USPQP028 Special Education Diagnosis of Intellectual of Intellectual Disability

Faculty of Public Policies in Opava
Summer 2025
Extent and Intensity
13/13/0. 4 credit(s). Type of Completion: zk (examination).
Mgr. Zuzana Pavelová (lecturer)
Guaranteed by
Mgr. Kateřina Janků, Ph.D.
Institute of Special Education – Faculty of Public Policies in Opava
Contact Person: doc. Mgr. Eva Zezulková, Ph.D.
Prerequisites (in Czech)
Course Enrolment Limitations
The course is only offered to the students of the study fields the course is directly associated with.
fields of study / plans the course is directly associated with
Course objectives
The aim of the course is to master the diagnosis of the special educational needs of children/pupils with mental disabilities, outline the main problems of the pupil, determine the plan of pedagogical support and the scope of intervention activities. Attention will be paid to selected special pedagogical diagnostic methods that can be applied within the counseling and educational process of students with mental disabilities. Emphasis will be placed on special pedagogical diagnostics of school maturity within the framework of team cooperation with other counseling workers (special pedagogical center, pedagogical-psychological counseling office), special pedagogical diagnostics in the educational process with determination of the prognosis of further education.
Learning outcomes
- the student can list the methods, principles and content of psychiatric diagnostics
- the student is able to describe the stages of psychiatric diagnosis of the special educational needs of a pupil with mental disabilities
- the student can clarify the specifics of the education of a pupil with mental disabilities
- the student can explain the principles of modifying general methods in the educational process with respect to the special educational needs of a student with mental disabilities
- the student can explain the impact of individual degrees of mental disability on the learning process
- the student can characterize the difficulties of students resulting from mental disabilities in relation to the educational process
- the student can define the difficulties of pupils in the educational process, which are related to the degree of mental disability, characterize specific manifestations, be able to set methods and procedures of pedagogical intervention within the framework of providing support measures during education
Specific expertise:
- the student is able to clarify the methods and principles of individual special pedagogical diagnosis of psychiatric students with mental disabilities for the purpose of determining support measures and processing proposals for their education according to the degree of mental disability in the inclusive and segregated system of education
- the student is able to explain the significance of special educational psychopedagogical diagnostics for setting the correct content of education according to valid framework educational programs, based on the use of a long-term diagnostic process, be able to make a prognosis of the development of the education of a pupil with mental disabilities
Professional skills:
- the student can provide special educational psychopedagogical diagnosis and apply new special educational methods for follow-up interventions in the educational environment
- the student can prepare and continuously participate in the adjustment of conditions for the education of pupils with mental disabilities
- the student can initiate screening activities aimed at children and pupils with delayed psychomotor development
- the student can provide methodical support to the school's pedagogical staff with an emphasis on the specifics of educating students with mental disabilities
- the student can propose methods and forms of work for pupils with mental disabilities and promote their introduction into teaching
Specific professional skills:
- the student can independently apply special pedagogical diagnostic procedures aimed at pupils with special educational needs and especially at pupils listed in § 16, paragraph 9 of the School Act, with a focus on working with pupils with mental disabilities
- the student can independently apply special pedagogical methods and interventions for students with mental disabilities
General qualifications:
- the student is able to reflect on experiences from his/her own pedagogical practice and use reflection as a professional learning tool in a targeted manner,
- the student is able to cooperate constructively with other experts in solving special pedagogical problems
- the student is able to independently acquire additional professional knowledge, skills and general competence based mainly on practical experience and its evaluation, but also by independent study of theoretical knowledge of the field
- the student is able to provide specialized care to children, pupils and students with special educational needs, specifically mental disabilities, in cooperation with and in connection with other disciplines
  • 1. Special pedagogical diagnosis, psychopedic, theoretical starting points
  • 2. Application of methods of special pedagogical diagnosis of psychopathic children and pupils in relation to the degree of mental disability
  • 3. General and special methods of psychiatric diagnosis
  • 4. The content level of special educational psychopedagogical diagnostics, application in examples from students' practice
  • 4. Impacts of mental disability in connection with the student's educational process
  • 5. Analysis of diagnostic conclusions for the purpose of determining support measures for a pupil with mental disabilities
  • 6. Special pedagogical diagnosis of a pupil with a mental disability
  • 7. Specifics of special pedagogical diagnostics in relation to the degree of mental disability
  • 8. Diagnostic competence of a school special pedagogue, a special pedagogue in a counseling facility (special pedagogic center, pedagogical-psychological counseling center)
  • 9. Course of the diagnostic process at school
  • 10. School counseling workplaces, school counseling facilities
  • 11. Legislative framework for pupils with mental disabilities
  • 12. Support measures for pupils with mental disabilities
    required literature
  • ADAMUS, P. Strategie uplatňované v edukaci žáků s poruchami autistického spektra. Ostrava: Montanex, 2016. ISBN 978-80-7225-436-1.
  • ADAMUS, P., VANČOVÁ, A., LŐFFLEROVÁ, M. Poruchy autistického spektra v kontextu aktuálních interdisciplinárních poznatků. Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita, 2017. ISBN 978-80-7464-957-8.
  • ČERNÁ, M. a kol. Česká psychopedie: speciální pedagogika osob s mentálním postižením. Praha: Karolinum, 2015. ISBN 978-80-246-3071-7.
  • VALENTA, M. a kol. Katalog podpůrných opatření pro žáky s potřebou podpory ve vzdělávání z důvodu mentálního postižení nebo oslabení kognitivního výkonu: dílčí část. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, 2020. ISBN 978-80-244-5715-4.
  • VALENTA, M., MÜLLER, O. Psychopedie. Praha: Parta, 2021. ISBN 978-80-7320-290-3.
    recommended literature
  • BASLEROVÁ, P., MICHALÍK, J., FELCMANOVÁ, L. a kol. Katalog podpůrných opatření pro žáky s potřebou podpory ve vzdělávání: obecná část. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, 2020. ISBN 978-80-244-5717-8.
  • BAZALOVÁ, B. Dítě s mentálním postižením a podpora jeho vývoje. Praha: Portál, 2014. ISBN 978-80-262-0693-4.
  • LACEY, P., ASHDOWN, R., JONES, P., LAWSON, H., PIPE, M. The Routledge Companion to Severe, Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties. New York, NY: Routledge, 2015. ISBN 978-0-415-70998-9.
  • THOROVÁ, K. Poruchy autistického spektra. Praha: Portál, 2016. ISBN 978-80-262-0768-9.
  • VALENTA, M., MICHALÍK, J., LEČBYCH, M. a kol. Mentální postižení. Praha: Grada, 2018. ISBN 978-80-271-0378-2.
    not specified
  • BARTOŇOVÁ, M., VÍTKOVÁ, M. et al. Strategie vzdělávání žáků se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami v inkluzivním prostředí základní školy: texty k distančnímu vzdělávání. Brno: Paido, 2016. ISBN 978-80-7315-255-0.
  • KUCHARSKÁ, A. a kol. Obligatorní diagnózy a obligatorní diagnostika ve speciálně pedagogických centrech. Praha: IPPP ČR, 2007. ISBN 978-80-86856-42-1.
  • OPATŘILOVÁ, D. ed. Pedagogicko-psychologické poradenství a intervence v raném a předškolním věku u dětí se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2006. ISBN 80-210-3977-9.
  • ŠVARCOVÁ, I. Mentální retardace: vzdělání, výchova, sociální péče. Praha: Portál, 2011. ISBN 978-80-7367-889-0.
  • VALENTOVÁ, L. a kol. Školní poradenství II. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, 2013. ISBN 978-80-7290-629-1.
  • BARTOŇOVÁ, M., VÍTKOVÁ, M. Speciálně pedagogická diagnostika psychopedická. In E-learning kurz pro studenty studijního programu Speciální pedagogika Fakulty veřejných politik v Opavě. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě.
Assessment methods
Application of the diagnostic procedure of the selected pupil with mental disabilities and the creation of a presentation of the procedure of the diagnostic process (using pedagogical practice in a school for pupils with mental disabilities).
Language of instruction
Further Comments
The course can also be completed outside the examination period.
The course is also listed under the following terms Accreditation summer, Summer 2024.
  • Enrolment Statistics (Summer 2025, recent)
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