Degree programme objectives

The aim of the Theoretical Physics study program is to educate students in the field of Physics at the master's level with a focus on theoretical physics; thanks to the division into specialisations, students can focus more on parts of particle physics, relativistic astrophysics or computer physics. The knowledge and skills acquired during the course of study are aimed at future doctoral studies in the field of Physics and the related application of a budding (especially theoretical) physicist, but also for the transition outside the academic sphere. An important goal of the study is mastering the methods and techniques of presenting acquired knowledge and scientific results at a professional level, as well as the further development of language and communication skills.

Study plans

Admission Procedures
FÚ - 1. kolo př. ř. 2025/2026 - NMgr. SP Teoretická fyzika a Observační astrofyzika vysokých energií
Submission deadline until midnight 30. 4. 2025

  • Acceptance round information

    Subsequent Master’s study program Theoretical physics provides eduaction in Physics with focus on Theoretical physics. Divison into specialisations faciliates students to aim their focus on parts of particle physics, relativistic astrophysics, and computer physics. Acquired knowledge and skills, students bring to bear not only in future doctoral study in Physics and related junior (namely theoretical) physicist research work but also outside of the academic sphere. An important goal of the study is mastering methods and techniques to present acquired knowledge and research results at professional level, development of language and communication competence.


  • Objectives

    The aim of the Theoretical Physics study program is to educate students in the field of Physics at the master's level with a focus on theoretical physics; thanks to the division into specialisations, students can focus more on parts of particle physics, relativistic astrophysics or computer physics. The knowledge and skills acquired during the course of study are aimed at future doctoral studies in the field of Physics and the related application of a budding (especially theoretical) physicist, but also for the transition outside the academic sphere. An important goal of the study is mastering the methods and techniques of presenting acquired knowledge and scientific results at a professional level, as well as the further development of language and communication skills.

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    The applicability of graduates of the Theoretical Physics program is generally determined by the acquired skills and knowledge of physical laws, mathematical apparatus and computer methods in solving a wide range of problems requiring a physical-mathematical approach supported by the creative use of computer technology.

    More specifically, the acquired knowledge and skills in the fields of theoretical physics will be at such a level for the graduates that they will be able to apply as beginning theoretical physicists at universities, here of course with the assumption of starting studies in a doctoral study program in the field of Physics with a focus on theoretical physics, or in research organizations dealing with mathematical-physical models of reality, not only in our country, of course, but also abroad.

    Graduates are therefore prepared to apply themselves especially in the academic sphere, namely in characteristic professions: researcher (in the field of Theoretical Physics) and academic worker. On the other hand, their more than solid physical and mathematical basis also predisposes them to immediate application in a wide range of technical research, in companies requiring operations in the field of informatics, technology, monitoring and data processing, or even in the management sphere of energy and technology companies.

  • Rules and Conditions for the Creation of a Study Plan

    The study plan of the Theoretical Physics study program respects the ECTS credit system. During the two-year course, the student must acquire at least 120 credits, with one credit corresponding to approximately one lesson of a weekly allowance of 45 minutes. However, the number of credits may be higher, depending on the difficulty of the subject and preparation for the lecture. The semester consists of 13 teaching weeks. The study plan of the program also takes into account valid methodological materials of the National Accreditation Office for the preparation and evaluation of applications for accreditation.

    In the study plan, the subjects are divided into compulsory subjects common to all specializations (the student gets 61 credits), compulsory subjects of the given specialization (the student gets 32 credits) and compulsory optional subjects (the student must get at least 24 credits). The student can obtain the remaining three credits from subjects that he can choose from the compulsory subjects of other specializations or from compulsory optional subjects, or from the offer of other study programs.

  • Access to Further Studies

    The follow-up master's study program in Theoretical Physics generally follows on from bachelor's studies in the field of Physics education, while it is primarily designed for those more theoretically oriented; at the Institute of Physics in Opava, it is a bachelor's study program in Physics focused on astrophysics and astronomy, for which we are simultaneously applying for accreditation. Graduates of the Theoretical Physics study program can continue in doctoral study programs in the field of Physics education, preferably in those focused on theoretical physics; at the Institute of Physics in Opava, it is a doctoral study program in Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, where an application for accreditation is currently being prepared.

Basic information

master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Degree in Advanced Master's state examination
Length of studies
2 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

estimated number of admitted
number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Institute of physics in Opava
Programme guaranteed by
Programme guarantor