Answers to Revision 2
1. Urbanization, industrialization, feminism, world wars, immigration, mass culture. New poetics, experiments with form, unrhymed poetry, and allusions to European culture (Pound and Eliot, Williams).
2. See the parts Definition: Image, Definition: Three principles of Imagism.
3. To create African American cultural and literary tradition, incorporate music, especially jazz and blues into poetry (Hughes), to question the influence of race upon writing (Toomer, Cullen), to raise awareness of the lives of African American women (Hurston).
4. Southern tradition, Civil War, family, community, the land, history and the past,
race. Poe, “Raven”, Twain, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, William Faulkner,
Sound and Fury, Mitchell Gone with the Wind (you can choose other writers as