Developing a Project Seminar 1 SMART criterion, developing project idea and name Project Management Content 1.PART (5-10 min.) •Introduction to your project and answering any questions •2. PART (55 min.) •Working together – Project should be SMART (20mins) •Task 1 - Develop a project “My Schedule Today“ (30mins) •Create a groups of up to 3 people for working on the project (5mins) 3. PART (30 min.) •Task 2. Choose a project topic and name (what is appropriate to use as a project - feedback from the tutor) write down ideas, students choose 3 topics and then determine the "+" and "-" of the ideas (advantages and disadvantages, whether to implement as a project) (25mins) •Vevox quiz (5mins) •There will be feedback as needed during the time of the groups working on each section of their project and according to the needs of each group/students) • • • • • Introduction Seminar paper (assignment) •You need to complete an assignment (seminar paper) for max. of 30 points (30% of final grade). •The due date is 15.12.2024 (midnight). •Upload (doc/pdf file) to Information System (homework vaults-will specify it later on) • •You need to present your assignment (seminar paper) during the last lecture on 18.12.2024. •It will be a 10-15 minutes presentation in class. •Max. of 5 points (5% of final grade) Learning and practice objectives On the end of this seminar you should be able to: • choose an idea suitable for your project • define your project to be SMART • identify each phase of your project and their products • • What is a project management • • • • • Project management is the planning, organizing, directing, and controlling of company resources for a relatively short-term objective that has been established to complete specific goals and objectives. What is a project? • • • • • PROJECT Conforming to specific requirements including costs and resources Time-bound Specific objective Unique product, service, or result • • • • • Project proposal ØProject exist as a problem or an idea. ØWe investigate the current state of the problem and set the aim or desired result of the project •Example: •1. Looking for an accommodation for a family; •2. Improve chances of refugees to find a job; •3. Help microbusinesses to find new channels to distribute and sell their products and services • • • • • •Example: •1. Build a house/buy and refurbish an apartment; • •2. Start training courses for refugees; • •3. Establish regular marketplaces in town or online marketplaces • • • •Desired results of the project •or aim of project What is a project? Working together - Project should be SMART •We will define what does SMART mean and working together on examples. • • • • Obsah obrázku text, snímek obrazovky, Písmo, plakát Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Project should be SMART S Specific – You want to build a house / buy and refurbish an apartment in certain locality M Measurable – How many training courses do you need to set up and for how many people? A Attainable – Marketplace example – the size of the place/rent; website – set up, maintenance, costs R Realistic – Refugee example – qualification needed on the job market / are they able to learn such quailifications? T Timebound – When we need to reach our goal – we need to move to our new home within one year. • • Examples: 1. Looking for an accommodation for a family; 2. Improve chances of refugees to find a job; 3. Help microbusinesses to find new channels to distribute and sell their products and services Project triangle • • • • • • • • • • PROJECT Conforming to specific requirements including costs and resources Specific objective Unique product, service, or result Time-bound Task 1 – Individual work Develop a project “My Schedule Today": •Set a goal (quantifiable-SMART) •Time schedule of a day, logic of compiling a sequence of activities (time + activities) •Assign resources to activities (personnel, costs - quantified in a currency) •Identify project risks • Recommendation: •Limited time - 1 day: start 00:01 - end 24:00 •All activities are focused on achieving your goal (result / benefit that can be verified) •Costs of all resources (morning breakfast, travelling, activities, shopping, etc.), hidden costs - energy consumption, housing, services, etc.) •Summarize the main findings and the overall budget of the project • • Choose the name of your project (for your seminar paper) • 10 minutes to write down ideas • Select 3 options • Determine the “pros" and “cons" of the selected options (advantages and disadvantages, whether is it feasible to implement it as a project) • Choose the final idea • Task 2 – Individual work Questions… Any problems with the idea for your project? • Vevox questions