FIN901 Money, Banking and Financial Markets

Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné
léto 2011
0/2/0. 5 kr. Ukončení: zk.
prof. RNDr. Stanislav Polouček, CSc.
Katedra financí a účetnictví – Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné
Omezení zápisu do předmětu
Předmět je otevřen studentům libovolného oboru.
Cíle předmětu
The goal of the course is to explain basic features of financial system. The course is an introductory course for all economic majors. It covers topics as a conception of money and functions of money, a position and role of financial institutions, financial instruments and financial markets in a financial system. It considers specific conditions of the Czech Republic transition onto a market economy and recent changes in European Union, respectively in European Monetary Union.
  • Topics covered:
    1. Financial system
    Financial system as a complex of financial instruments, financial markets and financial intermediaries. Lenders and borrowers. Transition of savings into investments. The financial system and the real economy.
    2. Money and financial system
    The definition of money. Controlling the money supply. Demand for money. Money market equilibrium. The transmission mechanism of monetary policy. Governments, inflationary incentives and central bank´s independence.
    3. Interest rates and security prices
    The level of interest rates. The structure of interest rates. Theories of interest rate determination. The role of central banks. The effect of term. The effect of risk. Expectations and interest rates.
    4. Financial instruments
    Bonds: types and characteristics. Bond yields. Eurobonds. Company shares: types, characteristics and returns. Equity pricing. Mortgages and mortgage-backed securities. Options, swaps and other derivatives.
    5. Financial markets
    Securities markets and market participants. Primary and secondary markets. Money markets and capital markets. Stock exchanges and OTC markets. Insider trading. Financial markets regulation.
    6. Financial institutions
    Depository institutions. Thrift institutions. Insurance companies. Securities firms and investment banks. Finance companies. Mutual funds. Pension funds. Risk management in financial institutions. Regulation of financial institutions.

    povinná literatura
  • Madura, J. Financial Markets and Institutions. Saint Paul etc., West Publishing Company, 1992. ISBN 0-314-87735-5. info
    doporučená literatura
  • SAUNDERS, A., CORNETT, M.M. Financial Markets and Institutions.Financial Markets and Institutions. A Modern Perspective. Boston etc.: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2001. ISBN 0-07-234892-5. info
  • HOWELLS, P.,BAIN, K. The Economics of Money, Banking and Finance. A European Text. Addison Wesley Longman, 1998. ISBN 0582-27800-7. info
  • FABOZZI, F.J., MODIGLIANI, F., FERRI M.G. Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall, 1994. ISBN 0-13-328980-X. info
Informace učitele
2 classworks, coursework, test
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Předmět je zařazen také v obdobích léto 2009, léto 2010, léto 2012.