas the hospital director is the sponsor. ØWith a project that entails implementing a new computer program, the people who will be working with the new program are the users. ØThe users of a project with the goal of organising a major study trip are the students. •The sponsor pays for the project but the users must work with its results. It is therefore essential to involve the future users in the project from its onset and to keep them involved throughout the entire project. Who is a project manager? •Project managers plan, monitor, and control the project •Project manager is the so-called owner of the project’s objectives, and • is the owner of the project’s results. •The project’s results must provide an answer to the following question: what product must this project group deliver? •If the project is carried out within a company, the project manager will usually be appointed by the board of directors. •occasionally a project group is allowed to choose a project manager from their midst. •If no one is available to take on the task of being the project manager, an experienced person could be engaged via a consulting agency. The competencies of project manager? •leadership •to negotiate •A result-oriented working style •to distinguish between main issues and minor issues •to estimate the risks that could threaten the project •to determine the limits of the project •to formulate a project plan •to determine the required competency levels of the project team members •to plan and think ahead •to monitor quality •to motivate and lead the members of the project team •to organise and delegate •to manage finances In addition to general management skills, a project manager must be able to work in a systematic and result-oriented fashion. A project manager should at least possess the following abilities: • Organizational structure types Influence of Organizational Structures on projects •Each factor may carry a different level of importance in the final analysis. • •The combination of the factor, its value, and relative importance provides the organization’s decision makers with the right information for inclusion in the analysis. Source. PMBOK Guide Group work – Organizational structure of the project Point 1.6.1 of the template Your project does not need necessarily all of the position listed in the template! Choose only the relevant ones! Do not forget to create an organigram - a diagram of your organizational structure of your project stakeholders. Vevox questions Organizational structure of the project (diagram, RACI matrix) • • • RACI matrix - assigning of responsibilities of each individual or their jobs in a task (project, service or process) in the organization. Responsible – who is responsible for performing the assigned task (implements, is responsible) Accountable - who is responsible for the whole task, is responsible for what is done (manages, decides) Consulted - who can provide advice or consultation for the task (consults, information is requested or waiting for a response to the activity) 2-way communication Informed – who should be informed about the progress of the task or decisions in the task (1-way communication) Organizational structure of the project (diagram, RACI matrix) • • • Organizational structure of the project (diagram, RACI matrix) • • • Organizational structure of the project (diagram, RACI matrix) • • • Time for recap – let’s watch together • • Group work – RACI matrix Point 1.6.2 of the seminar work template •Create your own RACI matrix •First identify the main stakeholders and main activities of your project (look back in your Logical framework and the activities and tasks in your matrix, use them for your RACI matrix as well. • References • •Grit, R. (2021). Project management : A practical approach. Taylor & Francis Group. • •Haegney, J. (2016). Fundamentals of project management. AMACOM • •Kerzner, H. (2017). Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 978-1-119-16535-4. •