Errors using inadequate data are much less than using no data at all. ~Charles Babbage

Degree programme specification

The professionally oriented Bachelor's degree in Applied Physics provides training in the necessary physical, mathematical, and computer science disciplines. After the basic orientation, a decision for one of the specializations can only be made during the course of study (usually by the first year). A mandatory part of the program is a practical training in cooperating companies and institutions. The study leads to independent and team-oriented interdisciplinary work. Soft skills - methods of presenting acquired knowledge and the development of language and communication skills - are also an important part of the program.

  • The Environmental Monitoring specialization is intended for those who wish to engage in the rational assessment of the state and development of the living and working environment in their future careers. Based on a comprehensive training in physical and computer science disciplines, you will be familiarized with methods of measuring and monitoring physical quantities describing the living and working environment, typically those related to air, water and soil and their pollution. You will learn how to monitor environmental phenomena related to acoustics, vibrations and electromagnetic fields. As a graduate, you will be able to work independently and in teams and adapt to specific problems.
  • The specialization in Physical Diagnostic Methods is intended for those who enjoy applying physical methods to solve various practical problems and development tasks. You will become familiar with modern analytical and imaging techniques (including medical) based on X-rays used in the field of raw materials processing, metallurgy, medicine and others. You will learn to master specialized and modeling software, analyze, process, interpret and present measured data, all based on a comprehensive training in physics and computer science disciplines. As a graduate, you will be able to work independently and in teams and adapt to specific problems.

Study plans

Admission Procedures
FÚ - 1. kolo přijímací řízení 2025/2026 - Bakalářský studijní program Aplikovaná fyzika a Fyzika
Submission deadline until midnight 30. 4. 2025

  • Acceptance round information

    Bakalářský akademicky zaměřený studijní program Fyzika - tříleté prezenční studium se specializacemi: Astrofyzika a Astronomie a popularizace

    Bakalářský profesně zaměřený studijní program Aplikovaná fyzika tříleté prezenční studium se specializacemi: Fyzikální diagnostické metody a Monitorování životního prostředí

    - Bakalářský studijní program Fyzika poskytuje ucelené vzdělání v obecné i teoretické fyzice a matematice. Volbou specializace umožňuje studentům orientovat se více buď na teoretickou fyziku a astrofyziku nebo na praktickou astronomii a popularizaci přírodních věd. Absolventi studia získají navíc základní znalosti numerických metod a speciálního matematického softwaru pro počítačové modelování fyzikálních procesů a zpracování experimentálních dat. Významným cílem studia je i zvládnutí metod a technik prezentace osvojených poznatků a vědeckých výsledků na různé úrovni – od popularizační až po ryze odbornou, a dále rozvoj jazykových a komunikačních kompetencí absolventů.

    - Cílem profesně zaměřeného bakalářského programu Aplikovaná fyzika je ucelená příprava absolventa v potřebných základních fyzikálních a matematicko-informatických disciplínách. Volbou specializace umožňuje orientovat studium podle jeho zájmů a preferencí. Tato koncepce umožní studentům zvolit teprve v průběhu studia (typicky po prvním roce studia) odbornou orientaci. Důležitou roli hraje sepětí studia s praxí a participace studentů v kooperujících firmách, jejich činnostech a projektech. Studenti jsou připravování k samostatné i interdisciplinární a týmové práci, a díky praktické průpravě během studia jsou schopni promptně reagovat na potřeby zaměstnavatele. Významným cílem studia je i zvládnutí metod a technik prezentace osvojených poznatků, a rozvoj jazykových a komunikačních schopností absolventů.


  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    The professional bachelor's degree in Applied Physics is primarily designed to provide students with a comprehensive physics education equivalent to a bachelor's degree. The structure and content of the basic theoretical subjects of the profile foundation of the study correspond to this.

    • A graduate of the Environmental Monitoring specialization will be able to work in various fields of industry, technology, services, public administration, in scientific research workplaces of state, non-state and private organizations, and as a professional or clerical worker at the lower or middle management level in various areas of regional development with a focus on issues of living and working environment both in public administration and in the private sphere at the local and regional level.
    • A graduate of the specialization in Physical Diagnostic Methods will be capable of teamwork in solving practical and developmental tasks with the potential of application from research centers to operational laboratories, through state administration (e.g. measurement of environmental components), to institutions operating specific measuring or diagnostic technologies in raw materials processing, metallurgy, medicine, etc. However, graduates of this program can continue their studies in virtually any subsequent master's program in the field of physics.

  • Practical Training

    The subject of the practical training is the active participation of the student in an assigned project in cooperation with a contractually secured entity. During the practical training , the student will learn the essence of the project and his task will be to prepare a presentable output in cooperation with designated employees of the institution. The practical training is carried out according to the following scheme:

    • In the winter semester of the 3rd year (subject Professional Experience I), in which the student attends the practical training workplace 3 days a week for a period of 12 weeks (the entire semester except for the last credit week), in total: 3x8x12 = 288 working hours.
    • In the summer semester of the 3rd year (subject Professional Experience II), in which the student attends the practical training workplace 3 days a week for a period of 8 weeks, in total: 3x8x12 = 288 working hours.

    The total duration of the practical training is 288 + 192 = 480 hours, which corresponds to 12 five-day weeks. The three days of the week on which the practical training will take place will be determined by the schedule requirements and agreed upon with the representative of the workplace where the practical training will take place.

    The topic of the Bachelor Thesis is usually related to the topic that the student is working on during the practical training; therefore, it is advantageous to have the opportunity to visit the practical training site during the summer semester of the 3rd year, when the bachelor thesis is usually completed.

    The result of the practical training is a written report on the practical training project (which is usually followed by the preparation of the Bachelor's Thesis), which includes the task, starting points, solution procedure and achieved results. The student is obliged to present the document, or a part of it, during the seminar on the Bachelor's Thesis.

  • Access to Further Studies
    Graduates of the Bachelor's degree program in Applied Physics can continue their studies in the Master's program in a suitable specialization of the Theoretical Physics program or in another program in the field of Physics.

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

estimated number of admitted
number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Institute of physics in Opava
Programme guaranteed by