OPF:FIN810M Small and Medium-Sized Enterpr - Informace o předmětu
FIN810M Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Central Europe
Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta v Karvinézima 2007
- Rozsah
- 1/2/0. 5 kr. Ukončení: z.
- Garance
- prof. RNDr. Stanislav Polouček, CSc.
Katedra financí a účetnictví – Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné - Omezení zápisu do předmětu
- Předmět je nabízen i studentům mimo mateřské obory.
- Mateřské obory/plány
- Ekonomika podnikání v obchodě a službách (program OPF, M_EKOMAN)
- Ekonomika podnikání v obchodě a službách (program OPF, N_EKOMAN)
- Evropská integrace (program OPF, N_HOSPOL)
- Evropská unie (program OPF, M_HOSPOL)
- Finance (program OPF, M_HOSPOL)
- Finance (program OPF, N_HOSPOL)
- Manažerská informatika (program OPF, M_SYSINF)
- Manažerská informatika (program OPF, N_SYSINF)
- Marketing a management (program OPF, M_EKOMAN)
- Marketing a management (program OPF, N_EKOMAN)
- Veřejná ekonomika a správa (program OPF, M_HOSPOL)
- Veřejná ekonomika a správa (program OPF, N_HOSPOL)
- Cíle předmětu
- The goal of the course is to explain the position of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in the economic transformation in Central European countries (Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia). It covers topics such as SME participation in national economies, SME state policy support, and regional influences. The specific topics deal with the instruments in SME management, and information on the organisations being able to assist SME as well as the situation in the Moravan-Silesian region. An integral part of the course is the elaboration of one´s own case study (an entrepreneurial analysis).
- Osnova
- Structure of the Course:
1. SME and economic transformation in Central Europe
Structure of the national economies. Economic reform. Entrepreneurial development with respect to the SME development. Specific conditions for SME in the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia.
2. Development of ownership during the 90´s
Ownership conditions in the late 80´s. Privatisations processes. Development during 90´s - number and structure entrepreneurial subjects. State and non-state sector. Principal activities.
3. The role of SME
Separate development stage during 90´s. Second National Conference of SME. State policy. SME supporting organisation. Principal priorities in the stage of approaching EU.
4. Management of SME
Basic skills for SME management. Advertising. Marketing. Strategic planning. Financial instruments.
5. Business plan elaboration
Analysis - mission statement. SWOT analysis. Product and services. Customer analysis. Strategy formulation and implementation. Small business plan - content.
6. Regional specifics - Moravian-Silesian region
Basic information about the region - economic development, human resources, environment. Entrepreneurial and SME development. Condition of the infrastructure. Regional strategic priorities.
7. Best practices, case studies.
- Structure of the Course:
- Informace učitele
- coursework, test
- Další komentáře
- Předmět je dovoleno ukončit i mimo zkouškové období.
- Statistika zápisu (zima 2007, nejnovější)
- Permalink: https://is.slu.cz/predmet/opf/zima2007/FIN810M