13. Modern American Literature
Read the theory to be ready to answer the questions in class.
Points to remember:
Major representatives: J. S. Foer, Art Spiegelman, Jhumpa Lahiri, Cormac McCarthy.
Major themes: The past, Holocaust, September 11, European history, family, Holocaust,
guilt, Intergeneration gap, clash of cultures, displacement, ecology.
Revision 3:
1. What were the major themes in the postwar drama? Name at least two representatives of postwar drama and their major works.
2. What were the major characteristics of the Beat Movement?
3. What were the major characteristics of the Confessional poetry?
4. Name at least three war writers and their major works.
5. Name the three major representatives of African American literature and their major works.
6. Name the three major representatives of American Jewish literature and their major
Elliott, M. A., ed. (2022). The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Volume A, Literature to 1820. New York: Norton.
Elliott, M. A., ed. (2017). The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Volume B, American Literature 1820-1865. New York: Norton.
Levine, R.S., ed. (2017). The Norton Anthology of American Literature. American literature 1865 to the Present. New York: Norton.
Quinn, J., Procházka, M. and Wallace, C. (2016). Lectures on American Literature. Praha: Karolinum.
Poetry Foundation: https://www.poetryfoundation.org.